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Home Explore Quarterly report FC Jan-March 2020

Quarterly report FC Jan-March 2020

Published by pramod, 2020-07-11 06:56:29

Description: Quarterly report FC Jan-March 2020


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Details of Quarterly Receipt of Foreign Contribution 1. Name of the Association: AMBA 2. FCRA Registration Number: 094421635 3. Address of the Association: 174 Tower 1 Pebble Bay apartment RMV extension Dollars Colony, Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560094 Financial Year: 2019-2020 Quarter: JAN,2020 - MAR,2020 Total Amount received During this quarter: 200000.00 Sl.No Name of donors Institutional/Individu Detail of the donor: Purposes for which Amount (Rs.) 1 The Hans Foundation al official Address; received 200000.00 Email address; Institutional website address: Educational C 301 Third Floor Hudco Place Andrews Ganj Ansal Plaza Khel Gaon Marg New Delhi , India, Email Id: [email protected], Website Address : Ministry of Home Affairs

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