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Home Explore Preorder 2018 Ezzy Sails

Preorder 2018 Ezzy Sails

Published by Ezzy Norge, 2017-11-05 15:40:59

Description: Send en mail til [email protected] for bestilling av seil

Keywords: Ezzy Norge,PreOrder 2018,Forhåndssalg,elite,cheetah,lion,taka4


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20% rabatt på PreOrderInvester i nyttårsgaven nå!Ezzy Norge tilbyr deg knallpriser på forhåndsbestilling av Ezzy kvalitetsseil!Ezzy Elite:Elite-filosofien er å være det perfekte all-around seilet - Elite egner seg i alt fra flatwater blastingtil bump-n-jump til high-performance onshore til radikale down-the-line forhold. Det er et go-to-seil for nordiske forhold. Det brede vindspekteret gir oss mulighet til å ha færre seil i quivern, somigjen fører til mer tid på vannet og dertil feilrigging. Vår bestselger i alle år!Ezzy Cheetah:Freeride (freerace) seilet uten cambere for seilere på alle nivåer. Store seil som føles små og lettefor solgangsbrisdagene eller dagene hvor du sil sette fartsrekort!Cheetah har en myk, «locked in» feel. Camberfri og lett å rigge, samt dens dype profil gir stabilitetog hastighet. Når vi seiler, vil vi det skal gå fort, sette 100% av våre jibber, og hoppe med stabiltetnår en rampe dukker opp! Storselger!Ezzy Taka4:Et seil for dedikerte bølgeseilere med 3 ½ spile. Enorm bottom-end og pumpekraft, samtidlig somall kraften slippes fra seilet ved å slippe opp skjøtet. En ny konstruksjonsdesign på seilets fremdel(leading edge) gjør at Taka 4 akselererer raskere og føles mer responsiv enn tidligere Taka-modeller. Er det bølger og manovrerbarhet du er etter, «see no further»Kun tilgjengelig fra Ezzy Norge ved forhåndsbestilling!Ezzy Lion: Race seilet som ikke er vanskelig å seile eller å rigge! 2 cambere som roterer som endrøm på både SDM og RDM mast. Seil fortere enn du trodde du kunne klare, med full kontroll meden Lion mellom hendene.Kun tilgjengelig fra Ezzy Norge ved forhåndsbestilling!Alle Ezzy seil håndlages på David Ezzy's egen fabrikk på Sri Lanka.Testrigges og kvalitetssjekkes før de når dine hender til våren selvsagt;)Levering vinteren 2018;)

Om 2018 modelleneDavid Ezzy sine egne ord om 2018 modellene: Available now from our factory in Sri Lanka is the new Taka4, Zeta, Cheetah, and Lion sail lines. We do plan on launching some new colors for the Elite in January, 2018. In short, here are some slight details about the upgrades from David Ezzy directly. \"The new sails all share similar performance characteristics because I made the same changes to all of them. A sail is a sail. What works for the Taka must also work for the Lion. But, of course modified to suit the discipline. Funny thing is that I learned a lot from working on the Taka that I was able to apply to all of the other sails. That is, more draft forward above the boom and using the scrim luff panel to make the sails feel more “neutral” when sheeting out or hitting chop. I also modified the sleeve, which has made a big improvement too. So improvements for the sails are: 1) Cheetah: lighter feel, faster, more balanced. 2) Lion: More stable, more draft forward, faster. 3) Taka4: better balance, slightly better control. Best, David”Kvaliteten på Ezzy seil hylles alltid i Windsurf Magazine“… Build and marterial quality are exceptional as always, with ever minute detail of the sail soobviously scrutinized and rationalised by David Ezzy.” - Elite 2017 test“ A class act, the Elite combines balanced handling and easy useable power across such a widetuneable range that it would be at home in any wave environment. Recommended by all who usedit. Elite 5.3 Windsurf Magazine 2016“The Cheetah is the epitome of easy freeride range, capable of being tuned to provide everythingfrom soft pumpable bottom-end response, to resolute top end stability, keeping the board perfectlyplanted and under control” - EZZY CHEETAH 7.0M 2017 TEST REVIEW“… Also consistent with every Ezzy out there is the Cheetah’s build quality – the materials usedand the features throughout, from head to foot – its craftmanship is something to marvel at in itsown right” - Cheetah 2016 test“… The Elite maintains the exalted Ezzy reputation for build quality, and has become a benchmarkfor providing soft dependable power across a staggering wind range. … Such is the build quality ofEzzy sails (having long been using Spectra X-ply sail-cloth throughout their panels), that they oftengot critiqued as “sturdy yet heavy” or “dull” in the hands in the past. Well, the Elite dispelled thatstigma for us back at the start last year, and continues to do so today” - Elite 2015 test

Technora- antistrekk panelerSpetra X-ply i alle panelene- alle hoved paneler – en rift stopper i nærmeste trådTri-lite Scrim Vinyl vindu- stiv mastelomme – lettere enn monofilm - “umulig” å punktere – tåler soleksponering

Every year, for over 30 years, David Ezzy worries about what he can do to improve his sails. Hedescribes sail design as crawling around a pitch black room, trying to figure out what the furniturelooks like - a painfully slow process, requiring patience and science.The Elite has gone through some fundamental improvements. The new sail inspires us to sail betterand to rig up quicker to get more time on the water. The new luff panel makes the Elite moremaneuverable without sacrificing overall performance. The biggest change though, is perhaps thenew construction process, with makes the Elite feel lighter, allowing it to plane more quickly.The Elite's philosophy is to be the perfect all-around sail - we use the Elite for flatwater fun tobump-n-jump to high-performance onshore to radical down-the-line. It's our go-to sail, so we needit to be easy. The wide wind range allows us to carry fewer sails which makes packing the car lessof a headache. And the calibrated rigging system means we can have perfectly accurate tuning inseconds so we can spend less time rigging and more time on the water.3.4m2 3.8m2 4.0m2 4.2m2 4.5m2 4.7m2 5.0m2 5.3m2 5,7 m2 6.1m25700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 66004560 4640 4720 4800 4880 4960 5040 5120 5200 5280Mer info på farger og oppdateringer kommer tidlig 2018, men du kan nå reservere dine seil!

2018 Taka 4:3.4m2 3.8m2 4.1m2 4.5m2 4.7m2 5.0m2 5.3m25700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 63004560 4640 4720 4800 4880 4960 5040The Taka 4 is our latest and purest wave sail, which means it is designed for lightness andmaneuverability. The Taka 4 goes effortlessly neutral due to the luffing of the 3/4 batten above theboom. A new construction design on the sail's leading edge makes the Taka 4 accelerate faster andfeel more responsive than previous Taka models.The Taka 4's massive low-end wind range makes it ideal for wave riders who like themaneuverability of a smaller sail. And like all Ezzy Sails, rigging gauges allow anyone to get theperfect downhaul and outhaul in seconds.We love wave riding, and the Taka 4 is the expression of that passion for wind, waves, and a saltysmile.

2018 Cheetah:5.5m2 6.0m2 6.5m2 7.0m2 7.5m2 8.0m2 8.5m2 9.0m26700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 75005360 5440 5520 5600 5680 5760 5840 6000Our go-to flat water sail, the Cheetah has a soft, locked-in race feel. Camless and easy to rig, theCheetah’s deep foil provides power and speed. When we freeride, we want to go fast, nail 100% ofour jibes, and rocket into the air if a ramp appears. This is the easy freedom that inspired theCheetah, and what the Cheetah delivers.The Cheetah is pure freeride but can hold its own against any race sail. The forgiving, soft feelmakes the Cheetah a dream to gybe. The Cheetah rigs on all RDM and SDM masts. And, like allEzzy Sails, the Cheetah is built to last.  High Tech Material The Cheetah is built with Dyneema reinforced X-ply, ripstop scrim-X, and a Weft-Stop anti-rip sleeve cloth. Every seam is glued and covered before being sewn.  Factory Tuning In the Ezzy factory, they rig every Cheetah on the correct mast with the correct downhaul and outhaul. And then they tune the battens. After all that, every inch of the sail is thoroughly inspected to make sure it meets the quality standards.The new Cheetah raises the bar on freeride sails.

2018 Lion:6.0m2 6.5m2 7.5m2 8.5m2 9.5m27000 7100 7300 7500 77005600 5680 5840 6000 6160Quick to rig, the Ezzy Lion is one of our favorite sails because it makes going fast no-hassle.Highlights include:  Twin Cambers The Lion's twin cambers rotate effortlessly and can fit any mast built within the past 30 years.  Narrow Sleeve The narrow sleeve doesn't fill with water which makes uphauling and water- starting a whole lot easier.  Highest Tech Materials The Dyneema reinforced X-Ply and the Scrim-X are as light as monofilm, but they are exponentially more durable and have twice the UV longevity.The Lion is a race sail stripped of everything that makes race sails difficult. The luff sleeve isnarrow and easier to waterstart or uphaul than a wide sleeve that fills up with water. Like theprevious Lion sails, the 2018 Lion rigs on all RDM and SDM masts. And, like all Ezzy Sails, the2018 Lion is built to last.

“The Elite maintains the exalted Ezzy reputation for build quality, and has become abenchmark for providing soft dependable power across a simply staggering wind range. “Windsurf Mag“A class act, the Elite combines balanced handling and easy useable power across such a widetuneable range that it would be at home in any wave environment. Recommended by all whoused it.”Windsurf Mag

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