Who we areHow we workWhat we doAwards and accreditations
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Who we areStrong professional relationshipsare hugely important and wewant everyone who works withus to have a positive experience.Woodgreen Construction is a family-owned company based in Birstall,West Yorkshire. We have been in the business for over 25 years andduring this time we have expanded into our role as a leading principalcontractor. We have a diverse client base ranging from local authorityand utility companies through to commercial property and large retailclients.Since our foundation in 1991 we have built up a professional teamspecialising in construction management with an enviable reputation forhonesty and consideration. We are known for completing schemes ontime and on budget whilst minimising disruption for our clients. Ourvalues of integrity, openness, quality, care and progression are key inachieving this.
Who we are CliePre-ConstructionWe understand that early engagement at the Pre-Construction stage of a projectcan provide the client with both commercial and programme certainty, and theopportunity to develop innovative solutions to improve value and reduce risk.We pride ourselves on the depth, knowledge and experience of our estimating,planning and construction team.Principal Designer Principle Principle CWe have a team of Health and Safety professionals who have the skills, knowledgeand experience to provide Principal Designers / Health and Safety Advisor servicesto assist clients, designers and contractors to discharge their duties and to ensurethat any project we are commissioned on remains compliant with the latest CDMRegulations (2015).The ultimate aim being to ensure our projects are safe to construct, safe in use andsafe to decommission.01
ent Principal Contractor DesignerContractor We have more than 25 years’ experience in Construction Management as Principal Contractor. We are passionate about the safety of our workforce and supply chain and are protective of our clients’ needs. To deliver quality and continually improve are driving factors for our team, and we measure this using our Quality, Safety & Environmental Management Systems. Live Environments Working in a live environments is our forte as we ensure that we can maintain a business as usual approach for the client. We understand the factors which could have a detrimental impact on an operational facility and take the necessary precautions to eliminate safety risks as well as minimise noise, dust and vibration. 01
Who we areA large proportion of our work iswithin the retail sector, and wetake pride in understanding howour clients’ individual businessesoperate.Our team manages multiple schemes throughout the year, from smallcommercial fit outs to multimillion pound retail refurbishmentprogrammes. We carry out work across the country, meeting our clients’needs wherever and whenever required.01
How we work Our supply chain is an integral part of our business. We work as partners with our suppliers to create lasting solutions for our clients. We are meticulously focused on fulfilling our customers’ requirements. As testament to this, more than 70 percent of our projects are generated through the long-term relationships we have developed with our customers, designers and supply chain. This enables us to deliver real value for our clients and differentiates us from our competitors.02
How we workAs a result of ourdedication to everyonewe work with, 80% ofour workload comesfrom existing clients.Our early involvement with our clients and thedesigners during the development of the projectenables early recognition and solutions to itsaffordability and buildability. It also improves thequality of the delivery process and the finishedproduct. A mutual understanding of any risks is fullyintegrated into the day-to-day management of theproject to ensure that there are no surprises duringthe delivery stage.02
How we workCurrently 65% of our projectstake place in live or tradingenvironments.These sites require meticulousplanning and organisation inorder to minimise disruption forour clients.02 The key to a successful project is the genuine collaborative effort of all parties involved. Developing long-term relationships with all who provide services to our business, such as consultants, subcontractors, and material suppliers is crucial to our ability to deliver our clients’ projects to the highest standard. These relationships, based on equality and trust, allow us to enhance the quality of our services and reduce costs.
What we do25 years in the industry hastaught us that the possibilitiesare endless. We always aimfor excellence and workclosely with companies andindividuals that strive for thesame.We offer nationwide construction, refurbishment, fit out anddesign services. Our wealth of technical expertise and experienceallows us to tailor our approach to each specific project, ensuringthat we meet all requirements. We carry out work across a numberof sectors, including leisure, industrial, commercial, education,retail, construction and public. 03
What we do Our aim is to work in partnership with our clients, design team and supply chain to deliver every project with a first class level of service. The most successful route in achieving this goal is working with people and companies that share our commitment to providing excellent quality and innovation. We want to be our clients’ first choice contractor.03
Capitalising on our teams’capabilities and expertise,we have deliveredconstruction projects forclients across a variety ofsectors. Commercial E-Commerce Education Faith Food Retail Health Industrial Leisure Refurbishment Residential Retail Washroom Installations
Commercial Ford Transit Centre03 Client: TC Harrison Group Ltd Location: Oxney Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 5YN Woodgreen were approached by the TC Harrison Group to design and build the new proposed Transit Centre. Woodgreen appointed the design team consultants and together we transformed the client’s initial concept plans into a more vibrant and luxury showroom. The project was completed within the agreed budget and handed over to the client a week earlier than expected.
Luxury Bathroom Showroom Commercial Client: Sanipex Group Location: Unit 1, Oakwell Park, Birstall, WF17 9LUWoodgreen were approachedby the Sanipex Group to carryout the full refurbishment andfit-out for their new bathroomshowroom and distributioncentre.Woodgreen worked alongsidethe design team to carry outthe works to a very highstandard expected by theclient.The project was completed ontime and within the clientsbudget.
Commercial JCB Parts and Service Depot Client: TC Harrison Group Ltd Location: Unit 3, Springwell 27, Birstall, WF17 9LN03
Click & Collect Rollout e-Commerce Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Nationwide
e-Commerce Van 2 Lockers Rollout03 Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Nationwide Woodgreen were appointed to install lockers across numerous store sites nationwide within an agreed timescale with numerous site ongoing at any one time. The works involved the installation of a new concrete floor slab, upgrading the electric supply and data installation, external works and surfacing including lining works at each location. The restrictive working space and restrictions around the car park, necessitated an attentive approach to the phasing and coordination of the works.
Home Shopping e-Commerce Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Nationwide
Education New Canteen Expansion03 Client: Cockburn Multi Academy Location: Gipsy Lane, Leeds, LS11 5TT Woodgreen were appointed to build a new canteen expansion and provide a link to the existing buildings. The works comprised on site included pressure grouting to the existing coal seams, lightweight steel frame, membrane roof cladding system along with two large rooflight feature openings in the ceiling space. Installation of new floor , wall and ceiling finishes throughout along with mechanical, electrical and data installations. The main disruptive works were carried out during the school holidays.
New Mezzanine and PPA Audiology Education Room Client: Swain House Primary School Location: Radcliffe Avenue, Bradford, BD2 1JLWoodgreen were appointed tocreate the new mezzaninefloor area within the existingceiling void. The worksinvolved the demolition andstrip out for the new staircase,along with a new floor, walland ceiling finishes includingmodifications to the existingmechanical, electrical and datainstallations.The main disruptive workswere carried out during theEaster holiday with us beingable to work behind thescenes during normal workinghours to complete the works.
Education Internal Alterations and Adaptions03 Client: Dixons Manningham Primary Academy Location: Wood Street, Bradford, BD8 2EP Woodgreen were appointed to carry out the alterations and adaptions to infill the existing courtyard and refurbishment to the adjacent classrooms. The proposed works involved the demolition and strip out of the existing external walls surrounding the existing courtyard, inserting new structural steelwork to support the roof along with a new concrete floor. Floor, wall and ceiling finishes including installation of new mechanical, electrical and data install. The main disruptive works were carried out during the school holidays, with us being able to works behind the scenes during normal hours.
Glazed Walkway and Conservatory Faith Client: Huddersfield Crematorium Location: Fixby Road, Huddersfield, HD2 2JF
Food Retail Stevenage Supercentre Remodel Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Monkswood Way, Stevenage, SG1 1LA03
Moortown Superstore Capital Light Food Retail and RRS Works Client: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd Location: Moor Allerton Centre, Leeds, LS17 5NY
Food Retail Watford Store Refresh Plus Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Oldham Industrial Estate, Watford, WD24 7RT03
SSL Heaton - Argos & Habitat Food Retail Concession Works Client: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd Location:Etherston Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7JW
Health Refurbishment to Form 16nr Flats and Alcohol Dependent Unit03 Client: Horton Housing Association Location: Peel Park View, Bradford, BD3 0JP Woodgreen were appointed to carry out a full refurbishment to provide 16nr flats and a specialised Alcohol Dependent Unit. The works involved structural alterations to the existing building together with the construction of new walls to form the proposed new use of the building. Floor, wall and ceiling finishes were carried out including the installation of new mechanical, electrical and data installation. The external soft and hard landscaped areas were also re-freshed to compliment the building refurbishment.
Replacement Drainage Scheme Health Client:The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Location:HSDU & CSSD Building, Aberford Road, Wakefield, WF1 4DGWoodgreen were appointed toundertake the alterations tothe existing drainage system.The majority of the workswere to be carried out insidethe building whilst it was liveand operating.Drainage trenches wereexcavated by hand along withthe installation of newstainless steel drainage pipesto withstand heat in excess of90 degrees. Upon completionsof the drainage works theaffected areas wererefurbished with floor and wallfinishes.
Industrial Installation of Dock Levellers03 Client: Wm Morrison’s Supermarkets Plc Location: J41 Kenmore Road, Wakefield, WF2 0XF Woodgreen were appointed to install 14nr new dock levellers within the existing building within a 6 week programme. The works involved alterations to the existing elevation so that the installation of the new dock levellers could be installed, along with steelwork, and electrical works. The restrictive working space and restrictions around the live service yard, necessitated an attentive approach to the phasing and coordination of the works.
Vehicle Maintenance Unit Industrial Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Frith Way, Nottingham, NG6 8XFWoodgreen were appointed tocarry out alterations to theexisting unit to facilitate theconversion to a vehiclemaintenance unit.The works involved thebreaking out of the existingfloor slab and the installationof new concrete floor slab,alterations to the existingroller shutters, newmechanical and electricalinstallation along with theinstallation of the vehicleramps and equipment.The works were carried out ina live service yard, whichrequired careful coordination.
Industrial Alterations to Form Consolidation Centre03 Client: The Boots Company Plc Location: Building 1000, Link 62, Normanton, WF6 Woodgreen were appointed to carry out alteration works to the office and warehouse areas. The works in the office areas involved new floor and wall finishes along with alterations to electrical and mechanical installations to suit the new layout. The works to the warehouse areas involved the building of a new mock showroom area along with the installation of high bay racking to the remainder of the warehouse.
Refurbishment and Alterations Leisure Client: David Lloyd Lesiure Ltd Location: St John’s Playing Field, Hull Road, York, YO10 3LGWoodgreen were appointed tocarry out the refurbishment ofthe leisure centre in York.New exercise studios werecreated and the existinggymnasium was refurbished.Alongside alterations to themain studios, comprehensiveremodelling was carried out tothe male, female & familylocker rooms, DLicious Café,lounge and steam room.The entirety of the works wereimplemented in a liveenvironment, to ensureminimal disruption to bothmembers and the centre.
Leisure Fit-Out of Flood Damaged Bar03 Client: Inspired Property Management Location: Victoria Mills, Salts Mill Road, Shipley, BD17 7EF Woodgreen were appointed to carry out the alteration and refurbishment of the flood damaged bar within the Victoria Mills Complex. The works were originally tendered to reinstate the bar as its previous layout, at the prestart meeting the client requested that they would like the bar to be designed with an industrial theme. Woodgreen worked closely with the design team to ensure that we delivered a fantastic project on time and within the original tendered budget.
Refurbishment and Alterations Leisure Client: David Lloyd Lesiure Ltd Location: Snakes Lane, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6XTWoodgreen were appointed tocarry out the refurbishment ofthe leisure centre in Southend-on-Sea.The existing gymnasium wasrefurbished, with alterationsto the main studios, andcomprehensive remodellingwas carried out to the male,female & family shower areas,DLicious Café, adult loungeand swimming pool.The entirety of the works wereimplemented in a liveenvironment, to ensureminimal disruption to bothmembers and the centre.
Refurbishment Refurbishment and Sub-Division Works Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Corporation Street, Colne, BB8 8LU Woodgreen were appointed to carry out the sub-division of an existing retail unit with associated façade alterations and enhancements, external works, surface and foul water drainage alterations and extensions and incoming services works. The works were carried out within a live environment and careful consideration was required to the neighbouring retailers and general public.03
Refurbishment and Sub-Division Refurbishment Works Client: Rotherham Foundry Pradera Ltd Location: Great Eastern Way, Rotherham, S62 6ESWoodgreen were appointed tocarry out the sub-divisionworks to unit 5/6 including theerection of a new dividing wall,column removal works. Theelevation alterations includedreplacement wall cladding,aluminium windows and doorsand new signage. All theexternal areas were re-freshedas part of the works.The works were carried outwithin a live environment andcareful consideration wasrequired to the neighbouringretailers and general public.
Refurbishment Refurbishment and Extension Works03 Client: Asda Stores Ltd Location: Corporation Street, Colne, BB8 8LU Woodgreen were appointed to carry out the refurbishment and extension to form the proposed unit for Pure Gym. The works involved a structural steel frame extension, replacement cladding to walls and the roof, new aluminium windows and doors along with external works to the front and the rear of the unit. The works were carried out within a live environment and careful consideration was required to the neighbouring retailers and general public.
New Build Apartments Residential Client: ????? Location: ?????
Retail Refurbishment and Alterations03 Client: Primark Stores Ltd Location: Plaza Shopping Centre, East Kilbride, G74 1LW Woodgreen were appointed to carry out the refurbishment and alterations to the existing store. The works were carried out in phases and comprised of stripping out, new shopfront, internal walls and partitions, shopfitting, internal doors, floor, wall and ceiling finishes along with associated mechanical and electrical installations. The works were carried out in a live shopping centre and careful consideration was required to the neighbouring retailers and general public.
Fit-Out of New Store Retail Client: Pets at Home Ltd Location:Enterprise Retail Park, Bradford Road, Bradford, BD10 8EGWoodgreen were appointed tocarry out the fit-out of a newstore including grooming salonand future vets void.The works involved theinstallation of a newmezzanine floor, internal walls,floor, wall and ceilingfinishing's along withassociated mechanical,electrical and data installa-tions.The works were carried out ina live retail park and carefulconsideration was required tothe neighbouring retailers andgeneral public.
Retail New Build Restaurant Unit03 Client: The Crown Estate Location: Unit 10A, Racecourse Retail Park, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, L9 5AN Woodgreen were appointed to build the new retail restaurant unit which comprised the demolition of the existing managements suite. The restaurant unit was a structural steel frame, standing seam roof sheets, timber cladding, aluminium windows and doors including external works to the perimeter of the building area. The works were carried out in a live retail park and careful consideration was required to the neighbouring retailers and general public.
WC Refurbishment and Upgrading Washroom Installations Changing Places Toilet Facilities Client: Eureka! The National Children’s Museum Location: Discovery Road, Halifax, HX1 2NEWoodgreen were appointed tocarry out the refurbishment tothe existing toilet facilitieswithin the museum.The works entailedreplacement cubicles, IPSpanels, vanity units, changingplaces lifting equipment,ceramic tiling and floor andceiling finishes includingmechanical and electricalinstallations.The works were co-ordinatedand carried out in phases toensure that the museum wasstill operational with any noisyworks being carried outsidetrading hours.
Washroom Installations New Build Restaurant Unit Client: The Crown Estate Location: Unit 10A, Racecourse Retail Park, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, L9 5AN03