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Home Explore State Conference Brochure

State Conference Brochure

Published by Rick.Mulcahey, 2017-04-07 12:11:17

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13th Annual Child Support Conference Date: Friday June 2, 2017 8:30am to 4:00pm Location: Radisson Hotel 2081 Post Road Warwick, Rhode IslandState of Rhode IslandDepartment of Human ServicesOffice of Child Support Services77 Dorrance StreetProvidence, RI 02903(401) 458-4400

Child Support:Redefining the Basics The Child Support program has changed dramati-cally since its implementation in the early 1970s:• Initially considered a cost recovery program to recoup benefits paid to custodial parents re- ceiving Aid to Families with Dependent Chil- dren (AFDC).• Today 92% of the caseload in RI are either families who never received RIWorks (TANF/AFDC) benefits or are former assistance cases. Only 9% of the caseload are families receiving bene- fits, the way we think about collections and distribution may be changing as well.• When the program was implemented we were establishing paternity for cases involving a mother and father.• Today the focus is establishing parentage for children who may be born into a different type of relationship. The once standard mom/dad relationship has evolved over the years. For example, today it may include two moms or two dads.• Child support guidelines must take into consideration shared custody arrangements, imputed income, and what to do with respect to an incarcerated parent.These issues will be further addressed at the con-ference.

Conference Itinerary8:30am to 9:00am Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00am - 9:30am Welcome Sharon A. Santilli, Esq. Associate DirectorOffice of Child Support Services Greetings 2017 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Hon. Michael J. ForteChief Judge RI Family Court 9:30am - 10:30amRedefining Child Support Distribution: Keynote Speaker: BobWilliams - Veritas 10:30am - 11:00 amEvolution of Child Support Enforcement Caseloads Mike Ginns Program Manager OCSE Region 1 Office of Child Support Enforcement 11:00am to 11:15am Break 11:15 am - 12:15pm − ∗ 1 − CLEViewFromtheBench: ChildSupportGuidelines Moderator: Frank DiBiase, Esq. Chief Legal Counsel Executive Office of Health & Human Services Office of Child Support Services Panel: Magistrate Armando O. Monaco, II Rhode Island Family Court Jane F. Howlett, EsquireAttorney at Law/Chief Judge Bristol Municipal Court

12:15pm—12:45pm 2017 Update from the Director Sharon A. Santilli, Esq. Associate Director Office of Child Support Services 12:45pm —1 1:45pm Lunch / CSLN Awards 1:45pm — 12:45pm *1 -CLERedefined: Parentage Establishment in 2017 and in the future Kenny Alston Chief Legal Counsel RI Department of Health Roseann Giorgianni Chief - State Registrar Center for Vital Records, RI DOH 2:45pm - 3:00pm Dessert Break 3:00pm - 4:00pm CrowdSourcing Clifford James Dean Senior Legal Counsel, OCSS - OHHS Now it is your turn! Join us as theaudience is asked to weigh in on topics discussed at the conference. ANNUAL COMMUNITY TRAINING October 26, 2017 8:30—4:00 PM Arnold Conference Center, Cranston, RI Watch for details

Important Conference Information... Corporate registration is $125.00 per person, which includes exhibit table & breakfast/lunch Community based organizations re- ceive a complimentary exhibit table $ 25.00 per person to cover break- fast and lunch Attorneys registering for 1 CLE credit require an additional fee of $20.00 Please make your check payable to: Office of Child Support Services! Child Support Cozy Closet In an effort to assist the customers weserve with basic necessities, we began the“Cozy Closet” late in 2014.The “Cozy Closet” is located in our waitingroom where customers can help themselvesto items such as clothing, children's books, ortoys, most of which are donated by OCSS staff. There is a constant need for donations toreplenish the closet. This year we are asking conference partici-pants to bring one item: children’s clothing,toy or book to the conference. In return forthe donation, an additional raffle ticket for ourgift basket door prize will be given.

Submit your registrationtodayRegister online at:WWW.CSE.RI.GOV/2017REGISTRATIONor submit this registration form with yourpayment before May 5, 2017.NAME:____________________________________________________________________________________________________EMAIL:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ORGANIZATION/ADDRESS: ____________————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Registration Deadline is May 5, 2017$25.00 Registration fee/ $20 CLE fee Mail Registration/Payments to: Office of Child Support Services ATTN: Kevin Donnelly 77 Dorrance Street Providence, RI 02903 Send by Fax: (401) 458 - 4415 Email: [email protected]: WWW.CSE.RI.GOV/2017REGISTRATION

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