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Home Explore Modern India (1)

Modern India (1)

Published by dsoontareeya, 2017-12-31 02:21:44

Description: Modern India (1)


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Modern AsiaModern India, China and Japan

Modern IndiaBefore the colonizationIn the Mogul Empire, Muslims were favored over the majority Hindus.Decline of the Mogul began with religious conflict between Muslims and Hindus and resulted in infighting and a divided empire.

Trading relationship• The main purpose was to trade with Indian merchants.• The important product of India was spices.

The British Conquest(began in 1750s and took full control in 1857)1. The decline of Mogul power - Conflict between Hindus and Muslims - The lack of unity : The British were able to control India because differences in language and religion prevented unity among Indian people.

2. The rise of powerful merchant class - Bengal - Jagat Seth - The Battle of Plassey in 1757 - The lack of nationalism

East India Company• This private profit-seeking corporation was allowed by the British government to rule India by itself.(Company rule)• EIC controlled some land directly, others indirectly through local princes.• From that time until 1858. the East India Company was the leading power in India.

• The East India Company to control trading system and collect tax in India.

• The direct representative of the crown in India was Viceroy or governor-general. (British official who ruled in India in the name of the queen)• The British controlled the high positions in government, while Indians were trained to be administrator in province.

• Lord Dalhousie• The British introduced new technologies to Indians.• The British set up the courts, laws, military, and public services to Indians.• Suttee was prohibited. (British outlawed Hindu ritual suicide by widows)• By 1850s, the tension between British and Indians ran so high that it only needed a small spark to ignite a war.

The immediate sparkThe Indian Mutiny of 1857(The Sepoy Rebellion)The British used many Indian soldiers (called Sepoys) in their army in India. The sepoys were hired to fight for the British.

• In 1857, the Sepoys learned that the British were disrespecting their religious beliefs, they revolted.• A new gun was introduced for Indian soldiers. This gun had cartridges that were supposed to be bitten of by teeth before being used (rumors came out about the grease used to coat cartridges)• an abomination to both major Indian religions.

• Sepoys rebelled against the British. British brutally put down the uprising. When the revolt ended, the British government took full control of India (Direct rule) until after WWII.• In 19th century, the British was the master of Indians.• The British policy to control India was “Divide and Rule”.

Negative Impact• British held most of the political and economic power.• Profitable industries such as cotton, salt, construction, tea, etc. were firmly controlled by the British.• Loss of cultural practices and language.

Positive Impact 1. Economic impact (Better Trading system) - Improvement of economy - Railroads (the third-largest network in the world at the time) enabled India to develop a modern economy and connected regions.

2. Educational impact(Improvement inEducation) Schools and colleges were founded, and literacyincreased. - Orientalists : Sanskrit language - Anglicists : English language

• English became the official language of India. Indians started absorbing western ideas by the education system.• Indians learned about self-government, nationalism from the British.• A number of nationalist movements were set up.• In 1885, the National Congress (the political party) was formed.

Mohandas Gandhi• In 1920, Gandhi became the leader of the nationalist movement.• Mohandas Gandhi’s method to call back freedom from the British was religious method (non-violence).

• British feared a civil war in India• WThaery were weaken by the Second World• Tarhoeudnedctohleonwizoartlido.n process had begun allInrIIunn1ldd9eei4aap7n,aednnthdddeeiPvnBaicdrkeietisidAsthacIntnp.wdaishasiceinhdtoethntedweoIdncdtoihauennBtrriietsis:h