4-6 450-800mm >70hp 70 litreHigh precision – robust design New! Hydraulic weight transfer as option New! Small seeds kit as optionNew!Floating rowcleaners as optionTempo R can be equipped with a 1200 litre fertiliser hopper The 3 metre wide Tempo R is mounted on the tractor’sand disc fertiliser coulters. three-point linkage, making it easy to manoeuvre in the field. 51
Tempo T 6-7Tempo T is a mounted high-speed planter available with6 or 7 row units, and fertiliser metering as an option.The telescopic frame allows for unprecedented precision,while at the same time making the machine very easy tohandle and transport.One machine – multiple crops The obvious choice for seed growersThe frame of Tempo T is equipped with a heavy-duty The individually electric driven Tempo row units offertelescopic wing retraction, making it possible to adjust great possibilities for high precision seed planting.the frame width to fit different crops. When changingthe frame width, the row spacing and number of row The same machine is able to plant multiple seed typesunits can be easily adjusted. As an example, Tempo T is with differing seed rates and varying row spacings. Theable to plant maize using 6 rows at 750mm, sunflower or telescopic frame makes adjusting the machine to yoursoybeans using 7 rows at 600mm and oilseed rape using 6 demands very easy.rows at 500mm.52
6-7 500-800mm >100hp 70 litreTelescopic precision New! Hydraulic weight transfer as optionNew! New!Floating row Small seeds kitcleaners as option as optionTempo T has a transport width between 3.3 and 3.5 Tempo T can be equipped with a 1200 litre fertiliser hoppermetres. This gives a small turning radius and convenient and disc fertiliser coulters.transport. 53
Tempo F 6-8Tempo F is a trailed high-speed planter, available with 6or 8 row units and fertiliser application as an option. Theplacement and design of the support wheels maintain theseed depth in all conditions which ensures an even crop.Tempo F offer very high fertiliser capacity with individual High precision planting for every farmrow shut-off, resulting in maximised uptime and fertiliser Tempo is designed to fit most tractors. It has a lowsavings. hydraulic requirement, self-sufficient electric power and requires low draught force. Tempo F has the option toImpressive depth control equip the planter with a PTO driven fan, reducing theTo ensure optimal depth control, Tempo F is equipped dependency of the tractor whilst still maintaining highwith hydraulic support wheels mounted between the row precision planting.units, avoiding any tilting in hilly conditions. The wide tyreprofile maintains the working depth irrespective of soiltype. The large diameter ensures a smooth ride at highspeeds, improving planting precision.54
6-8 700-800mm >100hp 70 litrePerformance and precision New! New! Hydraulic weight Small seeds kit transfer as option as optionNew!Floating rowcleaners as optionThe wheels on Tempo F 8 are coupled as a hydraulic bogie A trailed planter puts less weight on the tractor, leading tounit – walking tandem. This ensures an even load on all minimal soil compaction. The benefit of this is a healthywheels, giving a smoother ride on uneven ground. soil structure and an even crop emergence. 55
Tempo V 6-12Tempo V is available with 6 to 12 row units, including oddnumbers. The ability to use the same machine for multiplecrops often means that two traditional planters can bereplaced. This increases usage and lower the hectare costs.Tempo V has an open frame design making it easy to Great mobilityadjust the row spacing to suit numerous seed types grown All Tempo V models are vertically folded to 3 metreon the farm. The result is increased productivity and transport width. The machine is mounted on the tractor’slower costs. As an example, you could start the season by three-point linkage, making it easy to manoeuvre in theplanting sugar beet at 500mm row spacing, followed by field. In the field, this results in short turning radius onmaize at 750mm row spacing and finally in the autumn headlands and convenient transport.plant oilseed rape at 450mm row spacing.Quick changeTempo V can be altered from 12 rows to 8 rows in lessthan one hour. A row unit trolley facilitates the work andmakes storage easy.56
6-12 450-800mm >100hp 70 litreMaximum versatilityNew! New!Hydraulic weight Small seeds kittransfer as option as optionNew!Floating rowcleaners as optionAll Tempo V models are vertically folded to 3 metre In combination with the front hopper FH 2200, Tempo V istransport width. able to combi-drill fertiliser at high speed. 57
Tempo R 12-18Tempo R 12-18 is a rigid, mounted high-speed planter withfertiliser metering as an option. With easily adjustable rowspacing, it is possible to plant numerous crops with thesame machine, enabling greater usage.The three-point linkage provides excellent be set down to 450mm, while the 12 row model can bemanoeuvrability and short headlands. Additionally, a rigid configured between 700 to 800mm. This results in moreframe benefits from fewer moving parts, minimal weight hectares per season and consequently lowers costs.and reduced maintenance without compromising theexcellent precision Tempo R offers. Transport wheels for wider models Equipped with optional transport wheels and drawbar,Multiple crops with one machine Tempo R 12 and Tempo R 18 can be easily transportedTempo R has a frame designed to enable simple setup between the fields on the farm. Despite the wide workingof row spacing and number of row units, including odd width, the transport width fits under 3 metres.numbers. The row spacing on the 18 row Tempo R 18 can58
12-18 450-800mm >250hp 70 litreRobust capacityNew! New!Hydraulic weight Small seeds kittransfer as option as optionNew!Floating rowcleaners as optionThe front mounted fertiliser hopper FH 2200 enables high Equipped with transport wheels and a drawbar, Tempo Rprecision combi-drilling. 12-18 can be easily transported between fields. 59
Tempo L 12-24Tempo L is a trailed high-speed planter with an enormouscapacity. Tempo L doubles the capacity of a traditionalplanter. Most importantly, the crop is established withhigher precision.Tempo L can be equipped with a 5000 litre fertiliser its outer wings. This enables Tempo L to respond to anyhopper. The fertiliser is metered via the high capacity irregularities on the field and ensure an even emergence.metering system, Fenix III. The metering capacity forfertiliser is up to 350kg/ha at 15km/h. The electric driven Telescopic wheel axleFenix III has the capability to adapt the fertiliser rate to To ensure the transport wheels follow the row spacing,varying field conditions by using a variable rate system. Tempo L can be fitted with a telescopic wheel axle whichThe high capacity fertiliser system maintains the high is easily adjusted from the cab. So whatever the rowprecision even at high speed. spacing, the transport wheels can be adjusted to always run between the seed rows. The wheel axles are easily setPerfect depth control to 3 metre width for transport.Tempo L is equipped with hydraulic wing pressure whichtransfers weight from the inner section of the machine to60
12-24 450-800mm >250hp 25-100 litreEnormous capacity – superiorprecision New! New! New 24 row model Automatic hydraulic wing pressure adjustmentNew!Dual wheels 320/90R42 forTempo L 18-24 as option New! Small seeds kit as optionNew! New!Hydraulic weight Floating rowtransfer as option cleaners as optionNew!Tempo L 12-24 can be delivered as either a seed-only or Despite its enormous capacity on the field, Tempo L foldscombi machine. to 3 metre transport width. 61
FH 2200The front-mounted fertiliser hopper FH 2200 enables highprecision combi-drilling. The 2200 litre hopper is equippedwith the electric Fenix III metering system and is suitable forlarge capacity and high working speeds on the field.FH 2200 delivers a measure of fertiliser distribution that metering system, reducing the air requirement and in turntakes full advantage of the capacity of the Tempo planter. saves fuel.Next generation precision metering Large and easy to fill hopperFH 2200 is equipped with the user-friendly and easily The sloping front design of the front hopper, gives theaccessible metering system, Fenix III. It is able to handle driver good visibility. The wide opening and built inhigh rates, up to 250kg/ha at 15km/h. Together with its step makes it easy to fill. As an option, the FH 2200 canpowerful hydraulic fan, FH 2200 ensures an even fertiliser be equipped with extra weight packages. This placesdistribution also at high working speeds. One important additional weight on the front wheels of the tractor,feature of Fenix III is the soft feed rotor that seals the increasing its traction.62
High capacity fertiliser outputNew!Work lightsas optionThe Fenix III metering system is designed for precise The sloping front design gives the driver good visibility.metering reliable performance and easy maintenance. The wide opening and built in step makes it easy to fill. 63
Väderstad E-Control– New generation control systemThe iPad-based control system Väderstad E-Controlwirelessly connects to the Väderstad machine enablingfull access to its functions and data. You benefit from user-friendly remote setup and calibration, as well as real-timemonitoring and control.The portable officeVäderstad E-Control is a fully portable control systemready to be used when and where it is required. Whencalibrating the Väderstad machine, you can take theportable iPad out of the tractor and control the calibrationfrom outside.When your day is over you can take the iPad to the officeand start planning the next days work.64
State of the art graphicsThe high-resolution iPad-display presents all the information clearly. The out-standing graphics make every function easier to utilise.Since Väderstad E-Control is used for many planters and seed drills in the Väderstadrange, the same iPad can be used for multiple machines on the farm.Always up to dateAt Väderstad, we find it very important to support and service all our customersto the fullest. Therefore, all E-Control software updates are easy to downloadfree of charge. With E-Control, you are always sure to benefit from the latesttechnology and the newest innovative solutions from Väderstad.Combined control withISOBUS Task ControllerUsing Väderstad E-Control together with an ISOBUS terminal allows forautomatic GPS section control and variable seed rate. A list of terminalscompatible with ISOBUS Task Controller can be found on our web pagevaderstad.com by searching for ISOBUS. 65
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