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Home Explore The Journey September 2021 Issue

The Journey September 2021 Issue

Published by admin, 2021-09-09 15:19:40

Description: 2021 - 09 September


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Telephone: (570) 342-8263 Email: [email protected] Website: Rev. Mike Bealla Senior Pastor “Out of the Wilderness” Dear Brothers and Sisters in derness” we call Covid-19. For Now, with the numbers slowly Christ: most of us, we have never expe- increasing, and especially so rienced a world- wide pandemic with the unvaccinated and chil- For almost forty years after the that has claimed so many lives at dren, we are taking additional Israelites escaped their captivity one time. While Elm Park and precautions to remain a safe ha- from Egypt, they stood just out- other churches have lived ven for our congregation. side the “Promised Land” which through the depression, wars, God had promised them through social upheaval and other such When the spies entered the Moses. Just imagine the struggles challenges, our faith has re- promised land to scout it out be- they faced finding food, water, mained strong, and our minis- fore the Israelites entered, they and the hope necessary to contin- tries continued to serve our brought back a two-sided re- ue the journey to this place where neighbors and the world. port… the good news… it’s a God was leading them. All of it wonderful land rich in resources was new, frightening, and some- Still this current pandemic has and food… the bad news… there times very discouraging as they raised a few issues we have nev- were giants in the land making wandered around the desert. er faced before. Who can re- the spies feel like grasshoppers member a time when in-person compared to their size. Consider this as well… many who worship was shut down for more began the journey had passed on than a snowstorm or two? Thank I believe that God, even in the to glory never getting to see the God for the ability to live-stream midst of all that is currently hap- promised land. Along the way, our worship services! Now that pening, is walking with us. I be- many had pleaded with Moses to we have returned to in-person lieve that each of you are pray- take them back to slavery… worship there are many not ing for us to continue in our mis- something familiar to them…even ready to meet together. sion and ministry each day. I if it meant working in the sewers know that God would not take to again. Great news for our online minis- a place to abandon us. I know try, yet many have missed the we have a leadership team who I have been praying long and opportunity to “see each other’s will be asking the big important hard recently in search of a way face” as the hymn encourages. questions… mostly based upon to lead our church “out of this wil- (Continued on page 2)

2 The Journey - September 2021 where God is leading as opposed to how do we get to our old normal? What will the evolving church look like post- pandemic? How will we use our technology to reach those unwilling or reluctant to return to in-person worship? What will our futures leadership meetings look like? Hybrid? In Person? What new thing is God placing before us with a promise we can go there without fearing the giants we may face? As our teams and councils and boards meet this Fall, we will need to continue to ask these Adaptive Questions and fore- go the temptation to return to Egypt again… Friends, God is with us. God knows your joys and your concerns. God knows how you feel and what you think and will not abandon you…EVER! And together, as a church, we will continue to fulfill our mission of “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World!!” Until next time, pray, read God’s word, and do good! Grace & Peace! Rev. Mike Bealla On Tuesday September 20th, 2021 at 6:00 PM our Youth Group will be starting up for the year after a whole year of being off! This group is for children and young adults 7 - 18 year old's or Senior in High School. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month until June 2022. During our time together we learn and talk about bible stories, we learn more about what it means to be United Methodist, we play games, watch videos, sing songs, and do crafts. All kids and teens 7 - 18 or Senior in High School are welcome. Our leaders are Wesley Bealla, Dr. Bill Miller, & Betsy Miller. For the latest news and event information, visit the Elm Park UMC website at

The Journey - September 2021 3 A Note From Our Associate Pastor Church Family, Since Lackawanna County has been added to the COVID-19 high-transmission list, I have suspended my in-person visitations. I will resume phone calls and personal note cards for the near future. Please contact me at the church or at [email protected] with any needs you may have. God Bless, Pastor Andy Our Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

4 The Journey - September 2021 Starting in October we will be working on a brand-new photo directory. It will be our first directory in over 5 years. We will be doing the photo directory ourselves here at Elm Park and it will give us the opportunity to also update all of our member- ship information as well such as addresses, numbers, emails, and family information. In the coming weeks we will be releas- ing a page on our new website where you will be able to register for a date and time to get your photo taken at the church. We will also be offering prints of the photos for a simple do- nation to Elm Park UMC’s Youth Group. Be on the look out both on Facebook and in the Weekly Journey for more information when registration starts. - Wesley Bealla Communications Chair Latest Episodes You are always invited to watch our bi-weekly Web-Series entitled \"The Elm Park Journey.\" Each episode features our Lay Leader, Diana Howe, as she interviews guests from our church about events, programs, ministries, groups, and leaders from our church. In the most recent episode, Diana interviewed Rev. Mike about reopening and about this sum- mer’s activities. If you have any ideas for future episodes for “The Elm Park Journey” contact Diana Howe, Rev. Mike Bealla, Wesley Bealla or email me- [email protected]. For the latest news and event information, visit the Elm Park UMC website at

The Journey - September 2021 5 Our Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

6 The Journey - September 2021 We had a fun hybrid Vacation Bible School this year with our theme: “Discovery On Adven- ture Island: Quest For God’s Great Light”. We were reminded nightly of Isaiah 60:1 “Arise! Shine! Your light has come; the Lord’s glory has shone upon you!” Our Lighthouse Keeper and behind the scenes graphics and technology crew led by Wesley Bealla, Bill Miller, Bea- con, and Jane Miller made our weeklong adventure a spectacle to behold. Our Bible stories this year taught messages of Love, Trust, Faith, Joy, and Hope through our storytelling lead- er Joan Pilosi, our craft leaders Ami Bealla & Bonnie Bealla, our music leader Janet Muse Burke, our science time leaders, Karen Sadowski, Michael Burke, Sadie McDonald, & Paige McDonald, and our games leaders Andrew Sucheski, Charlie Lupole, and Kim Lee. Nightly feasts were prepared by John McDonald. Cheryl McDonald took photos, handled registra- tion and graciously filled in as needs arose. Decorators and cleanup crews did an awesome job making the church look like Adventure Island! We would like to thank each of the following volunteers for making Vacation Bible School 2021 a great success. Names are in no particular order. Janet Muse -Burke, Cheryl McDonald, Leigh Redmon, John McDonald, Joan Pilosi, Rev. Mike Bealla, Bonnie Bealla, Sarah Cooper, Ami Bealla, Dottie Bosley, Conrad Bosley, Bill Miller, Betsy Miller, Kim Lee, Dylan Smith, Katie Cooper, Ralph Cooper, Sarah Cooper, Sa- rah Manzi, Jason Manzi, Evan Manzi, Sadie McDonald, Ben Warring, Luke Warring, Car- olyn Burke, Ethan Warring, Betsy Miller, Jane Miller, Mike Heffron, Marie Priblo, Karen Sa- dowski, Michael Burke, Paige McDonald, Charlie Lupole, Meghan Sucheski, Andrew Sucheski For the latest news and event information, visit the Elm Park UMC website at

The Journey - September 2021 7 Our Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

8 The Journey - September 2021 Yard-salers, flea market visitors and closet cleaners are asked to please keep Elm Park's winter coat give- away in mind. In a blink cooler temperatures will be here on the way to full-blown winter. Many in our Scranton area will not be fortunate enough to have warm clothing as days and nights get cold. Please consider gifting clean, new or gently used hats, coats, scarves and gloves to our church to share with others. May you be blessed as you help others. For the latest news and event information, visit the Elm Park UMC website at

The Journey - September 2021 9 SEPTEMBER ALTAR FLOWERS September 5th - Available September 12th - In memory of Elizabeth Pasco by Joan Pilosi September 19th - In memory of Lee Pilosi given by Joan Pilosi September 26th - Available AVAILABLE DATES FOR ALTAR FLOWERS: October 10, 17, & 24. Please call Marie Priblo at 570-342 -8263 Ext. 10 if you are interested in any of these available dates. Thank you. Our Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

10 The Journey - September 2021 01 Kevin Armstrong 13 Clarence Smith 26 Ethel P Phillips 01 Vee Pauli 14 Frank DeNunzio Jr 27 Jason Diaz 02 Judith Reihner 14 Michael Drake 27 Lea Garcia 02 Marjorie Scotch 14 Keith Felkowski 28 Kristen Roberts 03 Tim Emick 14 James Keller 04 Lee Draper 14 Todd Leyh 28 Ryan Roberts 04 Katherine Gianacopoulos 14 Sarah Marta 05 Chrissy Pauli 14 Michael Roberts 29 William Musgrave 06 Edward Baum 14 Michael Shibak Jr 06 Michael Kleha 14 David Zink 30 Edna Kozik 06 Luke Rogers 15 Claire Greaves 06 Sarah Shoener 16 Lindsey Griffiths 30 Ryan Negvesky 06 John Wagner III 16 Keegan Napolitano 07 William Miller 17 David Caswell 07 Edwin Rogers 17 Alexander Kameroski 07 Brenda Zarick 17 Matthew Muro 08 Gloria Harrison 17 Kevin Scotch 08 Shirley Hoffman 18 Barry Dugger 09 Marilyn Matone 18 Charlie Prothero V 09 Justine Perry 18 Linda Robinson 09 Vinessa Schultz 18 James Shoemaker 10 David Hooper 19 Sherry Bennington 10 Louise Kolinofsky 19 Jack Evans 10 Susan Saar 20 Pamela Farabaugh 11 Sandra Caswell 20 Bryce Onofrey 11 Henry Jones 20 Scott Sadowski 11 Adam Long 21 Tiffany Lombardo 12 Cynthia Allen 21 Elizabeth Stemphoski 12 Edward Conrad 22 Beverly Adomiak 12 Katherine Rogers 22 Dawn Dempsey 13 Alison Caswell 22 Mark Schultz 13 John Fletcher 23 Jonathan Baker III 13 Ryan Janesko 23 Laura Kohanski 13 Walter Pabst III 23 Katie Maciejewski 23 Charlie Pabst 23 Joseph Salimini 25 George Zvirblis III 26 Amy Lees For the latest news and event information, visit the Elm Park UMC website at

The Journey - September 2021 11 This is a snapshot of Events & Activities scheduled for the month of September. A full schedule is available on our website. Should you like to schedule an activity or have questions, please contact Marie Priblo at 570-342-8263. Weekly Events for September Rev. Mike Bealla - Senior Pastor Phone: (570) 342-8263 Ext. 13 Monday 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (L) Email: [email protected] Tuesday 10:00 AM Lectionary Meeting (L) [email protected] Wednesday 10:00 AM Bread Basket (MPR 1) Sunday 10:00 AM Sanctuary Service (Sanct./Online) Rev. Andrew Weidner 11:30 AM African Prayer & Praise Service Associate Pastor/Visitation Pastor Phone: (570) 342-8263 Ext. 17 Email: [email protected] Marie Priblo Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper Phone: (570) 342-8263 Ext. 10 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Signs we will never use! Mike Heffron Sponsored by Director of Maintenance Betsy Miller Phone: (570) 342-8263 Ext. 18 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Wesley Bealla Director of Communications and I.T. Phone: (570) 342-8263 Ext. 12 Email: [email protected] [email protected] George Simmons - Director of Music Phone: (570) 342-8263 Email: [email protected] Our Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

Elm Park UMC 712 Linden St. Scranton PA, 18510 Address Service Requested In This Issue Worship Times 8:30 AM Chapel Service A Message from our Senior Pastor 9:00 AM—10:00 AM Fellowship time 10:00 AM Sanctuary Service A Note from our 11:30 AM Prayer and Praise Service Associate Pastor Vacation Bible School 2021 Recap Truck or Treat 2021 November Winter Coat Drive Donations Youth Group

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