建立 家庭 忠心 事主 Buildi health 异象:建立合神心意的教会 Vision: Building a Church after God's Own Heart 基督教华人卫理公会墨尔本谢恩堂 CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH 58 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124 • Tel: (03) 9889 0702 • www.cmca-camberwell.org.au 谢恩堂崇拜时间:8:30am/11am(中文);11am/4pm(英文) Wyndham布道站 200 Tarneit Road, Werribee, VIC 3030 崇拜时间:2:30pm(中文) 驻任会督 Resident Bishop 黄永森会督 Rev. Dr. Albert Wong 0433 015 363 主理牧师 Minister-in-charge: 周家熹牧师 Rev. Elijah Chew 0421 468 655 助理牧师Assistant Minister 于建华牧师 Rev. Jian Hua Yu 0417 479 734
神学教育主日崇拜程序 (2020年8月16日) 默祷 肃静歌《主在圣殿中》 众坐 宣召 诗篇 98:3-4 领会 诗歌赞美 领唱 祷告 箴言 10:22-32 领会 主祷文 众立 启应经文 397《我曾舍命为你》 领会 榮耀颂 49《信徒齐来颂主》 众立 信息经文 领会 证道 《三叠阿们》 刘利宇牧师 奉献 众坐 报告 牧师 差遣诗歌 众立 祝福 牧师 阿们颂 众立 2
2020年8月16日 教会圣工 诚心欢迎前來崇拜的每一位。願上帝的愛充滿您,温暖您的心田。 1. 声 阅挑战:邀请大家参与谢恩之 实门徒的生命彰显,也是我们教 家新约圣经声阅挑战及十月十日 会群体生活的流露。《徒 1:14 举行的新约圣经有趣问答游戏。 这些人同着几个妇人和耶稣的母 详情请看第5页。 亲马利亚,并耶稣的弟兄,都 同心合意地恒切祷告。》希望今 2. 一天一元:八月是宣教圣工月 , 年弟兄姐妹能每个星期参与祷告 鼓励弟兄姐妹支持一天一元作为 会。每天祷告祈求仰望神,以致 年会宣教的圣工款项。更多详情 神的复兴临到我们的教会! 报告请阅读第6-12页。若有疑 20/8祷告会事奉轮职表: 问,请联系吴莺姐妹或牧者。 带领代祷:林书贤神学生 分享:于建华牧师 3. 成 人主日学:主日11:00-12:00有 8. 直 播崇拜:我们每周日进行公开 ZOOM在线主日学课程《认识异 的\"Live直播崇拜\"。每主日早上 端》,为期六周,由于建华牧师 9:00am是中文崇拜直播。第二 教导,课程 ID:87076515369 场11:00am是英文崇拜直播。实 ;密码:1234。欢迎弟兄姐妹踊 体执行的崇拜、儿童主日学、团 跃参加。 契、Mainly Music全都暂停直至 另行通知。 4. 慕道班:每周三晚上7pm- 9. 奉 献方面: 我们也要忠心的持守, 8pm有ZOOM在线洗礼课 把每个主日当纳的份固定存起 程, ID:81416552925;密 来,待恢复正常崇拜后一并献上 码:1234;欢迎慕道友参加。 给堂会。同时也可以在线转账, 请用以下账号: 5. 牧者动态:周家熹牧师拿八周读 书假至31/8;于建华牧师将暂时 谢恩堂母堂: 做代理牧者;弟兄姐妹可向于牧 Account name: Chinese Methodist 师接洽。 Church in Australia Camberwell; BANK: ANZ; BSB: 013 225; 6. 家庭祭坛:今年我们希望每个团 A.N: 4939 79025 契(青团,初成,成团,与乐 龄)至少有10个家庭可以委身 Wyndham布道站: 每周一次的家庭祭坛。凡希望学 Account name: CMCA WPP; 习如何带领家庭祭坛,请通知周 BANK: ANZ; BSB: 013 598; 牧师或于牧师。我们可以透过电 A.N: 2332 30675 子的平台和大家一起进行家庭祭 坛。 3 7. 祷告会:隔离期间每周四晚上 7:30线上祷告会。谢恩堂要成为 一个祷告的教会。祷告不但是真
代祷事项 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处, 就是按他旨意被召的人。(罗8:28) 祷告的生命是操练门徒生命成长不可少的因素。没有祷告的生命,我们就会缺乏信 心仰望神、事奉神,生命就没有能力实践神的真理,也没有能力活出神的爱。没有 祷告,我们就会按着自己的意思去行。 1. 我们建立《合神心意的教会 - 建立家 告。求神复兴我们的心灵,挑旺福 庭,忠心事主》,首先让我们继续 音的热忱,更新我们爱神爱人的生 忠心努力祷告,做这个时代的代祷 命,更新我们的服事,在主里彼此 勇士! 鼓励教会领袖,主内弟兄姐妹 真诚相爱,成为神忠心的群体。我 们一起参与祷告的事工。谢恩堂期 们在今年经历神的大能,为主结圣 盼建立荣耀神做主门徒祷告的教会。 灵的果子,荣耀神。为谢恩堂一起 配搭建立健康属灵的家庭,巩固孩 2. 让我们继续为 Covid19 疫情並墨尔 子们的信仰根基,建立荣耀神的夫 本的情况祷告。求神赐下恩典,怜 妻关系仰望祷告。 悯与医治,以致患者得医治,减少社 4. 特别为会督、年会各部事工和所有 区的传递。我们要继续为医生、护 牧者能尽心的为主摆上,建立一个 士、医院工作人员代祷,求神保护 健康家庭的教会祷告。 他们,赐给他们有健康的身、心、 5. 为病痛软弱的肢体祷告:官伯威牧师 灵来看顾患者。求神带领我们国家 (骨癌,缺血),Magaret大儿子李逸轩 的经济可以慢慢的复苏,回转。为 和媳妇张楚晗(车祸后康复),Shawn 许多的人失去工作,家庭面对经济 女儿卢庆龄(心脏恢复健康),Kelvin 的压力,婚姻的挑战和生命的意义 Tan(脑瘤手术后的化疗代求),周牧 祷告。 师的妈妈许碧仙姐妹(软弱的身体)。 3. 为谢恩堂中文与英文的福音事工祷 本周事奉人员 照神所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心事奉神。希十二28 16/8/20 华语崇拜 English Service 讲员 刘利宇牧师 Rev. Timothy Lau 领会 领唱 于建华牧师 Steven Yek 司琴 - 媒体 许忠立/郭善铨/刘立仪 林诗恬 Jason Ting Livestream 陈丕进 Aaron Tiew 江初开 Gerald Wong 下周事奉人员 所求于管家的,是要他有忠心。林前四2 23/8/20 讲员 华语崇拜 English Service 领会 许心嫦本处传道 Pastor Steaven 领唱 司琴 于建华牧师 Jimmy Kong 媒体 - 周道祥/程薇婷 Livestream 刘立仪 Jason Ting 刘利仪 Rachel Chew 4 陈建荣 Jonathan Liew
#1 #2 #3 ? 5
Make a Unique Piggy Bank out of a Plastic Bottle For this project, you'll need: Empty plastic bottle (we used a 16.9 ounce water bottle), card stock paper (we used white and blue), two-sided tape, scissors, pencil 1. Make a Coin Slot Cut a rectangular slot about 1 inch long and a ½-inch wide in the side of the bottle. This is where you'll drop coins into the piggy bank, so make sure it's large enough to fit at least two quarters side-by-side. 2. Design the Fuselage of Your Plane Draw two identical pieces for the back half of the plane that look like upside-down Ls. (These pieces are going to make up the back half of the fuselage and the plane's rudder.) Tip: Draw one side, and then use it as a stencil to draw the second side. That way, both pieces will be identical. 3. Attach the Paper Fuselage and Rudder Once the two pieces are cut, attach them to the plastic bottle with two-sided tape. Pay attention to where the coin slot is – you'll need to cut into the paper over the coin slot opening. 4. Draw and Cut Two Engines Draw two identical rectangles about 4 inches long and 1 inch thick on card stock paper. These are going to be your engines. Cut the rectangles out and then roll them into long tubes. Tape the tubes, and then attach them to the plastic bottle, one on either side. Note: You want your tubes to touch the “ground” because the engines also serve as “feet” to stabilize the plane piggy bank. 5. Draw and Cut Two Wings Draw two identical triangles with rounded tips on your card stock paper, which will become your wings. Cut them out and attach the wings above the engines. Tip: It helps to fold a tab on the long edges of the cones for easy attachment. 6. Draw and Cut the Plane Propeller Using the bottle cap as a guide, draw your plane propeller. The bottle cap is going to secure the propeller onto the bottle, so you want the circle opening to be slightly smaller than the cap so it doesn't slip over it. 7. Add Any Details You now have a basic plane, but you can add some personality with extra card stock paper! Draw, cut out and affix windows and back wings. Let your child flex their creative muscles and draw faces in the windows. 7
Te m p l a t e f o r c u t t i n g t h e p a r t s of a plane piggy bank Roll to become e blue card board 105mm width for mea Ta i l o f t h e p l a n e 2 x (White card board paper) wind of Blue car
ngine(2x) cut a 105mm size of paper across the d paper short side of an a4 size paper and roll asurement it up as the main body of the plane. (White card board paper) window propeller 8x light blue card board paper f the plane 2x rd board paper Ta i l w i n g 2x Blue card board paper
2020 支出预算 2019 实 长宣基金 盈余 6 % 尼泊尔 22 % 其他 23% 20 % 宣教主日 柬埔寨 26 % 2020 收 其他 7 % 其他 10% 东亚和东南亚 7 % 宣教主日 所罗门群岛 9 % 巴布新几内亚 3% 总数 $74,775 叫你们凡事富足,可以多多施舍, 就藉着我们使感谢归于神。 林后 9:11
实际收入 A Dollar A Day For Mission ‘一天一元’ 17% 日 60% AC Mission Board 总数 $61,291 收入预算 ‘一天一元’ 25 % 日 65% 总数 $74,775 9
一天一元参与宣教 短宣事工 “一天一元”参与宣教 短宣事工主要包括 是让人人,甚至主日学的孩子们 MM&M) , 儿 童 和 青 年 都能参与宣教。 它是宣教部重要收入 些怜悯和训练的工作, 来源之一。 这就是为什么今年我们设计了 中包括巴布亚新几内亚 一个特殊的手工硬币储蓄盒,让孩子们能 寨,尼泊尔等国家。20 兴奋地和父母亲一起参与宣教。 投入东亚的短宣事工, 会把日本的短宣资料发 长宣基金 能积极响应。另外,宣 轻人体验 OM 福音船-望 自去年开始,我们就为 A$5000 的“长宣基金” 的宣教事工。 而祷告。 我们希望借此提醒弟兄姐妹长宣的 重要,并祈求上帝呼召您与宣教部一起踏上 宣教部有预算一点资金 这样的一个旅程。 感谢主!虽然经历了几年 的教会走出去,去履行 的财政赤字,今年祂让宣教部顺利筹得这笔 历上帝的大能。有需要 资金,也让宣教部出现财政盈余! 部申请。 一般宣教机构都将“长期”定为四年一期。 所 以,任何负担也都应该是“长期”的。 日本 “长期”宣教士的费用一般都是按宣教地点而 定,比如一些南亚,东南亚或东亚地区每期 日本是一个非基督教的 需 要 A$40-60K, 东 亚-日 本 却 需 要 A$120- 家。虽然它有 150 250K。 教历史,但是基督徒 2020 年,我们希望看到另外 A$15K 加入该基 1%。所以日本常被称 金。 如果主呼召你长期支持这样的宣教事 跟据一个 2014 年的统 工,请您让我们知道。 让我们一起祈求有人 万的华人。这些散居 回应上帝长宣的呼召! Chinese) 很少有机会听 徒。所以只要 0.2%的华 3000 人 ) ;45 间 华 人 京。2020 年宣教部将安 各教会参与。 欲知详情请参阅“散居宣 http://www.tokyo-jcc.com Diaspora%20chines.pdf
OM 福音船-望道號 括医疗服务(透过 OM Logos Hope 望 道 號 福 音 船 是 OM Ships 年宣教工作。 通过这 International 宣教机构 1970 年开始的事工。目前 这福音船已探访了 151 个国家和地区的 480 多个 ,向当地人传福音。 其 不同的港口,并接待了超过 4700 万游客。 每年 亚,所罗门群岛,柬埔 平均有超过一百万的游客上船! 这全世界最大 的浮动书展提供超过 5,000 本图书。 欲知详情请 020 年我们希望能积极 上网查询:https://www.om.org/ships/ ,特别是日本。我们将 宣教部鼓励年轻人参与福音船的短宣事工。需 发给各教会,希望教会 要赞助部分资金的弟兄姐妹可向宣教部申请。 宣教部也将积极鼓励年 履行主的大使命 望道號(Logos Hope) 您是否愿意与我们合作,使我们一起在 2020 年及未来能走得更远吗? 金来帮助那些需要资助 行上帝的大使命同时经 10 要资助的教会请向宣教 的 国 年的基督 的人口却少于 为福音的硬土。 统计,日本有一百二十 居 海 外 的 华 侨(diaspora 听到福音或接触到基督 华人是基督徒(2500- 人教会,多集中在东 安排日本短宣的经历让 宣教一瞥”: m/images/20171031
2020 Budget Expenditure 2019 Actua >ŽŶŐͲƚĞƌŵ ^ƵƌƉůƵƐ ϲй EĞƉĂůϮϮй Others 23% DŝƐƐŝŽŶ&ƵŶĚ Mission Sund ϮϬй 2020 Targe ĂŵďŽĚŝĂϮϲй KƚŚĞƌƐϭϬй DŝƐƐŝŽŶ^ƵŶ Others 7% East Asia & SEA 7% Solomon Island 9% Papua New Genuine 3% Total $74,775 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Cor 9:11
al Income A Dollar A Day For Mission ‘$1 A day’ 17% day 60% AC Mission Board Total $61,291 et Income ‘$1 A day’ Ϯϱй ŶĚĂLJϲϱй Total $74,775 11
“A Dollar A Day” Short-Term Miss “A Dollar A Day” for Short-term missionary w mission is one of the important medical (through MM&M mission awareness campaign to get missionary works. Throug everyone to be involved in mission, even we find opportunities to the Sunday School children. It is also one of These include works in PN the import sources of income for Board of & East Asian countries. In Mission. That is why this year we designed a up our short-term mission special Coin-box craft to allow the children to sending more information get excited about doing mission together with we hope to receive a wel their parents. we will be stepping up o young people to experien Long-Term Mission Fund on board the OM ship – Lo Since last year, we have been praying to set up a We have allocated some ‘long-term mission fund’ of $5,000. Through this churches to step out, we hope to remind members of the important of Commission and experien long-term mission and pray that God will call his your church required assis people to partner with Board of Mission. Praise write to us. the Lord, even though our budget was in the red for a couple of years, God answered our prayer by Japan providing us the fund and a surplus budget this year! Japan is a non-Christian though it has 150 Most mission organization classify ‘long-term’ as a Christianity, Christian con term of four years. So, any of our commitment the population. It is oft should be ‘long-term’ too. Cost for supporting a graveyard of missionary. typical ‘long-term’ missionary serving at North- done in 2014, Japan has Asia, SEA or East-Asia run into $40-60K per term diaspora Chinese has little depending on the destination. Japan (East-Asia) gospel or in contact with needs $120-250K per term. only 0.2% of these Chine 3000), and there are only In 2020 we like to see another $15,000 being Japan, mainly in Tokyo. added to the fund. Call us if the Lord calls you to support such a course. Now, let’s pray to God for In 2020, Board of Mission someone to answer the call! such opportunities for participate in short-term m For more information on ministry in Japan, please d http://www.tokyo-jcc.com/im
sion OM Ship – Logos Hope Hope works consist mainly of M), children and youth OM Ships International is the organisation gh these works of mercy, behindLogos Hope. The Ship Ministry began in evangelise to the local. 1970. Since then OM's ships have visited more than NG, Solomon Island, SEA 480 different ports in 151 countries and territories n 2020, we hope to step and welcomed over 47million visitors on board. n in Japan. We will be On average, over one million visitors have been n to local churches and welcomed on board every year! The floating book lcoming response. Also, fair offers over 5,000 titles. For more information our effort to encourage please visit the link: https://www.om.org/ships/ nce short-term mission Board of mission encourage young people to ogos Hope. participate in the short-term mission experience on board the OM ship. If you need partial funding, e fund to support local please write to us. in fulfilling the Great nce the power of God. If Fulfilling the Great Commission stance in funding, please Would you be willing to partner with us so that country. Even together we can go further in 2020 and beyond? years of history in 12 nstitute less than 1% of ften referring to as the According to a statistic s 1.2M Chinese. These e chance of hearing the a Christian. That is why ese are Christian (2500- y 45 Chinese churches in n will arrange for more r local churches to mission to Japan. n the diaspora Chinese download this book at: mages/diaspora-Eng-p.pdf
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