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Published by ina1988, 2015-12-26 11:59:29

Description: Test_HTML5


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Source Data Requirements Page 1 of 8Source Data RequirementsSource data must be formatted correctly to be imported into OrgPlus. For more information,see: Required Fields Creating Charts from Files Including Advanced Data FieldsYou can also click the View sample data file link in the Welcome panel to see an example of thecorrect formatting.Required FieldsData sources must contain a Position field and a Reports To field. OrgPlus cannot build ahierarchical chart unless these fields are available during the import process.• Position field Each record must have a Position field. Usually a numeric ID such as a position code or employee ID is used for the Position field. An email address can also be used. Using an employee name is not recommended as names are not unique.• Reports To field In order to determine the reporting relationship (such as, who reports to whom), each record must contain a Reports To field. The Reports To field enables OrgPlus to build a hierarchical chart. For information on formatting the lines connecting managers and their reports, see Formatting ReportsTo Lines.Note: OrgPlus can also handle data that contains a hierarchy that cannot be processed usingonly the Reports To and Position fields. See Complex Hierarchies for more information.Creating Charts from FilesYou can import a file from any source as long as it meets some minimum requirements.Use the following guidelines when creating an import file:To prepare your text for importing:1 Create one line in the file for each record in your chart.2 If you are importing from a text file, each field must be separated by a delimiter (a tab, comma, semicolon, space, or other character).• In the following example, each record has four fields, separated by commas. The four fieldsare Position, Reports To, Name, and Title. Position is used as the unique identifier for eachrecord.1, ,Chris Phillips,President2,1,Lynn Brewer,Chief Financial Officer3,1,Larry Stevens,Vice President3 If you are importing from Excel you do not need to worry about commas. Each field should be entered into a cell.1 Chris Philips President2 1 Lynn Brewer Chief Financial Officer3 1 Larry Stevens Vice President4 You can, in addition, enclose each field value within text delimiters. For example, if you separate fields with spaces, you need to enclose field values within another delimiter if the field values themselves contain spaces. Field values can be enclosed in double quotes, as in the following example: “2\" \"1\" \"Lynn Brewer\" \"Chief Financial Officer\"5 If you want to use one of your text delimiters as a literal character, precede it with an escape\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 2 of 8 For example, if a field value contains a double-quotation mark, place a backslash (\) in front of it so that OrgPlus knows it is a literal quote character and not the delimiter for a field.6 Each record must contain a Position field and a Reports To field. Otherwise, the import wizard cannot determine the relationship between records.7 You can create a header row that tells OrgPlus the names of the fields in the Text or Excel file. If you create a header row, it must be the first row in the file. Instead of field values, the fields in this row contain the names of the fields themselves, for example: employee name, position, reports to, and title.8 Make sure there are no blank lines in the file.Including Advanced Data FieldsYour source can also include Advanced Data Fields. Advanced data fields automate chartformatting and can be used to identify assistant boxes, insert sub-chart breaks, hide branches,or specify the chart styles of selected branches. In addition, advanced data fields can also beused to identify rows to ignore during the import process.In order to use advanced data fields, you must include a header row in your import file. Theheader must with contain columns that correspond to each utilized advanced data field. If youare importing from a database, the fields in the source database table (or view) must be namedto match an advanced data field. A typical Excel import file would be constructed as follows:ID ReportsTo Name Title IsAssistant BreakAt1 Lynn Brewer CEO 0 021 Larry Stevens Assistant 1 031 Claire Chancellor VP 0 1The following topics describe the available advanced data fields:AltReportsToIsAssistantBreakAtCollapseAtBranchStyleSequenceExcludeFormatSpecialAuxReportsToReportsToFormatAltReportsToIf an employee regularly reports to more than one supervisor, add the AltReportsTo column toyour data fields. Like the ReportsTo data field, AltReportsTo must be a list of numbers,separated by semicolons, referring to the line numbers of those on the list to whom thisemployee reports.In the example below, Gary Truman reports to three people: Larry Stevens (line 2), FredBarnes (line 4) and Martin Sawyer (line 6).ID ReportsTo AltReportsTo Name Title1 Lynn Brewer CEO21 Larry Stevens VP Sales31 Claire Chancellor VP Engineeringmk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 3 of 841 Fred Barnes VP Marketing52 4;6 Gary Truman Dir. Sales/Marketing63 Martin Sawyer Dir. EngineeringHere, Gary Truman will appear multiple times on the resulting chart, as a subordinate to allthree of the people listed under ReportsTo and AltReportsTo. In each instance, Gary's otherreporting relationships will be indicated.AltReportsTo is subtly different than AuxReportsTo. See AuxReportsTo for more information onthat data field.IsAssistantIf the IsAssistant field is included in an import file, OrgPlus can automatically formatassistants in your chart. Setting IsAssistant to 1 for a record makes the corresponding box anassistant.For example, if the IsAssistant field for Corinne Speer is set to 1 in the import file, theresulting chart is formatted as follows:Note: You can specify an assistant branch style in the IsAssistant column (refer to the table inthe BranchStyle topic below).BreakAtIf the BreakAt field is included in an import file, OrgPlus automatically inserts a sub-chartbreak for the corresponding record.• Setting BreakAt to 0 does not insert a sub-chart break.• Setting BreakAt to 1 inserts a sub-chart break.• Setting BreakAt to a text string (such as, Marketing) inserts a sub-chart break and names the sub-chart based on the text.CollapseAtIf the CollapseAt field is included in an import file, OrgPlus automatically collapses or expandsthe branch associated with each box. Setting CollapseAt to 1 collapses a branch.BranchStyleUsing the BranchStyle advanced data field applies the branch style you specify to allsubordinates of the selected record. By default, charts created using the Import Wizard selectchart styles that minimize the total number of pages and optimize the distribution of boxes oneach page. You can change the default branch style by clicking the Home tab and selectingmk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 4 of 8Optimize Branch Style.The following branch styles are available:Branch Name Branch NameStyle TreeStyle Style ListStyle TreeLeftStyle LeftListStyle TreeRightStyle BoxListStyle TreeStaggerStyle BoxListLeftStyle TreeStaggerLeftStyle BoxListRightStyle TreeStaggerRightStyle SuperiorBoxListStyle TwoColumnStyle Assistant1Style TwoColumnTreeStyle Assistant2Style FourColumnStyle Assistant3Style FourColumnTreeStyle Assistant4Style OneColumnStyle Assistant5Style OneColumnLeftStyle Assistant6Style OneColumnCenterStyle Assistant7Style OneColumnLeftCenterStyle Assistant8Style OneColumnEdgeLeft OneColumnEdgeRight MultiColumnLine CoManagerStyle MultiColumnPairSequenceThe Sequence field allows you to control the order in which subordinate boxes are arrangedunder a manager. Boxes are sequenced from left to right and then top to bottom.For example, importing the following data ...ID ReportsTo Name Title Sequence1 Lynn Brewer CEO 021 Larry Stevens VP Sales 331 Claire Chancellor VP Engineering 241 Fred Barnes VP Marketing 1… would create the following chart:mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 5 of 8Notice that Larry Stevens, assigned sequence number 3, is third from the left.The Sequence field can also be used to sequence subordinates in multiple rows and columnsbeneath a manager. To achieve this, enter row number and sequence number separated by a :for each import record.For example, importing the following data …ID ReportsTo Name Title Sequence1 Lynn Brewer CEO 021 Larry Stevens VP Sales 1:131 Claire Chancellor VP Engineering 1:241 Fred Barnes VP Marketing 1:351 Gary Truman Director Operations 2:161 Martin Sawyer Director Finance 2:2… would create the following chart:ExcludeThe Exclude field allows you to determine how each box in your chart is handled with respectto calculations. Setting Exclude to 0 includes a box in all counts and calculations. Setting Exclude to 1 excludes a box from all counts and calculations. Setting Exclude to 2 excludes a box from all counts. Setting Exclude to 3 excludes a box from all calculations.FormatThe Format field allows you to specify the format for any given box. The example belowcontains a subset of available options. See the OrgPlus Knowledge Base for more information on the Format advanced data field.ID ReportsTo Name Title Format1 Lynn Brewer CEO fields_show=”Name, Title”,21 Larry Stevens VP Sales font=”Verdana,12, blue”31 Claire Chancellor VP Engineering fields_show=”Name,”, font=”Verdana, 9”,41 Fred Barnes VP Marketing box=”round_rect” fields_show=”Name,”, font=”Verdana, 9”, box=”round_rect” fields_show=”Name,”, font=”Verdana, 9”, box=”round_rect”SpecialThe Special field allows you to specify chart formatting parameters such as chart title and chartmk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 6 of 8background color. See the OrgPlus Knowledge Base at for moreinformation on the Special field.ID ReportsTo Name Title Special Format title=”My font= Corp” “Verdana, 24” chart=\"My Corp\" chart_fill=”solidfill, green”1 Lynn Brewer CEO21 Larry Stevens VP Sales31 Claire Chancellor VP EngineeringIn the above example, the resulting chart will have: The title \"My Corp\" in 24-point Verdana font (see orange boxes for formatting style). A solid green background (see green boxes for formatting style).The Special field can also be used to ignore any row from the import data source. For example,as shown below, an Excel file containing a summary row.ID ReportsTo Name Title Salary Special1 125,000 Ignore21 Lynn Brewer CEO 75,00031 100,000 Larry Stevens VP Sales 300,000 Claire Chancellor VP Engineering TotalAuxReportsToThe AuxReportsTo field allows you to specify one or more auxiliary reporting relationshipwithin your chart.Importing the following data:ID ReportsTo AuxReportsTo Name Title1 4 Lynn Brewer CEO21 Larry Stevens VP Sales31 Claire Chancellor VP Engineering41 Fred Barnes VP Marketing52 Gary Truman Director Sales/Marketing63 Martin Sawyer Director EngineeringWould result in the following chart:Note: Multiple auxiliary reporting relationships for a single record must be separated by semi-colons.Formatting Auxiliary LinesYou can define the appearance of auxiliary lines prior to import by adding formatting rules tothe AuxReportsTo field.You can define the following line attributes: Label: Label content is enclosed in quotes (\"10%\"). Line style: Define the style of auxiliary lines by including the word solid, dashed or dotted. Line weight: Define the thickness of the line by including a numeric value representingmk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 7 of 8 the point weight (.5, for example). Color: Define the color of a line by including a six-digit hexadecimal value (#FFFFFF). Properties: Define the line property by including the one of the following words: around creates a line that travels around the other boxes in the chart. under creates a line that travels under the other boxes in the chart. Style: Define the style of the line (whether it is an arrow, and if so, how the arrow appears) by including the one of the following words: none creates a plain line. begin places an arrow pointer at the beginning of the line. end places an arrow pointer at the end of the line. both places an arrow pointer at each end of the line.Strings of formatting rules are placed in parentheses following the numeral representing theAuxReportTo relationship. In this example, Gary Truman's auxiliary reporting relationship willrepresented by a .25 point white dotted line, that wraps around the chart, and bears the label\"40%\".Each defined formatting rule is carried over to unformatted rules in subsequent AuxReportsTorelationships. For instance, in this example, all of the formatting rules applied to Gary Truman'sauxiliary reporting line are applied to Martin Sawyers, except for the label - Martin Sawyer's linebears the label \"30%\" instead.Note: If auxiliary lines overlap, the connecting line appears dashed:Formatting ReportsTo LinesThe ReportsToFormat field allows you to define the attributes of the ReportsTo linesconnecting managers and their reports. In the following sample chart, the line connecting LynnBrewer to her report, Larry Stevens, is indicated in the ReportsToFormat field.ID ReportsTo Name Title ReportsToFormat1 Lynn Brewer CEO21 Larry Stevens VP Sales “75%”, solid,.5,#0000003141 Claire VP Engineering Chancellor Fred Barnes VP MarketingFormatted attributes and rules are similar to those described in Formatting Auxiliary Linesabove, with a few differences.For reporting relationships, you can define the following connecting line attributes: Label: Label content is enclosed in quotes (\"10%\"). Line style: Define the style of auxiliary lines by including the word solid, dashed or dotted. Line weight: Define the thickness of the line by including a numeric value representing the point weight (.5, for example). Color: Define the color of a line by including a six-digit hexadecimal value (#FFFFFF, for example).mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

Source Data Requirements Page 8 of 8Strings of formatting rules are separated by commas. In the example above, the lineconnecting Larry Stevens to his manager, Lynn Brewer, will be represented by a .5 point solidblack line, that wraps around the chart, and bears the label \"75%\".In the example above, because Lynn Brewer's subsequent reports in the table (ClaireChancellor and Fred Barnes) have no formatting specified, formatting for Larry Stevens isapplied to their connecting lines. You can format one or more line attributes for thosesubsequent reports by adding the new attribute(s) to the ReportsToFormat field. For instance,in this example table, Lynn Brewer's other reports have different labels applied to them, but allother line attributes are as defined in Larry Stevens' ReportsToFormat\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Insperity\OrgPlus\OPHelp.chm::/09Im... 5/5/2015

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