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Home Explore Connect Magazine July 2022

Connect Magazine July 2022

Published by iambraja80, 2022-07-18 15:37:54

Description: Connect Magazine July 2022


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JSP in Social Media Jindal | July 2022 | 51

JSP in Social Media 52 | Jindal | July 2022

CSR@JSP Care with Love Jindal | July 2022 | 53

World Sickle Cell Day Tamnar: Each year, on June 19, countries all over the world celebrate World Sickle Cell Day, which was initially presented as a resolution by the United Nations in 2008. The goal of this day is to recognize sickle cell anemia, which is a public health problem and promote education about this genetic condition. On the occasion special camp for sickle cell patients and awareness program organized at OPJHRC –Tamnar. In the camp 42 patients tested and counseled. Meeting for Panchayat Development Barbil: A meeting organized along with CSR team, IR team and PRI members of Deojhar panchayat to welcome all the newly elected ward members and the Sarpanch to work together for the overall development of the panchayat. 54 | Jindal | July 2022

World Food Safety Day Tamnar: World Food Safety Day was observed on 7 June 2022 to draw attention and mobilize action to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks and improve human health. On the occasion awareness program organized at village – Kunjemura in Tamnar, which was attended by more than 60 people. Medical Camp in village Barbil: In order to provide health care in inaccessible and remote hamlets, a health camp organised at Bhentakar Sahi Village of Deojhar Panchayat. 62 patients benefitted with diagnostic & pharmacy services. Jindal | July 2022 | 55

High Risk Pregnancy camp Tamnar: To reduce IMR & MMR, Vatslaya program is being run in 44 villages including Rabo and Gare IV/1 in Tamnar. 46 Swasthya Sangini are working under the program to ensure safe motherhood and child care. 11 high risk pregnant women have been identified and a special care camp was organized on 22nd June at OPJHRC- Tamnar where Dr. Bishkha Day counseled and treated them. Health of these mothers are monitored on regular basis. Facility for Senior Citizens Care Barbil: Under Social Inclusion program a toilet complex, a clinic and a hospice home has been constructed and handed over to Ideal Development Agency- Keonjhar to prioritize care of senior citizens. The facility will benefit 60 persons including 40 senior citizens. 56 | Jindal | July 2022

Corporate Office: Jindal Centre, 12, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110 066, India Call: +91 11 2618 8340 | jsplcorporate Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. jsplcorporate jsplcorporate jsplcorporate All rights reserved. No part of this publication (text, data or graphic) may be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted, in any form whatsoever or by any means, without obtaining the written consent of JSP & Power Ltd. JindalJSP & Power Ltd. does not necessarily endorse the views in the articles that appear in the issue. | July 2022 | 57

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