Singapore Based Professional Translating ServicesIn the fiercely competitive international commercial sector, it’s important to be able to effectively communicate with one’s partners and clients, regardless of what language they happen to speak. With the corporate world taking an increasingly globalised approach to business, effective and accurate translation services aremore important than ever. This is particularly true in an international commercialhub like Singapore which attracts entrepreneurs and companies from almost every country on the planet seeking to establish a presence in the Asia Pacific region. In business, effective communication is a crucial factor which often plays a major rolein determining the success or failure of a venture. In instances where there are both linguistic and cultural differences between the two parties doing business it’sabsolutely imperative to invest in professional translating services you can rely on.
WhizWordz provides exactly this and is dedicated to providing highly experienced translators at affordable rates. Our translation agency has operated in Singapore for over 10 years and has amassed an expert team of 1000 professional translators based both locally andinternationally. Working in a dynamic range of language pairs, our translators are native speakers in the target language and come from a diverse range ofbackgrounds. This means that in particularly sensitive business transactions, our company will be able to provide an experienced translator with not only the linguistic skills required to communicate in the appropriate tone and style that suits the clients needs, but also the relevant cultural knowledge to ensureeverything runs smoothly. The accurate, reliable, and versatile service we provide can help to support your business as it develops an international presence and reposition itself as a truly global brand. Our company’s commitment to providing outstanding professional translation services has helped us establish a sound reputation and was recognised with the Singapore Business Excellence Award in 2011/ 2012. In addition to these services, we also provide copywriting, typesetting, certified document translation and both simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.
Established back in 2004, we started off with providing only English-Chinese translations. Today, with more than 10 years experience in the industry, WhizWordz has taken on a larger-scale with over 1000 local and internationaltranslators of several language pairs making us a reputable translation company in Singapore. We have managed to take our footprints global while working with clients both locally and abroad. This has allowed us to expand our services incorporating other communication tools such copywriting, website localisation, typesetting, interpretation, transcription amongst others. Our translators in Singapore are equipped with a full portfolio of language services to support clients globally. At WhizWordz, we strive to deliver only the best quality of work and exceed expectations in order to effectively communicate our client's message no matter which business they are a part of. We belief in supplying our clients with the professional service they deserve.Our Values Trust: We place great value on trust, when it comes to building relationship with our clients. Strong relationships are imperative in delivering our services consistently over time. Commitment: We are committed towards our promises made towards clients. Timeliness: We embrace punctuality like no others by delivering our clients’ requests right on time. Innovation: We make business innovation a part of our integral system to maintain our competitive edge in today’s ever-changing business climate. Leadership: We are guided by strong leadership, which places great emphasis on keeping our clients happy.
Providing Translation and Trans-creation ServicesThe professional translating services atWhizWordz are formed by over 1000 qualifiedand experienced translators, who are experts inlanguage translation in their respective industry.Always happy to be of service, we are proud tooffer some of the best and most value-for-moneytranslations services in Singapore, and cantranslate any content to your desired targetlanguage easily. Whizword’s languagetranslators in Singapore are capable of providingtranslation services for over 40 languages suchas English to Chinese translation and English toJapanese translation.We also provide website translation services which are extremely useful whentargeting oversea audience. Relating to them in their native language enables aconnection and rapport to be built quickly.In today’s global stage, the translation and creative processes work together toprovide for transcreation services. This helps to take your creative campaigns tonew heights, which is why we also specialise in transcreation services. Thisemerging form of translation is not yet seen commonly provided by manytranslation services agency. This form of translation best suits creative contenttargeted at the consumer sector. With regard to brand names, slogans andadvertisements, it is essential to translate the context together with the style andessence of the message. An effective transcreated campaign is able to invoke thesame emotions in the target audience, taking puns and design into consideration.We provide content in draft stages taking into account all comments and feedbackgiven by our clients. We then test its impact on the ground and make the necessaryrevisions until it gains the results you are looking for.We pride ourselves in our prompt and accurate delivery enabling you to carry outyour functions smoothly. Our transcreation service as well as language translationservice in Singapore have successfully assisted agencies and brands to build theircampaigns for markets abroad.
Our Projects Over the past 10 years, we have delivered a number of works pertaining to translation, copywriting and localisation. Here is a compilation of some projects carried out by us. If you are interested in learning more what we have been doing or are capable of doing, please contact us. We shall be more than happy to assist you.Our clientele list can be viewed by clicking here. Contact Us Tel: (65) 6600 3798 Fax: (65) 6259 1541 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Office Location: 151 Chin Swee Road #13-04 Manhattan House Singapore 169876 Website:
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