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Home Explore Goyder Newsletter 1 July 5 2020

Goyder Newsletter 1 July 5 2020

Published by frakking, 2020-07-06 10:10:25

Description: Goyder Newsletter 1 July 5 2020


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CommunityElectorate Newsletter Issue 1, July 2020 Water, jobs to flow from Dams Territory Alliance has annouced project that will boost the Territory Candidate for Nelson, Andy Harley, plans to fasttrack a $150 million economy and one that can attract says water access is a significant Infrastructure Investment creating federal infrastructure funding. It is issue in the rural area as the bore field 1000 jobs and secures our drinking estimated up to 1000 jobs could be water tables are getting lower and has water. generated across the course of the successfully lobbied for a water tanks project. subsidy scheme worth $6million. Territory Alliance Leader Terry Mills has announced plans bringing “ Territory Alliance are “We have bore failures occurring in Manton Dam online to supplement interested in funding real the rural blocks due to the age of the the Top End water supplies among projects with real jobs, infrastructure and with the current plans for a sweeping overhaul of not pipe dreams ” regulatory environment landowners water supply, access and quality. are facing real and urgent issues in “It would also become Darwin’s terms of access to new bores. The “Our construction sector needs major secondary source of reticulated water tanks give them an alternative projects to stand up quickly in a water – easing pressure on the water source of access to water while we post COVID19 recession and the reserves in the McMinn-Howard work with the relevant agencies on interconnect between Manton Dam East bore fields.” how to address the bores issue,” Mr and Darwin River Dam is exactly Harley said. Cont page 3 ... what is needed to secure water supply through the next two decades,” Mr Mills said. “The feasibility has been done on the interconnect and technology through an upgrade of the Darwin Water Treatment plan means this important project could deliver safe drinking water while still allowing recreation use of Manton Dam. It’s a win-win project worth about $150 million that would deliver local jobs. “This building of the interconnect would be a significant infrastructure Rachael WRIGHT for GOYDER

Policy interest ... Wright-around Goyder, Great catch up with Foodbank NT Freds Pass Markets, lots of good chat Let’s chat ... What is happening in and around your rural-world? What are your ideas, concerns, or would just like to meet as a viable alternative to represent you? I’m approachable, easy to chat with and welcome your contact m: 0455 660 002 [email protected] Mum’s Pea & Ham basil, rosemary, marjoram, Dry Season Soup oregano. Crusty bread and chopped fresh Ingredients: flat-leaf parsley, to serve. 1 tablespoon olive oil Method: 1 small brown onion, finely chop 2 garlic cloves, crushed This can be cooked either in the 2 sticks celery, diced slow cooker or the camp oven 3 cups of liquid chicken stock depending on your circumstances. 1 dried bay leaf 300g potatoes, diced skin on is fine Chuck it all in the pot and allow it 650gm ham hock to slow cook until the potatoes and 1/2 half a cup of pearl barley. pearl barley is soft and the meat 1 cup green split peas, washed. Or falls off the bone. 400gm tin chickpeas can be used. Camp oven: Depends on the heat of 1/2 cup mix of what ever herbs your coals, trial and error. Usually from the veggie patch eg coriander, about two hours on medium level heat. (Weber BBQs suggest: if you need to pull your hand away after 2-4 secs the heat is high. 5 to 7 sec is med and 8-10 is low ;) Slow cooker: I put on medium for three hours. Give a good stir allowing the meat to fall off the bone. Yum, enjoy, Rachael and Mum Rachael WRIGHT for GOYDER

I look forward to seeing you Goyder and Nelson you have choice Palmerston and Litchfield Seniors Dams: water, jobs Fred Pass Markets, Saturday July 4 From page 1 Organisation standards of water for Market chats for all things rural domestic use. Candidate for Goyder, Rachael Wright, welcomed the initiatives “We will ensure that PowerWater in this policy position paper contains in its community service and with a pastoral background obligations access to safe drinking supported the focus on license water. We do not underestimate the reform to give long-term security importance of this to communities of access. in Central Australia. In our experience, where there is political “Territory Alliance understands that will and focus, we can be innovative we have exciting agricultural and with new technology and find horticultural opportunities, as borne solutions. This will be a clear task out in our Medicinal Cannabis we set in government.” Policy Position Paper. Providing an evidence-based review of water for license security is crucial to giving these industries certainty,” Ms Wright said. Mr Mills said that another important aspect of the water security policy will be an emphasis under a Territory Alliance government of ensuring that remote communities have access to World Health Where am I Goyder, Nelson or Daly ... A few people have been unsure of thier electorate when I’ve been out and about meeting. So for ease, click on the links below zoom in to find out :) Friends old & new, family, the rural way Goyder Map Nelson Map Daly Map Rachael WRIGHT for GOYDER

Food for Life: valued relief Food for Life is a program From our beginnings in June 2012 Community Mobile Pantry: of Baptist Care NT offering until August 2017, Food for Life has: Rural Locations groceries to individuals, families experiencing food insecurity. - Served 2145 individual clients Cornerstone Christian - Provided 16,439 bags of groceries Fellowship: Cnr Kundook Food for life partners with local - Distributed 121,767 kilograms Place and Whitewood Road, churches in the Darwin region to of groceries, equivalent to 162,356 provide space for the community meals to clients Howard Springs. mobile pantry and café. The space Open every Tues 9-11am. enables the clients to socialise and Who does this program serve? enjoy a complimentary morning tea. Living Waters Uniting Church: - Seniors and pensioners 21 Challoner Cir, Humpty Doo. How does the program work? - People with disability and sickness Open every Wed 9am-12 noon. - Individuals and families Foodbank Food for Life provides experiencing economic set-back St Francis Anglican Church: 25 clients with a full shopping bag of - Refugees and migrants Mardango Cres, Batchelor. Open bread, milk, meat, cereals, pasta, - Single Parents alternate Fridays 10am-12 noon. fruit and vegetables, canned goods - People escaping from domestic and toiletries. Clients accessing this violence Like to Volunteer? service find it hard to afford some of - University Student Click here ... these items in the supermarket. The pantry is located either inside the venue or within a bus, kindly donated by Baptist Care NSW. Clients either donate $10 towards food or utilize Food for Life vouchers provided by partner welfare agencies such as Anglicare, Catholic Care, Vinnies, Somerville, Carers NT. These donations enable Food for Life to cover some of our costs. Take a break for a giggle I went to buy some camou- Like to Donate? flage pants the other day, Click here ... DAD couldn’t find any. Eligibility: -JOKES- Healthcare Care, Pensioner Did you hear about the guy Concession, Commonwealth Seniors, Dad, did you get a haircut? who stole a calendar? Bridging Visa, FFL Vouchers. No, I got them all cut. He got 12 months. Payment: Donation of $10 for one bag of gracoeries, or FFL Voucher Did you hear about the What did the ocean say to the (value $10) from Welfare Agencies restaurant on the moon? shore? Great food, no atmosphere Contact: (08) 8947 3669 Email: Nothing, it just waved. [email protected] Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? Why do crabs never give to See Foodbank NT They say he made a mint. charity? Click here ... Because they’re shellfish. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. Rachael WRIGHT for GOYDER

What’s the story Policy interest ... with Gamba grass Gamba is go Gamba grass is a tall African and safety and threatens industries of wh perennial grass first introduced such as tourism and carbon farming. L into Australia in the 1930s for use as a cattle pasture in the Northern Gamba grass was declared a weed Territory and Queensland. in the NT in 2008, which prevented new plantings of the species. This Since its introduction, gamba grass occurred following a cost benefit has proven to be highly invasive, analysis that demonstrated the leading to ecosystem degradation, public burden of dealing with the habitat loss and species decline. weed’s impacts was greater than any private benefits gained by Extensive economic, social, cultural pastoralists. Since then, a growing and environmental costs associated evidence base points to a range with gamba grass invasions, and in of escalating economic and other particular threats to human safety impacts associated with gamba and property, are of increasing grass invasions in the NT. public concern. Helpful and nsightful info supplied Gamba grass has shown itself to be by one of the most destructive weeds in the Northern Territory. It spreads Like to learn more ... click here easily through pasture, bushland, riverine systems and transport corridors, and has diverse invasion pathways including via wind, water, animals and vehicles. Gamba grass is viewed as the invasive grass species that poses the greatest threat to Australian savannas. Northern Australia contains nearly a third of the total global area of remaining intact tropical savanna. While much of Australia’s savanna is largely intact, invasive grasses such as gamba pose a major threat to its ecological function and biodiversity, particularly through increased fuel loads and changed fire regimes The impacts of gamba grass invasion are diverse and infestations in the Territory have been shown to affect an array of economic, social, cultural and environmental values, such as biodiversity and environmental values, Indigenous cultural resources, human health Rachael WRIGHT for GOYDER

Can you find them? DOO T A K COC A K CUDU K AM MBG I PQR R A PRSP I TAEH EAAASAB LO RHEGS KN I G AMPOAUOA A R A AMR B R R N I NTEGR I T Y D I TNR ANUG ECCRAT EAK OEUS E P T I C NWD Z P E R O B T ANK S T AND 1. Rideon 6. Pig 11. Duck 16. Spit Rules: 12. Mahogany 17. Brahman 1. Yes, words can go in any direction 2. Speargrass 7. Crate 13. Trailer 18. Ironbark they like 2. No fighting 3. One print 14. Cockatoo 19. Gun out each, (see number 2) 4. Make 3. Damper 8. Septic 15. Akubra 20. Cuppa sure if using a marker on your screen, it’s a whiteboard marker ;p 5. When 4. Bore 9. Tankstand complete, brag to friends. 5. Ducttape 10. Integrity

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