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Home Explore 236 W. Mahoney Ave, Mesa AZ - auction terms & conditions

236 W. Mahoney Ave, Mesa AZ - auction terms & conditions

Published by jpauctioneer, 2015-08-13 16:47:21

Description: 236 W. Mahoey Ave, Mesa AZ - auction terms & conditions


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236 W. Mahoney Ave Mesa, AZ 85201 Auction Terms & ConditionsUnited Country – Excelerate Real Estate & Auction has been commissioned by the ownership to offer ata public \"Online Only - Internet Auction\" its commercial property located at 236 W. Mahoney Ave,Mesa AZ 85201.Agency Disclosure: United Country – Excelerate Real Estate & Auction (the “auction company”) is theagent of the Seller. However, you can expect the auction company to be truthful and honest to allparties and provide all known facts that may affect the value to be paid for the property.Auction Dates and Registration: The online auction begins on Friday, August 28 and ends ThursdaySeptember 3, 2015 at 12:00pm Arizona time with a “soft close”, meaning that a last minute bid willextend the bidding by 5 minutes. To be approved as an online bidder, a signed copy of the AuctionTerms and Conditions along with a signed Bidder's Certification must be received and approved by theauction office.Bid Acceptance & Purchase Contract: Winning bidder(s) will enter into a purchase contractimmediately upon being declared the winning bidders by the auction company. Upon close of theauction, the winning bidder will be sent via email an Auction Purchase Contract. A signed copy of thecontract must be received by the auction company by Friday, September 4, 2015 at 2:00pm Arizona time(hand delivered, faxed or scanned/emailed). All final bid prices are subject to approval by Seller.Bidder & Property Information: Bidder and property information has been prepared to help you inevaluating and bidding on the property. Such information includes:  Arizona Agency Disclosure  Bidder Registration Form  Buyer Broker Registration Form  Building inspection report  Commitment for Title Insurance  Market Conditions Advisory  Property Tax Record  Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract  Seller Property Disclosure Statement United Country - Excelerate Real Estate & Auction Phone/Fax: 480.422.6800  Excelerate your marketing. Accelerate your sale.

236 W. Mahoney Ave Mesa, AZ 85201Buyer Broker Participation: A 2% commission will be paid to the licensed real estate broker/agentwhose Buyer client closes escrow on the property. To qualify, the broker/agent must register theirBuyer client and abide by all terms of the Buyer Broker/Agent Registration Form which must bereceived and acknowledged by the auction company.Buyer’s Premium: A 5% Buyer's Premium (auction fee) will be added to the final bid price toestablish the contract sale price.Caveat Emptor: “Let the Buyer beware” that while every effort is made by the auction company toprovide accurate information, it does not accept responsibility for information presented. It is theresponsibility of the Buyer and/or the Buyer’s Broker/Agent to verify the accuracy of all informationpresented and conduct its own independent inspections, investigation and due diligence concerning theproperty to its satisfaction. When in doubt, check it out. Property sells “As-Is” with no warrantiesexpressed or implied by the Seller. Property included in the sale is the real estate and improvements.Closing: The balance of the Purchase Price (which includes the Buyer's Premium) is be due via a wiretransfer or certified funds to the title company on or before October 5, 2015, which is the date of closing.Contingencies: The final high bid on the property is irrevocable. The purchase IS NOT contingentupon financing, so be sure you are prepared to pay cash at closing or have arranged your financing priorto bidding. The purchase IS NOT contingent upon inspections post auction, so be sure you thoroughlyinspect the property and obtain any information important to you before the end of the auction.Earnest Money Deposit: Within 24 hours of acceptance of the auction purchase contract by the Seller,the successful bidder must make a NON-REUNDABLE Earnest Money Deposit of at least 5% of thetotal purchase price by cashier’s check deposit or direct wire transfer, payable to the title company.Online Auction Disclaimer: Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim againstUnited Country – Excelerate Real Estate & Auction or anyone else if the internet service fails to workcorrectly before or during the auction. United Country - Excelerate Real Estate & Auction Phone/Fax: 480.422.6800  Excelerate your marketing. Accelerate your sale.

236 W. Mahoney Ave Mesa, AZ 85201Possession: Possession will be given at closing, subject to the remaining rights of the current tenant, ifany.Pre-Auction Offers: The auction is subject to prior sale (the property can be purchased prior to the endof the auction) and pre-auction offers are welcome. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the auction atany time prior to the final bid closing.Property Inspection Dates: The property will be held open for public preview and inspection on thefollowing dates:Fri Aug 21: 11am - 2pmTues Aug 25: 11am - 2pmFri Aug 28: 11am - 2pmTues Sept 1: 11am - 2pmTitle Company: Chicago Title Agency will act as the escrow agent and provide the Buyer with anOwner’s Title Insurance Policy at the Seller’s expense providing the Buyer with good and clear title.The property will be conveyed by a Warranty Deed. Real estate taxes will be prorated to the day ofclosing. Escrow fee will be split evenly between Seller and Buyer. Seller will pay its customary closingfees with all other fees payable by the Buyer. The title company information is: Alan “Ace” Costley Vice President/Branch Manager Chicago Title Agency 1959 S. Val Vista Dr. no 103 Mesa, Az 85204 480-481-2272 Reference Order No.: C1507523-317-AC United Country - Excelerate Real Estate & Auction Phone/Fax: 480.422.6800  Excelerate your marketing. Accelerate your sale.