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Home Explore Complex-Sentence


Published by ทิพย์ชนก อินทนิล, 2021-02-09 11:05:21

Description: Complex-Sentence


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Complex Sentence

➢ What is a Complex Sentence? ▪ A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.

Here are some examples of complex sentences. The independent clause is in bold; • Bobby was delighted he got part in the school play, even though the part was a small one. • Because my porridge had gone cold. I heated it in the microwave. • After lots of practise, Josh still struggted to tie his shoelaces. • Let’s go back to the theatre where we watched the ballet. • After the storm hit the town, trees lay broken in the streets.

❖Complex Sentences Explained ▪ As you may have noticed from the examples above, a complex sentence can either start with the independent clause or the subordinate clause. If the subordinate clause comes first, you must add a comma. This is not needed if the independent clause comes first.

▪ An independent clause contains a subject and a verb, it can stand alone as a complete thought. Examples ➢ The football match was cancelled. ▪ A subordinate clause cannot stand alone, it needs to be linked to the independent clause to make sense. Examples ➢ Because it was raining.

▪ Put the two together and you have a complex sentence. Often the sentence will make sense whether the independent clause or the subordinate clause is put first; Examples ➢ Because it was raining, the football match was cancelled. ➢ The football match was cancelled, because it was raining.

A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. This means that the clauses are not equal, they use a co-ordinating conjunction that changes the rank of one or more of the clauses to make it less equal. For example; Independent clause + subordinating conjunction + dependent clause ➢ My Dad laughed when I told a joke. *****Subordinating conjunction - after - while - because - since - if - when

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