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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook - Health Science

Body Systems Flipbook - Health Science

Published by Lakshmi Vattikuti, 2020-09-17 11:19:15

Description: Body Systems Flipbook - Health Science
Alekhya Vattikuti - Pickett 1B


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Health Science Flip Book Alekhya Vattikuti Pickett, 1B

Table of Systems: Content: Contents 1. Integumentary ● Function 2. Musculoskeletal ● 10 vocabulary words 3. Nervous ● Key terms 4. Special Senses ● 4 diseases 5. Cardiovascular ● 2 health care careers 6. Respiratory ● System diagram 7. Digestive 8. Urinary 9. Reproductive

Integumentary System ● Function: protection, maintains body temp, excretion, perception of stimuli ● Vocabulary ○ Epidermis: topmost layer of skin ● derm/o, dermat/o: skin ○ Dermis: layer of connective tissue ● kerat/o: keratin ○ Hypodermis: fatty layer ● xer/o: dry ○ Nevus: mole ● xanth/o: yellow ○ Papule: pimple ● erythr/o: red ○ Verruca: wart ● pedicul/o: lice ○ Macule: freckle ● onych/o: nail ○ Lipocytes: fat cells ● myc/o: fungus ○ Sudoriferous gland: sweat gland ● pil/o: hair ○ Keratin: protein in nails ● lip/o: fat ● rhytid/o: wrinkle ● Diseases/Disorders ● albin/o: white ○ Keloid: abnormally raised thickened scar ○ Gangrene: tissue death ○ Albinism: condition of being white ○ Alopecia: hair loss due to genetics ● Healthcare Careers ○ Dermatologist: doctor of skin ○ Plastic surgeon: surgeon who reconstructs and repairs

Musculoskeletal System ● my/o: muscle ● myel/o: spinal cord; ● Function: movement, protection of internal organs, bone marrow holds body parts in position ● oste/o: bone ● cost/o: rib ● Vocabulary ● crani/o: skull ● -pexy: surgical ○ Bones: dense connective tissue used to hold body up ○ Joints: where 2 or bones connect fixation ○ Ligaments: tissue that attaches bone to bone ● chondr/o: cartilage ○ Cartilage: rubbery connective tissue at tip of nose and ears ● arthr/o: joint ○ Muscles: bundles of fibers held by connective tissue ● -plegia: paralysis ○ Tendons: fibrous tissue connecting muscle to bone ● kinesi/o: movement ○ Appendicular skeleton: makes body movement possible ○ Axial skeleton: protects vital organs ○ Skeletal muscle: voluntary muscle attached to bone ○ Smooth muscle: involuntary muscle used for peristalsis ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Atrophy: shrinking of muscle size ○ Tetany: state of sustained muscle contraction ○ Scoliosis: abnormal curvature of spine ○ Sprain: trauma to ligaments surrounding joint ● Healthcare Careers ○ Physical therapist: movement experts who improve movement ○ Orthopedist: doctor of skeleton and bones

Nervous System ● neur/o: nerve ● encephal/o: brain ● Function: sensory input, integration, motor output ● myel/o: spinal cord ● ambul/o: walk ● Vocabulary ● -esthesia: feeling ● mening/o: meninges ○ CNS: central nervous system, brain and spinal cord ● psych/o: mind ○ PNS: peripheral nervous system, nerves outside of CNS ● concuss/o: concussion ○ Brain: command center of nervous system ○ Occipital lobe: seeing ○ Temporal lobe: hearing, smelling ○ Frontal lobe: movement, reasoning, emotions, speech, personality ○ Parietal lobe: touching ○ Brain stem: connects cerebrum to spinal cord ○ CSF: cerebrospinal fluid, cushion for brain ○ Nerves: conduct electrical impulses throughout body ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Syncope: fainting because of inadequate blood flow to brain ○ Aneurysm dilation of blood vessel in cerebrum ○ Phobia: exaggerated fear ○ Seizure: disruption of electrical activity in brain ● Healthcare Careers ○ Neurologist: doctor of nerves and brain ○ Psychiatrist: doctor of mental disorders

Special Senses ● irid/o: iris ● -cusis: hearing ● Function: sensory input part of nervous system ● -opia: vision condition ● ot/o: ear ● Vocabulary ● tympan/o: eardrum ● ophthalm/o: eye ○ Photoreceptors: cells that detect light waves on retina ● -metry: process of measuring ○ Mechanoreceptors: cells that detect sound waves and pressure ○ Gustation: sense of taste ○ Olfaction: sense of smell ○ Chemoreceptors: cells that detect molecules in food and the air ○ Pupil: black opening at center of eye; allows light to enter ○ Retina: thin layer of tissue on back of inside of eye ○ Lacrimal glands: secrete tears from outer corner of eye ○ Tympanic membrane: ear drum; transmits vibrations ○ Cerumen: ear wax; protects middle ear ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Anosmia: complete/partial loss of sense of smell ○ Astigmatism: abnormal curve of cornea ○ Hyperopia farsightedness; can’t see near ○ Myopia: nearsightedness; can’t see far ● Healthcare Careers ○ Ophthalmologist: doctor of eyes ○ Otolaryngologist: doctor of ear, nose. and throat

Cardiovascular System ● cardi/o: heart ● angi/o: vessel(blood) ● Function: circulating blood throughout the body ● hem/o, hemat/o: blood ● brady-: slow ● Vocabulary ● tachy-: fast ● thromb/o: clot ○ Arteries: carry oxygenated blood from heart to body ● -emia: blood condition ○ Veins: carry deoxygenated blood from body to heart ● leuk/o: white ○ Aorta: largest artery ● erythr/o: red ○ Vena cava: largest vein with superior and inferior sections ● arteri/o: artery ○ Pulmonary circulation: from heart to lungs to heart ○ Systemic circulation: from heart to body to heart ○ Pulse: throbbing of arteries made by heart contractions ○ Endocardium: innermost layer; lines chambers ○ Myocardium: middle layer of cardiac muscle ○ Pericardium: outer layer of heart; has 2 layers ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Tachycardia: fast heart rate ○ Bradycardia: slow heart rate ○ Aneurysm:localized dilation of artery ○ Shock: insufficient peripheral blood flow ● Healthcare Careers ○ Cardiologist: Doctor of the heart ○ Cardiothoracic surgeon: surgeon of heart and lungs (chest area)

Respiratory System ● bronch/o: bronchus, bronchial tubes ● cyan/o: blue ● Function: inhaling, exhaling, exchanging gases ● laryng/o: larynx; voice box ● -oxia: oxygen ● Vocabulary ● oxy-: oxygen ● pleur/o: pleura ○ Lungs: spongy organs which oxygenate blood for heart ● pneum/o: lung, air ○ Trachea: windpipe; allows air to travel to and from lungs ● pulmon/o: lung ○ Pharynx: throat; passageway for food, liquid, and air ● thorac/o: chest ○ Larynx: enables vocal cords ● trache/o: trachea, windpipe ○ Bronchi: passageway for air inside lungs; lead to alveoli ○ Alveoli: air sacs where gas exchange occurs ○ Diaphragm: smooth thin muscle; helps lungs contract ○ Respiration: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide ○ Inspiration: inhalation; breathing in ○ Expiration: exhalation; breathing out ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Cyanosis: blue tint to skin due to lack of oxygen ○ Hyperventilation: breathing faster and deeper that normal ○ Aspiration: breathing in a foreign body during inspiration ○ Bronchitis: inflammation of bronchial tubes ● Healthcare Careers ○ Perfusionist: operate heart-lung machines ○ Respiratory therapist: help patients breathe and use ventilators

Digestive System ● Function: physical/chemical breakdown of food to be used by body ● Vocabulary ○ Ingestion: intake of food ○ Digestion: breakdown of food into nutrients ○ Absorption: nutrients enter bloodstream and are delivered to body ○ Elimination: unused solid waste getting expelled ○ Mouth: receives food and physically breaks it down using teeth ○ Stomach: chemically breaks down food using enzymes ○ Small intestine: chemical digestion continues and absorption occurs ○ Large intestine: absorbs liquid and feces is left ○ Rectum: last part of colon; stores feces until passed out of anus ● cholecysto/o: gallbladder ○ Gallbladder: stores and concentrates bile ● enter/o: intestines ● col/o, colon/o: large intestine ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Gastroesophageal reflux disease: upward flow of acid to esophagus ● hepat/o: liver ○ Pyrosis: heartburn; burning feeling in chest from GERD ● gastr/o: stomach ○ Obesity: excessive accumulation of fat in the body ○ Hepatitis inflammation of the liver ● or/o: mouth ● Healthcare Careers ● -pepsia: digestion ○ Dentist: Doctor of mouth, teeth, and gums ● chol/e: gall; bile ○ Gastroenterologist: Doctor of digestive system ● proct/o: rectum; anus

Urinary System ● -cele: hernia ● -lysis: breakdown ● Function: produces, stores, and eliminates urine ● cyst/o: cyst; sac ● nephr/o: kidney ● Vocabulary ● ren/o: kidney ● -uria: urination ○ Urinary Tract: organs in urinary system ● -pexy: surgical fixation ○ Kidney: bean-shaped organ; filter blood and make urine ● -ectasis: dilation; distention ○ Renal cortex: outer layer of kidneys; contain nephrons ● pyel/o: renal pelvis ○ Nephron: filtration, reabsorption , and secretion take place ○ Renal medulla: inner region of kidneys ○ Ureters: 2 tubes which carry urine to bladder ○ Urine: liquid byproduct of metabolism filtered from blood ○ Urethra: tube that urine leaves from ○ Bladder: hollow organ which holds urine ○ Urethral sphincters: muscles which control flow of urine ● Diseases/Disorders ○ Incontinence: loss of bladder control ○ Diuresis: abnormally increase in production of urine ○ Auria: absence of urine production ○ Cystitis: inflammation of bladder ● Healthcare Careers ○ Urologist: Doctor of male urinary system ○ Nephrologist: Doctor of Kidneys

Reproductive System ● Function: produce and transport gametes; females nurture developing offspring ● Vocabulary ○ Ovaries: female glands that produce and store eggs ○ Fallopian tubes: tubes connecting ovaries to uterus ○ Estrogen: hormone released by ovaries; stimulates egg production ○ Uterus: hollow organ nourishes and protects fetus till birth ○ Vagina: muscular passageway which the baby body leaves from ○ Ovulation: release of mature ovum from ovary ○ Penis: organ that houses uretra, where urine and sperm leave body ○ Testicle: produce sperm and secrete testosterone ● cervic/o: cervix; neck ○ Testosterone: stimulate sperm production; puberty changes ● salping/o: fallopian tube ○ Puberty: changes which bodies go through during adolescence ● ov/o: ovum ● orchid/o: testes ● Diseases/Disorders ● oophor/o: ovaries ● men/o: menses; menstruation ○ Infertility: inability to get pregnant ● mamm/o: breast ○ Anorchia: absence of testes at birth ○ Syphilis: bacterial infection spread by sexual intercourse ○ Endometriosis: Endometrial tissue grows outside uterus ● Healthcare Careers ● gynec/o: female; woman ○ Gynecologist: Doctor of female reproductive health ● colp/o: vagina ○ Andologist: Doctor of male reproductive health ● prostat/o: prostate gland

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