What Are the Best Ways to Gear Up in Retail WoW? Gearing up in WoW is the essential process for any player. This game is all about powerful equipment so it’s only natural that you’ll be doing most activities with the aim to get more epic items. Obviously, some ways to do that will yield better results faster, while others will slow down your progress. In this little article we decided to list the best ways to obtain high-level gear in WoW. This guide remains relevant for the Dragonflight expansion, too. We’ll discuss top-4 sources of gear at the max level and arrange them from the least to most recommended. 4. RAIDS Raids are one of the staples of the World of Warcraft experience. Unfortunately, lately they haven’t gained more popularity though – it looks like Mythic plus dungeons have been leaving raids behind in terms of how many players choose to participate in them. Still raids remain one of the best sources of high-end gear and Mythic raids have the best gear in the game, only comparable to that from the highest arena ranks.
The problem with raids is the number of people it takes to complete one: it’s 10+ players. Needless to say, it’s not always fun to gather such a team and coordinate it throughout 10 boss fights or more. Also, there can be fights for a particular item that has dropped from a boss – it’s less probable with the personal loot system but it can still happen. On average a single raid run returns you about 2 items. So if you participate in a Normal and Heroic run weekly, you can get about 4 items every 7 days + a week-end reward from your great vault for a total of 5. It might not be too many – especially considering how different the qualities of items from Normal and Heroic raid modes are – and it doesn’t always feel like a raid run was worth it at all. We have a solution for that: we offer raid carries with loot trading. Hence you can drastically increase the number of items you receive within just a single run. And you don’t have to bother with gathering a team. Our pros have a solid pre-made raid group that will basically do everything for you. 3. ARENA Arena is the pinnacle PvP activity in the retail WoW. Gearing up there might not be everyone’s cup of tea since fighting other players is very different from fighting NPCs. If it’s your idea of fun, go ahead, you won’t regret it. You can collect 2 currencies there: honor and conquest. Honor is limitless and you can get as much of it as your spare time lets you. Conquest is time-gated and you can only earn so much within one week. Obviously, the latter is used to buy better items than the former. Also, you will get an additional item from the weekly vault for participating in the arena and earning currencies there.
While it’s possible to gear up pretty fast by doing arena, it’s not what most players in WoW prefer to do. PvP has its unique rules and the majority of WoW players are PvE-inclined. Hence, if you want to get some arena fast but you’re not sure you want to fight players, you can always have some help from our pro team. We have a vast catalog of arena services, so you will likely find something that will suit you there. 2. GREAT VAULT The Great Vault is not a separate activity. Nevertheless, it’s a separate source of loot and a pretty good one. It helps you keep up your gear progression by giving you an extra reward each week for participating in any of the 3 most popular high-end activities. Those activities are raids, arena, and Mythic plus dungeons. The more active you’ve been this week, the more item options you’ll get to choose from at the end of the week. However, you can only choose one item per week – it’s impossible to have more than that. The good part of it is that great vault items are usually really strong and they will likely become a powerful replacement for your current piece of gear.
1. MYTHIC PLUS DUNGEONS Mythic Plus dungeons are the new king of the WoW PvE experience. They are pretty short and straightforward, yet they still have challenges to offer. This mode is good both for casual and hardcore players – both groups will find something that they enjoy there. And gear is pretty easy to obtain there too. At the end of each dungeon you successfully finish, you’ll find a loot chest containing some gear. If you’re lucky, you can loot lots of fitting armor within one day. And at the end of the week you will still get one more item from the great vault. There’s also a trick, however. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards – that’s nothing new, of course. High key levels might be a real obstacle for casual players, so if you belong to that group don’t be shy to request some assistance from pros. We offer a wide choice of Mythic+ carries that will help you beat high-level keys and receive lots of valuable items for that.
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