MAG #1 GRIPSTER Euro 5,00 BEHIND THE SCENES Training camp with WM3 Pro Cycling Team LETHAL & BEAUTIFUL Exploring new trails on the Faroe Islands INTELLISEAL AND ZIPPERLESS SHOE COVERS Award winning design Cycling magazine byEuro 5,00
AroUadT.UTMhrNowISa HsinEgRleEt.rTaihl eatgyraovuerl bike presents a wide array of possibilities on and off gravel bike and it will respond with easy handling andplenty of grip. Bring it for a ride on never ending gravel roads and you will most likelyresonante with joy.Photo by Martin Paldan
Ridley / Different Hotels ANNONCE
DonOtNhe´TtraLiElsTanWdIgNetTrEeRwaSrTdOedPwYiOthUm. Dilersesins uthpefobroaokw.hite adventurePhoto by Martin Paldan
Ridley / Different Hotels ANNONCE
GRIPSTER MAG #1 Cover photoMartin Paldan, Faroe Islands12 36 24 Contributors Peter Ebro Thomas Jean Nielsen Alex Buck Tore B. Andersen Thanks to Danny Sørensen Helgi W. Olsen Website gripstermag.comCycling magazine by
CONTENTS 12 Training camp with WM3 Pro Cycling Team 20 Faroe Islands MTB adventure 25 Fixie in Copenhagen21 What is a gravel bike? GripGrab Media Crew - Info and portfolios Newsletter Sign-up Watch this! Three cycling movies Cycling Essentials for the rainy season Get inspired - Visit the Videos? Yes, please - Go to GripGrab YouTube Award winning design - Intelliseal & Zipperless shoe covers Hansens Cykelløb - How the Danes do it Road vs off-road shoe covers R&D - Making of the Euro Champ glove for Marianne Vos FULL PAGE DOUBLE SPREAD AWESOME PHOTOS
SPEED &FRIENDSHIPS Words and photography by Paul Foulonneau and Alex BuckTraining camp withWM3 Pro Cycling Team PHOTO STORY
A training camp is not only about training yourmuscles. Each year for those pro riders, it meansfresh air. New bike. New kit. New mates. So whatare they really doing there? Follow our adventurethrough a day with the WM3 Pro Cycling Team’sriders.
A team Being a pro rider means working by pedaling. If you are lucky, your colleagues can become your friends. It is the perfect opportuniy to meet each other and chat together. On the bike. At lunch. Everytime & everywhere.A bikeWM3 Pro Cycling riders are using the new Ridleyframe specially designed for women’s anatomy. A road They are pro riders. Road lovers. Race winners. They share a passion for the asphalt and for the need for speed. A staff What’s behind ? Professional riders need profession- al staff to give their best on the bike. Setting up the speeds, switching the power meter, adding a new tape, changing a bearing. That’s what the mechanic is doing ten hours a day. A race The riders are hungry for more. Hunting the Victory.
Exploring new trails on the Faroe IslandsLAND OFSLEEPINGBEAUTY Words by Brett Smith and photography by Martin PaldanAmap spread out on a table. The steep rocks, grassy hills, waterfalls, fog, ambitions between making good results crew is still warm from the day’s mist and sheep. The name Faroe is an in races and having fun on the bike. expedition. Anna Maria is pre- ancient word for sheep, and the animals Besides being part of the Danish crossparing a well anticipated dinner in the play a huge part in both nowadays busi- country scene he competes in stagekitchen. Helgi, her son, is still in cycling nesses and yesterday’s traditions. With races such as the Andalucía Bike Racebibs and leaning over the table. His less than 50.000 people living on the 18 and Swiss Epic and lives and breathesindex finger is hovering over the map islands, and most of them concentrated for mountain biking, always looking forjust like he´s about to use it for braking. in the bigger cities (which are no way the next adventure.The green nuances and altitude curves big), the sheep rule the mighty terrain, Whenever the opportunity arises, Helgiindicate the Faroe signature scenery: and share it only with the occasional grabs the chance to travel back homeSoft, grassy hills inviting for a picnic, bird watcher or hiker. Helgi, a native to his birth place to visit his family anddramatically ending in lethal hundred Faroese now living in Denmark, is a to explore the terrain of the 18 Northmeter vertical drops straight into the dedicated mountain biker, and has his Atlantic islands. Together with hisocean. It´s a Nordic landscape with no eyes and wheels set on exploring the fellow mountain bike riders back home,thousand meter peaks to climb, but sleeping beauty of the Faroe Islands. he took steps to start the Faroe Islandswith plenty of smaller mountaintops to ´The landscape is stunning, and only Mountain Bike Club. The purpose ofconquer for the outdoor minded. ´This few people are using it for leisure pur- the club is to create a community ofspot is so beautiful - We went there in pose. It´s truly the great outdoors, with riders on the Faroe Islands that share afull sunlight and blue sky – We could a very rough and Nordic feel to it! It´s passion for mountain biking. With thesee for miles ´ His finger stops, and he a completely unique experience to ride development of a new trail area in Tor-puts down his finger on a mountain top your mountain bike up here´ Helgi says shavn, the club hopes to attract morenear the sea. He then grabs his phone and turns his face into a broad smile, members and to build out the mountain´I´ll show you a photo! I want a trail to that must be straight out of his Viking biking culture in the future.pass this point´. genes. Two riders and a photographer The Faroe Islands is situated roughly Faroe MTB Club It´s late afternoon as the little van parkshalfway between Scotland and Iceland. Helgi is born and raised in the Faroe near the lake Leitisvatn close to theAs the name suggests, The Faroe Is- Islands and now lives in Denmark, north airport. Helgi and his friend Lisette getlands is a series of islands – 18 in total of busy Copenhagen in a small village their bikes ready, and the photographertaking up 1399 square kilometers of raw next to the forest. He has less than five snaps the obligatory shots of themterrain in the North Atlantic Ocean, and minutes to the mountain bike trails, preparing, and then the photographer isconnected via bridges, tunnels, boats and is a dedicated rider, balancing his gone. Like a dog getting the scent of aand helicopters. This is the land of
Romantic and lethal
wild animal in the woods, the photogra- are amazing – The fact that the ocean bikes, and often try a specific section again if they lose balance the first timepher is off to the lake shore to capture is visible from almost all locations gives and need to clip out of their pedals. They explore the natural challenges insome shots of the weatherworn old the light an extraordinary ocean/sky the terrain and slowly make their way towards the horizon.stone boathouses. quality that I haven´t seen before. I hope Non-existing trailsMartin Paldan is an award-winning the photos speak for themselves, it´s Helgi has initiated a dialogue with the Faroese tourist board Visit Faroeaction sports photographer from Copen- difficult to describe in words´. Islands, and has presented them with the potential in creating marked trailshagen, Denmark, and is regarded in the Helgi and Lisette are ready with their for mountain bikers, both for the local riders, but in the bigger perspectiveDanish mountain bike environment as TREK bikes. The air is northerly crisp, the mountain bike trails will be of huge interest for travelling riders coming tothe guy who is responsible for creating but desaturated tones of yellow and the Faroe Islands to experience the outdoors. The Tourist Board is lookingcaovmismuaulnbiotyo. sHtisinhtihgGeh-moquotauolnittyGa, green have filled the landscape with raw at this opportunity with positive eyes, melancholy and desolation. Darkness as they see a growing potential in active tourism. With all the current trails ascaptured action photos, often with fill is closing in. Even though the airport is a starting point, Helgi has defined two kinds of trails on the Faroe Island: Firstflash in broad daylight, have given him only a few kilometers away, the terrain on the list are the currently non-exist- ing XCO trails for training and racing.the status as the leading action sports is vast and there´s not a single soul There´s a municipality plan to establish such trails in the city of Torshavn (capi-photographer in Denmark. He won´t within sight. Only the old stone boat tal of the Faroe Islands), up in the terrain near the Hotel Torshavn. This plan isadmit this himself. He will hold up his houses indicate human activity at some due to an effort made by the Faroe MTB Club (, and the result will be acamera and say that he´s fortunate point – And according to their moss- series of trails with berms, rock gar-to do what he loves to do – and that grown rooftops and the size of rockshe´s still a beginner. His fuel is clearly making up the houses – this most likelya strong passion for the photographic would have been activities involvingmedium and dedicated urge to tell swords and wizardry in ancient times!visual stories. As the chief photographer The destination is the horizon only afor the Danish cycling accessory brand few kilometers away. At this point theGripGrab, Martin was excited to be lake will meet the ocean in a mightygiven the opportunity to follow Helgi´s waterfall. There´s no obvious trail, andmountain bike expedition to the Faroe Helgi and Lisette quickly find them-Islands. ´I didn´t know what to expect, selves exploring different lines crossingand I´m completely overwhelmed by small streams, going over big beds ofthe scenery! I have been on many photo flat rock, cruising through sand andadventures around the world, but it´s water at the lake shore and fightingbeen a while since I felt how I feel on their way through soggy sections in thethis expedition! The views and the light higher terrain. They´re having fun on the
Go to dens, flow sections and more. This will be the ´home ground´ of the Faroe MTB Club. It´s an arena for the dizzy The second type are the trails that Helgi to break into tears and for sees as ´adventure trails´. Current trails the strong to feel dignity. that will bring the rider in close experience with the stunning scenery and provide an excellent ride. These trails are both exist- ing single trails and the occasional gravel roads. By connecting these to new trails, plus adding markings along the routes, the Faroe Islands can present an amazing grid of trails for the adventurous rider. Vertical drop of a hundred meter As the sun leaves the sky and gently dives into the ocean, Helgi and Lisette have found a trail a bit from the lake shore, a trail that leads towards the horizon. The trail is soggy and hard to ride as the last bit is uphill. They shift gears, lean forward and push hard in the pedals. They´re driven by their curiosity and urge to explore new places on their mountain bikes. Helgi can´t imagine that there has ever been a mountain bike at this location. Hikers yes, but mountain bikers most likely not. Helgi´s love for mountain biking is genuine and combined with his urge to create opportunities for other riders, it´s only fair to say that Helgi is a Nordic pioneer, and an adventurer by heart.
With a mixed feeling of complete horror biking. Who´s winning the races, where downloadable map indicating the top 5and utter fascination Lisette is standing do you find the best mountain bikewhere the landscape ends. From riding photos online and which magazines existing trails along with the top 5 scen-with comfort and a confident feeling of have the best reviews of gear. Thenground beneath her wheels, she´s now the home baked cake is put on the ery spots Fthroamt ctahneGbreeoirtetcoaocuGhledrdiepbvGoylmvraeobwu.nict-homexperiencing a complete disintegration table, and together with cups of coffee tain bike.of gravity and physics! It´s an arena for being poured, the sweet scent is doingthe dizzy to break into tears and for the its magic – The crew is comfortably markings along selected routes, infostrong to feel dignity. Hundred meters drowsy from the day´s exploring. Thebelow her feet the roaring Atlantic way back from the vertical rocks to the boards at the trail heads and motivatingOcean is bashing against the rocks that lake shore parking was in the dark withrise straight from the ocean and dra- head torches and rider´s souls saturat- local businesses to consider the possi-matically reaches for the sky. A vertical ed with satisfaction and fascination.palisade that will make the blood freeze This is what Helgi wants other riders to bilities with such a even the toughest man. It´s like a experience, and the question naturallygiant took a big bite of the island and is: What is the next step in the project? ´The first step is now taken. Let´s seeleft a piece for later. Helgi would like to get inspiration and practical knowledge from other loca- where this goes. It´s the beginning of Gravity comes back and soon Helgi tions that have gone through a similarand Lisette are cruising the hills along development. From bike parks to bigger an adventure – Not just for me, but forthe edge. In the last light of the day they trail systems with markings, gradings,ride with big smiles and firm grips. It´s maintenance plan and a community. every rider and adventurer that decidesflow, it´s the moment, it´s being alive on Inspiration from these places will helpthe Faroe Islands. him define and more precisely describe to come here and explore. ´ says Helgi. his vision for mountain biking on theThe vision Faroe Islands, so it can be presentedBack at the dinner table at Helgi´s to the right people. It could start with aparents, the talk is all about mountain
The weather can be unpredictable. Be sure What type of bike is best for the Faroe Inspired to go?to bring gloves, shoe covers and rain- and Islands? When asked about this, Helgiwindproof gear even in summer time. Here´s explains: More info about the Faroe Islands can beHelgi´s list of preferred gear: found at “You will get an experience with whatever“For gloves I highly praise the GripGrab Verti- mountain bike you ride here, but I will say thatcal for summer rides. They have outstanding the trail capable full suspension mountaingrip, thanks to the new InsideGrip technology, bike will make you smile the most. Lately myand will protect your hands in case you crash. preferred bike has been the Trek Fuel EX plusIf you plan to go in spring or autumn, I suggest which is a 140/130 travel 27.5 plus sized tireto bring an insulated glove like the GripGrab bike. The beefier tires fit perfectly for bothWindster. For shoe covers I recommend the the rockier trails and for the soft grass inGripGrab RaceAqua X for an all-round, all the mountains. Because of the often steepweather cover. If it gets cold, then the insu- technical climbing I tend to look for, I like thelated Race Thermo will keep your feet warm 2x11 gearing on this bike. When I go on my XCand dry. As the countryside is remote with few bikes fooling around I have an 1x11 gearingpeople, and the weather can change in a heart- that does the job fine. But I much prefer tobeat, always bring a backpack with plenty of go with a trail bike as it is like these bikes areenergy, a good windbreaker jacket, spare tube, made for the adventures on the Faroe and a comfortable cap that will protect I still must try an Enduro bike up here, but ityour ears. It´s of course mandatory to bring a could be good fun as well. There are just noGPS device and a smartphone, and always let built trails with jumps and such so the lightersomebody know about your planned ride.” climbing mid travel trail bikes seem perfect to me right now. That being said, even road bik- ing is great here as everything is astonishingly beautiful no matter what way you point your choice of bike!”
inspiration &
WHAT IS A GRAVEL BIKE?The Gravel bike – also known as A road bike to go offroad The geometry the all-road bike or adventure bike, We can very quickly establish that the The top tube is sloping in order to is a bike designed with the bene- gravel bike is closer related to the road provide a comfortable standoverfits of the road bike but with the ability bike and the cyclo cross bike than to height. This adds comfort and reliefto ride on more rough surfaces, typically a mountainbike, so don´t expect your to your ride, when you dismount duesuch as gravel roads, dirt roads and not gravel bike to conquer rock gardens and to obstacles on your course, or whentoo technical singletracks. This might big drops. You will find zero suspension you´re bikepacking and need to stopsound like a cyclocross bike, but with on a gravel bike (except for the suspen- for navigation. The taller headtubethe cross bike being a machine built for sion you get out of deflating the tyres). provides a more upright position, thusspeed with a more ´agressive´ design, So is the gravel bike just a road bike adding comfort to the (longer) ride.the gravel bike grants you a more com- with bigger and more knobby tyres? No, With a longer wheelbase you get a morefortable two wheeled vehicle that allows there´s more to it than just tyre size. As stable and comfortable ride. Often youyou to go off the beaten path for a day the road bike is built with the purpose will experience longer chainstays onof discovering or to go on multi-day of going fast, the geometry of the gravel gravel bikes, in order to give clearanceadventures with luggage. bike differs from the road bike in several for the rider´s heels when panniers are ways. Generally, the gravel bike is built mounted. A more slack head tube angle As the gravel bike presents a lot of with more comfort in mind. makes handling and control better , andopportunities to enjoy riding in very is much less aggressive compared todifferent environments, it´s interesting Continue to the full the race-oriented cx delve into how the gravel bike is “What is a gravel bike” articledesigned. on, and see the video on turning waiting time into gravel time.
OFF BIKEThree movies about cycling for the short moments, when not riding your bike Laceped quisti bea volupta quatem etur aut pa veraept atempere dolupiet ma doleniet qui occus inulpa consectat ent omnia quam fugia diciis eatibeat faccae dolorat. It eos ex escid ulparup taquatemped ullique est estiiss imilibu sandae veliamet la do- lorum volorro volor sam consersperem audioreped modictur? Acea ducipis denisto cum eaquaeptaquo velit aut ipsuntium quae pe volupti nos es adit ommod quam ne volupta voleceperi dolum quam sed magnimus. Ror seruntem sa ea accus molum aut voluptate volore cus pos magni corehen digenis alit moditat alignih itassus non plis molorat uremolor as aut earibusciis ne por arup- tae rchilluptae consera turestrum voluptur minvendam re, volupiet vendion eatur ma velenimus earum rempero tor maiostiunt aut eum velitatur? On endiorerrum exerspi dicitatent posapel ium et etus, nihilla que labo. Ebit landis et volore magnat apictur aut eum quatur? Inveliqui volesed itatur audis ditem restiis alique diciis eratem labor sime parum fugit ea demodipsande dolupta sition entur? Sequiae. Cae pro eligeni tassit laborro volut quo et repraererio te prerferisit aut facepre, que quis res ut magnatum dolent.
AWARD WINNIIntelliSeal & Zipp
A REVOLUTIONIN SHOE COVERDESIGN For fall/winter, GripGrab has overhauled their lineup of shoe covers almost entirely. The new top of the range models RaceThermo, RaceThermo Hi-Vis, RaceThermo X, Arctic and Arctic X incorporates the award winning IntelliSeal technology, and have reached a new level in functionality and performance.ING DESIGN In an effort to solve three problems with Zipperless designperless shoe covers shoe covers in one simple solution, Accompanied by the IntelliSeal technol- the new range of shoe covers features ogy, the design of GripGrab’s new range the new IntelliSeal innovation, winner of of shoe covers challenges the existing a Eurobike Award 2017. IntelliSeal is a paradigm of how to put on shoe covers. rubberized coating of the binding at the The new zipper-less shoe covers go on bottom of the shoe cover. This reduces before putting on the cycling shoes. This the tendency of shoe covers getting wet has several advantages: First off, a zipper on the inside due to the wicking effect of can break, which can’t happen if you don’t the material along the edge of the shoe have one. Then there also is no chaffing or cover, and results in a warmer and dryer rubbing, which could in some cases lead construction. It also allows the shoe cover to rider discomfort. Despite the best ef- to sit tighter around the sole of the shoe forts, zippers often are a weak point when and therefore making it harder for water to it comes to water resistance. The new get inside the shoe cover from the bottom. design allows the shoe cover to sit tightly Lastly, the rubber coating provides a around the leg and the shoe, making it durable protection from wear and tear and more difficult for water to run down the leg makes the stitches last longer, adding to and into the shoe cover. the overall durability of the shoe covers. “These high-visibility shoe covers feature an innovative and effective seal around the shoe. The seamless design also makes them very flexible, watertight and comfortable to wear.” – Eurobike Award Jury on RaceThermo Hi-Vis
Ride in any conditionScandinavian weather is often wet, windyand cold. Riding in these conditions putgreat demands on the equipment for therider to stay comfortable. GripGrab shoecovers are developed and tested undersuch conditions, and always with the aimof making it possible to ride and be com-fortable in any condition. The GripGrabrange of products ranks among the beston the market.Zipper-less design in short• No zipper• Tight, snug fit• New way of putting on shoe covers• Better water resistance, no chaffing, better fittingIntelliSeal in short• Rubberized bottom part of shoe covers• Prevents the shoe from getting soaked in road spray• Tighter fit keeping road spray away from the shoe• Better durability due to protected stitching
“There is no such thing as bad weather. The weather is only acircumstance you need to deal with by chosing the right gear.The weather shouldn´t dictate wether you should ride or not.”– Kristian Krøyer, Head of Design & Development, GripGrab
GRIPGRAB MEDIA CREW A COMMUNITY OF PHOTOGRAPHERS GripGrab Media Crew is an international community of photographers on all levels - From amateurs to full time professional photographers. What they have in common is a strong passion for sports photography. The GripGrab Media Crew exists both as an online forum and also as locally based communities. The aim is to create a shared platform for all members, in which they can develop their photographic skills by being active with their cameras, meeting at local photo sessions and by getting feedback and tips from eachother. The annual GripGrab Media Crew Meet-ups are each year held at different locations and at different events throughout Europe, and give the members an oppor- tunity to meet in person and enjoy several days of shooting and sharing experiences. The GripGrab Media Crew has more than 40 members from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, United Kingdom and USA. More info on how to join the GripGrab Media Crew community can be found at
GripGrab Newsletter sign-up
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GripGrab produk
kter intro til overview
GripGrab short glovesAero TT WorldCupThe Aero TT is the ultimate glove for time trials The WorldCup features a unique combination of 4and high speed races. A super slim fit thanks tothe close fitting wrist cuff and fingers make for mm DoctorGel padding, a ventilated palm and backmaximum aerodynamic advantage. The padding isoptimized for gripping the aerobars that reduces moisture and ensures a comfortable and secure grip. Combined with top quality materials and easy slip-on elastic cuff.Roadster SuperGelThe Roadster is the choice for riders in need for The SuperGel is the most shock absorbing glove ina tan-through, breathable and ultra lightweight the range, featuring high end materials and 6 mmglove. It's the preferred choice for racing in hot DoctorGel padding. This pair of gloves offersconditions. maximum protection against fatigue and numbness ofThe Roadster comes with 2 mm Doctor Gel padding. the hands related to cycling activity.ProGel ProGel Hi-VisProGel are one of the most comfortable fingerless ProGel Hi-Vis increases your visibility and safetygloves available. Constructed from lightweight, when riding, and are one of the most comfortableflexible materials they offer maximum freedom of fingerless gloves available. Made of lightweight,movement along with excellent fit and grip. 4 mm flexible materials they offer maximum freedom of movement along with excellent fit and grip.
GripGrab short glovesWomen’s ProGel Women’s SolaraThe Women's ProGel is one of the most comfortable The Women's Solara is made of tan-throughfingerless gloves available. Constructed from materials, which ensures an even tan on yourlightweight, flexible materials they offer maximum hands. The Solara provides a superb fit designedfreedom of movement and excellent fit and grip. specifically for women and is constructed fromThe 4 mm DoctorGel padding helps prevent fatigue. lightweight, flexible materials.Women’s Rouleur EasyRiderThe Women's Rouleur gloves offer a superb fit and The EasyRider gloves are an excellent choice forare designed specifically for women. Constructedfrom lightweight, flexible materials, they offer recreational road cycling and MTB riders. Comesmaximum freedom of movement and excellent grip. with durable suede palm and supple mesh back. TheThe Women's Rouleur comes with comfort padding. 4 mm DoctorGel padding helps reduce fatigue and numbness of the hands related to cycling.Rouleur RideThe Rouleur is an all-round glove with comfort The Ride is a close fitting glove for roadpadding, which is suitable for shorter distance cycling. The combination of lightweight materials,road cycling. Constructed from lightweight, thin padding and slip-in closure gives it a lightflexible materials, they offer maximum freedom of and minimalistic feel.movement along with excellent grip.
GripGrab long glovesRacing VerticalThe Racing is a pro level performance glove, with Vertical is designed for downhill and free riding.the award winning InsideGrip technology that It features the award winning InsideGrip technologydelivers an unforeseen level of handlebar control. that prevents your hand from sliding inside the gloveIt is the ultimate lightweight glove for MTB racing. and ensures maximum handlebar control and grip.SuperGel XC SharkSuperGel XC is GripGrab's most shock absorbing The Shark glove is an excellent choice for MTBfull finger glove, featuring high end materials riders at all levels. With 4 mm DoctorGel padding,and 4 mm DoctorGel padding. It gives maximum durable synthetic leather palm and supple meshprotection against hand fatigue and is the perfect back, this glove will provide excellent grip andchoice for riders who desire maximum comfort. all the comfort you need on the trails.Women’s Shark Women’s ProGel Full FingerThe Women's Shark glove is an excellent choice for The Woman's ProGel Full Finger is a topfemale mountain bike riders at all levels. With 4 performance glove, with a superb fit designedmm DoctorGel padding, durable synthetic leather specifically for women. Constructed frompalm and supple mesh back this glove will provide lightweight, flexible materials they offer maximumyou with excellent grip and comfort on the trails. freedom of movement and excellent grip.
GripGrab junior glovesRebel Rebel YoungsterThe Rebel is designed for downhill, bike park The Rebel Youngster is designed for action seekingaction and BMX. It offers excellent grip and kids. It offers excellent grip and handlebarhandlebar control and comes in two cool designs. control and comes in two cool designs. It isThe Rebel is the choice of the new generation of perfect for bike park action and BMX.action seeking riders.X-Trainer Jr. Rebel Youngster WinterThe X-trainer Jr gloves offer great hand The Rebel Winter is a comfortable, all-round, winter cycling glove for youngsters. It combinesprotection, bike control and comfort for active warmth, flexibility and a cool camo design. Its breathable, water-repellent and insulatingkids. These are high quality gloves, featuring properties make it an excellent glove.quality materials, excellent fit and durabilityfor parents who want the best for their kids.
GripGrab winter glovesOptimus NordicThe Optimus is a high-end winter glove, The Nordic is a very warm and comfortable winter cycling glove. Its windproof and water-repellentexceptional in every detail. It combines outer shell combined with the lobster design andperformance and an exquisite design characterized maximum insulation secure warm and comfortable hands in sub zero simplicity and subtle details. It is fullywaterproof, highly insulating and breathable.Cloudburst Neoprene GloveCloudburst is a pair of fully waterproof and The Neoprene is a rain weather glove made from 3windproof high-performance gloves for the wet and mm neoprene, which stays warm even when wet. Itswindy days. Cloudburst is remarkably thin and perfect fit and silicone grip makes it thesubtle making it appealing for both training and favourite glove for riders looking at hours spent riding in rain during races or hard training.Windster Windster Hi-VisThe Windster is a comfortable all-round winter The Windster Hi-Vis increases your visibility andcycling glove combining warmth, flexibility and safety when riding. The Windster Hi-Vis is astyle. Its breathable, water-repellent and comfortable all-round winter cycling gloveinsulating properties make it an excellent glove combining warmth, flexibility and style. It isfor damp and cold conditions. breathable, water-repellent and insulating.
GripGrab winter glovesHurricane Hurricane Hi-VisThe Hurricane is a comfortable water-repellent The Hurricane Hi-Vis is a highly visible andcycling glove composed from waterproof, breathable comfortable cross-season cycling glove. It willand lightweight materials, making it an excellent provide great safety benefits on your trainingglove for damp and windy conditions. It provides rides and commutes. Hurricane Hi-Vis offers greatgreat insulation and maximum freedom of movement. insulation and maximum freedom of movement.Women’s Hurricane RaptorThe Women's Hurricane is a comfortable The Raptor is a windproof racing glove that feelscross-season cycling glove composed from like a second skin. InsideGrip ™ and silicone printwater-resistant, breathable and lightweight in a one-piece palm provide outstanding grip andmaterials, making it an excellent glove for damp control. Featuring a slip-in cuff and exceptionallyand windy conditions. flexible and breathable softshell back.Primavera Merino Glove Primavera Hi-Vis GloveThe Primavera Merino Glove blends wool and Lycra The Primavera Hi-Vis Glove combines excellentfor excellent insulation and fit. InsideGrip™ and insulation, high-visibility and a perfect fit.silicone prints on the palm provide outstanding grip. InsideGrip ™ and silicone print in the palm provideBrushed inside to maximize insulating capabilities outstanding grip. Brushed inside to maximizeand touch screen fingertips. insulating capabilities.
GripGrab winter glovesMerino Liner InsulatorThe Merino Liner is a thin, insulating Merino The Insulator is a comfortable, lightweight linerglove liner with a perfect fit and touch screen glove to be used either separately or insidefingertips. To be used inside another glove for another glove as an extra insulating layer onadditional insulation. extremely cold days. Hollow fibre technology ensures superior thermal insulation.Women’s Insulator Ride Waterproof Winter GloveThe Women's Insulator is a comfortable, The Ride Waterproof is a fully waterproof andinsulating, breathable and lightweight glove that windproof winter glove with good insulatingcan be used either separately or inside another properties. It features a Velcro gauntlet closureglove as an extra insulating layer on extremely that is long enough to overlap with jackets andcold days. Silicone print provides optimal grip. slim enough to fit underneath the sleeves.Ride Windproof Glove Ride Winter GloveRide Windproof is a cross-season cycling glove Ride Winter is a comfortable, all-round wintercomposed from water-resistant, breathable and cycling glove combining warmth, flexibility andlightweight materials. It features silicone palm style. Its breathable, water-repellent andreinforcement and grip enhancement, DoctorG™el for insulating properties make it an excellent gloveadded comfort and a touch screen enabled thumb. for damp and cold conditions.
GripGrab shoe coversRaceAero TT RaceAeroWhen every second counts the RaceAero TT shoe RaceAero is a Lycra shoe cover offeringcover is what you need. Aerodynamic efficiency isparamount in time trials and these aero shoe aerodynamic efficiency. It protects shoes againstcovers are designed to save you seconds by spray and dirt and looks great too. Compatiblesmoothing turbulent air over your shoes. with most types of pedal systems.RaceAero Hi-Vis Women’s RaceAeroRaceAero Hi-Vis increases your visibility and The Women's RaceAero is a refined shoe coversafety when riding. It is made of Lycra, increases offering ultimate aerodynamic efficiency. Besidesaerodynamic efficiency and protects shoes against protecting shoes against spray and dirt, thespray and dirt. Compatible with most types of Women's RaceAero looks great too. Compatible withpedal systems. most types of pedal systems.RaceAqua RaceAqua Hi-VisA lightweight, waterproof and aerodynamic shoe RaceAqua Hi-Vis is a lightweight, waterproof and aerodynamic shoe cover, that protects against windcover that protects against wind and rain. The and rain and increases visibility. The waterproofwaterproof stretch fabric gives a tight fit and stretch fabric gives a tight fit and the rear zipper makes it easy to pull over the shoe.the rear zipper makes it easy to pull over theshoe.
GripGrab shoe coversRaceThermo RaceThermo Hi-VisThe RaceThermo is a fully waterproof, windproof The RaceThermo Hi-Vis is a fully waterproof,and insulated shoe cover ideal for cold and wet windproof and insulated shoe cover ideal for coldwinter days on the road. It is made from 4 mm and wet winter days on the road. Itswaterproof neoprene. RaceThermo features high-visibility properties increase your safetyIntelliSeal ™. when riding in low-light conditions.Arctic Ride Waterproof Show CoverThe Arctic is one of the warmest shoe covers The Ride Waterproof shoe cover keeps feet comfortable in wet conditions. It is built fromavailable on the market and ideal for very cold waterproof, highly stretchable, coated fleece thatwinter days. It is made from 4 mm waterproof is joined by waterproof seams. Designed so it is easy to take them on even on-the-go.neoprene with a hollow fibre lining and offersmaximum thermal insulation.Ride Winter Show Cover Primavera Cover SockThe Ride Winter shoe cover keeps feet comfortable The Primavera Cover Sock is designed to be wornin cold and wet conditions. It is built from over road shoes to reduce wind chill during fallwaterproof high-stretch neoprene with waterproof or spring riding and to keep gravel out of theseams and is designed so it is easy to take them shoes. They have a pre-cut hole for the shoeon even on-the-go. cleat. Reflective detail improves safety.
GripGrab shoe coversPrimavera Cover Sock Hi-Vis Toe CoverThe Primavera Cover Sock Hi-Vis is designed to The windproof and water resistant Toe Cover isaugment visibility and to be worn over roadcycling shoes to reduce wind chill and to keep ideal for spring and autumn road cycling. They aregravel out of the shoes. They have a pre-cut hole easy and quick to put on and offer protectionfor the shoe cleat. Extensive reflective details. from wind chill and light rain.Toe Cover Hi-Vis CyclinGaiterThe windproof and water resistant Toe Cover Hi-Vis CyclinGaiter is made from waterproof neoprene andis ideal for spring and autumn road cycling. They solves an issue inherent to most shoes and shoeincrease visibility, are easy to put on, and covers: Water leaking into the shoe or shoe coveroffer protection from wind chill and light rain. from the bib tights by sealing the gap between the two.CyclinGaiter Hi-Vis DryFootThe CyclinGaiter Hi-Vis solves an issue inherent The DryFoot ™ is a waterproof shoe cover designedto most shoes and shoe covers: Water leaking into to fit on regular everyday shoes. They are easy tothe shoe or shoe cover from the bib tights by put on and will protect your favourite shoes fromsealing the gap between the two. Its spray and dirt during cycling. The DryFoot ™ comeshigh-visibility properties increase your safety. in a handy bag for clean and easy storage.
GripGrab shoe coversRaceAqua X RaceThermo XRaceAqua X is a lightweight, waterproof and The RaceThermo X is suited for off-road riding andaerodynamic shoe cover designed for off-road use. is an extra durable shoe cover that isWaterproof stretch fabric gives a tight fit and waterproof, insulating and ideal for cold and wetits Kevlar base increases durability. This special winter days on the trails. It is made from 4 mmversion of the RaceAqua has an open sole design. waterproof neoprene.Arctic XThe Arctic X is suited for off-road riding and isan extra durable version of Arctic: one of thewarmest shoe covers available on the market. It iswaterproof, highly insulated and ideal for verycold winter days. It is made from 4 mm neoprene.
GripGrab socksLightweight SL Racing StripesThe Lightweight SL sock is a very light and sleek The Racing Stripes is a soft and comfortablelooking summer sock with a classic length. The summer sock in Coolmax® yarn that is ideal forsock is in a high-wicking and soft Coolmax® yarn cycling in warm conditions. The open mesh zonesthat is ideal for cycling in hot and humid secure high breathability. The sock comes in aconditions. With open mesh zones. variety of colors and with unique graphics.Classic No Show Women’s Classic No ShowThis no-show sock is a comfortable, lightweight The Women's No-Show Sock is a comfortable,and breathable sock in Coolmax® mesh. It is ideal lightweight and breathable sock with Coolmax®for cycling in hot conditions, spinning and indoor mesh. It is ideal for cycling in hot conditions,exercise. The open mesh zones secure high spinning and indoor exercise. The open mesh zonesbreathability. secure high breathability.Classic Low Cut Classic Regular CutA lightweight summer sock in Coolmax® mesh, ideal A lightweight summer sock in Coolmax® mesh, idealfor cycling in hot conditions. The open mesh zones for cycling in hot conditions. The open mesh zonessecure high breathability and also make the sock secure high breathability and also make the sockideal for Spinning and indoor exercise. Low-cut ideal for Spinning and indoor exercise.profile for minimal coverage of the ankle. Regular-cut profile.