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Home Explore BSU&U 2018 May Issue

BSU&U 2018 May Issue

Published by hkust.bsu, 2018-05-01 16:23:19

Description: BSU&U


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52018 is the year that millennials start to turn 18, the up high in the sky is their persistence. Opportunityage of majority by the Hong Kong law. ----- favors the prepared mind. Millennials can only get rid of the negative criticisms by proving themselves.Millennials are facing many uncertainties in theiracademic studies, career paths, and lives. Motivation In this ever-changing world, creating a start-up,and determination are generally missing in this era. blogging, and global travelings are popular to youngIn the light of this, the theme of this issue is “Ignite the adults. It is necessary for us to know more about thePossibilities”. We hope through different cover sto- experience and the key to success of them. Let’s flipries, we can equip our business students with a better through these pages and “Ignite the Possibilities”.understanding on how to start your career with the Lighten up the firework is not an easy task. Althoughappropriate attitude. “The Wright Brothers flew right the sparks are not eternal, they are engraved on yourthrough the smoke screen of impossibility.” - Charles bones and heart We hope all of you could glow andKettering. The success of the Wright Brothers to fly shine in the future.





10 Chairperson Internal Vice-chairperson External Vice-chairperson Ms. LEUNG, Hei Ting Melody Ms. LAM, Wing Chi Vinci Mr. SO, Ka Hei Francis When I look back in 4 years, I want to have There’s a saying that goes, “If you never try, you “Efforts and courage are not enough without something to smile at. They say youth is will never know”. It is my very first time to be a purpose and direction.” People always asked me wasted on the young but I am passionate student representative, exco at my university why I would become a member of the Executive to prove them wrong. Being in the execu- life. Committee and my answer was always “just be- tive committee of The Business Students’ cause of my friends.” Remember the first time Union is going to enrich my university life. I Now, One-third of my term of office has my friends told me to meet the fellow executive t is never easy to take up this responsibility to l already passed. I have an extraordinary, inspir- committee, I was so confused as I didn’t even ead the Union but with Aethon, I am confident ing, spectacular, experience in serving my fellow know many of them and the only question in my to make the most out of my term of office and students, meeting people from all walks of life. mind was how to work with a group of strangers leave an impact in the history of BSU. Looking back at those past events organized as a team. Time flies, and we all have become by our cabinet, I could barely imagine how my good friends. We experienced several tough school life would be if I didn’t elect to be…. moments but we didn’t give up at all. The most unforgettable time was that when we were pre- In response to the above quote, I encour- paring for The 27th Inauguration Ceremony as age you to ignite the possibility and g it was the first time I was in charge of a whole ive yourself a try. function. Despite tons of difficulties and lack of any experience, we still managed to give the best we can and put off a very successful cere- mony. We’ve gone through up and down, and every failure makes us stronger. We are tough as a rock and determined to do our best to serve our members. We can fly as high as an eagle and bring new changes for our members. Internal Secretary External Secretary Financial Secretary Current Business Affairs Secretary Ms. YU, Chun Hang Candy Mr. ZHANG, Runze David Ms. CHAN, Sze Pui Jenny ‘You need to attempt the impossible in order I always believe in a theory. A success life con- to achieve the impossible.’ Since the day we sists two things - Passion and persistence. To live is to learn, to learn is to serve, to pledged, we promised to devote our best to serve is to inspire. My experience as a par- serve our members. The coming year may be a I am very fortunate to have 11 buddies to ticipant of the Business Summer Camp tough one, but by the mutual efforts from 12 of face the obstacles together for my term of has definitely inspired me in becoming a us, the hurdles ahead can be jumped through. office. It has been a while since we first met member of the Executive Committee of the As the 27th Executive Committee, we are going to each other. We have learnt a lot from each Union. As the Internal Secretary and Current face many difficulties and challenges but we will other and our seniors, knowing our weakness Business Affairs Secretary, I am ready to devote try igniting the possibilities and pace through from people who stand by us. Albeit all the myself in serving our members and inspire them. With our passion and determination, I difficulties we have met, we are now gathered others. It is my greatest honor to work with 11 believe The Business Students’ Union can be under the same belief. We are devoted to our other talented members. With our unshakable brought to a new height. BSU and member wholeheartedly. determination and endless support, I am sure that Aethon will ignite the possibilities and In the coming year, I am sure Aethon will lead the Union to reach new heights. impress you.

11 Academic Secretary Promotion and Publicty Secretary Sports and Recreation Secretary Ms. MOON, Gi-peum Anna Mr. TSE, Wai Chak Information Systems SecretaryAbility is nothing without opportunity. If The clock ticks in the same pace every day. Some Mr. CHEUNG, Kin Sum Samopportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Being will choose to get a steady life as the clock does,the first non-Cantonese speaker member of the but we chose the other way. We took the oath It is a great pleasure for me to become oneExecutive Committee, I am proud to be part of to serve you in all circumstances, but we want of members of the Executive Committee ofa Union with greatest and longest history in to take it to perfection. We want you not just to The Business Students’ Union. The delight-HKUST. The journey of becoming and being an enjoy this BSU&U, but grab something mean- ed thing is that I have eleven buddies toExecutive Committee member along with my ingful from it. Thank you for your support, but start the journey together. Since I took thefellow eleven outstanding cabinet members we cannot wait to give you more. oath in The 27th Inauguration Ceremony, Igreatly improved me as a person. The day that dedicated myself to the union. With the supportI took my oath at the Inauguration Ceremony, I from them, I am sure that we will contribute ourswore in front of 400 audiences that I will fully best to the Union to serve for our members todevote myself to our members and to the Union strike for the benefits for our members.that I belong to. It is my honour to stand here Even though there are many plightsas the Academic Secretary of Aethon. There may that we will encounter, but with ourbe difficulties and obstacles, but I am confident endeavor, we will hurdle the difficulties andto say that the outcome of Aethon will burnish make you impressed.the history of The Business Students Union,HKUSTSU. Public Relations Secretary Marketing Officer Welfare Secretary Publication Secretary Mr. WU, Kong Kit Kenneth Ms. CHAN, Wai Ki Carmen Mr. WONG, Ka Wing Kelvin Being a member of the Executive Committee ‘’It always seems impossible until it’s done.’’ of The Business Students’ Union is definitely a“You are the one who can stretch your own milestone in my life. I would say I am a person of It’s my honor to be in The 27th Executive Com-horizon.” Time flies, I have been working with diligence but hard work is not the only element mittee of The Business Students Union in themy fellow cabinet members for more than five required, but the passion to contribute.All things coming year. For the past five months, manymonths and we have gone through up and come to those who wait and persist.With the con- things seem a mission impossible to me at firstdown. This year, 2018, is special to me - promot- certed effort and devotion from the 12 of us, we glance. But with 12 of us, we can turn impossi-ing to the university and being the executive promise to keep our flame burning and make ble to possible. I believe that 12 of us can makecommittee of The Business Students’ Union. a difference in order to serve our members great things happen in our term of office and IAlthough my schedule becomes tightly packed wholeheartedly. Let’s make 2018 a year of know it will be a memorable freshmen year for, I believe 2018 will be a memorable year for success without regret. me in to learn, to achieve, to broaden my horizon.Lastly, as the editor in chief of BSU&U, I wish allof you enjoy this publication and have a fruitfulyear!

12 “Start where you are, use what you have.” - Arthur Committee of the Union, are determined to perpet- Ashe. As the 26th Session of The Business Students’ uate the legacy of The Business Students’ Union and Union, “Agis”, has concluded its duties. The new surmount all challenges. From now, we embark on the journey is just about to begin. “Aethon”, the 27th journey to create a remarkable year of The Business Session of The Business Students’ Union is determined Students’ Union. to devote ourselves fully to the Union under all cir- The 27th Inauguration Ceremony was a huge success cumstances. with a full house of attendance in Citi Lecture Theatre The theme of The 27th Inauguration Ceremony is (LT-A) in HKUST in the evening of 3rd March 2018. “Advent of Neoterics”. It indicates the commence- The event would not be so successful without the ment of the 27th session and “advent” of us. We support from our Advisors, Honorable Guests, desire to become innovators of the union to deliver the Honorary Members, Past Executive Committee best service to our members. Through our diverse and Members, Students’ Representatives from all 9 distinctive functions, we wish to equip our universities in Hong Kong, Organizing Committee, members with indispensable skills and knowledge to and our Members. prepare for the business world. We, the 27th Executive

Scan for application 13Do you still remember the tea cup next to our counter in Late March? Have you talked to Al-ice and The Mad Hatter at the Atrium? We are the 27th Executive Committee of The BusinessStudents’ Union (BSU) recruiting new group leaders (known as “JOBA” and “JOMA”) for theOrientation Camp 2018 in the coming Mid to Late August. The Orientation Camp is the most sig-nificant component of The Orientation Program 2018. Holding one of the largest OrientationCamp in HKUST, BSU hopes to expand the social network of members and promote a sense ofbelonging to the School and the Union for business freshmen.The theme of the Orientation Camp 2018 is “Gathering in Summer”. This year, we hopeto provide our freshmen the most unforgettable memories with an exciting orientationexperience. Devoted group leaders are absolutely one of the keys to success in our Program. Duringthe 3-days counter promotion counter, we are glad to inform you that more than 100 businessstudents have joined us to become our group leaders.If you missed our promotion period in Late March but still want to enjoy the Ori-entation Camp, do not hesitate! Just approach our Executive Committee mem-bers, scan the QR code for the application form and you will soon become partof the group leaders in our Camp! For those who have already applied to be-come one of the group leaders, stay tuned to any updates on our OrientationProgram, more details are coming soon! Should you have any inquiries, please feel freeto contact us at [email protected].

14“There is no secret to success. It is the result of prepara- tion, hard work and learning from failures.” The BusinessStudents’ Union has always been organizing career-relatedactivities to equip our members with essential knowledge toenter the business world. Career Series 2018 – “Glare ofSapientia” offers a great opportunity for all students who wouldlike to define, capture and pursue a higher level of achievementin their career pathways.The theme of Career Series 2018 - “Glare of Sapientia” is aGreek word meaning “Wisdom” which symbolizes the sparkof knowledge through experience on the journey to pursue ourcareer path. This year, the program is divided into 2 phases withdifferent focuses. Phase 1 aims at equipping participants’business knowledge and discovering their ideal career paths whilePhase 2 aims at providing practical experiences to participants.Phase 1 includes an array of activities from mid-March to mid-April, including job aptitude test, career seminars, workshops,and a free portrait photo taking service. Closely following Phase1, Phase 2 features firm visits, mock interviews, job shadowingand internship referrals. Among all the sub-functions, we are de-lighted to introduce job shadowing as our new element this year,hoping to bring short-term working experience to participants.The Program has granted support from some of the most pres-tigious firms, such as Deloitte, KPMG, Adidas, SHINEWING(HK) CPA Limited, McLaren Consultancy, Strategic PublicRelations Group Limited, as well as companies from diversefields like Wantedly, OnGrad Consulting Company Limited,AW Coaching, uFinance and et cetera. Without the generoussupport from all supporting companies, the Program would nothave been able to give valuable insights regarding the currentbusiness trends and to allow participants to explore their careerinterests. Therefore, we would also like to express our heartfeltgratitude to all supporting parties.Inheriting the fine tradition of providing career-related activitiesto our members and other students in HKUST, The BusinessStudents’ Union, HKUSTSU, will continue to present more ca-reer-oriented events to help our members to achieve their careergoals.


16 BSU&U // ISSUE 1 // COVER STORY ADVANCES IN THE MARKET OF TELECOMMUNICATION AN INTERVIEW WITH MR BRUCE LAM, THE MARKET- ING LEAD OF CSL MOBILE LIMITED.No sooner did Mr. Bruce Lam finish a business seminar Mr. Lam replies, ‘be very passionate about your career and than he comes back to the office for our exclusive in- know your product well,’ which is the basic step to cometerview. As we walk in, Mr. Lam tells us he is used to being up with ideas. He would occasionally go to different retail-invited to various seminars and talks. It is not surprising ers to look at different electric appliances to see what fea-for Mr. Lam to give talks frequently as he is the Chief Mar- tures to add to mobile phones such as translation, fortuneketing Officer of CSL Mobile Limited as well as the Chief telling, mobile karaoke. Moreover, one has to understandExecutive Officer of HKT The Club. Indeed, he just gave a the customer behavior and their needs thoroughly so aslecture on how to be a top marketer on the invitation of to leave an impression at details and enhance the over-the Hong Kong Management Association. Being the CMO all consumption experience. Most importantly, Mr. Lamof CSL Mobile Limited for more than 6 years now, Mr. Lam always thinks as a very demanding customer to examineis the leader to the Marketing & Sales Team of more than all the needs of customers. He often checks out the top 102000 people and drives brand transformation in digital era FAQ in customer centre for inspiration. The more suitableas well as makes CSL Mobile Limited continue to grow as is the idea to customers’ need, the more marketable andthe top telecommunication brand in Hong Kong. Mr. Lam successful the idea will be. Mr. Lam cites an example of theis also honored with several management and advertisingawards, namely CMO Marketer of the Year 2016 and Gold Bruce LamAward for the Best Brand Campaign from Communications Chief Marketing Officer,Association of Hong Kong. Many of Mr. Lam’s creative cam- CSL Mobile Limitedpaign ideas are also rewarded. To name but a few, ‘1010 Chief Executive Officer,– Be distinctive’ is named the Gold Award of the HKMA/TVB The ClubAwards for Marketing Excellence 2017 and Mr. Lam and histeam also won the Gold Award in 2013 and 2016. Mr. Lam’stalent does not limit to marketing only but he is also theCEO of HKT The Club, a distinctive loyalty program withover 100 partners which offers customers a list of privilegesto accelerate customer experience.We spare no time to start asking Mr. Lam about his secretformula to bright ideas. Without giving a second thought,

17service provided by 1010, a high-end telecom brand inHong Kong, to capture the private car drivers market.He puts himself in the shoe of driver, whose monthly in-come must reach certain level to afford private cars. Heunderstands that in case of car crash, both drivers haveto go through several steps to get the solution, rangingfrom calling the police, recording the damage for claim-ing insurance to looking for towing service. To win thesedrivers’ support, Mr. Lam leverages CSL current resourc-es, as he knows his product well, and starts a servicehotline to provide one-stop service including deferredpayment system. Another ingredient to Mr. Lam’s suc-cess is his comprehensive understanding of the marketin order to leverage the power of community to influ-- ence the peer groups. Mr. Lam gave an example of his past achievement in Nokia which Nokia won among taxi Before interviewing Mr. Lam, we know about the vigor- drivers with its ‘Push to Talk’ function. Back then, the ous competition in telecommunication industry in Hong taxi industry suffered substantially from SARS and very Kong. Nonetheless, CSL manages to have a penetration few people opted for taxi service. In order to boost the rate of 250%, which means each person aged 11-65 on usage, direct calling and discount were offered. How- average owns 2.5 SIM cards. In the light of standing out ever, the old method of walkie-talkie could not support in this tough competition, Mr. Lam is a strong believer long distance communication. Understanding the mar- of opening up new markets like senior generation, chil- ket situation and the community needs, Mr. Lam pro- dren and even pets’ owners to extend market influence moted ‘Push to Talk’ which transmitted via 3G data and of CSL. For the senior generation, Mr. Lam sees that they was successful exclusively in Hong Kong. Passion, mar- generally wish to communicate with their children and ket analysis and thinking as a customer are the reasons grandchildren but they know little about smartphones. why Mr. Lam becomes a top marketer in Hong Kong. At the same time, they are using plans with very cheap monthly payment which usually aim for dialing and receiving only. Their children can afford to buy smart- phones and more expensive monthly plans for them but they do not have the time and patience to teach them how to use smartphones. Mr. Lam grabs this opportuni- ty and delicate resources to teach senior generation to use smartphones in the scheme of ‘Smart Pa Ma’. As a re- sult, upselling can be performed and CSL can generate more revenue. To sell SIM card to children, Mr. Lam col- laborates with LG to make special phones which pre-set several numbers and contain one button only, as they are mainly made for parents to find the children. I am surprised when Mr. Lam mentioned he has also made SIM card for pet owners to locate their pets. Without understanding the target groups well, no one can for- mulate successful business plans to capture this part of the market. Moreover, providing a well-rounded service is also a crucial factor why CSL can outstand other com- petitors. Take 1010 as an example, as it targets consum- ers with higher purchasing power, it provides premium services like wine tasting workshops to complement the whole experience.

18 “IT IS A MUST TO GIVE IT BACK TO OUR SOCIETY.” To further extend CSL’s market influence, Mr. Lam brought up a far-reaching loyalty program, HKT The Club, which is a good example of leveraging large customer base. Mr. Lam sees that for mobile, fixed-line, broadband and paid TV, HKT has a big market share and instead of allocating huge marketing budget annually, why don’t promote together by creating a joint loyalty program in which the customers can get a reward of Clubpoints from their monthly payment? With such a huge member base, HKT The Club can partner with the giants in other industries. The special thing about HKT The Club loyalty program is that its scale is large enough to cover all the merchants in Hong Kong and become an ecosystem. Merchants benefit from the partnership with HKT The Club as it brings traf- fic to the shop. Moreover, using Clubpoints in exchange for some products will help the shop to dispose their old, access inventory without cutting the price and hurting the brand name. Mr. Lam understands the competitive advan- tage of HKT well and is able to explain the benefits to the merchants by the program. This is why HKT The Club is successful. A leader is the one who sees the way, shows the way and Mr. Lam and his teams have carried out a lot of campaigns walks the way. Mr. Lam have so many creative and bright not only to donate money but also contribute physical- ideas himself and he never keeps it to himself only but ly. At that time when teenage suicidal issue was the talk to share with his teams. He believes human is the key of the town, Mr. Lam believed he had to do something to resource in a company so he always treats his teams bring positive impact to the community. That’s why they with respect. He values the engagement of his teams and made a large-scale calligraphy competition to provoke invites them to be responsible in various parts of the reflection. Mr. Lam also participated in the ALS ice bucket project. With high transparency of different projects, challenge back then with many of his colleagues pulled everyone can voice out their opinions and pitch in efforts water over him. It showed that there is no hierarchy to make things work and become concrete. Therefore, between Mr. Lam and his colleagues as well as he is an the staff have higher sense of belonging to the company. up-to-date person, which is of immense important to a Another direction of Mr. Lam’s style of management is marketer. that he wants the staff to be proud of working in CSL. For example, Mr. Lam brought 100 colleagues to visit the headquarter of Samsung so as to understand the product, and exchange ideas, which is more supreme to others. Hence, he can keep his colleagues engaged and share his vision. As the interview approaches to the end, we ask Mr. Lam to say a few words to this year’s graduates. He quoted a Canton scholar, Lun Man-chui, ‘自古廣寒應有路,桂枝原 不擇人扳’, meaning there are million ways to success and one just has to find their own path. Everyone can be- come successful as success do not have preference on an- yone just like the branch on tree is always ready for one to pick. ‘I was just a clerk. If I can do it, you can do it too.’

BSU&U Cover Story MAY // ISSUE 1 19Dreams don’t work unless You DO This cover story featuring Tommy TsangThere is a saying - the ideal and the reality is always a gap. Tommy is a creative director and thefounder of Arm Channel (啱channel) who is keen on filming. He believes he can bridge the gapbetween ideal and reality. After Tommy had finished his studies, he started his career in a filmmakingcompany as an assistant. Despite the hectic schedule, he equipped himself with diverse filming knowledgeduring off-hour. Hard work pays off, Tommy managed himself to pursue his dream to become a director,establishing the trendy platform - Arm Channel (啱channel). Currently, it has accumulated more 300,000followers on FaceBook and Youtube.

20FAITH IN YOURSELFWhy did you decide to establish Arm What are the key factors for setting up achannel? new business or a new sharing platform?To start with, I was studying digital media being I believe how to understand yourself is one ofan undergrad. Upon graduation, I applied to be an the key factors. Back to 2014, the Umbrella Rev-assistant in a production house. After having few olution, an idea just flashed through my mind.years working experience, I noticed that it was We shared a video “After today, I am not a frienddifficult for me to get promoted. In addition, I with my mom anymore” (今天,我把媽媽unfriendhad delved into filming and clipping when I was 了); unexpectedly, the short film stroke a chordstudying at university. Based on what I had, it with many audiences. The Umbrella Revolutionwas not worth following the career path in a tra- sparked a hot debate in 2013, there had two sidesditional production company. I believed I should of supporters which neither party was willingmake a change and jump out my comfort zone. to compromise. In light of this, we took this as the theme of the video and it turned out to beOriginally in 2013, I was thinking of creating resonant. I knew it was time for me to make aa platform online for my friends and me to contribution to the society, so I was determinedupload videos, sharing our happiest and mem- to develop Arm Channel.orable moments to others. As time passed, theplatform had reached more audience and Meanwhile, I think the most importantreceived support from people, so I decided to factor in setting up a new business is youenrich the platform on different social media have to put emphasis on the uniquenessplatforms (e.g. Facebook, Youtube) in order to of your idea. Due to inexperience in theincrease the reputation. field, “Uniqueness” makes you differentiate from others. For instance, some start-upHow do you differentiate Arm channel companies focus on setting the pricefrom others? cheaper or providing better services than others. In the creative media field, “foodI am aimed at positioning Arm Channel as a chain” which is the process from clients“unique” platform in comparison to others. to companies, acts as an imperative role.Whenever we update our platform, we will ensure Whether companies can receive jobs fromall are of the best quality. What does high quality clients is depending on the food chain.mean? Take videos uploaded on YouTube as anexample, we have different categories; however, How to put your idea intoall of them all in a professional production. We implementation is also crucial.will uphold our standard to give the best quality You have to go through lots ofto our subscribers. This is the main differentiation preparations; in the meantime,between Arm Channel and others. Meanwhile, people will feel doubtful onour Facebook page is not only for entertain-ment but also for latest news of Hong Kong. you. How I overcame wasWhatever what are the topics, we will share our believing in yourself,point of views in order to narrow the gap between this was the onlyHongKonger and us. Generally, the majority of thing I could do.our posts include the photo and some words toexpress what is happening now in Hong Kong.

21Have you ever encountered any setbacks A DREAM DOESN’Tor frustrations? How did you overcome? BECOME REALITY THROUGH MAJIC;I consider the largest difficulty is how to trans- IT TAKES SWEAT,form an entertaining platform from non-profit DETERMINATIONmaking to a business. Before the establishment AND HARD WORK.of Arm Channel, my friends, even people aroundme did not believe setting up a sharing plat- Before implementing your idea on business,form for business could be sustainable. Nearly all you have to first have a glimpse into thatpeople gave an indifferent attitude to us. As I particular business field. Having an idea ismentioned above, you have to believe in yourself indeed important, but familiarising with theand make an all-out effort. business environment helps reduce your heavy burden. Meanwhile, determinationDid you know any knowledges related to and perseverance are the keys to success.starting a new business? You will face frustration when you face dif- ficulties. What you have to do is perform theI will divide into two aspects, the knowledge on media and the knowledge on filming.When we expanded our scale on different socialmedia platforms, we explored it by ourselves. Forexample, The interest of our audience, The waysto establish ourselves on FaceBook or YouTube,etc… In addition to this, I had acquired profession-al competence on filming and editing while I wasworking as an assistant. From an assistant to adirector, it is not an easy way for me. I have tokeep self-learning in order to realize my dream.Having the thought of being a director,you pursued your own end after finish-ing your studies. What were the factorsmake you tick?During my undergraduate study, many of myclassmates had a thought of establishing anew production house after graduation. Whatappeared in my mind was setting up a new busi-ness is difficult and how can Before implement-ing your idea on business, you have to first havea glimpse into that particular business field. Hav-ing an idea is indeed important, but familiaris-ing with the business environment helps reduceyour heavy burden. Meanwhile, determinationand perseverance are the keys to success. You willface frustration when you face difficulties. Whatyou have to do is perform the best. I sustain it? Al-though I had an idea on it, I still applied to be an

22 the new alternative transportation in hong kong INTERVIEW WITH MR. KENNETH SHE, THE GENERAL MANAGER OF UBERHK

23 Uber’s Misson bring transportation for everyone, everywhere.e Why did you choose Uber and found UberHK? does not provide these kinds of services which make us stande out. In the meantime, we are putting emphasis on after-sales I have noticed Innovation and Technology will be a services. When you finish a ride with Uber and you are notg global trend in the future. Having demonstrated what Share satisfied, we will provide a refund. Afterwards, we will change Economy is in the past few years, Uber is one of the pioneers another driver for your ride and retrain the driver. I believe , to step into the new way of transportation across the globe. people in Hong Kong should enjoy this right, but apparently, Uber had become successful in the United States; meanwhile, there was no other companies providing these services before companies in Asia did not engage in this field. Besides, being Uber. That is why I decided to bring Uber into the market of a native-born HongKonger, I believe most of us prefer a more Hong Kong. comfortable ride. In view of this, I was enthusiastic to bring this concept (Uber) to Hong Kong and decided to set up Uber- Currently, what challenges or obstacles are Uber facing in HK in order to expand the service of Uber. Hong Kong? Are there any remedies? Why did you consider bringing Uber into Hong Kong? How I consider the biggest obstacle UberHK has faced is the do you differentiate Uber from other transportations? statutory provisions of the government. In short, the traffic law imposed by the government is lagging behind other well- I think that the market of Hong Kong is unique. As we all know, developed cities or countries. The legislation is not bene- Hong Kong has a competitive edge which is a well-developed ficial to new business models including Uber which uses transportation system. We have different public transporta- private cars for business operations (except Taxi), so it became tions, taxi, delivery vans, etc. However, I noticed that the choic- the largest challenge Uber faced. During these years, we have es of point-to-point transits in Hong Kong were too few apart lobbied different stakeholders, organizations and the gov- from Taxi. Take Korea as an example, when you go travelling ernment regarding the policy. We hope to promote ourselves, in Korea, you could choose different point-to-point transits Uber, to people in Hong Kong. like Benz, BMW, and others which are definitely comfortable. On the contrary, there still has room for improvement in Hong What make you think of developing the scale of UberHK (e.g. Kong. In addition to being lack of choices, the uneven qualities of service of Taxi is another major problem. In light of these, a UberEats) and keep persistent in order to make it successful? new business model should be introduced which I believe it will become successful. This is an interesting question. After we had developed the ser- vices on delivering people quite well, we were desired to have On the other hand, it is necessary to combine traditional some changes. As food delivery services are popular in Hong industry with technology. There is an absolute difference Kong, we seize this chance to expand our scale. Although the when you use Uber app to request a ride and hail a taxi on development of UberEats is still in progress, we believe hav- the street. As Uber focuses on utilizing technology, we are ing the experience on delivery, the well-developed platform, not only providing a ride to customers but also focusing on and different experts, it will become successful. Meanwhile, preparations and services. Preparations for the preliminary the market for food delivery across the globe is enormous stage include promotion, marketing, etc… works at the later and the operation of UberHK is already on the track, we will stage include providing assistance, collecting opinions from keep developing these two services at the same time. In addi- customers, addressing complaints, managing customers’ tion, the market for food delivery in Hong Kong is expanding. feedback system, etc… These services are normally missing in When we established UberEats, our customers generally tried traditional companies. Uber provides different services in an our new services. It turns out most of our customers maintain application which requires simple procedures; however, taxi using two services, and our workloads on marketing are eas- ier because Uber has a good reputation. Therefore, the good synergy between UberHK and UberEats makes us beneficial.

24FINDING BETTERWAYS FOR CITIESTO MOVE, WORK,AND THRIVE THE NEW WAY OF As one of the newly established business in Hong Kong, TRANSIT what are the key factors to succeed? Uber has a goal when it enters different markets in the world which is promoting innovations such as ride-sharing in different countries. It increases the usage of private cars; not only self-driving but also carrying others, lower- ing the intention of purchasing a private car for individ- uals. In addition, Hong Kong is famous for the small area and large population. People are always stuck in a bumper to bumper traffic during peak hours. As one of the newest business models, we are entirely different from other deliv- ery operators. Generally, a new business provides delivery ser- vices has to purchase large numbers of cars. If the company purchases 1000 cars,what will it cause? This make the problem of traffic congestion even worse. On the contrary, our business model utilizes the existing cars to provide services. It reduces the numbers of cars on the road, addressing the problem of the traffic jam, finding parking slots becomes easier, etc... This is the most innovative idea we have made in order to lead us to success. Meanwhile, most of the customers were drivers be- fore; but they figured out riding Uber was much cheaper than paying the mortgage for the car and more comfortable. Uber becomes oneofthechoices forthem.Theycan enjoythe services provided by us and we can operate our business, which is a win-win situation. Meanwhile, the rating and feedback system differentiate Uber from other transportations such as Taxi. The data collected from customers are crucial to a platform like Uber because it helps us to set the threshold for screening the applications from people to become a driver. When the drivers receive a good rating, we will give them rewards. On the other hand, when the drivers receive complaints, we will figure out what is happening. These data will be analyzed by us to do market- ing research and develop new business strategies. I believe that the majority of customers choosing Uber are based on the quality of our drivers which make me proud of it.

25“WHERE YOU FALL DOWN, THAT ISWHERE YOU STANDBACK UP.-96% of start-up companies would fail in first year.There are two key factors in my mind. The first is new busi- Self-learning is another key factor to become successful. It willness models or services should be given a chance to try and be hectic when there is no any guidance, so self-discipline isdevelop in Hong Kong. Uber is providing services in more than required to equip new pieces of knowledge. In the meantime,600 countries nowadays, we have different success stories, you may need to teach others although you have little knowl-why not we introduce this in Hong Kong? This is first reason edge or experience on it.After I have joined Uber, I think this iswhy I am determined. The second factor is from my point the most unforgettable moment because banking is disparateof view, from a team consists of 3 people to more than 100 from it. Even though I had been working in UberHK for 3 years,people in few years which give me a big sense of success. allocating orders to more than 30,000 drivers, I still did notBefore I started my career at Uber, I had worked in a bank know how to drive.That is why I put emphasis on self-learning.which is impossible to expand a team on such a large scale in4 years. However, UberHK as a start-up company allows me to In comparison to traditional companies, start-up companiesdo this. During these 4 years, I have equipped many all-around give millennials more room for creativity and make the mostpieces of knowledge related to different fields which I had of their talents. But I think it is not a bad thing for millenni-never seen before I joined Uber. Moreover, my colleagues also als to get into a traditional company after graduation. As twocame from different backgrounds and business fields, most of different pathways provided by traditional companies andtheir jobs were not related to car industry before they joined start-up companies, the former provides a stable job positionas one of us. So, UberHK gave us a platform to imagine, to try with clear chances of promotion and guidance, but the latterand to practice. is poles apart. Choosing which career path is depending on the person’s personality. I had worked in a bank for 4 years,If you would like to create a new thing such as business, be- I changed my point of view towards the business environ-sides having the idea, you should have persistent on it and ment and I was enthusiastic to step out my comfort zone, so Ihave a mindset – you can afford to lose. Introducing a new decided to quit the job. Although I may face failure, successbusiness model or a new product faces high chances of failure, is not a coincidence, is built up by the hard work one putsyet one failure cannot represent forever. Take UberHK as an in every single day. Until now, I do not regret my decision inexample, we had faced many obstacles and difficulties when joining UberHK because the pieces of knowledge I learned haswe started our business. Nonetheless,“failure teaches success”, benefited me for life.we found the key to succeed. This is how UberHK becamesuccessful. Setting up a new business is never an easy task,it is entirely different from traditional companies. There is noone teaching you and guiding you, all decisions are made byyourselves, so the chances of failure indeed become higher.However, having the attitude of never say die is essential tomillennials in order to carve out a niche of your own!

26 CURRENT BUSINESS AFFAIRS THE LATEST UPDATES FROM THE BUSINESS STUDENTS’ UNIONJumping on the /Slash/ Economy BandwagonFrom Generation X to the Millennials, people are now hoping to explore different professions instead of committing to onecareer for 3-5 years, so here comes the Slash Economy! As theterm speaks for itself, Slash Economy refers to people who havea slash on their job title, having multiple careers at the sametime.As the cost of living is rising dramatically, working in a careeryou love seems to be a mission impossible. The Slash Econ-omy is the solution to the problem. Many slashers work onecareer to feed their family and work another to feed their soul,allowing people to pursue their dreams without being scrapingby. While some people are slashing for fun and for the thingsthey love, others may treat slashing as a personal branding.Owning a successful slash career requires devotion to bothcareers, commitment to excellence, discipline, creativity and awide range of skills. These characteristics will make a slash-er a perfect choice for companies looking for innovation anddevelopment, giving a competitive advantage in the saturatedjob market.

Every coin has two sides. Despite the personal branding built 27through slashing, some employers may be concerned aboutthe commitment of slashers towards the job they used tosupport a living. Therefore, some slashers prefer to hide theiridentity from their prime employer in the early days. Butas time passes, employers are more than welcome to acceptemployee’s identity as a slasher as long as the employee isable to have good time management and equal commitmenttowards his or her careers.Does a slashing career seem appealing to you?If yes, then you must listen to the advice from Marci to traditional 9-to-5 slash workers to run their own slashAlboher, author of a book which popularized slash business.economy. During an interview, she suggested youngstersto first immerse in one field and master it, add another The era of Slash Economy has arrived. More and morecareer, and repeat the same process. She also recommend- millennials are seeking for a path to pursue theired beginners to consider virtual work when adding a slash interest in this money-minded city and jumping on thecareer. The highly accessible online network has made Slash Economy bandwagon. That is why next time whenentrepreneurship easier than ever. It allows flexible you see a slash on someone’s business card, don’t be sur-working hours and huge publicity, giving more freedom prised because the next one might be you!

28 CURRENT BUSINESS AFFAIRS THE LATEST UPDATES FROM THE BUSINESS STUDENTS’ UNIONWill the Legislation Are you easily affected by the words of salesmen andon Cooling-off Period bought something which you had regret on? Well, re-be a Flash in the Pan joice for these impressionable buyers as legislation on cool-Again? ing-off period will be proposed on several industries. A report published by the Consumer Council has revealed the need for legislation on cooling-off period to protect consumers rights. It allowed consumers to cancel the con- tract unconditionally within the 7-day or longer cool- ing-off period. The regulated transactions include unso- licited off-premises contracts, distance contacts excluding online shopping, fitness services contracts, beauty services contracts, and timeshare contracts. According to the Consumer Council, those contacts were selected because of the high tendency of irrational purchase and undesirable business practices. It was hoped that consumers would be protected from unscrupulous sales practices while acting as a deterrent factor to salesmen and business owners.

29A flashback to 2013 when the mandatory cooling-offperiod was first proposed, the suggestion was turneddown under the opposition of the business andcommerce sector. However, the mandatory cooling-offperiod has been put on the table again due to theincrease of complaints regarding high-pressure sales.Comparing to other countries which the mandatorycooling-off period was long-set, Hong Kong’s aware-ness on consumer rights protection just started to gainmomentum. Moreover, as e-commerce became popular,some countries had even expanded their mandatorycooling-off period to online shopping. Despite HongKong’s slow progress in consumer rights protection,the legislation on cooling-off period might be a greatstep forward. On the other hand, if mandatory cooling-off period sounds so good, why not the government implement it earlier? Of course, there are pros and cons to the proposal. The legislation enabled consumers to cancel a transaction unconditionally, meaning that the freedom of contract may be abused by the consumer. The extra cost may also impose a financial burden on companies, especially on small and medium enterprises, which will be transferred to customers eventually. Yet, the mandatory cooling-off period may effectively fight against unfair trade practic- es and protect vulnerable customers. For instance, elderly, students and the disadvantaged will gain consumer rights to protect themselves. It can also boost confidence on high-priced purchases and restore reputation in certain industries. With the viral discussion of the legislation, while some felt excited about the mandatory cooling-off period, some commented that the light penalty would not cause an effect on the current situation. But after all, it comes down to one question: whether the mandatory cooling-off period would be a real deal or just another meaningless words.

3032teams which have been qualified for the biggest event in Group C: France, the sporting world now will know who they will be fac- Australia, Peru, Denmarking in this year’s tournament that takes place in Russia fromJune 14, 2018. France are among the favourites to triumph in Russia, and with the likes of Paul Pogba, Antoine Griezmann and Kylian MbappeIn the last two World Cup, the reigning champion has been in their ranks it is not hard to see why.knocked out in the early group stage. Will the last championjump over the hurdles and retain the title? Christian Eriksen will be the Danes’ dangerman having been involved in 56 per cent of their goals in qualifying. The result ofIn light of this, we would like to do a simple analysis in group- Denmark solely depends on the form of from Group A to Group D to predict whether which teamhas a higher chance to enter into the knockout stage. In fact, Peru is a place above Denmark in the ranking so the battle between Denmark and Peru will be the key one to deter-GROUP A: Russia. Saudi mine another team which can enter the knockout stage apartArabia, Egypt, Uruguay from France.Managed by Stanislav Cherchesov, Russians have hopes of GROUP D: Argentina,making a positive impact on their home soil. They have the faith Iceland, Croatia, Nigeriain knocking out others and could not afford to lose in the groupstage. Provided that the audience must insist on searching for a ‘Group of Death’, this would probably be it.For the team of Egypt, they have the superstar Mo Salah and hewas unstoppable in the qualifying match, scoring the winner to For Argentina, it failed miserably in the qualifying match, how-bring Egypt to the Finals in Russia. It was believed that Salah ever, there will be no powerhouse of world football missing outwill continue to pose his threat to other teams and Egypt will on the group the potential team that can knock out Russia and Uruguay inthe group stage. Croatia has a bunch of gifted players, including the key player , Modric and Rakitc which plays for Real Madrid and BarcelonaFor Uruguay, with the presence of the superstar Godin, Cavanni respectively.and Suarez, it is believed that Uruguay is too good for a teamto miss out on last 16, leaving Russia and Egypt to fight for the Nigeria are growing in confidence under Gernot Rohr and havesecond spot in Group A. some Premier League talent at their disposal, with the likes of Alex Iwobi and Victor Moses.GROUP B: Portugal,Spain, Morocco, Iran It would be an exciting group and if Argentina plays their po- tential, there would be a high chance for them to enter in theUndoubtedly, Portugal and Spain are the big hits of the group. knockout stage.But it is worthy to mention that Morocco will appear at thefinals for the first time in 20 years and recreate history withPortugal who had beaten them 3-1 in 1986.Iran have qualified for successive World Cups for the first timeand head coach Carlos Queiroz will come up against the coun-try of his birth Portugal. Iran have just one World Cup victory,a famous 2-1 triumph over the United States in 1998. Lets seethere will be any shock results in the group.


32 EXPLORE | GLOBAL COLUMNHelsinki, Finland’s southern capital Get to know Finland The Happiest Country on Earth 2018 Famously generous for its social safety net, Finland has taken over Norway to be the world’s most cheerful nation in 2018. The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network has released their annual World Happiness Report, in which GDP, life expectancy, social support, generosity, freedom, and corruption is measured. For the first time this year, the UN has also assessed the happiness levels of immigrants in most of the countries assessed in the report. With state-provided health care, free university education, considerable unemployment benefits and job training, Finland deserves its place on top of the world’s happiest nations. However, a well-developed social safety net is not the sole reason for the felicity of Finland residents. One surprising reason why the Finns are so content to be extremely happy. Since they are satisfied with what might be the frigid climate and those long, dark win- they have, they are happier with less. Besides, the Finns ters. Time magazine reported the positive influence on are known for their cultural concept called ‘sisu’, the the residents’ perceived well-being and cold weather. ability to stand strong against adversity and recover from When one feels supported in the community, one tends disaster. In times of adversity, they are willing to stay to have a better-perceived well-being. This is why the strong together and help out each other. This is why they Finns are content since cold weather brings people are willing to pay such a high tax rate together. Hence, there is greater mutual support within for the common benefits. They trust the the community. It is common to see farming communi- government to have the ability to ties in Finland helping out each other like pulling a barn formulate suitable policy for them. roof up and not caring who is paying what. Moreover, longer nighttime is one of the reasons why the Finns can Although it is impossible to easily strike a work-life balance.People usually finish work simulate the cold climate of between 4 pm to 5 pm, which allows workers to enjoy Finland for increasing our their own interest as well as family gatherings. well-being, it is possible to always try changing our Another significant factor of the happiness of the Finns attitude to pursue happi- is their attitude. The Finns do not find the need to strive ness.

EXPLORE | GLOBAL COLUMN 33Get to know DubaiFrom Oil Industry to TourismDubai shows a dramatic change over the past three decades, from oil-exporting city to a more dynamic anddiversified economy. The strategic location of Dubai welcomes the largest volume of re-export in the Middle East.With excellent infrastructure, prosperous international outlook and liberal government policies, Dubai is an attrac-tive place for investors to carry out activities like trade, transport, tourism, and finance. Indeed, tourism is a vitalpillar of Dubai’s economy which contributes substantially to Dubai’s economic growth. With a population of only 2.3million, Dubai receives 7 times as many tourists every year.Dubai holds the second place in terms of oil reserves in infrastructure makes Dubai a multifaceted destinationthe United Arabs Emirates. (Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE, which combines beaches, desert, luxury hotels, shoppingclaims the first place) Dubai’s oil production reached its and a business center of the world.peak in 1991 at 410,000 billion barrels but has beensteadily declining since then. The oil reserves in Dubai In order to expand the tourism industry, Dubai keepsare expected to be exhausted within the next 20 years. building hotels to accommodate more tourists. At theThis is why the Dubai government starts expanding its same time, Dubai sustains its high occupancy rate of 79tourism industry. percent in 2015 by introducing new attractions, namely Dubai OperaDubai used to be a fishing village back in 1833 but and new theme parks like IMG andnow it has transformed into one of the top ten urban Dubai Parks & Resorts. Moreover,tourist destinations in the world. As Dubai Dubai World Central Airport willbid to host 2020 World Expo, the Emir- also be expanded to capture theate is further developing and improv- increased number of travelers. ing its infrastructure to accommodate the projected 25 million visitors. The If you have the opportunity, grabExpo is expected to generate an estima- it and visit Dubai for its cordialtion of $23 billion. The well- developed hospitality!

34 SNAP and CHAT! Snapchat, a mobile app created in 2011 by two Stanford Univer- sity fraternity brothers. It allows you to send photos, videos, and messages to your friends disappear from their phone once the time limit has expired. Until now, there are more than 180 million active users and it is the most prevalent among the millennials. We are the human being which likes to socialize and share our lives with one another. This is what makes Snapchat become popular. There are many cool features included in Snapchat and most of them are well-known. So, let’s go through some hidden features which you may not know one by one!

1 With Snapchat, you can identify any song playing around you. Just hold your 35 finger down on the camera screen when the song is playing, after a few seconds, a Shazam window will pop up with the song’s name and artist. Isn’t it amazing?Two filters can be turned on at the same time. Just add the first filter andthen hold the screen to swipe to the second filter you want. Just simple as2that!3 Travel mode can be turned on to save data. This feature prevents Snaps and stories from downloading automatically which can save your precious data when you are traveling. This is a really useful trick when you don’t want to waste any of your data.Emoji can be changed into the colored filter. Just choose an emoji with your desiredcolor and move it towards the corner of your screen. Then keep increasing the size ofthe emoji until a pixelated, semi-transparent edge appear and that will serve as the4filter. So you can create a customized filter by doing this simple trick!5 Links can be added to your Snap if you want your viewers to click into that link easier. Just tap on the paperclip icon after you captured a Snap. Then choose a link and tap attach to Snap. It is as simple as this!Since the launch of Snapchat in 2011, many Apart from the Snap Map, Snapchat introducedchanges were added to Snapchat to make it more augmented reality(AR) in 2017. As Snapchat is open-user-friendly. In the beginning, the photos or story ing up, outside developers can help Snapchat to offersent out can only play once by the receiver. However, in augmented reality experience beyond those designedrecent years, a feature of replaying the Snap we send in-house. Users can include their own Bitmoji in thehas been added allowing us to replay the Snap if we filters will make the video having more personalaccidentally missed it or we want to capture it. Apart features. The latest function even turns Lenses intofrom this, a feature known as Discover was added to AR games called Snappables which will be availableSnapchat letting news and entertainment companies in May. In the near future, Lenses not only beautifypresent their stories. You can watch and read Discov- your photos but also allow you to have a whole newer for an editorial perspective on life. experience.Due to the advanced technology, Snapchat has been Snapchat, originally designed as a mobile app allow-introducing different new features related to tech- ing users to send Snap which can only be played once.nology. First, Snap Map had been introduced in 2017 With the help of advanced technology, Snapchat haswhich reveal the locations of users on the map which evolved into a multifunctional app allowing us tocan be seen by your friends. This feature allows your accomplish different things within one app. In Snap-friends to join your friends’ activities and discov- chat, you can take photos, call your friends, evener different Stories from around the world. Howev- play AR game. With Snapchat, you can socialize wither, some may concern the privacy problem as your your friends and share the moments of your life in alocation will be updated on the map once you open modern way.Snapchat. This feature can be switched off in thesetting so there is no worry about your privacy beingdisclosed.

36 MoPbailyement LIFESTYLE X TECHNOLOGY Have you ever imagined life without heavy coins or papers? How does cashless life sound to you?What is mobile payment? Is mobile payment flawless?Smartphone has provided an alternative choice of payment However, mobile payment system has its own providing a function to perform daily financial transac- There are five major hindrances to the spread of mobiletions. payment, which are the refined business model, regulatoryIt is payment or financial transaction made or received compliance, information protection, fraud security and im-through a mobile device. For instance, it can replace cash, plementation of the system.cheque, credit cards or debit cards in our daily routine. From the perspective of firms, accepting mobile payment is aNFC transaction supports P2P payment, in-store app-based troublesome issue. They have to collaborate with companiespayment and full e-wallet functionality. These from unfamiliar sectors. Firms are required to align their pay-functions have fulfilled most of our daily needs. ment service and government law. Such pre-requirement isAlthough NFC was invented more than a decade time-consuming and costly. Great efforts are needed in orderago, it only started to be adopted in recent years.In fact, mobile payment is a new concept to most to invent a new and well-accepted system. Furthermore,of us. It has been invented and put into financial in financially well-developed regions such as Europe andmarket widely within these few years. Yet mobile America, the acceptance of mobile payment is unsatis-payment has gone viral among several nations out of many factory. From consumers’ perspective, the risk of adoptingexpectations. Such implementation is extremely successful mobile payment is high. They are used to the old methodin the unmatured financial market, where people have high and lack incentive to change their habit. Moreover, adoptingacceptance of the new arisen financial technology. Accord- mobile payment have several potential risks. For exam-ing to SCMP, over two-thirds of the transaction are conduct- ple, the leak of personal information, the vulnerability ofed through mobile payment in China. Mobile payment apps device and apps, potential online fraud, to name a few. Betterin China have cooperated with several daily derived services cybersecurity is required to further promote its service. Also,which aim to provide a more convenient lifestyle to the pub- as an individual, lose mobile phone become more costly. It’slic. Renowned mobile payment software and applications equivalent to losing a credit card.such as TNG, WeChat Pay, Alipay, Samsung Pay and Apple Albeit several hinders on NFC transaction, the spread of mo-Pay are well-accepted among nations. We can even travel bile payment is an unstoppable trend. Thanks to technologyaround the world with only a smartphone. Some mobilepayment apps such as TNG has provided in-app exchange improvement, we no longer need to grab a packedfunction for the good of customers. wallet on street and being worried about it. It is in- deed a game changer. This revolutionary invention undeniably changed the purchase habit of ordi- nary consumers.

37 Micro Housing:Recycled into our home LIFESTYLEWalking down the streets of Amsterdam, you may comeacross 5-storey-tall buildings assembled by unusedcontainers. In a small space, 1034 comprehensive livingspaces are provided for students in College. This pro-ject, named Keetwonen, was only supposed to stay onsite for 5 years after its 9-month construction time fromthe end of 2005. It eventually turned out to be a greathit and has been there for 12 years while still counting.It provides an affordable and comfortable space forstudents having a tight budget. Looking back to HongKong, isn’t this a great way for to tackle the housingproblems?What is Micro Housing? Implementation of Micro Housing.Micro-housing, in Western standard, often refers to those Foreseeing its potential and demand, Hong Kong govern-flats less than 350 square feet but fully equipped with living, ment is imitating the success in Amsterdam. Brand newcooking, bathroom and sleeping spaces. It often involves container projects will be launching at the University ofclever designs, notably foldable furniture to maximize the Hong Kong in Pok Fu Lam and Science and Technology Parkefficiency in using spaces. Examples are “cliff houses” in in Sha Tin, providing accommodation to staff and students.Sweden and apartments built in narrow towers all aroundthe globe. We are able to see other similar ideas than rectangular boxes popping up. Hong Kong architect, technologist andKeetwonen and other modular residency projects also entrepreneur James Law took containers as an exampleadopted the idea. They stack apartments renovated and created micro apartment prototypes out of concretefrom unused resources, especially containers. Engineers, pipes. “OPod Tube Housing is an experimental, low-cost,designers and urban planners spot multiple advantages micro-living housing unit to ease Hong Kong’s affordableof these projects. It is affordable to most households and housing problems.” He told SCMP earlier. Thanks to theirstudents. Each box in Keetwonen provides 230 square rounded shape and the width of only 2.5 meters, they canfeet living space with toilet and balcony but costs only fit into urban gaps between buildings. He estimates rentersHK$3,000 per month. It is environmentally friendly with 60% will only have to pay around HK$3000 per month to live inless carbon dioxide emitted during its manufacturing than these apartments.constructing reinforced concrete apartments. Living in those boxes or pipes mayWe often link limited space to limited quality of life, but seem fun to some people, but morethis is not the case for Keetwonen. The lightweight of of the renters will only settle forapartments and the modular system contributes to the a short period of time. Overall,high flexibility. You can find co-working spaces, gyms and housing problem still seems to be aeven swimming pools in those stacked towers. It can even dead knot, and we are just findingbe standing on top of existing buildings. Many dense cities our way to avoid the knot. Alongsidearound the world had adopted such innovative solution to with short-term solutions, it is impor-housing problems, say Common Ground in Seoul, Murray tant to find solutions to the root ofGrove in London, and even a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. the problem.








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