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Published by Abel koshy, 2021-09-04 19:26:02



Read the Text Version

PORTFOLIO FRENCH 2021 – 2022 NAME: Abel Koshy CLASS: X SECTION: A ROLNO: 7 ADMIN NO: 7544 Page 1 of 5

MY LANGUAGE PROFILE 1. My mother tongue: ______________________ Read Write Speak 2. Other Languages that I know: _______________________ S.No Language Read Write Speak 1 2 3 4 3. Why did I opted French: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 4. Since when am I learning French Class: ______ Year: ________ 5. What are the topics that I find easy. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 6. What are the difficulties I face during learning French ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Page 2 of 5

7. How do I overcome learning Difficulties ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 8. So far what are the information that I could express in French ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Page 3 of 5

Portfolio Activity- Term 1 (2021) Activity description:  Total Marks: 2.5 Submit it on: (a submission date)  Lesson no: 1- Retrouvons nos amis  OBJECTIVE: Capacity to narrate using the tenses of the past. Décrivez comment avez-vous passé vos vacances l’année dernière  Où avez-vous passé vos vacances?  Avec qui vous avez passé vos vacances?  Quel temps faisait-il?  Quelles activités avez-vous fait?  Qu’avez-vous mange? Comment goûtaient ces repas?  Ajoutez quelques photos prize pendant les vacances. Evaluating the portfolio Name of the student: ___________________ Class/Div: ___________________ Roll no: ___________________ Total Marks: 2.5 S.No Topic Marks Obtained Total marks 1 0 0.25 2 Ontime submission 0.5 1 1.25 0.5 1.5 3 Capacity to narrate using 0 0.25 past tense 0.5 Overall impression Page 4 of 5

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