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Home Explore Portfolio of Work

Portfolio of Work

Published by Iqra Ul-Haq, 2017-03-30 06:14:24

Description: Term 01 - Images of all work produced during this term.


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PortfolioWork produced during term 01

Assignment 1 Blog, portfolio and websites

Artstation Portfolio I have recently started using Artstation as my online Portfolio where I can post work produced within classes and my own personal works done outside of classes in my free time. I also use this to find other existing artists so I can follow their work. Using this site also allows me to draw inspiration from seeing so much artwork.

Portfolio I also use Carbonmade as my primary portfolio where I post my own work and nothing from my university work unlike Artstation. I post both finished pieces as well as sketches and unfished works.

Blog and InstagramFor my blog I have been using Tumblras my chosen platform because I’mfairly familiar with using it and havequite a few followers that see what Ipost.I use my blog to show processes andtalk about the work a bit more. I alsouse it as a form of documentation ofwhat I have been doing in universityclasses.

Pinterest I have been using Pinterest for quite a while so I have accumulated a lot of inspiration over the years. Having a site such as Pinterest is very useful because you gather a lot of research in folders and have everything in front of you while you work. It also works as a form of inspiration because you can search art and thousands of results come up.

Online StoresI also have two online stores where Ipost my own work that can then beturned into merchandise and peoplecan purchase a number of items.I use these sites as a form ofpromotion for myself as an artistbecause when I am approached bysomeone who wants to buy my art Ican direct them to these sites.

My Webcomic Over the past year I have been working on a Webcomic that I am still continuing to work on in my own time and I have created a website for it and have been promoting it on my social media. I have gained a few readers despite having only a prologue currently on the website so I use this again to gain more people seeing my work and as a way to share something I have been working on that I am quite proud of.

Sketchbook I have been using my sketchbook as a place to keep all my ideas a initial ideas for my classes and also for my own personal use.

Artist Research

Audra AuclairAudra Auclair is somebody I have been following for a long time, she issomeone who continuously inspires me. She is a fairly well known freelanceartist who is also currently working on a Webcomic.I find her work particularly inspiring because she is both a traditional anddigital artist and her style is so unique and experimental.

Laia LopezI have been following Laia Lopez since before I knew I wanted to an artist of some sort. She has been acontinuous inspiration and I admire her very stylistic art style. She has just finished university in Barcelonaand has been working a lot more on her own artwork. Lopez is extremely well known for her very ‘Disney’style and is quite successful.

Austen MarieAusten Marie is a freelance artist and full time streamer on Twitch. I have followingher work for a little longer than a year and we have talked quite a few times and I wasfirst drawn to her work because of her characters expressions. She is also quite wellknown for her very stylistic illustrations

Charlie BowaterCharlie Bowater is a lead concept artist and illustrator at Atomhawk. I found her workquite recently after I saw a lot of her work floating around on all my social media and thething that drew me in was her style of drawing human faces and I know admire her workvery much.

Laura BrouwersLaura Brouwers also know as, ‘Cyarin’ online is a freelance artist who worksboth traditionally and digitally. She is know for her semi-realistic and verystylised work. I have also followed her work for a long time and she hasbeen very influential to me personally.

Lois Van Baarle Most formerly known as, ‘Loish’ online this artist was one of the very first artists I was introduced to in the art community online because her work is so unique and personal. She has worked for companies such as BBC and is currently working on two animated shorts.

Assignment 02 Figure in Motion

Assignment 03 Modular thumbnail sketches

Assignment 04 Character thumbnail sketches

Assignment 05 Visual Library

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