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Home Explore General_Guidelines


Published by info, 2015-07-14 06:24:00

Description: General_Guidelines


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19. Comment Use the result block comment box to write comments that will be helpful to you when assigning ratings. Note: All comments must be written in English.20. Special Content Result Block This result block shows content directly in the block.21. Result with Response Pin The response pin in this result indicates the location of the corresponding response pin on the map.22. Web Search Result Block Click the block to visit the landing page.23. Dupe Confirmation Checkbox Check this box to confirm that you are done flagging duplicate results.24. Submit Use this button to submit the task and continue rating.25. Submit and Stop Rating Use this button to submit the task and stop rating.26. Cancel Use this button to cancel any ratings you have assigned in the task.26.1 Understanding the User Location on the Task PageWhile most tasks have a user location listed below the query, the map can also help clarify where the user wasphysically located when the query was issued and is more precise than the user located listed below the query.On the map, the user location can be precise (blue dot) or approximated (blue rectangle). Here are some examples ofwhat you might see at the top of the task:A precise user location is Sometimes you will seerepresented by a blue a shaded blue circle around the blue dot. Thedot ( ). blue dot is user’s most likely location, but it is possible they are located anywhere within the larger shaded blue region.Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2015 151

The approximate user The map includes alocation is shown as a response pin, which is ablue rectangle on the marker for a Local resultmap. block in the task. If there are three Local result blocks in the task, there should be three response pins on the map.27.0 Notes about Using the Needs Met Rating InterfaceResult blocks are sometimes slow to load: Before assigning any ratings, please scan the task page to make surethat all result blocks with a utility rating slider have loaded. Please note that result blocks may be slow to load and/orthat the task page may need reloading if there are empty result blocks. If the result blocks fail to load after refreshing afew times, please release the task.Sometimes a side will not have any result blocks: If one side displays the message “This side did not generate anyresults,” please do not release the task.Do not refresh the task page after assigning ratings: If you refresh the page after assigning ratings, you will losethem and they will have to be entered again.28.0 Using the “Report a Problem / Release this Task” ButtonYou will report problems and release tasks using the “Report a Problem / Release this Task” button on the ratinginterface. This is what the “Report a Problem / Release this Task” button looks like:Clicking the red button displays the following reporting and release options:Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2015 152

Here are some examples for the “lack expertise” and “technical problem” release categories.Lack expertise: These queries require specialized knowledge and may be difficult for some raters.Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2015 153

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