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Home Explore Everguard Basketball Brochure

Everguard Basketball Brochure

Published by bromor4, 2016-10-10 14:59:32

Description: Everguard Basketball Courts

Keywords: basketball,courts,install basketball courts,basketball court,basketball court installation,rubber basketball court,color coated basketball court,color coat,acrylic surface,acrylic basketball court


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EVERGUARD SURFACING INC.CUSTOM BASKETBALL SURFACESomething that we have found has been more and PICK YOUR COLORSmore in demand over the past two decades has beencustom basketball courts. When your kid is out thereon the court practicing their jump-shot, what bettersurface to have, to give them that support underneaththeir feet, knees, back and neck than rubber?Basketball is a sport with lots of stops, starts, cutsand accelerations. Friction is of greatest importance-which you can get from Everguard Surfacing.Concrete and asphalt flooring could result in cuts andscrapes, tear up your shoes, and is less permeablewith weathering. What is worse than a court full ofpuddles? With rubber surfacing you could insure lessscrapes and cuts, better shoes, and we could guaranteeno puddles. A surface can reflect greater performanceor a greater safety for players. Everguard Surfacingcan present you with a bold combination of both andyou and your kid a true bounce.96 Bond Street Westbury, NY 11590 | 516. 848. 7773 | [email protected] |

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