Sunday 9th August 2020 ST GEORGE’S CHURCH Every person complete in Christ - Colossians 1: 28 WELCOME Back to St George’s church! Finally, after many months of meeting Online we are now able to meet together, in person. Thank the Lord and rejoice with us. You will notice that Church has changed in many ways, but the Lord remains the same and so does our mission of presenting everyone complete in Christ. God has given us new ways of sharing Christ with our world, our city and our neighbours. He has also given us news ways to develop how we nurture our faith and support each other in the Lord. Thanks for being part of these new ways. THE COLLECT FOR 9TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Father of mankind, who gave your only-begotten Son to take upon himself the form of a servant and to be obedient even to death on a cross: give us the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that, sharing his humility, we may come to be with him in his glory; who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. AMEN. 1
Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. – John 2:8-9 The water turned to wine at the wedding in Cana is the first of Jesus’ signs (John 2:1-12), and the start of the ‘greater things’ (1:50) we will see in John. These are the signs that show that the Messiah is here! While we could focus on the miracle and rejoice at Jesus’ power, all that might mean is a Messiah who could give you stuff and solve first world problems like ‘oops, ran out of wine’. What then should the turning of water into wine tell us? Let the Bible interpret the Bible. 2
“On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines. … he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth.” - Isaiah 25:6, 8 The promised messianic age will be marked by abundance of fine wine, final rescue and forever life! So when Jesus turns water into wine, He is announcing and proving to the world, the Messiah is here! I (the one written about by Moses and the prophets (1:45) am here and I have brought in the messianic age. And yet in a sense the messianic age is not here. Isaiah 25 predicts a world we do not yet experience. Ours is a world of scarcity, covid19 and death. We live in the in-between: a time when the Messiah has come, and also ‘not yet come’. But the coming of Jesus (the already) is enough for us to grow in our faith that what is promised (the not yet) will come. He will return and it will be even more glorious. This truth will help us persevere even when we 3
cannot meet physically as His people and rejoice that we are slowly being able to gather again as a church. And so we look forward in faith to the time when we will join believers from all nations to take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb. Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come… – Rev 19:6-7 Amen! Marc Wang 9th Aug 2020 4
PRAYERS PRAISE GOD FOR WHO HE IS • Praise the Lord for his personal fresh-start in Christ and thank God for his universal promise of a new heaven and a new earth. THE WORLD • Pray for Laos (Asia). Praise God for the relatively very low COVID-19 infection rate in the country. Thank God that the church in Laos that St George’s is associated with ‘Church of the Holy Spirit’ Pray for the church and Rev. Tony Paton. Thank God for the existence and government acceptance of the Lao Evangelical Church (LEC). Pray for God to raise up trained LEC pastors and keep the church as a godly, faithful witnesses in the community. • Pray for the United States as they draw closer to an election. Pray for their role in the world as it affects much of the world. Pray about internal and external threats. • Pray for the church in the World. Pray for churches where there is persecution. Pray for churches where they are too ‘comfortable’ in their role in society and lose their focus. • Pray for Lebanon. Pray for those recovering after the massive explosion in Beirut and pray for those who mourn. The nation of Lebanon is already in severe financial and political difficulty. Pray that God would draw people to him in Christ. 6
SINGAPORE • On this National Day of Singapore thank the Lord for his grace and mercy to this nation. Thank God for the hard work of the Pioneering Generation. • Thank the Lord for the strong role that Christians have had in society in the past and in the present. Pray for Christians to be strongly involved in the marketplace in the future too. • Pray for Prime minister Lee Hsien Loong and President Halimah Yacob, for the government and opposition that they would have wisdom, self-control, and grace to lead us in justice, equality and peace to allow the gospel to flourish. ST GEORGE’S • Thank the Lord for his work in the life of Cheng Guan who is to be baptised at 9 am. • Praise God for Narelle Hadfield who has agreed to be the interim Children’s Ministry Director. Ask the Lord to give her godliness and wisdom in the transition; in leadership as well as the transition from Online Sunday School to in person (when possible) and the return of Mums and Tots in person. Pray for good teamwork among the volunteers in Children’s Ministries and the spread of the gospel. • (Pray for a St George’s Mission Partner) Alpha into Prisons: Ask the Lord for his wise and long-term direction after recent obstacles in Cambodia. 7
• Pray for the sick Rosemary, Thomas, Elaine, Peter, Kah Seng, Caitlin and Tee Dhye. Ask the Lord for perseverance and wisdom for their families. The LORD is our strength and refuge. Our very present help in times of trouble. Psalm 46: 1 8
ANNOUNCEMENTS Midweek Communion Starting 19th Aug 10:30 am A weekly opportunity to gather together to celebrate what Christ has done in a tangible way. This is a Church Service for those in the COVID-19 vulnerable group (over 60 years of age and/or those with other health issues) Please register for the Service (as only 50 people can gather). Please go to our church website: to register or ring/send a WhatsApp message to the Office 9812 5473. Please let the office know if you would like transport to St George’s to attend the Service. 9
For our online Services, View at St George's YouTube Channel: (Services are available from 7 am on the date of the Service and soon after on the Church's website itself ) Interactive Church SUNDAY From 8 am OR 10 am OR 5:30 pm on Sundays, join us for St George's Online Church. 8 am Zoom details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 628 941 326 Password: 018854 10 am Zoom details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 250 233 292 Password: 007972 5:30 pm Zoom details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 614 700 265 Password: 031576 10
CHILDREN Online Sunday School 10-10:45 am every Sunday. Join in for a song, a story, a prayer and an activity. For kids of all ages and their parents. Zoom Details: Meeting ID: 833 6406 9019 Password: SSchool DZVdsTDZ5Q3R6WmNpUT09 YOUTH Sunday Circuit Breaker LIVE happens every Sunday from 11 am onwards & Dig Deeper Online happens every Friday from 7-9 pm. We welcome all teens to join us at both our meetings! For more info, please get in touch with Shehan at ([email protected]) 11
YOUTH Dig Deeper Online: This Friday at Dig Deeper Online, we will be continuing our teaching series called 'What is a Disciple?' continuing on in the acronym: D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S looking at C- ommunicate Truth. As we journey through this series, we will learn the importance of obedience in following Jesus Christ and how we can truly live a transformed life! 12
YOUTH: This Sunday at Circuit Breaker LIVE, we will be continuing in Proof! Looking at John 14:15-27, about how we must learn to listen to and depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance in our lives. The session is titled \"The Gift that Keeps On Giving\". Toddler Time Online Toddler Time continues online every Tuesday at 10 am (for about 30 mins) on Zoom. PQS9EZDJEUi8vTTdvUT09%E2%80%8B Meeting ID: 824-6764-8764 Password: 309684 Please contact Hydie at [email protected] for more details. 13
We need your input/thoughts please St George's has a goal of having as many people as possible coming to church, in person, by providing a variety of Service styles and times, in a safe manner and within the safe distancing and other guidelines placed upon us. Here is an idea that the leadership team of the PCC would appreciate your input on, by you completing a simple Online Survey. We would like to hear from you on: A Saturday afternoon Service held in the late afternoon (for example 5:30 pm) for 1 hour for young families (so with a kids program) with a light meal afterwards (when restrictions are lifted). If you would be interested in a Service such as this, please complete this survey 14
St George's Church is seeking a Full Time Children's Ministry Director The Director will: 1) Oversee the ministry of Sunday School 2) Oversee the ministry of Mums and Tots 3) Work with the Toddler Time leadership team 4) Raise up, support and equip the teams of Volunteers who work with Children 5) Ensure Child Safeguarding policies and procedures are fulfilled. Job advertisement is found here For more details, questions and to apply - contact Ian at [email protected] 15
Morning Prayer Service - Every Wednesday 8-8:30 am Join us this Wednesday 12th August for the last online Morning Prayer Service. (from the 19th Aug St George's will hold a Midweek Communion Service in place of Morning Prayer) We will use the Prayer Book to pray and read the bible and have a short devotion. (We will provide the prayer book, you bring your own coffee!) Y3dEYTdpSGdqYUZWUT09 Meeting ID: 878 6302 4081 Password: 091389 16
For your prayerful consideration Whilst the church is not meeting together, we still have financial costs as well has providing assistance to those who need it. So we ask that you prayerfully and carefully consider giving online through PayNow or Planned Giving. Please go to this section of the website to find out more Or download the form here. And send the completed form to Annette: [email protected] 17
Contact Us Vicar: Rev. Ian Hadfield [email protected] Seniors: Rev. Paul Tan [email protected] Associate Minister: Rev. Dr Soh Guan Chin [email protected] Children's Ministry: Narelle Hadfield [email protected] Youth Ministry: Shehan Thomas [email protected] Small Groups/Life Groups: Marc Wang [email protected] Filipino Ministry: Hydie Valdez [email protected] Admin Manager: Nicholas Tan [email protected] Finance: Annette Ho [email protected] Membership & Courses: Betty Wu [email protected] Property: Cynthia Lamb [email protected] Rosters+Website: Lesley Limpin [email protected] Office Mobile (WhatsApp only) 9812 5473 Address: St George's Church 44 Minden Rd, Singapore 248816 18
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