thinking of selling? Simple steps to selling your home.
we sell great ocean properties why sell with us “A short note to thank you for the professional way that you handledOur company goal is to build a lifelong clientele that will trust the sale of our property. From theus with their coastal asset any time they wish to make a real outset you provided a clear strategy,estate transaction. We fully understand that becoming a sound advice and a good dose oftrusted advisor can only be earnt by demonstrating our common sense at the right times.expertise in the market place. We pride ourselves on protect- You and your sta are to be com-ing our clients interests and facilitating the maximum return mended on the way that youon their properties. presented the property to the marketWe have the largest and most well trained sales team in our and the lengths that you went toarea. We have 12 estate agents plus support sta working ensure the highest quality presenta-between our Torquay, Anglesea, Aireys Inlet and Apollo Bay tion at all times”o ces. Your property would be advertised at multiple o ces Sam and Ann-Maree Lukeand all agents have the ability to introduce buyers to the “Just to let you know how delightedlisting. Stephen and I are with such a quickWe pride ourselves on our marketing. We have two experi- sale. As always your advice wasenced graphic designers on sta to make sure every property invaluable and you and all your stais presented beautifully. We also pride ourselves on our copy handled the sale with professionalismand agonise over every sentence. If you go to any real estate and integrity. We would not use anywebsite that we use, you can see the di erence between us other agency! Thank you very much.”and other agents. We are very data driven to provide accurate Kind regardsadvice. Our bi-monthly Great Ocean Reports have a loyal Tracy and Stephen Skilbeckfollowing and are relied upon to keep property owners up todate.We communicate! We make the commitment to keep youregularly up to date throughout your sale campaign.
1 choose an agentThe choice of an agent to sell your major asset is a crucial decision to get right. Here are a few key points:You will be working closely with the agent, good personal rapport is essential. How do you feel about them?Is their market knowledge rst class? Understanding how your property sits in the market is very important.Do they have a clear strategy to maximise the sale price of your property? Can they explain this clearly?Your situation may have special requirements. Are they happy to customize their approach to suit your needs?Finally and quite simply - do they inspire con dence in you? 2 pre-sale preparation Pre-sale preparations are crucial for achieving a maximum sale price. You only get one chance at a great rst impression. If buyers have to visualise what is possible, they will also be visualising how much it will all cost and deducting that from their o er - if they o er at all. We have a team of pre-sale tradesman that can take care of any works that are required.
3 determine your sale strategyThere are various sale strategies available to our vendors and we can advise what is best for your property andyour situation. Coastal properties often require a unique approach to maximise their sale price. At Great OceanProperties we have developed our own unique strategy to complement the traditional methods that youwould be familiar with. Each sale strategy has its own advantages and disadvatages relative to your circum-stances and we welcome the opportnuity to pro-actively work through these with you.4 determine your selling priceIn the age of the Internet Median Sale Price $950,000 Sales and Growth Chart 150 Number of Salesagents are not the gate $900,000 140keepers of information $850,000 Sale Year (Calendar) 130that we once were. Past $800,000 Number of Sales - Median Sales Price ($) 120sales data is easily avail- $750,000 110able online to prospec- $700,000 100tive buyers. We will $650,000 90provide you with a com- $600,000 80parative market analysis $550,000 70(CMA) to allow you to $500,000 60understand where your $450,000 50property sits in the $400,000 40market, relative to the $350,000 30available data that buyers $300,000 20will be viewing. Setting $250,000 10the proper asking price is $200,000 0the single biggest factor $150,000that will determine the 1997best possible outcome of $100,000 1998the sale of your property. $50,000 1999 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
The next step is to for saledetermine the correctmarketing package foryour property and yourbudget. There are manyoptions available.Some components arean absolute must whileothers need to be justi- ed against the type ofproperty that is beingsold. We work throughthis with you to providethe most value formoney campaign foryou and your property.We have six marketingpackages to work withand all can be custom-ised. 5 marketing6 ready to launch Once all the planning has been completed and we have received our instructions, it is time for us to imple- ment them. Final staging will be completed, photos taken, copy written, board ordered and any print media booked. Once this has been done we are ready to launch the property for sale.
7 prepare for inspections We will discuss with you the best way to for us to conduct inspections at your property. Inspections by appointment or scheduled Open For Inspections or a mix of both, are all options that are available to you. Our goal is to minimise the impact on your lifestyle, while maximising the return on your property.8 negotiations and sale Our negotiation strategies are respectful, private and inclusive. We are active in negotiation and add substantial value through our re ned processes. At all times the decision to sell or not is yours. Once you have agreed on an o er, the purchaser will sign a contract and pay a deposit forming a written o er for you to accept.
9 solicitors Before settlement, both the purchaser’s and vendor’s solicitors or conveyancers will corre- spond to con rm the details of the sale and ensure both parties meet all the legal and nancial requirements. There will be documents for you to sign and they will then settle the prop- erty on your behalf.10 settlement day On settlement day, your solictor will complete the transaction on your behalf and you will relinquish the legal rights to your property in exchange for the balance of payment from the purchaser. We will facilitate the hand- ing over of your keys to the new owner on your behalf. You will then have sold your home.
Great Ocean Properties specialise in selling lifestyle propertiesthroughout the Great Ocean Road region. As leaders along thecoast we have worked hard to develop our reputation ofproviding the highest level of professional service, marketingand expert advice. We strongly advocate a coastal lifestyle as alife choice and our vibrant company culture re ects this.We pride ourselves on our integrity, honesty and professional-ism. At Great Ocean Properties we enjoy what we do, ourcoastal lifestyle and local communities. We value our customersand are dedicated to making the journey of buying and sellingas exciting and seamless as possible.Servicing the Surfcoast and the Great Ocean Road with o cesat Torquay, Anglesea, Aireys Inlet and Apollo Bay.we sell great ocean properties32 gilbert street torquay vic 3228 5264 8444101 great ocean road anglesea vic 3230 5263 110075 great ocean road aireys inlet vic 3231 5220 00001a 3 hardy street apollo bay vic 3233 5237 7366
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