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Home Explore 2022 R.E.N. Sales and Marketing Playbook

2022 R.E.N. Sales and Marketing Playbook

Published by Alexander Perry, 2022-04-11 19:21:51

Description: The R.E.N. Sales and Marketing Playbook


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CONTENTS: 7 Chapter 1: The Sales Acceleration Blueprint 10 REN-egade Manifesto 13 15 Personal Development and Goal Setting Why is Personal Development Important? 28 34 Sales Calculator 35 How to Maximize Productivity and Do More in Less Time 37 80/20 Time Management Secrets Training Exercise 39 39 Time Management Secrets of Millionaires Time Management Tools, Strategies, and Systems 43 72 Daily Sales & Marketing Plan Tracking Your Metrics 78 81 Chapter 2: Lead Generation and Niche Marketing 82 Online Lead Sources and Conversion Top Lead Sources and Conversion Rates need to Hit Your Goal 86 Recommended Lead Sources: 86 86 Unique Value Propositions 90 11 Proven UVP Strategies Questions You Must Ask Yourself To Develop A Compelling UVP 94 95 Chapter 3: Database Marketing And Lead Follow-Up Referral/Database Marketing Campaign 98 101 Promotional Marketing System 102 Automated Follow-Up Systems 102 Cash offer Prospecting 104 REN Remarketing Technology Leveraging your time with a Marketing Coach 105 105 GEO Farming Sales and Marketing Campaign Selecting your Farm 111 111 FSBO and Expired Sales and Marketing Campaign 112 Why FSBO and Expireds 117 Pain Points For Sale by Owners 121 121 Landing FSBO/Expired/and GEO Farming Leads without Cold Calling Step-by-step Strategies: 1

Chapter 4: Social Media and Video Marketing 125 Agent Publishing Plan 125 Multi Channel Marketing through Video 128 Marketing Team Publishing Add Ons 128 Educational Real Estate Related Topics to Post 130 Top Tools, Apps, & Tech 133 Social Media Optimization 137 Learn everything you can about your audience 137 Conduct a Competitor Audit 137 Establish and maintain your brand’s voice 138 Follow the social media ‘Rule of Thirds’ 138 Choose which networks to use 138 Choosing the best Hashtags for your Content 139 Chapter 5: Prospecting and Lead Conversion 150 How do we Define Prospecting? 150 Why master the skill of prospecting? 150 If we know prospecting is important, why don’t we do it? 151 7 Steps to Prospecting Mastery 151 Prospecting Scripts for Agents and ISAs 165 Overcoming Objections - Expired Listings 167 Overcoming FSBO objections 170 Just Listed Circle Prospecting Phone Script 175 Just SOLD Circle Prospecting Phone Script 176 HOT Market Circle Prospecting Phone Script 177 Open House Prospecting Phone Script 178 Sphere of Influence Script 178 Script for Calling Sphere of Influence  179 PAST-CLIENT/Sphere of Influence 180 Approved Vendor Program 180 Buyer Script Inbound Call 181 Buyer Objections 182 Verbal Advantage for FSBO and Expireds 184 Lead Conversion Evaluation Form 190 Direct to Voicemail 194 Farming/Circle Prospecting 195 GEO-targeted 197 Other Voicemails you can use as part of your prospecting and follow-up process. 197 6 Effective Real Estate VoiceMail Scripts That Get Callbacks 198 2

Text Messages Scripts 201 Texting Can Work Wonders for Your Real Estate Business 201 Text Message Examples 206 Video Prospecting Scripts and Dialogs 207 Email Scripts and Video Script 207 Delivering a Powerful Listing Consultation 213 Working Your Phone Consultation Option 1 215 Working Phone Consultations Option 2 215 Phone Appointment Recap 216 Discovery Meeting vs. Listing Appointment 216 Pre-Appointment Preparation 217 Delivering A Powerful Buyer ConsultationClosing The Sale & Maximizing your Commission 222 The Art and Science of Closing The Sale 222 Closing Strategies 222 Handling Objections 227 Summary 227 Chapter 6: Client Experience And Getting Referrals 227 Introduction 227 Developing a Vision and Mission for Your Business 230 Chapter 7: Business Growth and Agent Attraction. 234 Developing a Vision and Mission for Your Business 234 Halton Pardee + Partners 234 DeLeon Team 235 The Agency 236 The Loken Group 236 Mission Statement 236 TLG VALUES 236 Five Doors Network 237 Chantel Ray Real Estate 238 Mission Statement 238 Vision Statement 239 Jeff Cook 239 The BREL Team 240 Ryan Smith Home Selling Team 242 OUR CORE VALUES 242 OUR MISSION STATEMENT 242 3

Figure Out if You Need an Assistant 243 1.Can You Afford an Assistant? 245 Affordability 245 Full Time vs. Part-Time 245 245 2. Determine What Kind of Assistant You Need 245 Licensed or Unlicensed? 245 Employee vs. Independent Contractor 245 Deductions 246 Compensation 246 In-Office Assistant vs. Virtual Assistant 246 In-Office Assistant 246 Virtual Assistant 246 246 3. Find the Right Person 247 Your Job Post 247 Job Title 247 Responsibilities 247 Requirements 247 Nice-to-have Skills 247 Application Instructions 247 Interviewing Candidates 248 Interview Protocol 248 Choose your Questions 248 Check Their Facts 248 Consider your Options 248 Extend a Job Offer 248 Onboarding Your Assistant 248 Background Check 249 Paperwork Posters 249 253 Hiring an ISA 254 Managing Your ISAs productivity 255 Increase Conversion Rates 256 Training and Coaching 256 Summary 257 Recruiting 259 Your Unique Value Proposition and Recruiting Targets 259 The Recruiting Scoreboard 260 Recruiting with Technology Recruiting Sources 4

Setting Recruiting Appointments 261 Conducting Recruiting Appointments 261 Setting the Follow Up 263 Closing Recruits 264 Creating a Growth Environment for Recruiting 264 Summary 265 Implementing Effective Training & Coaching System 267 HOW WE LEARN A SKILL: THE JOURNEY FROM NOVICE TO MASTER 267 Importance of Training 269 Higher Standard of Regular Training 270 Developing the Leadership Skills to Lead Your Team 270 Transformational Leadership 270 How to Become a Transformational Leader 272 Step 1: Create an Inspiring Vision 273 Step 2: Motivate People to Buy Into and Deliver the Vision 273 Step 3: Manage Delivery of the Vision 273 Step 4: Build Ever-Stronger, Trust-Based Relationships With Your People 274 Key Points 274 Using Business to Create Wealth — needs banner 276 Additional Resources and Business Building Assets 279 Conclusion 279 5


Chapter 1: The Sales Acceleration Blueprint How to generate listings on-demand, build a power brand, and develop a system to attract a top sales team. The divide between your goals and reality comes down to the systems in place to actually achieve those goals. That divide is where your dreams are hiding. The Sales Acceleration Blueprint bridges that divide to help you realize your dreams. It’s a system that breaks down the people, processes, and tools needed to become independently wealthy and have the lifestyle you want. I am Isaiah Colton, and it’s my privilege to have put this system together with some fantastic people. This system lifted a poor, country boy like me from humble beginnings to financial independence within five years. But, more importantly, it’s the system helping thousands of people like you achieve their maximum potential. This step-by-step blueprint will break down the sales and marketing fundamentals that you and your sales team need to generate leads on demand, make sure those leads turn into closings, and, most importantly, create such an amazing client experience. Your clients become part of your sales force. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur looking to maximize your results, or a team leader/broker looking to create a powerful system to scale fast, profitable, this system will help you do that. This system is different because it focuses on the entire client journey, putting the client at the center of everything and not just a part of the transaction. The system concludes that you have only been 7

successful when you have created such an amazing client experience that people can’t stop talking about you. In the past, we taught growth models to attract and convert leads. While that seemed like a worthy goal, it is limited because it views the client as a by-product of the process. Don’t get me wrong, you will have more opportunities than you know what to do with, but that’s not the only goal. The Sales Acceleration Blueprint follows a better growth model that puts the customer at the center of your business and considers them throughout the entire process, helping gain massive momentum and more referrals. That's what real estate professionals are moving towards is what I call the “flywheel” Method. You ask, what is a flywheel, and how can it help me grow my business? To understand what a flywheel method is, it’s important to capture the flywheel history in general. 8

Invented by James Watt (yes, the guy whose name is on every lightbulb) over 200 years ago, a flywheel is simply an energy-efficient wheel or disc on an axis. The amount of energy it stores depends on how fast you spin it, how much friction there is, and the composition of the wheel itself -- how big it is and how much it weighs. Engineers use flywheels in cars, trains, and power plants. Here’s why this model changed my mind. Although the traditional sales funnel is my first love, I admit that its linear approach to measuring growth is a considerable weakness. Funnels produce customers but don’t consider how those customers can help you grow. And all the momentum you built acquiring that customer, gone. Each day, each month, and each quarter we have to start anew. This isn’t just inefficient; it’s a major problem. Ignoring how customers can help you grow is perilous in today’s world. Word of mouth has always been fundamental to great marketing but look at the world we live in today. Trust is at an all-time low. It’s harder to get distribution and engagement on Google and Facebook. Prospects are doing far more independent research than they ever have. With word of mouth being crucial, losing the momentum you generate in creating a new customer is a real drag on your growth. Whereas funnels lose their momentum at the bottom, flywheels leverage their momentum to keep spinning. Also, since flywheels preserve momentum so well, all of the additional energy you add to spin it faster adds to the capacity of the whole. Like the flywheel, building a sales and marketing strategy based on a flywheel will create massive momentum in your business. Consider the problem with lead conversion when it comes to the “traditional old school sales funnel.” Over the last few years, real estate agents could grow their database by buying and closing online leads. The problem is real estate lead conversion rates are currently at an all-time low. The National Association Of Realtors® reported that real estate agents' typical lead-to-transaction conversion rate is 0.4%- 1.2%. 9

The results are that agents lose out on deals every month because of low conversion rates on new and old leads and lack of follow-up with their Sphere of influence. Moreover, as an agent’s database grows over time, the problem compounds, resulting in millions of dollars in lost sales and listings opportunities. Lead generation is important, but those who focus on lead follow-up, Social Media/Video, lead conversion, client experience, and building a world-class team to support their growth are the ones who end up creating a listing machine. They build amazing profitable businesses and provide the financial freedom agents look for when they get into the business. The lack of focus on this topic is one of the top reasons they fail to meet their goals or, worse, get knocked out of the business. Those who make it end up spending more than necessary, stifling profits and leaving teams to feel they’re losing the battle. The top 1% of agents stay hyper-focused on building a better system and generating as many transactions on the listings side as possible, and more important strong follow-up. The good news is there’s no mystery to fixing the problem. While the approach to fixing the problem changes over time, the fundamentals remain constant. How do we know? We are proud to say that our core clients using this flywheel method realize 342% more production than the industry’s average agent. Listed below is a surefire way to increase your lead conversion, generate more listing opportunities, and position yourself to scale your business and have a great quality of life. This playbook is not the traditional book you buy for entertainment. It’s not filled with stories and endless explanations about “why” you should be doing certain business activities or insulting your intelligence with time-wasting content that leaves you wondering what to do next. Instead, this playbook assumes that you are ready to take action and will use this content to do it. This playbook will walk you through exactly what you should be doing day by day, week by week, month by month to experience the benefits of the sales acceleration blueprint. To get the most out of this playbook, be sure to join the REN Sales and Marketing Academy at Isaiah Colton & CO 10

REN-egade Manifesto The REN mission is to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs become independently wealthy using the sales acceleration blueprint. We contend that this is the first program in the service industry that brings together a systematic approach for marketing, sales, service, and the system needed to attract great talent to scale fast. We believe we are creating a movement. This movement is for the big thinkers, the underdogs who don’t like limits or the status quo. This movement is for those who have a burning desire to provide the best service possible and let their financial rewards do the talking. We call this movement the RENegade movement because this new opportunity requires a way of thinking that is not afraid to go against the grain or compromise their standards. We adopt this as our manifesto: 11

Rainmaker Rewards Tell us your renegade story and inspire others to become the best version of themselves and step into their dreams and goals If you're in real estate or mortgage, we have developed a rewards system to recognize our clients for their hard work. So please let us know how many transactions you have, and when you show us the proof, we will send you your own custom box with rainmaker gear and all awesome free stuff. Trend Setter (Level 1-3) #Renegadestory Phenom (Level 6-9) 1-40 / 41-80 / 81-120 201-300 / 301-500 / 501-1000 Rising Star (Level 4-6) 121-140 / 141-180 / 181-200 Learn more and join the movement: 12

Personal Development and Goal Setting It’s one thing to succeed in your business; it’s another thing to stay there without compromising all the other important aspects of your life. You would be surprised how many top performers would be in a bad spot and unable to afford their lifestyle within three months of lost productivity. Or how many top performers neglected their families and didn’t create any boundaries because of frustrating and chaotic processes. If our only focus becomes the results in our business, then we could miss out on “why” we are doing this in the first place. Yes, we are doing it for the money, but it’s more about what the money can bring us for many of us. We say we do it for our family, but if we lose connection with our family, who cares if we had the money if they are not around to enjoy it. So many of us compromise our health and don’t lose energy; what is the point if we don’t have enough vitality to experience the best things in life. Burnout is a real thing! Mental, Physical, and I believe Spiritual Health is a real thing. Personal development is a lifelong process. It's a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life, and set goals to realize and maximize their potential. For most of us, the why is simple: We want to get better. We want to follow through on our goals. We want to make more money. We want to feel more fulfilled, get promoted, and have better relationships. The bottom line is we really want more. So, how do we make sure we see progress? The answer is personal development. Most of us have heard this term before, and, to some extent, it varies. Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to realizing dreams and aspirations. Personal development takes place throughout a person's entire life.[1] Not limited to self-help, the concept involves formal and informal activities for developing others in roles such as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, life coach, or mentor. When personal development takes place in institutions, it refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that support human development at the individual level in organizations.[2] (Wikipedia: Personal Development, October 22, 2019) 13

Who cares if you made a million dollars if you lost everything else in the process. The good news is that if you follow this system, it’s almost a sure-fire way to keep yourself in balance, have less stress, and predict your income. With that aside, I focus on keeping the other areas of my life in balance relentlessly. I like to break it down like this: ● Health ● Relationships ● Finances ● Business ● Fun/Toys ● New Skills ● Spirituality/Contributions For the fun of it, what I want you to do is to measure your results in each area and rank how well you think you’re doing? ● Health 1-10 ● Relationship 1-10 ● Finance 1-10 ● Business 1-10 ● Fun/Toys 1-10 ● New Skills 1-10 ● Contributions 1-10 Why is Personal Development Important? 14

“We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.” -Jim Rohn Without constant consistent personal development, we tend to do things more out of “need” and let life control us. With personal development at our core, we take control of our life. As a result, you become far more critical than what you get. The essential question to ask is not, “What am I getting?” Instead, you should ask,” What am I becoming?” Getting and becoming are closely intertwined- I would submit to you that what you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: You have attracted most of what you have today by becoming the person you are right now. Now, in some cases, that might be a hard pill to swallow. But is it ok? If I’m being straightforward. ● No one made you rack up those credit card bills! ● No one made you eat more food than you need! ● No one makes you treat people inconsiderately! ● No one makes you make poor decisions! I have also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes a lucky jump, or people will cheat and steal their way, which usually results in misery. Unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can manage. I remember a quote a wealthy man once said, “If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets as it was before.” So, what is the point? It’s hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development. If you want a better partner, you become better. If you want better pay, you become better. Otherwise, even if you obtain those things for a moment, they will not last. So here is the reality of life: To have more than you’ve got now, no matter what area you want more, you have to become more than you are. That’s why personal development is essential, and this is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the reality of not changing. That’s why personal development is important (bears repeating). The first tool is setting clear, measurable goals. Without them, it’s like putting a blindfold on, spinning around six times, and then trying to throw a dart at a dartboard. 15

A well-known trainer for goal setting is, Brian Tracy. I read his book at age 19, which motivated me to set goals. I remember the first time I tried doing this exercise. So you can imagine some of the goals a 19-year-old would set! Since then, I have kept my goals every year as a kind of a track record. The funny thing is, some of the goals are still on my list. But it’s also really great to look back at what I accomplished. Question about each section: Let’s work through each section of the goal-setting process. The trick to winning and staying motivated is truly understanding the “why.” Understanding the why taps into what makes us tick. Identifying this will help ensure we follow through on our goals. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 16

Goal Setting Best Practices “Your Definitive Guide to achieving what really matters.” Created by: Isaiah Colton Introduction This exercise is very simple but extremely important to achieving what you want in your life and work. Most people want “things,” but they never take the time to plan out how they will get them. That’s like trying to hit a target blindfolded, you might get lucky, but there is a better way to increase your odds. We break this process down into three steps: 1) Write down the outcome you're looking for, 2) Write down why that outcome is important to you, 3) Write down what actions you will take and when you will take them to achieve your goals. Key Points ● Set realistic goals ● When you hit a specific goal, be sure you celebrate ● Keep your Goals visible and revisit them every day ● Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals along the way ● Try to find someone who will keep you accountable to your goals ● Try to establish a specific image with your goals and create a daily affirmation to support your RAS (Reticular Activating System) 17

Your Body/Physical Health Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 18

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When precisely and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship and Family Goals Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 19

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When precisely and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 20

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Your Business/Career Goals Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When specifically and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) 21

When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Your Spiritual Goals/Contribution to Society Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When specifically and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 22

Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Your Finances Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 23

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When specifically and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ New Skills Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 24

What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When specifically, and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Other: _______________________ Results – What do you want your results to look like in the new year? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 25

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are those results important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What actions can you take immediately towards the results you are looking for, and when will you do it? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ When specifically and at what frequency will you work towards those goals? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Create a strong visual representation of what it feels like to achieve your goals and affirm these goals daily. (Place Image Here) When will you pause and celebrate, and how will you do it? The people who should come with you to celebrate are the same people who should be keeping you accountable. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 26

Summary 1. I got one of the best pieces of advice while sitting next to Tony Robbins at one of his conventions he said, “It’s time to raise your standards because until your “SHOULD” goals become your “MUST” goals, then you're going to keep “should-ing” all over yourself.” I never forgot that, and to this day, the only goals I have not achieved over the years are my “should goals.” 2. Don’t worry about missing your mark too much. Yes, you want to crush your goals, but hit or miss, you’ll be better off having goals than not having them at all. In the end, progress is what it’s all about. 3. Take Massive Action: Don’t wait until the perfect time to start this process. It will never come, I promise you! There is no magic day or perfect time. Just go for it! 27

Sales Calculator We built this to help you identify the exact number of calls, connections, appointments, and presentations you need to hit the transaction goals you set for your team. Then you can look at the people, process, tools, and budget needed to hit those goals. Be sure to check out the REN Marketplace for affiliate services and other systems to help you hit your goals. Log in to your Sales & Marketing Academy account at and click on the “Sales Calculator” tab in section 1! The purpose of this exercise is to identify areas of opportunity. The rest of this playbook gives you the strategies and tactics you need to execute each impact area in this document. 1 - 10 ____ How clearly defined are your business goals and the process, tools, and people needed to achieve the goals? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you execute your sales and marketing plan to achieve those goals (if you have one)? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you know the numbers you need to hit daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly to reach your goals? ( leads, appointments, presentations, contracts, closes, referrals) 1 - 10 ____ How well do you track your numbers of you and your team's progress with your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly to reach your goals? ( leads, appointments, presentations, contracts, closes, referrals) 28

1 - 10 ____ How strong is your unique selling proposition compared to your competitors? Team Leader Broker 1-10 ____ How clearly defined are your team's ( individual contributors) business goals and the process, tools, and people to achieve the goals? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you execute your sales and marketing plan to achieve those goals (if you have one)? 1 - 10 ____ How well does your team know the numbers they need to hit daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly to reach their goals? (leads, appointments, presentations, contracts, closes, referrals) 1 - 10 ____ How well do you track your team’s progress towards achieving the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals? (leads, appointments, presentations, contracts, closes, referrals) 1 - 10 ____ How equipped are you to generate enough leads to hit both your buyer and seller goals for your team? 1-10 _____ How well are you doing at dominating 1-3 real estate niches and owning that portion of the market? ( Example: FSBO, Expired, Z-buyer/cash offer, Geo Farming, Probate, Short Sale, Foreclosure, etc.) 1 - 10 ____ How well do you utilize lead-form pages and sales funnels to generate leads? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at generating leads from your website? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you position yourself as a “Trusted Advisor”? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you promote your “Unique Value Proposition”? 29

1-10_____ How good are you at using multichannel marketing (Email, Text, Facebook, Video, Direct-to-Voicemail, and Postcards) to convert leads from your database and generate new listings? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you keep in touch with your SOI and leverage technology to do so? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you manage your database of contacts and the different stages of your sales funnel? 1 - 10 ____ How well are you doing at using artificial intelligence to convert leads into closing faster? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at using promotional marketing and client events to generate business from your database? 1 - 10 ____How good of a job are you doing networking with all people in the home services industry to generate referrals and add value to your clients by providing them home service options? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at ensuring your leads get followed up 8-12 times within the first two weeks? 1 - 10 ____ How effectively do you market to your SOI, seller leads, and buyer leads consistently? 1 - 10 ____ How good of a job are you doing marketing your listings using voicemail, text, email, postcards to generate more leads from your listing? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at producing content to brand yourself using remarketing strategies to stay in front of your database? 30

1 - 10 ____ How are you using Facebook, Instagram, Google, and your own podcast to generate leads both organically and paid? 1-10 _____ How well are you using video for prospecting, social media engagement and other forms of video marketing? 1-10_____ How consistent are you with your social media publishing plan? 1 - 10 ____ How consistent are you and your team with prospecting and follow-up? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at smart prospecting and using technology to call on people raising their hand vs. cold calling? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you convert leads from the internet, FSBOs, Expireds, and people that you don’t know? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you handle the 15 most common home seller objections? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you and your team at social and online prospecting? 1 - 10 ____ How strong is your listing presentation? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at getting the listing at the 1st meeting? 1 - 10 ____ How well do you negotiate price when a seller doesn’t want to list at your recommended price? 1 - 10 ____ How well does your sales team do prospecting and follow-up? 31

1 - 10 ____ How equipped are you to hire, train and coach an inside sales rep to help you with conversion? 1 - 10 ____ How good of a job does your client experience help you generate Referrals? 1 - 10 ____ How good of a job do you do improving your client-journey Road Map? 1 - 10 ____ How good of Job are you doing staying in touch with your past clients and offering other services besides real estate like other home services that your vendors offer? 1 - 10 ____ Clearly Defined is your Vision and Mission for you and your team? 1-10 _____ How good of a job are you doing hiring people in key areas of your business to give you leverage? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at recruiting agents to your sales force? 1 - 10 ____ How effective are you and your team at running sales training? 32

1 - 10 ____ How is your business culture? 1 - 10 ____ How good is your client experience? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at developing future leaders? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at tracking the key metrics in your business? 1 - 10 ____ How consistent are you with your sales and marketing plan to maximize your results? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you focusing on revenue-generating activities and outsourcing everything else? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at managing each impact area in your business to streamline growth in your marketing, technology, operations, finance, legal, customer service, fulfillment, recruiting and HR, and sales? 1 - 10 ____ How good is your wealth-creating blueprint for retirement? 1 - 10 ____ How good are you at taking care of your health? 1 - 10 ____ How proactive are you about your personal development? 1 - 10 ____ How well have you thought through your business plan and how to execute against it to hit your goals? Total Possible Points __ Total Points Scored _ The higher your score, the closer you will get 100 Listings + A Year 33

Regardless of the answers, hopefully, you found these questions thought-provoking. By the end of this course, you will have access to the best tools, systems, strategies, tactics, and skills from the country's top producing agents. So let's dive right in. Training Exercise 1. List the three top priorities you could improve to see immediate results (the quick wins). a. ___________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________ Action Steps 1. What can you act on immediately to get your improvement plan started? a. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ How to Maximize Productivity and Do More in Less Time Before we dive into this topic, it's important to point out that having good time management is pointless if we do not spend our time on the right things. So the first goal is to understand what we should focus on and then develop a plan to focus on those strategies and tactics daily. When asking top agents what their days look like, the responses were fascinating. Their days seemed very similar, and though their priorities were all different because they were at various places in their life, there were a few similarities that noticeably stood out: 1. They had a plan each day. 2. A considerable part of that plan was prospecting their sphere, follow-ups, FSBO, Expireds, Internet leads. 34

3. Time for reflection, asking themselves what went well and what they could do better to be more productive the next day. 4. They were highly disciplined in sticking to their time blocks. How does that list stack up against your daily routines? 80/20 Time Management Secrets The Shortcut to Financial and Time freedom Most of us have heard of the 80/20 rule, otherwise known as the Pareto Principle. Just in case you haven't heard of it, this principle suggests a guideline for the success of all outcomes. It postulates that 20% of your activities generate 80% of your results. Thus, the 80/20 Rule. It observes the natural imbalance between causes and effects, inputs and outputs, and efforts and rewards. Typically, causes, inputs, or efforts breakdown between two distinct categories: 1. The majority have little impact. 2. A small minority has a significant, dominant impact. This means that most of the results, outputs, or rewards we realize, are usually derived from just a limited set of causes, inputs, or efforts to produce them. That dynamic creates the imbalance observed in the 80/20 Rule. Some real-world examples that demonstrate the power of this rule are: ● 80% of the world's energy is consumed by 15% of the world's population. ● The wealthiest 20% of humans control 80% of the world’s income. ● 20% of patients use 80% of healthcare resources (in the U.S.). It works the same way in real estate. That’s why we generally see 10% of the agents producing 90% of the results. At this point, you're probably thinking, ” Yeah, ok, but how do I identify the 20% that will yield the greatest results for my business?” That’s a fair question, as are these others you may not have considered: 1. What are my high-impact activities? 2. Do my activities change depending on my game plan? 3. How do I focus on these activities? 4. What if I’m not good at these activities or skills? 5. What do I do to improve my skills at key activities? 35

Let’s first start by listings all impact areas that may affect the outcomes and growth for you as an agent, broker, or team leader, such as: ● Service and Support ● Product offering and Technology ● Lead Generation ● Marketing ● Sales ● Leadership Development ● Recruiting ● Operations ● Technology ● Data Management ● Client Onboarding ● Client Relations ● Vendor Relations ● Work Culture ● Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Payroll ● Legal Matters ● Other Now, look at your list, ask yourself a question and think through this exercise. Out of all these impact areas, what are your 80% and your 20% - and consider the one thing, if done well, that makes everything else easier and brings you great success? In the area below, try to rank these activities by the bottom 80%, to your 20%, to your one thing—in order of importance that impacts your business. 1% (THE Most important) 1. 20% (Next most Important, ranked from most important to least) 2. 3. 80% (Things you should outsource and have someone else do) 4. 5. 6. 36

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. When we first started interviewing agents, we found that it was a bit of a head-scratcher for them. We found their answers were all over the place but did have some common themes. What stood out the most was the consistency between top producers. At the top of their priority list was the relentless focus on Lead-Generation, Lead Follow Up, and Lead Conversion. The consensus across the board was that as long as the leads were coming and they spent enough time prospecting, they could position themselves to win even if some other activities weren’t perfect. Alternatively, if everything else was perfect but didn't have enough seller leads coming in, they found it very hard to sustain and grow a dynamic business. How much time, money, attention, and talents are you REALLY spending on lead generation and prospecting and closing listings? Though the answer will vary depending on each real estate agent's dynamics, it’s not enough for most. More pointedly, how much time and money are you spending on efforts to generate listings leads? How much time do you spend a day nurturing your past client database? Training Exercise In addition to those key questions, a complete check-up also requires asking yourself: 1) How much time do you spend working on your conversion strategies? _________________________________________________________________ 2) How much time a day do you work on following up? _________________________________________________________________ 3) Why do we consistently ignore the importance of lead generation? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 37

4) Why do we engage in activities that don’t really impact our goals? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5) Who could we delegate the “non” revenue generating activities too? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 38

Time Management Secrets of Millionaires Time Management Tools, Strategies, and Systems I think we all understand the importance of time management on the surface, but agents don’t actually calculate the cost of poor time management or the value-added of time blocking. The words time blocking came up in almost every interview revolving around time management as the number one tool to hit their goals. Many interviewees admitted that their ability to time block directly impacted whether they hit their goals or missed their goals for the year. If you look into our company's fabric, time blocking is one of the primary reasons for our success. We are time management fanatics, and so are the top producing agents in the country. I would go so far as to say that their success is a direct reflection of how well they time block and then persist in following through on the task at hand. If you’re like me, though, you don’t have a lot of time, and you can’t or won’t be willing to spend a lot of time tracking your time! 39




Daily Sales & Marketing Plan Daily Sales and Marketing Activities of Top Listings Agents and Team Leaders This document represents the perfect day when the sales and marketing plan is executed properly. If you have a team, they can help leverage some of these activities. Be sure to open up your sales and marketing plan daily to keep on track with your plan and track your results using the Sales and Marketing performance tracking system. If you have a team, make sure you train your admin, agents, ISAs, and marketing team to track their progress on the same system. 43







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