Gill Athletics@gillathletics ® 2017 Catalog1.800.637.3090
TraCk look ouT for SomE of ourEquipmEnT ® grEaT New produCTSLanding Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 gill pit garagEPit Garage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Page 14Raised Runways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17Vaulting Poles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-25Starting Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-29Hurdles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-33Discus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-36Throw Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Hammers & Throw Accessories . . . . . . . . .39-40Javelins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42-45Certification Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Track Equipment & Accessories. . . . . . . . . .47-62Training & triplE gatEtubE HurDlE 39”CondiTioning Page 65 21”Medicine Balls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2 Digit ElEctronic DisplayTraining Hurdles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Page 51Speed Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Sleds & Parachutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Weight Vest & Ladders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Plyoboxes & Jump Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70-71Stretch Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72-73SporTSConSTruCTionVault Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74-75Take-off Boards & Curbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76-77Sandpit Forms & Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78-79Steeplechase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-81Circles and Toeboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82-83Cages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84-94Ballstops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95VersaCom Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96Seating Shelters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 pPaacgEerF1X8V New Products added all the time Go to Prices effective from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017 Litania, Gill Athletics, PowerMax, Pacer are all registered trademarks of Gill Athletics, Inc. Gill Essentials, Maximus, SafetyMax, AGX, CarbonFX, PacerFX, Carbon Mystic, Pacer Mystic, Skypole Carbon, Skypole, Continuum, Fusion, Hollowood Star, Orbiter, OTE, Tru-Flight, Track Wagon, Coach’s Eye, are all trademarks of Gill Athletics, Inc.i
AnAtomy of A Gill lAndinG SyStem DuraliFE Foam 1 landing SySTEmS top paDThE BiggEST & BEST soliD Vinyl casinglEavES noThing ToChanCE® anglED boX cutout HarDwarE & sEams pHtHalatEs FrEE HanDlEs grip-strip FastEning systEm customizE your lanDing systEms Custom color and graphics available! See Page 3 for Details.EXclusiVE protEction rEgulatory compliancE 12 year warraNtyAll our landing systems provide an amazingly soft sweet- Every Gill Landing System meets or exceeds ®spot landing that is compliant with the American Society minimum dimension requirements by the NFHS.of Safety Engineers ANSI Z359.1-1992 (R1999) American Gill is committed to your Track & Field program now,National Standard fall arrest force requirements as well • NFHS Dimensions: 19’ 8” wide, 16’ 5” behind the and 12 years from now. All our landing systemsas the OSHA Regulation 29 CFR Section I, 1910.66 vault box, 26” thick. come with a fully guaranteed 12 year warranty. IfApp C, Personal Fall Arrest System force requirements. any failure occurs in the first 12 years, under normal • NCAA Dimensions: 19’ 8” wide, 16’ 5” behind the use and care, we will repair or replace the damaged vault box, 32” thick. part. Essentials™ line includes 5 year warranty.WiTh gill landing SySTEmS, you Will rECEivE:12.5% more foAm 3x the StitchinG Our superior Duralife foam provides unprecedented Triple stitched for strength. durability and strength over time. Gill landing systems are the only pits that meet OSHA’s personal fall arrest 12 yeAr WArrAnty standards for safety. Our industry leading 12 year warranty guarantees your landing35% more coverAGe system provides safety from the moment it arrives and for many years to come. Gill Athletics Exclusive! All vinyl base construction means better water resistance & longer life. removAble & Grip Strip replAceAble hArdWAre fASteninG SyStem Our 1,000 Denier 18 oz vinyl coated woven polyester is the strongest in the industry with a 390 PSI For long lasting durability. Secures the pit tight. puncture resistance. ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6”19’ 10” 19’ 10” NFHS 19’ 10” 19’ 10” NFHS 27’ 27’ 1267’’ 10” NFHS 16’ 10” 24’ 24’ NCAA NCAA NCAA IAAF 19’ 10I”AAF 16’ 10” 30’ 30’ 30’ Height: 32” Height: 32” Height: 32” Height: 32” Height: 32” Height: 32”Height: 32” Height: 32” Height: 32” maXimus™ pV lanDing systEm intErnational pV lanDing systEm national pV lanDing systEm • Overall size: 21’ 6” x 30’ x 32” • Overall size: 21’ 6” x 27’ x 32” • Overall size: 21’ 6” x 24’ x 32” • Overall size metric: 6.55m x 9.14m x 0.81m • Overall size metric: 6.55m x 8.23m x 0.81m • Overall size metric: 6.55m x 7.32m x 0.81m • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • 19’ 10” in back of the vault box • 19’ 10” in back of the vault box • 16’ 10” in back of the vault box 66711 landing system $22879 66511 landing system $20799 66311 landing system $19469 6671102 weather cover $2389 6651102 weather cover $2289 6631102 weather cover $2079 Vp600 save moNey with valuePacks! collEgiatE ValuEpack • 1 66311 National System • 1 6631102 Weather Cover (not shown) • 1 Pair of 715V Base Pads • 1 Pair of 7141 National PV Standards • 1 526 Gill International PV Crossbar VP600 $26299 ® 12 year warraNty On all Gill Landing Systems (excludes Essentials). Call for Details.2
21’ 6” 21’ 6” 21’ 6” 19’ 9” 19’ 9” 19’ 9” 19’ 9” 19’ 9” 3 19’ 9” NFHS NFHS NFHS polE vaulT landing SySTEmS 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 16’ 5” 16’ 5” 16’ 5” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 20’ 23’ 5”16’ 10” 16’ 10” 23’ 5” 23’ 5” Height: 28” Height: 28” Height: 28” Height: 26” Height: 26” Height: 26”Height: 28” Height: 28” Height: 28” scHolastic ii pV lanDing systEm scHolastic i pV lanDing systEm EssEntials™ pV lanDing systEm • Overall size: 21’ 6” x 23’ 5” x 28” • Overall size: 19’ 9” x 20’ 2” x 28” • Overall size: 19’ 9” x 20’ 2” x 26” • Overall size metric: 6.55m x 7.14m x 0.71m • Overall size metric: 6.02m x 6.13m x 0.71m • Overall size metric: 6.02m x 6.15m x 0.66m • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • Skirted mesh top holds units together • 16’ 10” in back of the vault box • 16’ 6” in back of the vault box • 16’ 5” in back of the vault box • Royal Blue Only 65611 landing system $16349 65411 landing system $13939 • 5 year warranty 6561102 weather cover $1869 6541102 weather cover $1559 653 landing system $11139 65302 weather cover $1249 save moNey save moNey save moNey with valuePacks! with valuePacks! with valuePacks! scHolastic ii ValuEpack scHolastic i ValuEpack EssEntials™ ValuEpack • 1 65611 Scholastic II System • 1 65411 Scholastic I System • 1 653 Essentials™ System • 1 6561102 Weather Cover • 1 6541102 Weather Cover • 1 65302 PV Weather Cover • 1 Pair of 715F Base Pads • 1 Pair of 715F Base Pads • 1 Pair of 715F Base Pads • 1 Pair of 7110 Scholastic PV Standards • 1 Pair of 7110 Scholastic PV Standards • 1 Pair 7100 Essentials™ PV Standards • 1 523 Essentials™ PV Crossbar • 1 523 Essentials™ PV Crossbar • 1 523 Essentials™ PV Crossbar • Royal Blue Only VP310 $20089 VP305 $17439 VP300 $14089 douBlE-fronT landing SySTEmS Where facility design allows, a double-front landing system is the way to go. Performance (and safety) in the pole vault can be greatly affected by wind direction. The double-front landing system allows for instant runway approach direction change to take full advantage of prevailing winds. Double-front landing systems for College and IAAF sized landing systems — available on 66311, 66511 and 66711 landing systems. CuSTomizE your landing SySTEmS Add logo or school name to any landing system top pad or weather cover. Multi-color graphic is top pAd color screen printed on 5’ x 5’ area. Vector artwork optionS 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 12 13 15 must be provided. ROYAL BLU0E2 RED 03 WHITE04 ORANG0E5 YELLOW G0O6LD OLD GOL0D8 GRAY09 BLACK12 NAVY BL1U3E DARK GR1EE5N ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD OLD GOLD GRAY BLACK NAVY BLUE DARK GREEN cASinG color 02 03 04 05 06 09 10 11 12 13 15 9451 top Pad Graphic $699 optionS ROYAL B0LU2E RED 03 WHITE04 ORANGE05 YELLOW G0O6LD GRAY 09 MAROO1N0 PURPLE11 BLACK12 NAVY BLU1E3 DARK GRE1E5N 9452 weather cover Graphic $699 ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE DARK GREEN ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
24’ 42”42’ 4’”4” 21’ 62”12’ 16’”6” 11’ 31”11’ 13’”3” 20’ 202’ 0’ 10’ 101’ 0’ NFHS NFHS NFHS NCAA NCAA NCAA IAAF IAAF IAAF13’ 21”31’ 32’”2” 13’ 21”31’ 32’”2” HeighHte:Hi2ge8higt”:h2t:82”8” HeighHte:Hi2ge8higt”:h2t:82”8” HeighHte:Hi2ge8higt”:h2t:82”8” supEr maXimustm HJ lanDing systEm maXimustm HJ lanDing systEm national HJ lanDing systEm • Overall size: 24’ 4” x 13’ 2” x 28” • Overall size: 21’ 6” x 13’ 2” x 28” • Overall size: 20’ x 11’ 3’’ x 28’’ • Overall metric: 7.41m x 4.01m x 0.71m • Overall metric: 6.55m x 4.01m x 0.71m • Overall size metric: 6.10m x 3.43m x 0.71m • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • Added Safety Cutout • Added Safety Cutout • Added Safety Cutout 64711 landing system $11979 64911 landing system $11109 64311 landing system $9469 6471102 weather cover $1559 6491102 weather cover $1349 6431102 weather cover $1249 ® Vp500 save moNey with valuePacks! MADE IN THE USA national HJ ValuEpack • 1 64311 National HJ Landing System • 1 6431102 Weather Cover (not shown) • 1 Pair of 7010 National HJ Standards • 1 525 Gill International HJ Crossbar VP550 $11689 64211 sHown witH 6421102 anD 705 stanDarDs4
520’ 18’ 18’ 18’ 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 16’ 6” 16’ 16’ high Jump landing SySTEmSg”ht: 28” 8’ 8’ 8’ NFHS NFHS 8’ 8’ 8’ NFHS NCAA NCAA Height: 2H4e”ight:H2e 10’ 10’ 10’ IAAF 10’ 10’ 10’ Height: 2H6e”ight:H2e6ig”ht: 26” Height: 2H6e”ight:H2e6ig”ht: 26” Height: 2H6e”ight:H2e6ig”ht: 26” collEgiatE HJ lanDing systEm scHolastic ii HJ lanDing systEm scHolastic i HJ lanDing systEm • Overall size: 18’ x 10’ x 26” • Overall size: 16’ 6” x 10’ x 26” • Overall size: 16’ 6” x 8’ x 26” • Overall size metric: 5.49m x 3.05m x 0.66m • Overall size metric: 5.03m x 3.05m x 0.66m • Overall size metric: 5.03m x 2.44m x 0.66m • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • 2” Top Pad • Added Safety Cutout • Added Safety Cutout 64111 landing system $5399 64611 landing system $7799 64211 landing system $6889 6411102 weather cover $829 6461102 weather cover $1199 6421102 weather cover $1039 save moNey save moNey save moNey with valuePacks! with valuePacks! with valuePacks! collEgiatE ValuEpack scHolastic ii ValuEpack scHolastic i ValuEpack • 1 64611 Collegiate System • 1 64211 Scholastic II System • 1 64111 Scholastic I System • 1 6461102 Weather Cover • 1 6421102 Weather Cover • 1 6411102 Weather Cover • 1 Pair of 705 Collegiate HJ Standards • 1 Pair of 7040 Scholastic HJ Standards • 1 Pair of 7040 Scholastic HJ Standards • 1 525 Gill International HJ Crossbar • 1 522 Essentials™ HJ Crossbar • 1 522 Essentials™ HJ Crossbar VP500 $9729 VP410 $8399 VP400 $674916’ 6” 16’ 16’ 12’ 12’ save moNey 6’ 6’ with valuePacks! 8’ 8’ NFHS ElEmEntary ValuEpackHeight: 26” Height: 24” Height: 24” Height: 24” Height: 24” • 1 639 Elementary System EssEntials™ HJ lanDing systEm ElEmEntary HJ lanDing systEm • 1 63902 Weather Cover • 1 Pair of 700 Essentials™ HJ Standards • Overall size: 16’ x 8’ x 24” Perfect for your elementary or middle school program! • 1 522 Essentials™ HJ Crossbar • Overall size metric: 4.88m x 2.44m x 0.61m This economically priced system is made of the same • Royal Blue Only • Skirted Mesh Top Holds Unit in Place quality vinyl and foam as our other landing systems, but • Royal Blue Only is sized for beginning high jumpers. One piece design VP415 $3269 • 5 year warranty negates the need for a top pad or skirted mesh top. Royal Blue Only. 5 year warranty. NOT INTENDED FOR save moNey 640A landing system $3929 HIGH SCHOOL USE. with valuePacks! 640A02 weather cover $619 • Overall size: 12’ x 6’ x 24” EssEntials™ ValuEpack 639 landing system $2459 • 1 640A Essentials™ System 63902 weather cover $419 • 1 640A02 Weather Cover • 1 Pair of 700 Essentials™ HJ Standards 12 year warraNty custom GraPhics • 1 522 Essentials™ HJ Crossbar • Royal Blue Only ® Add graphics to any landing system. See Page 3 for Details. VP405 $4799 On all Gill Landing Systems (excludes Essentials). Call for Details. ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
SafETymax™ vaulT ®Box Collar PATENT NO. 8444531 • Provides additional protection by padding exposed hard surfaces • Features winged arms that go down in the vault box • Safety yellow color highlights the open area for planting the vaulting pole • Will work with any style of pole vault landing system • Complies with ASTM standard F2949 • Meets the 2014 NCAA and 2015 NFHS rule 719 $599 715V716 7082Vault pErimEtEr paD anglED basE paDs lanDing systEm tiE-Down kit • High school rule requires covering over all exposed • Angled with the slope of the pad for added safety • Decrease the chances of pit ‘flying’ away hard surfaces surrounding the PV landing area and sharper look • Increase safety and security of your pits • Straps sold individually for custom solution • 4’ x 8’ pad is 2” thick high density foam • Protects both vaulters and poles from hitting the • Encased in bright yellow vinyl base of the standard 7081 with concrete anchors $46 7082 with Grass anchors $46 716 $319 • Fits 32” tall Gill systems and all standards with center-mounted uprights • Made of same high quality material as all Gill landing systems • Adjustable measurement scale on top of pad • IAAF certified 715V angled Base Pads $1409/pr M615PS $309 replacement sloped Pad scale strip 715E 715m 717 715F Vault boX collar stanDarD basE paDs uniVErsal scalE strips • Vault Box Collar for international and USATF use only • Similar to the 715V but not angled with the slope • Scale strip for any base protector pad • Does not meet current NFHS and NCAA rules of the pad 717 $299 • Printed on high quality repositionable vinyl with UV • Fits 28” tall Gill systems and all standards with fade resistant ink for longer life6 center-mounted uprights • 2” x 33” • Made of same high quality material as all Gill landing systems 715E english $43/pr 715M metric $43/pr • 24” x 64” x 16” 715F $939/pr
7 768 767 landing SySTEm aCCESSoriESaluminum pit cart wooD DEck pit cart • Deck of cart measures 5’ x 10’ • Deck of cart measures 4’ x 8’ • Constructed of quality aluminum planking • Constructed of MDO exterior plywood for improved weather resistance • Designed with spacing between planks to allow quick water drainage • Pneumatic caster wheels have a 12” diameter for easy travel over smooth • Pneumatic caster wheels have a 12” diameter for easy travel over smooth and rough surfaces and rough surfaces • Deck height is 16” • Deck height is optimal 19” 767 $1239 768 $2399733663 734667aluminum platForms For lanDing systEms polymEr platForms For lanDing systEms • Support PV and HJ pits above the ground to prevent water damage • Support PV and HJ pits above the ground to prevent water damage • Corrosion resistant aluminum • Corrosion resistant rubber that reduces the tendency of pit migration during use • Consist of individual, easy to carry and convenient to store pallets • Consist of individual, easy to carry and convenient to store pieces • Quickly assembled and disassembled • Quickly assembled and disassembled733667 Fits model 66711 $7679 734667 Fits model 66711 $6959733665 Fits model 66511 $7049 734665 Fits model 66511 $6409733663 Fits model 66311 $6699 734663 Fits model 66311 $5399733656 Fits model 65611 $6349 734656 Fits model 65611 $5199733654 Fits model 65411 $5209 734654 Fits model 65411 $4339733647 Fits model 64711 $3299 734647 Fits model 64711 $3249733649 Fits model 64911 $3139 734649 Fits model 64911 $3189733643A Fits model 64311 $3159 734643A Fits model 64311 $2869733646 Fits model 64611 $2639 734646 Fits model 64611 $2079733642 Fits model 64211 $2239 734642 Fits model 64211 $1949733641 Fits model 64111 $2289 734641 Fits model 64111 $1619pit rEpair kits • Provides all materials needed to repair almost any tear or hole • Comes in handy carry and storage bag699B royal Blue repair kit $239 709699R red repair kit $239 699b watEr sHED insErt • Guaranteed to increase the life of your HJ and PV pits • Prevents water pooling on your pit which destroys your foam 709 $70 ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
7100 7110 7130 7141 EssEntials™ polE Vault scHolastic polE Vault aluminum polE Vault national polE Vault stanDarDs stanDarDs stanDarDs stanDarDs • Full steel tubing construction gives • Heavy gauge steel tubing for • Aluminum construction for superior • Unique fluted aircraft quality added strength added strength corrosion resistance aluminum construction • Height adjustment: 6’ to 16’ • Height adjustment: 7’ to 18’ • Height adjustment: 7’ to 18’ • Height adjustment: 5’ to 21’ • Reads both English and Metric • Reads both English and Metric • Reads both English and Metric • Reads both English and Metric measurements measurements measurements measurements • Upright detaches from base rails for • Upright detaches from base rails for • Upright detaches from base rails for • Wide stance base for added stability improved storage improved storage improved storage • 55mm bar rest pins included • Wide stance base for added stability • Wide stance base for added stability • Wide stance base for added stability • 7142 is compatible with base pads • 75mm bar rest pins and 8 base • 55mm and 75mm bar rest pins and • 55mm and 75mm bar rest pins and with off center cut out anchors included 8 base anchors included 8 base anchors included • Meets NFHS, NCAA, USATF, and IAAF • Meets NFHS specifications • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications specifications, IAAF certified • 5 year warranty 7141 standards $4059/pr 7110 standards $1489/pr 7130 standards $1869/pr 7100 standards $1149/pr 7142 standards for offset Base Pad $4059/pr rEplacEmEnt concrEtE rEplacEmEnt bar oFFsEt EXtEnsion pV stanDarD ancHors rEst pins uprigHt paD • Adds additional 2’ to Gill • Required by NFHS rule 7-5-10 P71430 55mm Ncaa Pin $10/ea standards: 7110, 7130, • Protects pole, competitors and • Set of 8 P71429 75mm hs Pin $10/ea and 7141 standards from harm 7115 $61 • Also fits any standards with • Fits snug around the standard 1.25” square offsets facing the inside of the pit • Comes in safety orange color • Back is open to allow for setting of height and tightening of knobs 71252 $146/pr • High density foam in vinyl casing8 • See chart on right for color options 731109CXX $349/ea
9 740110c1305sp agX m4 polE Vault polE vaulT STandardS stanDarDs 730110c12 • Dual hand crank system simplifies and speeds up height transitions • Height range from 6’ to 21’ • Exclusive 2” safety pad increases safety of athletes and reduces vaulting pole damage • Dual positional locking system; Practice Mode creates quick bar height changes while Competition Mode locks in peg height during jumps • Internal measuring tape displays Metric and English units • Quick hand crank crossbar depth adjustment from 0cm to 80cm • Exclusive customizable offset width between pins from 4.30m-4.37m • Steel base for stability during use and Easy-Port hinge technology for quicker location movement • Strong aluminum profile increases aesthetics, functionality, and customization • Customize 2” safety pad with choice of color and graphics • Use the two-digit number of your vinyl color selection to replace XX in the item number • Use the two-digit number of your powder coat color selection to replace YY in the item number • Meets NFHS, NCAA, and IAAF specificationsintErnational polE Vault 740110CXXYYSP $18999/prstanDarDs m4 polE Vault basE paDs • Extruded aluminum construction for maximum corrosion resistance Specifically designed for AGX M4 Pole Vault Standards. Use the two-digit • Height adjustment: 3’ to 21’ number of your vinyl color selection to replace XX in the item number. • Extra offset Extensions are not needed 740111CXX $1349/pr • Choose between English or Metric internal measuring tape CuSTomizE your STandardS • Hand crank height adjustment utilizing durable pulley system • Eye-level readout window display • Unique adjustment window for initial calibration to correct for uneven surfaces • Wide stance base for added stability including adjustable leveling pads • Use the two-digit number of your powder coat color selection to replace XX in the item number • Meets NFHS, NCAA, USATF, and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified730110CXX $7669/pr poWder coAt 01 02 10 year 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 LIGHT BLUE ROYAL BLUE ® RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD SILVER OLD GOLD GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE KELLY GREEN DARK GREENlimited warraNty vinyl 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 optionS 01 02On all Standards (excludes Essentials). RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD TAN GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE KELLY GREEN DARK GREENCall for Details. LIGHT BLUE ROYAL BLUE ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
700 7040 7060 705EssEntials™ HigH Jump scHolastic HigH Jump aluminum HigH Jump collEgiatE HigH JumpstanDarDs stanDarDs stanDarDs stanDarDs • Square steel construction with • Strong rectangular steel construction • Aluminum construction for superior • Upright designed with heavy gauge durable black powder coat finish with durable red powder coat finish corrosion resistance steel for maximum durability • Weighted base includes wheels for • Weighted base includes wheels for • Flat base includes wheels for • Riser designed with lightweight easy mobility easy mobility easy mobility aircraft aluminum • Height adjustment: 2’ to 8’ • Height adjustment: 2’ to 8’ • Height adjustment: 2’ to 8’ • Upper riser guide adds extra stability • Reads both English and Metric • Reads both English and Metric • Reads both English and Metric at higher heights measurements measurements measurements • Cast aluminum bar rests, upper and • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications lower riser guides • 5 year warranty 7040 standards $669/pr 7060 standards $749/pr • Weighted base includes wheels for 700 standards $329/pr easy mobility • Height adjustment: 2’ to 8’ • Reads both English and Metric measurements • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified 705 standards $939/pr HigH Jump stanDarD 707 HigH Jump multi-bar basE paDs rEst attacHmEnt • Provides additional safety during • Eliminates need for time wasting high jump event raising and lowering of standards at practice • 2” thick foam pad encased in yellow vinyl • Designed to fit most high jump standards 707 $207/pr • Six bar rest pads at 3” increments10 • 1 3⁄4” x 1 3⁄4” openings with a 22” overall length 71254 $65/pr
11 high Jump STandardS 7010 730120c03 740120c0614spnational HigH Jump stanDarDs intErnational HigH Jump stanDarDs agX m4 HigH Jump stanDarDs • Unique fluted aircraft quality aluminum uprights • Regal extruded aluminum construction design • Simple height adjustments with unique thumb and extruded risers button and handle assist • Fully encapsulated riser ensures maximum stability • Cast aluminum upper riser guide with fixed at higher heights • Choose your team’s powder coat color for clamping knob complete customization • Superior inner channel design for raising/lowering • Upper riser guide adds extra stability at crossbar increases longevity • Customize exclusive 2” safety pad with choice of higher heights color and graphics • Unique adjustment readout for initial calibration to • Cast aluminum bar rests, upper and lower riser guides correct for uneven surfaces • High-visible English or Metric unit height indicator display for fans, coaches, and athletes • Weighted base includes wheels for easy mobility • Weighted base includes wheels for easy mobility and leveling pads • Eye-level height indicator color coordinated with • Height adjustment: 1” to 8’ 6” dual bar rest system • Height adjustment: 3’ to 9’ • Reads both English and Metric measurements • Exclusive steel powder coated base with wheels for • Reads both English and Metric measurements increased stability and easy transportation • Use the two-digit number of your powder coat color • Use the two-digit number of your powder coat color selection (Page 9) to replace XX in the item number • Height range from 1’ to 8’ 3” selection (Page 9) to replace XX in the item number • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, • Use the two-digit number of your vinyl color selection • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified (Page 9) to replace XX in the item number IAAF certified • Use the two-digit number of your powder coat color7010 Gray $1249/pr 730120CXX standards $1719/pr selection (Page 9) to replace YY in the item number7010CXX choose color $1369/pr • Meets NFHS, NCAA, and IAAF specifications 740120CXXYYSP standards $1999/prcustomize your staNdards m4 HigH Jump basE paDsSee color charts on page 9 to replace the XX and YY in Specifically designed for AGX M4 High Jump Standards.the item numbers. • Use the two-digit number of your vinyl color selection (Page 9) to replace XX in the item number 10 year 708CXX $249/pr ® ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTaloglimited warraNtyOn all Standards (excludes Essentials). Call for Details.
® redesiGNed! 529agX™ crossbars 533 • Exclusive half moon profile ends lower the center of gravity of the bar agX™ crossbar conVErsion kit • Heaviest crossbar the rules allow • Shorter, more stable, end pieces redesigned for improved performance Convert your traditional crossbar to the coveted AGX model. • Features durable thick-walled pulltruded fiberglass rod 533 aGX conversion kit • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified529 high Jump $126 $80530 Pole vault $132 ®5313-piEcE crossbars Vaulting Poles are not crossbars are not guaranteed against breakage guaranteed against breakage • Crossbar kit that ships by UPS instead of truck • Reduced shipping charges INSPECT CROSSBARS FOR • Has the ability to be shipped UPS overnight VISIBLE AND CONCEALED DAMAGE • Utilizes same durable thick-walled pulltruded fiberglass as International Crossbars • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications BEFORE ACCEPTING DELIVERY531 high Jump $129532 Pole vault $133 gill® intErnational crossbars 525 high Jump 525 5253 high Jump (3) • Features durable thick-walled pulltruded fiberglass rod 526 Pole vault $97/ea • Minimum sag 5263 Pole vault (3) $282/set • Order sets of three to help offset expensive shipping costs 52113 replacement crossbar end $99/ea • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified $288/set 522 high Jump $11 EssEntials™ crossbars 5223 high Jump (3) 523 Pole vault 522 • Features durable pulltruded fiberglass rod 5233 Pole vault (3) • Excellent choice for high school competitions 52116 replacement crossbar end $64/ea • Order sets of three to help offset expensive shipping costs $186/set • Meets NFHS specifications $65/ea $189/set12 $11
13 528 CroSSBar aCCESSoriESElastic krossbanD • Training crossbar for PV and HJ • Bright fluorescent orange elastic tubing • 1” diameter foam sections 528 $26 E73705 E73710 723a 710390 pV/HJ mEasuring stickpV crossbar HEigHt puttEr uppEr • Remove guesswork of manual measuring devices with scientific laser devicecalipEr • Ergonomic 59” tall measuring stick brings laser readout closer to eye level • Simplest crossbar placer ever made • Use for both High Jump and Pole Vault events • Simple effective way to measure PV • Fits over the end of any vaulting pole • Simple to use: Utilize viewfinder to line up crossbar and press the button; done! and HJ crossbar height 710390 $18 • Measure in either English or Metric units • Minimum measurement is 1.54m (5’ ½”), No maximum measurement • Fits over almost any vaulting pole E73705 stick and laser $929 723A $96 E73706 stick only $93 E73710 laser only $859522523r 950 722crossbar rEpair kits tElEscoping crossbar placEr HigH Jump mEasuring roD • Extends the life of cracked or broken crossbars • Facilitate easy placement of crossbars at all heights • English scale side has 1⁄ 8” resolution • Simply slide the repair sleeve over the break • Telescoping pole extends 6’ to 12’ in 6” increments • Metric scale side has 1cm resolution • Thumb lock and release mechanism allows for • Unit folds down to 49” long and weighs 4 ½ lb525526R international repair kit $10522523R essentials repair kit $10 quick adjustment 722 high Jump measuring rod $165 950 telescoping crossbar Placer $120 ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
protect your inveStment With... gill piT garagES HigH Jump pit garagE polE Vault pit garagE pit garagE wHEEl pit garagEs • Protect your PV or HJ investment from the elements • Keep rain, snow, and vandals away • Easily moves on and off position with the help of a few people • Use the two-digit number of your color selection to replace XX in the item number • Factory Installation is required 881018CXX 10’ X 18’ Pits or smaller $8219 $11249 color 881425CXX 14’ X 25’ Pits or smaller $12659 optionS 02 03 04 09 88211220CXX 15 21’ X 20’ Pits or smaller $14599 30’ X 22’ Pits or smaller $2999 ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE GRAY BLACK DARK GREEN $3999 883022CXX 02 03 04 09 12 15 GILLINSTALLHJG high Jump Pit Garage Factory installation ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE GRAY BLACK DARK GREEN GILLINSTALLPVG Pole vault Pit Garage Factory installation14
153-lanE track gatE crossoVEr zonE® piT garagE & TraCk mainTEnanCE • Discourage joggers from using three inside lanes causing premature and uneven wear • Lighter and easier to handle than other ‘conveyor belt rubber’ systems • Easy lift and rotate to allow training on inside lanes • Protects against steel tipped cleats, shoes and equipment wheels • Locks into place • Rain drains through • Includes ground sleeve • Available in custom color, see chart on page 84 493667 7.5’ x 30’ $949 493668 7.5’ x 40’ $10498540 3-lane track Gate $1289 493663 15’ x 30’ $11298540CXX 3-lane track Gate; color $1419 493664 15’ x 40’ $12498540P track Gate Post Padding $113 493651 15’ x 75’ $1399 493652 15’ x 100’ $1599 493653 15’ x 125’ $1799track rEpair kits inDoor/outDoor runway surFacE • Repair worn areas of track or field event area • Install quickly over worn runway or create a runway where none exists • Includes 18.5 lb of rubber granules and 1 gallon of single-solution, no-mix polyurethane adhesive • No bonding necessary, but can be done if required • Approximate 11 sq ft coverage • Custom Length (25’ minimum) (no returns)8700 Black repair kit $479 49036 10mm x 36” $8.49/ln ft8701 red repair kit $479 49048 10mm x 48” $10/ln ft8702 royal Blue repair kit $479 49136 12mm x 36” $10/ln ft8703 Green repair kit $479 49148 12mm x 48” $12/ln ft 452 451 453 450surFacE rollEr pit rakE QuickiE sanD pit broom pit sHoVEl452 complete roller $113 451 Pit rake $79 453 sand Pit Broom $42 450 Pit shovel $41452R replacement roller $65 ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
rAiSe your GAme With... Gill Raised Runways are used at Marshall University, Vanderbilt University, Kent gill raiSEd runWayS State University, and Towson University. In the past, these types of runway systems have been priced upwards to $75k! You can now have this product at a fraction of that price. The new Gill Raised Runway allows for the flexibility to design runways that will accommodate the pole vault, long jump and triple jump for all levels of competition and practice. The basic unit is an 8’ x 4’ general runway section. Specialized sections incorporate a vault box or take-off board trays and blanking lids. The construction of each section is welded aluminum, with ½” plywood decking. Track surfacing is not included, so you can have your preference on surfacing. Adjunct products for the raised runway include the Soft Shell Sand Pit Form for the long and triple jump (sand not included), and a pole vault pit elevating system. rr100 rr350 rr100 rr300 rr400 raised ruNway samPle order: triPle JumP/loNG JumP 40m runway (From mEn’s tJ boarD) incluDEs: mEn’s/womEn’s tJ sEctions, lJ sEction, sanD pit Form 19 base sections for runway + 2 triple jump sections + 1 long jump section + 1 soft shell sand pit form triplE Jump sEction long Jump sEction • Designed for long jump and/or triple jump competition • Designed for long jump event • Gives facility owner flexibility to set up take-off boards where you want them • Front slant design for integration specifically with Soft Shell Sand Pit Form (RR400) • Blanking lid and take-off tray included • Blanking lid and take-off tray included • Take-off boards sold separately • Take-off boards sold separately • Track surface not included • Track surface not included RR350CXX triple Jump section $2139 RR300CXX long Jump section $2079 RR351CXX offset triple Jump section $2139 Shell color optionS soFt sHEll sanD pit Form 02 03 04 05 06 09 • High level functioning sand pit form for your LJ/TJ events ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD GRAY • Lightweight outer shell holds sand during practice or competition • Sand not included 10 11 12 13 15 RR400 $5719 MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE DARK GREEN16
48” 17 96” 13 3/8” raiSEd runWayS lEVEling FEEt bucklE systEm color basE runway sEctionoptionS 01 02 03 04 • Main portion of your overall raised runway investment LIGHT BLUE ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE • Sections run from event specific section back to the end of the runway • Designed to be strapped together for a firm fit • Integrated leveling feet designed for easy adjustments 05 06 07 0•8Design0e9d cleara1n0ce for fo11rklift mo12ving for1e3nd of ye14ar stora1g5e ORANGE YELLOW GOLD SILVER OLD GOLD GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE KELLY GREEN DARK GREEN • Track surface not included04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 RR100CXX Base runway section $1349ORANGE YELLOW GOLD SILVER OLD GOLD GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE KELLY GREEN DARK GREENNeed helP rr500orderiNG? pit risErLet us help you piece togetherthe Raised Runway to meet yourneeds. call toDay! rr100 rr200 rr100 to raisE stanDarDsraised ruNway samPle order: Pole vault40m runway witH risErs For a 66311 lanDing systEm16 base sections for runway + 2 base sections for standards +1 vault box section + 12 pit risersVault boX sEction polE Vault pit risErs • Same dimensions as Base Runway Section (RR100) • Raises pole vault pit up to the same height as Raised Runway sections • Includes Aluminum Vault Box (502) • Lightweight and durable for use year after year • Track surface not included • Multiple configurations available to fit your specific sized pit • Available in white only • Compatible with all manufacturer’s pitsRR200 vault Box section $2539 RR500 Pole vault Pit risers $819 ®® TraCk & fiEld CaTalog
Maybe It's the Pole! ™ PacerFXV vaulting pole is so advanced and so durable, Gill is proud to be the only vaulting pole manufacturer with a one year warranty! PacerFXV: Durability! Consistency! Performance! 11’ 6” (3.50m) 12’ 6” (3.75m) 13’ (4.00m) 13’ 6” (4.15m) 14’ (4.25m) Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP 735041 90 lb 21 737545 100 lb 21 740050 110 lb 18 741554 120 lb 16 742557 125 lb 16 735045 100 lb 21 737547 105 lb 21 740052 115 lb 18 741557 125 lb 16 742559 130 lb 16 735050 110 lb 21 737550 110 lb 21 740054 120 lb 18 741559 130 lb 16 742561 135 lb 13 735054 120 lb 21 737552 115 lb 18 740057 125 lb 18 741561 135 lb 16 742563 140 lb 13 735059 130 lb 18 737554 120 lb 18 740059 130 lb 18 741563 140 lb 16 742566 145 lb 13 735063 140 lb 18 737557 125 lb 18 740061 135 lb 18 741566 145 lb 16 742568 150 lb 13 737559 130 lb 18 740063 140 lb 16 741568 150 lb 13 742570 155 lb 13 $419 737561 135 lb 18 740066 145 lb 16 741570 155 lb 13 742573 160 lb 13 737563 140 lb 16 740068 150 lb 16 741573 160 lb 13 742575 165 lb 10 12’ (3.60m) 737566 145 lb 16 740070 155 lb 16 741575 165 lb 13 742577 170 lb 10 737568 150 lb 16 740073 160 lb 13 741577 170 lb 10 742580 175 lb 10 Item # test Wt tIP 737570 155 lb 16 741580 175 lb 10 742582 180 lb 7 736041 90 lb 21 $519 736045 100 lb 21 $469 $549 $559 736050 110 lb 21 736054 120 lb 21 736059 130 lb 18 736063 140 lb 18 $439 • First and only pole in the world to fully integrate lightweight carbon material ™ • Carbon fiber allows for the lightest carry weight pole in the market (up to 20% lighter) • Characterized by a slightly faster re-coil over traditional fiberglass models • Designed for the more technically sound vaulter • Lighter carry weight and advanced technical vaulting will create faster runway speeds • Runway speed is instrumental in higher vaults • Multiple 6.00m jumps used this pole18
19 14’ 6” (4.40m) 15’ (4.60m) 15’ 6” (4.70m) 16’ 1” (4.90m) 16’ 5” (5.00m) Vaulting PolesItem # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP744059 130 lb 13 746057 125 lb 13 747068 150 lb 10 749073 160 lb 10 750073 160 lb 10744061 135 lb 13 746059 130 lb 13 747070 155 lb 10 749075 165 lb 10 750075 165 lb 7744063 140 lb 10 746061 135 lb 13 747073 160 lb 7 749077 170 lb 7 750077 170 lb 7744066 145 lb 10 746063 140 lb 10 747075 165 lb 7 749080 175 lb 7 750080 175 lb 7744068 150 lb 10 746066 145 lb 10 747077 170 lb 5 749082 180 lb 5 750082 180 lb 7744070 155 lb 10 746068 150 lb 10 747080 175 lb 5 749084 185 lb 5 750084 185 lb 5744073 160 lb 10 746070 155 lb 10 747082 180 lb 4 749086 190 lb 4 750086 190 lb 5744075 165 lb 10 746073 160 lb 10 747084 185 lb 4 749088 195 lb 4 750088 195 lb 4744077 170 lb 7 746075 165 lb 7 747086 190 lb 4 749091 200 lb 4 750091 200 lb 4744080 175 lb 7 746077 170 lb 7 747088 195 lb 4744082 180 lb 7 746080 175 lb 7 $719 $789744084 185 lb 5 746082 180 lb 5 $679 Vaulting Poles are not 16’ 9” (5.10m) $569 $609 guaranteed against breakage Item # test Wt tIP INSPECT VAULTING POLES FOR 751084 185 lb 5 VISIBLE AND CONCEALED DAMAGE 751086 190 lb 5 751088 195 lb 4 BEFORE ACCEPTING DELIVERY 751091 200 lb 4 751093 205 lb 4 $839 15’ (4.60m) 15’ 6” (4.70m) 16’ 1” (4.90m) 16’ 5” (5.00m) 16’ 9” (5.10m)Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP846063 140 lb 10 847068 150 lb 10 849073 160 lb 10 850077 170 lb 10 851084 185 lb 5846066 145 lb 10 847070 155 lb 10 849075 165 lb 10 850080 175 lb 7 851086 190 lb 5846068 150 lb 10 847073 160 lb 10 849077 170 lb 10 850082 180 lb 7 851088 195 lb 4846070 155 lb 10 847075 165 lb 10 849080 175 lb 10 850084 185 lb 7 851091 200 lb 4846073 160 lb 10 847077 170 lb 10 849082 180 lb 7 850086 190 lb 5 851093 205 lb 4846075 165 lb 10 847080 175 lb 10 849084 185 lb 7 850088 195 lb 5 851095 210 lb 4846077 170 lb 10 847082 180 lb 7 849086 190 lb 5 850091 200 lb 4846080 175 lb 10 847084 185 lb 7 849088 195 lb 5 850093 205 lb 4 $969846082 180 lb 10 847086 190 lb 5 849091 200 lb 5 850095 210 lb 4846084 185 lb 7 847088 195 lb 5846086 190 lb 7 $869 $939 $829 $789 ®® track & Field catalog
• Ideal for female vaulters and young male vaulters ™ • FX technology integrated into design for smoother consistent transitions • Average lift velocity accommodates majority of vaulters • Creative design is perfect fit for female and young male vaulter’s lower center of gravity, strength and speed 10’ (3.10m) 11’ (3.35m) 12’ (3.60m) 12’ 6” (3.75m) 13’ (4.00m)Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP631032 70 lb 21 633536 80 lb 21 640050 110 lb 16631036 80 lb 21 633541 90 lb 21 636041 90 lb 18 637545 100 lb 18 640052 115 lb 16631041 90 lb 21 633545 100 lb 18 640054 120 lb 16631045 100 lb 21 633550 110 lb 18 636043 95 lb 18 637547 105 lb 18 640057 125 lb 16631050 110 lb 21 633554 120 lb 18 640059 130 lb 16631054 120 lb 21 633559 130 lb 18 636045 100 lb 18 637550 110 lb 18 640061 135 lb 13631059 130 lb 21 633563 140 lb 16 640063 140 lb 13 633568 150 lb 16 636047 105 lb 18 637552 115 lb 18 640066 145 lb 13 $369 640068 150 lb 13 $389 636050 110 lb 18 637554 120 lb 18 640070 155 lb 13 10’ 6” (3.25m) 640073 160 lb 13 11’ 6” (3.50m) 636052 115 lb 18 637557 125 lb 16Item # test Wt tIP $469632536 80 lb 21 Item # test Wt tIP 636054 120 lb 18 637559 125 lb 16632541 90 lb 21 635041 90 lb 18632545 100 lb 21 635045 100 lb 18 636057 125 lb 18 637561 135 lb 16632550 110 lb 18 635050 110 lb 18632554 120 lb 18 635054 120 lb 18 636059 130 lb 16 637563 140 lb 16632559 130 lb 16 635059 130 lb 16632563 140 lb 16 635063 140 lb 16 636061 135 lb 16 637566 145 lb 13 635068 150 lb 16 $379 636063 140 lb 16 637568 150 lb 13 $409 636066 145 lb 16 637570 155 lb 13 636068 150 lb 13 637573 160 lb 13 $439 $459 • Truly versatile pole perfect for beginning to intermediate vaulters • Utilizes industry’s strongest fiberglass material using exclusive Best Flex technology • Designed for programs that need the best vaulting pole on a budget 9’ (2.75m) 10’ (3.10m) 11’ (3.35m) 12’ (3.60m) 13’ (4.00m) Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP 527527 60 lb 21 531032 70 lb 21 536041 90 lb 21 540050 110 lb 18 527532 70 lb 21 531036 80 lb 21 533536 80 lb 21 536045 100 lb 21 540054 120 lb 18 527536 80 lb 21 531041 90 lb 21 536050 110 lb 21 540059 130 lb 18 527541 90 lb 21 531045 100 lb 21 533541 90 lb 21 536054 120 lb 21 540063 140 lb 16 527545 100 lb 21 531050 110 lb 21 536059 130 lb 18 540068 150 lb 16 531054 120 lb 21 533545 100 lb 21 536063 140 lb 18 540073 160 lb 13 $239 531059 130 lb 21 536068 150 lb 16 533550 110 lb 21 $34920 $264 $319 533554 120 lb 21 14’ (4.25m) 533559 130 lb 21 Item # test Wt tIP 542559 130 lb 16 533563 140 lb 21 542563 140 lb 13 542568 150 lb 13 533568 150 lb 21 542573 160 lb 10 $299 542577 170 lb 10 542582 180 lb 7 $369
21 ™ Vaulting Poles• Combines advantages of Pacer Mystic design with advantages of carbon fiber• Carry weight reduction and faster re-coil creates ideal pole for above average technical vaulters• Considered a slightly less aggressive CarbonFX with advantage of Mystic design 13’ (4.00m) 13’ 6” (4.15m) 14’ (4.25m) 14’ 6” (4.40m) Vaulting Poles are not guaranteed against breakageItem # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP940054 120 lb 21 941557 125 lb 18 942559 130 lb 18 944061 135 lb 16 INSPECT VAULTING POLES FOR940057 125 lb 21 941559 130 lb 18 942561 135 lb 18 944063 140 lb 16 VISIBLE AND CONCEALED DAMAGE940059 130 lb 21 941561 135 lb 18 942563 140 lb 18 944066 145 lb 16940061 135 lb 21 941563 140 lb 18 942566 145 lb 16 944068 150 lb 13 BEFORE ACCEPTING DELIVERY940063 140 lb 21 941566 145 lb 18 942568 150 lb 16 944070 155 lb 13940066 145 lb 18 941568 150 lb 18 942570 155 lb 16 944073 160 lb 13940068 150 lb 18 941570 155 lb 18 942573 160 lb 13 944075 165 lb 13940070 155 lb 18 941573 160 lb 16 942575 165 lb 13 944077 170 lb 13940073 160 lb 18 941575 165 lb 16 942577 170 lb 13 944080 175 lb 13 941577 170 lb 16 942580 175 lb 13 944082 180 lb 13 $559 942582 180 lb 13 $599 $689 $639800801 Vaulting800802 Pole Bags800818C13 Custom Pole Bag • Customize for your school’s personality! • Holds up to five vaulting poles • Shoulder strap for ease of transportation • Heavy duty vinyl and leather reinforced ends for long life • Made to fit 6” corrugated drain tube (not included) • Use the two-digit number of your vinyl color selection (Page 9) to replace the XX in the item numberessentIals™ Pole Bag elIte Pole Bag 800810CXX 10’ Custom Pole Bag $479 800811CXX 11’ Custom Pole Bag $489 • Holds up to five vaulting poles • Holds up to five vaulting poles 800812CXX 12’ Custom Pole Bag $499 • Shoulder strap for ease of transportation • Shoulder strap for ease of transportation 800813CXX 13’ Custom Pole Bag $509 • Heavy duty polyester for long life • Heavy duty vinyl and leather reinforced ends 800814CXX 14’ Custom Pole Bag $519 • Maximum length is 15’ 800815CXX 15’ Custom Pole Bag $529 • Made to fit 6” corrugated drain tube (not included) for long life 800816CXX 16’ Custom Pole Bag $539 • Adjustable from 14’ 6” to 17’ 6” 800817CXX 17’ Custom Pole Bag $549 • Made to fit 6” corrugated drain tube (not included) 800818CXX 18’ Custom Pole Bag $559800801 Essentials™ Pole Bag $109 800802 Elite Pole Bag $199 ®® track & Field catalog
• Unique design to ‘slow down’ the vaulting motion • Engineered to ‘roll’ into the pit easier allowing vaulters to rotate into a more vertical position • Easy roll characteristics makes this the number one choice for high school vaulters ™ 11’ (3.35m) 11’ 6” (3.50m) 12’ (3.60m) 12’ 6” (3.75m) 13’ (4.00m) Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP 110090 90 lb 21 116090 90 lb 21 120100 100 lb 21 131115 115 lb 18 110100 100 lb 21 116100 100 lb 21 120110 110 lb 21 126115 115 lb 21 131120 120 lb 18 110110 110 lb 21 116110 110 lb 21 120120 120 lb 21 131125 125 lb 18 110120 120 lb 21 116120 120 lb 21 120130 130 lb 18 126120 120 lb 21 131130 130 lb 18 110130 130 lb 21 116130 130 lb 21 120140 140 lb 18 131135 135 lb 18 110140 140 lb 21 116140 140 lb 21 120150 150 lb 16 126125 125 lb 21 131140 140 lb 16 110150 150 lb 18 116150 150 lb 21 120160 160 lb 16 131145 145 lb 16 126130 130 lb 18 131150 150 lb 16 $379 $409 $429 131155 155 lb 16 126135 135 lb 18 131160 160 lb 13 131165 165 lb 13 126140 140 lb 16 131170 170 lb 13 131175 175 lb 13 126145 145 lb 16 131180 180 lb 10 131185 185 lb 10 126150 150 lb 16 131190 190 lb 7 126155 155 lb 16 $469 126160 160 lb 16 $449 • Newest pole designed by Earl Bell; calls it the ‘perfect pole’ 13’ 6” (4.15m) 14’ (4.25m) • Combines ‘slow down’ roll of the Skypole with lightweight carbon material • Used to win major college championships ™ Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP C136125 125 lb 18 C140125 125 lb 18 C136130 130 lb 18 C140130 130 lb 18 C136135 135 lb 18 C140135 135 lb 18 C136140 140 lb 18 C140140 140 lb 18 C136145 145 lb 16 C140145 145 lb 16 C136150 150 lb 16 C140150 150 lb 16 C136155 155 lb 16 C140155 155 lb 16 C136160 160 lb 16 C140160 160 lb 13 C136165 165 lb 13 C140165 165 lb 13 C136170 170 lb 13 C140170 170 lb 13 $619 C140175 175 lb 13 C140180 180 lb 10 C140185 185 lb 10 C140190 190 lb 10 $64922
23 13’ 6” (4.15m) 14’ (4.25m) 14’ 6” (4.40m) 15’ (4.60m) Vaulting Poles are not Vaulting Poles guaranteed against breakageItem # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP136120 120 lb 18 140120 120 lb 16 146140 140 lb 10 150145 145 lb 10 INSPECT VAULTING POLES FOR136125 125 lb 18 140125 125 lb 16 146145 145 lb 10 150150 150 lb 10 VISIBLE AND CONCEALED DAMAGE136130 130 lb 16 140130 130 lb 16 146150 150 lb 10 150155 155 lb 10136135 135 lb 16 140135 135 lb 16 146155 155 lb 10 150160 160 lb 7 BEFORE ACCEPTING DELIVERY136140 140 lb 16 140140 140 lb 13 146160 160 lb 10 150165 165 lb 7136145 145 lb 16 140145 145 lb 13 146165 165 lb 10 150170 170 lb 5136150 150 lb 13 140150 150 lb 13 146170 170 lb 7 150175 175 lb 5136155 155 lb 13 140155 155 lb 13 146175 175 lb 7 150180 180 lb 5136160 160 lb 13 140160 160 lb 10 146180 180 lb 5 150185 185 lb 4136165 165 lb 13 140165 165 lb 10 146185 185 lb 4 150190 190 lb 4136170 170 lb 10 140170 170 lb 10 146190 190 lb 4136175 175 lb 10 140175 175 lb 7 $579136180 180 lb 10 140180 180 lb 7 $549136185 185 lb 7 140185 185 lb 5136190 190 lb 7 140190 190 lb 5136195 195 lb 5 140195 195 lb 4 140200 200 lb 4 $499 $519 14’ 6” (4.40m) 15’ (4.60m) 15’ 6” (4.70m) 16’ 1” (4.90m) 16’ 5” (5.00m)Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIPC146130 130 lb 16 C150145 145 lb 13 C156150 150 lb 10 C160155 155 lb 10 C165170 170 lb 10C146135 135 lb 16 C150150 150 lb 13 C156155 155 lb 10 C160160 160 lb 10 C165175 175 lb 7C146140 140 lb 13 C150155 155 lb 13 C156160 160 lb 10 C160165 165 lb 10 C165180 180 lb 7C146145 145 lb 13 C150160 160 lb 10 C156165 165 lb 10 C160170 170 lb 10 C165185 185 lb 7C146150 150 lb 13 C150165 165 lb 10 C156170 170 lb 10 C160175 175 lb 7 C165190 190 lb 5C146155 155 lb 13 C150170 170 lb 10 C156175 175 lb 10 C160180 180 lb 7 C165195 195 lb 5C146160 160 lb 13 C150175 175 lb 10 C156180 180 lb 7 C160185 185 lb 7 C165200 200 lb 4C146165 165 lb 13 C150180 180 lb 10 C156185 185 lb 7 C160190 190 lb 5 C165205 205 lb 4C146170 170 lb 10 C150185 185 lb 7 C156190 190 lb 5 C160195 195 lb 5 C165210 210 lb 4C146175 175 lb 10 C150190 190 lb 7 C156195 195 lb 5 C160200 200 lb 4C146180 180 lb 10 C150195 195 lb 5 C156200 200 lb 4 C160205 205 lb 4 $899C146185 185 lb 10 C150200 200 lb 5 C160210 210 lb 4C146190 190 lb 7 $789C146195 195 lb 7 $739 $839 $689 ®® track & Field catalog
2531Vault traIner system gIll® Pr slIdIng Vault Box • Unique device for beginner and intermediate vaulters • Designed by Pat Manson (19’ 2 ¼”) and Scott Huffman (19’ 7”) • Allows athlete to acclimate the body to positions occurring during peak vault height • Strengthens muscle groups for effective push off • Sliding vault box allows vaulters to perfect the run, plant, and take-off • Helps to coordinate grip and pole positions while rotating around pole for push off • Can be hung from goal posts and basketball backboard rigging • Pole carriage, run mechanics, tempo, and step placement are more effectively • Complete with cables, ankle cuffs and pole section learned using this training tool • Tip proof design has a built in handle, a zero mark molded into the side for placement accuracy • Sliding vault box is the same size as a regulation vault box • Constructed of a high impact thermoplastic for durabilityTA190 Vault Trainer System $309 2531 Gill® PR Sliding Vault Box $519Vault Box PoWer PumP handIraCk™ InflataBle roof raCk InternatIonal Pole Cart • Battery powered fully submersible pump • HandiRack can be used to transport vaulting poles • Built to hold all the vaulting poles you own • No more searching for a cup or fussing with a hand pump and/or javelins • Turn it on and drop it in the box • Made of sturdy steel with high end design • Empties a water filled vault box in less than five minutes • Economical alternative to installing a permanent • Runs on 3 ‘D’ cell batteries (not included) after market roof rack • Dual purposed wheels switch from swivel to locked position in a snap 72001 $128 • System installs and breaks down in minutes • Includes 2-HandiRack twin tubes with 5 metal • Moves from storage to practice and back again quickly D-ring anchor points, 2x3m webbing tie-downs, • Optional tow-bar kit for easy long distance air pump and travel bag transportation 700800 $145 733180 Cart $899 735 Tow Bar Kit $139 PortaBle Pole raCk Chalk stand PV takeoff IndICator Pole ProteCtor sleeVe • Convenient way to store and protect • Handy place to store chalk during • Large easy to read numbers • Slips on easily to provide maximum your poles during meets and practice practice and competition • Allows coaches/officials to easily protection against damage caused by pole contact with the upper edges • Free standing pole rack made of • Lightweight stand features a wide identify the take-off step placement of the vault box heavy duty steel with durable opening for hands, a pocket for extra powder coat finish chalk, and rungs for hanging TA189 $21 700255 $7.29 accessories or resting vaulting poles 725 $156 WE305 $24924
25PaCer® gIzmo Vault accessories • Practice vaulting while safely on the ground • Allows athlete to mimic complex movements that occur in the air while firmly on your feet • Three cord system to accommodate your specific level of strength and coordination • Vault specific training device designed to take you to the next level700231 Small Grip $238700232 Large Grip $238How To CHooSE youR PoLE TiPS nInja elIte Pole Vault grIP taPeVisit our online guide: • Newest sensation to hit the vaulting pole market Close-up detail. • Laboratory designed with thousands of gripping ‘fingers’ Microscopic detailComPetItIon Pole tIPs • Increases ability to grip lighter and hold tighter of grip technology. • No additional substances needed (chalk, sticky spray, etc)Tough, durable rubber for a softer • Slip resistant, vibration dampening and easy release propertiesplant and long lasting performance. • If used properly, should last all season • Water and oil resistant700002, 700004, 700005, 700007, 700010, $10/ea • 9’ x 1”700013, 700016, 700018, and 700021 700281 Ninja Elite Pole Vault Grip Tape $20ComPaCt WInd IndICator grrrIP Plus lotIon Pole Vault grIP taPe graPhIC Pole Vault & sPray grIP taPe • Designed to indicate relative strength • 12 ½ yard roll of colored adhesive tape of wind at point of use • Scientifically forumlated mixture • 1 ½” width • 20 yard roll of adhesive design tape developed to enhance hand-grip • Unintrusive economical design, 700259 white (15 yds) $8.29 • Camo/flag designs come in 2” width gets the job done without breaking • Fluid mixes with natural skin oils 700260 Red $8.29 the budget to create a moisture barrier yet still 700261 Maroon $8.29 • Jolly Roger design comes in 1” width allows the skin to breathe 700262 Gold $8.29 • Guides athletes to jump safer (pole 700263 Green $8.29 700273 uSA Flag $17 vault) and farther (LJ/TJ) • When used properly can improve 700264 Royal $8.29 700271 Pink Camo $17 grip by 75% 700265 Purple $8.29 700272 winter Camo $17 726 $149 700266 Black $8.29 700274 Jolly Roger $17 • More convenient and cleaner 700267 Pink $8.29 than chalk 700253 Lotion $10 700254 Spray $10PaCer® traInIng Pole 10’ 9” (3.27m) 12’ (3.60m) 13’ (4.00m) 13’ 6” (4.15m) • Designed for beginning vaulters Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP Item # test Wt tIP 7109090 70-90 lb 21 7120110 90-110 lb 18 7130150 130-150 lb 16 7136160 140-160 lb 16 • Excellent for learning and practicing a proper plant and $359 $369 $459 $489 take-off from a short run 7120130 110-130 lb 18 7136180 160-180 lb 10 • Not valid for competition $409 $519 ®® track & Field catalog
FUSION TM Faster starts through adVanced technology fusIon f10 the FusIon desIgn was buIlt wIth every asPect oF the sPrInt start In MInd, and the result Is the best startIng block In exIstence. fusIon™ f10 startIng BloCk • Exclusive 8” x 10” pedal allows full heel support for the best starts • Powerful and efficient acceleration pattern • Precise and consistent foot placement is ensured using integrated pedal markings • Angled spikes in base of pedals guarantee no slipping during explosive starts • Built in handle allows for easy carriage between locations • Pedals adjustable to 30º, 40º, 50º, 60º • False start bracket included • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified 730183C02 Royal Blue $469 730183C03 Red $469 730183C05 orange $469 730183C12 Black $469 730183C15 Dark Green $469 Adjust Fusion pedals to four different Handle provides easy transport. angles to fit your starting style.26
27 fusIon f10 Fusion starting Blocks fusIon f4 fusIon f8MoRE FuSioN CoLoR oPTioNSfusIon™ f8 startIng BloCk fusIon™ f4 startIng BloCk • Exclusive 8” x 8” pedals designed for a more aggressive acceleration pattern • Standard 4” x 8” pedals • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified730182C02 Royal Blue $439 730181C02 Royal Blue $369730182C03 Red $439 730181C03 Red $369730182C05 orange $439 730181C05 orange $369730182C12 Black $439 730181C12 Black $369730182C15 Dark Green $439 730181C15 Dark Green $369moye™ Pedal adaPter LooKiNG FoR MoRE?Converts any Fusion block into a See everything we have to offer, online at: www.gillathletics.comMoye style block730168 $63 ®® track & Field catalog
730155 natIonal startIng BloCk • Aircraft aluminum rail with cast aluminum pedals • Finger tip control adjusts pedals to 45°, 55°, 65°, 75° • Ruled decal in rail allows quick, easy, repeatable pedal set-up • Includes 1⁄ 2” needle spikes for synthetic tracks • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified 730155 $291 410 CollegIate startIng BloCk • Aircraft aluminum construction for maximal lifespan • Finger tip control adjusts pedals to 45°, 55°, 65°, 75° • Ruled decal in rail allows quick, easy, repeatable pedal set-up • Includes 1⁄2” needle spikes for synthetic tracks • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications 410 $185 412 sCholastIC startIng BloCk • Polished steel rail with cast aluminum pedals • Finger tip control adjusts pedals to 45°, 55°, 65°, 75° • Ruled decal in rail allows quick, easy, repeatable pedal set-up • Includes 1⁄ 2” needle spikes for synthetic tracks • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications 412 $125 all surfaCe startIng BloCk • One piece, sixteen gauge steel with no loose parts • Slightly wider pedals allow for a wider stance • Fixed angle pedals with rubber pads 414 • Change pedal positions with simple Pedal Snap Lock • Sixteen needle spikes eliminate slipping • Meets NFHS specifications 414 Starting Block $92 P41402 $4.09 P41404 Cinder Pins (3) $5.59 Replacement Pedal Snap Lock28
29 416 essentIals™ startIng BloCk starting Blocks 417 • One piece, all steel construction with durable black powder coat finish • Standard width pedals with rubber pads • Change pedal positions with simple Spring Lock Adjustment • Features built in spikes to eliminate slipping • Meets NFHS specifications 416 $73Indoor startIng BloCk CInder PIns SAVE MoNEy wiTH VALuEPACKS! • No nails, pins or holes needed to hold in place Cinder Pins (3) for 730155, 410, 412, and 416 • Foot pressure on the flaps provide a non-slip start starting blocks. essentIals™ startIng BloCk ValuePaCk 417 $31 • Combine and save! • One Essentials Block Cart • Eight Essentials™ Starting Blocks P41002 $6.19 VP416 $819 9311LooKiNG FoR LANE MARKERS? gIll® transPorter startIng 923 BloCk CartFind lane markers and more track and field essentIals™ BloCk Cartaccessories on page 60. • Holds up to 16 starting blocks; any style • Holds up to 10 starting blocks; any style • Large wheels allow for easy transportation over • Steel construction with durable black powder any surface coat finish • Steel construction with durable black powder • Dimensions: 52” tall x 38” long x 20” wide coat finish 923 $259 9311 $679 ®® track & Field catalog
CONTINUUMTM the world’s Fastest hurdle Is also the world’s saFest Trigger mechanism creates continuous transitions from height to height ContInuum™ C4 automatIC hurdles The Continuum™ hurdle is designed to be the safest, fastest, and most unobtrusive hurdle that the rules will allow, all accomplished by placing the gateboard directly over the pivot point (tip-over-fulcrum). • Easy ergonomic trigger mechanism creates zero-click continuous transitions from height to height • Internal leg weight from Continuum looping mechanism creates the most reliable hassle-free automatic hurdle on the market • Redesigned robust frame features reinforced gusseted elbows for unparalleled strength • Exclusive extrusion gatetubes allow for GRAPHIC customization • Unique inner leg height indicator for no-mistake height settings • Internalized height mechanism creates whole-unit hurdle reducing maintenance and upkeep 1041CXX 41” Continuum C4 $499 1047CXX 47” Continuum C4 $499 ContInuum™ C4 manual hurdles 5 yEAR Includes all high-end features from the Auto C4 except ® with manual weight adjustments. LiMiTED wARRANTy 1141CXX 41” Continuum C4 Manual $449 1147CXX 47” Continuum C4 Manual $449 On all Hurdles (excludes Essentials). Call for Details. CuSToMizE youR HuRDLES! Custom gateBoard laBels standard gateBoard PrIntIng Custom gateBoard PrIntIng Made of repositionable vinyl with fade resistant inks Customize your hurdle boards with standard gate- Customize your hurdle boards with four color printing for a long life span, these labels are an excellent way board printing. Block letters printed in single color. and show off your hurdles! Send us your vector artwork to promote your special event; from championships to and we’ll do the rest! invitationals! Minimum order per design is five; vector file artwork is required. 945 59 or Less Hurdles $30/order 60 or More Hurdles free 946 59 or Less Hurdles $60/order 60 or More Hurdles free 94641 41” Label $14 94647 47” Label $1530
31 CollegIate alumInum hurdle hurdles • Constructed of thick extruded aircraft aluminum • Free sliding weights adjust quickly to official pullover resistance at all heights • Design allows for the most economical ‘L’ shaped hurdle on the market • Aluminum powder coated gatetubes and Lexan® gateboard • Easy stack design for better stacking and portability • Adjustable to five heights: 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” • Meets NFHS and NCAA specifications • Available in master’s competition hurdle sizes 4060CXX 41” Hurdle $217 406047CXX 47” Hurdle $238 406035CXX 35” Hurdle $249FREE Gatetubes available in a variety of bright and durable powder coat colors at no extra cost.coloroPtIons 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 LIGHT BLUE ROYAL BLUE RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD SILVER OLD GOLD GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE KELLY GREEN DARK GREENTo specify color with order, use the two-digit number of your color selection to replace XX in the item number. natIonal alumInum hurdle • Constructed of thick extruded aircraft aluminum • Manual weight adjustment to meet precise official pullover force at each height • Aluminum powder coated gatetubes and Lexan® gateboard • Easy stack design for better stacking and portability • Adjustable to five heights: 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified 406CXX 41” Hurdle $259 40647CXX 47” Hurdle $269 40635CXX 35” Hurdle $280 ®® track & Field catalog
Add graphics to elIte hIgh sChool hurdle your gatetubes! • Best selling high school hurdle that sets the premier standard for elite programs • Aluminum square tube construction allows this rocker hurdle to stack like a college hurdle • Welded cross support design provides unrivalled durability • Aluminum powder coated gatetubes and Lexan® gateboard • Gatetubes allow for GRAPHIC customization • Easy stack design for better stacking and portability • Fits traditional 42” track lanes • Adjustable to five heights: 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” • Meets NFHS specifications • Ships assembled 402CXX Elite High School Hurdle $197 402TCXXSP Hurdle with Gatetube Graphics $209 Stacking is a snap with the Elite High School ‘rocker’ hurdle. Triple Gatetube Hurdle. See Page 65. sCholastIC alumInum hurdle hIgh sChool hurdle essentIals™ hurdle • All aluminum design provides unmatched value for • Powder coated steel U-shaped single cross • Strong all steel construction high school programs support design • Economical hurdle that meets official pullover • Aluminum powder coated gatetubes and • Single cross support allows for easy carriage and resistance at all heights Lexan® gateboard unhindered plyometric drills • Rigid double-crossbar design ensures • Fits traditional 42” track lanes • Aluminum powder coated gatetubes and superior durability Lexan® gateboard • PVC gateboard • Adjustable to five heights: 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” • Fits traditional 42” track lanes • Adjustable to five heights: 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” • Adjustable to six heights: 27”, 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” • Meets NFHS specifications • Meets NFHS specifications • Assembly required • Meets NFHS specifications • 1 year warranty • Assembly required • Assembly required 411CXX $134 403CXX 41” Hurdle $155 40335CXX 35” Hurdle $207 400CXX $10032
gIll® flIght hurdle Cart 33 • World’s most convenient and efficient hurdle cart 4630 hurdles & accessories • Four wheel design provides superior moveability compared to corner cutting three wheel designed carts • Sturdy steel construction with durable black powder coat finish • Efficiently supports up to 10 hurdles at a time • Hurdle cart weather cover is available to protect your hurdle investment • Graphics option available4630 41” Hurdle Cart $309733631 47” Hurdle Cart $409733630CXX 41” Cart weather Cover $289733631CXX 47” Cart weather Cover $289733630CXXSP 41” Cart weather Cover with Graphics $339733631CXXSP 47” Cart weather Cover with Graphics $339wHEN oRDERiNG Use the two-digit number of your vinyl color selection to replace the XX in the item number. cart cover 03 04 05 06 09 10 11 12 13 15 color oPtIons 02 RED WHITE ORANGE YELLOW GOLD GRAY MAROON PURPLE BLACK NAVY BLUE DARK GREEN ROYAL BLUE 4020 4010hurdle Porter hurdle Cart • Easy convenient way to move 8-10 hurdles • Unique walk-in design easily holds up to 20 hurdles • Steel construction with durable black powder coat finish • Steel construction with durable black powder coat finish • Compatible with ‘L’ shaped hurdles only • Large swivel casters for easy transportation • Compatible with both rocker and ‘L’ shaped hurdles4210 41” Hurdle Porter $30942147 47” Hurdle Porter $509 4010 41” Hurdle Cart (Holds 8-10) $409 4020 41” Hurdle Cart (Holds 18-20) $729 4036 35” Hurdle Cart (Holds 8-10) $729rePlaCement gateBoardsDurable Lexan® gateboards. Hardware not included.P40347 41” Gateboard $31P40349 41” Ribbed Gateboard $3740353 47” Ribbed Gateboard $39hurdle heIght deCal foam hurdle Board guard hurdle strIde CheCker • Decal that includes indicators for 30”, 33”, 36”, 39”, 42” positions • Easily attaches to hurdle for • Produce great hurdlers by improving • Designed to improve accuracy of meet volunteers and athlete practices maximum protection against injury their take-off distance • Set of 10; enough for 10 hurdles (only one decal needed per hurdle) • Compatible with all hurdle brands (excluding Gill Continuum) • Boosts confidence in beginning • Provides the coach with immediate hurdlers feedback on athlete’s take-off948 Hurdle Height Decal (set of 10) $17/set 403BG Guard $11/ea 4031 $199 403BG10 Guards (10) $110/set ®® track & Field catalog
the future in discus technology is here 720211 82420 Pacer and OTe discuses have been used TO seT wOrld recOrds and win chamPiOnshiPs fOr years. 2203 Pacer® carbon Discus Pacer® orange Discus oTe™ VHM Discus • Recommended for elite throwers • Recommended for experienced throwers • Recommended for high level throwers • Carbon side plates • Orange ABS plastic side plates • Red anodized aluminum side plates • Steel alloy rim • Steel alloy rim • Steel alloy rim • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified IAAF certified IAAF certified 720213 1.0K 88% $459 82410 1.0K 84% $215 2103 1.0K 76% $260 720212 1.6K 91% $489 82415 1.5K 84% $229 2163 1.6K 82% $271 720211 2.0K 93% $519 82416 1.6K 83% $233 2203 2.0K 89% $299 82417 1.75K 86% $239 82420 2.0K 89% $25034
35 discus 2202 720201 817Pacer® black Discus Pacer® golD Discus oTe™ HM Discus • ABS plastic side plates • Recommended for highly accomplished throwers • Recommended for upper level throwers • Gold ABS plastic side plates • Precision aluminum side plates • High quality steel rim • Bronze alloy rim • Steel alloy rim • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified IAAF certified IAAF certified819 1.0K 80% $179 720203 1.0K 78% $329 2102 1.0K 72% $223818 1.6K 85% $186 720202 1.6K 81% $359 2162 1.6K 78% $231817 2.0K 85% $205 720201 2.0K 84% $369 2202 2.0K 82% $257 ®® track & field catalog
shooting Pacer® gHosT Discus star • Clear plate discus HollowooD sTar™ Discus • Stainless steel rim • Great flyer for improving • Recommended for all levels discus throwers • Straight grained hard rock maple • Meets NFHS, NCAA and side plates IAAF specifications • High quality steel rim 720310 1.0K 80% $179 • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified 720316 1.6K 80% $189 720320 2.0K 80% $199 ® ®LUSIVE MADE IN THE USAODUCT New! 313 1.0K 65% $282 305 1.6K 74% $309 300 2.0K 75% $319 essenTials™ Discus gill® blue Discus gill® reD Discus • ABS plastic side plates • ABS plastic side plates • ABS plastic side plates • High quality steel rim • High quality steel rim • High quality steel rim • Perfect discus for novice to intermediate throwers • Meets NFHS, NCAA and • Meets NFHS, NCAA and • Low rim weight makes it easier to generate greater rotation speeds • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications IAAF specifications IAAF specifications 82310 1.0K Pink 58% $47 816 1.0K 75% $73 312 1.0K 78% $83 82316 1.6K Green 61% $62 815 1.6K 75% $83 309 1.6K 80% $95 82320 2.0K Green 67% $71 814 2.0K 75% $99 303 2.0K 80% $113 rubber Discus inDoor rubber Discus rubber Discus coMPeTiTor wooD Discus wiTH HanDsTraP • Solid one-piece construction • Solid one-piece rubber construction • Laminated wood side plates • Tough, durable rubber • Won’t scuff floors or walls • Adjustable hand strap • High quality steel rim • Meets NFHS specifications • Meets NFHS specifications • Meets NFHS, NCAA and • For training only IAAF specifications • Warning: Practice in a protective cage 310 1.0K $18 311 1.0K $20 81310 1.0K $25 317 1.0K 54% $57 307 1.6K $19 308 1.6K $22 81316 1.6K $29 31601 1.5K 65% $59 302 2.0K $20 304 2.0K $29 81320 2.0K $32 316 1.6K 67% $60 31602 1.75K 68% $61 Official High school girls/women: 1.0K 315 2.0K 69% $65 cOmPetitiON High school boys: 1.6K 81025 2.5K 70% $100 RefeReNce Guide college Men: 2.0K 36
37 discusWhat the Pros throW alTis TraininG PacKsDrill Training Pack sHoT PuT Training Pack Discus Training Pack THe ulTiMaTe PackA versatile tool for learning built around Everything a Shot Putter needs to Everything a Discus Thrower needs to Lives up to its name! The Altis Drill Pack the Altis Drill Progression. It is a simple master basic positions and movements master basic positions and movements kit that has everything an athlete needs through the Altis Drill Progression. through the Altis Drill Progression. and all of the implements from the to develop a high-level understanding of the Shot Put and Discus. Each pack includes: Each pack includes: Discus and Shot Put Training Packs give Cast Iron Shots (2) Gill Essentials Discus (1)Each pack includes: Softshell Shot (1) Gill Red Discus (1) a thrower everything needed to build a Medicine Ball (1) Medicine Ball (1) Nocken Balls (2) 12” Cone Markers (4) 12” Cone Markers (4) Medicine Ball (1) technical base that will last a lifetime. 6” Step Hurdles (3) 6” Step Hurdles (3) 12” Cone Markers (4) 12” Step Hurdles (3) 12” Step Hurdles (3) 6” Step Hurdles (3) Each pack includes: 12” Step Hurdles (3) Cast Iron Shots (2) • Medicine balls for Women are 4K, • Women’s pack has 4K shots and 4K Softshell Shot (1) Boys are 6K, and Men are 8K. medicine ball. • Women’s pack has 1K discuses, 800g Gill Essentials Discus (1) nocken balls, and 4K medicine ball. Gill Red Discus (1) Drill Training Packs • Boy’s pack has 12 lb shots and 6K Nocken Balls (2) medicine ball. • Boy’s pack has 1.6K discuses, 1K Medicine Ball (1)VP240 women’s $157 nocken balls, and 6K medicine ball. 12” Cone Markers (4)VP270 Boy’s $175 • Men’s pack has 16 lb shots and 8K 6” Step Hurdles (3)VP260 men’s $194 medicine ball. • Men’s pack has 2K discuses, 1K 12” Step Hurdles (3) nocken balls, and 8K medicine ball. sHoT PuT Training Packs • Women’s pack has 4K shots, 1K discuses, 800g nocken balls, and 4K VP110 women’s $283 Discus Training Packs medicine ball. VP120 Boy’s $329 VP130 men’s $399 VP140 women’s $339 • Boy’s pack has 12 lb shots, 1.6K VP150 Boy’s $399 discuses, 1K nocken balls, and 6K VP160 men’s $439 medicine ball. • Men’s pack has 16 lb shots, 2K discuses, 1K nocken balls, and 8K medicine ball. ulTiMaTe Packs VP210 women’s $469 VP220 Boy’s $549 VP230 men’s $639Save mONey with valuePacKS! HigH scHool boys’ HigH scHool/college THrows girls’ THrows 307 1.6K Gill Rubber discus (1) 310 1K Gill Rubber discus (1) 815 1.6K Gill Blue discus (1) 816 1K Gill Blue discus (1) 309 1.6K Gill Red discus (1) 312 1K Gill Red discus (1) 82316 1.6K Gill essentials discus (1) 82310 1K Gill essentials discus (1) 3312 12 lb cast iron Shot (1) 3394 4K cast iron Shot (1) 34121 12 lb, 108mm turned iron 34941 4K, 100mm turned iron Shot (1) Shot (1) 931 Shot/discus carriers (2) 931 Shot/discus carriers (2) VP200 $399 VP100 $339 ®® track & field catalog
brass sHoTs • Machine turned brass for unmatched design and feel • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications 3594 4K 95mm $145 3512 12 lb 103mm $175 3516 16 lb 110mm $190 PerfecT balance sHoTs Pacer® sTainless Training sHoTs sTeel sHoTs • Engineered with exacting • Cast iron material for maximum durability specifications for balance • Stainless steel construction for maximum resistance to corrosion • Uniform size of diameter allows for ideal training • 100% sweet spot design gives and rust uncompromised throwing distance • Keep the same size diameter as you train with • Machine turned for precision shape variable weights • Turned iron material for and weight maximum durability • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF • Used by champion shot putters specifications, IAAF certified around the world 735940 4K 95mm $146 TS10830 3K 108mm $39 TS11516 16 lb 115mm $94 • Meets NFHS, NCAA and 735941 4K 109mm $170 TS10835 3.5K 108mm $45 TS12813 13 lb 128mm $64 IAAF specifications 735120 12 lb 103mm $166 TS10845 4.5K 108mm $57 TS12814 14 lb 128mm $70 735160 16 lb 110mm $189 TS10850 5K 108mm $64 TS12815 15 lb 128mm $76 3894 4K 108mm $192 735163 16 lb 129mm $231 TS11510 10 lb 115mm $54 TS12817 17 lb 128mm $85 3812 12 lb 115mm $218 TS11511 11 lb 115mm $57 TS12818 18 lb 128mm $92 3816 16 lb 128mm $244 TS11513 13 lb 115mm $70 TS12820 20 lb 128mm $106 TS11514 14 lb 115mm $79 Official High school girls/women: 4K cOmPetitiON High school boys: 12 lb RefeReNce Guide college Men: 16 lb inDoor sofTsHell sHoTs inDoor HarDsHell sHoTs casT iron sHoTs TurneD sHoTs • Polyvinyl plastic shell has softer feel • Polyethylene shell will last season • Cast iron material for maximum value • Turned iron material for for athlete preference after season unmatched value • 4K and 12 lb shots guaranteed legal • Fine lead shot filled to exact weights • Fine lead shot filled to exact weights weight and size • Machine turned for precision shape and weight • Meets NFHS, and IAAF • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF • Meets NFHS, NCAA and specifications, IAAF certified specifications, IAAF certified IAAF specifications • Meets NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications, IAAF certified • 1 year warranty • 1 year warranty 3306 6 lb $19 3106 6 lb $70 3206 6 lb $70 3393 3K (6.6 lb) $21 34941 4K 100mm $72 3193 3K (6.6 lb) $86 3293 3K (6.6 lb) $76 3308 8 lb $22 34944 4K 104mm $57 3108 8 lb $75 3208 8 lb $78 3394 4K (8.8 lb) $26 34943 4K 108mm $61 3194 4K (8.8 lb) $77 3294 4K (8.8 lb) $81 3310 10 lb $30 34121 12 lb 108mm $84 3195 5K (11 lb) $101 3210 10 lb $92 3395 5K (11 lb) $32 34122 12 lb 115mm $68 3112 12 lb $91 3295 5K (11 lb) $94 3312 12 lb $32 34161 16 lb 120mm $108 3196 6K (13.2 lb) $107 3212 12 lb $97 3396 6K (13.2 lb) $38 34162 16 lb 125mm $95 3114 14 lb $101 3296 6K (13.2 lb) $99 3314 14 lb $43 34163 16 lb 128mm $80 3115 15 lb $110 3214 14 lb $99 3315 15 lb $44 3116 16 lb $118 3215 15 lb $104 3316 16 lb $45 3118 18 lb $120 3216 16 lb $112 3318 18 lb $52 3218 18 lb $122 3320 20 lb $5738
39TurneD iron HaMMers Pacer® sTainless sTeel orbiTer™ inDoor Training THrowing shot Puts & hammer HaMMers THrowing weigHTs weigHTs • Turned iron material drilled for proper weight and balance • Stainless steel construction for • New design for maximum durability • Top quality turned iron maximum resistance to corrosion • Includes wire, handle and ball and rust • Two layer custom vinyl collar reduces • Strong steel handle damage potential and allows • Guaranteed legal size and weight • Includes wire, handle and ball uninhibited rotation 3920 20 lb $189 3925 25 lb $227 • Meets NFHS, NCAA and • Guaranteed legal size and weight • Sewn strap bag made of heavy duty 3935 35 lb $252 IAAF specifications nylon webbing • Meets NFHS, NCAA and 3693 3K (6.6 lb) $59 IAAF specifications, IAAF Certified • Widest handle the rules allow for 36935 3.5K (7.7 lb) $60 increased throwing performance3694 4K (8.8 lb) $63 738940 4K 95mm $19836945 4.5K (9.9 lb) $68 738120 12 lb 103mm $228 • Replaceable inner ball 3695 5K (11 lb) $74 738160 16 lb 110mm $2583612 12 lb $71 • 1 year warranty3696 6K (13.2 lb) $763614 14 lb $77 3947 12 lb $260 aDD on weigHT3616 16 lb $78 3948 16 lb $2703618 18 lb $88 3949 18 lb $291 • Use for either hammer or indoor 3620 20 lb $94 3950 20 lb $319 throwing weights 3952 25 lb $329HaMMer wires HaMMer HanDle 3954 30 lb $339 • Economical way to add variable (aluMinuM griP) 3955 35 lb $419 weight to your training without 32200 20” wire 395010 20 lb Repl. Ball $201 buying more implements 32300 30” wire 32020 iaaf approved M611 20 lb Repl. Bag $63 32370 37” wire 395510 35 lb Repl. Ball $252 • Adjustable from .5 lb to 2.5 lb 32375 37 ½” wire M612 35 lb Repl. Bag $96 32380 38” wire $10 $20 391021 Repl. wide 3603 add on weight $24 32385 38 ½” wire $10 $35 32390 39” wire $10 handle, Black 32395 39 ½” wire $10 $10 HaMMer swiVel kiT usa HaMMer gloVes $10 $10 Kit includes: • Designed to endure the $10 • 1 allen wrench toughest hammer throwers • 1 swivel • 2 screws • Seamless outside finger • 1 pair of pliers designed for the perfect • 1 threading tap unobtrusive fit with handle • High quality genuine leatherlance Deal HaMMer wires 3601 turned iron Kit $36 31918 left Small $20 HaMMer back brace 360101 Swivel Only $13 31917 Right Small $20High quality hammer wire made by 3602 Stainless Steel Kit $46 31919 left medium $20 • Used by hammer throwers around American Record Holder Lance Deal. 360201 Swivel Only $28 31922 Right medium $20 the world 31920 left large $2033240 24” wire $17 31923 Right large $20 • Supports your throwers and helps 33375 37 ½” wire $17 31921 left X-large $20 them throw far and safe33380 38” wire $17 31924 Right X-large $2033385 38 ½” wire $17 4581 $3133390 39” wire $17 ®® track & field catalog
nocken balls inDoor THrowing balls ouTDoor THrowing ballsTA105 400g $19 TA102 500g $16 TA113 400g $14TA100 600g $16TA101 800g $25 TA103 600g $18 TA114 600g $17TA1010 1K $19 $30 TA104 800g $26 TA115 800g $20 $20 $35 TA1041 1K $29 TA116 1K TA1042 1.6K $31 TA117 1.5K TA1043 2K $32 TA118 2Klimited SuPPly!clOSeOutDiscus sleeVe Deluxe uniVersal 2-sHoT carrier scHolasTic sHoT carrier iMPleMenT carrier • Neoprene sleeve to protect your discus • High quality vinyl shot carrier • Heavy woven polyethylene rope with • Holds one discus • Holds any of the three standard • Features a plastic handle and plastic handle • Includes carabiner for attaching throwing implements convenient shoulder strap • Holds 1 shot put to backpacks • Stores and protects: Shot Put (1), • Snap top closure Discus (2), or Hammer (1) • Holds 2 shot puts with room to spare 928 $8.991031 1K Silver $10 • Great value to protect your 929 $21 throwing investment 9282 $40 Discus carrier THe sPinner coco brusH MaT sPorTs cHalk • High quality vinyl discus carrier • Excellent training tool for discus • Stiff coconut shell fiber provides • 1 lb box • Features a plastic handle and throwers and rotational shot putters unsurpassed means of brushing • Eight 2 ounce blocks grass and mud from throwing shoes convenient shoulder strap • Nonslip top pad rotates as you turn 700250 $14 • Holds 2 discuses or shot puts • Improve balance using various drills • Must have item to keep your 931 $18 • Improve sequence of movements from throwing circles clean of debris40 back of the circle to power position 31910 $44 • Instructions included TA370 $90
41 937 939 throWing accessoriesTrack wagon™ essenTials™ Track wagon • Conveniently haul a variety of track equipment from storage to the track • Convenience of traditional Track Wagon with value of Essentials line of equipment • Gates fold down for added convenience • Constructed of 600 denier polyester fabric over a steel frame • Large pneumatic tires for rugged terrain travel • Features two storage pockets for added equipment storage • 500 lb capacity to haul even the heaviest of track equipment • Collapsible for easy storage in the included carry bag • 48” long x 24” wide x 12” deep x 25” tall 939 essentials™ track wagon $199937 track wagon $249 9313 9314JoJo self Marking Training Discus 9316Training Discus • Customize your training with iMPleMenT carTs 9312 • Economical training discus that marks variable weight the distance thrown Redesigned for maximum value. $549 • Easy and quick transition from $549 • Patented chamber emits self-marking weight to weight $549 chalk at landing $659 • Not competition legal, for • Comes complete with discus, marking training only chalk, and chamber engagement tool 9313 Shot cart (holds 24)82610 1.0K $100 812 0.85K~1.20K $106 9314 discus cart (holds 30)82616 1.6K $104 811 1.40K~1.80K $119 9316 hammer cart (holds 18)82620 2.0K $110 810 1.75K~2.20K $145 9312 discus/Shot/hammer combo cart ®® track & field catalog
throW far stiFF Athlete’s ABility JAvelin Forgiveness 4.5 Flex High low 100M soFt low High 12.6 Flex 40M Use this chart for help on how to choose the best javelin for you. Call our Track and Field experts at 800.637.3090 for more details. 600g Javelins 800g Javelins 2663H intermediate headwind 40m $399 2860H intermediate headwind 60m $709 ™ 2663T intermediate tailwind 40m $399 ™ 2860T intermediate tailwind 60m $709 2684H Special headwind 50m $449 2870H Special headwind 70m $809 2684T Special tailwind 50m $449 2870T Special tailwind 70m $809 2690H Xtra headwind 60m $509 2890H Xtra headwind 80m $909 2690T Xtra tailwind 60m $509 2890T Xtra tailwind 80m $909 2695H competition headwind 70m $539 2885H competition headwind 90m $969 2695T competition tailwind 70m $539 2885T competition tailwind 90m $969 2700H composite fX headwind 80m $1349 2900H composite fX headwind 100m $1349 2700T composite fX tailwind 80m $1349 2900T composite fX tailwind 100m $1349 7917606C Olympia carbon 600 universal 5.9 flex $1309 7916808C Orbit carbon 800 tailwind 5.0 flex $1339 7917603C diana carbon 600 headwind 5.3 flex $1309 7916800C champion carbon 800 headwind 4.8 flex $1349 7916803C airglider carbon 800 universal 4.5 flex $1349 chOOSiNG a javeliN headwiNd vS. tailwiNd T s TeP 1 Decide if you are purchasing a Rubber Tipped, 600g women’s, or HeaDwinD (H) A headwind version of an OTE javelin 800g men’s javelin. describes a streamlined tip designed to help cut through the s TeP 2 Consider the technical proficiency of the athlete. Javelin throwers who wind. This javelin tip, because of its small surface area, will are skilled at flying the javelin will get farther throws when they throw through have self-correcting characteristics when a thrower misses the point using OTE javelins. Throwers who occasionally miss accurate flights the point, adding valuable distance to a missed throw. The should switch between OTE and Pacer to help learn the fine points of flying the headwind version is ideal for ‘power’ throwers who lack perfect javelin. Beginners will learn quicker with the Gill or Tru-Flight javelins, and if technique but make up for it with strength and torque. possible, should occasionally try an OTE to see if they understand how to really make it fly. TailwinD (T) A tailwind version of an OTE javelin s TeP 3 Once you have decided which javelin will best maximize your athlete’s describes a thicker, more blunted tip that increases the surface potential, choose a light, medium, or max relative flex javelin. Generally speaking; area in front of the javelin. When a thrower hits the point with a the stiffer the javelin, the longer the throw, assuming it is thrown precisely tailwind version of an OTE javelin, it will mimic the old rules style through the point. javelins, with a beautiful floating flight and greater distances. This tailwind version is ideal for ‘finesse’ throwers who lack high H outputs of power, yet throw at a high technical level. 42
43 Javelins600g Javelins 800g Javelins7961600 comet alu 600 universal 12.1 flex $240 7961800 comet alu 800 universal 11.4 flex $2577925600 viking 600 universal 11.1 flex $319 7922800 viking 800 universal 10.4 flex $3397915600 Nordic classic 600 tailwind 8.5 flex $419 7912800A master classic 800 headwind 7.8 flex $5497917600A master alu 600 universal 7.9 flex $529 7913800 master 800 universal 7.5 flex $5897917602 diana classic 600 headwind 7.7 flex $599 7916802 Super elite classic 800 tailwind 7.0 flex $9997917601 diana classic 600 universal 7.2 flex $1069 7916800 champion Steel 800 headwind 6.4 flex $11997917600 diana classic 600 tailwind 6.8 flex $1099 7916803 airglider Steel 800 universal 6.1 flex $1269760005 litania® light 40m $249 780005 litania® light 50m $329760011 comet 45 medium 45m $349 780050 astro 50 light 50m $429760012 comet 55 max 55m $359 780060 astro 60 medium 60m $439 780031 astro 70 max 70m $469 35441 Gill 40 light 40m $409 Gill 50 $419® medium 50m 35250 Gill 50 light 50m $449 Gill 60 medium 60m $459 35450 ® Gill 70 max 70m $479 35064 tru-flight 40 light 40m $177 35260 tru-flight 50 $19235065 35270 medium 50m 35085 tru-flight 50 light 50m $192 tru-flight 60 medium 60m $208 35086 tru-flight 70 max 70m $224 35087 oTe™ Deluxe JaVelin bag • Holds up to six javelins • Two hardshell inserts wrapped in 1 ⁄ 4 ” lightweight closed cell foam to protect your investment • Soft rubber handles and seams held with strong 2” webbing • Men’s length 9’; Women’s length 8’ 700706 600g Bag $499 700708 800g Bag $529 hOw it’S made wR thROw: cOmPetitiON javeliN videO tailwiNd videO (2885t) To check out the video: scan the code or search YouTube To check out the video: scan the code or search YouTube “How It’s Made Javelin” “WR Javelin 98.48” ®® track & field catalog
600g rubber tiPPed Javelins 800g rubber tiPPed Javelins 2663r intermediate Rt 40m $389 2860r intermediate Rt 60m $509 60m $549 2870r Special Rt 70m $619 ™ 2690r Xtra Rt 80m $689 ™ 2890r Xtra Rt 7968600 classic alu Rt 600 light 8.8 flex $237 7968800 classic alu Rt 800 light 8.7 flex $281 7955600 javelin high School 600 universal medium $349 7965600 javelin hS diana 600 universal max $399 7952800 javelin high School 800 universal medium $379 7916822 high School master 60 800 universal medium $399 760055r litania® Rt light 40m $275 7962800 javelin hS elite 800 universal max $519 760211r comet 45Rt medium 45m $399 760212r comet 55Rt max 55m $409 7916902 high School master 70 800 universal max $409 35640r Gill 40Rt light 40m $369 780055r litania® Rt light 50m $379 780250r astro 50Rt light 50m $479 ® tru-flight 40Rt 780260r astro 60Rt medium 60m $499 tru-flight 50Rt 780033r astro 70Rt max 70m $509 35164r light 40m $233 $252 35165r medium 50m 35750r Gill 50Rt light 50m $399 $409 ® medium 60m 35760r Gill 60Rt RuBBeR tiPPed StateS: alaBama, New jeRSey, 35185r tru-flight 50Rt light 50m $252 NORth daKOta aNd waShiNGtON tru-flight 60Rt $276 35186r medium 60m New! 500g JaVelins 780700 750005 masters Plus light 40m $319 light 11.6 flex $359 7925500 viking 500 light 12.6 flex $339 780900 7961500 comet alu 500 $359 $969 J-force Training JaVelins 700g JaVelins $549 $359 • 700g weighted training javelin designed with 800g dimensions 770005 masters Plus light 45m $809 • 700g is the ideal tool for injury recovery training medium 6.8 flex $809 • 900g weighted training javelin designed with 800g dimensions 7914703 Super elite 700 medium 7.4 flex • 900g is the perfect tool for specific strength adaptation light 10.7 flex Ta1193 7914706 master 700 Ta1194 7924700 viking 700 Ta1188 780700 700g training javelin $499 New! 780900 900g training javelin $549 2780T Ote tailwind 80m 80m 2780H Ote headwind PeTranoff JaVelins • Designed by former world record holder Tom Petranoff (99.72m) • Advance from 300g to 800g model Pacer® aDJusTable bag HarDsHell JaVelin Tube TA1193 300g Stubby $44 • Holds three to five javelins • Holds five to seven javelins TA1194 400g Stubby $47 • Heavy duty Cordura nylon for durability • ABS plastic material gives piece TA1195 500g long tom $52 of mind when transporting • Universal fit adjusts between 600g valuable javelins TA1196 600g long tom $62 and 800g javelins • Universal fit adjusts between 600g 700801 $118 and 800g javelins TA1187 700g turbo Spier $78 Ta1196 Ta1195 700804 $109 TA1188 800g turbo Spier $83 Ta118744
45 all surface RedeSiGNed! Javelins & accessories Training JaVelins Ta1198 • Designed for indoor, outdoor, turf and more surfaces • Get the balance and weight of a competition imple- ment with a durable metal shaft and REAL grip cord • Cost effective way to get more practice implements in your training inventory Ta1199 34610 600g $80 34710 700g $80 34810 800g $80 34910 900g $80JaVelin carT inDoor Training JaVelins oVerlengTH Training JaVelin • Easily transports and stores • Air drag cones increase resistance to • Extended length javelin throwing is common 26 javelins shorten throw for indoor facilities practice among European throwers • Durable steel construction with black • Aluminum shaft with rubber tip for • Unique training tool unmatched in ability to teach powder coat finish maximum durability throwers to ‘throw through the point’ • Swivel casters for ease TA1198 600g $113 • 10’ 6” fiberglass construction with durable of transportation TA1199 800g $114 rubber tips 9315 $549 • Due to the length of this item, it must ship via truck shipment. TA1197 Overlength training javelin $124JaVee JaVelin Trainer JaVelin weigHTs 34810 Ta1197 • Excellent training aid to develop javelin specific strength, flexibility, range of motion • Strengthen your throwing arm • Use for static and dynamic stretching and warm up routines while using your own javelin • Improve functional length limits for reduced chance of muscle and tendon injuries • Variable resistance provided by three strong elastic cords • Increases resistance through a • Grip diameter specific to 600g and 800g sizes specific range of motion • Simply slip over the tip of your javelin up to the balance point • Incorporates unique tightening mechanism to ensure no slip function • Unhindered throwing with this economical training deviceTA1820 600g $70 TA2610 100g for 600g javelin $50TA1821 800g $71 TA2620 200g for 600g javelin $50 TA2810 100g for 800g javelin $50 TA2820 200g for 800g javelin $50 New! New!JaVelin back brace norDic back brace norDic elbow brace griP corD • Used by javelin throwers around 1086292 S, 22” - 28.5” $149 1086392 S, 7.5” - 9” $70 • Gray, 4 ply grip cord the world 1086293 m, 28” - 34.5” $149 1086393 m, 8.5” - 12” $70 • 300g 1086294 l, 34” - 40.5” $149 1086394 l, 11.5” - 14” $70 • Record up to 3-6 javelins • Supports your throwers and helps 1086295 Xl, 40” - 46.5” $149 1086395 Xl, 13.5” - 15” $70 them throw far and safe 1086296 XXl, 46.5”+ $149 2600 $52 4581 $31 ®® track & field catalog
93010 93015 93021 essentIals™ Implement sCale GIll® Implement sCales • Large 55 lb capacity scale with ‘easy press’ buttons • Quickly, easily and accurately measure the weight of any track implement • Includes digital auto calibration and full range tare/zero function • Works for javelin, discus, hammer, shot, and indoor weight • Read out in English or Metric system • Easy zero reset for calibration prior to weighing • Read out in English or Metric system 93010 Essentials™ Implement Scale $113 93015 Up to 15K/33 lb $459 93020 Up to 20K/44 lb $779 93021 Scale Ring $21 93035 940 Implement CertIfICatIon KIts Indoor throwInG weIGht GauGe • Official-friendly redesign assures each implement meets specifications • Easily check the length of indoor • Each gauge is laser cut stainless steel for extreme accuracy and permanency weight throw implements • Labeled tabs on each gauge helps organize the process • Adjustable knob assists in the quick calibration of the gauge • Redesigned hammer gauge is easier to use and more durable before each use • Javelin diameter gauge will not damage javelins like old-style javelin gauges 93035 $279 from competitors shot/hammer retrIever • Self-contained unit packaged in one convenient wheeled case; including hammer gauge • Ideal for quick, painless pick-up of shots and hammers 93050 High School Certification Kit $1449 93065 (1K, 1.6K discuses; 4K, 12 lb shot put) $1449 • Multi-adjustment height for 93075 $3849 ergonomic use Javelin Certification Kit (all javelin competitions) 93080 $4289 940 $49 NCAA Certification Kit (1K, 2K discuses; 4K, 16 lb shot put; 4K, 16 lb hammer; all javelin competitions) IAAF Certification Kit (1K, 1.5K, 1.75K, 2K discuses; 4K, 5K, 6K, 16 lb shot put and hammer; all javelin competitions)46
Measure wiTh conFidence 47 cerTiFicaTion & Measuring equipMenT 865 971 985seCtor lIne marKInG tape steel measurInG tapes fIberGlass measurInG tapes • Makes sector setup quick and easy • Coated with durable epoxy finish • Vinyl coated fiberglass tape with high tensile • C = closed reel; O = open reel strength for durability • Rolls out using dispensing spool and secures to grass with ground staples 980 50’ (15m) C $29 • More flexible than cloth tapes and won’t kink or $38 break when twisted or stepped on • Kit includes: 2 rolls of white tape, 2 dispensing 981 100’ (30m) C $119 spools, and 20 ground staples $120 • Measures in both English and Metric units 983 300’ (90m) O • White, orange, and yellow replacement $96 • C = closed reel; O = open reel tape available 971 330’ (100m) O 984 50’ (15m) C $11 $18865 Complete Kit $119 measurInG tape KIt 985 100’ (30m) C $268651 Dispensing Spool $15 $358652 Staples (10) $11 For all your measuring needs, includes: 987 165’ (50m) C $518653 130 yds. White Tape $42 • 988 (1) $558654 130 yds. Orange Tape $42 • 985 (2) 986 200’ (60m) O8655 130 yds. Yellow Tape $42 • 984 (1) 988 300’ (90m) O 989 330’ (100m) O 982 Measuring Tape KitoffICIals spIKe GauGe $27 shot and dIsCus marKers laser dIstanCe measurInG system 849 Spike Gauge • Large three square-inch writing surface • Accurate laser measuring device for horizontal and • Ample room to write athlete’s name or number vertical jumps as well as throwsLOOKING FOR MORE? • Extra strong pointed base for fast placement • 7 ½” long • Center the mounted laser after each attempt and See everything we have to offer, online at: • 18 gauge steel aim at the 932W Marker $2.29/ea • Accurate readings to the nearest 1⁄ 8” 932W12 Markers (12) $27/set • Fully compliant with NFHS, NCAA and IAAF specifications E737 Laser Distance Measuring System $2999 ®® Track & Field caTalog
laser lJ/tJ measurInG devICe • Never have the triple jump finish after the 4 x 400 again! • Simple point and click laser design improves accuracy • Simply align the targeting laser with landing, push the button, and read the measurement • Improved GREEN targeting laser for improved visibility on sunny days • Measures in English or Metric units • Rail is aluminum with sturdy steel wheeled bases E73730 Laser LJ/Tj Measuring Device $3699 After aligning the targeting laser with the landing, simply push a button on the measuring laser and read the measurement. 978 9701 9702 dIstanCe measurInG wheels eleCtronIC measurInG wheel dual XC measurInG wheel / Course marKer • Lightweight durable construction • Durable long-lasting steel frame • Measure and mark simultaneously • Wheel has rubber tread for accurate measurement • Electronic 7-digit LCD readout is backlit for low • Lightweight tool features a trigger under the pistol grip on any surface light usage • Trigger fires off a burst of upside-down spray paint • Measures up to 10,000 units • Patent-pending ‘thumb-up’ grip ensures less wrist (not included) strain and superior control • Paints precisely where it is needed • Measure and mark alone and work more quickly than 977 English Units $119 9701 Electronic Measuring Wheel $299 978 Metric Units $119 2 or 3 people with a tape measure and spray gun • English units only48 9702 $176