Keep Our Workplace Safe! Practice good hygiene Limit meetings and non- Stop hand shakes and use non-contact essential travels greeting methods Use video conferencing instead Clean hands at the door and schedule of face-to-face meetings regular hand washing reminders When video calls are not Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, possible, hold your meetings tables, and desks regularly in well-ventilated rooms and spaces Avoid touching your face and cover your coughs and sneezes Suspend all non-essential Increase ventilation by opening travels and windows or adjusting air conditioning trips Stay home if... Take care of your emotional and You are feeling sick mental well-being You have a sick family member at Outbreaks are a stressful and home anxious time for everyone. We're here to support you! Reach out to SOURCE: CDC.GOV [email protected] anytime.
STOP THE SPREAD WASH YOUR HANDS 2 M / 6 FT FREQUENTLY MAINTAIN Regularly and thoroughly clean PHYSICAL DISTANCING your hands with an alcohol-based Maintain at least 2 meters (6 feet) hand rub or wash them with soap distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or and water. sneezing. AVOID! AVOID TOUCHING EYES, NOSE IF YOU HAVE A FEVER, COUGH AND MOUTH AND DIFFICULTY BREATHING, Hands touch many surfaces and SEEK MEDICAL CARE EARLY can pick up viruses. Once Stay home if you feel unwell. If contaminated, hands can transfer you have a fever, cough and the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Source: World Health Organization
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