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Home Explore History of

History of

Published by reyesangeloleo, 2021-04-11 03:40:27

Description: History of


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HHIISSTTOORRYY OOFF:: TTaabbllee TTeennnniiss

TThhee OOrriiggiinnss ooff TTaabbllee TTeennnniiss Due to the popularity of : LLAAWWNN TTEENNNNIISS DURING THE 1880's GGAAMMEE MMAAKKEERRSS Tried to replicate the PROFIT! experience indoors GAME MAKERS

TThhee OOrriiggiinnss ooff TTaabbllee TTeennnniiss Until a guy named... His game introduces: Wooden Paddles Wooden Fence DAVID FOSTER Clothed Rubber Side nets July 15, 1890 Ball (The date when he made the game) The original packaging Made a: Tabletop Version of Tennis

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