Adobe Voice
I love using apps such as Adobe Voice Spark and Book Creator because it encourages greater voluntary output by tapping multipleintelligence by using visual, verbal written and oral strengths and the flexibility for students to use them in the order that supports theirconfidence.
Digital Storytelling ● Student choice and voice ● Authentic audience ● Communication ● Creativity ● Digital literacy ● Digital citizenship ● Research and information fluency
Take the basic skills that we are already teaching and supporting our students and enhancing them using these competencies.Using technology we are engaging and encouraging greater voluntary output by tapping multiple intelligence by using visual, verbalwritten and oral strengths and the flexibility for students to use them in the order that supports their confidenceBecause digital storytelling is not relying on the students advanced reading and writing abilities, but their ability to tell their own story -student engagement,, students with learning difficulties tend to do well with digital storytelling projects - closing achievement gapstudent voice, another benefit of digital storytelling, is that students, when given the choice, most often will choose to talk about somethingthey are passionate about; thus creating engagement for the creator of the digital story bit also the viewer.negotiation skills that students must use if faced with collaboratively planning their project with other studentsstory-boarding, planning out the story elements, in a sequential pictorial form, leads to the development of visualization skills.
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