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Home Explore Newsletter


Published by Euro school North Campus, 2020-07-17 04:59:13

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z Here’s a treat to your eyes, food for your thought and creativity at its peak as We, EuroSchool North Campus present to you our exquisite Newsletter of the Quarter – The Spark Kindled!

Come, let’s get into the ocean of wonders, where every drop is an earnest contribution by our dear children. They’ve weaved magic with words, they’ve concocted spectacular stories, they’ve made the canvas a reality of colours and they’ve penned down their budding dreams on paper! Let’s read them all and relish the finesse each one has portrayed! - The Editorial Team!

What do we have in store for you???? • The Gurus Speak….. • The art of story telling • The new religion named ‘technology’ • Mother Nature - where art thou? • Family Bonding – the need of the hour! • The demon of today – ‘Corona-sura’ • An Ode from our little poets • Life’s a Sport –from our very own fitness experts!! • Art – Journey of a free soul!! • With different languages – you are at home anywhere!! (French, Hindi, Kannada) • Miscellaneous – Just go with it!

Creating Kind And Compassionate Students!! I chose to write this article after a very dear friend of mine recently went through a heart wrenching experience. Her son studying in grade 9 was bullied in his school by his peers and more than physical it was an emotional torment where the poor child was constantly taunted, teased, belittled and consequently the school was changed. But is moving schools really the solution?? It is sad that High schools have become the arena of bullying reaching serious consequences. There is a better way, and it starts by recognizing why kids bully. Kids bully when they haven’t learned to effectively regulate their emotions, and when they haven’t learned how to create and maintain supportive relationships. They are frequently overwhelmed by feelings like jealousy, anger, excitement, curiosity, loneliness, disappointment, boredom, and fear. And they don’t know how to empathize with peers who look, act, or feel differently. They grow distracted, and they act out, often cruelly. Further the cause of bullying behaviours is wide spread even from the family system to the electronic media that provide much of children’s pre-packaged entertainment today. But they can learn otherwise–if teachers can help them develop their emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate emotions, both one’s own emotions and those of others. It means effective strategies for managing feelings, expressing even negative emotions in appropriate ways, and behaving compassionately. These skills can be taught, just like math or reading. Children are not deluded by teachers or principals who say the right things but do not have integrity with their own feelings! Children need to feel liked for who they are and not judged as bad, no good, stupid or unreliable. I was recently reading a book on Emotional Literacy by Dr. Patricia Sherwood who is also a researcher at Edith Cowan University. According to her there are four kinds of bullies in the school system and different approaches are also required to address these kinds of bullies. ▪ Arrested Empathy Bully ▪ Narcissistic bully ▪ Abused bully ▪ Media modelled bully She has suggested some very useful individual exercises to free the bully. But we must remember that Dr. Vandana Gupta underneath every bully behaviour is a child who has been wounded damaged poorly parented or missed some Principal, critical developmental phase. It is essential that as teachers and parents we restore to the child a language for exploring and expressing their feelings. EuroSchool, North Campus

TABLES TURNED The dawn of the new decade brought about a shift in the paradigm of our lives in general, and more particularly, in education. I remember my school days when the teacher was supposed to be more like a sage on the stage, rather than a guide by the side. We, as students, did not have much to complain about; we did not play a major part in arriving at decisions that concerned us. We were conscientiously looking up to our elders for their guidance, be it our parents or teachers. Their words were sacrosanct. I don’t think this way of upbringing has harmed us in any way rather it gave us much emotional security. We may call ourselves naïve or ignorant as compared to the children of today’s generation. But sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss! Only about ten years hence, the tables have turned. Now we can’t even imagine our children being brought up the way we were. It is incredible that, as parents and teachers, we have turned our minds to gratify the new ways of upbringing. We have embraced the avant-garde style of parenting! Of course, it has become a win-win condition for both parents and children, considering the fact that, it saves a lot of time and energy for us as stakeholders and children get the freedom to make their own decisions. With this perspective, we need to introspect and assess if our children have a high emotional quotient to deal with the events of their lives. With the information overload that our children are experiencing, the need of the hour is to help them assimilate the right quantity and quality that is being served to them. Here we can help them by focusing on building their emotional stamina, strengthening their self-esteem which will empower them to face the world and make the right decisions for themselves. Yes, I do believe in the statement that people are like tea bags, whose strength is discerned only after dropping into hot water. Our children have to face all the hardships but if at all they give up anytime during their journey before they reach their goals, who do you think should take the responsibility? So, we have to take the onus to work on developing their intellect rather than intelligence. Ms. Pramila Prakash Faculty- English Dept.

The Shawl Weaver and his Two Sons The Art of Story Telling In a beautiful place, there lived a shawl weaver with his two sons. He weaved shawls and sold them in the market. He made lovely patterns on shawls and he taught the art of shawl weaving very well to both his sons. Time passed by ..... the weaver grew older and weaker. One day he called his two sons and said to them, ‘’ My dear children, now I have become old and weak and as you know everyone has to leave their loved ones one day and I am no exception, but before that I want to give the equal share of my savings to both of you and with the help of this money you can start the work of weaving to earn a living after my death.” On one sad day of winter the weaver passed away. It was a great loss for both the young men but they had to recover from the sorrow to move on with their lives. The elder brother said to his younger brother: “Now we should concentrate on our work. Summer is coming and a lot of tourists come to visit our valley in this season; it will be a good chance for us to earn some good amount of money by selling shawls to them.” The younger brother, who was a careless and lazy kind of guy said, “There are months for tourist season to come. I will do it later.” The elder brother decided to start the work of weaving, so he bought some fine wool and started making shawls. He told his younger brother, “Little brother, I have begun my work and you should start weaving too, so that we can make some good shawls before the tourist season.” “I told you, I will do it later, now leave me alone”, said the younger brother, and went to enjoy the company of his friends. Elder brother did not forget his duty... after some time he reminded his sibling again, “Brother, you haven’t started yet. There is only a short time left for summer to arrive; you should hurry up.’’ However, he was disappointed and got the same answer as before. Days flew by like wind, winter gave way to spring ......... Ah... the summer was too close. Now the younger brother rushed to the market, bought the wool and started weaving, but it was too late. How could he make some fine shawls like his brother in such a short period of time? The quality of his shawls was poor and they were not good-looking at all. On the other hand the elder brother was ready to sell his beautiful shawls. The tourist season came. At the market, everyone was keen to buy the beautiful shawls of the elder brother and was ready to pay the desired prize, but nobody was interested in taking the shawls made by the younger brother. He realized his fault but nothing could be done now. He did not listen to his elder brother, he wasted the time and the money of his share. Sadly, the upcoming days were going to be very difficult for him . As the old saying goes “Time and Tide wait for None.” - Raghav Krishna 6C

How Pluto became a Dwarf Planet Once upon a time Pluto was of the same size as the Earth. There was one thing that Pluto was jealous of, and that was the size of Jupiter. Jupiter was enormous. Also, he was known for his red spot. Pluto was known for nothing; he was just a lump of rock. So one day Pluto got a cruel idea. He spun to Jupiter and requested him, “Hi Jupiter. Is it fine if I exchange size with you for a few days?”. Jupiter was a kind and friendly planet. “Yes, of course” said Jupiter. Now Pluto became the biggest planet in the solar system. A few days later Jupiter spun back to Pluto and, kindly said, “Hey Pluto, can I get back my size?”. Pluto replied rudely, “I never took your size”. Now Jupiter was angry. He called the God of the Planets, Poseidon, and complained about the incident. Poseidon restored the size of Jupiter. As a punishment, Pluto was shrunk even smaller than his original size and hence, is called a dwarf planet. MORAL: 1) Never be greedy and always be happy with what you have. 2) Wrong actions are always punished. - Zara 6C THE CAPTURE One morning, I went to my closet looking for my school uniform. They had disappeared. I searched in vain to realize it was the last day at school. Unable to find one, I wore my favourite dress. At school, I told my friends about the closet but they did not believe it until I showed it to them. We noticed a door inside the closet. We stepped in and saw a beautiful forest with a cool breeze. It was dark and we couldn't see anything. We pulled out a flashlight from our bag so that we do not slip on water or stamp a snake. We carefully went forward leaving tracks of pebbles and marbles so we can trace back our path and do not get lost in the forest. Everything was fine until all of a sudden, something struck me and I fell unconscious only to find myself in some sort of dungeon, handcuffed and captured along with my friends! Our bags were also missing. I saw myself surrounded by witch-like creatures only to realize that they were real witches. We were hanging on an old wooden plank. It was loosely fit and would break with little force. So we started pulling down the plank, it broke and we fell. I quickly picked the flashlight and switched it on. The witches who hate light ran away dropping the key. With the keys in our possession, we ran out and freed ourselves. Phew! We were at home safe and sound, the jungle door had disappeared and the closet was back to normal. Then, I woke up with a start only to realize it was just a dream. There I saw my closet with my clothes in it. At school, I told my dream to my friends and we penned it down in our books. - By Sayed Omar Azad

The Mystery of Mako Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a girl named Zoe. She had a horse named Pearl. Pearl was a creamy white horse with its hair in the colour of dawn. They were the best of friends. They wanted to visit ‘Mako’ for long but her parents would never give a ‘yes’ for an answer. So, what is MAKO? It is an island located in Australia; known for its spectacular beauty. One day when Zoe's uncle visited her, Zoe and Pearl wanted to sneak out of the house and go to Mako. Zoe’s mother was cooking and the father was busy. It was the right time to sneak out; she crept silently through corridors and quickly headed towards the stables to pick-up Pearl. She took some steps and ‘Bang’, she crashed into her uncle. Her uncle stopped and asked her “Where are you going Zoe darling?” Zoe was speechless, then she spoke up as she said “I am going to Mako but mom and dad are not allowing me, so I did not tell them”. You would be wondering why Zoe told her uncle her plan. She knew her uncle was adventurous and would be a part of her plan. Her uncle replied, “my darling it's a daring adventure. I will help you”. Zoe’s uncle told her parents that she is going to her friend Carly’s home. Zoe and Pearl finally left for Mako. They reached Mako and saw an eerie entrance, they went in. There was a steep slope. Zoe climbed up to see if she could find something interesting when she saw a symbol with a button. She pressed it with her eyes closed. ‘Whoosh’ a passageway appeared. She quickly jumped on Pearl’s back and zoomed into the passage. At the end of the passage, there was a pretty pool of turquoise water. All of a sudden, Pearl started to neigh loudly!! He wouldn’t move ahead, as Zoe saw the moon coming in the center of a dreadful volcano ahead of them. She forcibly asked Pearl to move forward, and SPLASH she fell into the water along with Pearl and felt something pulling her in. Suddenly, a huge water dragon appeared and roared aloud. Zoe ran out of the pool and the dragon chased her awfully. She jumped on Pearl’s back and quickly rode away as fast as she could. After a while, she could feel something in her pocket. It was the magical green roll her uncle had given her. She quickly made a sword out of it and threw it on the dragon. The dragon lay injured as she rode her way out of Mako Island. It was an adventure indeed and it had come to an end. But was it a dream? Until next time, keep thinking; to be continued….!! - By Nandini Shankar (5C)

Impact Of Technology On Our Life The proliferation of digital technologies over the past two decades has been substantial, Impacts on Education: marking one of history’s most rapid rates of adoption of new technologies. Technology plays an Easy access to information; easy retention of important role in society today. It has positive and negative effects on the world and information, more storage of information, it impacts our daily lives. Technology has made Our lives far easier. It has affected the way better presentation of information individuals communicate, learn, socialize, collaborate and think and teaching became more interactive. In tough times like Covid-19 tools like Zoom, Microsoft Impact on communication, socialization and information sharing: teams have helped us continue our schooling, In olden days people used to use send letters by post that used by keeping millions of students and teachers to take very long time to reach. Today there is much better and safe at home. Online education services like faster way to communicate using applications like WhatsApp, Udemy help connect teachers to students Skype etc. Internet and Web has increased knowledge sharing, irrespective of where they are located. understanding, improvements in industry and jobs and are Impact on entertainment interconnected to the world as a result of There is big boom of entertainment channels globalization. Applications like YouTube, Google have helped the from big providers like Netflix, Amazon Prime, world to share their special skills like cooking, gardening etc. YouTube. Other areas Impact on business: Self-driving cars, Robots etc. are evolving and There is a world of new business opportunities that include will be part of our daily life. online shopping like Amazon, Flip cart, online public and private services like airline, train and bus bookings, Cab services like Ola -Asfiha 6C and Uber, Online food services like Swiggy, Zomato. These business opportunities provide lot of employment opportunities and hence improves the country’s economy. Online payments using Google Pay, Phone Pe etc., have helped also these services.

The Race To Space The space race began in the mid-20th century between USA and the SOVIET SPACE UNION. The two had been struggling to be the first country in development of aerospace capabilities etc. as part of the cold war. Both countries wanted to be the first to send spacecraft and astronauts into space, and so the space race began. The SOVIET SPACE UNION sent the first man-made object into space, which was Sputnik-1 on 4th October 1957. A month later the SOVIET SPACE UNION sent a living creature to space, a dog named Laika. In April 1959, the US introduced its first group of astronauts, known as the Mercury 7. They were an elite group of pilots who had special training for space travel. In 1962, US President John F Kennedy set a goal for landing man on the moon by the end of the decade.

Mother Nature – Where Art Thou? There is nothing that is useless in the world There is nothing useless in the world If we use it well, As the apple tree grows from seed to tree to have an apple. Humans should grow to be very useful on earth, As the tree grows so high that it might just touch the sky. Our thinking level should grow high, As the sun gives us light, We must be the light on earth. As the stars are shining bright in the sky, Our faces should smile as the stars. By Hawon Lim

AMPHAN - CYCLONE Super Cyclonic storm Amphan was a powerful and deadly tropical cyclone that caused huge damage to eastern India, specifically West Bengal, and also Bangladesh in May 2020. Amphan caused a huge damage of $13.6 billion. On 18 May, at approximately 12:00 UTC, Amphan reached its peak intensity with a 3-minute sustained wind speed of 240 km/h. In West Bengal, nearly 90 people died and most of the deaths were due to the collapse of houses. The cyclone is said to be more dangerous than COVID-19. Our prime minister Shri Narendra Modi announced an immediate relief package of ₹10 billion for West Bengal and ₹5 billion for Odisha, further, he also said that ₹50,000 would be given to each person injured as result of the cyclone. According to me, Amphan was the worst cyclone that has ever struck India and I would like to thank all those people who helped the needy during this cyclone. -Sampreet 8D The Beauty of Nature Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by, like the water we drink, the air we breathe and the birds we hear chirping. The rich and vibrant nature consists of both living and non-living organisms. Nature is characterized mainly by the wonderful diversity of living organisms that exist in various parts of the earth. The beauty of nature around us is one of the greatest blessings of God. - By Rishab, 8C

Start Your Garden At Home! Solar eclipse-21.06.2020 Kanishka Belani, Std. VII A What is a solar eclipse? Is it the destruction of earth or is the The Earth is what we all have in common. end of the sun? It is neither of those things, it is when the We are spending a lot more time than ever in our home these days. We all know the moon blocks the sun’s light when the Earth, Moon and the impact of our surroundings on us, be it our happiness or functioning of our health. Sun align in a straight-line. Plants play a major role in ensuring adequate oxygen and happiness around us, besides making our surroundings beautiful. Facts on Sunday’s solar eclipse 21.06.2020 This is a great time to make our home, balcony, terrace garden or compound as green • This kind of solar eclipse has happened 900 years ago. as before. This is the time to begin a home garden! • This is an Annular solar eclipse For those who are beginners like us, all we need is a few containers or pots, some • This solar eclipse is visible in China, India, parts of potting soil and some seeds or saplings with roots. In this pandemic situation we can get some organic vegetables/spices and grow them Africa and Asia and Southern Pakistan. in our own premises. Take some soil and place it in a pot, sprinkle some seeds • There is one myth saying pregnant woman should not available at home like coriander, mustard, tomatoes, chilies or flowering seeds and patiently wait for them to grow while watering them regularly. watch an eclipse but scientists say you may see it. Once this is done, you can also be creative by decorating the pots and arranging them in ways that make your balconies and entrances beautiful! In a very short while, you will notice that you enjoy the space around you in your home a lot better than before, and what’s more – SELFIES look better too! Kanishka Belani, Std. VII A

A Woman I Salute Hide your face, but why your smile������ Happiness is essential, isn’t it? I salute my mother for the things she does. My mother has done everything for me and Let’s make the most of happiness and least of sadness. Small still continues to do it. Just Everything!! moments of joy may make one’s day. Not a handshake or hug but a From giving birth to me, to my first day of school. From sleepless nights, to multitasking in the smile would make for it. morning. She makes sure that no stone is left unturned. Spending time with your family, isn’t this fun? We can learn new I do not know from where she gets such herculean strength!! things, some which may turn into disasters but the happiness you From all the moms in the universe. I do not know why God chose her for me, but I am glad he did. find in it is the best of all. Sometimes, I don’t behave well with her, but she is serene. Our schooling has changed, but not our teachers and friends. Its all Although her love can’t be expressed in such a small good in hood is just not a saying, but it has become practical now. paragraph, I show my gratitude to her through this small gift. Quality time with family, LOVE YOU MOM!!! Board games with grandparents, - Jeya Malhotra 6c Experiments cum disasters and The same life with just a twist. -By Hamsa Mahesh

Loneliness Family Time During Lock-down There are some people who are all alone and have no one The word lock-down was created during the start of the 1918 Spanish flu to care for them. A person can get into depression if he or pandemic. The lockdown has given us an opportunity to go back to the days she is all alone and is without a companion. Old people when family was the most important thing. We have all been so busy with the whose families do not care for them are lonely too. They end to end, minute to minute routine of our daily lives, the lockdown has given us are isolated. They do things by themselves which they all, time to think and forced us to put a break on the rapid pace of our daily lives. could share with others...they have no one to share their Though it has its pros and cons, a good effect of the lock -down is that we have secrets with... This situation causes sadness and finally been able to spend more time with our family. It has given each one of us depression in them. This can affect people mentally and time to re-think our priorities. We have learnt to be more patient and cause concerns for health as well. understanding while spending time with each other. We have started doing small 3 WAYS TO PREVENT things more often, such as, playing games, watching movies and exercising AN PERSON FROM LONELINESS....... together. As we have more time for each other, we have found new hobbies and improved our real-life skills such as baking, painting, gardening, writing etc. 1. Close Friends Help Combat Loneliness With more time in our hands, we have also learnt to share household chores in 2. Consider community service or another activity that you the house and made other’s work easier. When people spend quality time with enjoy. their family, it relieves them from stress and also makes the family bond stronger. 3. Read more, learn new skill .. So, in one way, we can say that the lock-down has benefited us in some ways by slowing us down, making us re- think, re-prioritize and bringing us all closer. -Priya 6d -Rachit Chandra

Coronavirus “Coronavirus”, mostly known as COVID-19, has affected our lives in the past few months, keeping us home all this while. Victims had visited Wuhan Seafood Wholesale Market and thus got prone to this deadly virus, which seems to have a zoonotic origin. This virus is majorly known as SARS‐CoV‐2, a newly discovered virus closely related to bat coronaviruses, pangolin coronaviruses and SARS-CoV. The scientific consensus of coronavirus, which has a natural origin, has also taken away lives in large numbers. The major problem has been in the area of finance, as many people have lost their job and are struggling to sustain themselves during these trying times. This situation has caused damage to the health and care field, leaving hospitals without beds and related necessities, thus giving rise to the desperate need of nurses, doctors, janitors, ambulance drivers, emergency wards etc. The global pandemic has sounded an alarm for people, governments, organizations and various industries to come together and fight this disease in order to be conquerors in achieving normal and healthy life once again. Jenisha Yovella Francis Class 6B

THE WORLD WITHOUT COVID-19 THE LOCKER VIRUS If Covid-19 never existed, On March 25th, the speech of our Prime Minister gave me a shocker Would we have ever learnt to keep our hands clean. “COMPLETE LOCKDOWN” due to Corona virus infection. The locker virus was a shocker to all. When I gathered the information on this virus, I came have we ever swept and dusted our home, to know this was a new virus which was first reported from China and is these hobbies of ourselves would have been seen. now spreading across the world. The virus has killed many people since there is no medicine for this deadly virus. The only way we can control the Would we have ever thought of appreciating the spread of virus is to be at home and not come in contact with people. birds and trees, All of my family members were at home, we never stepped out of the house. The things that I did during the lockdown period were cooking, Which now we see only through a window, cleaning my house, planting trees, doing activities like face painting, playing Would we have ever concentrated on even a solitary bee, games with family and watching movies. Or a plant grow in our garden. The things that I learnt were to value small trips, which we never bothered about. Now I feel like going to my native and spending some time there, Would we have even thought of terribly missing our friends, but unfortunately we are locked at home. Also I feel the covid-19 has but now we can just see only through a screen. changed all our lives. I really miss the time when we all used to have fun we started doing these trends only when and had freedom to move around the world. we have been quarantined. My family and I pray to God to bring things back to normal the way it was before and for everyone to be healthy. Now although we have lost a lot of lives, Let’s lock the virus and unlock us. We should not be accusative, -Diya Mohan 6C But instead make sure everyone thrives, And not become Covid-19 positive. -Neelima Nair 9a

THE YEAR 2020 (The current global pandemic, Covid-19) The year of 2020 started with forest fire in Australia in which many animals died, their Amid the early coming summer, houses got burnt in fire, many trees and Came a monster, in disguise, plants were burnt too: it was a great loss to The smallest monster, our Mother Earth. Then came Covid-19 which Yet the most destructive. caused a great disaster throughout the world. Covid-19 started in China and it spread all It could never be seen across the world. It gave a different by the naked eye experience to the people all over the world; people had to stay in their house and could The only way to keep it at bay not go out. School, office, shops, public was with a few scrubs, washes transport-everything was shut. Everyone had and distancing, to wear a mask and carry sanitisers. We all While cooperating and uniting. spent great time with our family playing indoor games, cooking, drawing, etc. We will Everyone had to do it, all pray so that corona vanishes and we get From young to old, back to our normal lives. scared to be bold. By: Namrata c Chagari - Tanmay Anand B, 8C

The Coronavirus And Its Impact On Education Gone are the days, where we keenly awaited seeing each other right after the summer break. The novel coronavirus or the COVID-19 has altered the way we studied at school. The thought of schools being shut makes me a forlorn figure, nevertheless, there are several reasons why this lockdown has made my education greater. During these uncertain times, virtual schooling works best. We stay home and stay safe. It is shocking to see how this pandemic has revamped the traditional methods of schooling. Normally, we study through the textbook, but virtual schooling let us work through courses at the pace we are most comfortable with. We also get one-to-one attention with the teachers where one’s opinions are valued. I’m amazed by the thought of me waking up early and sticking on to a very precise time table as well! It's also very engaging how the teachers on board unravel each concept by applying multiple innovative ways to make each one of us understand. Every day, they come up with a creative idea just to make sure we are clear about the topic. A huge thanks to all the teachers out there who burn their midnight oil for us!!! Many of us are missing the feel of a physical school and the kind of environment we are provided with in a physical school. On the other hand, many of us are finding virtual schooling more efficient. I regret the absence of playing in a perfect sports ground and seeing my friends face-to-face. But, there are a couple of students who are loving the time they spend with their families at home. In the school or at home, the conditions for learning must be favourable and adequate so that teaching is produced to the desired results. It cannot be denied that the type and quality of instructional materials and equipment play an important part in the efficiency of the school. My mom often tells me, ' I don't think online schooling is just a substitute for physical schooling.' I cannot say I agree with her, nor can I say I don't, for the future is completely uncertain and we do not have an idea about what might happen next. Apart from all of this, my entire credit goes to all my mentors and my beloved Principal Ma’am who are there for us at all times!!! -Jyotika Jibu

Invisible Killer Is On Loose The street looks like a no man’s land. The play park looks like a rain forest; no man can go outside. The sound of Cuckoo echoes and nature's home is here now. Everyone in the city heard the news about Corona and they are hiding like rats. People wear masks so that Corona could not pass. Alert, Alert, Alert! An invisible killer is coming. Everybody stay at home and be safe. -Vaishnavi Narayan Class - 8 C.

LIFE SMILE ☺ Life is precious, A smile on my face So let’s all be cautious. Doesn’t mean Let’s not fight, My life is perfect, And let’s all be right. It means I am blessed with a good heart Life is a challenge, So let’s all face it with courage. A smile is like a sparkle Life is unknown, When I feel very happy So let’s not be alone. And I am having a wonderful day. I will spend the rest of my life Life is short, Smiling always, always…. So let’s live with hope. Let’s not live in strife, - Charvi B Let’s live with love. -Ritvik Chandra 8D

My Daddy The Cage My daddy is so special The world wanted the little bird to come out of her cage He is brave and strong but she couldn't and it fell into a rage. That is why I love him so With all my little heart It told her there was so much to explore and that she would never get bored. You make my world so bright You are truly the light of my life It wanted her to fly to great heights, That is why I love him so with all my and to end this silly fight. little heart You’ll always be my first true love It told her she could never soar in the big, blue sky if she didn't even have the courage to try. And always be my friend That is why I love him so The world wanted her to come out of her cage With all my little heart but she couldn't and it fell into a rage. You have become my life and my world Soon it mocked her, and taunted her all day and night You make me smile at every moment and finally took away all her soul's light. That is why I love him so With all my little heart It threatened to know why she wouldn't set herself free and just live her life in glee. Your arms are my shelter Your hand is my comfort The world wanted her to come out of her cage That is why I love you but she couldn't and it fell into a rage. With all my little heart But in all that anger the world failed to see that, - Sujan Gowda the reason she stayed in the cage is because it is where she felt safe Maybe if the world had been more patient and kind, she could have been the first one to fly. -Nillha Binooj ( 9A)

THERE ARE DAYS… Bardic Poem There are days When the mood is on me, When you see me smiling and dancing And the bright fires burn, But, there are also days, Seven birds come singing to me, When i see myself sitting and crying. The linnets of the moon. There are days, I take the twig of the elm tree, When i go out, hangout and have fun. And autumn's chestnut leaf, There are also days, And write in words of mystery, When a tear rolls down my face and i still smile As dark as grief. There are those days, - By Amrita G Pai, 7B When you see me on stage rocking the world. Then there are those days, Mice on a tree When i sit in my room and question myself, My abilities and my talent. On a tree in Tirupati, I saw green eyes, But do you know which is my best day? I thought they were lice, But actually they were mice. The best day is everyday They came down for food, When i wake up with hope in my heart But they saw only wood, Because today will be the best day as They saw a canteen across the road, Everyday is a new morning. But... it was written “rats not allowed” on the board. -Kushal 8D They found a ticket which was free, As it was midnight spree, At last finally found food, Instead of eating that dirty wood. -Adithya .P Raju

MY SCHOOL Limericks I love my school, The Ice Cream Dream! (Option 1) It has a pool, And a playground, It’s been my dream, Where students always make sound, To have a whole tub of ice cream, Strawberry, choco-chip, They also have a skating ring, Or vanilla with a chocolate drip, Where we can skate and sing, And when it comes true I’ll scream! They also have a small sandpit, If we get hurt, we always have first aid kits, Snuffy The Puppy (Option 2) They also have a baby pool, I got a new pet, Trust me my school is very cool, So I went to a vet, It has 2 buildings with 3 floors each, My pet Snuffy was a puppy, The colour of the buildings is in peach, But he challenged me and said he was a guppy, And in the end, I won the bet! I love my teachers dearly, Because they teach me very clearly, School is cool ! (Option 3) Well, this is my school, And my school is cool! Don’t be a fool, School is cool - By Sri Vasavi, 5A With teachers and friends, you’ll have lots of fun, Learning new things and playing under the sun, And it’s best when you’re in EuroSchool ! - By Avani Bhat, 8D

SUNSHINE Abhay, Dhrishti S, Jahnavi Sri Sai, The sunshine rays, Madhumitha, Is where we build our ways We are nothing but the rays of line, Mehrin, Sameer - 9A All of us together form the sunshine. Rainy days may come, But the season has to change Let’s reach the range, Whatever may come. The rays of sun have no bounds as we, We are the kings and queens of our sea We are limitless, As we have knowledge in fullness. The sunshine rays, Is where we build our ways We are nothing but the rays of line, We all together form the sunshine. -Hamsa Mahesh 8D

LIFE Is A Sport…………….. ● Stairs running ● Sit-Ups Physical Fitness During Quarantine ● Crunches ● Bicycle crunches As the saying goes, 'An idle mind is a devil's workshop.' Especially in this current ● Lunges situation there are high possibilities that everybody's mind can become idle and ● Plank the body can become lazy which will lead to many issues. Physical fitness is not ● Aerobics just crucial for a healthy body but also vital for a healthy mind and emotional ● Yoga well-being. So to keep us active mentally and physically, Physical Fitness plays a ● Meditation very important part. Now, how? Is the question. Since we are unable to go outside for several sports activities, many sportsmen During this pandemic it's important to avoid cold items and include more or children who usually play outside would feel inactive and annoyed. Although turmeric, pepper or ginger in the food which improves immunity. Keeping laziness seems to be the new norm amidst the other newness that staying at yourself hydrated and drinking warm water is extremely beneficial. It home has brought during this COVID-19 pandemic, there should and must be a relieves nasal congestion, improves blood circulation, helps in digestion substitute to self-care and fitness in every way, Be it physical, mental or and calms the nervous system. It also helps relieve constipation and emotional. We spend most of the day at our homes, so we will have a lot of gastric problems, and has various other benefits. time out of which we can spare some time in daily fitness. Let’s not panic, instead; Let's Stay Fit. Stay Healthy. Stay Safe. Physical exercise has obvious benefits for the body. Moving your body and breaking a sweat also improves your mood, relieves depression and rejuvenates Deepak.S (Physical Education Instructor - Cum- Football coach) brain function. There are many ways to exercise and stay fit at home. Its good to start with basic body weight exercises and gradually add progressions and increase the intensity. This way, the difficulty levels are increased slowly which helps you break a sweat and strengthen your muscles while also avoiding injuries. Some physical activities are: ● Static Jog ● Jumping Jacks ● Push-Ups ● Burpees ● Alternate Toe touch ● Skipping

LIFE Is A Sport……………..

(The colours unleashed into the canvas) Jeya Malhotra 6C Niranjana 10A

(The colours unleashed into the canvas) Shreya Premjit Yosha 6B Vinaya 6D

With different languages, we are at home anywhere!

Miscellaneous – Just go with it!! Why teenagers are misunderstood and depicted as irresponsible By Abigail Anthony Teenagers are normally described as moody, selfish and lazy. Now I’m not saying that we teenagers are not all those things, but we are also so much more than that. People depict us as immature and they say that we don’t understand things that adults do or say. If you really think about it as this generation (GenZ) is really sophisticated and intelligent in ways that I cannot even begin to describe. We are the future believe it or not, but the one question is: why are we so misunderstood? Adults know what it was like to be a teenager, but their brain is completely developed now and they have lived past those experiences and they simply cannot comprehend what it is like to be a teenager, especially in a time that is not theirs. I’m not saying that all adults misunderstand teenagers but we have to admit that it does happen often, sometimes we all misunderstand people. Teenagers aren’t rebellious if you guide and teach them. They are “rebellious” because they are trying to learn about the world around them. Yes, we rebel and we make unreasonable mistakes and it is our fault undeniably, but we are just learning about the world around us. Teenagers are irresponsible sometimes; people are all irresponsible at different degrees. In a summary, irresponsibility is defined as not having or showing maturity or good judgment. Based on standards of today's society, everyone has some type of irresponsibility to a degree, however big or small that may be. The negative attributes are more focused on, whereas the positive ones are overshadowed. It’s nothing new to find an article pop up about teenagers being irresponsible rather than accomplishing something great. Nonetheless we can say that the negative news seemingly over-shadows the positive news. This offers a dramatized and more sensationalized image of youth in the media which is wrong. Alas, the amount of youth is also largely outweighed by young people who feel misrepresented due to circumstances like these. On the other hand, having started on the pathway to an independent life, it is natural for teenagers to experience a sense of adventure and wanting to try new things constantly. This attitude is often looked down upon by their conservative elders, who always deem their behaviour as irresponsible. Most adults don’t completely get how we feel because they have either forgotten what they felt, or consider their own actions as teenagers, outrageous and can sometimes become hypocritical. Teenagers are irresponsible at times and should not be treated completely like adults, because most of the time they have no idea why they feel how they feel, and are only now learning to control it slowly. They are misunderstood because adults forgot how they felt, and never learned how to help teenagers in the right way, which I personally don’t think is their fault. Right now, we are going through a pandemic and it’s been a struggle for us teenagers and kids, we can’t play, go to school and just live our normal lives and we have adjusted significantly well. This is a perfectly clear example that in the given situation we teenagers and kids adapt really fast and are able to adjust well. On the whole, I feel that there should be more consideration and reflection on this topic as it is a rather generalising statement to call all teenagers irresponsible and misunderstood. We are often expected to be perfect but we are often misunderstood is what I have gathered through this. Now this topic can be controversial but this is just my opinion and maybe not every adult or every teenager will agree to it, which is understandable. This is my insight on how teenagers are deemed as irresponsible and how we are often misunderstood.

THE CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR ALL – STAR - By Harshitha Ravi Shankar Initially, sales were low as with any new product. This was all In 1936, Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star changed by one man, whose name was Charles H Taylor. He became the official basketball shoe of The Chuck Taylor Converse All-Star is one of the most classic and was a basketball player in the 1920s and was known as ‘Chuck the National Basketball Association the most easily recognizable shoes in the sneaker world. It has a Taylor’. He was also a good salesman. He came across the shoe (NBA). They introduced a couple of new canvas upper part, with a thick rubber sole, and the fact that it in 1921 and considered it a very successful prodigy, which as a colourways for this league, which was comes in colours of the rainbow makes it a very famous and original result, later in the same year he joined up with Converse. His released to the public as well. During shoe series. But how did this shoe become the classic it is today? ideas and skills helped the rise in sales magnificently. One of this time they presented the classic It all started in the year 1908 in the USA when a man by name his ideas was to host camps for aspiring basketball players Black colourway, which even now is very Marquis Mills Converse started the Converse Rubber Shoe and promote the shoe there. As converse was progressing, so popular throughout the world. A couple Corporation. Before they started producing sneakers we all know was Charles Taylor. In 1932, Converse introduced the Converse of years later, when Nike, one of the best and love, they mainly produced galoshes and other rubber shoes. ‘Chuck Taylor’ All-Star. This allowed Chuck to not only make shoe brands now, entered the basketball Galoshes, also known as gumshoes or overshoes, are a type of rubber changes to the shoe but also have his nickname on the ankle world, they made better quality shoes boot that is slipped over shoes to keep them from getting muddy or patch of the well-sought shoe. The first Chuck Taylor shoes which were then preferred over the All- wet. were a white colourway with American patriotic white, blue Stars. This led to a decrease in sales, the All of this changed when the popularity of Basketball rose in the and red trim. result being Converse now operating as USA. Converse saw a golden opportunity to design a shoe for this a subsidiary under Nike since 2003. sport, coming out with the first-ever Converse basketball shoe in However, things did go uphill for 1917. Starting with a neutral brown colourway with black trim, they Converse. They then changed the public introduced the All-Star, the world’s first basketball shoe. view from being athletic to more laid- back shoes, bringing us Chuck Taylors as lifestyle shoes we know today.

History Of Music -Asfiha 6C - By Joe Dias, 8D Music was first discovered in 800 BC in Africa. The name of the first music piece was Hurian Hymn, No.6 by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. The Longest song ever recorded was “Apparente Libertà” by Giancarlo Ferrari, it was 76 minutes 44 seconds long. Second came “The Devil Glitch” by The Devil Glitch which was 69 minutes long. The shortest song ever recorded was “You Suffer” by British Grind Core, which was 1.316 seconds long and had just 4 words The astonishing fact is that Music was discovered before any language. The Flutes were the first musical instruments to be discovered. If you like Rap songs, then Kool Herc was the first DJ to invent it.

Feminism: It Is Not a Waste of Time In the 6th grade, as part of a random conversation, the term ‘feminism’ came up and I was surprised when a close friend of mine said this: “Feminism? It’s a waste of time.” At the time, I didn’t really know what it was, but from the interactions I had had, I knew feminism was far from a waste of time. Today, looking back at this, my knowledge of the topic having expanded, I realize that kids develop a negative opinion of feminism because of society. In their homes and around them, feminism is often deemed to be an unnecessary fuss women are kicking up- or just one of those stupid ‘new generation ideas’. It is even associated with ‘man hating’, as Emma Watson termed it. Well, that’s not true. It is a campaign for equality of the sexes, not just men and women, but also other non binary genders. To be a feminist is not to believe that women are better than men, but to believe that everybody, regardless of gender, should be treated with the same respect, given the same opportunities, and provided with the same freedom of choice, being and growth. Now, at this point, we may think that we have achieved this, but no. Instances that suggest that inequality of the sexes is still abundant in our country, our neighborhoods, and our schools are many in our day to day lives. Textbooks tell us to ask our mothers about things in the kitchen, while house finances are associated with the father. Boys are unable to express their feelings, and be vulnerable for fear that they will be seen as ‘girlish’. As they get older, parents instruct their girls to be careful out on the streets, or forbid them from travelling outside, whilst boys are not instructed as firmly and forcefully to stop being the cause for such fear. Today, we live in a world where if a woman and man accomplish the same thing, we celebrate the woman’s achievement in a special way, because we know that she has had more obstacles in her path than the man. This behaviour of ours shows that we have begun to respect women and allow them to thrive, but the world we should be looking to create is one where both achievements are celebrated equally, for the obstacles that stood before both were the same. I hope that we, the future of this country, make this world, which I believe will prove to be better than the one we live in, a truth and not simply a dream- or a waste of time. ~ Madhumitha Unnikrishnan A feminist

Hope you have enjoyed reading and relishing every bit of it. To be frank, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Look forward to our Newsletter in the coming quarter with another plethora of pristine gems! Till then, our huge vote of thanks to all of you to have encouraged the budding authors, artists and enthusiasts in all fields! Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is Success!! -The editorial team!

The Editorial Team….. Madhumitha Lavanya Gayatri Vaishnavi Ms. Pramila Prakash Ms. Sowmya Nair Ms. Deleeshiea Alby Ms. Lalithasri Shankar Ms. Ginni Sharma Ms. Farha Sadiq Ms. Neha Arora Ms. Isabelle Ms. Nilima Kumari Ms. Ranjitha Rao Mr. Deepak S Mr. Manjunath Ms. Riya Kaur

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