Copyright © 2018, Ezekiel Benson All rights reserved under international Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written permission of Ezekiel Benson. Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible NKJV - New King James Version AMP - The Amplified Bible TANT - The New Amplified Bible TLB - The Living Bible CEV - Contemporary English Version NASB - New American Standard Version GW - God’s Word version ESV - English Standard Version NET - New English Translation ISV - International Standard Version NIV - New International Version MSG - The Message Translation WEB - The World English Bible TNLT - The New Living Translation ASV - American Standard Version TEV - Today’s English Version RSV - Revised Standard Version GNB - Good News Bible WNT - Weymouth New Testament WNTT - Wuest New Testament Translation 3
Dedication To God who Has always inspired me to inspire others, and to my ever loving wife, for her love, care and support. 4
HOW TO USE THIS DEVOTIONAL FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT 1. Start with a very deep and high praise and worship 2. Confess any error you have committed and obtain cleansing and forgiveness from God 3. Rededicate and consecrate your life afresh to God 4. Ask God to fill you afresh, empower and anoint you with the Holy Spirit and with the Power of God 5. If you have being baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, go ahead and pray in other tongues for a while as the Spirit of God gives you utterance. This will 5
help to make tremendous power that is dynamic in its working available to you. It will also build up your faith and make God’s spiritual resources available to you for prayers. 6. Declare the following in faith: “I AM FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE POWER OF GOD. 7. Pray every prayer point aloud with maximum focus and faith and see your words having effect in the spirit realm. That is the key to manifestations of answers to prayers! Share your thoughts and testimonies from the use of this Personal Deliverance Series with us, family members, friends, and colleagues. This way you will be helping in spreading the Word of God and His Power to others. You can also order several copies of this series and distribute to loved ones. To maintain the divine flow of God’s power, grace, favour, blessings and presence in your life, we highly recommend that you get a copy of all of Ezekiel Bensons books online. 6
This will help you to keep on experiencing the transforming power of God in your life. 7
PRAYER SCRIPTURE REFERENCES The prayers in this guide book are based on the following scriptures: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.\" - Ephesians 6:12 \"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues\" - Mark 16:17 \"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.\" - Luke 10:19 “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” – Matthew 10:1 \"And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.\" - Luke 10:17 \"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.\" - Luke 10:19 \"And I will give unto thee THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN: AND WHATSOEVER 8
THOU SHALT BIND ON EARTH SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN: AND WHATSOEVER THOU SHALT LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN.\" - Matthew 16:19 \"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils...\" - Mark 16:17 9
Table of Contents -THE PRAYING WIFE- :: O’ LORD, SAVE MY MARRIAGE - A PRAYER GUIDE FOR RESTORATION :: 186 PRAYER POINTS TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE FROM YOURSELF, HUSBAND, THE STRANGE WOMAN, WRECKING AND DIVORCE.........................................................................2 COPYRIGHT © 2018, EZEKIEL BENSON ............................3 DEDICATION ...................................................................4 HOW TO USE THIS DEVOTIONAL FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT .......................................................................................5 PRAYER SCRIPTURE REFERENCES ....................................8 TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................10 WHY THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN ...................................13 THE SOURCE OF YOUR MARRIAGE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION.....................................................................16 YOUR SPOUSE IS NOT YOUR ENEMY ............................19 STARTING POINT - FORGIVENESS..................................22 55 PERSONAL SPIRITUAL WARFARE AND INTERCESSORY PRAYER POINTS FOR YOURSELF AND THE RESTORATION OF YOUR MARRIAGE ....................................................23 PRAYING IN TONGUES ..................................................42 10
YOUR HUSBAND’S ATTITUDE CAN CHANGE AND HE WILL NOT CALL IT QUITS ON YOU AND ON THE MARRIAGE IF ONLY YOU CAN PRAY ................................................... 43 55 PRAYER POINTS TO PRAY FOR CHANGE IN YOUR HUSBAND AND FOR HIM NOT TO QUIT ON YOU AND THE MARRIAGE ................................................................... 45 PRAYING IN TONGUES....................................................... 66 THANKSGIVING ............................................................... 66 BREAKING THE POWER OF UNFAITHFULLNESS, THE STRANGE WOMAN AND THE SPIRIT OF ADULTERY OVER YOUR HUSBAND........................................................... 67 40 SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER POINTS AGAINST UNFAITHFULLNESS, THE EFFECT AND POWER OF THE STRANGE WOMAN AND ADULTERY IN THE LIFE OF YOUR HUSBAND..................................................................... 70 RENUNCIATION AND BREAKING OF COVENANTS WITH SIN ON BEHALF OF YOUR HUSBAND .............................................. 70 SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER POINTS TO DEAL WITH UNFAITHFULNESS, THE STRANGE WOMAN AND ADULTERY IN THE LIFE OF YOUR HUSBAND ................................................... 73 APPLICATION OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS FOR PRESERVATION AND FORTIFICATION OF YOUR HUSBAND..................................... 81 GET BACK YOUR HUSBAND AND HAVE YOUR MARRIAGE RESTORED BY THE POWER OF PRAYER ......................... 84 36 POWERFUL PRAYER POINTS FOR GOD TO RESTORE YOUR HUSBAND - HIS LOVE, HIS HEART AND YOUR MARRIAGE BACK TO YOU............................................. 86 11
OTHER RESOURCES FOR DEALING WITH OTHER CAUSES OF TENSION AND PROBLEMS IN YOUR MARRIAGE .....103 LACK OF A CHILD ....................................................... 103 FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AND LACK .............................. 104 ADDICTION AND SUBTANCE ABUSE........................... 105 PRAYER FOR SALVATION ............................................107 ABOUT PASTOR EZEKIEL BENSON ...............................108 12
WHY THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN Wrecked marriages and divorce is common place in our society today. Now divorce is court sanctioned and politically, religiously and socially acceptable in most cases. It is now a norm because no one seems to have any real solution to saving a wrecked marriage or preventing a divorce. Despite the wide acceptance of divorce all around the world, divorce isn’t happy. It is obvious that a wrecked marriage or divorce proves that something is seriously wrong in too many marriages. The fact still remains and this is true: “No one marries just to have a wrecked marriage or just to get a divorce.” In most cases – 97% of the time, people marry with good intensions, with the hope of spending the rest of their lives with a loved one. But sadly something went wrong and now both parties are at daggers end, fighting everyday, not being on speaking terms – completely fed-up with what is called marriage. The “wrong partner” supposedly causes divorce or wrecked marriages. This is what both parties claim about the other. But is this really true? 13
Apart from what is seen on the surface, and the character issues, are there no other underlying forces working behind the scene to create chaos in marriages by causing one of the parties or both involved to behave and act the way they do? These forces are demonic and unless you deal with them first by casting them out, you will lose your marriage. There is someone the bible calls the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). His primary aim is to get people to do what is not right. Apart from keeping people away from being saved, he also comes “to kill, to steal and to destroy” John 10:10 and one of the areas of attack is marriage. So you see, your spouse is not really the problem, but the devil who is manipulating things to get you both divorced and have a wrecked marriage. There is a place for counsel geared towards helping you both get things in their right perspectives and work on your marriage for success. There is also a place for prayer, and without it, no amount of counseling sessions attended, or blame fixing or crying can solve anything. You need to get the devil out first for anything to work. This book was written to provide you with tested, proven and effective spiritual warfare prayer points with which to use in casting out the devil in order to save your marriage and restore normalcy. It contains: 14
55 Personal Spiritual Warfare And Intercessory Prayer Points For Yourself And The Restoration Of Your Marriage 55 Prayer Points To Pray For Change In Your Husband And For Him Not To Quit On You And The Marriage 40 Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points Against Unfaithfulness, The Effect And Power Of The Strange Woman And Adultery In The Life Of Your Husband 36 Powerful Prayer Points For God To Restore Your Husband - His Love, His Heart And Your Marriage Back To You Once you successfully engage effectively in these prayers for a while, you will soon see your marriage responding to the blessings, deliverance and restoration of God. I encourage you to make full practical use of this prayer guide. 15
THE SOURCE OF YOUR MARRIAGE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION Every problem in a marriage is attributed to the “OTHER PARTNER”. Hardly will you find one of the parties involved taking responsibility for the way things have turned out in a marriage. The WRONG PARTNER supposedly causes divorce. But have you ever stopped to ponder over the fact that you also contributed one way or the other in the wrecked state of your marriage? “It takes two to tango” “No one can clap with one hand” Character issues are the main factors in any relationship whether good or bad. Yes, NO MARIAGE IS EASY! Even couples with the best of intentions are sometimes unable to overcome their differences and end up in courtrooms. But anyone who is desirous and willing to save his or her marriage should stop and wonder why even the best of intentions can be misunderstood and thereby go on to wreck a marriage. 16
Is it normal? Do you feel it is normal to you – that your good intentions are misunderstood by your spouse and instead of thing being normal they are getting worse everyday? All these points to the fact that there are external manipulative evil forces working to destroy the foundation of every marriage. The devil is behind those forces. There was a time Jesus was reflecting on His sufferings and death. He declared this to his disciples: “From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. “ – Matthew 16:21 But Peter wished him well “….and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. “ – Matthew 16:22 What an INNOCENT statement. How else can you show or express GOOD INTENTIONS? Who would have thought that satan was behind the remarks and goodwill of Peter. But through the gift of discerning of spirits, Jesus was able to discern satan speaking and satan at work. 17
“But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. “ – Matthew 16:23 Odd isn’t it? But that’s the fact and it happened. Jesus discerned rightly. But the simple lessons here is that satan can also manipulate good intentions to damage a relationship and/or marriage if not checked and put in his place. As innocent your actions may be or sound, satan can sometimes manipulate it to mean something else to your partner and once your partner gets the wrong vibes, all hell is let loose. As I have stated before: All these points to one fact - external manipulations of forces. There are also wrong character traits that are influenced and propagated by the devil into our minds and we go ahead to act them out before our spouse thinking that we are right or justified to do so. Where did this manifestation lead to and what did it result to? Marital problems upon problems. You strongly believe you are right to act the way you acted, but the way and manner it was done was manipulated and the result was a disaster. 18
Going for counseling is recommended, but if the root of your marital problem (satan and his works) is not cast out, you will keep on relapsing into the same problems until you finally pack-up the marriage and both parties go their separate ways. YOUR SPOUSE IS NOT YOUR ENEMY Why do people talk the way they talk sometimes? Why do people behave the way they behave sometimes? You may think that your husband is the problem. But, to go with the REAL TRUTH about this matter, YOUR HUSBAND IS NOT THE PROBLEM, THE DEVIL IS! The bible proves this fact by saying: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.\" - Ephesians 6:12 In other words, our warfare, our problem is not with FLESH AND BLOOD (spouse or partner), but with EVIL FORCES OF DARKNESS. Jesus also confirmed this when He declared: 19
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy….” – John 10:10 The thief is SATAN and his primary objective is to DESTROY and this includes the destruction of marriages. To achieve his aims, he can use your good intentions, what you feel is my RIGHT or justified stand, without giving you enough room to reason or even listen to the other party. This subtle operation of Satan has led to the destruction of homes and families. Words, character traits, intents and purposes, whether good or bad, could be manipulated to mean something else by forces of darkness. This fact brings us to YOU! YOU need to deal with yourself first before asking God to save your marriage or deal with your husband. YOU need to offload whatever character traits you have that are hurting your marriage. YOU need to destroy the evil manipulative works of the devil in and over your life and marriage YOU need to destroy and cast out every manipulative influence of the devil in and over your life that is being used to cause havoc in your marriage. YOU also need to pray for a change and restoration in your life. 20
In other words, the restoration of your dying or wrecked marriage STARTS WITH YOU! This prayer guide in your hands is a proof that you really want a change and a restoration to take place in your marriage, if not, you wouldn’t have gotten it. Desiring a change is not where it ends, but you have to pray earnestly for that change to come and that is why we have written this book; to help you to achieve that needed change through spiritual warfare, personal deliverance prayers and intercessory prayers for yourself. The first segment of this prayer guide starts with PRAYER FOR FORGIVENESS. . You have to forgive your spouse the same way you would have God to forgive you. Once this is done, you have God’s attention and tremendous Power that is dynamic in its working would be made available to work for you through your earnest and heartfelt prayers for change and restoration in your marriage. Let us get started! 21
STARTING POINT - FORGIVENESS O LORD, with all my heart and from the deepest depths of my heart I forgive my husband for all he has done to harm me, to damage me, to offend me and to hurt me. I forgive him LORD as I would have you forgive me and I release him from every grudge, resentment, bitterness and ill feelings I have towards him and against him in Jesus Name! O LORD, sanctify and cleanse my heart with the Blood of Jesus and create in me a clean heart towards my husband in Jesus Name! O LORD, give me a new, loving and respectful way of seeing and relating with my husband and let this newness of heart that I have received from you be made manifest in me and through me in Jesus Name! Thank you Father, in Jesus NAME! AMEN! 22
55 PERSONAL SPIRITUAL WARFARE AND INTERCESSORY PRAYER POINTS FOR YOURSELF AND THE RESTORATION OF YOUR MARRIAGE 1. I bind every devil that is manipulating me to act in certain ways that are offensive to my husband thereby affecting our relationship and marriage. I loose my life from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 2. I bind every devil that has covered me with an evil Veil or covering of unattractiveness before my husband. 23
I complete remove the evil veil of unattractiveness from over my life and completely destroy the veil and covering with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name! I loose my life and my relationship with my husband from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 3. I bind every devil that is manipulating me to be intolerant, and to never see anything good in my husband. I loose my life and my relationship with my husband from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 24
4. I bind every devil that was assigned to work through the way I talk, respond to issues, show affection, treat and relate with and to my husband to affect our relationship and marriage. I loose my life from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 5. I bind every spirit spouse that I am knowingly or unknowingly connected, whose mission is to destroy my marriage. You spirit spouse, I renounce you and I completely break every spiritual marriage covenant that I have with you in Jesus Name! You spirit spouse, I loose my life and my marriage to my husband from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. 25
I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy every contact and relationship I have established or have with you in the spirit world. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you spirit spouse out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! I command you spirit spouse to take your hands off my life; take your hands of my relationship with my husband; take your hands off my marriage in Jesus Name! 6. I bind the devils that were transferred through blood relationship from my Father and mothers house to work against my life and marriage. I loose my life and my marriage from their power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. 26
I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 7. I bind the devils of complaining, incessant nagging and argument in me that has adversely and drastically affected my relationship with my husband and marriage. I loose my life and my marriage from their power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 8. I bind the devils that work to manipulate me and my emotions to resent my husband. I loose my life and my marriage from their power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. 27
I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 9. I bind the spirit of defensiveness in me that makes me to always be on the defensive – blaming my husband for everything and never taking responsibility for my role in the difficulties and challenges we have and are having. I loose my life and my marriage from its power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you spirit of defensiveness out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 10. I bind the spirit of bitterness in me and I loose my life, feelings, will, emotions and my marriage from its power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. 28
I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you spirit of defensiveness out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 11. I bind the spirit of revenge, vengefulness and unforgiveness that is at work in me and I loose my life, my heart, my will, my mind, my emotions and my marriage from its power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my life and marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in me and through me, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and marriage and I cast you spirit of defensiveness out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 12. God has Pre-Destined me to marry and to have a prosperous marriage, therefore, I bind and I destroy every 29
devil and every work and power of the Devil Targeted At Destroying The Fulfilment Of My Destiny and Marriage. I cast those marriage-fulfilment and destiny destroying devils out of my life and marriage in Jesus Name! 13. I bind every Devil of Marriage Failure working against the success and prosperity of my marriage. I destroy all their works, plans and operations against my life and the prosperity of my marriage. I cast them out of my life and my marriage, in Jesus Name! 14. I bind all the Forces of Darkness assigned to keep me from having an enduring, long lasting and successfully marriage. I destroy all their works, plans and operations against my life and the prosperity of my marriage. I cast them out of my life and my marriage, in Jesus Name! 15. I break and I destroy every curse at work in my life and in my marriage. I loose my life and all that concerns my marriage from the power, works, manipulations and operations of those curses in Jesus Name! 16. 30
I destroy every demonic manipulation in my life and emotions that makes me not to be sexually receptive of my husband in Jesus Name! I cast that nature and whatever spirit is behind it, out of my life in Jesus Name! 17. I destroy every demonic manipulation in my life and emotions that makes me to be less physically attractive to my husband in Jesus Name! I cast that demonic manipulative influence and whatever spirit is behind it, out of my life in Jesus Name! Amen! 18. I destroy every lack of intimacy that is expressed by me in my relationship with my husband and marriage in Jesus Name! 19. I destroy every demonic manipulation in my life and emotions that creates stonewalling tendencies in me and in my relationship with my husband in Jesus Name! I cast that nature and whatever spirit is behind it, out of my life in Jesus Name! 31
20. I destroy every demonic manipulation in my life that makes me treat my husband with contempt in Jesus Name! I cast that nature and whatever spirit is behind it, out of my life in Jesus Name! Amen! 21. I destroy whatever it is that is in me that makes me to always want to coerce my husband into doing things he doesn’t want to do which has overtime affected my relationship with him and our marriage. I cast that nature out of my life in Jesus Name! Amen! 22. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits of nagging, and incessant quarrelling from my life in Jesus Name 23. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits of incessant arguing with my husband from my life in Jesus Name 24. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits of intolerance and irritability towards my husband from my life in Jesus Name 32
25. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits that makes me to treat my husband with contempt and levity from my life in Jesus Name 26. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits that makes me not to see anything good in my husband from my life in Jesus Name O Lord, change this view I have about my husband and give me a heart that appreciates and loves him always in Jesus Name! Amen! 27. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits that makes me to engage in stonewalling – not talking things over with my husband and avoiding issues from my life in Jesus Name! Amen! 28. O Lord, make me more open to talking things over with him. Grant unto me a more listening heart without preconceived notions that tends to keep me from seeing things from his own side of reasoning in Jesus Name! 29. 33
O Lord, take away every characteristics traits that makes me to disrespect my husband in all manner and ramifications from my life in Jesus Name O Lord, help me and give me a heart and grace to respect my husband no matter what, and to accord him respect under all circumstances and in every situation in Jesus Name! 30. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits that makes me to resent my husband. Kill every seed of resentments in me in Jesus Name! 31. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits in me that makes me to be always on the defensive – always blaming my husband for everything and not taking responsibility for my role in the difficulties and challenges we are having in Jesus Name! O Lord, open my eyes to see and realize my faults, no matter how small; to accept them; to take responsibility and to work with my husband in resolving every issue at hand amicably in Jesus Name! 32. 34
O Lord, take away every inability and unwillingness to resolve conflicts with my husband from my life and marriage in Jesus Name. Amen! 33. O LORD, make me more accommodating and more receptive of my husband’s suggestions, opinions and solutions. Take away every raging storm and quarrelsome traits in me that tend to rear its ugly head when my husband is making suggestions or proffering solutions to our problems. O LORD, give me a listening heart and give me the grace and the wisdom to wisely and gracefully offer my opinions and suggestions without raising a storm or having him read wrong meanings into my opinions and suggestions. Help me O LORD, to iron things out with my husband and help us to come up with solutions that will help us in Jesus Name Amen! 34. O Lord, take away every characteristics traits in my life that makes me to be less physically attractive to my husband. 35. Beautify me O LORD, in the sight of my husband. Make me sexually attractive to my husband. 35
36. O Lord, remove records of my past wrongs and bad behaviours towards him that has made me unattractive to my husband in Jesus Name. 37. Create in my husband O Lord, a new longing for me, not just for sex only, but for companionship and togetherness in Jesus Name! Amen! 38. O LORD, I ask that you graciously and mercifully restore the sexual and romantic intimacies between me and my husband in Jesus Name! Amen! 39. Make me to be sexually receptive of my husband and make my husband to be sexually receptive of me also in Jesus Name Take away every lack of intimacies between us in Jesus Name! 40. O LORD, create in me the proper character of a spouse and empower me to behave, act and exhibit characters in ways that pleases my husband in Jesus Name! 36
41. O LORD, purge, prune, refine and sanctify my behaviour towards my husband in Jesus Name! 42. O LORD, take away every perceived lack of concern, care, love and consideration that my husband feels that I have towards him and our marriage. Also, take away every perceived lack of concern, care, love and consideration that I feel my husband has towards me and our marriage in Jesus Name! Clean our hearts of all these evil and relationship damaging notions we have and feel about each other and gives us fresh and strong love for one another in Jesus Name! 43. O LORD, I ask that you graciously take away the negative effects any significant differences me and my husband have in values and beliefs. Help us to accommodate one another and to work out and harmonize our differences in values and beliefs amicably and in the spirit of love, unity and understanding in Jesus Name! 44. 37
O LORD, I ask that you graciously grant that my husband and I would create, develop, have and pursue shared visions and priorities that will bless, prosper, enhance and fortify our relationship, marriage and home in Jesus Name! 45. O LORD, create in me the proper character of a spouse and empower me to behave, act and exhibit characters in ways that pleases my husband in Jesus Name! 46. O LORD, deliver my marriage from “marriage boredom”. Also deliver me from marital boredom and emotional boredom which has affected my outlook on marriage, my relationship with my husband and also our marriage. Help me to create or find excitement in my relationship with my husband and cause my husband to respond positively and follow suit. Let the fun, laughter, excitement and love that has been put off in our relationship and marriage be lit up, rekindled and made alive again in Jesus Name. Let us find joy and excitement in doing things together and in spending time together as we used to before now. 47. 38
O LORD, deliver me from and graciously take away every characteristics traits in me that makes me create unrealistic expectations for my husband, our relationship and marriage. O LORD, Take away whatever it is that is in me that makes me to always want to coerce my husband into doing things he doesn’t want to do. Help me to be gentle with him, to understand him more and to live peaceably with him in love in Jesus Name 48. O LORD, deliver me from every stress related tension like work stress, domestic stress, financial stress and emotional stress which are affecting my relationship with my husband and our marriage. Let there be peace within my heart and let there be a manifestation of this peace whenever I am with my husband and relating with him on any issue or subject in Jesus Name! 49. O LORD, deliver me from the hold, negative effect and influence any traumatic and/or live changing event has over my life, my emotions, and my relationship with my husband and our marriage in Jesus Name! 39
LORD, if there is any way those negative experiences have affected my marriage, I destroy their hold over my life and I loose my life, will, emotions, relationship with my husband and marriage from their negative hold and power in Jesus Name. O LORD, intervene NOW and graciously repair every damage done to my marriage by these negative experiences in Jesus Name! 50. O LORD, take away every financial incompatibility between me and my husband. Cause us to be financially compatible; to have the same financial goals and financial spending goals in Jesus Name! 51. O LORD, heal my heart; heal my emotions; heal my life and restore joy and peace back unto me with the assurance that you have begun a good work in me and in my marriage and relationship with my husband in Jesus Name! Amen! 52. O LORD, I break away from sadness and sorrow of heart about my husband and marriage. O LORD, deliver me from the chains of marital sorrow 40
O LORD, let the tears of my eyes as a result of the problems in my marriage be turned into laughter. I declare that I am healed and that I have peace and joy in Jesus Name! 53. O LORD, put a complete end to the victimization of Satan and the evil forces of darkness and the world on my marriage in Jesus Name! 54. O LORD, here I am today before you: I ask O LORD, that you make me a better wife I ask O LORD, that you give me the heart and love of my husband I ask O LORD, that you give me the undivided attention, loyalty, devotion, dedication, focus and love of my husband I ask O LORD, that you graciously deliver my marriage from wreckage and divorce. I ask O LORD, that you heal the heart and soul of my husband and restore his love for me and cause him to take steps and be willing to save our marriage. 41
I ask O LORD, that you graciously and mercifully heal my marriage. I ask O LORD, that you give me an outstanding miracle of healing and restoration in my marriage and in my relationship with my husband I ask O LORD, that ANSWER ALL MY PRAYERS IN JESUS NAME! 55. O LORD, thank you for answering all my prayers in Jesus Name! PRAYING IN OTHER TONGUES If you are baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongue, then go ahead to spend between 5 – 10 minutes to pray in other tongues 42
YOUR HUSBAND’S ATTITUDE CAN CHANGE AND HE WILL NOT CALL IT QUITS ON YOU AND ON THE MARRIAGE IF ONLY YOU CAN PRAY Prayer can move mountains! Prayer can change anything – including the heart, the character and the attitude of your husband towards you. The previous section dealt with YOU as a wife, you engaged in spiritual warfare prayers with which you conducted personal deliverance for yourself and prayed for a change in some aspects of your life that maybe affecting your relationship with your husband and your marriage. Now it is time to claim back your husband and conduct what we call “DELIVERANCE IN ABSENTIA” through spiritual warfare and intercessions for him. The prayers you will be praying for your husband are similar to the ones that you prayed for yourself, but they are tailored to suit your husband’s needs and made easy for you to follow and use while praying for him. 43
No matter how far gone your husband may be; no matter how damaged he may be; no matter his state and the fears you may have about the possibility of being able to win him back, God through your prayers can still save him, restore him and win him back to you. WHY ARE WE SO CERTAIN OF THIS? The bible says: “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. “ - Proverbs 21:1 Your husband’s heart is in the hand of the Lord an no matter how far gone he may be, God is able to change his heart and life and restore his love for you and cause him not to call it quits on you and the marriage. You can achieve this through prayer. Devote some quality time to pray for your husband and see God work his miracles in his life and in your marriage. 44
55 PRAYER POINTS TO PRAY FOR CHANGE IN YOUR HUSBAND AND FOR HIM NOT TO QUIT ON YOU AND THE MARRIAGE 1. I bind every devil that is manipulating my husband to act in certain ways that are offensive to me thereby affecting our relationship and our marriage. I loose my husband from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my relationship with my husband and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 2. I bind every devil that has covered my husband with an evil Veil or covering of unattractiveness before me. 45
I complete remove the evil veil of unattractiveness from over my husband’s life and completely destroy the veil and covering with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name! I loose my husband’s life and his relationship with me from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect his relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 3. I bind every devil that is manipulating my husband to be intolerant, and to never see anything good in me. I loose my husband’s life and my husband’s relationship with me from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and 46
programed to negatively affect his relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 4. I bind every devil that was assigned to work through the way my husband talks, responds to issues, show affection, treat and relate with and to me to affect our relationship and our marriage. I loose my husband’s life from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my husband’s relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 5. I bind every spirit spouse that my husband is knowingly or unknowingly connected to, whose mission is to destroy our marriage. 47
You spirit spouse, I renounce you on behalf of my husband and I completely break every spiritual marriage covenant that you have with my husband in Jesus Name! You spirit spouse, I loose my husband’s life and our marriage from your power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy every contact and relationship I have established or have with you in the spirit world. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my husband’s relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you spirit spouse out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! I command you spirit spouse to take your hands off my husband’s life; take your hands of my husband’s relationship with me; take your hands off our marriage in Jesus Name! 6. I bind the devils that were transferred through blood relationship from my husband’s Father and Mother’s house to work against my husband’s life and our marriage. 48
I loose my husband’s life and our marriage from their power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my husband’s relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 7. I bind the devils of complaining, incessant nagging and argument in my husband that has adversely and drastically affected my husband’s relationship with me and our marriage. I loose my husband’s life and our marriage from their power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my husband’s relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 49
8. I bind the devils that work to manipulate my husband and his emotions to resent me. I loose my husband’s life and our marriage from their power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. I destroy all your manifestations in my husband and through my husband, that has been designed and programed to negatively affect my husband’s relationship with me and our marriage and I cast you devils out of my husband’s life and our marriage in Jesus Name! 9. I bind the spirit of defensiveness in my husband that makes my husband to always be on the defensive – blaming me for everything and never taking responsibility for his role in the difficulties and challenges we have and are having. I loose my husband’s life and our marriage from its power, influence, manipulation, control, authority, works and manifestations. I destroy all your works, plans and operations against my husband’s life and our marriage. 50
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