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Home Explore benefits-for-humanity_tagged


Published by morakot panpichit, 2020-04-26 12:49:07

Description: benefits-for-humanity_tagged


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Innovative Technology Global Education Advanced ISS technology supports water Inspiring the next generation of students with the purification efforts worldwide International Space Station Author: Arun Joshi, NASA Author: Jessica Nimon, NASA PI: Donald L. Carter, Robyn Gatens PI: NASA, CSA, ESA, JAXA, Roscosmos Exploring the wonders of fluid motion: Improving Student scientists receive unexpected results from life on Earth through understanding the nature of research in space Marangoni convection Author: Jessica Nimon, NASA Author: Satoshi Matsumoto, JAXA PI: Zahaan Bharmal PI: Hiroshi Kawamura, Tokyo University of Science, Koichi Nishino, Yokohama National University, Shinichi Europe’s alliance with space droids Yoda, JAXA, Yasuhiro Kamotani, Case Western Reserve Author: ESA University, Satoshi Matsumoto, JAXA PI: ESA Space station-inspired mWater app identifies NASA has HUNCH about student success in healthy water sources engineering Author: Jessica Nimon, NASA Author: Laura Niles PI: John and Annie Feighery, mWater Tomatosphere™: Sowing the seeds of discovery Space-tested fluid flow concept advances through student science infectious disease diagnoses Author: CSA Author: Mike Giannone, NASA Glenn Research Center PI: Michael Dixon, University of Guelph PI: Mark Weislogel, NASA Students photograph Earth from space via Sally Improving semiconductors with nanofibers Ride EarthKAM program Author: Masato Katsuta, JAXA Author: Arun Joshi, NASA PI: Takatoshi Kinoshita, Graduate School of Engineering, PI: Sally Ride, Karen Flammer Nagoya Institute of Technology Try zero G2: Igniting the passion of the next InSPACE’s big news in the nano world generation in Asia Author: Mike Giannone, NASA Author: Yayoi Miyagawa, JAXA PI: Eric M. Furst, University of Delaware PI: JAXA Deploying small satellites from ISS Asian students work with astronauts in space Author: Hitoshi Morimoto, JAXA missions PI: Yusuke Matsumura, JAXA Author: Muneo Takaoki, JAXA PI: Kibo-ABC (Asian Beneficial Collaboration through Pinpointing time and location Kibo Utilization) Initiative Author: ESA PI: Felix Huber, Steinbeis Transferzentrum Raumfahrt, Educational benefits of the space experiment Gaufelden - Stuttgart, Germany “Shadow-beacon” on ISS Author: V.A. Strashinskiy, Central Research Institute for Space station technology demonstration could Machine Building (FGUP TsNIIMash) boost a new era of satellite-servicing PI: V.A. Strashinskiy, (FGUP TsNIIMash) Author: Adreinne Alessandro, NASA PI: Frank J. Cepollina, Benjami B. Reed Students get fit the astronaut way Author: Jessica Nimon, NASA Cool flame research aboard space station may lead PI: Charles Lloyd, NASA to a cleaner environment on Earth Author: Mike Giannone, NASA Inspiring youth with a call to the International Space PI: Folman Williams, Daniel L. Dietrich Station Authors: Jessica Nimon and Camille Alleyne, NASA Robonaut’s potential shines in multiple space, PI: Frank Bauer medical and industrial applications Author: Laura Niles Calling cosmonauts from home PI: Myron A. Diftler Author: S.V.Avdeev, FGUP TsNIIMash PI: Space experiment “Coulomb Crystal” – V.Ye.Fortov, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian 137

Academy of Sciences Mission critical: Flatworm experiment races the Space experiment “Shadow-Beacon” – O.M.Alifanov, clock after splashdown Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); V.A.Strashinskiy, FGUP TsNIIMash Author: Craig Simon, President and CEO Space experiment “MAI-75” - O.M.Alifanov, Company name: FedEx SupplyChain V.K.Odelevskiy; Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Economic development of space in JAXA Space experiment “Great Start” – M.Yu.Belyaev, OAO “Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia” after S.P. Authors: Sayaka Umemura and Kazuyuki Tasaki, JAXA Korolev” Company and organization names: Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO)/Orbital Sciences Corporation, Japan Space MAI-75 experiment, main results and prospects for Forum, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Fuji Chemical development in education Co., Ltd., Shiseido Co., Ltd., Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation (JAMSS)/ Authors: O. M. Alifanov, S. O. Firsyuk, V. K. Odelevsky Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)/Brazilian (Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research Space Agency (AEB)/Brazilian National Institute for University)); N. S. Biryukova (Central Research Space Research (INPE), Interprotein Corporation, Institute for Machine Building (FGUP TsNIIMash)); S. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., ARKRAY, and N. Samburov, A. I. Spirin (OAO Rocket and Space Junkosha Inc. Corporation Energia after S.P. Korolev (RSC-Energia)) PI: O. M. Alifanov, V. K. Odelevsky, Moscow Aviation Colloids in space: Where consumer products and Institute (National Research University) science intersect Economic Development of Space Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill PI: David A. Weitz, Harvard University; Matthew Lynch, Water production in space: Thirsting for a solution Proctor and Gamble Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Space mice teach us about muscle and bone loss Company name: UTC Aerospace Systems Authors: Rebecca Boyle, Kathy Watkins-Richardson Commercialization of low-Earth Orbit (LEO) and Melissa Gaskill PI: H. Q. Han, Amgen Research Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Company name: NanoRacks, LLC Protein crystals in microgravity Innovative public-private partnerships for ISS cargo Authors: Rebecca Boyle and Melissa Gaskill services: Part 1 PI: Paul Reichert, Merck Research Laboratories Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Muscle atrophy: Mice on the ISS helping life on Company name: SpaceX Earth Innovative public-private partnerships for ISS cargo Authors: Rebecca Boyle, Kathy Watkins-Richardson services: Part 2 and Melissa Gaskill PI: Samuel Cadena, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Research Company name: Orbital Sciences Corporation Precision pointing platform for Earth observations from the ISS Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Company name: Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. The Groundbreaker: Earth observation Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Company name: UrtheCast A flock of CubeSats photographs our changing planet Authors: Rebecca Boyle and Melissa Gaskill Company name: Planet Labs Stretch your horizons, Stay Curious™ Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill Company name: Kentucky Space/Space Tango, Inc. 138


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