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2015 AMEA Conference Program Book

Published by AMEA, 2022-05-30 19:32:15

Description: 2015 Conference Program Book


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AMEA 2015 Clinicians Dave Holland is founder and primary performer and facilitator of all Beatin' Path programs and drum circles. For over 10 years, Dave has spread the message of community, teamwork, diversity, and environmental awareness through rhythm based events. Dave has traveled to Cuba, West Africa, and Brazil to pursue his continuing education of the world's cultures and drumming traditions. He has presented at the Percussive Arts Society's International Conference, the International Orff-Schulwerk Conference, the National Drum Circle Facilitator’s Conference, along with statewide music conferences in Georgia, Florida, Maryland, Michigan & lllinois. He is the author of Drumagination, A Rhythmic Guidebook for Music Teachers, Music Educators & Drum Circle Facilitators, the co-creator of Rhythm Planet Workshop, the creator of the Interactive Rhythm Line of Instruments, and leader of Ritmo Blu, Young Audiences popular world percussion trio. His kids cd, Drummin’ Songs & Jam Alongs was released in early 2010. Brian Kittredge joined the UAB faculty in 2010 as Director of Choral Activities, where he conducts the Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, and teaches courses in conducting and music education. The UAB choirs under his direction have performed recordings for MorningStar Publications, at the Interkultur World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia (2014), the premiere of Glenn McClure’s Songs of Freedom (2013), and at the AMEA In-Service Conference (2012). Kittredge has served on the faculty at Louisiana State University, the Louis S. McGehee School in New Orleans, LA, and the New York State Summer School of the Arts. Kittredge holds degrees from Louisiana State University (DMA, 2011), the Eastman School of Music (MM, 2004), and Mansfield University (BM, 2002). Elva Kaye Lance is a thirty-six year veteran music educator. She was appointed to the music faculty at Mississippi State University in 1992 and was named Director of Bands in 2002. With her appointment in 2002, she became only the eighth person in the band’s one hundred and twelve year history to hold that position. Her current responsibilities include conducting the Wind Ensemble, providing leadership for the Famous Maroon Band and administering all aspects of the band program. Now in her twenty-third year at Mississippi State, Ms. Lance also teaches methods classes within the Music Department and assists with student teacher supervision. During her leadership, the band program has seen the completion of a multi-million dollar rehearsal facility, expansion of the band staff, and a student enrollment that now includes four concert bands, jazz band, two basketball pep bands and a marching band that consistently enrolls more than 320 students. Ms. Lance maintains an active schedule as a clinician and adjudicator for both concert and marching band events throughout the country. In addition to regional performance tours, the MSU Wind Ensemble has conducted three international concert tours including a 2008 tour of the British Isles, a 2011 tour in Austria and Germany, and a 2014 tour in Italy. In 2011, she received the Edythe M. McArthur Outstanding Woman Band Director Award for the state of Mississippi. She serves as the state chair for the College Band Director’s National Association and the National Band Association. She is an appointed member of the Athletic Band Committee for the College Band Director’s National Association and is an elected member of the governing board of the International Bandmaster’s Fraternity Phi Beta Mu. Additional professional memberships include the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, Kappa Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Iota, and the National Association for Music Education. Originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Ian Loeppky has been Professor and Director of Choral Activities at the University of North Alabama since the fall of 2003. He is a member of the American Choral Directors Association, the National Association for Music Education, Choral Canada, the National Collegiate Choral Organization, the Alabama Vocal Association, and the International Federation for Choral Music. He has worked as a singer, scholar, conductor, clinician, adjudicator, and arranger in Canada, the United States, and Portugal; his compositions have been published by Santa Barbara Music Publishing and UNC Jazz Press. He directs all three choral ensembles at UNA and teaches undergraduate and graduate choral conducting, choral techniques, and world music. In addition, he is the founder and artistic director of Florence Camerata and is in demand as a clinician and adjudicator throughout the region and internationally. He is a frequent contributor to the Choral Journal and the Alabama Reprise (the latter as editor). Under his direction, the UNA Choirs were pleased to sing at the 2006 and 2013 Alabama Music Educators Association conferences. He and his wife, Dana, have a two-year-old daughter, Emma Anne, who already shows great promise as a conductor, and has expressed interest in taking over the UNA Choral Ensembles program from her dad when he retires in 2041. Rob Lyda currently teaches K-12 band and general music at Notasulga High School. He earned music education degrees from Troy and Auburn University. He has been the Teacher of the Year at Notasulga High School and served as the 2010-2011 Macon County Schools Teacher of the Year. In addition to his academic degrees, he has earned certification in Kodaly, World Music Drumming, TI:ME, and is an Orff-Schulwerk (I-III and Master Class) certified teacher. Mr. Lyda regularly presents sessions and research on technology integration and general music education at state, regional, and national conferences. He holds memberships in AMEA, NAfME, AOSA, and NBA. David Newell taught music for thirty years in the public schools of Berea, Ohio. Additionally, he taught part-time in the Music Education Department at Baldwin-Wallace Univeristy for fifteen years. During his tenure as Director of Bands at Ford Middle School, Mr. Newell developed one of the exemplary band programs in the state and served as Chair of the Music and Art Departments. In 1979, Mr. Newell received the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation’s “Master Teacher” Award for Excellence in the Classroom. He also received the “Alumni Achievement” Award from Baldwin-Wallace University in 1987. 51

AMEA 2015 Clinicians A veteran of 37 years in public school music education, Marcia Neel has directed successful secondary music programs in Connecticut, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Nevada. She served as the Coordinator of Secondary Fine Arts for the Clark County School District headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, and supervised the fastest growing Music Education Program in the country. During the course of those years, she led the Secondary Music Education Program to a total class count of over 50,000 in 56 middle and 38 high school music programs and over 100,000 in Secondary Fine and Performing Arts overall. Her greatest pride was in knowing that all of the students in each of the district’s secondary schools were provided with an equal opportunity to study music. Marcia is also well known for her advocacy efforts in Music Education at the local, state, and national levels. She serves as Educational Advisor to the Music Achievement Council, a 501(c)(6) non- profit corporation whose main focus is professional development for educators to reach and serve more music students. She provides motivating workshops all across the country for educators who are looking to find ways to sharpen their teaching skills thus helping their own students achieve at a higher level. Marcia is president of Music Education Consultants, Inc., a consortium of music education professionals that works with a variety of educational organizations, arts associations, and school districts to foster the growth and breadth of school-based Music Education Programs. Dr. Luis C. Rivera serves as the Director of Percussion Studies at the University of South Alabama teaching applied lessons, Percussion Ensemble, Jaguar Drumline, Steel Band, World Music Ensemble, and the percussion methods course. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from the University of Central Florida, the Master of Music degree in Percussion Performance from the University of South Carolina, and most recently the Doctor of Music degree in Percussion Performance from the Florida State University. Luis is an active adjudicator around the Gulf Coast and has performed concerts and clinics throughout the U.S. He is also a published composer through Bachovich Publications. Jeff Scott is the Director of Bands at Cario Middle School in Mount Pleasant. He is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and received a Master of Instrumental Music in Conducting at Southern Oregon University in 2005. In 2006, Mr. Scott received National Board Certification in Instrumental Music. Prior to his arrival at Cario in 2001, Mr. Scott served twelve years in the Berkeley County school system, first as Director of Bands at Sedgefield Middle School, and later as Director of Bands at Goose Creek High School. In 1992, Mr. Scott was named national winner of the Stanbury Award for \"Young Director of the Year\". He is also listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers. Bands under Mr. Scott's baton have consistently received Superior ratings at state, regional and national competitions, and have received the SCBDA's Outstanding Performance Award consecutively since 1989. Mr. Scott's symphonic bands have received Superior Ratings at the South Carolina Concert Festival every year since 1989. His Sedgefield Middle School Band was honored to perform at the 1992 SCMEA In-Service Conference, and his Cario Middle School Band enjoyed that same distinction in 2005. Mr. Scott is active as an adjudicator and clinician for concert and marching events throughout the Southeast. Mr. Scott maintains professional affiliations with the National Band Association, MENC, Phi Mu Alpha, and Phi Beta Mu. He also received an appointment as a \"Kentucky Colonel\" by the Governor of Kentucky for his contributions to education. Sue Samuels is the Director of Bands at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her responsibilities include teaching and administering the Marching Blazers, the Wind Symphony, the Symphony Band, and the Blazer Band, as well as teaching courses in conducting and music education. Since Dr. Samuels arrived in Birmingham, the bands at UAB have continued to grow and thrive under her direction. The Marching Blazers, with more than 200 members, continue to wow the crowds with contemporary sights and sounds. The UAB Wind Symphony performs at least 2 concerts per semester at the Alys Stephens Center, and the group continues to perform the very finest literature available for the contemporary wind band. Dr. Samuels’ teaching experience prior to her arrival at UAB includes 12 years at Lassiter High School in Marietta Georgia, 1 year as Assistant Director of Bands at the University of Georgia, and 2 years as Director of Bands at WT Woodson High School in Fairfax, Virginia. A native of Columbia, South Carolina, Dr. Samuels attended Furman University in Greenville where she obtained a Bachelors Degree in Music Education. Dr. Samuels has also been educated at Georgia State University in Atlanta, where she completed the Master of Music Degree in Instrumental Conducting, at the Eastman School of Music, and at Auburn University where she completed the PhD in music education in 2009. In addition to her work as a band director, Dr. Samuels enjoys being a mom to her beautiful son, Andrew, who she adopted from Ethiopia in 2010. Dr. Phillip Stockton, Assistant Professor of Music Education and Director of Choral Activities, received his Bachelors of Music Education from Auburn University, Masters of Music Education from Florida State University, and Ph.D in Music Education from the University of Mississippi. Before coming to MUW, Dr. Stockton was Director of Choral Activities at Mandarin High School in Jacksonville, Florida where his choirs consistently received superior ratings at performance assessment. Dr. Stockton’s past engagements have included: assistant conductor for the Auburn University Women’s Chorus, assistant conductor of the Auburn University Community Orchestra, assistant conductor for the Auburn University Concert Choir, a student conductor of the Florida State Summer Chorale, past conductor of the Ole Miss Women’s Ensemble, assistant conductor to the Ole Miss Women’s Glee, and interim director of the Oxford Civic Chorus. He remains an active clinician and judge for choirs throughout Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. He is an active member of American Choral Director’s Association (ACDA) and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), and is currently the Newsletter Editor for the Mississippi ACDA. Dr. Stockton is married to his lovely wife Amy and together have a son Lee. 52

AMEA 2015 Clinicians Daniel Stevens joins the University of North Alabama as an Associate Professor of Music / Conductor of the Shoals Symphony Orchestra. His roles include artistic director of the Shoals Symphony Orchestra and teacher of applied violin/viola. As a conductor, he has been the guest adjudicator for the Kansas Music Educators Association Large Ensemble and Solo & Ensemble contests, and as clinician for All-District orchestras in Kansas and Oklahoma. As a professional musician, Daniel is a tenured violist with the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra, and in March 2010, performed in a Carnegie Hall – Weill Recital Hall debut through Distinguished Concerts International, New York. As an educator teacher, Daniel received the United Methodist Exemplary Teacher award in 2008, and he has founded two thriving youth symphony programs (Tulsa Youth Concert Orchestra and Southwestern College Youth Symphonies). Danielle Todd has worked in the field of music education for ten years teaching middle school band. Her most recent experience was in the Talladega City School System where she served as Director of Bands at Zora Ellis Jr. High School and Assistant Director at Talladega High School. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Music Education at The University of Alabama where she is a Teaching Assistant/Instructor for Music Education courses and a Graduate Teaching Assistant with the University of Alabama Bands. She is active in the profession as a clinician, adjudicator, and through contributions in research. Danielle has published in the Ala Breve, presented research posters at the AMEA and NAfME Music Research and Teacher Education National Conferences, and presented a paper at the 6th Annual ESPRMC Graduate Symposium at The University of Alabama. Quaver Team member Buz Watson enjoys connecting with music educators and spreading the word about Quaver's 21st Century Teaching Resources. HIs life long love for music started with an elementary school music class and continued as he played trombone all the way through school. Buz is a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and is dedicated to assisting schools in acquiring needed resources. Today, his instrument of choice is guitar and he gives credit to his elementary school music teacher for laying the foundation that has made music such an important part of his life. Steve Wiese, Region Sales Manager @ Wenger Corporation, Owatonna, MN. Steve Wiese is a long time employee of Wenger Corporation (42 Years), and has a love for music and the arts. He has a design background with 18 years as an application design engineer, and 7 years as a product manager. Steve has 4 patents and 14 sub patents to his credit. Steve is now a region sales manager and has been in direct sales for 8 years. His educational background consists of a Design Engineering Certificate, AA, BA, and MA degrees. Crystal Plohman Wiegman, a Canadian Champion fiddler, has been actively involved as a performer and music educator since her move to Nashville, TN in 1994 to teach at Vanderbilt University where she serves as chair of the Folk Instrument department and serves on the Suzuki Violin faculty. She has toured internationally and appeared as a guest soloist with numerous orchestral ensembles including the Nashville Chamber Orchestra, the Western Kentucky Symphony and the Quad City Symphony Orchestra and in China and Japan. For the past 20 years, Crystal has worked extensively with teachers and students worldwide, teaching different aspects of fiddle music at various string camps and clinics. Crystal was a featured presenter at the Music Educators National Conference and at numerous state educators’ conferences, as well as in Belgium and Canada. Crystal lives in Nashville with her husband William and their 4 year old daughter, Kelsie and new baby boy, Joshua. Marguerite Wilder is widely recognized as a conductor and clinician, having conducted All State and Honor Bands through out the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. Serving as a resource person for in-service sessions, she works with both local and regional school systems and universities. Her clinics on motivational techniques for the beginning band are often featured at state and national conventions. Mrs. Wilder taught middle school band at the following schools during her 30 year teaching career: The Lovett School, Woodward Academy and Tapp Middle School. Mrs. Wilder is a contributing editor for the books: Do It Band Method by James Froseth; Habits of a Successful Musician by Scott Rush. She is a contributing author for Teaching Music through Performance in Beginning Band, Vol. 1 & 2: and Teaching Music through Performance in Middle School Band; GIA Publications, Inc. Currently Mrs. Wilder serves as a consultant, clinician, author and editor for GIA Publications, Inc. Emily Wilkinson currently serves as Assistant Band Director at Cario Middle School in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Prior to joining the Cario team, Mrs. Wilkinson served as the Band Director at Fort Johnson Middle School on James Island from 2009-2011. During this time, the Fort Johnson Band program received the South Carolina Band Directors Association (SCBDA) Outstanding Performance Award for two consecutive years. Wilkinson’s students earned Superior ratings at SCBDA State Concert Festival and SCBDA Solo and Ensemble Festival. Many were chosen for the All-County, Region, and State honor bands. In 2010, Mrs. Wilkinson was chosen as a Fort Johnson “RAM” Teacher of the Month and was also nominated for Teacher of the Year. Before teaching at Fort Johnson, she was the Assistant Band Director at Bates Middle School in Sumter, SC. Under her direction, the Bates Concert Band received the same awards of success in SCBDA events. Mrs. Wilkinson graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2006, earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education, Magna Cum Laude, and a Performance Certificate on euphonium. In 2008, Mrs. Wilkinson was invited to perform at the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Conference in Chicago, IL with the Palmetto Concert Band. Emily Wilkinson’s professional affiliations include the South Carolina Band Directors Association, the Charleston County Band Directors Association, the Music Educators National Conference, Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society, and she is an alumnus of Sigma Alpha Iota. She is married to Eric Wilkinson, and they happily reside in Mount Pleasant, SC. 53

AMEA 2015 Clinicians Joshua Wine serves as Director of Bands at Auburn Junior High School in Auburn, AL where he oversees 3 Concert Bands, the AJHS Jazz Ensemble, the AJHS Percussion Ensemble, teaches Music Appreciation, and assists with the Auburn High School Marching Band. Mr. Wine attended Troy University in Troy, AL where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Music Education. Mr. Wine has been and continues to be an active marching band, brass, and drum major clinician/adjudicator throughout Alabama. He currently performs with the East Alabama Community Band, The Lakeview Baptist Church Orchestra and The Alabama Winds. Dr. Anne C. Witt is an instructor in the School of Music at the University of Alabama, where she teaches Music Education and Strings. She also teaches string classes for adult beginners and private cello lessons. Dr. Witt earned the Bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama, and M.M. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin. While in Texas, she taught middle school and high school strings for 15 years, and played cello in the Austin Symphony. She also taught at the University of Texas at Austin and at UT-Arlington. Dr. Witt served as President of the Texas Orchestra Directors Association, President of the Alabama ASTA chapter, and National President of ASTA. Soon after returning to her home city of Tuscaloosa, she led a community initiative to bring string instruction to the Tuscaloosa City Schools. Through a significant fund raising campaign, the program, called Strings in Schools, was provided initial start-up funding for its first 3 years. Now it is completely funded through the City Schools budget, with four full time teachers, and over 250 students are participating. Dr. Witt has presented educational sessions for orchestra and band directors in many states, at ASTA national conventions and at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. Her presentations include “student tested” teaching strategies on such topics as classroom management, repertoire selection, communication, and motivation. She has been a guest conductor for many All-Region orchestras in Texas, festival orchestras and All-State orchestras. Dr. Witt is author of A Rhythm a Week, used by school classes and private students nationwide and internationally. She recently served as an adjudicator for the National Orchestra Festival. She continues to play cello professionally in a quartet called “Four Strings Attached.” Dr. James Zingara is currently Assistant Professor of Trumpet at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where his responsibilities include applied trumpet and brass methods, coaching and conducting brass ensembles, performing with the UAB Faculty Brass Quintet and coordinating the annual UAB Brass Symposium. From 1998 to 2011 Dr. Zingara was Associate Professor of Music at Troy University in Troy, Alabama where he taught applied trumpet, brass methods, conducted the Troy University Trumpet Ensemble and served as Coordinator of Applied Studies. He has performed in 32 states as well as England, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, China and Singapore. From 1989-1996 he served as principal cornet/trumpet soloist with the US Air Force Heritage of America Band. Dr. Zingara holds degrees from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, East Carolina University, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in trumpet performance with a minor in wind conducting from the University of Illinois. His principal teachers include Michael Ewald, John Aley, Britton Theurer, Manny Laureano, Charles Schlueter, and David Baldwin. He also serves as a trumpet faculty member at Blue Lake International Fine Arts Camp in Twin Lakes, Michigan. Dr. Zingara represents Conn-Selmer, Inc. as an endorsing artist for Bach trumpets and cornets. Alabama Intercollegiate Band Conductor - Director Emeritus Colonel John R. Bourgeois, USMC (Ret.), was 25th Director of \"The President's Own\" United States Marine Band. His acclaimed career spanned nine presidential administrations, from Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower to Bill Clinton. Bourgeois is a graduate of Loyola University in New Orleans. He joined the Marine Corps in 1956 and entered \"The President's Own\" as a French hornist and arranger in 1958. Named Director of the Marine Band in 1979, Bourgeois was promoted to colonel in June 1983. He retired from active duty July 11, 1996. As Director of \"The President's Own,\" Bourgeois was Music Advisor to the White House. He selected the musical program and directed the band on its traditional place of honor at the U.S. Capitol for four Presidential inaugurations, a Marine Band tradition dating to 1801. He regularly conducted the Marine Band and the Marine Chamber Orchestra at the White House, appearing there more frequently than any other musician in the nation. Under Bourgeois' leadership the Marine Band presented its first overseas performances in history, traveling to the Netherlands in 1985 where \"The President's Own\" performed with the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy. In February 1990, Bourgeois led the Marine Band on an historic 18-day concert tour of the former Soviet Union as part of the first U.S.-U.S.S.R. Armed Forces band exchange. He also directed the Marine Band on 16 nationwide tours, bringing the music of \"The President's Own\" to the American people. All-State Bronze Jazz Band Clinician - James Arthur Crumb Jr. is a Product of Birmingham City Schools. Mr. Crumb was introduced to music and the Saxophone at Norwood Elementary by Mrs. Debora Mayes, Director. He continued his high school musical training at Phillips High School under the direction of Mr. John McAphee, where he developed a desire to someday lead his own band program. Mr. Crumb attended Alabama A&M University with a full band scholarship. He continued his pursuit of education at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, where he earned a BS Degree in Music Education. Mr. Crumb's career in music education started at Carver High School, where he held the position of Director of Bands from 2000-2005. During his tenure at Carver High School, Mr. Crumb's bands earned superior ratings in Marching Band contests, District, State and Jazz band contests every year. The Carver High School Marching Rams won the National High Stepping Marching Championship in 2003. The Carver Symphonic band was honored with the privilege of performing at the 2004 AMEA conference. The Carver Jazz Band received Band of Distinction (highest score) at the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame Festival 2002, 2003, and 2004. He is currently employed at Minor High School as Director of Bands where his bands superior performance ratings continue. Recently the Minor Marching Band won its second straight National High Stepping Marching Championship, 2013 & 2014. The Jazz Band, under his tutelage, received Band of Distinction (highest score) at the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame Festival 2010,2011 and 2013. They also won first place at the Music in the Parks festival at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Va. In addition, The Minor High School Jazz Band was honored with the privilege of performing at the National Association for the Study and Performance of African- American Music Conference on March 14, 2013. James Crumb has served as a Clinician and Honor Band conductor throughout the Southeast Region. He is also an accomplished jazz musician as the featured artist in the N'Fusion Jazz Quartet. He is married to Desiré Taylor and has two beautiful little girls, Jazmin Alexis and Nadia Corinne. His parents are James and Nellie Crumb. James also has two sisters, Marion and Sherri and two nieces, Lashaundra and Jaylin. 54

AMEA 2015 Clinicians Alabama All-State Show Choir Clinician - Paul Gulsvig taught vocal music for 33 years, and retired in 2006 from Onalaska High School in Onalaska, WI, where he taught for 28 of those 33 years. Paul’s desire to positively inspire all teachers and their students led him into a retirement career that he refers to as More Than Music. This career includes serving as retreat presenter, show doctor, motivational speaker, as well as conducting leadership and in-service workshops for school districts. He has assisted a wide variety of schools, including elementary, middle and high schools, college and graduate programs. Paul also serves as a show choir adjudicator and clinician, as well as All-State and Honor Choir clinician. His varied expertise and encouraging love of students and teachers has taken him to at least 30 states, including Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, California, as well as his home state of Wisconsin.He is most proud of his three children who have college degrees in music, two of which are choral conductors. In his spare time you will find Paul on the golf course, working out at the fitness center, or spending time with his grand twins, Hailey and Riley and their baby sister, Lily. All-State Silver Jazz Band Clinician - Bob Lark serves as a Professor of Jazz Studies at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, where he directs the university Jazz Ensemble, teaches jazz trumpet and courses in jazz pedagogy and jazz style. Under his direction the DePaul Jazz Ensemble has produced several Outstanding Performance Awards from the Jazz Educators Journal, Down Beat and Jazz Times magazines, and has recorded albums with legendary jazz artists Phil Woods, Clark Terry, Louie Bellson, Bob Brookmeyer, Jim McNeely, Jeff Hamilton, Slide Hampton, Tom Harrell, Ira Sullivan, Bobby Shew, Mark Colby, and Chicago Symphony Orchestra members Charles Vernon and John Bruce Yeh. Bob is an active clinician, soloist and guest conductor. He has served as host for the Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo Competition, is the past-president of the Illinois Unit of the International Association for Jazz Education, and has chaired the International Trumpet Guild jazz improvisation competition. Throughout the 1990’s, Bob directed the Midwest GRAMMY High School Jazz Band. Prior to his appointment to DePaul University, he was an Assistant Professor of Music at Emporia State University, Kansas. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in performance from the University of North Texas, having earlier earned a Master of Music Education degree from the school, and a Bachelor of Music Education degree from The Ohio State University. All-State Show Choir Choreographer - Jarad Voss is currently based out of Indianapolis Indiana. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin and alumni of the Wisconsin Singers, Jarad has been professionally choreographing and teaching since 2004. Most of Jarad's year includes creating, staging, instructing, and motivating high school kids through competitive show choir. The creation of friendships and the unique ability to bring together a community are the foundations of his commitment to kids and schools. Instruction at non competitive festivals include, Show Choir Camps of America Illinois, Show Choir Camps of America Ohio, Univeristy of Nebraska Show Choir Camp, Mt Shasta Show Choir Camp, Shell Lake Show Choir Camp, Show Choir Camp Europe, Southern Experience Show Choir Camp, Alabama All State Show Choir, Mississippi All State Show Choir, Arizona All State Show Choir, Bay State Festival, and Hal Leonard Joy of Singing workshops. He would like to thank Paul Gulsvig, Dwight Jordan, Kye Brackett, and Robin Whitty for teaching him more than music. All-State Gold Jazz Band Clinician -Tom Walsh is associate professor of saxophone and jazz studies at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, where he also serves as coordinator of the Jazz Studies Department. He served as Woodwind Department chair from 2003 to 2010. An active performer of jazz and classical music, he has presented concerts and workshops in China, Brazil, Japan, Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, and across the United States. Premiere performances include Chris Rutkowski's Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Wind Ensemble (2008) and David Baker's Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra (2004). He is featured on two CDs released on the IUMusic label: Holiday Celebration (2011) and Sylvia McNair's Romance (2012). His most recent solo CD release is Intersections (Arizona University Recordings, 2010), featuring Luke Gillespie on piano. Earlier solo CDs include New Life (2002) and Shaking the Pumpkin (1998). Other CD releases include the David Baker Concerto with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra (Paul Freeman Introduces David Baker, Volume XII, Albany Recordings), Basically Baker with the Buselli/Wallarab Jazz Orchestra (GM Recordings), and Sky Scrapings: Saxophone Music of Don Freund (AUR Recordings). His doctoral document, \"A Performer's Guide to the Saxophone Music of Bernhard Heiden,\" is available free online via IUScholarWorks. A Yamaha performing artist and Vandoren artist, he also teaches at the Jamey Aebersold Summer Jazz Workshops. Walsh holds degrees in saxophone performance and jazz studies from the Jacobs School of Music, where his principal teachers were distinguished classical saxophonist Eugene Rousseau and renowned jazz educator David Baker. All-State Middle School Jazz Band Clinician - Sallie Vines White teaches full-time at Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama. Mrs. White has been teaching in the Hoover City School System since 1990. Prior to that time she taught for 5 years in the Bessemer City School System. She teaches the award-winning Hoover High School First Edition Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and AP Music Theory. She is also an associate director with the marching band. The groups she conducts have consistently received Superior ratings at contests including District, State, and Jazz Contests. The First Edition Jazz Band performed at the Midwest Clinic in 2012 and the Jazz Education Network Conference in 2014. In addition, the group has received national recognition through its selection as a finalist in the Savannah Music Festival Swing Central Contest. Prior to that they were selected into the North Texas Jazz Festival and also received Superior ratings for 6 years in a row at the Loyola Jazz Festival in New Orleans. Many of her students through the years have been selected into All State Jazz groups. Sallie Vines White graduated magna cum laude from Anderson University in 1982, with a B.A. in Music Education and Psychology and “with honors” in psychology. In 1985, she received her M.M.E. in Music Education from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN where she graduated “with distinction”. In addition to her performing and her full-time teaching position, Mrs. White is also the saxophone instructor at Samford University. 55

AMEA Industry/Institutional Membership AMEA recently launched an Industry/Institutional membership drive and would like to express appreciation to the following partners who have joined AMEA in our efforts to promote music education in Alabama. Please support these industry/institutional members who support you as music educators! Andy’s Music Art’s Music Shop, Inc. 1412 Hillcrest Rd. 3030 East Blvd. Mobile, AL 36695 Montgomery, AL 36116 AWB Apparel Bailey Brothers Music Company 206 Potomac Ct. Woodstock, GA 30188 4673 Highway 280 East Birmingham, AL 35242 eMedia Corporation Gadsden Music Company 664 NE Northlake Way Seattle, WA 98105 P.O. Box 132 Gadsden, AL 35902 Group Travel Network, Inc. J W Pepper & Son 410 N. Dillard St.- Suite 104 9053 Riverside Parkway Winter Garden, FL 34787 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Marchmaster, Inc. Mouchette Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 73379 P.O. Box 394 Newnan, GA 30271 Northport, AL 35426 Musical Destinations, Inc. P.O. Box 771060 1706 Grand Avenue Winter Garden, FL 34777 Nashville, TN 37212 Simply Sheets Fundraising Springdale Travel/Student Tours 3065 Heatherbrook Trace Canton, GA 30114 958 Montlimar Drive Mobile, AL 36609 Southern Performances Southern Star Music Festival and Southern Star Festival of Champions 16121 Mansion St. Foley, AL 36535 635 Sunset Dr. Norcross, GA 30071 Superior Travel and Tour Thomas Tours, Inc. 1270 Coronado Terrace 2405 12th Ave. South Deltona, FL 32725 Nashville, TN 37204 Troy University The University of John M. Long Alabama Bands School of Music 211 Moody Music Building Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Troy, AL 36082 University of South Alabama UNA Department of Music & Theatre LPAC 1072, 5751 USA Drive, S Mobile, AL 36688 UNA Box 5040 Florence, AL 35632-0001 56



THE EXHIBITORS This directory is compiled from information supplied by the exhibiting firms or institutions. This list may not include vendors who registered after the publication deadline. Accessories Plus, 6550 Steubenville Drive, Columbus, GA 31909 Handbags, scarves, caps, and jewelry. (504) 495-5368 [email protected] Alabama Education Association, P.O. Box 4177, Montgomery, AL 36103 AEA is Alabama's largest professional education association that advocates for better learning conditions for students and better working conditions for public education employees. Alabama State University Department of Music, P.O. Box 271, Montgomery, AL 36104 The Department of Music at Alabama State University offers the Master of Music Education, Bachelor of Music Education, and Bachelor of Arts in Music degrees. Scholarships available. Art’s Music Shop, Inc., 3030 East Boulevard, Montgomery, AL 36116 Servicing the musical needs of the Southeast since 1905; convention exhibit features an extensive stock of educational/instrumental music for today's school bands. Auburn University Music, Goodwin Music Building, Auburn, AL 36849 Music at Auburn offers opportunities for musicians as majors or non-majors. Ours is an intimate and nurturing atmosphere with opportunities for individual attention and performance for students. Visit us for information about music at Auburn. AWB Apparel/Wayne Broom, 206 Potomac Ct., Woodstock, GA 30188 Providing screenprinted and embroidered music apparel throughout the Southeast. All-State, District and County Honor Bands and marching contests. We also carry formal wear, shoes, and marching accessories. Bailey Brothers Music Company, 4673 Hwy 280 East, Birmingham, AL 35242 Bailey Brothers provides quality band instruments at affordable prices. In-house technicians repair your instruments in-store or at school on our instruments. You have a choice so choose Bailey Brothers Music! Birmingham-Southern College Department of Music, 900 Arkadelphia Road, Birmingham, AL 35254 Birmingham-Southern College is committed to offering students the hands-on experiences needed to succeed. Our students are among the best and our alumni exceed expectations. Find out more at Brax Fundraising, 2002 Eastwood Road Suite 202, Wilmington, NC 28403 Brax Fundraising is dedicated to helping you exceed your fundraising goals and expectations. Our exclusive spirit cups are officially licensed by the NFL, MLB, over 100 colleges and 5 military branches. Capitol Music, 3834 Harrison Road, Montgomery, AL 36109 Capitol Music Center represents quality instruments and service since 1955. Voted one of the top 50 music dealers in America, Capitol Music is owned by Jim Darby, master repairman. (125, 224, 225) DeMoulin Brothers & Company, 1025 South 4th Street, Greenville, IL 62246 DeMoulin Brothers and Company - now in its 122nd year continues to serve the world's quality apparel needs offering fulltime representation and complete uniform and accessory lines. Drumbar Belt, 570 Devall Drive, Suite 102, Auburn, AL36832 A device capable of providing a support mechanism for the lumbar region of a user's back that allows for load distribution form loads placed anteriorly and inferiorly to the drummer's body. Eastman Music Company, 2158 Pamona Blvd., Pomona, CA 91768 Eastman Music Company, parent company of Wm. S. Haynes Co. and S.E. Shires Co., proudly manufacture strings, woodwinds, brass, guitars, mandolins, reeds, cases, and gig bags. Elvis Presley’s Graceland, 3734 Elvis Presley Blvd., Memphis, TN 38116 Learn about American music, Memphis history, and Elvis Presley through videos, photos, personal momentos, artifacts, memorabilia, costumes and more; performance opportunities available at the visitor's center. 59

THE EXHIBITORS Fannin Musical Productions, 504 Lynnwood Court, Murray, KY 42071 Fannin Musical Productions provides a wide variety of marching band services. Check out for more information. Fruhauf Uniforms, Inc., 800 E. Gilbert, Wichita, KS 67211 A proud supporter of music education since 1910. Fundraising With Simply Sheets, 9700 Old Abilene Ct., Mobile, AL 36695 We are a bedsheet fundraising company located in Mobile, Alabama. Our program offers our customers no upfront costs and no minimum orders. As our name states, our program is \"simple\". Gadsden Music Company, P.O. Box 130, Gadsden, AL 35901 Printed music and supplies for high school, middle school and elementary music educators. GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638 Publisher of innovative music education resources and choral music, representing the most advanced research and pedagogy in the field today, whether theory or practice, preschool or professional, instrumental or vocal. Great American Opportunities, Inc., 2451 Atrium Way, Nashville, TN 37214 Our innovative industry leading fundraising campaign choices include magazines, cookie dough, To Remember This, frozen treats, discount cards,confections, candles, candy bars & quality gift items. Group Travel Network, Inc., 410 N. Dillard Street - Suite 104, Winter Garden, FL 34787 CUSTOM student travel planning to fit YOUR group's travel desires and budgetary concerns. Group Travel Odyssey, 7081 Grand National Dr. Suite 109, Orlando, FL 32819 Group Travel Odyssey provides users with a one-stop shop for everything to complete their group trip itinerary, meeting the needs of group travel professionals and groups that book direct. Huntingdon College Bands, 1500 East Fairview Ave., Montgomery, AL 36106 A complete NASM acredited music curriculum. Offering abundant performance opportunities for both majors and non-majors in voice, piano, and instruments. Jacksonville State University, David L. Walters Department of Music, 201 Mason Hall, Jacksonville, AL 36265 A comprehensive department preparing music educators and performers for leadership positions. JSU Music: A Proud Tradition in Sound Education. John M. Long School of Music, Troy University, Troy, AL 36082 The John M. Long School of Music invites alumni, friends, and guests to visit our booth and explore the music opportunities at Troy University. Jupiter Band Instruments, 12020 Eastgate Blvd., Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 Jupiter Band Instruments, Mapex Drums, Majestic Percussion are the leaders in woodwind, brasswind and percussion instruments from the student to the professional. J. W. Pepper, 9053 Riverside Pkwy, Lithia Springs, GA 30122 With 14 locations across the U.S., Pepper combines friendly “hometown” service with the speed and efficiency of a modern national organization. Visit our Regional Marketing Center in Atlanta and our website at Since 1876, it’s where you shop for music - JW Pepper! Kaleidoscope Adventures, 7081 Grand National Dr. Suite 109, Orlando, FL 32819 Kaleidoscope Adventures - Full-service student tour operator specializing in performance group travel and development of festival and performance tours for middle and high school music groups. 60

THE EXHIBITORS Landmark Tour & Travel, 704 37th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35222 A student tour operator providing entire custom travel packages for bands, choirs, and orchestras to the destinations and music festivals of your choice. Contact: Connie Burleson @ 800-681-4188 or 205-714-7888. Macie Publishing/Ed Sueta Music, 13 East Main Street, Mendham, NJ 07945 Macie publishes the ED SUETA BE A RECORDER STAR Recorder Curriculum and reward system. Ed Sueta publishes PREMIER PERFORMANCE FOR BAND and KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL PIANO PERFORMANCE. Malmark Bellcraftsmen, P.O. Box 1200, 5712 Easton Road, Plumsteadville, PA 18949 Family owned and operated for 40 years, Malmark Bellcraftsmen offers the larges range of handbell and choirchime instruments in the world. Our newer products include cymbals and cajons. M archmaster, Inc., P.O. Box 73379, Newnan, GA 30271 For over 30 years, offering footwear, guard equipment, custom designed uniforms & outfits, head gear, concert performance wear, podiums, field equipment, banners, electronics and other accessories for bands, orchestras, choral groups, and all performing arts ensembles. Mixed Bag Designs, 1744 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 Mixed Bag Designs' successful fundraising program offers easy-to-sell reusable bags, gifts and accessories. Try our winning fundraiser with up to 50% profit and free shipping! Moe-Bleichner Music Distribution, 2424 Abercoen Street, Suite 102, Savannah, GA 31401 F. Arthur Uebel Clarinets, Bauhaus Saxophones, and Ernst Schreiber Mouthpieces - European brands that combine extremely high quality materials and craftsmanship with attractive pricing. See you at our booth! Mouchette Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 394, Northport, AL 35476 Quality Fundraising products. Cheesecakes, cookie dough, pizzas, tumblers, etc. Murphy Robes/Herff Jones, 1000 N. Market Street, Champaign, IL 61820 Choir robes and accessories for schools and churches. Musical Destinations, P.O. Box 771060, Winter Garden, FL 34777 We specialize in music group tours including Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando, New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Williamsburg, San Antonio, California, and Cruises! Perry's Music DBA Chordbuddy, 2868 East Cottonwood Rd., Dothan, AL 36301 ChordBuddy allows students to play chords instantly by pushing a button. As students progress, the four buttons are removed. Comes with Teacher/Student books and DVD with test. Praise Hymn Fashions, 2427 Franklin Dr., Mesquite, TX 75150 For more than 32 years, Praise Hymn Fashions has designed and manufactured concert apparel for adults, youth and children's choirs. We also have choir robes, polo shirts and screened t-shirts., 1706 Grand Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212 brings you Quaver's Beyond Marvelous Music Curriculum and Music Essentials which meet the content and curriculum needs of teachers with the technology-driven resources to engage today's students. Samford University School of the Arts, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229 Samford's School of the Arts offers undergraduate degrees in art, interior design, music, and theatre and graduate degrees in music. For more information, visit or e-mail [email protected]. School Services, Inc., 340 Holt Dr., loudon, TN 37774 Fundraiser products: sports/custom tumblers, gourmet popcorn, flower bulbs, cookie dough, cheesecakes, candles, magazines, warpping paper, Christmas items, etc. 61

THE EXHIBITORS Screentech, 383 Kelly Drive, Dothan, AL 36302 ScreenTech was founded in 1993 as a manufacturer of custom screen printed and embroidered apparel and is committed to providing the most current and comprehensive selection of designs possible for our customers. For more information contact us at [email protected] or call toll free 1-800-230-7010. Shorter University, 315 Shorter Avenue, Rome, GA 30165 Shorter University, founded in 1873 and accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), is a private Christian institution dedicated to educational excellence and transforming lives through Christ. Sico America, Inc., 7525 Cahill Rd., Minneapolis, MN 55439 Sico sells high quality stages and choral risers. Simply Sheets Fundraising, 3760 Sixes Road Suite 126-325., Canton, GA 30114 Simply Sheets Fundraising is a bed sheet fundraising company which provides a high quality, usable product; and we support that product through a simple, risk-free and highly profitable program. Sixth Marine Corps District, 903 Chosin Reservoir Road, Parris Island, SC 29905 Musical Opportunities for Musicians in the United States Marine Corps. Snooty Hooty Too, LLC, 328 Prestwick Dr., Hoschton, GA 30548 Professional accessories, including music ties & scarves, sterling silver jewelry & FREE on-site engraving! Southeastern Musical Services, Inc., 3308 9th Ave., Huntsville, AL 35805 We do repair and restoration of brass and woodwind musical instruments. Southern Performances, 16121 Mansion St., Foley, AL 36535 Southern Performances is a family owned company founded in 2013 with the premise of helping performing groups look their best while easing the work-load on their directors. We offer a wide variety of products including uniforms, shoes, props, flags and accessories needed to accomplish the goals of superior programs. David and Dayna Brannan have been in “the business” as students, educators, customers and finally as providers of products necessary for success. Southern Sportswear, 5024 Bent River Trace, Birmingham, AL 35216 Southern Sportswear has been providing jackets, t-shirts, wind suits, staff and band shirts, and camp gear to the bands in Alabama since 1993. We have excellent products with reasonable prices. Spotlight Tours, LLC, 715 Banner Dr., Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Spotlight Tours was established in 1997 providing \"Musical Performance Tours.\" One area we enjoy most is assisting new directors. Let us take care of the details. Come travel with us. WE CARE! Stanbury Uniforms, Inc., PO Box 100, Brookfield, MO 64628 Quality band uniforms since 1917. Call James or Scott today @ 800-865-5910. Super Holiday Tours, 116 Gatlin Ave., Orlando, FL 32806 At Super Holiday Tours, we make all school trips easy by taking care of all your travel arrangements. Creating memorable student travel experiences since 1975! Superior Travel and Tour, 1270 Coronado Terrace, Deltona, FL 32725 Superior Travel and Tour is a tour operator specializing in the needs of student musicians. We focus on your travel plans and allow you to focus on the music! Tempest Musical Instruments, 843 Lockhill Selma, San Antonio, TX 78213 Manufacturer of Woodwind, Brass and Marching Brass Thomas Tours, 2405 12th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37204 Thomas Tours, a student tour operator with a reputation for service and quality, specializes in customized festival and performance tours for bands, choirs and orchestras. 62

THE EXHIBITORS UAHuntsville Music, 301 Sparkman Drive, Huntsville, AL 35899 UAHuntsville offers music degrees in classical and jazz performance, education, technology, and music business. Find out more about our outstanding programs and ensembles at The University of Alabama Bands, 211 Moody Music Building, Box 870368, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0368 Housed in the internationally recognized School of Music, the University Band program at the University of Alabama is a comprehensive program involving well over 500 students. The University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Music, 950 13th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35294 The UAB Department of Music offers instruction at a variety of levels to provide a balanced musical education for a broad spectrum of students. University of Montevallo, Station 6670, Montevallo, Alabama 35115 The University of Montevallo, Alabama's only public liberal arts institution, offers baccalaureate degrees in performance and education, as well as the M.Ed. In music education. The department is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music. University of North Alabama Bands, UNA Box 5240, Florence, AL 35632 The UNA Bands is a comprehensive university band program within the UNA Dept. of Music and Theatre. Performing ensembles including the “Pride of Dixie” Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble and Studio Jazz Band. (327) University of North Alabama Department of Music & Theatre, 1 Harrison Plaza, UNA Box 5040, Florence, AL 35632 The UNA Department of Music and Theatre is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music offering bachelor’s degrees in music education, music performance, music business and general music. University of South Alabama Music Department, Dept. of Music, 5751 USA Drive South, Room 1072, Mobile, AL 36688 The USA Department of Music, through its innovative curriculum, empowers professional musicians, music educators, and those who wish to enrich their lives through the arts. The Department serves the needs of the University to promote general education and to provide a vital cultural link to Alabama and the Gulf Coast region. Its excellent facilities and faculty, promotion of technology, and dedication to life-long learning provide a wide spectrum of experiences for both the student and the community. Warburton Music Products, 2764 US 1, Mims, FL 32754 Terry Warburton has been designing and manufacturing a full line of brass mouthpieces since 1974. All products are manufactured in Mims, Florida with precision machining and computerized equipment to ensure the hightest levels of consistency and quality. With a focus on innovation, Warburton has developed powerfully effective accessories for brass and woodwind players. Wenger Corporation, 555 Park Drive, Owatonna, MN 55060 Innovative equipment for music rehearsal and performance for over 65 years. Posture chairs, music stands, storage cabinets, V-Room, practice rooms, portable staging, risers and shells. World’s Finest Chocolate, 533 Greenwood Rd., Mathews, AL 36052 Chocolate products for fundraising. Visit the Exhibits - Exhibit Hall C Thursday, January 22 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday, January 23 - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Grand Opening - Thursday, Jan. 22, 10:00 AM Featuring the University of Alabama Trombone Choir 63

AMEA HALL OF FAME AMEA’ S NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED TEACHERS IN MUSIC John Bradley - Class of 2015 Bill Brunner - Class of 2015 David Allinder (2008) Jim Duren - Class of 2015 Keith Anderson (2011) Curtis Hollinger - Class of 2013 Sharon August (2007) Billy R. (Rip) Reagan - Class of 2012 Joseph C. Riemer, Jr. - Class of 2010 Kim Bain (2010) Roland Lister - Class of 2009 Deanna Bell (2010) Pat Morrow - Class of 2009 Kristi Bowers (2011) David Walters - Class of 2009 Laura Butler (2007) Gerald Welker - Class of 2009 Jeff Calvert (2007) Gene Black - Inaugural Class of 2008 Brian Cocke (2008) Colonel Carleton Butler - Inaugural Class of 2008 Ben Cook (2012) Ed Cleino - Inaugural Class of 2008 John Cooper (2007) William Dawson - Inaugural Class of 2008 Beth Davis (2006) William Denison - Inaugural Class of 2008 Kate Donaldson (2009) Gene Gooch - Inaugural Class of 2008 Laura Doss (2006) Wilbur (Bodie) Hinton - Inaugural Class of 2008 Donald Dowdy (2005) Johnny Jacobs - Inaugural Class of 2008 Mark Foster (2007) Dianne Johnson - Inaugural Class of 2008 Hunter Goff (2011) John M. Long - Inaugural Class of 2008 Carlee Green (2012) Floyd McClure - Inaugural Class of 2008 Greg Gumina (2010) Frances Moss - Inaugural Class of 2008 Margaret Heron (2009) Eleanor Nation - Inaugural Class of 2008 Sandra Hill (2010) Lacey Powell - Inaugural Class of 2008 Daniel Hornstein (2007) James Simpson - Inaugural Class of 2008 Jerell Horton (2010) Thomas Smith - Inaugural Class of 2008 John Kincaid (2010) Hugh Thomas - Inaugural Class of 2008 Tiffani Little (2010) Orland Thomas - Inaugural Class of 2008 Lee Mason (2007) Johnnie Vinson - Inaugural Class of 2008 Theresa McKibben (2004) Truman Welch - Inaugural Class of 2008 Alicia Mulloy(2013) Michael Myrick (2011) 64 Janet Nelson (2009) Chris Neugent (2010) Vicki Portis (2002) Melinda Pruitt (2006) Regina Yates Raney (2005) Kimberly Scott (2010) Joy Smith (2009) Elizabeth Stephenson (2003) Jamie Thomas (2014) Renee Thomas (2007) Jennifer Thompson (2007) Adam Truesdale (2013) Theo Vernon (2003) Chris Walker (2008) Jennifer Walsh (2012) Megan Wicks Rudolph (2003) Phil Wilson (2010) Sara Womack (2007


AMEA MEMBERSHIP HONOR ROLL The Alabama Music Educators Association is proud to recognize those AMEA members having 25 or more years of continuous membership in NAfME. This year, each person attaining 25 years and those reaching increments of five years beyond that will be honored. The strength of any organization can be demonstrated by the dedication and leadership displayed by its members. The greatest learning opportunities come to those members who become involved with the organization and offer to participate in leadership responsibilities. Numbers following the names below represent the number of years of continuing membership - not the number of years of teaching. Many of these educators are retired from active teaching, but continue to make contributions to music education and to AMEA in other ways. We congratulate this group of leaders and thank them for their service on behalf of music education. The following music educators will be honored during the Friday evening performance session. AMEA MEMBERSHIP HONOR ROLL 2014-2015 Years of Continuing Membership Edward Cleino - 70 years Pam Smith - 30 years John M. Long - 65 years Randell Wallace - 30 years Lacey Powell - 60 years David Bearden - 25 years Anne Witt - 50 years Linda Byrd - 25 years Wanda Thompson - 45 years John Cooper - 25 years Pat Blackwell - 40 years David Curren - 25 years Jerry Toole - 40 years John Mark Foster - 25 years William Brindza - 35 years Thomas Francis - 25 years Carl Kauffman - 35 years Joseph Harbison - 25 years Alvin McKinney - 35 years Martha Harris - 25 years Michael Stough - 35 years Detrick Hodges - 25 years David Brewer - 30 years Clarence Janes - 25 years Rick Coggin - 30 years Rusty Logan - 25 years Thomas Holland - 30 years Jane Powell - 25 years Deborah Petipas - 30 years Regina Raney - 25 years 66


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