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While employees may be physically at home, they continue to operate in a \\\\\\\"workplace\\\\\\\" - employees dress codes still need to be maintained. Companies must drill home the basics as part of their code of conduct — employees on video conferences must not dress in vests or undergarments, or tees with suggestive phrases on them. For instance, during a virtual meeting, participants sharing a poster on the wall with provocative content can cause considerable discomfort to others. Employees sitting in the comfort of their living room or spare bedroom, it becomes easy for them to \\\\\\\"switch off\\\\\\\" and forget basic workplace norms. These are some of the examples that reiterate the key message of the (POSH) Sexual Harassment Act — Harassment is any conduct that is unwelcome or sexual, can be a subjective experience or an intention matter. Redress Mechanism Lastly, companies should remember to maintain a functioning complaint and redress mechanism while conducting virtual meetings with Internal Complaints Committees. It is essential to be ensured of employees’ swift action if they complain of harassment. The Sexual Harassment Act has long been seen as a proactive tool to safeguard a woman\\\\\\'s right to dignity and work. With the dramatic shift in workplace dynamics, companies have to be more proactive in acknowledging the transformative ways of workplace that they did not contemplate even six months ago. They should continuously refresh their frameworks for workplace safety. Tags: Sexual Harassment Act Rate this! The rating for February is 0/10. The all-time rating is 0/10. Share the Wealth: , share more. Mail to a friend. Comments (0) Post a comment Be the first to post a comment, and click 'Post a comment'! Other Sites In The Network Wakeskating Wakeboards Wakeboard Videos Wakeboarding top © 2021 WakePics.com, v1.4.2 PDFmyURL.com - convert URLs, web pages or even full websites to PDF online. Easy API for developers!
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