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Home Explore Why Does the Posh Act Need Effective Implementation?

Why Does the Posh Act Need Effective Implementation?

Published by Rain maker, 2021-01-30 07:28:50

Description: The implementation of the Posh Awareness training has come as a relief to women in the workplace. People have expressed solidarity with the women who have survived the sexual assault.


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PoSH Online Training - Workshops - IC Orientation - Rainmaker Rainmaker is India's most comprehensive & professional PoSH solutions provider. We provide online anti-sexual harassment training courses, workshops. Why Does the Posh Act Need Effective Implementation? January 28, 2021  India has eminent women doctors, journalists, actors, students, and other women professionals. Their work has stunned one and all. We get deeply affected by instances of sexual harassment which these talented women have been facing since ages. The supervisors, men in higher positions and colleagues have left no stone unturned to take advantage of women. This has triggered a long conversation regarding the safety of women in the workplace.  “You’re not a victim for sharing your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth, and raging courage.” – Alex Elle When ‘Me Too’ campaign was started, shocking cases came forward which brought this issue into the light. Women talked about their experiences of sexual abuse and their survival. The implementation of the Posh Awareness training has come as a relief to women in the workplace. People have expressed solidarity with the women who have survived the sexual assault.  Posh Act – Sexual Harassment as a Crime One significant work of the Posh Awareness training has been in characterizing sexual abuse as not mere wrongdoing, but a crime. Another positive part of the Act in the Indian setting is compliance. For example, comprising boards of trustees and guaranteeing exposure must be shown by business foundations. These have brought the very obvious unavoidable conduct at the forefront that women have been facing. People have for a long time imagined that these things don’t exist. Subsequently, it has made it conceivable to end the quietness on the inappropriate behaviour and started discussions on lewd behaviour at the work environment among the board and employees.  “Forgetting is difficult. Remembering is worse.”

Forgetting is difficult. Remembering is worse. It is difficult for a lady to talk about her case. The danger of a punishment that what if she fails to give adequate proof will add to her mental trauma. The Posh Act has boosted the confidence of women to actively showcase their talents. Robust Implemen tation is Needed Nonethele ss, the line of help as for governme nt divisions is not spelt out. For example, which division (Women and Child Welfare, Labour, Social Justice, Police or the Women's Commissi on) is in

on) is in control and to whom should locale officials submit yearly reports? These are not characterized in the law. It doesn't have an example of collaboration between bearers of duty being planned.  Another issue includes the truth that it is very difficult for a lady to demonstrate her case. The threat of job and other repercussions are other deterrents to challenging the wrongdoer. Although Posh Awareness training has been implemented, a lot more needs to be done. Conclusion  Wrongdoers can never be appreciated. This is what all of us believe, isn’t it? The ground reality is very different.  Sexual harassment is an unlawful act. Be it the manager, a colleague, staff or none-employee, if they dare to create a hostile environment, they must be punished. The offence doesn’t come with the status-quo of a person. Therefore, they shall be punished without being biased.  Enter your comment... Popular posts from this blog Balancing Diversity and Creating Inclusion Environment with D & I Training India November 24, 2020 To help organizations plan and integrate diversity existing among people of the organization belonging to a different gender age educational background skill sets and creating an inclusive environment D

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