Ahmedabad Indore Hyderabad
Rates For Out Door Area Per Sq.Mtrs : Rs. 7000/- Rates For Participation : ( Per Sq.Mtrs ) Facilities per 9 sq.mtr : ONE SIDE OPEN Rs. 9000/- Name on Facia 1 Table TWO SIDE OPEN Rs. 9300/- 2 Chairs 1 Socket of 5 AMP THREE SIDE OPEN Rs. 9500/- 3 Spot Light 1 Waste Paper Basket General Security Invitation Card Non woven carpet in stal 5000 SMS to be send to y
: Organised By : ll area your clients
Venue : HITEX EXHIBITION CENTER, HYDERABAD. SUPPORTING ASSOCIATIONS : Construction Equipment Rental Association (CERA) represents India’s construction equipment rental industry and works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth and development of equipment rental industry. CERA is a national organization registered with Government of India. It is a not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India’s infrastructure development process. Builders' Associa-tion of India (BAI) is the only all India apex representative body of civil engineering construction companies. BAI was founded in 1941 under the guidance and blessings of Brig. C.V.S. Jackson of Military Engineering Services, 'Poona', now known as 'Pune', who suggested that builders working under his command, form a body for finding solutions to various problems. He went further and made available a piece of land inside the premises of Southern Command Headquarters in Pune, on which an office was constructed and aptly named 'Jackson Hut', which stands even today as a monument in BAI’s name.
Our Past Participants R Seal Kit For Details Call : +91 99797 77728
Why Exhibit ? Inviting Construction Trade Professionals from all over India. AEPL has access to more than 10,000 quality trade professionals from all over India to promote and display your latest products and services. Opportunity to deal directly with Builders & Developer, Mining Professional,Architects, Civil Engineers & Contractors, Business People and EndUsers from across India. EARTHCON 2020 offers the perfect platform for manufactures, material suppliers and technology developers to exhibit their products, services and technologies Cater to increasing demand from dedicated hubs for Infra structural Development of State and across India. Avail the benet of attractive business opportunities at the spot by connecting with key visitors having purchasing authority from within industry. Make your Business visible to key Government decision makers looking for bidders to take part in the multi-Million Rupees Construction Industry of all over India. Promote your Construction Products and Solutions to main corporate decision makers who are the largest buyers. About the Organizer Aries Events Pvt Ltd, formerly known as Aakar Expo.com Pvt. Ltd. is a highly professional company involved in organising Trade Exhibitions in India & Abroad. AEPL is committed to put forward all its resources and professional inputs to make the EARTHCON 2020 Exhibition noteworthy & fruitful With organizing 3 Successful Earthcon & Earthcon Indore. AEPL have the requisite strength, experience and capability to plan the event to optimize business gains for the participants. We can proudly justify this daim because we are in this business since last 20 years. With Expertise Aries Events PvtLtd. is organizing 12 - 15 Trade Fairs a year at Ahmedabad, Raipur, Indore, Delhi, Guwahati, Kochin, Pune.etc Our organizing credentials can be gauged from the fact that all our events attract maximum partidpants and visitors. AEPL ensures visitors from rural and urban areas. Our aggressive publicity campaign coupled with our personal supervision plays a major role in making EARTHCON 2020 most popular and exdusive.
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