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Home Explore 6th-Grade-Argumentative-Writing-Student-Self-Assessment-Checklist


Published by Empowering Education, 2017-08-20 17:45:10

Description: 6th-Grade-Argumentative-Writing-Student-Self-Assessment-Checklist


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Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Argumentative Writing Self-Assessment Checklist Grade 6I write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. 3 2 1 Meets Approaching Not Yet Introduction I clearly stated my claim(s).      (W.6.1a) I organized each reason for my claim in a separate    paragraph and included evidence for each reason.    Organization In developing my argument I supported my claim(s) with    clear reasons and relevant evidence.  (W.6.1a) I used credible sources and demonstrated to my readers   that I have an understanding of the topic or text.  Elaboration I used a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses   to clarify the relationships among my claim(s) and my  (W.6.1b) reasons.   I established a formal style at the beginning of my    Transitions argument and maintained this style throughout my    piece.    (W.6.1c) I wrote an ending for my piece in which I restated and  reflected on my opinion. My conclusion added to and   Style strengthened my overall argument.  My whole story stayed focused on my task or prompt. (W.6.1.d) I used strong words and phrases correctly to bring my writing to life. Conclusion I used complete sentences. I varied my sentences to make my writing interesting. (W.6.1e) Before I wrote my final draft I checked to make sure I used punctuation correctly (capitalization, commas, Task Focus quotations, parentheses, dashes, etc.).Grammar Usage Before I wrote my final draft I checked to make sure all my words were spelled correctly or I used resources to (L.6.1) help me spell words I wasn’t sure about. Punctuation Design inspired by the work of Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study. (L.6.2) Spelling (L.6.2) Developed for Empowering Education, Inc. by Educational Performance Consulting, LLC.

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