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Home Explore WorldStack - Style-Guide-Simple (1)

WorldStack - Style-Guide-Simple (1)

Published by bala.mani, 2020-02-03 01:25:15

Description: WorldStack - Style-Guide-Simple (1)


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KBI aSTYLE GUIDE WorldStack Version 0.9a May 9th 2018

THE FEELA faux-military, cyber espionage feel, we want to capture a cool, cutting-edge vibe that doesn’t go too far into tan/camouflage cliché territory. The design needs to cater to white-collar enterprise, not 14 year old script kiddies or purely military users. SITE VIBESWe want to find influences, not a source for replication. We always aim for something original, but want to find that common lexicon for design to make sure we’re speaking the same language as our clients. The below are what we feel to be the best sources, but if you have others, by all means let us know. a IMAGE PALETTE

Brand / Logo Master Brand Primary Long-Form WS-long-x100H.png Logo Variations Simple Square WS-Logo-WHITE.png Do's and Dont's K eep plenty of white-space around the logo. It should be centred when possible, and not 'fill the screen'. Favicons favicon-96x96.png

Colors Color Palettes Clean tonal backgrounds. Black White Iron Raven #000000 #FFFFFF #D2D3D4 #939598 0, 0, 0 255, 255, 255 210, 211, 212 147, 149, 152 Mine Shaft Denim #333333 #1176BC 51, 51, 51 17, 118, 188 Do's and Dont's Backgrounds should be Black in principle or White when appropriate, and with the inverse as text colour. Titles may rarely be Denim only when truly suitable. White-on-Black-Denim-Accent

Typography Header Typography Body Text Squada One WEB Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890(,.;:?!$&*) Squada One Weight: 400 Style: normal Usage HTML 1 <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" CSS 1 font-family: \"Squada One\", sans-serif; H1 45px | H2 32px | H3 25px | H4 20px | H5 12px

Roboto WEB ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Aa 1234567890(,.;:?!$&*) Roboto Weight: 400 Style: normal Usage HTML 1 <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" CSS 1 font-family: \"Roboto\", sans-serif; 16px Do's and Dont's All Header text is different font-size but universally the same Squada One font @400w. Usage Examples Banner.png

Images Clean repeating patterns or featureless backgrounds. Notions of apposite textures for clients; primarily industrial surfaces. diamond_hatching.jpg map2.png Carbon_Grill3.jpg

Video Lower Thirds are reflective of principle fonts and core stylistic elements. render-video.png

Ads Interconnectedness as primary motif. Sentiments of global connection, and the clarity WorldStack provides into these relationships. Digital WorldStack-Gavel-White.jpg


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