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Home Explore global achievers magazine 17 Dr. Himanshu

global achievers magazine 17 Dr. Himanshu

Published by Rohan Aggarwal, 2022-05-11 17:08:41

Description: global achievers magazine 17 Dr. Himanshu


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Editorial Teams RJ Aarti Malhotra - All India Radio Sakshi Singhal Editor in chief Rohan Aggarwal Chief Coordinator & Editor Chief Designer and Editor Mentors Dr. Tilak Tanwar Dr. Vijay Kumar S. Shah Author Padmashri Awardee & Guinness World Records Holder & Renowned Social Worker Nandini Gaur Cristina Waterflowers Ritika Upmanyu Kalpana Nandini Pandey Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Visit us for Suggestions & Queries MAY , 2022 | 1 Webiste : Whatsapp : 8376914204 GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

Glob.a..l Achievers INDEX PAGE NO. Dr. Gagan Deep Bakshi 3-6 Neerja Handa 7-10 Advertisement 11 Renu Bhalla 12-15 Dr. Himanshu Talwar 16-19 Shweta Khilwani 20-24 Poem 25 Praavika Singh 26-29 Gulshhan Suman 30-33 Literature 34 Advertisment 35 GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 2

CELEBRITY Major General Dr. Gagan Deep Bakshi “A true soldier fights not be- cause he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” One such dedication and incident Indian Army has always been embarks the journey of Major known for its bravery and sac- General Dr. Gagan Deep Bakshi, rifices. Even though one of the SM, andVSM. He is a retired In- children from a family gets dian army officer who was born in martyred, these brave families Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh and never fail to fulfill their duty completed his graduation from the towards the nation. . Even University of Madras. But how did after that, they enroll their a normal young boy who was all other children in the army to ready to start his journey as an Air serve the nation. force Cadet, switched to serve in the Indian Army that too in the same unit, where his father and brother had served? GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 3

He lost his brother, in a mine explosion during the India-Pakistan War of 1965. Captain S R Bakshi, the first martyr of the India-Pakistan war was only 23 years old at that time. His entire body was shattered to pieces in that mine blast. During his brother’s cremation, people gave him the urn of his brother’s ashes, saying ‘here, this is your brother’, which made him furious. This occurrence was the turning point in his life when he decided that he would join the armed force and avenge his brother. Bakshi has seen more war, insurgency, and terrorism than any average army man. He joined the National Defence Academy in June 1967, eighteen months after his elder brother was martyred. He believes that “Fortune favors the brave.” After completing his graduation from the Indian Military Academy on 14 November 1971, he was called into action at the outbreak of hostilities in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 4

As a Lt, he volunteered to be posted at Kaksar in Kargil in 1987. He vol- unteered to be posted on Jammu and Kashmir's hardest counter-terrorism sector, Kishtwar, where he served in the Rashtriya Rifles for a very long time. \\ General GD Bakshi has served two tenures at the highly prestigious Di- rectorate General of Military Operations, during Operation Pawan and Operation Vijay, and was the first BGS (IW) at HQ Northern Command. He was at the China front during 1971, in Punjab at the height of mili- tancy in 1985, Kaksar in Kargil in 1987, Kishtwar, J&K, in 2000. He was posted on a very prestigious posting, as an Instructor at the Staff College, Wellington, Ooty. Later he then returned to the Military Operations Directorate in time to plan Operation Vijay for which he received the Chief’s, Commendation Card. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 5

For his abundant courage and dedication towards the nation and army, He had been honored with Vishisht Seva Medal for active operations in Kargil, Sena Medal for his distinguished services and many more. He holds a Master’s degree in Defence Science and an M Phil in Strategic Studies, and Ph.D. in “Limited Wars in South Asia”. Later after his retirement, he wrote various books to educate society and published 35 books and over 200 papers in many prestigious research journals. His books include, “Afghanistan-the First Fault line War,” “War in the 21st Century”, “The Indian Art of War”, “The Paradox of Pakistan”, “The Rise of Indian Military Power: Evolution of an Indian Strategic Culture” and “Limited Wars in South Asia.” A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. Major General Dr. GD Bakshi is a valiant person who went into the army not to count the days but to make the days count. He not only avenge his brother but also made the nation proud. We salute his diligent nature and courageous heart. Scripted By : Nandini Gaur GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 6

TRAINER AND PRACTITIONER Neerja Handa Life is a long journey and never works like clockwork. In the course of life and career, one has to face many ups and downs and may en- counter a number of difficulties and impediments. During these difficult times, everyone requires a helping hand that can assist them in think- ing beyond their current situation and bring them out of these difficul- ties. This is the story of a woman who is always willing to assist those who are suffering from mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual is- sues. She is the pillar of trust for trou- bled people, with the experience of making them feel cared and help them make positive changes in their lives. ‘The one who makes others feel worth’. Ms. Neerja Handa is a well-known Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Practi- tioner, Reiki Practitioner, and Trainer, as well as an expert in Redikall Healing, Tarot Card Reading, Theta-healing, Soul Group Therapies, and Family Constel- lation. She is an amazing woman who helps people become stronger and more self-aware. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 7

She is a helping hand who gives people the tools they need to transform their lives and guides them in creating the life they want for themselves while dealing with whatever life throws at them.She is a top Clinical Hyp- notherapist and the Facilitator for Levels 1-4 of Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy, EKAA. It is worth noting that she has been named 'Best Hypnotherapy Trainer' for four years in a row.At the age of 50, she left her well-estab- lished business and decided to pursue a career as a mind therapist. She believes that the career she chose after leaving her comfort- able and successful business is a univer- sal call. According to the universe's mes- sage, she was des- tined to help people in this way, which is why this profession chose her rather than the other way around. She began her career in Mind Sci- ences in 2009 with the California Hypnosis Institute of India (CHII), which is now known as EKAA. She quickly rose to the top three hypnotherapists in India after putting in a lot of effort and practise.For her enormous contribution to peo- ple's well-being, she has received notable awards such as 'Best Hypnotherapy Trainer' for four consecutive years, 2014-2018, from her own institute. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 8

She is also an Honorary Member of the International Trainers Federation and serves on the advisory boards of the ITF School of Mind Sciences, KPsych Services, Alternative Healing Centre, and a number of other organisations that promote al- ternative healing modalities throughout the country. She has taken over 200 clinical hypnotherapy workshops and trained “The brain is the hardware; the mind over 844 clinical hypnotherapists in is the software. The aim is to relax the the country who are successful in both conscious mind. And then open the their personal and professional lives. file where the problem comes from in the mind.”- Neerja Handa GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE She is the Director of The Healing Hands in New Delhi. Her institution teaches people how to use their latent subconscious mind power by forming much personalised training in groups in which the theory is taught alongside the practical application of the same. This institute offers professional courses for Psychologists, Counselors, Therapists, and those aspiring to be Professional Therapists. The Healing Hands also of- fers self-empowerment classes to any- one who wants to balance their lives and empower themselves. MAY , 2022 | 9

Neerja is deeply committed to promoting Spir- ituality through a scientific lens, as evidenced by her self-empowerment courses such as Inner Child Self Work Programme, Spiritual Mentoring, Soul Awakening, Mind and Soulful Relationships online. Every month, she also facilitates the WOW (Words of Wisdom) pro- gramme, which draws many people from all over the world. ‘Today’s pain is tomorrow’s power’ Her success mantra is 'Failure.' She found success in her life after failing in one aspect of her personal life. She was subjected to a barrage of criticism when people used to demotivate her by saying, 'You're useless and you don’t know how to do business’. She, on the other hand, saw it as a challenge and, with her confidence and hard work, she was able to achieve success in her life. She believes that suc- cess and failure can occur at the same time. Failures provide us with a better perspective from which to may toward success. As a result, failure should always be regarded as a stepping stone to success. We must believe in our- selves and trust the process of the universe. Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 10


renu bhalla ENTERPRENEUR & SOCIAL WORK Love is considered the most important human emotion that comes into one’s life, regard- less of shapes, sizes, colours, and genders. Some say that \"Love is the intense and purest feeling of affection we have for someone or something\". However, our views about love changed right after learning the story of this inspi- rational and encouraging per- sonality. Her story showed us that love is indeed an impor- tant yet delicate feeling, and we must care for it in the same way that we care for a baby, because it requires more than just feelings to live longer. We have shared several motiva- tional success stories in previ- ous articles, but this time we are here to introduce you to a remarkable love story that will far exceed your love philoso- phy. This story will show you the kind of sacrifice a woman can make to protect her family and to save the life of her beloved husband. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 12

This is the true story of a living legend. Ms. Renu Bhalla is the MD of JmR Chemical World and CEO of two well-known companies, Pioneer Softeners & Chemicals and PioChem Global. Her love story began when she married a well-known businessman named Rajiv Bhalla. They both have the same mindset and are similar to the power couple who collaborated to propel their organiza- tion to new heights. She has been blessed with an amazing family who is kind to each other's needs and supports each other even when the person is less ex- pressive about their concerns. As a family, they greatly acknowledge each other's emotional needs and sup- port each other through thick and thin. Life is never a sweet dish being served to us by the almighty. It is full of chal- lenges that con- stantly test our fortitude. Their lives were cruis- ing along beau- tifully until a storm blew in, slammed them hard, and ruined the entire direc- tion of their lives. In 2010, the turning point in her life was when her loving husband was diagnosed with kid- ney failure. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 13

. She was on the verge of losing the love of her life and without a second thought she decided to go for transplant and gift her kidney to save him. Being a mother of three kids, she used to juggle all the work of business, hospital and home single-handedly. She always kept her spirits high and trusted God in the process. However, her attitude was different. Instead of lamenting about her problems, she considered them as a catalyst for her life. Overcoming the hardships or befriending them is a strenuous task which most of us are incapable of doing. But Renu has shown us that if you have the will, you will create your way through every stumbling block to the bright sun at the other end. Despite having reached rock bottom, she fought back and made the incredible decision to save his life. Valentine's Day - February 14th, 2011; the day of love. It is the day when cou- ples make promises to spend their lives together by exchanging expensive gifts and other trinkets. But she made the unimaginable decision to donate her organ, her kidney, to her husband as a token of their love. Just imagine how much she loves husband that she decided to risk her own life to save him? This was the turning point in her ordinary love story, when it be- came an example of true love and what it takes to save your love. Throughout her journey, her three children Ritika, Rashi, Raunaq have always been responsible and supportive. It is because of their love that she and her husband have fought these difficult times with love and belief. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 14

This experience taught us that life is uncertain and family is everything. ‘Her family fought this battle together and won’. Her story taught us that love is more than just holding hands or staring into each other's eyes; it's about diving into each other's souls to understand the soul-de- stroying aspects of each other's lives, holding each other in the hardest times, accepting every im- perfection, and experiencing an emotion that transcends any per- fection. Today’s generation’s concept of love is so flawed. People give up on their loved ones before even trying. They expect huge recipro- cation but don’t want to give. They flee as soon as they see a red flag. This is not how things work. The message she wants to convey Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu to today's generation about love is that in order to love, we must stay and embrace every critical aspect of the relationship, just as we hap- pily enjoy every significant side. We should love people wholeheart- edly and encourage them in their times of need to express their love. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 20221 | 15

Dr. Himanshu Talwar TRAINER People write their life's journey in a few pages, and those pages can do wonders for society. Our lives are works of art, and it is up to us to master them with our futuristic minds and efforts. With time and the right mindset, we can develop and, to some extent, master this art, which can lead us on a long journey of learning and success . This is the story of a passionate and enthusiast man who adheres to the \"Passion with Profession\" policy. The person who has dedicated his life to serving others and has trav- elled many paths to give back to so- ciety in any way possible. Dr. Himanshu Talwar is a multifaceted and extraordinary personality who is a mentor, social worker, author, humanitarian, and educator. He is an avid speaker who has spoken at two TEDx events in India as well as three TEDx International events in Morocco, Russia, and Tunisia. From counselling students, entrepreneurs, and managers to working for inter- national institutions and non-profit organisations, he has used all of his skills and abilities to help others. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 16

‘Passion is energy that comes from focusing on what ex- cites you.’ Himanshu was born and brought up in a middle-class family of public servants, armed forces, and police officers. He had always wanted to serve his country by joining the Indian Air Force. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to make it to the forces, but he refused to give up. He had always believed that God had other plans for him and that he would show him the way to his objectives. He did face certain problems and hurdles in his journey. However, he decided to remain fo- cused on his objectives and worked tirelessly to achieve them. His consistent ef- forts eventually helped him to overcome all of those obstacles and become a dignified personality who inspires thousands of individuals today. In terms of education, he holds a Masters' in Business Administration (MBA). To broaden and diversify his skill set, he studied Philosophy, Law, and attended Executive Man- agement Programme(s) at Ox- ford Summer School in Said Business School (SBS), Univer- sity of Oxford, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta, and Indian Institute of Manage- ment (IIM), Bangalore. . He has a Doctorate and a D.Litt De- gree (h.c.) in Business Manage- ment. He completed all of these degree programmes while working for industry associa- tions, international organisa- tions, foreign governments, and doing consulting assignments nationally and internationally. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 17

‘He became the change he wished to see in the world.’ For more than a decade, he has been working for international organisa- tions and non-profits, facilitating people-to-people contacts and con- ducting training/workshops for pro- fessionals on International Relations, Strategic Management, Cross-Cul- tural & Corporate Communications, Business, and Corporate Laws, En- trepreneurship, and other topics. He puts all of his knowledge in a selfless manner that revolves around giving back to society and assisting people from all walks of life, particularly stu- dents, to reach their full potential and prosper.His dedication to social causes has earned him 15 national-level awards, as well as the 'Indian Achievers' Award 2020 for Social Service, As- piring Author of the Year Award 2021 for his books and many other awards and recognitions. ‘Live to better the lives of others’ Aside from being a social worker and educator, he is also an author who writes ar- ticles for magazines, research papers for national/interna- tional journals, and has many case studies published in na- tionally and internationally. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 18

Also, he has recently published his books named 'The Journey of Lost Soul', ‘Aasakti- Too Fond of You’and ‘The Tales of Triumphs – Pathways to Prosperity’. With his knowledge and ef- forts, he creates a sig- nificant impact on students' attitudes and helps them move forward in their lives. ‘He is a warrior that evokes passion, ferocity & empathy to create significant positive change’ Dr. Talwar is a philanthropist and man of multi potentialities who believes that there is much to learn from society and that the only thing to do is to give back to society, particularly to those who are struggling to find their way. He has a goal of eradicating poverty by providing proper education, guidance, and coaching to all students. We all live in a country where poverty is a major issue, and he believes that the only way to eliminate it is to educate people. As a result, he suggests that we all examine ourselves and consider how we can give back to society so that future generations can live happy lives. In today's society, we def- initely need a warrior like Dr. Himanshu Talwar who works tirelessly to improve the lives of others and to deliver fruitful results for the coun- try. Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 19

shweta khilwani FASHION Mahodaari Baisakhi Mela On Baisakhi, people adorn new bright, colourful clothes. People enjoy this festival the whole day, from going to Gurudwara to en- joying delicious meals at night. Fairs are organized in communities that attract children as they enjoy sweets and rides. One such spectacularly colourful “Indian Culture Vaisakhi Mela” was organ- ized by Mahodaari Group on 13th April at Marina Dreams Banquet, New Delhi, Wazirpur. The show began with auspicious lamp lighting ceremony by our esteemed chief guests Mr Raju Punjabi and Mr Sub- hash Goyal who are both successful business owners. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 20

They were accompanied by our guests of honour Mr Anil Arora, Mrs Aarti Malho- tra and Mrs Dipika A Bhatia who are our media partner, Radio jockey and Celebrity Dietician respectively along with Ms Haryana none other than Preeti Dubey who also launched her book at our event later that day with our Founder Mrs. Shweta Choudhary Khilwani. Once every- one was settled we were graced by a beau- tiful dance perform- ance by Ms Mona Toor who is also a profes- sional kathak dancer. Then we witnessed a spectacular Punjabi MAY , 2022 | 21 dance performance by our very own chief guest Mr Raju Punjabi which later turned into a group dance as our gorgeous group members joined and set the stage on fire with killer dance moves. As we all know the star of any Mela is obviously the stalls that attract the audience as a whole, GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Then we witnessed a spectacular Punjabi dance performance by our very own chief guest Mr Raju Pun- jabi which later turned into a group dance as our gorgeous group mem- bers joined and set the stage on fire with killer dance moves. As we all know the star of any Mela is obvi- ously the stalls that attract the audi- ence as a whole, In between networking and mar- keting there was also a glimpse into the fashion world with amazing ramp walk by our members who were beautifully carrying their Punjabi attire on the ramp. Mrs Ruchi Kanwar was crowned as Miss Baisakhi and there were two more runner ups who were later fe- licitated with goody bags and tro- phies. The ramp also showcased budding talent of our new genera- tion as Miss Tan- isha Mendiratta who is a young model also par- ticipated in ramp walk. MAY , 2022 | 22

Mela is incomplete without the bliss of getting gifts or winning them. So, how could we let that happen to our audience? Thus, we had amazing gifting partners who literally showered us with gifts. We would like to extend heartiest congratulations to all of our gifting partners: Dr Neelam Parwani, Mrs Savita Mankotia, Mrs Shalini Verma, Mrs Shalu Sehgal, Mrs Malika mehan, Mrs Mukta Bhatnagar, Mrs Rita Gul- sia and Mrs Nidhi diwan. A spe- cial mention to Mrs Neeti Kapoor who has always been an impor- tant part of our Mahodaari fam- ily. The real success of any event is only possible with support, love and hard work of team members Thus, we would like to thank once again Mrs Mallika Mehan, Mr Anil Arora, Mrs Savita Mankotia and Dr Neelam Parwani. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 23

Highlights of Baisakshi Mela GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Scripted By : Aarti Malhotra MAY , 2022 | 24

POEM ,d ijaijk ,slh Hkh pykbZ tk, esjs ns'k eas eku 'kghnksa dk c<+k;k tk, bruk lEeku gks esjs oru esa mu 'kghnksa dk gj ?kj esa muds uke dk ,d nhi tyk;k tk, 'kghnksa dks dgs dksbZ vkrda oknh vxj mls ns'k ls D;k nqfu;k ls feVk;k tk, Lusg fo'ks\"k GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 25

PRAAVIKA SINGH WORLD RECORD vkius ;s dgkor rks lquh gh gksxh fd iqr ds ikao ikyus esa gh fn[k tkrs gSA vrhr esa Hkh dbZ çfrHkkvks us vkius gquj cpiu esa gh fn[kkus 'kq: dj fn, Fks pkgs oks egku xf.krX; Jh- fuokl jkekuqtu gks ;k eg\"khZ v\"VkoØ ] oSls gh vkt ,d vksj çfrek us viuk gquj fn[kk;k gS A ,slh gh ,d uUuh lh ckfydk lk<+s pkj lky dh çfodk flag us og dj fn[kk;k tks pkyhl lky ds yksx Hkh lksprs jg tkrs gSA mlus lk<+s pkj lky dh mez es gh ,d fdrkc fy[k Mkyh gS vkjS fo'o dh lcls NksVh mez dh ysf[kdk dk f[krkc thrk gSA mldh LION AND THE BONE uke dh ;g fdrkc ijq s fo'o es fcØh ds fy, miyC/k gS A çkfodk us flQZ vius ekrk&firk dk gh ugha cfYd iwjs ns'k dk uke jks'ku fd;k gSA GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 26

çkfodk dks dgkuh lqaukus dk 'kksd 'kq: ls gh FkkA oks ubZ ubZ dgkuh lksprh vkSj vius ekrk&firk dks lqukrh FkhA isafVax djds djSDVj dks Mªk djuk mls cgqr Hkkrk FkkA Ldwy tkrh ;g yM+dh] vius nksLrks ds lkFk gj dk;ZØe esa Hkkx yrs h vkSj viuh iwjh f'knÙk ls vius fdjnkj dks fuHkkrh Fkh A çkfodk ds ek¡ cki dk ekuuk gS fd gj O;fä ,d gquj ysdj inS k gksrk gS cl ml gquj dks nfq u;k ds lkeus ykus fd ftEosokjh gekjh gkrs h gAS çkfodk tks dgkuh viuh eeh dks lqukrh Fkh ] eerko'k oks vius tkuus okyks dks crkrh jgrh FkhA blh deZ es tc mUgkuas s çkfodk dh dgkuh M‚- fryd raoj dks luq kbZ rks yxk fd f'k\"; dks xq# fey x;k A M‚- fryd us çkfod dh {kerk ns[k mls cMk+ ok nus k dk lkspk A r; fd;k x;k fd mldh çfrHkk dks ewrZ :i fn;k tk, vkSj mldh dgkuh dks dyec/k djds fdrkc es cnyk tk, A GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 27

vxys dqN eghus lc çkfodk dh fdrkc dks çdkf'kr djus eas tqV x,A M‚- fryd us funsZ'ku laHkkyk vkSj iqjs çkstsDV dh :i js[kk cukbZA fØLVhuk us isafVaXl cukus es çkfodk dh enn dhA xksYMu ssparrows publica- tions dh Mk;jsDVj vkj ts vkjrh eYgks=k us xzkfQd Vhe ds lkFk feydj fdrkc dks fu[kkjk vkSj fdrkc dks çdkf'kr fd;kA lcds dBksj ifjJe rFkk çfodk dh fØ,fV- foVh ds dkj.k tc ;g fdrkc çdk- f'kr gqbZ rks lQyrk dk uk;kc mngkj.k cuh lcls Hkkoqd rFkk xkSjoiw.kZ \"k.k og Fkk tc çkfodk flag dks world book of talent records dh rjQ ls youngest author of the world ds world record ls lEek- fur fd;k x;k A 2022 rd çfodk flag fo'o dh lcls de mez dh yfs [kdk gAS ;g fjd‚MZ cukus okyh og igyh Hkkjrh; Hkh gAS mldh bl miyfC/k ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj dh e=a h Jherh ehuk{kh ys[kh us Hkh mls lEekfur fd;k gAS GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 28

GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Scripted By : Sakshi Singhal MAY , 2022 | 29

GULSHHAN SUMAN MUSIC Music, as per Vedas, is said to be the language of the spirit (Atman), because it unlocks the secrets of life and brings peace, putting an end to strife in our lives. Let me introduce you to a multifaceted individual whose entire life revolves around music. He did not make it his bread and butter, but he did make it his passion. He believes that music has a healing power and his ex- traordinary thought has made him an inspiration to many people. “The biggest adventure in life is to the live the life of your dreams/ passion” Mr. Gulshhan Suman is the Joint General Manager (Air Traffic Control) at the Airport Authority of India (AAI). Even being professionally diverse, he never stopped himself from pursuing his musical passion. He has had a strong interest in music since childhood, and he has remained active in it to this day.He feels compassion for it in a way that cannot be expressed in words. This love and devotion for music drove him to pursue it. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 30

His uncle, Giani Gurbachan MAY , 2022 | 31 Singh ji was his first Guru, who was disciple of Malang Ustaad of Punjab. He taught him how to play the Flute, Tabla, Harmo- nium, and the fundamentals of Hindustani music, which is why he enjoyed spending his sum- mer and winter vacations with him. All of this made him fall in love with music, and there was no turning back. After learning a lot about Hin- dustani Music from Pandit Kris- han Dutt Sharma, Ustaad Sarfaraz Hussian Khan saab, he decided to broaden his horizons by auditioning for All India Radio and Doordarshan. As a re- sult, he auditioned at AIR and was chosen to sing Ghazals in Light Music programmes. Later, he sang Ghazals on Doordar- shan also, which boosted his confidence and inspired him to work even harder on his passion. He eventually sang devotional songs (bhajans), which were broadcast on Aastha TV, Sanskar TV, and Aastha Bhajan TV. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

If you can dream it, you can do it. Finally, his debut album, \"Chunar Mori Rang Daari,\" was released in 2011 in which he chose compositions and bhajans by Kabir Dass, Meera Bai, Sur Dass ji, and Dadu Dayal ji. He wrote and performed the Sufi songs on his second album, \"Main Tere Qur- baan,\" which was released in 2016, in response to the growing popularity of western music among young people. The compositions were done in accor- dance with Indian Ragas, and the rhythm was kept western, without sac- rificing the true essence of the songs. The album's title was inspired by a song written by Baba Bulleh Shah. In 2017, he released his third album, \"EK Talaash,\" which in- cluded bhajans composed by Pan- dit Girish Chandra ji (Assistant to Music Director- Madan Mohan), who taught him the complexities and intricacies of playback singing. Soon, he will release his fourth album, \"Koi Mil Hi Jayega,\" a collection of Soulful Ghazals composed by himself and Pandit Girish Chandra ji. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE MAY , 2022 | 32

“Always look ahead and prepare yourself for the things you want to achieve” A dream does not become a reality by ac- cident; it requires sweat, determination, and hard work. You may believe in luck, but at the end of the day, you reap what you sow. You can only succeed if you work hard for it. Yes, his ambitions were lofty, but he didn't just wish for them; he worked hard to achieve them. His hard work Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu and dedication to his passion worked brilliantly for him. He has faced his MAY , 2022 | 33 fair share of adversity, but he chose to persevere, and in the process, he has inspired many people (including his fellow officers from AAI). It's not easy to be a dreamer. There are mil- lions of people who have big dreams, but only a few of them have the courage to pursue them, and he is one of them. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE


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