Over the last 8 years CBRE has been responsible for marketingthe majority of city residential projects along Australia’s EasternSeaboard, making us market leader in our field. Clearly, we havebeen successful because we have secured remarkable successesfor our clients. What has not been so clearly put, we believe,is why we have attained this position, and so consistentlyretained it in a dramatically shifting market.These pages contain a brief overview of what we offer — and howwe use it to advantage. While no corporate brochure will eversubstitute the value of a face-to-face discussion — about whereyou need to go with your project, specific concerns, timing,potential opportunities — we trust this is a useful introduction toworking with Australia’s leading residential marketing team.Our directors are always available to meet with you to discussyour project, in Australia, the Asia Pacific or further afield.David MiltonManaging DirectorCBRE Residential ProjectsRESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 3
EERNTITNIALCBRE Residential Projects specialises inthe sales and marketing of residentialprojects throughout Australia and the AsiaPacific. Our platform provides seamlessand comprehensive residential marketexpertise for developers and owners.A typical project may We have the proven We have six offices We have four officescontain some, often all, capacity to offer in Australia in Asiaof these services: developers these advantages: ƸƸ Sydney CBD ƸƸ Hong KongƸƸ site identification ƸƸ Chinatown ƸƸ SingaporeƸƸ high and best use ƸƸ increased rates of sale ƸƸ Parramatta ƸƸ Beijing ƸƸ reduced sales periods ƸƸ Melbourne ƸƸ Kuala Lumpur studies ƸƸ more cost effective ƸƸ Brisbane ƸƸ Our staff areƸƸ design development ƸƸ Gold CoastƸƸ market research campaigns multilingualƸƸ strategic sales ƸƸ reduced project risk ƸƸ increased project gross campaignsƸƸ marketing campaigns realisations RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 5
Teoroenfnhsvbeeiiedirpnieononntgwotmiendareualnymt’s.berCBRE Residential Projects isrecognised as market leader in off-the-plan residential sales in Australia andthe Asia Pacific. CBRE is big.Three or four times bigger in sales We have 30 senior directors to guideturnover and staff than our nearest — hands-on — every project to ancompetitor. But as we would like to outstanding result; and our two foundingexplain to people just beginning with us, directors have been responsible for‘big’ in our sphere is a sales strategy and the strategic launches of the majority of‘leader’ is simply a merit badge for doing Australia’s premium projects over theit better: faster, with more efficiency, with last 20 years. We have the languages:more impact for your investment, with Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, Korean,fewer complications — and in a capricious Indonesian, Arabic... if we have a buyermarket space, with a certain level of style. from anywhere in the world we can service that enquiry.A better word than ‘big’ for what wehave is ‘capacity’. We have a database of Finally, more than two decades of160,000 buyers and we have the sales successful strategic selling has given usstaff to respond to their enquiries, all of our most valuable resource: a capacitythem, one-on-one, and face-to-face. If we for genuine insights. Our growinghave 2,000 enquiries over one week it body of knowledge and global marketmay take 4,000 phonecalls out to service intelligence is second-to-none.them. You need a big team to do this.6 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
Leichhardt Geen, LeichhardtRESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 7
North 231, North Sydney8 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
Arsleaeualsesditdsirnetaegnlaitaima’sl.A common perception in real estateis that online enquiries are simplyresponded to with an email.The reality is, however, that a lot more A mid-week example:has to be done to attract someone to an Starting 8:30, Wednesday may include:opening. If you don’t engage fast—certainly training and on site agent briefings,within 24 hours—their level of interest actioning emails from Tuesday night,drops. Two days: less. Three: they’ve weekend preparations, buyergiven up. appointments, follow-ups, meeting a quota for new contacts, inspecting aThe ability to call back within a very nearby competitor’s stock, studyingtight time frame (a few hours), the need a display suite, maintaining signageto communicate well in a phone call, and updating the weekly be personable, to know what you’retalking about (the product), or simply Weekends get busier. We measure all calls.understanding that it’s critical to get face- All enquiries are followed up. All ‘walk-ins’to-face appointments, are the absolute walk away happily informed. We knowfundamentals of sales that should never how to qualify buyers; and we make thebe overlooked. time to ask them what their interests are. The result is maximum sales.CBRE Residential Projects has over 60trained, full time sales professionals Our rigour pays off, not only inspecialising in residential. We have exceptional results, but a capacityprocesses in place that work, and a to set targets for our clients beforetypical day is structured. commencing, and the ability to offer a high level of certainty in meeting them. RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 9
Omnia, Potts PointWe have no part time canvassers.12 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
All of our sales people are full timeemployees, trained weekly (it’s a managementresponsibility) and committed to the life andspirit of the project. They make their owncalls. They understand the product.They specialise in off-the-plan and projectsales, so they understand the buyer’s needsand they know the ‘conversations’. We havethe capacity to allocate precisely the rightpeople — in regard, for example, to language,region, asset type, specialist knowledge andskills — to each development.RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 13
FiEnrvoethmreyawennoyqrwuldhir.eyr.e14 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
We have the capacity to handle CBRE Residential Projects hasany enquiry from anywhere in Australia’s most culturally diversethe world. For Mandarin alone, sales team who speak the followingwe have 30 speakers. languages fluently: Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, Korean, Indonesian, Arabic, Greek, French, Spanish Bourke & Phillip, Waterloo RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 15
IS3ONA,V3L20EE0R0S15Bridgehill, Milsons Point16 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
The Revy, Pyrmont
CBRE ResidentialProjects has astrong presencethroughoutAsia, with staffin Hong Kong,Singapore, Chinaand Malaysia.Our access to high net worthindividuals and investors in the regionis unmatched, and we have a deeperunderstanding of Asia’s dynamicmarkets and the sentiments that havedeveloped over recent years in Asiaabout Australia as a desirable placeto work and invest.Australian and Asian sales strategiesare typically, highly co-ordinated.A real sense of buyer urgency,finite opportunity and anticipationis generated by launchingsimultaneously in both places.Between having on-the-groundsales teams in major centres and 30directors well adjusted to operatingon site for Asian launches, we havethe languages, regional knowledgeand sales expertise to position everydevelopment more precisely — withina specific Asian market space — andfully service the enquiries that result.RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 19
Chatswood Place
A window intothe Chinesemarket.Our busiest street-presence officequite literally provides a window intoone of our largest markets: buyers ofChinese ethnicity.Right in the lively heart of Chinatown,its Dixon Street location and showcasewindow allows maximum exposurefor projects, attracting phone call, weband walk-in enquiries from both localand visiting international purchasers.In some parts of Australian cities —particularly in Sydney—over 90%of buyers are of Chinese extraction.Recognising this, we have a large specialist team fluent in Mandarinand Cantonese.Across all of our offices we have atotal of around 30 fluent speakers.RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 21
WioOnfueStrshytoed. fnhfieecyae’rstParramatta is Western Sydney’s mostimportant commercial and culturalhub — an exceptionally connectedcentre for business, governmentagencies, medical and education,legal and transport; second only insize to the Sydney metro CBD.With its impressive current growth and To complement demand, a portfolio ofincreasing levels of infrastructure and attractive, suitable sites for residentialamenities, Western Sydney is becoming development has already beenthe city’s next powerhouse. The City prepared by CBRE.of Parramatta, alone, has an economyestimated by Parramatta City Council CBRE Residential Projects has ato be over $14 billion. dedicated team of experienced people in Parramatta to participate in thisFor residential development the region exciting urban transformation.has remarkable potential to satisfy agrowing demand for quality stock thatoffers a blend of recreational spaceand nearby commercial activity that ischaracteristically available in the West.22 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
Shepherds Bay, MeadowbankRESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 23
IFDCNORESRVIITGEDILCHEOATSSome of our most valuable marketintelligence is already neatly cataloguedwithin the minds of aspiring buyers.244 CCBBRREE / / RERSEIDSEIDNETNIATLIPARLOJPERCOTJSECTS
OATSPLSIGMNENTCBRE Residential Projects works withdevelopers and architects, providingdesign development advice and feedbackon apartment layouts, room sizes andfurnishability, and ensuring that specialplanning works to maximise revenues.Over the course of any month we We listen and note and we work Our design briefs generally include:listen to the desires and concerns ofthousands of prospective purchasers. with developers within the realistic – a product mix breakdownWe hear what they like and what parameters of the project to match – positioning advicemakes them ‘run a mile’; we hear buyer expectations with the righthow their attitudes shift as they – advice on internal and external areasbecome more familiar with the project, product — or present some new ‘must – a response to the site and target marketas they guage their expectations haves’ that come through matching – relevant planning controlsagainst price and availability, and as insights to project potential through – and identification of opportunities tothey seek confirmation from other web creative collaboration.sources on how they should best use add value through designtheir investment. We also identify opportunities to maximise net saleable areas through improved design efficiency. RESIDENTIARLESPIRDOENJETCIATLSPR/OJCECBTRSE / CBRE 225
HNTES We have some brilliant systems. We have the knowledge, the technology, the energy and the experience. Our track record bears this out. However, our most defining asset is really the end result of all this capacity. It’s a consistent ability to supply genuine insights, along with having the people who know how to use them. To give a maximised result with minimised risk. Over the past 8 years this is basically the product we have delivered. RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 27
Optimised Marketing Campaigns.28 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
The Revy, PyrmontBecause of the exceptionally large volume Digital initiatives such as Google search, For offshore marketing we deal daily withof our annual media buy, CBRE ResidentialProjects has the capacity to secure the display, re-targeting and Social Media real estate and investment sites, printbest positions and sharpest rates in thebusiness —often 20–45% lower than the platforms such as Facebook and WeChat, media and property editorial resourcesstandard price scale for printed media. as well as the use of SMS form part of an based in Asia; a prime spot full pageOnline advertising also falls within thisoffering: web banner advertising, editorial integrated media strategy. In combination in Guangzhou Daily News or listing inand premium project listings on, and the CBRE with the real estate portals, with a small Singapore’s is as easy for usResidential Projects’ website are all costeffective in driving enquiries. investment these digital initiatives as any local placement. are proving to be highly successful in attracting new audience segments and potential buyers. RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 29
Vision is a sales and marketingplatform of over 160,000 off-the-planbuyers at all stages of the purchasingjourney—from prospective or previousbuyers to people at the end phase ofsettlement.Vision is the largest residential real Through genuine insights, Vision is FOR IMPROVING REVENUES AND SALEABILITY:estate database in Australia. New also a sharp system for doing.South Wales alone lists more than by revealing the critical indicators120,000 people. FOR LEADS GENERATION: of market trends, buyer expectations and sentiments, and regional orAs the name suggests, Vision is a it can identify the largest, most likely demographic preferences that maysystem for seeing: providing a clear pool of buyers so communications influence design features andpicture of the market, buyer profiles are focused and targeted and the cost therefore saleabilityand preferences, behavioural patterns minimised; on some projects overand a sharper view of where things 50% of sales have originated solely FOR SPENDING MORE EFFICIENTLY:are at and where they soon may be. through the database by targeting more efficiently withThe sharpest forms of seeing go FOR STAGING AND PRICING: emails, phonecalls and marketing;beyond the view. Vision provides isolating the targets who really countinsights in the form of deeper using critical data to predict realistic for specific projectsunderstandings, uncovering targets for expressions of interest,potentials, revealing opportunities, establish price scales and bring a FOR REDUCING RISK:narrowing down targets and higher degree of foresight intowidening the commercial landscape. project milestones by providing knowledge to position the property more precisely and FOR TRACKING: identifying the quickest, most efficient paths to presales, launch allowing us to understand buyer and post launch preferences through internet activity and sales staff interactions; FOR CLOSING SALES: so we know exactly what assistance we need to supply to create a by allowing is to know where each satisfied purchaser buyer is in the cycle; we can respond in ways that correspond to their FOR PROFILE BUILDING: exact needs; the right help at the right time, creating a smooth, worry-free to record and analyse potential transition to settlement buyers’ needs, and where they are in the journey; allowing us to deliver the FOR REDUCING COMPLEXITY: right communications at the right time and at points of sale, hold more useful by providing the project management and meaningful conversations tools for handling all the details, end- to-end FOR BUILDING ONGOING RELATIONSHIPS: our database has a solid list of repeat buyers RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 31
RSOEOFNUCRE.We’re going to generate 5 or 6,000enquiries and we’re going to servicethem. Servicing that with a skilled salesteam is going to give you the result.Pick the wrong agent and you’ll miss that.You don’t get to do a second launch.RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 33
eTILtxah’scuelanuVbcsIohiPvuSitStyyas.lteesm.Although we describe our five stagelaunch system as a science of going tolaunch it’s anything but formulaic. If itwere just that, more people would becapable of doing it.We are the only agent with the capacity Example: Achieve presales of 60%to successfully deliver on it. It requires at the VIP launch, with an 80% sella large sales team, highly experienced through within a period of 6 to 8in residential sales. It needs our unique weeks after. Achieve and/or surpassorganisational management structure, agreed revenue targets and increaseand it needs the science and market revenue as sales are made duringintelligence capacity of Vision, our and post the VIP sales launch period.exclusive sales and marketing leaddatabase. To further qualify the above: our average presales delivery over the lastOur key advantage is in providing five years is around 80%insights: the ones at the outset andcritically, the ones we are able to gain Residential Projects’ VIP Launch daysthrough tracking as the project shifts are not quiet or colourless affairs! By—shifting buyer perceptions, changes compressing a significant part of thein the market, shifts in the physical sales cycle into just a few hours—withparameters of the building site itself; everything and everyone in the sameit may even change the timing of the room at once—a real sense of urgencylaunch to create the best possible and buyer spontaneity is created.window for sales.At the outset we are able to advise onpricing, on where enquiries are likely tocome from, and build a picture of theirpreferences and aspirations, and weare able to set agreed sales targets andoutcomes prior to launch.34 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
Chatswood Place Launch
EPut simply, it’s because we stay withthem, for the complete lifecycle ofthe project. CBRE Residential Projectshas the right sales people and alarge, full time support team toput in everything it takes fromstart to finish.For developers this means being For buyers it means continuingresponsive, dependable and communications and smooth, worry-available. We provide early insights free transitions through the completeand guidance on price, positioning process from ‘maybe I’m interested’ toand design; tight programming, moving in (for residents) or movingforecasting, budgeting and revenue on to the next opportunity (forprojections; comprehensive briefs investors). We organise personal visits,for marketing, advertising and PR; update buyers on construction status,sales processing, contracts and trust provide settlement process packsaccounting; reporting; and whatever and take them through presettlementelse is required to bring the project to inspections.a happy result. Many of these people become repeat clients or repeat buyers. RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 39
NSTI-OOORRNS. .CBRE Residential Projects has thecapacity at senior level to providehands-on management for everyproject from start to finish.Directors are personally accountable All of our 30 directors have the type ofto their individual clients and have understanding and can-do that comesa central role in generating and from real-world, day-to-day immersionmaintaining the drive and focus that in a wide range of residential projects,concludes in an outstanding result from Australia to Beijing, from a 6 unitwith minimal risk. complex in Bondi to a 700 unit venture in Parramatta.Our Managing Director (David Milton)and Chairman (Justin Brown) havebeen responsible for the strategicmarketing of the majority of Australia’spremium residential projects over thelast 20 years. RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 41
PSERNOIJOECRTTSEAMCurrent & Past Projects David MiltonShepherds Bay185 Macquarie Street MANAGING DIRECTORGreenland CentreLuxe, Woolloomooloo David Milton is personally responsible for theDominion, Darlinghurst listing, marketing and client management of allRiver Vistas, projects undertaken by the company.ParramattaNo 1 Lacey, Surry Hills Under David’s management we have a remarkable historyDarling Square, Darling of successful working relationships — with over 90% ofHarbour all new work coming as a result of either repeat clientBarangaroo, Sydney business or referral.Bosco, Five Dock David jointly established CBRE Residential Projects in 2007 through the merger of Realty Marketing and Abadeen42 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS Realty. Prior to acquisition by CBRE, between 1996 and 2007, David grew Realty Marketing from a business servicing one client with a turnover of 50 apartments a year into a major Sydney-focussed project marketing company. Within 6 years sales turnover increased to more than 500 sales per year. David has grown CBRE Residential Projects nationally and internationally, opening offices in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Melbourne, and starting up International Project Marketing Asia (IPM) in joint venture with CBRE China. David is always available to meet with you to discuss your project, in Australia, the Asia Pacific or further afield.
Justin Brown Current & Past Projects: The Residences, AsiaCHAIRMAN Inmark Tower Metro ResidencesJustin Brown is one of Australia’s most The Hamptonsuccessful and experienced residential project Bondi Pacificmarketers — advising clients on acquisition and The Quay, Sydneydesign development, and instigating sales and Macquarie Central, Sydneymarketing strategies that consistently supply B1 Squareremarkable results. Greenland Tower Darling Square, SydneyAfter 20 years at the forefront of the Sydney CBD Barangaroo, Sydneyapartment market his influence has expanded to includeour thriving markets in Asia.In Sydney, 2015, CBRE is the region’s principal residentialprojects business with over 80 employees and 3,000annual apartment sales at a gross value of $2.5 billion.CBRE has dominated in premium sales, selling over 120dwellings above $2.0 million in the past 24 months.Justin (and every CBRE Residential Projects director) isalways available to provide hands-on management forevery development from start to finish. RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 43
PSERNOIJOECRTTSEAMTim Rees Murray Wood Ben Stewart DIRECTOR DIRECTORSENIOR DIRECTORTim Rees is one of CBRE’s ‘major assets’. Murray Wood’s skills and ability to As head of CBRE’s Premium SalesHe is an experienced people manager deliver end-to-end sales and marketing division, Ben Stewart has beenand project marketer. He can identify solutions to developers are well consistently effective in achieving recordand secure development sites on behalf documented and recognised by the sales through his extensive data base.of our client, instigate joint ventures industry. Murray is a frequently sought- In the wider Sydney metropolitan areas,and negotiate with relevant Government after media commentator for his views on particularly the North Shore, he hasauthorities. the market and market trends. realised sales in excess of $100 million.Tim began his property career as He began his real estate career in the Ben has over 15 years experience inDirector of a highly successful residential mid 1990s at Cypress Lakes Resort in the project marketing. For the 10 years prior toand commercial valuation company. In Hunter Valley, NSW. Murray joined Jones joining CBRE he was NSW Sales Managerhis 7 years with REA Australia he was Lang Lasalle in 1999 as a senior project for the Mirvac Group and headed a teaminstrumental in its growth and establishing manager, then Colliers International as responsible for $4.5 billion in offices in Parramatta and the Gold Associate Director in 2003. Leaving Colliers He was awarded Mirvac’s number oneCoast. International as New South Wales State sales person for 6 successive years, andAs a director of Abadeen Realty, Tim Product Director to join CBRE was a natural worked in all stages of developmentjoined us with its acquisition in 2007. Prior move. The industry’s largest developers, management including feasibility,to Abadeen, he was NSW State Director both private and corporate, are some of acquisition predominantly concentratedof Colliers where he implemented and Murray’s most loyal clients. on strategic, and project marketing salesmanaged strategic campaigns for many of and divestment for Australia, China and theSydney’s prestige residential developments. Some projects: New Territories.Some projects: Barangaroo Some projects:185 Macquarie Street Darling Square Radiance, Darling HarbourThe Bondi Darling Square Stage 2 Macquarie Park VillageThe Hyde DNA Camperdown Lindfield VillageSydney Wharf Beecroft Village, Beecroft Embassy, St LeonardsThe Abode Renwick, RedfernAlchemy44 CBRE / RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS
Janelle Zhang Colin Griffin Karina WaltersDIRECTOR CHINATOWN DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE DIRECTORJanelle Zhang manages a team of 12 Colin Griffin’s expertise is in premium Karina Walters’s 12 successful yearsMandarin and Cantonese speaking sales sales throughout Sydney, particularly in in project marketing is uniquelyagents in CBRE’s Dixon Street, Chinatown, the CBD residential apartment market. complemented by having workedoffice in Sydney. His dedication to client service with as a manager for 7 years on some ofOur busiest street-presence office quite honesty and integrity enables him to Australia’s primary sporting events.literally provides a window into one of converse with private owners and major Karina joined us in 2007 as Businessour largest markets — allowing maximum developers with ease, and he is known in Development & Marketing Manager and hasexposure for project displays and attracting the industry as one of the best-connected since become Associate Director, recentlyphone call, web and walk-in enquiries agents. managing the highly successful launch andfrom both local and visiting international Colin has been the residential project sales and marketing campaign for Metropurchasers. manager for large scale developments such Residences, Chatswood.Janelle also manages our Asian Investor as Stamford Marque, 185 Macquarie Street, Karina entered the industry in 2003network with links directly into China. The Hyde, Luxe Woolloomooloo, Dominion as Marketing Manager for ColliersBeginning her real estate career in 1997, Darlinghurst and The Stamford Residences International, where she was involved inJanelle has over 18 years sales experience in The Rocks. the launches and marketing of many ofin residential project marketing, and as a Besides managing these major projects, Sydney’s prestige residential developments.director at CBRE Residential Projects has Colin also assists his contacts with thesold more than 1,500 apartments. resale of their own apartments in buildings Some projects: such as Bennelong, Cove, Observatory Greenland CentreSome projects: Tower, The Residences and The Hyde. Embassy ResidencesMetro Residences Some projects: Metro ChatswoodThe Quay Eve, Erskinville PromenadeThe Residence Elora, Gordon LucentGreenland Centre Gordon Grange, GordonDarling Square Maison Blanc, Bondi 41 Wrights Rd, Drummoyne RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS / CBRE 45
PSERNOIJOECRTTSEAMCaroline Fagerlund Simon Hollows Alex Walker ASSOCIATE DIRECTORASSOCIATE DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE DIRECTORCaroline Fagerlund has been with CBRE Simon Hollows’s expertise is in sales Alex Walker has utilised his experienceResidential projects for 10 years and team management. Over the last two and in project and sales management whilehas a particular talent for handling a half years he has provided outstanding working on Iconic and Promenade Nodevelopments well beyond their launch sales results with our North Sydney and 2 since joining the CBRE Residentialday. Parramatta teams across all projects. Projects team in 2015.Caroline’s first project with CBRE was In his time with CBRE, Simon has As Director of Business Development inSt Margaret’s in Surry Hills, Sydney, successfully managed sales teams on all property software sales, dealing with awhere she was instrumental in sales and of our major developments, including wide range of developers across Australia,marketing strategies for the development Barangaroo, Asia and the Middle East, Alex comes toand oversaw all marketing initiatives and Darling Square, CBRE Residential Projects with a provenmaterials. Greenland Centre, track record of achieving businessAfter selling apartments at St Margaret’s EVE Erskineville and revenue growth, developing new markets,to the total value of around $130 million, Shepherds Bay. implanting sales strategies and sales teamCaroline is still undertaking resales in the Simon holds a Bachelor of Business & management.development today. Some apartments have Commerce (Major in Property) from the Alex is now focusing his expertise in salesbeen sold 2 and 3 times over. University of Western Sydney. Before and business development to advance the becoming Sales Manager at CBRE, he was Western Sydney region.Some projects: part of our Industrial & Logistics team.St Margaret’sThe HamptonThe BondiNorth ResidencesThe HydeThe Forum at Bondi Junction
1 No. 1 Lacey 1 19 K I P PA X ST R E ET, SURRY HILLS No. 1 Lacey is the product of a singular vision, conceived by Cornerstone Property Group: a blending of the simple elegance of the past with the style and comfort of contemporary Sydney living, all situated right at the city’s vibrant fringe. Revelling in the warehouse proportions of space and light afforded by the building’s Federation style, these warehouse2 apartments have been designed to evoke the grandeur and aesthetic of a Parisian loft apartments while staying true to the remarkable heritage elements of the original building. Parquetry floors and wood-panelled walls play upon the building’s industrial heritage while creating a sophisticated yet relaxed modern-day ambience. Blending the new and the old the apartments feature a chic salvage-inspired finish showcasing BKH’s eclectic flair and attention to detail. 1. 100% SOLD OUT ON LAUNCH WEEK 2. MINUTES FROM CENTRAL STATION 3 . A PA RT M E N T S W I T H A N O RT H AS P ECT A N D SOME WITH CITY SKYLINE VIEWS 3