MV&IISVSIASOLINUOENS,In 2016, Lort Smith is celebrating 80 yearsof life-saving care for sick, injured andvulnerable animals.THE ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE • In our Adoption Centre byOF VICTORIA ESTABLISHED providing sanctuary, rehabilitationLORT SMITH ANIMAL HOSPITAL and new homes for companionIN 1936. OUR FOUNDER LOUISA animals.LORT SMITH WAS PASSIONATELYCOMMITTED TO CARING FOR • Through our CommunityTHE ANIMALS OF POOR AND Outreach programs, promotingDISADVANTAGED PEOPLE. responsible pet ownership andSince opening our doors we have nurturing the human-animal bond.cared for more than one millionanimals and re-homed around OUR VISION200,000 pets to loving families.Today, Lort Smith Animal Hospital is To be the recognised leaderthe largest non-profit animal hospital in Australia for animal healthin Australia. Lort Smith is one of the and wellbeing.only organisations of its kind in theworld, providing services through OUR VALUESthe Hospital, Adoption Centre andCommunity Outreach programs. Care and Compassion: We treat all people and animalsOUR MISSION with kindness and empathy. Quality and Affordability:To improve the health and happiness We work together in a safeof animals and the people who care environment to provide accessiblefor them. We do this through three and sustainable services ofstreams of work: the highest standard.• In our Hospital by providing Integrity and Respect: We have the courage to do what exceptional veterinary care and is right, be accountable for our preserving the human-animal actions, and communicate bond irrespective of a honestly and courteously. person’s circumstance.
MPREESSSIADGEENT’SI would like to thank the CEO, Executive Management Team,staff and volunteers for their exceptional performance in 2015.IN 2015, THE BOARD OF LORT Further thanks is extended to our These projects included expandingSMITH FOCUSSED ITS EFFORTS other ambassadors Giaan Rooney, our technological capacity in theON CONSOLIDATING THE Peter Hitchener and Dr Sally Cockburn veterinary hospital, ensuring thePLATFORM ESTABLISHED IN for their continued help in 2015. Adoption Centre has the ability toTHE PREVIOUS YEAR. UNDER In 2015, the organisation formally assist as many surrendered animalsTHE GUIDANCE OF OUR NEW changed its name to Lort Smith as possible, and maximising the reachCEO, THE BOARD UNDERTOOK in order to reflect the diversity of and effectiveness of our communityA RANGE OF STRATEGIC our mission through the Hospital, outreach programs.INITIATIVES IN ORDER Adoption Centre and Community Throughout 2015, the Board wasTO CONSOLIDATE THE Outreach programs. This change extremely pleased to report onFUTURE DIRECTION OF THE provides the organisation with a successful Hospital operations.ORGANISATION. AT THE SAME platform for growth over the next The introduction of 24-hour care isTIME, WE PROGRESSED decade while embedding into our a significant milestone for Lort Smith.SEVERAL KEY ACTIONS FROM constitution the name and legacy of Similarly, the Board applauded theTHE PREVIOUS YEAR AND the Animal Welfare League of Victoria recorded growth in adoptionsKEPT A CLOSE WATCH ON in perpetuity. The Board intends and our efforts in fundraisingOPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. to further develop the multi-tiered which included a substantialIn terms of Board movements, mission of the organisation supporting contribution from bequests.we said a formal farewell to Virginia the health and happiness of pets I would like to thank the CEO,Edwards and Susie Palmer at the and the people who care for them. Executive Management Team, staff2015 AGM. Virginia and Susie have I’m pleased to report that the Board and volunteers for their exceptionalboth left significant impacts on Lort oversaw several major initiatives, performance in 2015. Together theirSmith. We look forward to keeping including the development of a efforts are creating a platform forin touch with both Virginia and Susie new five-year strategic plan. This substantial growth and long-termin the future. new strategic plan is committed sustainability of our mission.We formally welcomed Kate Hamond to establishing the long-term Most importantly, I also want toat the 2015 AGM and appointed sustainability of Lort Smith. formally acknowledge and thank ourRaelene Harrison to the role of Additionally, the Board progressed its supporters, donors and bequestors.Company Secretary. Raelene master planning for the organisation Your commitment to our vision andreplaces Andrew Miles who with particular reference to our mission in 2015, underpins our veryserved so admirably in this role capacity to support the growing existence. Without you, we would notfor many years. In February 2016, number of marginalised pets and be in a position to care for so manywe also warmly welcomed Fiona people who require support. sick, injured and vulnerable animals.Webster to the Lort Smith Board.The Board was thrilled to welcome Mission-based projects also Glenister Lamont, Presidentthe 2015 Australian of the Year Rosie dominated the Board’s agendaBatty as a Lort Smith Ambassador. in 2015.Rosie brings to the organisation herlove for animals and her commitmentto further develop our support forpeople in crisis including the petsof victims of domestic violence.We look forward to working withRosie in the years ahead.
MCEEOS’SSAGEHENRY FORD (FOUNDER OF THE We also welcomed Jenny Ford at The presence of veterinary andFORD MOTOR COMPANY) ONCE the end of 2015. As Head of the nursing support 24/7 has providedSAID “COMING TOGETHER IS A new Community & Development our clients (and referring veterinarians)BEGINNING; KEEPING TOGETHER IS department, Jenny is responsible for all with significant comfort and support.PROGRESS; WORKING TOGETHER non-hospital based operations including Initial results have been very pleasing.IS SUCCESS.” IN MANY RESPECTS, the adoption centre, volunteers and Our Hospital client base continuedTHIS STATEMENT DEFINED THE community outreach. With Jenny’s to receive the best possible support.PERFORMANCE AND PROGRESS guidance, it is our objective to expand In 2015, more than 50 per cent of ourOF LORT SMITH IN 2015. the reach of Lort Smith’s mission clients received discounted veterinaryMy first twelve months as CEO into new and relevant markets. Loise assistance (amounting to more thanwere extremely busy and exciting. Giagnacovo also joined the team as $1.3 million). Customer service metricsOur energies were principally focussed Executive Coordinator supporting the were also strong with almost 20,000on developing a framework to take Management Team and undertaking clients assisted in 2015. This equatedthe organisation forward for the next organisation-wide projects. to 112,000 calls received.five years and beyond. In particular, The new Executive Management Community & Development deliveredit was a key objective to establish a Team progressively undertook a range strong results for the year. Thefit-for-purpose organisation; capable of of major projects in 2015, including Adoption Centre rehomed 1,024supporting the three primary platforms the development of a new five-year animals in 2015 (an increase of 5.5of our mission through the Hospital, strategic plan, commencement of per cent against 2014). In addition,Adoption Centre and Community a comprehensive ICT review, our Community Outreach ProgramsOutreach. This alignment was initiated developing a framework for an provided considerable support tothrough improved departmental integrated efficiency analysis people in need or crisis. Emergencyrelationships and processes as and a comprehensive review of Boarding supported 140 animalswell as renewed attention to service need/operational capacity. and the number of Foster Carersacquiring and developing the Considerable work also continued increased from 117 to 129. Similarlyrequired skills and expertise. on the master plan to identify our our Pet Therapy and Mates for InmatesProblem solving, creativity and sharing long-term ability to support programs continued to break newof ideas defined the efforts of the pets and people in need. ground in supporting theExecutive Management Team over the From an operational perspective, the human/animal bond.last year. We also fine-tuned some of results are both pleasing and compelling. Finally, our renewed focus inour roles and responsibilities to better All key functional areas reported strong Fundraising and Communicationsmeet our organisational objectives. results at year end 2015. delivered strong results. From a socialDr Russell Harrison as Head of The Hospital performed almost 38,000 media perspective, our FacebookHospital Services is responsible for consultations including 8,000 emergency community not only continues tothe hospital operations, customer interactions. These services were grow but is highly engaged. Thisservices and dispensary. Joe Corera provided to approximately 25,000 was no better illustrated than theas Head of Shared Services has animals. Strong results were recorded story of “Chopper” who inspired ourassumed responsibility for finance, in pathology (26,000 tests), vaccinations community when he went missing.human resources, information (13,500), anaesthetics (8,900 units) After reaching close to 75,000 peopleand communication technology, and 6,000 surgeries.The single most and an integrated search, Chopperoccupational health and safety and significant milestone occurred in (now Fergus) was successfullyfacilities maintenance. September 2015 with the launch reunited with his adopted family.The organisation welcomed Katrina of 24-hour care.Wilkins as Head of Fundraising &Communications. Katrina brings toLort Smith a wealth of experiencein stakeholder management, publicrelations and fundraising.
Our donors continue to underpinthe livelihood of Lort Smith. In2015, our fundraising efforts and inparticular bequests, demonstratedan outstanding level of compassionand support.We are truly grateful for this generousand much-needed assistance.I would like to thank the Board forits support and guidance in 2015.This guidance laid the platform foran exciting future journey.To my Executive Management Team,I want to thank you for your creativity,drive and commitment as we cametogether in a new operating paradigm.To this extent, I would also like tothank Dana Kiers (General Manager,Nursing), Lauren Spinelli (ManagerHuman Resources) and Serena Horg(General Manager, Adoption Centre)for their ongoing support, adaptabilityand continued efforts. To all staff andvolunteers, I want to thank you forembarking on a new pathway.As a team, I am confident we canachieve a great deal.And finally, to our supporters,donors and bequestors – you arethe lifeblood of Lort Smith. Theentire organisation thanks you againfor your generosity and support.Together we can improve the healthand happiness of animals andthe people who care for them.David Herman, CEO
OUR 2015 BOARD GLENISTER LAMONT - President “LORT SMITH HAS HAD A SPECIAL PLACE IN THE COMMUNITY FOR THE PAST 80 YEARS. THIS IS DRIVEN BY OUR MISSION TO ASSIST PEOPLE AND THEIR ANIMALS REGARDLESS OF THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES. OUR WELCOMING-TO-ALL APPROACH SETS US APART.” Glenister joined the Board in August 2004 and became President in December 2011. Glenister is a professional non-executive director, sitting on boards of publicly listed companies, government entities and investment committees. He has international operational management experience and his qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), MBA from IMD Switzerland, Fellow of AICD and Fellow of Financial Services Institute of Australia. PETER VAN ROMPAEY - Vice President “LORT SMITH HAS SUCH A GREAT HISTORY. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE COMMUNITY ORGANISATION! WE ARE ALL PRIVILEGED TO WORK WITH LORT SMITH. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT WE REMAIN FOCUSED ON OUR COMMUNITY ROLE AND MAINTAIN FINANCIAL VIABILITY. ANIMALS PROVIDE UNCOMPROMISING WARMTH AND AFFECTION AND KEEP US GROUNDED.” Peter joined the Board in July 2008 and became Vice President in December 2011. Peter holds a law degree and a Master of Business Administration, is an accredited business law specialist and was admitted as a barrister and solicitor in Victoria in 1976. He has worked as a commercial and competition lawyer for more than 40 years and has a keen interest in corporate governance. BARBARA PESEL - Vice President “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU’RE CLIMBING THE CORPORATE LADDER OR SLEEPING ON THE STREETS AND IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOUR PET IS A PUREBRED POODLE OR MESSY MOGGIE, LORT SMITH IS ALWAYS THERE WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST. THE TEAM HERE KNOWS THAT THE HUMAN-ANIMAL BOND IS A PRECIOUS AND MAGICAL THING AND UNDERSTANDS THE DEPTH OF FEELING PEOPLE HAVE WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR PETS. ANIMALS MAKE ME SMILE, MAKE ME FEEL HUMBLE AND MAKE ME REALISE THERE IS MUCH IN LIFE TO LOVE.” Barbara joined the Board in September 2011. Barbara has more than 30 years’ experience in corporate communication focusing on issues, risk and crisis management, stakeholder engagement and strategic planning. Barbara is the Managing Director of Pesel & Carr, an award-winning independent strategic communications agency she founded in 1997.
SAMANTHA BAILLIEU - Director “AS A HUMAN BEING I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PAINFULLY AWARE THAT WE NEED ANIMALS AS MUCH AS ANIMALS NEED US. THE WORK OF LORT SMITH IS TIRELESS AND I GET GREAT SATISFACTION OUT OF ASSISTING THE ORGANISATION, ALWAYS STRIVING FOR THE BEST OUTCOMES FOR ALL ANIMALS AND THEIR OWNERS. LORT SMITH NEVER TURNS AWAY ANY SICK OR INJURED ANIMAL THAT NEEDS EMERGENCY TREATMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THEIR OWNER, AND THAT GIVES ME GREAT COMFORT.” Samantha joined the Board in June 2000. Samantha is Chair of the Yulgilbar Foundation and is a Director of a number of the Yulgilbar Group of companies. She is on a subcommittee of the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, called Tackling Tough Times Together and is Director of the Merricks General Winestore.GRAHAM CUNNINGHAM - Director“CARING FOR ANIMALS IS LIKE CARING FOR PEOPLE. THERE IS NOEND TO THE DEMAND. WE AT LORT SMITH NEED TO MAKE SURE THATWE HAVE THE BEST FACILITIES AND PEOPLE TO PROVIDE LEADING-EDGECARE FOR ANIMALS AND THEIR CARERS. AT LORT SMITH, ALL OUR STAFFAND VOLUNTEERS ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT CARING FOR ANIMALS ANDTHEIR OWNERS. IT IS A SPECIAL PLACE.”Graham joined the Board in June 2011. He has 35 years domestic andinternational investment banking experience specialising in mergers andacquisitions, project and property financings and major infrastructure projects.Graham is also the Chairman of Ronston International, Cockram Construction,a family group and an IT company in the health sector. He is also the directorof an international education company, an investment group, a major privatefund manager and a a philanthropic trust. DR DIANE GIBNEY - Director “LORT SMITH IS A VERY SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT PART OF THE COMMUNITY. IT HAS NEVER LOST SIGHT OF ITS PRIMARY VISION – TO SUPPORT THE MORE DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE OF OUR COMMUNITY IN THEIR CHOICE TO SHARE THE HUMAN-ANIMAL BOND. THERE IS REALLY NO OTHER ORGANISATION WHICH COMPARES IN THIS REGARD. IT IS AMAZING TO SEE THE COHESIVE TEAM OF STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS ALL WORKING WITH ONE GOAL IN MIND – TO HELP EVERY ANIMAL.” Diane joined the Board in December 2012. She has spent all of her professional life in small animal practices, improving the lives of many animals and their owners. She managed her own veterinary practice in Ballarat until recently but now enjoys working part-time in a busy practice near home. She is a director of the Australian College of Veterinary Acupuncture.
DR JOHN HARTE - Director “IT’S GREAT TO BE PART OF AN ORGANISATION THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. WE WILL ALWAYS CONTINUE TO BE TRUE TO OUR MISSION AND WORK TO ENHANCE THE WELLBEING OF ANIMALS AND THE PEOPLE WHO CARE FOR THEM. IT’S IMPORTANT OUR SERVICES CONTINUE TO MEET THE CHANGING NEEDS OF OUR CLIENTS AND THEIR PETS. ANIMALS GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, WHICH MAKES SUCH A TREMENDOUS POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S LIVES.” John joined the Board in December 2012. He graduated with honours as a veterinarian from Dublin in 1989 and pursued further training in small animal medicine and surgery at the University of Minnesota. John is a Managing Partner of Integrity Governance, a specialist governance consultancy working with boards and owners of businesses. He is also a fellow of the Australian, US and UK Institutes of Directors and the Financial Services Institute of Australia.BARBARA HAMMON - Director“LORT SMITH IS SUCH A SPECIAL PART OF THE COMMUNITY BECAUSE PETSARE SO IMPORTANT IN PEOPLE’S LIVES. PETS GIVE LOVE, COMPANIONSHIPAND SUPPORT. WITHOUT LORT SMITH’S ASSISTANCE, MANY PET OWNERSWOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE THEIR ANIMALS WITH MEDICAL CARETHEY MAY DESPERATELY REQUIRE. IT’S A WONDERFUL ORGANISATION.”Barbara joined the Board in August 2014. She is a board member of theIan Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne. Barbara graduatedfrom Melbourne University with Arts/Law (Hons) degrees. Professionallyshe practised as a solicitor, and for the last 14 years has specialised incorporate governance with a major Australian bank. KATE HAMOND - Director “LORT SMITH IS AN INSPIRINGLY RESILIENT ORGANISATION, MAINTAINED THROUGH ITS FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE, WELL-EARNED REPUTATION AS A LEADER IN ANIMAL ETHICAL, WELFARE AND VETERINARY MATTERS, AND THE DEVOTION OF VOLUNTEERS AND STAFF. OUR ANIMALS ARE FAMILY MEMBERS. I CAN’T IMAGINE A HOME WITHOUT ANIMALS.” Kate joined the Board in February 2015. Kate Hamond has worked for 30 years in the community sector, consumer protection, compliance and regulation. She is a Board member of Castlemaine Health and recently retired as a Commissioner at the Victorian Commission for Gambling & Liquor Regulation. Kate has led a community consumer protection body and established an aged-care support agency. Kate was also Victoria’s Legal Ombudsman and the CEO of the Australian Retirement Village Association.
BOARD NEWSBOARD MOVEMENTS FIONA WEBSTER - Director (appointed March 2016) “I’M VERY PLEASED TO BE JOINING THE LORT SMITH BOARD. OUR PETS ARE FAMILY AND DESERVE THE VERY BEST CARE. I HOPE TO USE MY SKILLS IN HEALTH CARE TO ASSIST IN FURTHERING LORT SMITH’S MISSION.” We welcomed Fiona Webster to the Lort Smith Board in 2016. Fiona has more than 20 years’ experience in the health sector in operational management, safety and quality, service planning and redesign. Fiona is currently General Manager of Health Operations at Telstra Health. Her previous roles have included Executive Director, Acute Operations, at Austin Health and Executive Director, Strategy, Quality and Service Redesign, at Austin Health. She has held senior management posts in the Victorian government as well as in Britain’s National Health Service. Fiona holds both a Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Health.RAELENE HARRISON - Company Secretary (appointed October 2015)“I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT ALL ANIMALS AND THE MISSION AND VISION OFLORT SMITH. I LOVE SEEING THE SPECIAL BOND BETWEEN ANIMALS ANDTHEIR OWNERS AND HOW THEY BENEFIT FROM THE GREAT WORKOF LORT SMITH.”We welcomed Raelene Harrison as our new Company Secretary inOctober 2015. Raelene has more than 15 years’ experience in legal,company secretarial and corporate governance. She is a practising lawyer,holding a number of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in lawand corporate governance. For the past 12 years Raelene has lecturedand tutored in law at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, andpresents regularly on corporate governance topics at industry groupsand associations. Raelene has completed an undergraduate degree inequine science and is currently studying postgraduate animal science.BOARD SUB-COMMITTEES Ethics Sub-Committee:The Ethics Investment, Risk and Audit Sub-Committee has primary Sub-Committee: The objective of thisIN ADDITION TO THE BOARD, responsibility to ensure that ethical Sub-Committee is to provide specialistLORT SMITH HAS SEVERAL BOARD issues (animal treatment and welfare input to the Board on matters of finance,SUB-COMMITTEES, COMPRISED and broader ethical practices and risk and investment and to provideOF BOARD MEMBERS AND behaviours) faced by Lort Smith both a conduit for external auditors andMEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE from internal and external sources investment advisors to the Board.MANAGEMENT TEAM. are dealt with in a considered, planned Master Plan Sub-Committee: and timely fashion.The Ethics Since 2012, the Master Plan Sub-Committee is also charged with Sub-Committee has been charged ensuring that the Vision and Mission with the responsibility of evaluating of Lort Smith not only support but and determining the facility needs and underpin our actions when facing future requirements of Lort Smith. ethical challenges.
RNOEWSIEAMBABTATSYSADOR“I’m thrilled to be an ambassador for Lort Smith. Lort Smith workswith the most vulnerable people in our community, helping them to givetheir animals the level of care they deserve.” - ROSIE BATTYLORT SMITH WELCOMES As a passionate animal lover and With Rosie’s support, we intend toROSIE BATTY, AUSTRALIAN OF staunch campaigner for the protection bring greater focus to the importanceTHE YEAR 2015, TO OUR TEAM of people in crisis (victims of domestic of the human/animal bond and theOF AMBASSADORS. violence), Rosie’s profile in many need to establish programs capable respects defines the Lort Smith of assisting people and pets in need mission. Rosie has already shed of support. considerable light on the plight of pets In 2015, Rosie took time out of her as victims of domestic violence as extremely busy agenda to visit the well as the need for an improved and Hospital to speak to Lort Smith staff coordinated response framework. and volunteers. Rosie also provided video messaging for the 2015 Annual General Meeting. Ms Batty said that she has always had companion animals, has struggled financially and knows only too well how distressing it is to be in a situation where you know your beloved pets are vulnerable. “Concern for pets is often a key factor in people delaying leaving a family violence situation. Knowing that the animals will be safe and reuniting them with their family is critical for the recovery process from trauma,” Rosie said. “I’m thrilled to be an ambassador for Lort Smith. Lort Smith works with the most vulnerable people in our community, helping them to give their animals the level of care they deserve.” ONGOING AMBASSADORS • Giaan Rooney • Peter Hitchener • Dr Sally Cockburn
MEXAENCAUGTEIMVEENT TEAMThe Executive Management Team, with the support of the key managers,staff and volunteers, is committed to ensuring Lort Smith is capableof realising its vision and achieving its mission.IN 2015, A NEW EXECUTIVE Hospital Services (headed by Dr Throughout the year, theMANAGEMENT TEAM CAME Russell Harrison) supports hospital Executive Management TeamTOGETHER TO DEVELOP AN operations, nursing, customer services progressed/completed a numberEXCITING PATHWAY FOR THE and dispensary while Shared Services of major projects. Key projectsFUTURE OF LORT SMITH. THE (headed by Joe Corera) supports undertaken included the drafting ofDEVELOPMENT OF A MORE finance, human resources, information a new five-year strategic plan andINTEGRATED OPERATING communication technology, completion of a comprehensiveFRAMEWORK COMBINED occupational health and safety and services review.WITH ADDITIONAL SKILLS AND facilities maintenance. Lort Smith These two pieces of work are intendedEXPERTISE HAS ESTABLISHED welcomed Katrina Wilkins as Head to underpin the future pathway of theA FIT-FOR-PURPOSE MODEL of Fundraising & Communications. organisation, supporting long-termFOR THE ORGANISATION, Katrina who brings a wealth of sustainability and our capacity to assistCAPABLE OF TAKING IT knowledge to the organisation, an increasing number of marginalisedFORWARD FOR THE NEXT will spearhead our sustainability people (and pets) in the community.DECADE. THE EXECUTIVE efforts. In 2015 we also created a The Executive Management TeamMANAGEMENT GROUP new department, Community & with the support of the key managers,COMPRISES FOUR INTEGRATED Development, and welcomed a new staff and volunteers are committedDEPARTMENTS SUPPORTING and experienced department head, to ensuring Lort Smith is capableTHE ORGANISATION’S MISSION. Jenny Ford. Jenny is responsible for of realising its vision and achieving all non-hospital based operations its mission. including the Adoption Centre, Community Outreach and Volunteers.
8L I0FEY-ESAARVSINOGF CA R EIN 2016 LORT SMITH IS The Lort Smith-Lyle Hospital for Today, Lort Smith is one of theCELEBRATING 80 YEARS Sick and Injured Animals (now only organisations of its kind in theOF LIFE-SAVING CARE FOR called Lort Smith) opened in world, providing services throughSICK, INJURED AND April 1936 where Louisa Lort Smith the Hospital, Adoption Centre andVULNERABLE ANIMALS. continued to actively care for Community Outreach programs. the animals of poor and Our Animal Hospital is the largestLort Smith grew out of the Animal disadvantaged people. not-for-profit animal hospital inWelfare League of Victoria, which In 2016 our mission remains as Australia. In 2015 alone, our Adoptionwas established in 1927 to raise relevant as it did when Louisa Centre found new homes for moremoney for disadvantaged animals Lort Smith launched the Hospital than 1,000 pets and almost 25,000and their owners. 80 years ago. animals received vital veterinaryA founder of the Animal Welfare care through our Hospital.League, Louisa Lort Smith, secured the 1988land in North Melbourne (now today’s The Hospitalcurrent site) for a public animal hospitaland her friend Lady Lyle, a passionate introduced a bloodanimal lover herself, donated £5,000 centrifugeto the project. and blood1930 1951 1960 biochemistry 1989 Sir Dallas analyser,The Animal Mrs Louisa which enabled The HospitalWelfare Lort Smith tests to take receivedLeague of was electedVictoria president of Brooks place at the its firstopened The Animal opened the Hospital computer,The Animal Welfare Hospital rather than which wasWelfare League extension in an external donated byClinic. committee. March 1960. laboratory. Mr Ian Davey.1927 1936 1958 1984 1989 2000Animal The Lort The Board The Hospital Lort Smith NewWelfare Smith-Lyle approved was Pet Therapy state-of-the-artLeague of Hospital plans for renovated. program hospital opened.Victoria was for Sick the Hospital Lady Murray, beganfounded. and Injured extension in Patron of with theOriginally set Animals November. Lort Smith first visit atup to assist in (now called and wife of Mount Royalraising money Lort Smith) the Governor Hospital.for animal opened in of Victoriacharities. April. opened the renovated hospital building in October.
2003 2006 2013 2015 2016The history Joan Lort Smith’s Lort Smith Today, Lortof Lort Smith Sturzaker Ethics establishes Smith’s visionbook The awarded Committee 24-hour vet is to beKindness of Order of was formed. and nursing recognised asStrangers Australia care for the leader inwritten (OAM) for her inpatients. Australia forby Felicity contribution animal healthJack was to Lort and wellbeingpublished. Smith’s work. through our Hospital services, Adoption Centre and Community Outreach programs.2001 2005-06 2007 2014 2016An intensive Lort Smith’s Lort Smith’s A new Virginiacare unit Foster Care Wildlife and ultrasound Edwardswas created program was Exotic Pets machine, past Boardto operate launched. Unit was digital Memberseven days established. dental X-ray awardeda week. processor Member of and pathology the Order of equipment Australia (AM). were installed.
NHOEWSPSITAL FREE MICROCHIPPINGIN 2015, LORT SMITH In 2015, our veterinarians performed: PROJECTANIMAL HOSPITAL • 25,974 blood and otherCEMENTED ITS LONG-HELD pathology tests Lort Smith Animal Hospital providedSTATUS AS AUSTRALIA’S • 13,537 vaccinations free microchipping for 1,500 cats andBUSIEST NOT-FOR-PROFIT • 8,890 anaesthetics and sedations dogs belonging to Health Care CardANIMAL HOSPITAL. • 5,937 surgeries, including holders thanks to grant funding fromOur 67 vets and 94 vet nurses 3,055 desexings the Victorian State Government’sprovided high-quality veterinary • 3,297 radiographs Animal Welfare Fund received in 2015.care for 24,384 animals in 2015. • 2,608 microchips A microchip is a small and safeThere were 37,474 consultations, • 1,996 exotic consults implant, which is approximatelyincluding 8,198 emergency • 1,227 ultrasounds the size and shape of a grain of rice.consultations. In addition, our nurses performed The microchip provides a read-outOur Hospital provides exceptional 17,510 nursing appointments, of a unique number. This numberveterinary care, preserving the completed 14,900 hospital charts provides the essential link betweenhuman-animal bond irrespective and monitored thousands of sedations pets and their owners.of a person’s circumstances. and anaesthetics. The owners of these pets now haveOur work aims to keep people and Our dispensary gave 29,085 injections a better chance of being reunitedtheir pets together. On top of our low and dispensed 29,427 bottles/packets with their animal companionsprices we offer discounts to Health of medication. should they go missing.Care Card holders, Pensioner Card The project was targeted at Healthholders and Seniors Card holders. 24-HOUR CARE Care Card holders as we identifiedIn 2015 we provided $1,332,057 in the cost of microchipping petsdiscounts to people of limited means. We began providing 24-hour care, can be a deterrent for people ofIn addition, we offer payment plans seven days a week, for our inpatients limited means.to pet owners experiencing genuine from September 2015. For some of these pet owners, it wasfinancial hardship and as such, Pet owners have extra peace of the first time their pet had been to theprocessed 49,249 transactions mind knowing that veterinary staff vet. We also developed a Responsibleregarding payment plan arrangements. will monitor their animals overnight, Pet Ownership brochure as part ofLort Smith Animal Hospital operates and administer medications and the project, which was distributedin a very similar way to a human procedures as needed. during appointments and allowedhospital. We’re very proud to This extra veterinary care has resulted our staff to engage with pet ownersboast state-of-the-art facilities and in animals spending less time in our and educate them on the importanceequipment. Our purpose built hospital Intensive Care Unit and allows us to of preventative health measures.contains ten consulting rooms, four take on more complex cases, helpingsurgical theatres, an Intensive Care more animals. Patient comfort andUnit, a general treatment room, and care is our top priority.separate wards for our feline, canineand exotic inpatients. C2A4R/7E 37,474Our Hospital team work 365 days a LAUNCHEDyear and we are open to the public CONSULTATIONSfrom 8.30am-midnight. $1,332,057 IN DISCOUNTS
DR ALAN LAWTHER The conference was a combinationSCHOLARSHIP of challenging theory and practical sessions. Following her return, LeanneTHE DR ALAN LAWTHER ran seminars with colleagues to shareSCHOLARSHIP WAS ESTABLISHED information learnt. Staff are nowTO HONOUR THE MEMORY AND much more confident in interpretingENORMOUS CONTRIBUTION blood gases, improving our inpatientVETERINARIAN DR ALAN LAWTHER monitoring and in some cases helpingMADE TO LORT SMITH achieve diagnoses without havingANIMAL HOSPITAL. to do further, more invasive tests.The scholarship is provided annually Leanne also successfully completedto a Lort Smith veterinary staff a six-week online course in felinemember to enhance their veterinary emergency medicine through theskills in an area that will benefit University of Sydney’s Centre forLort Smith. Veterinary Education.Dr Leanne Pinfold was awarded “I’ve always been interested inthe scholarship in 2015. emergency medicine. I enjoy theThe scholarship allowed Leanne fast-paced, high-pressure environmentto attend the European School of the ICU unit and I get a lot offor Advanced Veterinary Studies satisfaction from looking afterEmergency and Critical Care critically ill animals and feelingConference in Switzerland. like I am making a difference,” Leanne said. “Our goal is to reduce the time our patients spend in ICU, because this reduces their overall hospital stay which is less stressful for the animals and less costly for the owners.”
MELBOURNE In 2015, 42 Melbourne Polytechnic 42POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS students attended Lort Smith for placement. MELBOURNELORT SMITH WELCOMED General Manager of Nursing ServicesSTUDENTS FROM MELBOURNE at Lort Smith, Dana Keirs, said the new POLYTECHNICPOLYTECHNIC TO THE TEAM IN Associate Degree will have a positive STUDENTSMARCH 2015. impact, not just on employers likeMelbourne Polytechnic introduced a Lort Smith but on the veterinarynew two-year Associate Degree of profession as a whole.Veterinary Nursing in 2015 in response “We rely heavily on experienced,to the demand for a qualification that well-trained nurses who play a criticalprovides advanced opportunities in role in Lort Smith’s work. Throughthe animal industry. our association with MelbourneThe course includes extensive Polytechnic, we will have confidenceindustry experience, including and certainty in the level of trainingclinical placements at Lort Smith and knowledge that the graduatesAnimal Hospital. will bring to their roles,” said Ms Keirs.A placement at Lort Smith allows “It’s a huge win for the vetstudents to gain in-depth experience nursing profession and will enhancein a range of situations and across a its status and improve career optionswide variety of species. Students are for nurses.”coached and supported by experiencedLort Smith nurses and veterinarians.
CSEURSVTIOCMEESRNEWSOur phone room was very busy throughout 2015 with the team receiving112,195 phone calls, an average of more than 300 calls every day.LORT SMITH ASSISTED At the heart of Lort Smith is our work Customer Services is also the first19,455 PET OWNERS IN 2015. to support people of limited means. point of contact for emergency cases,THIS INCLUDED 8,225 The team processes discounts for assisting when they present to theNEW CUSTOMERS. Health Care Card holders and Seniors Hospital. In 2015, the team assistedOur Customer Services team works Card holders, as well as payment with 38 emergencies per daytirelessly to ensure all customers plans for owners experiencing on average.are treated with respect, empathy genuine financial hardship.and understanding. Our phone room was very busy 8,225The team is responsible for many throughout 2015 with the teamimportant aspects of our day-to-day receiving 112,195 phone calls, NEWoperations including answering an average of more than 300 CUSTOMERSphone calls, booking appointments, calls every day.responding to emails, greeting and They also received 4,204 emailschecking-in patients. via our website.They understand how important therelationship between pet and owneris and endeavour to provide the bestof care to both.
STRTOURFYFLE’STruffle is now living a healthy and happy life.LORT SMITH ANIMALHOSPITAL VET DR WARRENGATT PERFORMED LIFE-SAVINGSURGERY ON ONE VERY LUCKYKITTEN SURRENDERED TOOUR ADOPTION CENTRE INJANUARY 2015.Truffle arrived at Lort Smith withan inverted sternum. His ribs andsternum were growing abnormally,giving his chest a sunken appearanceand reducing the space availablefor his heart and lungs to developproperly. If surgery wasn’t performed,Truffle would have developed impairedcardiac and respiratory function aswell as severe pain.Surgery to fix the condition waschallenging. It involved placing asteel pin to straighten the sternumso it developed correctly and leavingit in place until Truffle’s growthplates closed.We don’t believe there are many The surgery was a success andvet clinics that would have attempted Truffle returned to Lort Smith Animalthe surgery. Hospital, eight months later, to getDr Warren Gatt was up to the the pin removed.challenge. While Truffle was under Truffle then spent three weeks ingeneral anaesthetic, he carefully a loving foster care home beforeinserted the steel pin and corrected returning to Lort Smith Adoptionthe growth of the kitten’s sternum. Centre where we found him a permanent home. Truffle is now living a healthy and happy life.
OCHUARPL AINBereavement support has been an integral partof Lort Smith’s work for 10 years.AT LORT SMITH WE BELIEVE SOPHIE 2,168IN THE IMPORTANCE OF THEHUMAN-ANIMAL BOND AND Neil Vernon, a long-term client of SYMPATHY CARDS SENTUNDERSTAND THAT FOR MANY Lort Smith, said goodbye to hisPEOPLE THEIR PETS ARE PART 15-year-old silky terrier Sophie in 2015. 73OF THE FAMILY. He adopted Sophie from Lort SmithSaying goodbye to an animal we many years ago. Vets found a growth ATTENDEESlove is often one of the hardest on her spine which eventually meantthings we do in life. she couldn’t move her back legs and AT 2 MEMORIAL SERVICESBereavement support has been had to be put to sleep.an integral part of Lort Smith’s Neil describes Adele as “more than 624work for 10 years. a sympathy card or a phone call, sheOur Chaplain, Adele Mapperson, is a woman blessed with compassion CALLS TO CLIENTSspends a large part of her day and gifted insight, who allows yousupporting people as they go to feel instantly at ease.”through the process of letting “When meeting Adele, I had Sophiego and saying goodbye. on my lap and she came back with“Every day people come to Lort cup of tea and a biscuit,” Neil said.Smith in need of support. They need “We chatted about how much mysomeone to listen to their story, be dog meant to me and what life’swith them in a time of loss, accept lessons had taught me along the way.”the truth of their struggle and pain, “When it came to saying goodbye toand bear witness to the events that my little girl it was done with dignityunfold as they begin to live with that and an understanding that an animalwhich changes them,” Adele said. to us is more than an animal, it is aAdele’s support for our clients and friend and sometimes a child.”their families continues long after “Adele is one of the voices of thethey say goodbye to their pet. Adele Lort Smith Animal Hospital and sheorganises memorial services, follows helped me so much through a veryup with phone calls and sympathy difficult time.”cards and holds a monthly meetingof Companion Animal LossSupport group.Adele trained six new leaders tohelp with the Companion AnimalLoss Support Group in 2015. Thesesessions provide those grieving theloss of a pet the opportunity to sharetheir stories, support each other andlessen their isolation.
CADEONPTRTIEONNEWSAll of the animals cared for by our Adoption Centre team areexamined by a vet and provided with veterinary care if needed.THE LORT SMITH ADOPTION This was a great result for Lort Smith Although Lort Smith is unableCENTRE OFFERS SANCTUARY, Adoption Centre and a wonderful to rehome stray dogs and stray adultREHABILITATION, WELFARE outcome for these animals who cats, we will always care for themAND A NEW HOME FOR now have new and loving homes. until they can be transferredINJURED, SURRENDERED AND Dog adoptions were up 8.6% to the appropriate pound or facility.ABANDONED PETS WITH compared to 2014. Lort Smith will never euthanise anNO-ONE TO CARE FOR THEM. Lort Smith is not a pound, and is animal that can be rehomed. It is theIn 2015 our Adoption Centre rehomed unable to take in stray dogs and unfortunate reality that euthanasia1,024 animals, including: cats for rehoming. Most animals are is sometimes the only option for• 291 dogs surrendered to Lort Smith Adoption animals suffering from extremely• 643 cats Centre by owners who are no serious medical conditions, injuries• 90 other animals, including rabbits, longer able to care for them. It is a or behavioural problems that affect guinea pigs, birds, mice and ferrets common misconception that animals their welfare.This was the unfortunate end up in shelters because they’ve outcome for a small percentage643 CATS been abused or done something of animals that were surrendered REHOMED wrong. Animals are surrendered to us for rehoming. to our Adoption Centre by owners In 2015, 5.7% of surrendered dogs291DOGS for a range of reasons including and 8.5% of surrendered cats were REHOMED a relationship breakup, moving not suitable for rehoming and were interstate or overseas, moving to a sadly euthanised. This is a decrease90 OTHER rental property where pets aren’t compared to 2014 when 6.3% of ANIMALS REHOMED allowed, lack of time or financial surrendered dogs and 10.9% of constraints. surrendered cats were not suitable All of the animals cared for by for rehoming. our Adoption Centre team are examined by a vet and are provided HELPING OTHER GROUPS with veterinary care if needed. Animals surrendered for rehoming We continued to develop our are also vaccinated, desexed relationships with other rescue and microchipped. groups and assist with rehoming their Our Adoption Centre team also test animals when they were overflowing the animals on temperament and and we had capacity. behaviour to ensure each owner finds In 2015 our Adoption Centre helped the right pet for their home, family rehome animals from: and lifestyle. • Geelong Animal Welfare Society: Sick and injured wildlife brought to the 23 dogs; Hospital by members of the public • The Lost Dogs Home (new are also assessed by Lort Smith vets. relationship in 2015): 20 dogs, These animals are also cared for by 14 cats, two bunnies; Lort Smith Adoption Centre. • NSW Country Dog Pound Rescue: 11 dogs, 12 cats; • Blue Cross: four dogs, one cat; • Darebin City Council: six cats, one rabbit, two dogs.
MYRTLE’S STORY FOSTER CAREMyrtle was awarded our inaugural Inspirational Animal We’re very fortunate to have 129of the Year award in 2015. foster care volunteers who providedMyrtle was just a four month-old puppy when hit by a car. care for 547 animals in 2015.Her owners waited one week before taking her to see Our wonderful network of fosterLort Smith Animal Hospital veterinarians. carers provide loving care to ourWhen she arrived, her leg was swollen and she Adoption Centre animals in theirwas in a lot of pain. Our team quickly realised homes. They help in so many ways,her leg was badly broken and needed urgent including preparing animals forveterinary care. surgery, rehabilitating animals afterIt was at this point, Myrtle’s owners surrendered surgery, transporting animals backher to Lort Smith Adoption Centre. Our team did and forth for health checks, or justall they could to save her leg but the damage was providing time out of the Adoptiontoo severe – the leg had to be amputated. Centre and tender loving care forThis didn’t slow Myrtle down though. She was long-term Adoption Centre residents.no longer in pain and quickly adapted to havingthree legs. LORT SMITHAfter recovering from her EMERGENCY BOARDINGsurgery, Myrtle was adoptedby her foster carer where In 2015, Lort Smith Emergencyshe lives a happy life Boarding cared for 91 dogs andwith her new person 47 cats. Each animal stayed for(pictured). an average of 20 days. The Lort Smith Emergency Boarding program helps take care of animals belonging to some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We care for the animals of people in emergency circumstances and crises who have a case worker (e.g. mental health problems, homelessness, elderly people requiring hospitalisation and victims of domestic violence). We provide these animals with important necessities such as food, medical treatment, accommodation and plenty of tender loving care until $762,506they can be reunited with their owner. INVESTED ADOPTION CENTRE COSTS Lort Smith invested $762,506 in medical care for surrendered animals, wildlife in need and animals being cared for through Lort Smith Emergency Boarding program in 2015. This is one of the reasons Lort Smith is so active in fundraising.
GIZMO’S STORY“There’s absolutely no reason for it. If people haveanimals they don’t want, we can always help them.”GIZMO WAS ONLY A FEW Mario noticed that one kitten was alive, A loving foster care home wasWEEKS OLD WHEN HE WAS barely, trying to feed from its mother. then arranged for Gizmo’s furtherPLACED IN A GARBAGE BAG He gently extracted the kitten from the recovery where he received theWITH HIS MOTHER AND THREE bag before rushing it home, giving it care he deserved.SIBLINGS AND THROWN FROM warm milk and comforting it for the Gizmo continued to strengthen andTHE UPPER-FLOOR OF A duration of the night. grow everyday in foster care and inMELBOURNE APARTMENT The next morning, Mario brought March was well enough to return toBLOCK IN JANUARY 2015. the kitten to Lort Smith. Lort Smith for adoption.TRAGICALLY, GIZMO WAS Adoption Centre Manager Serena Horg A lot of people were keen to adoptTHE ONLY SURVIVOR. took the kitten into Lort Smith’s care Gizmo and thankfully he has nowGood Samaritan Mario was visiting and while it was certainly not out of found a wonderful permanent home.a friend when he encountered a the woods, she was hopeful Gizmo Gizmo now resides in his newgarbage bag on the footpath where would survive. home with another cat namedhe noticed the bag moving and heard “I was appalled to think that anyone Cleo, who was also adopted froma faint noise coming from within. could be this cruel,” Serena said. Lort Smith. The two have becomeMario assumed it was probably a rat, “There’s absolutely no reason for it. If very comfortable and close withbut upon opening the bag to check, people have animals they don’t want, one another. The owner sayingwas shocked to find a family we can always help them.” “He’s a very happy tubby tabby whoof cats with horrific injuries. Gizmo spent a few days at Lort Smith loves Cleo, cuddles and biscuits, andThe bag appeared to have been thrown being thoroughly looked over by vets brings lots of love to our little family.”from the upper floor of a block of flats. and miraculously had returned to aThe family of felines (all except for happy and healthy state.one kitten; Gizmo) had sadly sufferedfatal injuries.
LPOERTTTSHMERITAHPYAt Lort Smith we believe in the human-animal bond- the deep connection that exists between humans and animals.LORT SMITH PET THERAPY The girl was reluctant to go into the Pet Therapy volunteer Hayley VellaHAS BEEN SUPPORTING THE surgery, so much so that she wouldn’t makes monthly visits to a rehabilitationCOMMUNITY FOR MORE THAN go in without Baz by her side. Upon a ward in the west of Melbourne with25 YEARS. THE PROGRAM special request by the surgeon, Baz her four-year-old Border Collie, Lily.INVOLVES VOLUNTEERS TAKING and Cath were allowed to sit with the Hayley sees firsthand the impact theirTHEIR SPECIALLY ASSESSED girl whilst she was being put under visits have on patients, and the therapyDOGS TO VISIT PATIENTS AND anaesthetic. Baz sat calmly with the that Lily provides just by being inRESIDENTS IN AGED-CARE little girl, who lay stroking and holding the room.FACILITIES, HOSPITALS AND his lead, as they were wheeled into “We usually visit a number of patientsOTHER CENTRES ACROSS the anaesthetic area. Baz stayed each time, but one patient we visitedMELBOURNE. put while staff administered the recently had just lost his dog,” saysAt no cost to the facility, the dogs anaesthetic and the girl went calmly Hayley. “He didn’t want to say goodbyebring comfort, joy and relief to people off to sleep. This special moment to Lily, so we spent almost theexperiencing illness, adversity or brought comfort and a sense of safety entire visit just with him, talking andloneliness. The visits help improve to this young patient and her mum remembering his dog. It was thepatient wellbeing and brighten the days at a stressful time, and no doubt most rewarding and memorableof everyone they encounter. Volunteers to staff too. visit we’ve had.”and staff constantly comment on “All the smiles of encouragement “The difference a visit from a Petseeing people’s faces light up that we got from people in their Therapy dog can make is undeniable.when they meet the visiting dogs. theatre gear was amazing,” It’s so worthwhile when you seeIn 2015, 157 Pet Therapy human-dog remembers Cath proudly. someone’s face light up when youteams visited 56 facilities. walk into the room,” she says. “AndAt Lort Smith we believe in the LORT SMITH Lily loves the attention she gets too.”human-animal bond – the deep PET THERAPY IN 2015connection that exists between 157humans and animals, which has • More than 25,000 patient/residentthe power to profoundly impact interactions took place PET THERAPYthe health and wellbeing of both. • More than 2,300 hours ofThe positive impact of this bond is Pet Therapy visits completed HUMAN-DOG TEAMSbacked by scientific data and research • 157 Pet Therapy human-dog VOLUNTEEREDinto the therapeutic impact of human- teams volunteeredanimal relationships. The benefits can • 61 new Pet Therapy teams 25,000be emotional, psychological or physical commenced volunteering in 2015and nowhere do we see this impact 56 partner facilities received PATIENT/RESIDENTmore than in our Pet Therapy program. Pet Therapy visits: INTERACTIONSA recent experience involving • 45 aged-care facilitiesLort Smith Pet Therapy volunteer Cath • Three disability centresFlanagan and her dog Baz has provided • Three general hospitalsinsight into the program at work. • Two children’s hospitalsThe pair were visiting patients and • One psychiatric facilityfamilies in The Royal Children’s • One rehabilitation facilityHospital, Melbourne, where they • One palliative care facilityspent time with a young girl aboutto undergo cardiac surgery.
FMOARTEINSMATES“They really cared for the dogs and their traininghelped improve the dogs’ behaviour.”MATES FOR INMATES, “They were so proud of themselves.A JOINT PILOT PROGRAM They really cared for the dogs andBETWEEN LORT SMITH, their training helped improve theTHE DAME PHYLLIS FROST dogs’ behaviour.”CENTRE (WOMEN’S PRISON) “At the end of the program one of theAND MELBOURNE CITY inmates thanked me and said it wasMISSION, CONTINUED FOR the best thing she had done sinceITS SECOND YEAR IN 2015. arriving at prison.”The program matches Lort Smith External funding is being sought toAdoption Centre dogs in need of cement this program and potentiallytraining and re-homing with specially roll it out in multiple prisons.screened and selected inmates.The dogs are housed with inmates 2015 GRADUATE: PRINCESSwho look after them and live withthe animals every day for six to Princess arrived at Lort Smith Adoptioneight weeks. Centre in June 2015 from anotherA Lort Smith Adoption Centre staff animal rescue organisation.member attends the prison twice a Our staff quickly realised somethingweek and teaches the inmates dog wasn’t right and X-rays revealed shetraining skills and how to care for required double patella (knee) surgery.and groom the dog. Without these operations, theThe program helps to rehabilitate the one-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrierwomen by giving them responsibility, cross Labrador would have been ina sense of purpose and future a lot of pain for the rest of her life.opportunity for employment. Lort Smith was happy to help thisThe behaviour training the women friendly and loveable dog, with thecomplete with the dogs enables Lort Smith veterinary team performingthe animals to move more easily into the two separate patella operations.new adopted homes. Princess required strict confinement inIn 2015, 12 Lort Smith Adoption foster care while she recovered fromCentre dogs visited the prison, the operations.graduated from the program and After two months of confinement (fourwent on to find loving new homes. weeks confinement for each patella),Senior Adoption Centre staff Princess returned to Lort Smith wheremember Lisa Varrasso saw firsthand our veterinary team were happy withthe difference the program makes her recovery.when she was part of the program However, Princess’s behaviour hadin 2015. declined. The young pup was frustrated“It was great to see the inmates about having to rest without being ablegrow in confidence and apply the to run around and play for so long.skills we all taught them,” Lisa said.
Our team decided to send her to theMates for Inmates program at theDame Phyllis Frost Centre to improveher behaviour.Four dedicated inmates worked hardwith Princess and taught her how tosit, drop and walk perfectly on a lead.Princess’ behaviour was completelytransformed and she returned to LortSmith Adoption Centre a much morerelaxed and well-behaved dog.In November, more than fourmonths after Princess arrived atLort Smith Adoption Centre, shewas adopted into a loving homewhere she lives happily today.Sometimes it takes us longer thanwe’d like for our Adoption Centreanimals to find homes but we nevergive up. Our foster care and Matesfor Inmates programs make areal difference.
NVOEWLUSN TEERIn our annual survey sent to all volunteers, volunteers rated theirexperience level of satisfaction with Lort Smith as 9.72 out of 10.VOLUNTEERS PLAY A VITAL HOW VOLUNTEERS HELP Our Administration volunteersROLE IN HELPING LORT provide vital support across variousSMITH ACHIEVE ITS MISSION People volunteer in a range of areas, departments including Fundraising andAND PROVIDE INVALUABLE including: Communications, Customer Service,SUPPORT ACROSS MANY Adoption Centre volunteers assist Dispensary, Human ResourcesAREAS OF THE ORGANISATION. us every day in looking after the and Finance.Lort Smith had 458 volunteers in 2015, animals, providing enrichment, Volunteers also assist throughout theincluding 218 new volunteers. tender loving care and cleaning. year with driving duties as well as atCorporate volunteers from NAB Foster care volunteers provide numerous fundraisers and events.and Ernst & Young also significantly invaluable support by taking our In our annual survey sent to allhelped our efforts by providing 1,476 animals into their own home and volunteers, volunteers rated theirvolunteering hours in 2015. caring for them in a loving environment experience level of satisfaction withIn addition, The Outlandish Project before they are adopted. Lort Smith as 9.72 out of 10.volunteers provided 672 hours of PetTherapy volunteers and theirvolunteering. The Outlandish Project dogs provide comfort and improve the DEVELOPMENTS IN 2015facilitates social and economic wellbeing of patients and clients at theparticipation pathways for women many aged care facilities and hospitals Volunteer Advisory Committee:who are socially isolated due to the Lort Smith supports. The Volunteer Advisory Committeeexperience of/risk of homelessness, On a monthly basis volunteers was formed in 2015. The purposemental and physical health concerns, facilitate the Companion Animal Loss of the committee is to work inalcohol and other drug issues, Support Group and provide support collaboration with the Volunteertrauma and lack of educational and understanding for those grieving Coordinator to improve theand vocational opportunities. the loss of a pet. volunteering experience at Lort Smith. This is achieved by providing advice and feedback in a forum where the views of the volunteers can be expressed. The committee consists of volunteers with a range of different roles who meet every two months at Lort Smith to focus on key concerns pertaining to each different role and any other relevant volunteer topics. Senior Volunteer role: Senior Adoption Centre volunteer positions were developed in 2015 to provide support to Lort Smith staff and act as mentors for other volunteers. The introduction of this role has provided an avenue for peer support and guidance. It’s given senior Adoption Centre volunteers an opportunity to demonstrate leadership and further assist the staff in an increasingly busy environment. In 2015, 11 Senior Volunteers were appointed.PHOTO COURTESY OF SIMONE PANEPINTO
VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Shirley received the JULIANA’S STORY award as she embracesEach year Lort Smith presents one or the Lort Smith values Juliana began volunteering at Lorttwo volunteers who have gone above and her contribution Smith in 2015, dedicating her timeand beyond in their volunteer role with makes an enormous and love to the dogs in our care atthe Volunteer of the Year Award. Our difference to the staff, the Adoption Centre. Juliana has2015 recipient was Shirley Sullivan. other volunteers and also taken on the additional role ofShirley received the award as she most importantly the a foster care volunteer.embraces the Lort Smith values and animals that are “Thank you for a wonderful year!her contribution makes an enormous cared for. Volunteering in the Adoption Centredifference to the staff, other volunteers has changed my life – literally! I’veand the animals in our care. Shirley is 458 quit my job to study vet nursing! Thean incredibly reliable volunteer who people and the animals have had acompletes two shifts a week in the VOLUNTEERS huge impact on me, and a big part ofAdoption Centre. When Lort Smith is that is due to the way the volunteershort staffed, Shirley will put her hand program is run. Very professional,up to take on more shifts. No task supportive, accessible and above allis ever too hard or too much. flexible and understanding of busyShe is one of the Adoption Centre’s schedules. So thank you for everythingSenior Volunteers and has helped you do, and here’s to many moreinduct countless volunteers on her years of working together.”days off. She is knowledgeable,caring and approachable to the new JULIANA AND HERvolunteers and ensures they have CAT OLIVEa positive experience. Shirley alsovolunteers in her own home as afoster carer and helps care for kittensand cats whilst they are waiting fornew homes. Her face lights up whenshe talks about her foster animalsand it is obvious that their welfareis paramount to her. Quite simply,Lort Smith is a better place forhaving Shirley as a volunteer.
NCEOWMMS UNICATIONSThere aren’t many Facebook pages that can boastsuch high levels of positive engagement.SOCIAL MEDIA The news of Chopper’s disappearance “When Chopper was found, he was shared across Facebook in the was driven back to Lort Smith whereThe Lort Smith social media hope that one of our followers might he received a rock star welcome.followers are more than just a number spot him in their neighbourhood. The red carpet, or in this case, red– they’re involved. We ended 2015 Our Facebook followers were quickly towels were laid out,” Serena said.with 36,111 followers, an increase captivated by Chopper’s story and it Chopper was checked over by a vetof 9,303 followers for the year. was shared more than 3,000 times. where it was determined he had minorOur followers share our posts, Lort Smith posted regular search tears and burns to all his paw pads anddonate to Lort Smith and bring their updates on Facebook and many of the had lost eight kilos. He was bandagedanimals to our Hospital as clients. followers even joined the search party. up and anti-inflammatories wereOur social media followers make Serena Horg, General Manager prescribed, along with unconditionalall the difference, many having even Adoption Centre, helped with the love to nurse him back to full health.adopted their pets from Lort Smith. search for Chopper. Chopper is happily living with hisThere aren’t many not-for-profit “We were overwhelmed and new family. He’s gone to dog training,Facebook pages that boast such high extremely grateful at the public has a highly secure yard with 1.8mlevels of positive engagement. The and staff response. Our search fences and is otherwise enjoyingLort Smith Facebook page was ranked party included Protective Services the quiet, domestic life.in the top 25 not-for-profit Facebook Officers, local posties, Council Animalpages nationwide (number 16) in Management Officers and even a train FACEBOOK FAMILIESOnline Circle Digital’s Annual Australian driver who had spotted Chopper onFacebook Performance Report 2015. the train tracks,” Serena said. Facebook helped many of ourThe report ranked the largest and “Staff took annual leave to join the Lort Smith Adoption Centre animalsmost engaging Facebook accounts search, and three very dedicated find homes, including:in Australia using data from 2015. rescue group women drove around Hugo: One-year-old Staffordshire Bull most nights until the early hours Terrier Cross Hugo was in the care ofCHOPPER’S STORY of morning.” Lort Smith Adoption Centre for 112 After 11 days and 10 nights on the days before finding a wonderful home.Chopper, an 18-month-old Irish run, Chopper was finally found on the More than 4,000 of our FacebookWolfhound cross Bull Arab, was rocks of Elwood beach on a Saturday followers shared his Facebook postadopted to a loving home in morning, and taken to the local in January 2015 and helped find himmid-August 2015. veterinary clinic. He was tired and a home. He’s now been adopted andWhen Chopper’s new family saw his hungry, but thankfully safe. lives near the beach with a four-leggedprofile on the Lort Smith website they The Facebook post announcing that friend named Sasha.rushed in to meet him the very same Chopper had been found was oneday. They instantly fell in love and of our most popular posts in 2015,adopted Chopper. Unfortunately upon reaching almost 75,000 peoplereturning home and disembarking and receiving 3,940 likes, commentsfrom the car, Chopper escaped and shares.and ran away.
CHOPPERJosh: Four-year-old Greyhound Joshspent 60 long days in the care ofLort Smith Adoption Centre and inthat time not one single person askedto meet him. We posted his story onFacebook in December and more than3,500 people shared the post. He wasquickly spotted and adopted. He’s nowpart of a loving home and enjoying lifewith another greyhound named Davey.Jax: Three-year-old Domestic MediumHair cat Jax had never had a realhome. He lived a tough life on thestreet for the first two years of his lifeuntil someone took pity on him. Theyfed him and kept him safe for one year.Unfortunately, they couldn’t give himthe time, love and attention he needed.We posted his story on Facebook andalmost 1,000 people shared his story.Thankfully, a fantastic person spottedhim on Facebook and chose to adopthim. He’s now living in a wonderfulhome and for the first time in hislife, he understands how it feelsto be loved.
Our website was visited 464,882 times in 2015and we received strong media coverage.WEBSITE Nationally, Lort Smith stories ran on PEPPA TAKES A SPIN Channel 7’s Sunrise, ABC News 24 AND SURVIVESLort Smith launched a new website in Breakfast program and Channel Ten’sFebruary 2014 to clearly communicate The Project. Lort Smith spokespeople In one of our more unusual caseswho we are, what we do and why we were also interviewed on several radio in 2015, we helped a small cat thatdo it. stations, including RRR, 3AW and accidentally took a turn in a tumbleEfforts in 2015 focused around ABC 774 Radio. dryer and miraculously survived.developing initiatives to increase Gaining media coverage allows us Peppa, a one-and-a-half-year old ragdollvisitations, online donations, veterinary to promote our Adoption Centre and cat climbed into the dryer betweenappointment requests and animal Hospital cases and enables us to washing loads seeking warmth. Heradoptions. We also made the website share important pet health information. owner, Amy, thought her cat was infully mobile responsive in 2015. Publicity helps us to attract new clients, another room, put the doona in theAccording to Google Analytics find new homes for our Adoption Centre dryer and closed the door.statistics, our website was visited animals and hopefully increase donations Peppa was in the dryer for a total of464,882 times by 253,662 users so that we can continue our vital work. 20 minutes before Amy heard thein 2015. Due to Channel 7 promoting dogs dryer beeping, proceeding to openWhen compared to 2014 statistics, available for adoption throughout the door and find a collapsed Peppa. Athe number of visits increased 33.17% the year, Lort Smith dog adoptions distraught Amy brought Peppa to Lort(from 349,092 in 2014) and users increased significantly across 2015. Smith Animal Hospital immediately.increased by 27.48% (up from All the Adoption Centre dogs featured Peppa had singed whiskers, a sore eye198,980 in 2014). on Seven News throughout the year and paw, but was doing very well allThe average person stayed on the site have found loving new homes. things considered.for two minutes and 36 seconds and Three of our favourite media stories This case is a good reminder tolooked at 4.29 different website pages. from 2015 follow. take extra care with your pets. DuringWe found a new audience in 2015, winter months cats will seek warmthwith 52.07% of people visiting the site PHOTO COURTESY and often hide in dangerous places likefor the first-time. OF IAN CURRIE, under car bonnets, in clothes dryers, THE HERALD SUN. in washing machines, in reclining chairsMEDIA and in cupboards.We received strong media coveragethroughout 2015. In addition to ourweekly Dog of the Week segmenton Melbourne’s Channel 7 News andPet of the Week in Moonee ValleyLeader, our stories were also coveredby: Herald Sun, The Age, Channel7, Channel 9, Channel 10, ABC, TheGuardian, news.com.au, Sky News,Yahoo news, The Australian, Woman’sDay and many others.
LIFE-SAVING LUCINDA’S BEAUTIFUL Lucinda called her father, who gaveSURGERY FOR TITAN ACT OF KINDNESS her permission to use her savings to take the kittens to safety.Titan, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, had Year 7 student and animal lover, “It was my birthday a few weeks agobeen diagnosed at a young age with Lucinda, was riding home from school and my aunty gave me $50 so I useda life-threatening congenital condition along the Moonee Ponds Creek trail it for a taxi to take the kittens intothat meant he couldn’t consume in late 2015 when she spotted several the Lort Smith Animal Hospital,”food properly. abandoned kittens. said 13-year-old Lucinda. Lort Smith CEO David HermanA band of tissue around his oesophagus “I saw a few abandoned kittens acknowledged Lucinda’s efforts,was responsible for food not getting to and they were so cute. I didn’t want and asked the public to be vigilant inhis stomach. He hadn’t been able to leave them, they looked so forlorn looking out for kittens, puppies, catsto eat solid food and had been surviving and lost.” and dogs that had been dumped.on soup. At 12 months old Titan was It was raining, so Lucinda ran to her “We urge people not to dump animalsless than eight kilos where he should house and got a laundry basket to and to take any kittens or stray animalshave been about 15 kilos. Unfortunately collect the kittens in. The tiny animals you find to your local pound or council.Titan had also been diagnosed with ranged in age from four to eight Please bring any injured animals toPyloric Stenosis, which affects weeks, each weighing between Lort Smith Animal Hospital”, David said.food moving from the stomach 400 and 800 grams.to the intestine. “I was just sitting with the kittensHis owner, Simone, a lovely mother trying to coax them into the basketof four, had hand-fed Titan since he and nine more came around thewas born, which had saved his life. corner out of a street. I found 14Simone’s two youngest boys, baby kittens altogether.”one-year-old Jaxen and three-year-oldTyler were both born with pyloricstenosis and had the samesymptoms as Titan.Simone couldn’t believe it when shegot the prognosis from the vet anddiscovered her pet was suffering thevery same condition as her children.Simone’s sons had operations atfour and five weeks of age respectivelyto correct their pyloric stenosis.Due to Simone’s financial constraints,Lort Smith offered to do the surgerypro-bono with Veterinarian Dr ArthurHouse donating his time for thecomplex procedure.“Lort Smith’s done this for free.I’ve donated my time becauseI believe that everyone should havethe chance to have his or her petsfixed. Titan’s chance of survivalis very high. I very much expecthim to be living happily and havea normal life,” Dr House said.
SBEURILVDICINEGS INTEWSON A DAILY BASIS THE • created a new secure OUR DEDICATED INFORMATIONBUILDING SERVICES TEAM bicycle parking pay by removing a TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENTMANAGES THE RECEIVING OF decommissioned cremation furnace; WORKS HARD TO ENSURE ALLGOODS, THE MAINTENANCE OF • increased parking facilities for LORT SMITH INFORMATION ANDSTOREROOMS AND LOOKING patrons by transforming an unused COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGYAFTER THE GROUNDS AND garden bed; and SYSTEMS ARE CONSISTENTLYSURROUNDS. IN 2015 THE • improved utilisation of space due UPDATED TO COPE WITHBUILDING SERVICES TEAM to the installation of fold down EVER-INCREASING PATIENTRESPONDED TO AN AVERAGE tables in the wards. NUMBERS. IN 2015, THEOF EIGHT MAINTENANCE Occupational Health and Safety INTERNAL IT TEAM RESPONDEDAND REPAIR TASK CALLS PER issues were continually given TO 1,834 SERVICE DESKDAY WITHOUT THE HELP OF top priority in 2015 resulting in REQUESTS (AVERAGE 35 PERSPECIALISED CONTRACTORS. a number of developments that WEEK), WITH AN IMPRESSIVEThe Building Services Team also: have improved safety, including: 90% COMPLETED WITHIN• Re-designed and renovated Lyle • Improved storage of infusion AGREED SERVICE LEVELS. House, the original hospital, pump and recharging stations; The continuity of services is paramount to provide a safer and more • additional safety signage on walls at Lort Smith to help us deliver our environmentally friendly work-space; and doors; mission. With this focus,• updated and increased storage • installation of power points above in 2015 we: facilities for female change rooms cages in all wards; • Upgraded our exchange server; and volunteers; • installation of additional duress • installed an additional X-ray station,• increased flexibility and capacity alarm activation switches; resulting in more flexibility and a in the Hospital with a new imaging • installation of new drink/snack greater capacity to care for our animals; room being created out of a vending machines to provide • enhanced the automation of decommissioned dark room; healthier food options; and many database reports, which • installation of a two-way radio saves significant staff time; for use by the organisation’s • upgraded to multi-function Emergency Control group. printers/scanners; and • began the rollout of a document management system to provide greater efficiency and enhance communication and information sharing. In addition to the above, we managed the IT business requirements in-house, which included: • Practice management system enhancements; • monthly server updates; • troubleshooting for all IT applications and systems; • user application upgrades; and • user acceptance testing.
STATEMENTSSTATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REVENUE 2015 2014Veterinary Revenue 11,949,494 11,212,722Adoption and Surrender Fees 199,006 183,281Bequests, Legacy, and Trusts 8,564,783 6,777,325Donations and Fundraising Income 1,323,961 1,317,100Dividends and Interest 721,790 472,846Rental Income 23,237 21,989Other Income (including Sale of Asset)* 5,029,676 79,994TOTAL INCOME 27,811,947 20,065,257EXPENDITURE 4,134,046 3,757,750Veterinary Expenses 1,332,057 1,176,664Discounts to Customers Adoption Expenses 271,656 161,676Event, Campaign and Mail-out Costs 465,877 522,399Corporate and Administration 829,346 664,188Wages and Employee Related Costs 11,537,096 11,337,164TOTAL EXPENSES 18,570,078 17,619,841NET PROFIT FOR YEAR(including Sale of Asset)* 9,241,869 2,445,416*Other Income includes proceeds of $4,899,392 from the sale of an asset for master planning purposesSTATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONASSETS 2015 2014Cash and Other Equivalents 10,495,529 4,475,348Investments 17,867,500 8,418,605Trade and Other Receivables 1,352,596 1,324,550Assets Held for Sale - 7,400,000Inventories 232,485 285,775Prepayments 35,507 44,092Property,Plant & Equipment 19,020,517 14,249,577Investment property 1,300,000 1,200,000TOTAL ASSETS 50,304,134 37,397,947LIABILITIES 1,962,106 1,858,697Trade and Other Payables 1,358,042 1,438,541Employee Benefits Liability Associated with Asset Held for Sale - 1,230,000TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,320,148 4,527,238NET ASSETS 46,983,986 32,870,709
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI n our 80th STAFF VOLUNTEERSyear, we’d liketo acknowledge 25-plus years of service 25-plus years of servicethe significant Lyn Orton, 29 years Lyn Orton, 29 yearscontribution of the Stephen Bryce, 28 years Joan Ray, 28 yearsfollowing Lort Smith Daniel McPherson, 27 years staff and volunteers. 20-plus years of service 20-plus years of service Gordon Strachan, 23 years Patrick Cheah, 22 years Gary Oakes, 21 years 15-plus years of service Jane Whitmore, 21 years Nada Cahill, 19 years Warren Gatt, 20 years Colette Saunders, 19 years Lisa Varrasso, 20 years Jocelyn Sellers, 19 years Catie Bortolot, 17 years 15-plus years of service Dellis Kaye, 17 years Paula Rodrigues Vance, 16 years Carole Birrell, 15 years Shana Oxley, 15 years Elaine Longshaw, 15 years 10-plus years of service 10-plus years of service Mangalika Ratnayake, 14 years Barry Zyppel, 14 years Danielle Cresp, 14 years Norma Croatto, 13 years Nicole Smith, 14 years Peter Hallgarten, 13 years Edgardo Sison, 14 years Penelope Meyer, 11 years Anne Fortunato, 12 years Emily Buick, 12 years Years of service as at Louise Travaille, 12 years December 31, 2015. David Hookey, 11 years Mirjana Laferlita, 11 years Penelope Meyer, 11 years Michael Viterbo, 11 years Jan Morton, 10 years Tara Egan, 10 years Rebbecca Primmer, 10 years
24 Villiers StreetNorth Melbourne VIC 3051For more information please give usa call or visit www.lortsmith.comBequests - 03 9321 7213Donations - 03 9321 7207Volunteering - 03 9321 7288Community Fundraising - 03 9321 7207Hospital appointments - 03 9328 3021Adoption Centre surrenders and adoptionsKennels - 03 9321 7260Cattery - 03 9321 7240www.lortsmith.comFax 03 9329 5347Email info@lortsmith.comABN 87 004 238 475
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