Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 0 0.0 100 1.0 11..5511.6.712. 2.8 3.1200 2.0300 3.0400 4.0 500 5.0 Predictive MSI Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,000 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Market Metrics Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 600 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 Predictive 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.5 MSI 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 4.2 5.1 0.7 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 51.8% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 00000000000.0..00000004....00..44.00..50555..555..5..0.05...55.55005606.606066.000.0600..7.70000..770..7....70708088.. 3.3 Coming Soon 33.4% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Coming Soon 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 Avg Daily Active 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 19 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 -20.8% 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 9.1% 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 Avg Daily 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 Active 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 207 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 -2.8% 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 21.9% 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 New Listings New Listings 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 83 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 -35.2% 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 14.0% 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 Back on 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 Back on Market Market 14 -6.7% 33.3% Expired Expired 6 -14.3% 27.3% Withdrawn Withdrawn 6 -14.3% 0.0% Pending Pending 73 -36.0% -5.6% Closed Closed 85 6.0 1.2% 31.0% $1,000,000-$1,500,000
See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,00022222888939....5381391.38%2%.2%%20%.3..32%4753335%3%%.667.0773..3.%3.546440%942499%0%004%4.0%40..2...6119.20.23%749%4..%.%%%89%41%4444%%.%.64424644654.77%74.447744.%0468..5.999..959%4565%5995%.50....0.755%%%111152%%1331.5.%223.%%.2%5.%7%.31245..%5.4%522.%%6%%05.5%%5%15%..27%77%.6.6%64666066006%06% 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Odds of Selling by Week Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 90.0% 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 80.0% 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 70.0% Odds of 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 60.0% Selling 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 50.0% 74.7% 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 40.0% -3.3% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 30.0% -3.5% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 20.0% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 10.0% 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 0.0% 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 $1,000,000-$1,500,000
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 Market Response to COVID-19 Active vs. Balanced Market Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,000 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 111111111111111111111111111111111111111112222222232334422222556666666666622222222777788288828828822329292990252680902212221222892033323323333399000112333363743445555588890011526344657367734757389331887888033893399949002033083134416613342227890143674592443544855005255555455523786694417344.745004284868.9.245564969602444666144616.12.542..60..688.4653676.5774405.153266473306..33475.8.0478..7099.%570704..%%991.4.002777711572%8%2.%%49668%%4%3585%93.0188%8.81988%%2%%1..%%2.%49999%722.%%.%78.9.9..%..1929%4415%..5.1.6607766%%.%111188881%.%.11%5%0%2%0%%588818911%%%%9222201111%1.12.63311%%1111120922221.12211..2.2119.2.,2.11%3%7033..353607.11.31%0.012.%%3%49111...%61.%518%44.111411%%144131%11%51,,15%575%..1111,,11,.%%%..16%66566%6,,,,133212741..5.%1.%222.1777%1%%01712.72,1155183%1.%811%88555,355581%%.282%.%,3,4.%292.998.%91133334402.%20.046170.07..%92%,,111020%012%34..%26,55110.2.%0%01,,519192.%32%%226112,,6628%%.16,66.%2%.27.3,,1770068%.02,7716443544%.2,7111558%%522,81144%4.%2.5111116,,,8322.4111330,,888%2620,,,,,.2249926%%,,,99999221777627.7%,999220117.655555,,022999%8.8.222999,,0088.4%72888883,,1138.%3,,,22277777114%%,1112226110%0,,,225555%999,,,222222244..22223,333336822222222777,,,3,,,,,2221113333%3%,,,,4444222,1114,,444422224000888842222,,,552936666,,,,55568888.422777700,55555626666444666,,2668888%4.,77225552.6,7244448922200,,73%24,88.%,,,211884,88833111,933305%999,,99933,,00,87777000,3611155554,3553234444,21,2.33808,332%49,,83455,522564414.17%57.0%641,.416%3 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 Avg Daily 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 Active 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 207 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 -2.8% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 21.9% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 -5.6% -36.0% 2,858 Active Units 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 for Balance 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 Avg Daily Active 1.9% 2.5% 7.2% % of Balance 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 Active Units for Balance 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 % of Balance 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 70.0% 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 60.0% 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 50.0% 40.0% 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 30.0% 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 20.0% 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 10.0% 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 0.0% 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 $1,000,000-$1,500,000
1,800 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,000 1,600 Market Response to COVID-19 Showings 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 0.1040...45171.29.992.222.2121.422. 381 552425666113376087723327597867 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Current Metric 111000000000000101010001021321304958677582490222161/////////////////////////112221002102200011320222117641389974216492003425617/3/////////////////////////2222222222222222222222222/0000000000000000000000000222222222222222222222222220202110211001012100110110101-------------------------0001000000000110000100010-133407217825539314298026161/////////////////////////2211222111302200200001102/51271820228008194637545739//////////////////////////22222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000002222222222222222222222222201100110211111111100202020.611111.11110...111.122..2..11131313..44..1155..15.5..2622727227.27..182.922..9...222.200001125.1.2....222.233.33414.5.2..5.667120.23939030.3333332.9313.3338..4.43...3555..,1.3,111,0,,590,1110,001,,10001011001,,,111,111,200013,0150,44,0718801,0,,011966646,11.111271,8,1849,,234171,01101051,1113111811332,,5,64411,,751115112101.,08881722994516,215172,52,12631.129711,12.31904,.6,4741101,4221161,,4,5553114414,,2566,61213701,87,70364 1,887 WOW 1 Year Ago 766 Showings Listing Total -59.4% -10.1% 3.7 Shows per -58.2% -24.2% Total Showings Shows per Listing 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 $1,000,000-$1,500,000
2,000 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,000 1,800 Market Response to COVID-19 Showings vs. Contracts 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 9111112222222292922233333333333334444444444444444555555665557585555009551111555253555.55556.66667666666696696600016666226662646566767779797707171722137747747156878888990800001181233484.556669978889999011112222333334455566667990122534445677888102458003111110445012.25525.90101712191181111111511.113..23422.55123..61.21..883213.01400333132116.72213884.33162.1.36134488..313.10151521.35.3454475451.,.,9.311.1,,,0.009989119,11,0.000.1,,0101010.11020,2,.,,11119113,00204,10231,5,040401120,788,0.,11069661,6014181171.2,.,0818,,9021320411,117.0200,11511.1313811303,4,,2151644,,1517125111.2.,011980881027991,2456.125725,2,5263122.29711,21213290.,.,6.747241912031,432.2211716.4,9,,4555.1431441,4,2566,61221321760,876,.710.4362471.,5887 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 Total 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 Showings 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 766 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 -59.4% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 -10.1% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 Pending 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 73 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 -36.0% 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 -5.6% 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 Shows to 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 Total Showings Contracts 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 10 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 -36.6% 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 -8.1% 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 Pending 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 Showings to Contracts 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 $1,000,000-$1,500,000
01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,00019 5579 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Median Days on Market for Pending Home Sales 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 12 20 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 901156 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 8089 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 705 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 60319 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 50 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 401168 23 31 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 30 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 209910121114451720 30 40 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 10 30 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 11 1290 34.5 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 0 39 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 9 2527 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 26 36 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 9 1215 19 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 1178 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 111.54 20.5 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 2233 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 44 Current Metric 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 25 43.5 WOW 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 1 Year Ago 44444445555555555555555555566.5777.58899911111110000011111123331.5517.5 51 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 5 DOM 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 25.0% 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 0.0% 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 44444444455556.57 11.5 63 $1,000,000-$1,500,000
See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title 1 Year Ago WOW Current Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,0006666678888188...9999.9.8.1010011. 999999988788828111181880889898839988.888....7.877.826687.656.866.82..0887.58854.87.7443.8.8389%8..33%%.%2..2%77%77527723%.711.787.777%773%11%%.%700.0%5702%9.77..9%881%.88.7%98..78%8%887177%8%%777..3.2%688.%%676.77..7%..555%47.5.0..7.%4..77%%42.7799%88%7.5%%63261.02.666882626236.%%%61.76%61.21106.%00%%4%%6660%90%%669%%6.5999%%6.68.08.%88.66%687.%.7%.7362..1%6666.86.%666.256%...0855.%..446.04448..5%222.%93%8%63...4%30..29%.2%.5%.255%%1777%...%21%59%%%65%.%5%.%.776%.%.8%8865.3%%%515%%7557%5%%5657%%%.5..%5%45%54%44.%8663.3%42.74.140...%%%.0.5311%.3%274.7.40%4%194%%%%%.4.4%29%5%23...%4%.0893%%.%%1% 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Price Reductions for Pending Transactions -0.6% 2.2% 15.4% Decrease Increase No Change 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 100% 4.8% 6.2% 6.2% 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 90% 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 80% -4.2% -8.3% 78.5% 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 70% 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 60% 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 50% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 40% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 30% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 20% 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 10% 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 0% 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 Decrease Increase No Change 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 $1,000,000-$1,500,000
See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Current Metric $ Reduction % Reduction 00001000000110011010000000001463257213818199222620037115241/////////////////////////////02320202120012111221222200012174089116197234956057243661942/3/////////////////////////////22222222222222222222222222222/0000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222202201201011000021001001101111001-----------------------------00010000000000100000001001010-1380221143538723971626390314521/////////////////////////////11201000220120202203301011202/547221133724385190472801680579//////////////////////////////222222222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000000000222222222222222222222222222222-1120102010110000011112001121001-31.32.%0-1%2.-41%1.-91-%111.-41.3%1-%.10-01%-.-0-1611.0%040..%.22-1%9%%--.989.%.-559%%-.-828-.%.899--8-8.%-%87-8.-.8-658.%-.84-8.4%%.-83-.3%8.%-27-.-1%-%7.71-7%.70%---7.9.-%-.--777--.8-%8-78.7--%77877777-...-7%-7-%-.-%.6667..%7.--.7-.757%5.7.555.5775---74%%%.4.4..%.-777%.-3%%3%%3..%3.3%37%7%22-2...%%%%%-6-111%..%%%0660-----.%%%---66666---8%..6%66---6-6767.....-%--666.6-6..6666--..6%.%--666--565566...55.66--%6%%%%6-44.4%..4-%.%66-%..%3-%633-..6..322%%%-6%5225-2.2.-%.%%5.%15-1%%.-50.%%.%0%50-.599%.%-.%-95%8-.%58.%5%--75%.7-%5.5%6.5%5.%5-..4%.-54%4-%3-5-%5.%%44-%1-..404..0%99.-----------------------------------%.%-8-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7%%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44%1111111112111111111111111111111111$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1%-..44021710301001102032006062208300031598867886869847999897789775877989978997978997897854947779888977787988568766767887769893%.228034903414243151858814854828626850004377963587810390220884215924544819485907359829115135445933101635095655828191777883%2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,635372283566444000450201250469918028987246727180587417090868340702058586309565738851368288378011878400808250557982869792%203095192107138032540860395562702305000090790018975575352037408080670608840008868076565026676067385923402440000110506596069558909306006287514012003906000976520558767130870626644653373028063079605625390002600155060600203006070590997339000830 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,000,000-$1,500,000 WOW Market Response to COVID-19 Size of Price Reductions for Pending Transactions 1 Year Ago $1,000,000-$1,500,000 $0 -$65,500 -$50,000 -37.8% -$100,000 2.2% -$150,000 -$200,000 -5.1% -$250,000 2.2% -0.3% $ Price Reduction % Reduction -4.0% -5.0% -6.0% -7.0% -8.0% -9.0% -10.0% -11.0% -12.0% -13.0% -14.0%
$1,500,000-$2,000,000 $1,500,000-$2,000,000 0.9% of homes in the 7 Metro Counties are between $1,500,000 - $2,000,000
Strategy Sheet Pre-COVID-19 Pre-COVID-19 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Single Family Historic Cycle Based on previous years in this cycle (2013-2019) these values represent Target September October- December January February March April Early May Late May June July August- historically Pre-COVID-19 when the Listing November April May June July September market was competitive by month. Month 182 195 Target January February March 201 August September October November December The market was likely to favor those Closing sellers were are ready to take Month advantage of early buyer activity by listing March-May. Active Count 149 160 169 207 201 204 191 172 146 Sellers late to the market in the Pending 15 20 30 29 33 30 21 26 18 25 16 14 summer months were more likely to Count spend longer on the market, make price reductions and sell at lower prices than Closed Count 13 13 17 25 33 30 31 26 18 22 21 20 spring sellers. Expired 15 13 15 13 12 15 13 17 18 21 20 34 Count Buyers were most likely to have $1,500,000-$2,000,000 14.3% 15.8% 19.8% 20.7% 23.7% 21.3% 18.7% 18.9% 13.8% 17.9% 16.0% 15.4% negotiating power in the mid summer- Odds of fall. Selling 95.5% 96.4% 96.9% 97.6% 97.3% 98.3% 97.6% 96.7% 96.3% 97.2% 97.1% 97.3% % of Close/List Avg DOM 119 123 93 110 116 84 91 77 83 72 100 89 Med DOM 69 92 43 48 74 40 50 32 59 64 68 55 % U/C 7 Days 20.9% 27.8% 29.9% 32.0% 25.7% 26.0% 25.0% 29.9% 22.4% 25.3% 22.3% 23.2% or Less 14.8 10.8 9.0 7.2 7.3 7.0 9.0 12.2 9.6 9.0 8.5 45.6% 30.8% 37.3% Months of 13.53 -8.9% -7.8% 32.0% 30.5% 27.0% 29.8% 34.5% -8.5% 32.7% 28.1% 34.8% Inventory -1.3% -1.3% -9.5% -9.6% -8.8% -9.3% -9.8% -2.4% -9.6% -9.2% -9.7% -2.3% -0.7% 0.7% 0.2% 0.4% -1.1% 2.2% -2.8% 1.4% 0.5% -2.7% % of Reduced 39.5% 0% 0% 0.8% 0.9% 0.5% -2.7% 2.9% 0% 1.1% 1.7% -2.8% Listings -9.4% -0.9% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Average -0.7% Price 0% Reduction % Change Avg Sold Price MOM % Change Med Sold Price MOM % Distressed Sales Thi s repres enta ti on i s ba s ed i n whol e or i n pa rt on content s uppl i ed by REcol ora do®, Inc. REcol ora do®, Inc. does not gua ra ntee nor i s i t i n a ny wa y res pons i bl e for i ts a ccura cy. Content ma i nta i ned by REcol ora do®, Inc. ma y not refl ect a l l rea l es ta te a cti vi ty i n the ma rket. Da tes s hown on gra phs for ti mefra mes i ncl uded. Ada ms , Ara pa hoe, Broomfi el d, Denver, Dougl a s , El bert, Jeffers on. Projecti on ba s ed on a vera ge va l ues from 2013-2019. Less More Competitive Competitive
Typical trends do not line up with post COVID market dynamics. It’s more $1,500,000-$2,000,000 important than ever to pay attention to current market trends rather than relying on historical data. The market favors sellers more deeply than ever, not only seasonally but historically. The odds of selling, median days on market, lowest levels of inventory and interest rates are the primary driving metrics forcing our market into an extended selling season. Sellers resistant to shifting their marketing strategy will be quickly left behind and may find themselves missing out on some of the best market conditions ever experienced in Metro Denver.
Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential Strategy Sheet by Week- $1,500,000 - $2,000,000 Date Range Odds of Selling Avg Daily Active New Listings Back on Market Expired Withdrawn Pending Closed Predictive MSI Active Units for % of Balance Days Until Total Showings Shows per Listing Showings to Median DOM Decrease Increase No Change $ Price Reduction % Reduction Balance Equilibrium Contracts 6 0 4.0 33.1% 82 28.6% January 01/01/2020- 17.2% 121 7 2 5 37 2 3.3 2020 27.8% 190 118 1.0 16.9 85 16.7% 0.0% 71.4% -$92,000 -5.4% 01/07/2020 24.0% 116 7 3 2 28 6 1.4 12.1% 211 154 1.3 19.3 108 54.6% 0.0% 83.3% -$200,000 -11.1% February 01/08/2020- 46.4% 107 10 1 6 1 17 3 2.0 365 17.1% 497 168 1.6 9.9 10 11.1% 0.0% 45.5% -$167,500 -9.3% $1,500,000-$2,000,000 2020 01/14/2020 32.9% 107 17 3 6 2 12 6 3.2 418 26.6% 182 194 1.8 16.2 11 14.3% 11.1% 77.8% -$201,314 -13.4% March 01/15/2020- 30.8% 111 18 4 5 48 5 1.8 887 14.6% 98 171 1.5 21.4 35 35.7% 0.0% 85.7% -$356,687 -19.0% 01/21/2020 39.1% 107 14 3 5 2 14 6 1.4 626 11.5% 257 206 1.9 14.7 19 11.1% 0.0% 64.3% -$212,000 -11.2% April 01/22/2020- 44.8% 96 6 7 3 3 16 6 1.4 418 12.1% 399 234 2.4 14.6 52.5 20.0% 11.1% 77.8% -$80,000 -4.5% 01/28/2020 45.5% 107 26 6 3 1 17 7 1.7 731 13.8% 171 237 2.2 13.9 16 18.2% 0.0% 80.0% -$123,000 -6.7% May 01/29/2020- 44.2% 108 18 4 3 3 15 15 1.8 835 15.1% 215 227 2.1 15.1 10.5 21.4% 0.0% 81.8% -$97,500 -5.7% 02/04/2020 50.6% 110 25 1 4 7 14 6 3.8 887 31.7% 167 236 2.1 16.9 10 40.0% 14.3% 64.3% -$101,667 -5.7% July June 02/05/2020- 29.8% 116 16 3 6 27 4 4.7 783 39.0% 92 138 1.2 19.7 5 33.3% 0.0% 60.0% -$155,500 -8.1% 02/11/2020 22.7% 122 20 8 24 10 6 29 0.9 731 7.2% 48 76 0.6 12.7 171 100.0% 0.0% 66.7% -$37,500 -2.3% August 02/12/2020- 54.3% 68 8 9 7 29 18 11 7.8 365 64.8% 359 45 0.7 2.5 0 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% -$200,000 -13.3% 02/18/2020 25.9% 169 18 3 8 45 2 9.9 313 82.9% 31 59 0.3 11.8 10 33.3% 0.0% 80.0% -$41,000 -2.6% October September 02/19/2020- 11.2% 173 12 0 4 94 6 9.7 940 80.5% 21 13 0.1 3.3 10 20.0% 0.0% 66.7% -$150,000 -7.8% 02/25/2020 19.0% 168 8 1 4 24 3 10.8 261 90.0% 32 3 0.0 0.8 24 25.0% 0.0% 80.0% -$45,000 -2.9% December November 02/26/2020- 14.1% 141 10 6 8 43 7 4.7 209 39.2% 20 25.0% 0.0% 75.0% -$264,633 -15.9% 03/03/2020 24.1% 184 23 6 5 11 9 3 6.6 209 55.0% 7 57 0.4 19.0 5 0.0% 0.0% 75.0% -$162,500 -8.6% 03/04/2020- 16.3% 201 29 6 2 37 4 3.0 157 25.0% 69 173 0.9 19.2 18 18.8% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 03/10/2020 28.6% 209 21 5 3 5 16 4 3.6 470 30.0% 33 207 1.0 29.6 9 15.4% 0.0% 81.3% $0 -11.6% 03/11/2020- 25.2% 219 22 1 9 2 14 7 2.4 365 19.8% 169 254 1.2 15.9 28 45.5% 0.0% 84.6% -$245,333 -3.9% 03/17/2020 32.2% 227 14 6 6 1 22 4 7.1 835 58.8% 156 276 1.3 19.7 17.5 55.6% 4.6% 50.0% -$75,000 -5.6% 03/18/2020- 16.6% 215 17 0 3 37 12 1.8 731 14.8% 323 312 1.4 14.2 44.5 33.3% 0.0% 44.4% -$100,050 -7.8% 03/24/2020 43.3% 209 24 3 4 6 27 13 2.4 1,148 20.4% 62 252 1.2 36.0 43 48.0% 0.0% 66.7% -$131,600 -5.3% 03/25/2020- 38.8% 202 24 6 9 2 19 20 2.3 365 19.1% 312 236 1.1 8.7 12 23.8% 0.0% 50.9% -$100,567 -8.4% 03/31/2020 42.2% 199 21 2 3 4 20 12 2.2 1,409 18.0% 185 250 1.2 13.2 10 14.3% 0.0% 76.2% -$151,333 -5.8% 04/01/2020- 40.5% 198 17 5 2 12 21 14 2.8 992 23.5% 258 324 1.6 16.2 32 50.0% 4.8% 81.0% -$95,000 -6.5% 04/07/2020 38.9% 196 11 2 4 11 16 17 2.0 1,044 16.6% 286 215 1.1 10.2 31.5 22.3% 5.6% 44.4% -$119,967 -7.9% 04/08/2020- 44.9% 191 12 4 4 3 22 13 4.7 1,096 39.4% 345 279 1.4 17.4 46.5 100.0% 0.0% 72.8% -$159,778 -5.0% 04/14/2020 32.1% 185 25 3 7 39 18 2.9 835 24.3% 419 267 1.4 12.1 13 41.2% 0.0% 0.0% -$87,184 -2.0% 04/15/2020- 39.4% 190 17 6 3 4 15 13 1.9 1,148 16.0% 71 291 1.6 32.3 14 47.6% 0.0% 58.8% -$30,000 -11.0% 04/21/2020 43.3% 192 26 4 2 2 23 16 1.9 470 16.2% 181 271 1.4 18.1 19 23.8% 0.0% 69.5% -$183,000 -6.7% 04/22/2020- 45.9% 186 20 4 4 2 22 10 1.8 783 15.2% 236 318 1.7 13.8 21.5 45.8% 4.8% 71.4% -$115,463 -10.1% 04/28/2020 41.5% 191 24 3 8 5 24 15 3.1 1,201 25.7% 281 331 1.8 15.0 19 28.6% 0.0% 54.2% -$175,000 -7.2% 04/29/2020- 36.2% 188 18 4 4 4 14 11 3.1 1,148 25.5% 276 331 1.7 13.8 37 38.5% 7.1% 64.3% -$132,901 -7.8% 05/05/2020 34.8% 186 16 7 3 1 14 14 2.8 1,253 23.4% 173 269 1.4 19.2 34 47.1% 0.0% 61.5% -$134,400 -11.1% 05/06/2020- 39.2% 183 12 4 9 4 15 6 2.2 731 18.2% 166 254 1.4 18.1 23.5 42.1% 0.0% 52.9% -$213,990 -9.4% 05/12/2020 33.1% 181 26 11 3 5 19 10 2.2 731 17.9% 136 269 1.5 17.9 27 40.9% 0.0% 57.9% -$202,875 -7.0% 05/13/2020- 39.8% 178 15 5 5 4 19 28 3.1 783 25.7% 136 300 1.7 15.8 63 60.0% 4.5% 54.5% -$139,429 -9.2% 05/19/2020 47.6% 175 15 6 6 3 13 15 2.2 992 18.2% 136 282 1.6 14.8 21 47.4% 0.0% 40.0% -$160,222 -8.0% 05/20/2020- 42.1% 171 14 4 4 4 18 15 2.5 992 20.7% 168 326 1.9 25.1 21 45.0% 0.0% 52.6% -$149,789 -5.4% 05/26/2020 41.5% 173 14 2 4 4 16 9 2.2 679 18.6% 299 288 1.7 16.0 16 36.8% 0.0% 55.0% -$94,990 -7.6% 05/27/2020- 37.9% 175 20 5 3 3 18 16 2.0 940 16.5% 290 271 1.6 16.9 6 27.3% 5.3% 57.9% -$128,434 -7.8% 06/02/2020 42.2% 181 18 2 4 9 21 40 1.3 835 11.1% 214 205 1.2 11.4 54 36.4% 0.0% 72.7% -$131,857 -7.7% 06/03/2020- 61.8% 168 9 8 6 13 29 14 2.1 940 17.2% 321 240 1.3 11.4 20 42.9% 0.0% 63.6% -$147,667 -5.9% 06/09/2020 42.5% 162 14 3 2 6 18 16 8.6 1,096 71.4% 555 184 1.1 6.3 57 0.0% 0.0% 57.1% -$95,000 -9.9% 06/10/2020- 35.6% 149 9 1 5 54 10 3.3 1,514 27.5% 321 193 1.2 10.7 57 61.5% 0.0% 100.0% -$167,333 0.0% 06/16/2020 34.5% 144 7 2 2 5 10 9 2.9 940 24.0% 42 132 0.9 33.0 26 53.8% 0.0% 38.5% -5.5% 06/17/2020- 37.2% 138 4 3 5 2 11 19 2.4 209 19.7% 295 136 0.9 13.6 37 61.5% 0.0% 46.2% $0 -11.3% 06/23/2020 47.2% 134 9 0 2 9 13 12 2.4 522 20.2% 437 51 0.4 4.6 24 53.8% 0.0% 38.5% -$90,375 -5.0% 06/24/2020- 44.5% 116 4 4 3 5 11 5 2.2 574 37.2% 424 162 1.2 12.5 120 36.4% 0.0% 46.2% -$220,714 -5.8% 06/30/2020 37.2% 97 5 1 1 10 679 401 120 1.0 10.9 0.0% 63.6% -$91,188 -9.9% 07/01/2020- 574 192 67 0.7 6.7 -$102,786 07/07/2020 261 -$166,288 07/08/2020- 07/14/2020 07/15/2020- 07/21/2020 07/22/2020- 07/28/2020 07/29/2020- 08/04/2020 08/05/2020- 08/11/2020 08/12/2020- 08/18/2020 08/19/2020- 08/25/2020 08/26/2020- 09/01/2020 09/02/2020- 09/08/2020 09/09/2020- 09/15/2020 09/16/2020- 09/22/2020 09/23/2020- 09/29/2020 09/30/2020- 10/06/2020 10/07/2020- 10/13/2020 10/14/2020- 10/20/2020 10/21/2020- 10/27/2020 10/28/2020- 11/03/2020 11/04/2020- 11/10/2020 11/11/2020- 11/17/2020 11/18/2020- 11/24/2020 11/25/2020- 12/01/2020 12/02/2020- 12/08/2020 12/09/2020- 12/15/2020 12/16/2020- 12/22/2020 12/23/2020- 12/29/2020
Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential Strategy Sheet by Week- $1,500,000 - $2,000,000 Date Range Odds of Selling Avg Daily Active New Listings Back on Market Expired Withdrawn Pending Closed Predictive MSI Active Units for % of Balance Days Until Total Showings Shows per Listing Showings to Median DOM Decrease Increase No Change $ Price Reduction % Reduction Balance Equilibrium Contracts 17 14 1.4 23.0% 72 46.2% January 12/30/2020- 43.5% 90 4 6 1 3 15 8 1.7 2021 28.2% 211 138 1.5 9.2 10 9.1% 0.0% 53.8% -$86,807 -5.0% 01/05/2021 49.2% 81 13 3 4 0 11 7 1.6 26.8% 90 185 2.3 16.8 90 47.4% 9.1% 81.8% -$250,001 -11.1% 01/06/2021- 44.5% 91 9 2 1 1 13 8 1.0 392 26.8% 158 268 2.9 20.6 75 25.0% 0.0% 52.6% -$215,456 -13.3% 01/12/2021 56.9% 88 20 3 3 4 20 291 306 3.5 15.3 5 27.3% 25.0% 50.0% -$165,200 -9.3% 01/13/2021- 54.0% 98 20 2 4 287 12 30.3% 0.0% 72.7% -$123,350 -7.4% 01/19/2021 66.0% 88 13 4 1 27 27.3% 0.0% 69.7% -$109,490 -6.1% 01/20/2021- 56.1% 84 12 9 2 339 13 27.3% 0.0% 72.7% -$134,667 -7.2% 01/26/2021 59.5% 80 14 3 9 7 21.1% 4.5% 68.2% -$133,157 -7.4% 01/27/2021- 55.5% 76 22 3 2 1,044 5 12.7% 0.0% 78.9% -$191,922 -11.6% 02/02/2021 69.3% 78 16 3 6 13 16.0% 1.3% 86.1% -$171,250 -9.0% 02/03/2021- 59.6% 80 18 3 5 3 19 11 1.2 992 26.8% 285 482 4.9 25.4 5 21.4% 4.0% 80.0% -$101,333 -5.5% 02/09/2021 63.8% 82 25 4 5 5 9.5% 0.0% 78.6% -$62,500 -3.4% February 02/10/2021- 56.0% 84 21 2 3 1 35 12 0.6 1,827 4.8% 717 334 3.8 9.5 7 21.7% 0.0% 90.5% -$50,000 -2.6% $1,500,000-$2,000,000 2021 02/16/2021 63.9% 83 31 6 3 5 16.7% 0.0% 78.3% -$80,800 -4.9% 02/17/2021- 60.8% 102 27 6 2 1 16 10 1.2 835 10.1% 251 253 3.0 15.8 6 17.6% 0.0% 83.3% -$122,750 -7.3% 02/23/2021 71.2% 95 27 5 3 5 8.7% 0.0% 82.4% -$97,833 -5.7% 02/24/2021- 60.5% 95 33 3 2 2 20 10 0.9 1,044 7.7% 398 258 3.2 12.9 4 18.2% 13.0% 78.3% -$75,001 -4.8% 03/02/2021 73.0% 99 40 5 1 4 9.0% 0.0% 81.8% -$123,675 -6.5% 03/04/2021- 64.5% 101 40 4 1 4 17 16 1.0 887 8.6% 228 264 3.5 15.5 4 13.8% 3.4% 87.6% -$31,396 -4.5% 03/09/2021 64.6% 110 36 5 4 4 6.6% 0.0% 86.2% -$118,650 -7.4% 03/10/2021- 66.7% 113 25 7 5 3 30 15 0.6 1,566 8.6% 549 331 4.2 11.0 6 36.4% 3.7% 89.7% -$33,588 -4.7% 03/16/2021 62.4% 112 19 5 2 5 4.8% 4.5% 59.1% -$127,625 -6.7% March 03/17/2021- 64.5% 111 22 5 6 3 16 20 1.1 835 8.6% 252 209 2.6 13.1 4 15.2% 0.0% 95.2% -$50,000 -2.5% 03/23/2021 65.2% 118 40 3 2 6 7.1% 3.0% 81.8% -$93,000 -5.4% 03/24/2021- 64.5% 116 33 6 1 0 23 19 0.8 1,201 8.6% 270 329 4.0 14.3 7.5 13.0% 3.6% 89.3% -$87,500 -4.6% 03/30/2021 62.1% 123 29 4 5 16.5 27.3% 0.0% 87.0% -$110,000 -6.6% 03/31/2021- 56.6% 115 11 6 5 2 19 12 1.0 992 8.6% 277 360 4.3 18.9 4 14.3% 9.1% 63.6% -$218,000 -11.5% 04/06/2021 60.8% 135 35 6 1 14.5 25.5% 3.6% 82.1% -$195,228 -10.9% 04/07/2021- 69.0% 119 31 5 1 1 21 18 0.9 1,096 8.6% 192 329 4.0 15.7 6 19.5% 0.0% 74.5% -$139,917 -7.8% 04/13/2021 51.6% 122 28 2 7 5 30.4% 0.0% 80.5% -$217,250 -12.8% April 04/14/2021- 64.5% 125 27 4 2 2 25 16 0.9 1,305 8.6% 256 443 4.3 17.7 4 11.1% 0.0% 69.6% -$109,015 -6.3% 04/20/2021 58.2% 129 31 9 4 6 23.8% 7.4% 81.5% -$173,667 -10.1% 04/21/2021- 60.5% 133 19 5 1 4 32 27 0.7 1,670 8.6% 345 259 2.7 8.1 5 20.8% 0.0% 76.2% -$175,200 -9.9% 04/27/2021 57.4% 131 17 9 2 6 8.3% 0.0% 79.2% -$83,000 -4.6% 04/28/2021- 55.7% 126 22 4 2 2 22 16 1.0 1,148 8.3% 205 398 4.2 18.1 19 27.8% 0.0% 91.7% -$90,000 -5.7% 05/04/2021 45.4% 138 22 1 2 4 15.0% 0.0% 72.2% -$151,200 -8.1% 05/05/2021- 53.2% 152 27 2 6 1 41 26 0.6 2,140 4.6% 318 591 6.0 14.4 9 26.7% 0.0% 85.0% -$105,000 -6.0% 05/11/2021 60.3% 120 17 3 2 6 33.3% 0.0% 73.3% -$88,215 -5.0% 05/12/2021- 49.6% 137 23 4 8 0 31 13 0.7 1,618 6.2% 242 392 3.9 12.6 7 6.3% 0.0% 66.7% -$153,667 -9.6% 05/18/2021 51.1% 132 19 4 1 5 26.9% 6.3% 87.5% -$25,000 -1.5% June May 05/19/2021- 58.7% 121 26 2 8 5 27 21 0.9 1,409 7.8% 222 449 4.1 16.6 4 7.7% 0.0% 73.1% -$171,714 -8.5% 05/25/2021 46.0% 113 18 2 3 10 20.0% 7.7% 84.6% -$91,524 -5.3% 05/26/2021- 52.9% 107 13 0 10 4 29 31 0.9 1,514 7.5% 307 438 3.9 15.1 8 17.4% 13.3% 66.7% -$208,667 -11.6% 06/01/2021 59.3% 106 17 1 2 17 38.5% 4.3% 78.3% -$117,278 -6.4% 06/02/2021- 49.7% 88 19 3 3 5 21 30 1.2 1,096 10.2% 287 272 2.4 13.0 6 10.5% 0.0% 61.5% -$142,001 -6.9% 06/08/2021 59.2% 98 16 3 4 6 23.1% 5.3% 84.2% -$62,500 -3.7% 06/09/2021- 51.0% 87 13 2 9 2 23 27 1.1 1,201 9.2% 283 363 3.3 15.8 26.5 40.0% 0.0% 76.9% -$320,000 -14.2% 06/15/2021 46.1% 83 8 2 2 16 30.0% 0.0% 60.0% -$243,750 -10.5% 06/16/2021- 66.1% 76 13 4 4 4 35 27 0.8 1,827 6.5% 279 353 3.0 10.1 15 33.3% 0.0% 70.0% -$91,930 -4.9% 06/22/2021 50.8% 67 15 0 3 4 0.0% 0.0% 66.7% -$221,967 -10.9% 06/23/2021- 62.6% 65 9 1 2 2 28 24 1.0 1,462 7.9% 242 294 2.5 10.5 4 0.0% 27.3% 72.7% 06/29/2021 45.5% 59 6 0 0.0% 100.0% - - 06/30/2021- 8 25 23 1.1 1,305 9.4% 251 342 2.8 13.7 - - 07/06/2021 07/07/2021- 3 14 27 1.9 731 15.7% 254 179 1.6 12.8 07/13/2021 07/014/2021- 4 29 27 1.1 1,514 8.9% 236 396 2.9 13.7 07/20/2021 July 07/21/2021- 2 32 31 0.9 1,670 7.1% 302 399 3.4 12.5 07/27/2021 07/28/2021- 3 19 12 1.5 992 12.3% 203 337 2.8 17.7 08/03/2021 08/04/2021- 4 22 43 1.3 1,148 10.9% 231 372 3.0 16.9 08/10/2021 08/11/2021- 2 28 16 1.1 1,462 8.8% 234 430 3.3 15.4 08/17/2021 September August 08/18/2021- 3 24 29 1.3 1,253 10.6% 327 341 2.6 14.2 08/24/2021 08/25/2021- 6 24 18 1.3 1,253 10.5% 302 338 2.6 14.1 08/31/2021 09/01/2021- 5 15 24 1.9 783 16.1% 177 365 2.9 24.3 09/07/2021 09/08/2021- 2 17 11 1.9 887 15.6% 228 252 1.8 14.8 09/14/2021 09/15/2021- 9 22 20 1.6 1,148 13.2% 241 439 2.9 20.0 09/21/2021 09/22/2021- 2 31 20 0.9 1,618 7.4% 525 334 2.8 10.8 09/28/2021 09/29/2021- 2 16 17 2.0 835 16.4% 181 262 1.9 16.4 10/05/2021 10/06/2021- 9 16 24 1.9 835 15.8% 214 236 1.8 14.8 10/12/2021 October 10/13/2021- 3 25 16 1.1 1,305 9.3% 296 333 2.8 13.3 10/19/2021 10/20/2021- 5 14 15 1.9 731 15.5% 217 316 2.8 22.6 10/26/2021 10/27/2021- 5 15 16 1.6 783 13.7% 365 224 2.1 14.9 11/2/2021 11/02/2021- 2 24 26 1.0 1,253 8.5% 447 274 2.6 11.4 11/09/2021 December November 11/10/2021- 4 12 10 1.7 626 14.0% 172 333 3.8 27.8 11/17/2021 11/18/2021- 6 19 18 1.2 992 9.9% 330 308 3.1 16.2 11/24/2021 11/25/2021- 6 13 12 1.5 679 12.8% 276 295 3.4 22.7 11/30/2021 12/01/2021- 0 10 14 1.9 522 15.9% 308 120 1.4 12.0 12/07/2021 12/08/2021- 5 20 18 0.9 1,044 7.3% 399 167 2.2 8.4 12/14/2021 12/15/2021- 5 9 11 1.7 470 14.3% 188 118 1.8 13.1 12/21/2021 12/22/2021- 4 13 17 1.1 679 9.6% 430 130 2.0 10.0 12/28/2021 2 3 10 4.5 157 37.7% 114 96 1.6 32.0
Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential Strategy Sheet by Week- $1,500,000 - $2,000,000 Date Range Odds of Selling Avg Daily Active New Listings Back on Market Expired Withdrawn Pending Closed Predictive MSI Active Units for % of Balance Days Until Total Showings Shows per Listing Showings to Median DOM Decrease Increase No Change $ Price Reduction % Reduction Balance Equilibrium Contracts 18 13 1.7 14.0% 8 14.3% January 12/29/2021- 40.2% 51 4 3 2 17 9 1.0 2022 8.3% 315 83 1.6 11.9 4 25.0% 0.0% 85.7% -$31,000 -2.0% 01/04/2022 60.1% 52 11 5 4 1 12 9 0.9 7.4% 252 270 5.2 22.5 33 25.0% 0.0% 75.0% -$220,000 -9.8% 01/05/2022- 58.4% 54 21 2 3 3 14 365 206 220 4.1 15.7 6 4.8% 16.7% 58.3% -$58,333 -3.5% 01/11/2022 63.8% 56 17 5 1 5 0.0% 0.0% 95.2% -$51,000 -3.1% 01/12/2022- 53.2% 53 13 3 1 626 8 11.8% 0.0% 100.0% 01/18/20200 65.3% 58 13 2 1 8 13.3% 5.9% 82.4% -$75,500 -3.8% 01/19/2022- 75.1% 52 28 6 5 731 6 12.0% 6.7% 80.0% -$75,500 -3.8% 01/25/2022 63.0% 65 24 4 3 4 4.2% 8.0% 80.0% -$124,000 -7.0% 01/26/2022- 72.4% 70 32 3 3 2 21 7 0.6 1,096 5.1% 331 304 5.4 14.5 5 6.7% 8.3% 87.5% -$100,000 -5.7% 02/01/2022 71.2% 68 27 4 1 5 0.0% 3.3% 90.0% -$87,500 -4.6% 02/02/2022- 72.4% 77 31 2 0 0 12 3 1.0 626 8.5% 251 298 5.6 24.8 4 4.0% 91.7% 8.3% -$150,000 -7.8% 02/08/2022 72.5% 81 34 5 2 5 7.7% 4.0% 92.0% -$211,000 -11.1% February 02/09/2022- 69.2% 88 28 2 3 3 17 10 0.8 887 6.5% 388 190 3.3 11.2 5 8.6% 0.0% 92.3% -$130,000 -6.9% $1,500,000-$2,000,000 2022 02/15/2022 73.4% 91 32 3 5 4 13.9% 0.0% 91.4% -$91,333 -4.7% 02/16/2022- 72.4% 91 45 3 1 2 22 17 0.5 1,148 4.5% 226 359 6.9 16.3 5 17.4% 5.6% 80.6% -$275,800 -12.5% 02/22/2022 74.7% 84 27 5 4.3% 78.3% -$163,750 -7.9% 02/23/2022- 1 26 8 0.6 1,357 4.8% 324 422 6.5 16.2 03/01/2022 03/02/2022- 2 24 26 0.7 1,253 5.6% 237 489 7.0 20.4 03/08/2022 03/09/2022- 1 31 15 0.5 1,618 4.2% 351 414 6.1 13.4 03/15/2022 March 03/16/2022- 1 25 24 0.7 1,305 5.9% 261 681 8.8 27.2 03/22/2022 03/23/2022- 1 25 24 0.7 1,305 6.2% 220 454 5.6 18.2 03/29/2022 03/30/2022- 3 27 23 0.7 1,409 6.2% 309 520 5.9 19.3 04/05/2022 04/06/2022- 0 35 31 0.6 1,827 5.0% 348 649 7.1 18.5 04/12/2022 April 04/13/2022- 1 38 30 0.6 1,984 4.6% 276 592 6.5 15.6 04/19/20220 04/20/2022- 5 24 36 0.8 1,253 6.7% 256 340 4.0 14.2 04/26/2022
Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 0 0.0 1.4 2.0 3.3 4.0 10.0 Predictive MSI Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,000 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 11..14411..7.88 3.2 200 Market Response to COVID-19 Market Metrics Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 250 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 0.9 3.8 4.7 8.0 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 150 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 Predictive 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 6.0 4.7 7.8 9.97.9 10.8 Coming Soon MSI 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 100 4.7 6.6 0.8 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 46.2% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 4.0 4.5 7.1 13.0% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 50 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title 175.0% 266.7% 11 84 27 Coming Soon 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 2.4 3.0 3.6 2.0 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 -10.8% -7.7% Avg Daily 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 1.31112. Avg Daily Active Active 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 00000.0..0060.60060000.1.71111.17.11.8...11.81..11.9911.991.9..91.9910..101..000.0..111... 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 0000000.0.00.. 1.7 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 8.6 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 0.0% -40.0% New Listings 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 New Listings 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 - 66.7% 5 Back on 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 Back on Market Market 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 -33.3% -80.0% 1 Expired Withdrawn 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 Expired 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 50.0% 400.0% 5 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 Withdrawn 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 Pending 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 Pending 24 -36.8% -32.0% Closed Closed 36 12.0 20.0% 56.3% $1,500,000-$2,000,000
See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Current Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,00011.124%11.11667%.1.3.692%%.%02%222.42472.5.%051.%.2%29%28%39.6033.8%33.228%233..3%12.3.49431%%5.%33.6%538.77.6%33373%23..3%884229.9%4999..044%%..0.8941.%44244.118.%%4242%22%45%2..%4434%35.5..34%4.122444454.4.%%4.4444433%%%55.55%..5426.6.65%54%%..8.9.74%..55.%%790%1%444.%4%%.%2%%95%659955%5.0%0..1126715..55..%68%5%.0215336%%4%.%45..5%95522.5.5550%6365%%6.65.%5.%5.757.0515.85856%.89%66%9%6964.96.96%.%2040.0.0%76.0.06236%.65%6...6%11..23%5%25626%68%83.%6666.%6%.%83.33%%6164.644444660%...5%56%8%.89....66%5555.6.6%%%23..%%%%%60.166%%79%%99%77...0277317177%7%22%.2.232237....744.%4%5.4054%%%%.%.%71%% WOW 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Odds of Selling by Week 1 Year Ago 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 80.0% 74.7% Odds of 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 70.0% 2.3% Selling 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 60.0% 3.5% 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 50.0% 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 40.0% 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 30.0% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 20.0% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 10.0% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 0.0% 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 $1,500,000-$2,000,000
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Market Response to COVID-19 Active vs. Balanced Market Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,000 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111211211211211211211211699986878788787869769888858989899559596855551702173678773076981860160249448132131015910909828120310190282019013833202121824809818458811076381012076874531238575896469181736721717880662933815419057599298615620256718936321312151735168289624804 44444455555.5.11..666..66..2.665667.88.70077.717755.7..7376.7.%.898.8888%222%8%222.%%8.585%%...%7.8.9977..9.61%99%344.%.5996....17000.%8%%189.%1.%1%33%.4.555126.5%1..8%9%%%..11%0%299930%%47%660110%%991%%%%06%1%1%11.%1%3.%1.%%.221.1%%211.1112.21256..13119311..313.555141%4333341%1%41.%1111%143.413%1.51%8.5.2%%51.5.266661.554.56%%7686.%01.6014416.61153%.21.617.%555587..%1.1.%2.%.5%67.%811%.71.88187%90182%82.%2.44445%692%%1%.8.82%9..9%4%%%.%.090777%0%%22.066%5%..1.22%.000%7%%8.2%%2224%7632355%%2422%42%%7.25.775.554.5266662096.3445...%0%7222275%77.%6666326%.6666.%%%777750283%777777779999%.3%13333333307777773.11111111%7888888.888888881%333333333333333%3378888835555555599.88888979999...7777702%444449999999%%0000%999999911112222222,,,,0000111114444,,,,,000001111111444499999,,,,,,,11111111116666654444444,,,22211111158888888000,,,,,,.2222221111150111555555,,,,,8%333331333333.00000,8311155555%5,,,64441174000,,44111.999866,,,5551%227111,511114446,,,.6661146111,,%66188877,8800201187.,,2588.%22977%19,9028.,014%40 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 Avg Daily 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 Active 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 84 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 -7.7% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 -10.8% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 -32.0% -36.8% 1,253 Active Units 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 for Balance 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 Avg Daily Active 1.0% 2.1% 6.7% % of Balance 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 Active Units for Balance 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 % of Balance 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 100.0% 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 90.0% 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 80.0% 70.0% 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 60.0% 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 50.0% 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 40.0% 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 30.0% 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 20.0% 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 10.0% 0.0% $1,500,000-$2,000,000
See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Metric 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,0003313512312313313522422423124324333113334233223221133246233215321214222216231121123421122422232432233323222123274513596580586032794088469723513331269528235375851672050764375540178769533930621963322842373343630397394196295791396605935637693170.06728990909918452443628538108246022434085108266224098490119812179935444061224640739329986689537772461048148830.01000...304040...607007111.11..1.91111.9.91101.1.00.11..11..11..11.11.122122212. 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Showings Current 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 Total Showings 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 800 Total 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 700 4.9 Showings 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 600 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 500 6.0 340 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 400 -42.6% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 300 5.2 18.3% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 200 5.54.6 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 100 6.16.567..90 Shows per 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 5.65.9 6.5 7.1 Listing 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 0 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 4.0 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 -37.8% 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 30.4% 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 8.8 Shows per Listing 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 $1,500,000-$2,000,000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,000 Market Response to COVID-19 Showings vs. Contracts 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 221111111912219113721122111122121223722211213132221124111131271913212142415312111212637212222213781111813114222312321121892586372061549275145093175815540918292834115721066859410865769456147663827032914192530402437594244352248..141495159551.1161.597.91080971018. 36.0 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Current Metric 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 WOW 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 1 Year Ago 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 340 Total 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 33.0 -42.6% Showings 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 18.3% 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 32.0 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 681 24 Pending 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 -36.8% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 649 -32.0% 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 14.2 Shows to 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 Total Showings -9.1% Contracts 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 34.3% 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 Pending 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 Showings to Contracts 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 8.0 13.0 18.0 23.0 28.0 33.0 38.0 $1,500,000-$2,000,000
01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,0008825108 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 Market Response to COVID-19 Median Days on Market for Pending Home Sales 120 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 1101 35 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 18019 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 160 53 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 1405 110116 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 120 171 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 1000 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 1100 2024 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 805911101234111188299224227833322347443457 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 60 See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 406 162211 63 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 20 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 20 54 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 0 5577 Current 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 26 WOW Metric 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 24 37 1 Year Ago 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 10 72 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 4444444444444445555555555555555666666666667777888891.1511011213311451667.95.522673.52.5 75 90 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 5 DOM 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 25.0% 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 -20.0% 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 $1,500,000-$2,000,000
01/01/2020-01/07/2020 1111114..11126.283%%0.1.7%2..20%4%8%3%.33654.%3.07%.%0%54.6% Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,00011111100000099000000995599......9990000008822..11188808220%%%%%%988988..8...8878773.7088%%.77.466.885585888858084478.4..388%.888888%33%%%..76227..5527%111107777.1%1..77%211.%077070000007..077669%2..8%%.8....777%888833.7.77%.%.44%%.1678888......27%56677773%%.07%.65.555....77000000%%4..2%%9%.763%%%%.6333336%..2222%88%2%%96...11%%%%%%8.22%%6666660%.0009.%%%%9....5%%.%83..%1666%%77776662666666.%%%.44.%660.%7%6444%%%%333%66......2%%655511777777%55%%...5...00%93339866658..%%%%%%577557..55555.%%%..%%%5.5004..4513.8553%%299221.0%%..%%.%000%44.5%%..248%.44966..%966%%5%0044%%%4%...33%%..22504488%%%.%%..055%%% 01/29/2020-02/04/2020 220022..5500..%%3003%%.3% Market Response to COVID-19 Price Reductions for Pending Transactions 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 100% 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 90% 80% See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 11415.8.3224.%238%..%383%%3.3%44558.05.5.0%05%%.6% 70% 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 60% 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 50% 40% Current Metric 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 30%2322.788..%33363%66%444844..70144.8242454...%5%.569.27%179..%%%0.%.8%14%%%%60.0% WOW 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 20% 1 Year Ago 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 10% 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 0% 17.4% Decrease Increase No Change 11100000000100100122346789202221531/////////////////12121220200202321140618742911643693/3/////////////////22222222222222222/0000000000000000022222222222222222202021111121111011121-----------------10100000000100000-1333422789021216531/////////////////20113020100000222/215742027018472599//////////////////222222222222222222000000000000000000222222222222222222110211111111212112000...44440006667..77..888%%%81990219.88..11.1..131..67.1.101..11%%177.1%%1133267011253%13%%33.11%144.%%155.%%.%%5%%6.11%.26.80..77272..72802.3.89%.3392%0.02%2%.0..10%1.222%17%2%%446.%%322.2%%32222.2.%5.555.0%58%%%1.346%3673.77777%1...%.8%%330%.0000.%0....5.%79%333333833.%%%..%30%3%4%%%%66%4..833%%%..044.%%4.54%%06%7%.55.2433%%..668811%%..55%% 3.5% -0.3% 4.3% -1.2% 4.3% 78.3% -2.3% -4.1% Decrease Increase No Change $1,500,000-$2,000,000
See back of report for disclosures and disclaimers. Courtesy of Megan Aller | First American Title Current Metric $ Reduction % Reduction 01/01/2020-01/07/2020 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Residential $1,500,000-$2,000,000-15.9%-14-.--12113%-331...4332%%%.8----111%-1--1--1111-1111--11...111.111666-.1500.31...%%%2-.-%111..%001199%%%%--.%0-0%%-95999-...%.191-.--.99-99998%.%-9%%6%.9..%4.-33%-.2-8%08%%8-%-.-%.-868.----8--574777-77.%7.-.-%7-1.1%-...07..--7.9778888.8%-7%77%-.6.%.7.-%%%4%--%64%..4-3-6%-6622.6-%.-%6%60%6.9..%%6-.-7.77.%66-.%65--.5---4%5-%%3-55%.--555.%5--%-51%5.--50%..555...9.5588.-%---.777.%-7-..6.-55%5555..%%44444-%%%4-%-33%--.%..4.%.44.%%%044.000%%99.8..%..%%7%-%66%55%-3%%%-3-%%-.3-239.-2.7-.3.%53.24-%-.6-2%%.12%2%9.%.-.0%652%-%%.10---------------------------------------------------------------------.%5$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-----------------------------------%1111311121111111112121111112111121112122111122311112221111111121121$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2231396155512500123072733540050179160430007562226028126413314715600269438995859638349875389892996593879924000021077012103848330325078492455013991759182290615950352011153736379011260005771502814371152158507305005371....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000350736320264066654280906773790156725463000389206499900262370440062570206050990538500810003508500501200%%%%7000031631082065609031600710850758326696000202700215685050060065535500730008080000090138000309020030000098767400500250710079005783000003540070710073807007007070308721403608005000000360070800403001000400500034 WOW 01/29/2020-02/04/2-01290.0% Market Response to COVID-19 Size of Price Reductions for Pending Transactions 1 Year Ago 02/26/2020-03/03/2020 03/25/2020-03/31/2020 $0 -$163,750 04/22/2020-04/28/2020 -$50,000 -40.6% 05/20/2020-05/26/2020 -$100,000 53.7% 06/17/2020-06/23/2020 -$150,000 07/15/2020-07/21/2020 -$200,000 -7.9% 08/12/2020-08/18/2020 -$250,000 4.6% 09/09/2020-09/15/2020 -$300,000 -2.2% 10/07/2020-10/13/2020 -$350,000 11/04/2020-11/10/2020 -$400,000 12/02/2020-12/08/2020 12/30/2020-01/05/2021 $$00$ Price Reduction 01/27/2021-02/02/2021 02/24/2021-03/02/2021 -7.8-7%.0%-5.7%-4.6--%33..88%% -------$$$$$$$----1121121$$$$3605721897750430015517,,,,,,,,,,,000008735550000005300000000000003 03/24/2021-03/30/2021 -6.9% -4.7% 04/21/2021-04/27/2021 05/19/2021-05/25/2021 -7.9% 06/16/2021-06/22/2021 % Reduction -11.1% 07/14/2021-07/20/2021 -12.5% 08/11/2021-08/17/2021 0.0% 09/08/2021-09/14/2021 -2.0% 10/06/2021-10/12/2021 -4.0% -6.0% 11/3/2021-11/9/2021 -8.0% 12/01/2021-12/07/2021 -10.0% 12/29/2021-01/04/2022 -12.0% 01/26/2022-02/01/2022 -14.0% 02/23/2022-03/01/2022 -16.0% 03/23/2022-03/29/2022 -18.0% -20.0% $1,500,000-$2,000,000
$2,000,000-$3,000,000 $2,000,000-$3,000,000 0.6% of homes in the 7 Metro Counties are between $2,000,000 - $3,000,000
Strategy Sheet Pre-COVID-19 Pre-COVID-19 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Single Family Historic Cycle Based on previous years in this cycle (2013-2019) these values represent Target July August- November- January February March Early April Late April- June July August September historically Pre-COVID-19 when the Listing January October December May May market was competitive by month. Month 134 Target February March April June July August September October November December The market was likely to favor those Closing sellers were are ready to take Month advantage of early buyer activity by listing March-May. Active Count 102 110 117 124 143 146 145 143 131 116 100 Sellers late to the market in the Pending 8 12 14 14 16 14 11 13 13 13 10 6 summer months were more likely to Count spend longer on the market, make price reductions and sell at lower prices than Closed Count 6 6 9 16 14 17 12 12 11 14 11 10 spring sellers. Expired 12 8 7 8 8 13 8 12 14 17 14 21 Count 10.5% 13.3% 15.4% 17.8% 17.2% Buyers were most likely to have $2,000,000-$3,000,000 94.2% 95.5% 94.9% 96.7% 95.3% 16.1% 12.6% 13.5% 12.7% 14.7% 13.1% 11.8% negotiating power in the mid summer- Odds of fall. Selling 95.8% 96.2% 95.5% 95.4% 95.4% 95.9% 95.5% % of Close/List Avg DOM 169 131 103 108 120 101 120 101 105 104 96 120 Med DOM 141 110 43 38 56 37 58 67 44 46 59 55 % U/C 7 Days 17.1% 36.6% 25.0% 31.5% 17.7% 28.6% 21.0% 19.3% 25.3% 28.3% 20.0% 18.8% or Less 35.8 11.1 9.5 13.1 14.1 14.4 12.8 15.8 11.8 34.1% 27.1% 23.5% 34.9% 33.7% 33.7% 36.0% 37.7% Months of 19.80 -8.9% 16.3 9.7 -6.6% 25.2% -10.9% -9.0% -9.2% -9.8% -8.3% -11.0% Inventory 2.9% -0.2% -9.1% -0.8% 0.0% 1.5% -0.4% -0.7% 0.9% 3.2% -1.7% -2.2% -1.4% 0.2% 1.9% -2.4% 4.5% -1.8% % of Reduced 34.1% 0% 18.8% 26.9% 0% -3.0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Listings -12.1% 0.0% -10.8% -11.2% 0% Average 0.0% Price -3.4% 3.0% 0% Reduction -4.0% 4.6% % Change Avg Sold 0% 0% Price MOM % Change Med Sold Price MOM % Distressed Sales Thi s repres enta ti on i s ba s ed i n whol e or i n pa rt on content s uppl i ed by REcol ora do®, Inc. REcol ora do®, Inc. does not gua ra ntee nor i s i t i n a ny wa y res pons i bl e for i ts a ccura cy. Content ma i nta i ned by REcol ora do®, Inc. ma y not refl ect a l l rea l es ta te a cti vi ty i n the ma rket. Da tes s hown on gra phs for ti mefra mes i ncl uded. Ada ms , Ara pa hoe, Broomfi el d, Denver, Dougl a s , El bert, Jeffers on. Projecti on ba s ed on a vera ge va l ues from 2013-2019. Less More Competitive Competitive
Typical trends do not line up with post COVID market dynamics. It’s more $2,000,000-$3,000,000 important than ever to pay attention to current market trends rather than relying on historical data. The market favors sellers more deeply than ever, not only seasonally but historically. The odds of selling, median days on market, lowest levels of inventory and interest rates are the primary driving metrics forcing our market into an extended selling season. Sellers resistant to shifting their marketing strategy will be quickly left behind and may find themselves missing out on some of the best market conditions ever experienced in Metro Denver.
$3,000,000 or More $3,000,000 or More 0.2% of homes in the 7 Metro Counties are between $2,000,000 - $3,000,000
Strategy Sheet Pre-COVID-19 Pre-COVID-19 Greater Metro Denver Attached and Detached Single Family Historic Cycle Based on previous years in this cycle (2013-2019) these values represent Target August September October November December January- April May June Early July Late July August historically Pre-COVID-19 when the Listing January February March March July market was competitive by month. Month 66 April May 84 August September October November December Target 70 June The market was likely to favor those Closing 4 sellers were are ready to take Month 83 5 advantage of early buyer activity by 4 listing March-May. Active Count 65 73 79 9.1% 84 87 86 78 69 96.3% Sellers late to the market in the Pending 2 3 5 5 6 5 22 54343 summer months were more likely to Count spend longer on the market, make price reductions and sell at lower prices than Closed Count 3 2 3 4 5 6 55433 spring sellers. Expired 5 6 6 5 3 6 6 6 8 6 13 Count 6.8% 7.0% 8.9% 10.1% 11.4% 10.7% Buyers were most likely to have $3,000,000 or More 93.7% 94.9% 93.7% 92.9% 96.6% 94.0% 9.3% 7.9% 6.6% 7.9% 6.8% negotiating power in the mid summer- Odds of fall. Selling 95.9% 93.5% 96.9% 95.8% 92.9% % of Close/List Avg DOM 97 77 106 278 111 57 58 147 55 84 66 Med DOM 68 61 149 322 205 67 155 110 84 102 93 73 % U/C 7 Days 45.0% 23.5% 17.4% 25.9% 18.9% 22.5% 22.9% 31.3% 16.2% 33.3% 20.8% 30.4% or Less Months of 24.26 30.3 35.8 27.6 23.1 25.8 18.1 23.0 27.3 21.8 37.6 28.9 Inventory % of Reduced 20.0% 17.6% 47.8% 22.2% 27.0% 27.5% 37.1% 15.6% 32.4% 37.0% 33.3% 30.4% Listings -11.2% -4.9% -9.3% -8.8% -6.6% -9.0% 0.0% -8.0% 7.9% -17.5% -13.8% -11.9% -15.7% -18.2% -17.1% 8.3% -5.2% 11.5% Average 0.0% -7.0% 9.7% 8.5% -2.0% 9.0% Price 9.8% -17.8% -1.2% 0.8% 1.9% -4.5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Reduction 12.6% -18.7% 0.3% -7.8% 5.6% -4.1% % Change Avg Sold 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Price MOM % Change Med Sold Price MOM % Distressed Sales Thi s repres enta ti on i s ba s ed i n whol e or i n pa rt on content s uppl i ed by REcol ora do®, Inc. REcol ora do®, Inc. does not gua ra ntee nor i s i t i n a ny wa y res pons i bl e for i ts a ccura cy. Content ma i nta i ned by REcol ora do®, Inc. ma y not refl ect a l l rea l es ta te a cti vi ty i n the ma rket. Da tes s hown on gra phs for ti mefra mes i ncl uded. Ada ms , Ara pa hoe, Broomfi el d, Denver, Dougl a s , El bert, Jeffers on. Projecti on ba s ed on a vera ge va l ues from 2013-2019. Less More Competitive Competitive
Typical trends do not line up with post COVID market dynamics. It’s more $3,000,000 or More important than ever to pay attention to current market trends rather than relying on historical data. The market favors sellers more deeply than ever, not only seasonally but historically. The odds of selling, median days on market, lowest levels of inventory and interest rates are the primary driving metrics forcing our market into an extended selling season. Sellers resistant to shifting their marketing strategy will be quickly left behind and may find themselves missing out on some of the best market conditions ever experienced in Metro Denver.
Terms, Definitions and Calculations Target Listing Based upon the sale date of the property, backing out the average time from the date the property is listed until it is placed under contract and the time the property spends from the date it is placed Month under contract until the closing date. This is used to determine the date that sellers need to list in order to hit their goal closing month. Target Sold Month Almost all metrics in this table are based off properties that close, so the data presented in each cell is based off properties that closed in that month. Active Count This is the number of units currently for sale in the 7 Metro County Region on a specific date, the 4th of each month. Essentially, if a buyer were to go out and see every property for sale on a given date Pending Count this is how many homes they would have to choose from. Sellers have a larger advantage when lower counts of homes are for sale, when supply is short buyers are more likely to have to compete against each other which drives prices up. This is the number of total units placed under contract where a buyer and seller mutually agree to terms of a negotiated contract. When this count is higher it is more favorable for sellers, the larger the potential pool of buyers the more likely a home is to sell. Closed Count This is the number of total units closed, or successful transactions resulting from a buyer and seller mutually agreeing and fully executing the terms of a real estate contract. Same as under contract, sellers have a larger advantage when this count is higher to sell their house. Expired Count Expired Count represents homes where the listing contract has past it's expiration date and are no longer marketed for sale. If the expired count rises this is unfavorable for the seller as fewer homes Odds of Selling are receiving offers and allows for the buyer to have more negotiating power. If this number is low, more homes are selling which favors the seller. % of Close/List The Odds of Selling is a ratio of homes for sale in each month, those that went under contract and closed vs those that remained in the market and did not sell in that same month. Since this is a direct Avg DOM ratio of the buyers and sellers in a market, the higher this number is the more likely it is that a home will sell, which is advantageous to the seller. If this number is lower, that means that buyers will have more negotiating power and be less likely to compete against multiple offers. The percent of asking price received by the seller from the closed transaction. If this number is over 100% it means that multiple offers are likely at this time of year, due to lower listing counts and more buyers writing contracts. This number is typically highest in the late spring-early summer months as a result of multiple offers due to low supply and more buyer activity. Average Days on Market is the average length of time it takes from the date the property is listed until the property receives a contract for purchase from a buyer. Shorter days on market favor the seller, while longer days on market favor the buyer. If homes are selling very quickly this is also an indication of more buyer activity- days on market are at their shortest for homes closing in April, May and June- as a result of homes being listed in March, April and May. For the last 6 years this has been the trend and is likely to continue in 2019. Med DOM Median Days on Market is the time measured in days at which point 50% of the properties for sale have gone under contract. Same as above- but using median days on market rather than average. % U/C 7 Days or The percentage of units in that month that went under contract withing one week of being listed. Again, the faster homes sell, the larger and more competitive the pool of potential buyers is for Less properties in Denver. The fastest months are represented by those homes listed in March, April and May. % of Reduced The percentage of all closed transactions that experienced one or more price reductions from the Original List Date until the date the property is place under contract. This metric only tracks the Listings amount the price had been reduced and not any additional negotiations once a contract has been offered or accepted. Average Price The average price reduction, or difference between the original list price and the last asking price when a property is placed under contract expressed as a % of the Original List Price. This price does Reduction not reflect how many price reductions but rather the entire amount reduced regardless if it was in one or multiple price reductions. Months of The Months of Inventory is how long it would take to sell out of the existing inventory for sale at the current rate of sales (Active/Sold). A 6-month supply of homes is a market in equilibrium where Inventory buyer and seller are on an even playing field, and typically represents when appreciation matches the rate of inflation. Denver has averaged about 4-4.5 of inventory over the last 15 years. The lower this number is the more it favors the seller. % Change Avg Sold This is the percent change in average sales price from the previous month. Price is a function of the relationship between supply and demand. If supply or homes being listed is low or going down (like Price MOM in late winter and early spring) and demand is rising, early buyer activity prices rise. The shortest supply is in the months of January, February, March and April, buyers begin to search for their home early in the year, so demand is rising. If supply is down and demand is up prices rise due to multiple offers on homes. % Change Med This is the percent change in median sales price from the previous month. Same statement as above, just using median price as the variable. Sold Price MOM This is the overall percent of distressed properties that closed, including short sales, HUD or government sales and foreclosures. When the level of distressed homes is higher, sellers are in a position to % Distressed Sales sell homes at lower prices than the value of the current loan on the house- selling for a loss. This is an indicator if a market is declining. With close to zero percent anticipated distressed sales sellers have equity in their homes so when they sell, they are profitable.
Sourcing Page Megan Aller First American Title Insurance Company 720-229-6641 [email protected] Title insurance license: 360158 Real estate license: FA100080623, Porchlight Real Estate Group REALTOR NRDS: 219534435 Included in this presentation include data from the following sources: This representation is based in whole or in part on content supplied by REcolorado®, Inc. REcolorado®, Inc. does not guarantee nor is it in any way responsible for its accuracy. Content maintained by REcolorado®, Inc. may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. Dates shown on graphs for timeframes included. Showing data from ShowingTime.