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Home Explore ACT Private Tutoring

ACT Private Tutoring

Published by satprepgroup, 2015-04-22 09:03:33

Description: We provide online and in-home SAT and ACT private tutoring in Boca Raton, South Florida and abroad.

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ACT Private TutoringSteve Kirshenbaum established SATPG in 2001 after experiencing the poor state of theconventional test prep industry. Thanks to Steve’s unrelenting vision to develop a coachingprogram able to be tailored for anyone, we have been able to help over 1400 students findtheir true potential, increasing their score by an average of 341.9. Our holistic test prep is afusion of life habits and academic skills scientifically-proven to improve brain functioning,alertness, and retention. Every SATPG Elite Coach is intensely dedicated to their students’success.On the journey to college, every student has to sit for various exams and tests to take inorder to determine their path after high school. Students must use these exams asopportunities to compete for placement at the best colleges and universities. Like anycompetition, technique, strategy and practice are all essential. No football player ever wonthe Super Bowl without being drilled and challenged daily by their coach. At the same time,no student should have to take a test like the ACT without having a private tutor to instill asmuch preparation as possible.Because Test Prep Can Make You Sweat Harder Than SportsIn team sports, players and coaches have a concern for overall student health and rely onregular practice sessions before each game. You wouldn’t read a book on soccer and justshow up for the first game would you? While reading a book may help in knowing how toplay the game, it does not show you how to win the game or be good at playing the game.The same is true for test prep. Most students can’t excel on the test on their own notbecause they aren’t smart enough to learn from the test prep books, but because they don’tknow how to take the test. Our Peak Performance and Test Dominance! Strategies havehelped 1500+ of students achieve a 336+ average point increase.Hall of HeroesThe individuals below are people we find to be exceptional. They are not necessarily SATPGalumni.

Carly is an activist phenomena. Born with severe autism, she discovered the best way tocommunicate was typing out her thoughts on the computer. From that point on she hasdedicated her life to helping others understand Autism better through her book, website,and social media.Brooke Martin is an ingenious 14-year-old girl. At 12 she presented her innovative idea foriPooch at a start-up conference at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. She hasturned an idea into a reality! Now dog-owners everywhere can keep their best friendscompany while away from home with iPooch.Exclusive Program Benefits 336+ average score increase Personalized test prep for students at all levels Private concierge tutor service Unlimited access to our online library study resources Nutrition & exercise recommendations Test strategy + practice testsSAT Tutoring in MiamiMiami is well known around the world as a vacation hotspot because of its beaches, culture,luxurious hotels and condos. For those who plan to stay for the long haul, Miami also offerstop quality schools and universities.When the time comes to take the infamous SAT exam, many students will feel pressure oranxiety before, during, and after the exam. Some level of stress as a result of test taking isnormal, but many students will find themselves overburdened with pressure.Truly, it is understandable that they feel this way, for the SAT is a test that defines thefuture of their education. Much of this pressure can be alleviated though, with propertraining and preparation before the test. A student who feels prepared and ready is far lessstressed than one who is not. To best prepare a student for the SAT, one should seek outtutoring in Miami that will help prepare them for the exam.

SAT Tutoring Services in MiamiMiami is truly a massive city, and a melting pot for all kinds of cultures and walks of life.This kind of world-renowned popularity attracts many different tutoring services andtutoring centers to Miami. A simple search for a SAT preparation course yields a number ofresults, and narrowing down your choice to one isn’t easy.When seeking tutoring services in Miami, consider that there are three types of coursesoffered. Most options will only include one of these, as opposed to utilizing methods fromall three. The key here is to understand the benefits and setbacks of each option, andconsider how an amalgamation of all three could truly elevate the overall efficiency of theprogram.1. One-On-One SAT TutoringWhile one-on-one tutoring is statistically the best option for learning, it does have a fewsetbacks as well. The benefits of this exclusive teaching method include specializededucation, individual focus, and flexible scheduling. The setbacks here include high prices, alack of consistency amongst the options, the potential for friction between the tutor and thestudent, and limited availability from the tutor.In the end, while this is a great option, without some sort of multi-level teaching structure,and the assuredness of a qualified tutor, the risk is too high.2. SAT Classroom CoursesThis option is well known because of the massive marketing push behind it. These coursesaddress a classroom full of students with a blanket curriculum that includes some usefultips and strategies for the exam. However, this type of widespread teaching doesn’t allowfor an individual support, and the average score increase from these courses doesn’t justifythe high price tag. With the other options available, this method is simply archaic incomparison.Many tutoring services will boast results, but fail to deliver measurable increases instudent scores. Other services will promise experienced tutors, but haven’t shown anyprevious successes. Worst of all, these services tie the student down to one method oflearning, constricting their potential and keeping them from truly shining. For more information please visit

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