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Home Explore SAT score sample

SAT score sample

Published by maxileft, 2016-12-14 04:03:04

Description: SAT score sample


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SAT® Test Date: 27 November, 2016 Registration Number: 661004Trial Exam_1 High School Code: 661004Score Report High School Name: Istak LyceumAli Valiyev Sex: MaleYour Total Score 400 to Online Score Report 16001020 Go online to get more details about your performance, including your answer sheet, and find out the correct56th 56th answers and explanations of all the questions.Your school rank Your participant rank How Did I Score Compared to Others?Section Scores 85th School rank Your school rank represents your place among the 85th Participant rank students at the same school that took the test.400 l 200 to 800 Your participant rank represents your place among the 85th School rank total students that took the test.Your Evidence-Based 85th Participant rankReading and Writing Will My Scores Change and Why?Score Tests are not exact measures, and many factors can620 l 200 to 800 affect your score. After all, no two days are the same, and if you took the SAT once a week forYour Math Score a month your scores would change.Correct answers That’s why it helps to think of your true score as a range from a few points below to a few points45 l out of 52 45 l out of 44 45 l out of 58 above the score earned. Score ranges show how your score can change with repeated testing,Reading Writing and Language Math assuming your skill level remains the same.Wrong answers 45 l out of 58 Usually, scores for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and for Math fall in a range of roughly 30 to45 l out of 52 45 l out of 44 Math 40 points above or below your reported score.Reading Writing and Language Total: Your score ± 40 points. Section: Your score ± 30 points. Test Scores and Cross-Test Scores: Your score ± 2 points. Subscores: Your score ± 2 points. Am I on track to be ready for college? You’ll see a benchmark score for each section of the SAT. Benchmarks show your college readiness. The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing benchmark is 480 while the Math benchmark is 530.This means if you score at or above the benchmark, you’re on track to be ready for college when you graduate high school. If you score below the benchmark, you can still get back on track by focusing on areas where you didn’t perform well. Use the detailed feedback in your online score report to see which skills you need to work on most.Get your full report online

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