Photo by NASA on Unsplash INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY Get Listed as an I4.0 Technology Pillar Copyright © 2021 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or copyright owner. CII has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this document. However, neither CII nor its affiliates organizations or any of its office bearers or analysts or employees can be held responsible for any sorts of consequences arising out of the use of information provided herein. However, in case of any discrepancy, error, etc., same may please be brought to the notice of CII for appropriate correction. Published by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Mantosh Sondhi Centre; 23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003, India, Tel: +91-11-24629994-7, Fax: +91-11-24626149; Email:; Web:
THE ‘DIGITAL’ HANDBOOK INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY INDIA’S INDUSTRY Remember the times when phone directories were a Industry 4.0. A technology / service provider, an inte- 4.0 E-DIRECTORY thing? Every household carried a giant physical direc- grator, a trainer, a consultant or an assessor. It is a tory without fail. creation of an Industry 4.0 eco-system encapsulating Get Listed as an I4.0 Technology Pillar the various stages that a company goes through when And then came ‘Digital’!! deploying or implementing digitalization. Times changed, so did the requirements but the need The e-Directory will act as the go-to book for reference for an instant look-book for reference remained con- to be used by: stant. Just that the ‘physical book’ turned to ‘online di- rectory/yellow pages’. A directory has been used as a • Government – for creation of policy and powerful tool to reach out to potential target audience standards on Industry 4.0 for in an efficient manner since ages and is successfully India transforming businesses even today. • Industry – u ser companies to browse Given the paradigm shifts being experienced by the through leading players on manufacturing sector with the advent of Industry 4.0, I4.0 in India everyone is talking about going digital. No one wants to be left behind, so if nothing more, they are at least • Students – for potential trainers and talking about it. Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing or certification bodies Digitalization, whatever you may call it, has become a necessity. And with that, a need for a quick reference • Academia / – for potential tie-ups with book arises that could guide and connect a person with someone who is an expert in this field – who can R&D Institutions industry on I4.0 answer the inquisitive minds. • Start-ups – for potential tie-ups with With this view, CII has created ‘India’s Industry 4.0 investors e-Directory’ – a one of a kind e-directory that will bring together leading players from across levels working on • International – for potential partnerships and counterparts investment opportunities in India If you are someone who is driving the change in man- ufacturing sector with Industry 4.0, it is time to show- case your strength and get noticed. 4 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 5 INTRODUCTION
CONTENTS Rockwell Automation 44 SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. 46 Siemens Limited 52 SMS India Pvt. Ltd. 56 Tally Solutions P rivate Limited 62 Websym Solutions Pvt Ltd 64 01 Service provider 8 10 ELDE Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 12 M/s Phooltas Transrail Limited TÜV Rheinland India Pvt Ltd 02 Technology provider AceMicromatic Manufacturing Intelligence Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (AmiT) 14 Amplo Global Inc. 16 Chipster Technologies Pvt Ltd 18 Cosmos Impex (India) Pvt. Ltd. 20 Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Private Limited. 22 Entrib Analytics Technology Pvt. Ltd. (ShopWorx) 24 Festo India Private Limited 26 Fluke Networks 28 H appy Visitor eSolutions Private limited 30 Hexagon 32 ifm electronic India Private Limited 34 Integra Software Services Pvt Ltd 36 Microsoft Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. 38 Omron Automation Pvt. Ltd. 40 P lus Innovations Technologies LLP 42 6 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 7 CONTENTS CONTENTS
Prominent tech nologies used/offered ELDE INFO • Industrial Internet of Things – • Operational technology SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. Industrie 4.0 standard integration using MODBUS, OPC, MQTT etc. • Intelligent Manufacturing E xecution Systems • Software technology integration Orchestrate | Automate | Optimize using Webservice, API, SFTP • Low Code/No Code Business etc. Process Management SERVICE PROVIDER • Data Analytics – Prescriptive LOW CODE /NO CODE RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOR I4.0 | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & DATA ANALYTICS FOR I4.0 | reporting using Artificial Intelli- INDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS FOR I4.0 | PHYSICAL & DIGITAL PROCESS AUTOMATION FOR I4.0 gence and Machine Learning. CONTACT INFORMATION Focussed areas/sectors Name: Kelly Desai Smart Manufacturing Solutions: Phone No.: +91 9820051844 Email Id: • Discrete Production – • Process Production – Wires & ABOUT COMPANY Name: Nishant Desai A griculture, Automobile & Cables, Textiles, Chemicals Phone No.: +91 9820068892 We are a consulting company providing high pro- Address Email Id: Ancillaries, Precision Manufac- ductivity business solutions that leverage cut- ting-edge hardware and software technology to 359, A to Z Industrial Premises, turing, Apparels and other batch achieve high efficiency outcomes. G. K. Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai – 400 013 manufacturing industries Our team dives deep into the intricacies of achieving organisational operational excellence. Digital Process Automation: • Construction Projects Our approach comes with a deep understanding • Education of how large information technology initiatives • Logistics and Port Automation are made to work – with one eye on the initial • Retail vision and the other on the return on investment. Five major companies worked with We devise solutions that complement your ex- isting infrastructure, thus providing a seamless • Cummins India Ltd. • Angre Port Pvt. Ltd. experience to users; while also empowering de- • Berger Becker Pvt. Ltd. • Fossil India Pvt. Ltd. cision-makers with action-worthy information, • Chowgule Group thus supplementing your bottom-line. In pursuit of providing such outcome-based solutions, Elde B rochure link has strategically partnered with robust global technologies. Smart Manufacturing Brochure: We look forward to playing our part in architect-!AqB4lIQaBgYRgcYgxHuOqnVOKvF84w?e=8x9sBi ing your digital storey. Digital Process Automation Brochure:!AqB4lIQaBgYRgoIAr0apwEglEQe1Xg?e=MPCTBz Links for reports!AqB4lIQaBgYRgoIL29E3F85arLvVoA?e=bbHXH2 8 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 9 ELDE INFO SOLUTIONS
M/s Phooltas T ransrail Limited SERVICE PROVIDER CONTACT INFORMATION Name: VN Singh ABOUT COMPANY Address Phone No.: +91-9334126311 WATCH Success Story Email Id: We are one of the World’s leading Companies for ‘Layak Enclave’ East Sahay Nagar, Prominent technologies used/offered manufacture/leasing/contracting of Equipment for Phulwari Sharif, Name: Samarendra Parida Railway Track and OHE Construction, Maintenance Patna, Bihar, Phone No.: +91-8527252019 – Self-designed vehicles with technological partners as below: and Inspection. India. 801506 Email Id: – DB- OHE measurement systems – DMA- Contactless OHE measurement systems and Track / turnout / Our product / service range includes: – D iesel Mechanical / Diesel Hydraulic / Diesel crossing geometry measurement systems – Mecno Service- Rail Grinding Electric 4 / 8 wheeler UTVs / Tower Cars – Transurb- ERTMS/ETCS Integration, Training and Certification – New Track Construction Machines – ERTM Solutions- ETCS Level I, II commissioning, maintenance and – Track Relaying Trains – Wiring Trains health check tools – Rail Grinding Machines – ZECK- Railway Electrification – S uper structures for carrying Ballast, Rails & Focussed areas/sectors Sleepers on BLC wagons – Sleeper Gantry’s for NTC & TRT • Track Machines • Track and OHE Monitoring and – Rail-cum-Road Vehicles • Track Construction Measurement – Inspection Cars • Track maintenance – Track Geometry Measurement & Analysis • Railway Electrification • Signalling – Turnout Measurement & Analysis – OHE Measurement & Analysis System includ- Five major companies worked with ing Acceleration • Indian Railways • AFCONS – Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detection • All Metro Railways • RVNL • L&T • KEC We are an ISO 9001:2015 and CE certified Com- pany. All our products are manufactured to strict B rochure link International standards and covered under a comprehensive product support program in-!AqhPVzAfuv4smK8DtysOEqECDhYF-A?e=lmNcea cluding installation, commissioning, training and warranty. Operation & Maintenance can also be undertaken on request. Phooltas supplied equipment have been in op- eration on IR & Metros since the last 3 decades and we have approximately 500 maintenance / inspection vehicles in service. INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 11 10 M/S PHOOLTAS TRANSRAIL LIMITED
SERVICE PROVIDER TÜV Rheinland India Pvt Ltd CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Address Focussed areas/sectors forms/global-contact-form/global- TÜV Rheinland stands for safety and quality TÜV Rheinland India Pvt Ltd. contact-form.jsp?requestType=0& TIC (testing, Inspection and Certification) Industry in almost all areas of business and life. Found- 27/B, 2nd Cross Road, contact_id=5858 ed almost 150 years ago, the company is one of the world’s leading testing service providers Electronic City Phase I, with more than 21,400 employees and annual Bangalore 560100, India revenues of 2.1 billion euros. TÜV Rheinland’s highly qualified experts test technical systems Our Business Portfolio and products around the world, support innova- tions in technology and business, train people in INDUSTRIAL SERVICES • Energy & Environment Project numerous professions and certify management Management systems according to international standards. • Pressure Equipment In doing so, the independent experts generate • Lifting Equipment & Machinery • Material Testing & NDT trust in products as well as processes across • Electrical Engineering & • Cyber security and Functional global value-adding chains and the flow of com- modities. Since 2006, TÜV Rheinland has been a A utomation Safety member of the United Nations Global Compact • Industrial Inspection Infra to promote sustainability and combat corruption. structure & Civil Engineering ACADEMY & LIFECARE • Labour Market Services & P rivate Schools • Occupational Health & Safety • Digital Transformation • Training & HR Development • Engineering & Type Approval • Rail MOBILITY • Periodical Technical Inspection • Driver’s License • Car Services and Appraisal PRODUCTS • Solar & Commercial Products • Medical • Softlines • Hardlines • Government Inspections & • Electrical International Trade SYSTEMS • Certification of Management Systems • Customized Services 12 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 13 TÜV RHEINLAND INDIA
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER AceMicromatic Manufacturing Intelligence T echnologies Pvt. Ltd. (AmiT) ABOUT COMPANY Address CONTACT INFORMATION Ace Micromatic MIT (AmiT) is India’s 1st mover 7th Floor, ‘Brigade Rubix’ | 20, HMT Name: Mr. Madhusudhan Kestur and leader in Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufac- Watch Factory Road | Peenya 1st stage, turing Industrial IoT solutions. Bangalore 560022, INDIA Founded by thought leaders with global operat- ing experience, our solutions have enabled com- Prominent tech nologies used/offered panies to significantly increase their operating productivity and profits. • Factory Digitisation / Digital • Production Analytics over Web Factory • AI We offer a full spectrum stack of Industry 4.0 • ML solutions, including Real-time data acquisition • Industry 4.0 from virtually any production asset, TPM-Trak® • Cloud Advanced Analytics and Intelligence, eSHOPx® Digital Factory, Traceability and Genealogy, On- Focussed areas/sectors line Quality and Automated Corrections, Ma- chineConnect® for Predictive maintenance, Visu- • Discrete Manufacturing – • FMCG / Aerospace al Factory, Advanced workflows and integration Metal Cutting • Automotive hooks to enterprise systems such as ERP. • Defence • Die Casting • General Engineering Enabled by our deep domain expertise and reach, • Metal Forming we bring to market products that are “Born, Bred • Textiles and Perfected on Shop-floors”. Five major companies worked with With 15,000+ licenses, our solutions have been designed to scale seamlessly and is current- • L & T • SONA BLW ly being used by over 100 organizations across • Triveni Turbines • TAFE multiple industries. • Trelleborg Built on the twin pillars of ethics and values, we B rochure link partner with our customers as a reliable technol- ogy leader in their growth and digital transforma- tion journey. Links for reports 14 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 15 AMIT
ROADMAPPING Amplo Global Inc. TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER DESIGN HINKING Address CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY 62,63,64, Unit 5, Lakshmi Towers, Name: Sonya P Banerjee Prominent tech nologies used/offered Nobel Residency, Email Id: s onyap.banerjee@ Amplo Global Inc. is an AI-driven company commit ted to empowering an organization to take con- Begur Road Off Bannerghatta Road, trol of its future in today’s ever changing digital Bangalore, world. Their proprietary, cloud-based, data-led and Name: Megha Mondal design-led platform enables a business to self- India 560076 Email Id: m egha.mondal@ direct its strategy in a quantifiable manner, im- prove interconnectivity, achieve greater informa- tion transparency, re-imagine its value chain, refine PERFORMANCE MEASURING its customer/supplier relationships and recharge • Cloud • AmpMarking its company culture. Amplo Global Inc, founded • AI/ML • Capability Modeling in 2018, is headquartered in New Jersey, with it’s • Data Lake • Performance Measuring offices across the globe, including India, Europe, • Microservices • Design Thinking Singapore and Israel. • UX/UI Design • Roadmapping Focussed areas/sectors • Industrial Manufacturing • Retail • Energy • Fintech • Health Sciences • Nonprofit • CPG • Supply chain Management • Sustainability • IT Strategy CAPABILITY MODELLING Five major companies worked with • YPO • Tiffany • Scripps • Delphi • Harley Davidson Brochure link Corporate-Deck.pdf AMPMARKING Links for reports hot-vendor-21237634 appsource-and-azure-marketplace-21193108 16 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 17 AMPLO GLOBAL
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Chipster Technologies Pvt Ltd WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Address CONTACT INFORMATION Prominent tech nologies used/offered Chipster is an Industrial IoT Product Develop- #328, 3rd Main, 1st Cross, Name: Nachiketh G Rao ment firm based in Bangalore, India. We have de- RT Nagar, Phone No.: +91 – 9886408090 signed and developed a platform called Crunch™, Email Id: a Cloud based Industrial IoT Platform which can Bangalore – 560032 help manufacturing companies go digital with • IoT Hardware Solutions • Cloud Application their operations. Using this platform helps manu- • Edge Computing Solutions • Industrial Data Analytics facturing companies go paper-less with their op- erations which can help improve OEE due to ef- Focussed areas/sectors fective monitoring of machines and other assets. Chipster also works with Machine manufacturers • Mass manufacturing • Metal Industries to make their Machines “smart” by helping them C ompanies • Machine Manufacturers offer Industry 4.0 solutions to their customers. The solutions helps OEMs better understand • Plastic Industries how the machines are performing in the field. The product has been designed keeping in mind Five major companies worked with pain points of the Customers as well as OEMs. Manufacturing Companies: OEM Partners: • Ashirvad Pipes • Milacron India Pvt Ltd • Vignesh Polymers • United Industries • Lumax Industries Brochure link 18 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 19 CHIPSTER TECHNOLOGIES
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Cosmos Impex (India) CONTACT INFORMATION INDUSTRY 4.0 (IOT SOLUTION) Pvt. Ltd. Name: Mr. Aditya Shah Designation: H ead Business D evelopment WATCH Success Story Phone No.: +91 9099027084 ABOUT COMPANY Address Email Id: Prominent tech nologies used/offered Established in the year 1987, COSMOS Group is 85/2, COSMOS HOUSE, Name: Mr. Nimish Shah a pioneer in the field of Machine Tools. Atladra, Padra Road, Designation: Director Vadodara – 390012 Email Id: • Industry 4.0 (IOT Solutions) • Manufacturing & Marketing of CNC Machine • Machine Monitoring – • Industry 4.0 Software’s CNC / PLC / Conventional • Productivity Improvement Tools • Machine Tool Accessories • IOT solutions • Manufacturing of High Precision Components. Focussed areas/sectors We have a Group Turnover of USD 52+ million with over USD 9.5 million in exports. We aim to • Automotive • General Engineering be a USD 100+ million group in 3 years’ time. • Medical Implants/devices • Oil & gas • Aerospace • Energy (Wind/Power) etc. Five major companies worked with • Aequs Aerospace (SEZ) • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries- • Lohia Corp VST Diesel Engines Pvt. Ltd. • Rochling Engineering • Weatherford Drilling & Plastics Production Services Brochure link www.cosmCoso.inn troller’sconnectedwith Cosmos DigiFAC Controller’s connected with Cosmos DigiFAC © Images /Symbol used in this presentation may be subject to copyright by their own authorization registration. Cosmos Impex (I) Pvt. ltd. do not claim any a uthorization, ¤ Images /Sayndmhbeorelpuresseedntaintiotnhriesfeprernecseepnutrapotisoenonmly.ay be subject to copyright by their own 20 authorization registration. Cosmos Digifac doINnDoIAt’SclINaiDmUSaTnRYy 4a.0utEh-DoIrRiEzCaTtOioRnY, and21here presentation reference purpose only. COSMOS IMPEX (INDIA)
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Deepti Electronics & WATCH Success Story Electro-Optics Private Limited. CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Mr. Naivedhya Suryawanshi Email Id: ABOUT COMPANY Address Prominent tech nologies used/offered Name: Mr. Vivekanand Purohit DELOPT, part of JK Organisation, a USD 4 Bn #3&4, 1st Cross, 7th Main, Email Id: • Sensing • People Counting conglomerate is an AS9100D, ISO9001 & CEMI- J C Industrial Area, • Electro-Optics • Sensors / Electronics / LAC certified world-class company in the area of • Laser Defence Electronics, Avionics, and Electro-Optics Off. Kanakapura Main Road, • Thermal Imaging Software / IoT / Network & products & solutions. Bengaluru – 560062, Karnataka • Video Analytics Communication/ S ituational With a robust 20 year legacy in Military Avion- • IoT Awareness & C ognitive UI ics, Thermal Sights, Stabilized Electro-Optic Sight Figure 1. People Counting System • Application Interface • Analytics & BI Payloads, On-Board Computers, Homing & Instru- • Analytics • Cyber Security & UAV / mentation for underwater systems, Target Ac- Remote Platforms quisition & Tracker, Communication Modems for Naval Net-Centric Warfare. Focussed areas/sectors DELOPT is evolving to become a leading player in • Defence & Security • Industry 4.0 & Allied providing solutions for targeted domain: Industrial • Analytics Software Automation & Robotics, Mobility & Transportation, Public Safety/ Security/Surveillance, Smart Cities, Five major companies worked with Healthcare and Space. • IGI Airport • TASL We are well poised to grow globally in the emerg- • L&T • Reliance ing space of Sensors, IOT, Analytics (Video and • Mahindra Data), C4ISR, partnering with the Platform Inte- grators in Industrial Automation, Transportation, Brochure link Building Management and Communication – real- izing optimum solutions with Agility & Customer Centricity. 22 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 23 Figure 2. Thermal Imager DEEPTI ELECTRONICS & ELECTRO-OPTICS
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Entrib Analytics Tech nology Pvt. Ltd. ABOUT COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Prominent tech nologies used/offered Entrib AnalyticsTechnology is a Pune based start- Address Name: Kiran Nataraj ShopWorx is built on advanced edge stream analytics engine that can up that has rapidly grown its presence in India, Email Id: process data on real time. ShopWorx helps in eliminating breakdowns, China, Thailand & Singapore. Entrib is redefining Office no. 6, Revati Arcade II, catastrophic failures, and production of bad quality parts through near manufacturing with its top-notch Industry 4.0 Opposite Kapil Malhar, Baner Road, Name: Rohan Sangani real-time alerts and alarms. ShopWorx offers: product – “ShopWorx” Email Id: Pune – 411045 ShopWorx is a suite of smart factory applica- 1 Production Insights- Discrete 4 Quality Inspection- Part and tions, aimed at improving the visibility & efficien- cy of the manufacturing shop-floor. manufacturing, continuous batch inspections, SOPs for ShopWorx has digitized and transformed over manufacturing, assembly lines, quality checks, raw material 3000+ assets and monitored over 8 billion parts in just the last 4 years. machining shops receipts, packaging checks etc. 2 Process Monitoring and 5 Utility Insights- Chillers, Insights- CTQ parameters generators, compressors, monitoring for paint shops, W.A.G.E.S consumption, fuel pharmaceuticals etc. levels, temperature, moisture 3 M aintenance Management- etc. Predictive and preventive main- 6 Traceability- Child part and tenance scheduling, mainte- batch, process steps and pro- nance activity and maintenance cess parameters traceability tracking 7 A nalytics and Insights Focussed areas/sectors ShopWorx is focussed towards – Discrete Manufacturing from OEMs to Tier 1, 2, 3 manufacturers of automotive and white good components – India, China, SE Asia and USA Major companies worked with • Hero • Automat • Bajaj • DLJM • Tata • ITC • Carrier • Kangaro • Prince Pipes B rochure link 24 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 25 ENTRIB ANALYTICS TECHNOLOGY
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Festo India Private Limited CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: Karthik V Prominent tech nologies used/offered Designation: Sr.Officer Marketing Festo is a global leader in automation technolo- 237B, Hosur Road, gy, and the world market leader in technical train- Bommasandra Indl.area, Name: Harish Nachnani ing and education. Designation: Head – Didactic Bengaluru – 560099 As an internationally active, family-owned com- • Pneumatic Automation • Digital Automation pany, we know how important it is to maintain • Electric Automation • Industry 4.0 one’s roots. And that’s why we don’t just en- gage representatives around the globe, we have Focussed areas/sectors our own on-site companies with their own local identities. This has resulted in a global network • Automotive Industry • Machine Tools consisting of more than 21,000 experts who • Food & Beverage Industry • Bio-Pharma Industry contribute their know-how every day. They make • Electronics Industry • Chemical Industry us a prime mover within our industry sector and • Process Industry • Technical Education help to keep the world moving. By establishing • Textile Industry • Skills Development a link between industry and education, we are helping our customers all over the world to in- Five major companies worked with crease their productivity. • BHEL • MARUTHI SUZUKI Festo Didactic is a world market leader in indus- • TEAL • BOSCH trial education – be it with equipping technical • CONTINENTAL training institutes or offering training and consul- tancy to processing industrial companies. 26 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 27 FESTO INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Fluke Networks Address CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Fluke Networks Name: Sachin Sehgal Prominent tech nologies used/offered Indiqube – Brigade Opus Phone No.: 9871398733 Fluke Networks is the worldwide leader in certifica- Market leader in Physical Media Testing / Troubleshooting / Certification tion, troubleshooting, and installation tools for pro- 4th Floor, Office “B” Name: Sangeetha & Compliance testing as per latest International standards. fessionals who install and maintain critical network 2286, Kodigehalli Main Road, Phone No.: 9880053500 cabling infrastructure. From installing the most advanced data centers to the harshest manufac- Sanjeevini Nagar, turing environments, our combination of legendary Bengaluru – 560 092, Karnataka reliability and unmatched performance ensure jobs are done efficiently. The company’s flagship prod- India ucts include the innovative LinkWare™ Live, the world’s leading cloud-connected cable certification Focussed areas/sectors solution with over twenty million results uploaded to date. For more information, call 1-800-419-3001 Industrial Automation and Manufacturing visit Five major companies worked with • BEL • BHEL • Rockwell • ABB • L & T Brochure link 28 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 29 FLUKE NETWORKS
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Happy Visitor CONTACT INFORMATION HAPPY VISITOR-WORLD LEADER IN FRONT OFFICE AUTOMATION eSolutions Private limited Name: Mr. Amar Pandhare Designation: H ead Sales & Business Development Phone No.: +91 99860 03111 WATCH Success Story Email Id: ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: Mr. V V Subramanian Designation: Chief Executive officer Happy Visitor is a leading cloud based Front Of- Unit-4, UGF, Innovator Building, Phone No.: +91-81971 66607 Prominent tech nologies used/offered fice Automation Suite, which enables complete ITPL, Whitefield Road, Email Id: process automation to bring in better control, bet- Bangalore, Karnataka, • Visitor Management • Employee Day Pass ter tracking, enhanced safety, and effective moni- India – 560066 Material Movement Gate pass • Material movement Gate pass • Courier / mail room management toring to processes such as System (MMR) • Registers Digitisation (like Keys, Work Permit Management Management • Visitor Management System (WPM) “Complete Gate • Work permit management occurrence, sanitization, etc.) management and Front • Delivery vehicle management • Consumable inventory • Material movement Gate pass Management Delivery Vehicle Management • Contractor Movement tracking System office automaƟon management plaƞorm” • Work permit management Focussed areas/sectors • Delivery vehicle management Applicable for all verticals. Pharma, Automobile, F&B etc. are our existing customers • Contractor Movement tracking • Employee Day Pass • Courier / mail room management Five major companies worked with • Registers Digitisation (like Keys, occurrence, • Royal Enfield • Diageo • Bonfiglioli • VECV VisitsoarniMtizaantiaogne,metecn.)t Register DigiƟzaƟon • Danfoss • Sensera • NATCO Pharma • Mother Dairy • SCyosntesmum(VabMleS)inventory managemeSnytstem (FDA) • MTR Foods • Dabur • Solara • Sterlite Technologies Completely Hardware agnostic platform, ISO • Strides Shasun • TVSSL 27001 certified, GDPR compliant, Infosec vali- • Resil • Eicher dated by fortune 500 brands. Happy Visitor has done 800+ successful instal- Brochure link lations, processed 50million+ visitors, issued 3 million+ Material Gate pass and 100K+ work permits, successfully digitised 5000+ registers and 10000+ Trees saved MCoGaacunlorraobigesaersllmy/alMeel nmnattiraSlu-jyorsosrtteoiendmmdbuystlreyavdeinrgticfaCoMlorstn.ausnnuaemg5ea0mb0leebnirtnaSvnyedsnstteomry To Know more Contact INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 31 HAPPY VISITOR ESOLUTIONS 30 +91 9986003111|
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Hexagon Address CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Name: Dr. Kaustubh Nande Prominent tech nologies used/offered A-9 Sector-65 Phone No.: +91 9742236532 Hexagon is a global leader in sensor, software, Email Id: kaustubh.nande@hexagon. and digital information technology solutions. We Noida (Uttar Pradesh) put data to work to boost quality, efficiency, and 201 301 com productivity across industrial, manufacturing, India infrastructure, safety, and mobility applications. Name: Syam Sunder Our technologies are shaping the two ecosys- Phone No.: +91 9900244844 tems of smart manufacturing and smart cities, Email Id: making them increasingly connected and auton- omous, thus ensuring a scalable and sustainable • Q-DAS • Xalt future Focussed areas/sectors • Automotive • Energy & Power • Aerospace • Machinery & Manufacturing • Electronics Five major companies worked with management Brochure link Fx3o-0c/mtime:1487605735/sites/default/files/simufact-br-product-lines_en.pdf Links for reports 32 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 33 HEXAGON
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER ifm electronic India Private Limited WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Address CONTACT INFORMATION Prominent technologies used/offered ifm electronic India Private Limited, Measuring Plot No. P – 39/1, Phone No: +91 231 2672770 and controlling – With more than 7,000 employ- MIDC Gokul Shirgaon, Toll Free: 1800 233 2065 ees in more than 85 countries worldwide ifm Kolhapur – 416234 MH Email Id: electronic gmbh is one of the leading manufac- turers in the automation industry. In 1994 the • IO-Link • Industrial Imaging family-owned international company opened a • Real-Time Maintenance • Process Sensors, etc. branch in India. As one of the first German com- • Identification System panies, ifm realized the potential of the Indian economy at that early point in time. Focussed areas/sectors ifm electronic offers a wide range of “Made in • Automation • Food Germany” product rage across various Industry • Metals • Construction Machines segments such as – Machine Tools, Dairy, Food • Automotive • Material Handling & Brewery, Automobile, Steel & Coal, Mobile • Machine Tools Machines etc. Five major companies worked with With a presence of ifm electronic India for more than 25 years, ifm India has succeeded in achiev- • TATA Motors • ACE Manufacturing ing its name as the Top trusted brand for sensors • SAIL • Amul and automation technology in India. • BFW • BEML etc. Brochure link technology_gb/$file/ifm_newsbook_2020_product_innovations_automation_technology_gb.pdf Links for reports 34 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 35 IFM ELECTRONIC
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Integra Software CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story Services Pvt Ltd Name: Sriram Subramanya Designation: F ounder, CEO and ABOUT COMPANY Address M anaging Director Prominent technologies used/offered Email Id: sriram.subramanya@ A leading full-service Digital Content Solutions Corporate Headquarters & Immersive Solutions Digital Transformation Solutions and Immersive Technology Services company Principal Delivery Centre • Mixed Reality • Software Engineering Services headquartered in India, with global offices in the • Virtual Reality • Cloud Migration US and UK. 100 Feet Road (ECR), Pakkamudiyanpet, Name: Piyush Bhartiya • Augmented Reality • Testing Designation: V P-Digital Learning & • 360 degree videos • DevOps Integra’s core specialty is in the field of human Pondicherry – 605 008, India. • Application development and p erformance improvement through technology. Head Key Accounts Career Enquiries: +91 413 4212124 Email Id: piyush.bhartiya@ modernization Founded in 1994, Integra has been offering content and digital solutions to enterprises and Business Enquiries: +91 413 4212229 / education media organizations. +91 413 4212190 Integra’s dedicated in-house XR Studio is a team Focussed areas/sectors of experts in Unity3D, Unreal Engine, JavaScript, C#, C++, Python, HTML5, Native & Hybrid App • Automobile • Healthcare • Corporate L&D Developers, Maya & 3DsMax Artists, Animators, • Hi-Tech Manufacturing • Retail • Education UI/UX Experts, and Accessibility and QA Experts delivering cost-effective solutions across the Brochure link full range of immersive technologies including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed R eality (MR), and 360° video. Integra’s VR app on Fire Safety topic is a comprehensive application with complete detail on fire types, parts & functions of extinguishers and effective way of fire extinguishing process. 36 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 37 INTEGRA SOFTWARE SERVICES
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Microsoft Corporation CONTACT INFORMATION India Pvt. Ltd. Name: Charu Sharma Email Id: ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: Ashok Shenoy WATCH Success Story Email Id: Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” Level 10, Tower C, DLF EPITOME Focussed areas/sectors @microsoft) is the leading platform and productiv- Building No. 5 Name: Siddharth Idnani ity company for the mobile-first, cloud-first world, Email Id: S iddharth.Idnani@ and its mission is to empower every person and DLF Cyber City, Phase III every organization on the planet to achieve more. Gurugram 122002, Haryana Microsoft set up its India operations in 1990. To- day, Microsoft entities in India have over 11,000 Country: IN Name: Vishnu Bhavaraju employees, engaged in sales and marketing, re- Email Id: search, development and customer services and support, across 11 Indian cities – Ahmedabad, Name: Gopi Srinivasan Bengaluru, Chennai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Noi- Email Id: G opi.Srinivasan@ da, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune. M icrosoft offers its global cloud services from lo- cal data centers to accelerate digital transformation across Indian startups, businesses, and govern- ment organizations. 38 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 39 MICROSOFT CORPORATION INDIA
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER OMRON AUTOMATION PVT. LTD. ABOUT COMPANY Address Headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, OMRON Corporation is THE QUBE 5th Floor, a multi-billion-dollar, diversified company with business Unit No. 501 – 504, M V Road, units producing industrial automation products, electron- Marol, Andheri (EAST), ic components, healthcare equipment and social system Mumbai – 400059, solutions. The Industrial Automation business unit of Maharashtra, India OMRON is a global leader providing complete automa- tion solutions for industrial applications. It brings innova- tion to manufacturing sites through automation with “In- tegrated”, “Intelligent” and “Interactive” concepts with one of the world’s most sophisticated and wide product Prominent tech nologies range encompassing panel components, smart sensors, used/offered Vision technologies, PLCs, Servos, Drives, Robots & Co- bots and Machine safety solutions (ILOR+S) technology. Bringing innovation to manufacturing sites through WATCH Success Story automation with “Integrated”, “Intelligent” and “In- OMRON Automation – India, now more than two de- teractive” concepts with one of the world’s most Brochure link cades old in the country, caters to varied industrial ap- sophisticated and wide product range encompassing plications encompassing the wide requirements of pack- panel components, smart sensors, vision technolo- aging, automotive, material handling, food & beverages, gies, PLCs, servos, drives, robots & cobots and ma- digital and panel building applications. The company is chine safety solutions (ILOR+S) technology. Links for reports focusing on the solution business, including Robotics and IIoT, providing “One Stop” solutions to improve the Focussed areas/sectors overall efficiency on diverse production sites. Focusing type==article&filters=category==white-paper&pageSize=15 on the themes of quality, safety and the environment, it CONTACT INFORMATION • Engineering • Automobiles supports manufacturing innovation with its unique sens- • Food Processing • Fast Moving Consumer ing & controlling technologies and caters to customers Name: RAJARAM S • Electronics across the country via its strong network of offices, appli- Phone No.: 90030 18647 • Technology Goods (FMCG) cation, service and sales engineers supported by an auto- Email Id: • Infrastructure • White Goods mation technology centre (for demos and PoCs), training • Pharmaceuticals • Panels centres as well as channel partners to address the ever- Name: HEMANG GHELANI challenging requirements. A major factor in O MRON’s Phone No.: 98201 20301 Five major companies progress globally & locally has been the strong commit- Email Id: worked with ment to provide solutions towards its customers’ unique challenge’. • Maruti • Nokia • HMSIL • HUL • ABB *products supplied through channel partners 40 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 41 OMRON AUTOMATION
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Plus Innovations CONTACT INFORMATION Technologies LLP Name: Manav Kapoor Designation: Chief Business Officer Phone No.: 9820194157 Email Id: WATCH Success Story ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: Samraat Sardesai Prominent tech nologies used/offered Designation: Chief Product Officer Founded in 2014, IdeaBridge by Plus Innovations ‘Vishwas’ Pundalik Nagar, Phone No.: 9960388363 • Ideabridge Enterprise Innovation Platform Technologies LLP is an Enterprise Innovation Alto-Betim, Bardez, Email Id: • Ideabridge Software As A Service M anagement Platform for global enterprises and Goa – 403 521 • Ideabridge Platform AS A Service institutions seeking to: Tel: +91.832.241.4361 • Create new and innovative methods, strate- gies, products etc. Focussed areas/sectors • M anage costs and enhance savings • Finance • Healthcare • Raise engagement level by Rewards & Recog- • Automobile • Pharmaceutical • Retail • Government nitions • Manufacturing • Energy • Significantly enhance the employee, R&D, and Five major companies worked with consumer experience. • Automate business process applications for • VFS Global • CK Birla Group • Adani Group • TAFE Group quick and effective results • Uno Minda Group The management of innovation is what enables Brochure link IdeaBridge to consistently break and make new thresholds of what is known as peak perfor- mance. IdeaBridge helps create an innovation culture for their clients by enabling their employ- Awards & Recognition ees become brand ambassadors of innovation and collaboration. Winner of the 10th Aegis Graham Awarded as the 'Best Nominated as a top finalist for the Bell Awards 2020 under Workflow Management Startup of the Year Award at the GITEX Software 2020'. Also Awards Dubai 2019 amongst startups of 'Innovative Enterprise Solution' Featured in GoodFirms category. SEA and Africa. as ‘Best Workflow Most Innovative Solution Management Tool’ & Top 20 Digital Solution by ISV Awards Providers in India ‘Best Project Management & Best Process Management’ 42 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 43 PLUS INNOVATIONS TECHNOLOGIES LLP
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Rockwell Automation ABOUT COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK) is a global leader in indus- Name: Ruchi Mathur WATCH Success Story trial automation and digital transformation. We connect the imagi- Email Id: nations of people with the potential of technology to expand what Address Prominent tech nologies used/offered is humanly possible, making the world more productive and more Name: Rani Supriya sustainable. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rockwell Tower 10, DLF Tower 8th Rd, Email Id: The Connected Enterprise Automation employs approximately 23,000 problem solvers dedi- DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 2, cated to our customers in more than 100 countries. Sector 24, Gurugram, Automation is our foundation. We are dedicated innovators and Haryana 122002 engineers delivering smarter, connected solutions to the world around us. Our future is propelled by our long legacy of creating Focussed areas/sectors integrated control and information solutions that make our cus- tomers’ businesses as productive as possible. We expand what • Manufacturing Sectors • Food & Beverage & is possible for our customers, by combining the best of industrial • Life science Heavy Industries (Oil & Gas, automation with the latest digital technology. This pairing brings • Automotive Chemical etc) together data, systems and processes across an entire organi- zation to provide leaders with relevant, reliable information. The Five major companies worked with result? A Connected Enterprise that creates a more productive, efficient, nimble business. • CIPLA • MRF • Reliance • Hindalco We’re a team of makers driven to create solutions the automation • Nestle world doesn’t yet know it needs — expanding the potential of the Connected Enterprise. While others might take a broad approach Brochure link to innovation, we narrow our focus to bring the smartest inno- vations to the world of automation. We take the knowledge we Digital Transformation Experience Centre have gained over the last century and build what’s next. Our approach begins with a deep understanding of your best Links for reports opportunities for productivity. Next, we combine our differen- tiated technology and domain expertise to deliver the positive Unlock The Value of Your Connected Enterprise business outcomes most important to you. Then, we work to boost your productivity. How? We simplify your experience with us at every step, from initial solution development through services and support. Our mission is to improve the quality of life by making the world INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 45 more productive and sustainable. We are committed to enabling ROCKWELL AUTOMATION the next generation of smart manufacturing. With the right strate- gy, talented people, and our substantial financial strength, we are We’re expanding humandedicated to deliver value to our customers. To learn more about how we are bringing The Connected Enterprise to life across industrial enterprises, visit www.rock- possibility for a better 44 At Rockwell Automation, we are expanding human possibility.
SAP Labs India INTERESTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT WATCH SAP’s Executive Board Member view Pvt. Ltd. SAP INDUSTRY 4.0 SOLUTION on Industry 4.0 PORTFOLIO REACH US TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Name: KG Chandrasekhar Designation: V ice President Digital Manufacturing SAP Labs India Email Id: c @kgc_tweet chandrasekhar-kg ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: PVN PavanKumar Explore SAP’s Industry 4.0 solution portfolio SAP is the market leader in enterprise applica- @saplabsindia Designation: D irector | Product Management tion software, helping companies of all sizes #138, EPIP Zone Whitefield Internet of Things Our cutting-edge Industry 4.0 and IIoT solution portfolio is divided into and in all industries run at their best: 77% of the SAP Labs India four main categories world’s transaction revenue touches an SAP sys- Bangalore – 560066 India tem. Our machine learning, Internet of Things Phone: +91 80 4139 5139 Email Id: p (IoT), and advanced analytics technologies help turn customers’ businesses into intelligent en- pavankumarpvn terprises. Our end-to-end suite of applications and services enables our customers to operate @_pvn_pavan profitably, adapt continuously, and make a dif- ference. With a global network of customers, Take full advantage of Industry 4.0 technologies like partners, employees, and thought leaders, SAP edge and cloud computing, big data lakes, artificial helps the world run better and improves people’s intelligence (AI), IoT, sensors, digital twins, autonomous lives. systems, and more with SAP solutions. SAP has had an R&D presence in India since Intelligent products 1998 SAP Labs India is the second largest R&D location for SAP globally contributing to SAP’s Design and deliver personalized, connected, and product portfolio which includes Digital Supply intelligent products by using SAP’s advanced IT and Chain and IoT. solution capabilities to fast-track product innovation, manage engineering changes dynamically, and offer new services. • SAP Intelligent Product Design • SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for production engineering and o perations • SAP Internet of Things Intelligent assets Stay on top of asset health – and avoid downtime and inefficiency. Our solutions use IoT technology, digital twins, and advanced analytics to help you easily onboard assets, optimize predictive maintenance, and more. • SAP Asset Strategy and Performance Management • SAP Asset Intelligence Network • SAP Internet of Things 46 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 47 SAP LABS INDIA
Intelligent factories Empowered people SAP’s Strategy for Industry 4.0 – Industry 4.Now Run smart factories based real-time Support and empower your people. SAP’s Industry 4.0 approach addresses three business priorities with one leading strategy data, AI, and autonomous things Help them manage complex tasks with SAP. Use smart manufacturing and unforeseen events with ad hoc Move digitalization and Industry 4.0 from factory-focused technologies, such as 3D printing, to decision support – and use IoT- initiatives to a company-wide, competition-beating maximize efficiency, adapt to any enabled monitoring, geo-fencing, and business strategy. Combine manufacturing automation scenario, and deliver to a lot size of one. real-time analytics to improve health and safety. with enterprise business execution. • SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing • SAP Environment, Health, and Safety Management • SAP Extended Warehouse Management • SAP 3D Visual Enterprise • SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud • SAP Work Manager • SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for production engineering and • SAP Internet of Things operations • SAP Edge Services Fast Facts Subscribers 27 63 9 D 48 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 49 SAP LABS INDIA
Explore, Learn more IoT and Edge serves as key technology enablers for SAP Industry 4.Now. For more information, read the white paper “SAP Enabling Technologies for Industry 4.Now”. A comprehensive portfolio of SAP solutions supports Industry 4.0 capabilities. For more information on these solutions and the scenarios they support, read the white papers “SAP’s Strategy for Industry 4.0” and “Digital Supply Chain Strategy”. Target Industries Aerospace and Defense (A&D) | Automotive | Chemicals | Consumer Products (CP) | High Tech | Industrial Machinery & Components (IM&C) | Life Sciences | Mill Products Oil & Gas | Others Customer Success Stories / Videos INDEX-Werke | BITZER | Clair | Endress+Hauser | Exide | Hoval | Pregis | Adidas | Trenitalia | BRP-Rotax | Kaiserwetter | ALBIS Plastic GmbH | Ansaldo Energia | Harley Davidson | Others Further References Website | SAP’s Strategy for Industry 4.0 | Brochure 50 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 51 SAP LABS INDIA
CONTACT INFORMATION A utomated work instructions, technical and safety information and other necessary documents en- To get in touch with us: Click here sures that the job is optimal job sequence is planned on the basis of plant availability and restrictions. Siemens Limited Portfolio Highlights: • SIMATIC IT • SIMATIC IT Unified P reactor Architecture TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER • Industrial Edge • QMS Professional 5. Digital Twin: ABOUT COMPANY Address WATCH Success Story The digital twin is the precise virtual model of a product or a production plant. Our comprehen- With a focus on electrification, automation Birla Aurora, Level 21, Portfolio Highlights: sive concept of the digital twin consists of three and digitalization, Siemens India stands for Plot No. 1080, forms: the digital twin of the product, the digital engineering excellence, innovation, and reli- • NX CAD/CAM • Polarion ALM twin of production, and the digital twin of the ability. Siemens is a pioneer in infrastructure Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, performance of both product and production. and energy solutions, automation and soft- Mumbai – 400030, India ware for industry and is a leader in medical 6. MindSphere: diagnosis. Siemens Digital Industries is an • Simcenter innovation and technology leader in indus- MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operat- trial automation and digitalization. In close 2. Production Planning: ing system from Siemens that connects your prod- cooperation with our partners and custom- ucts, plants, systems, and machines, enabling you ers, we are the driving force for the digital to harness the wealth of data generated by the transformation in the discrete and process Internet of Things (IoT) with advanced analytics. industries. For production planning, it is important the flow Focussed areas/sectors of materials through the production facility be im- proved to increase throughput to promptly detect Process Industries • Marine bottlenecks, and to optimize the plant’s energy • Water& Wastewater consumption. The entire production process can • Chemicals be planned and developed in the virtual world. • Minerals • Power & Utilities Portfolio Highlights: Hybrid Industries • Tecnomatix Plant • Teamcenter • Glass Simulation M anufacturing • Pharmaceuticals • Electronics • Food & Beverage • Tecnomatix Process • TIA portal with • Tire Simulate PLCSIM a dvanced 3. Production Engineering: Discrete Industries To ensure the relevant machines, production • Automotive • Machine Building Digital Enterprise – and commissioning. It also includes automa- cells, and production lines interact efficiently, • Intralogistics • Cranes tion, production or operation, and services. they are digitally modelled, simulated, and vali- • Robotics Thinking industry Companies can start with digitalization at dated. Even the behaviour of real controllers can f urther! BwFirvooerckhmeudarejwolriitnchkompanies52 any step of their value chain, for greenfield be simulated. and brownfield plants, and based on stan- dardized and open interfaces. Portfolio Highlights: In order to enable companies to make the 1. Product Design: • Totally Integrated • CNC Shopfloor • Fine Chemicals: Dulux most out of digitalization, Siemens devel- Automation Portal Management • Pharmaceutical: BioNTech oped Digital Enterprise – a holistic portfo- The virtual and system-oriented develop- Software • Automotive: MINO Equipment lio of software and automation solutions. ment of a new product or machine lays • Automation • Machine Building: Optima Consumer GMBH It supports discrete and process industries the groundwork for realistic simulations Designer • NX Mechatronics to become faster, more flexible, and more and tests that can deliver useful infor- Concept Designer efficient. Siemens’ holistic approach com- mation early in the design phase. Digita- prises offerings for product design, produc- lization saves time and money because 4 . Production Execution: tion planning or process and plant design, the number of necessary prototypes is and production engineering or engineering drastically reduced. To enable smooth and optimal production, all Digital Enterprise Suite important information must be transferred digitally. INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 53 SIEMENS
Siemens Limited CONTACT INFORMATION • Digital Quality: Analyze critical to quality data with Artificial Intelligence to get higher first Name: Mr. Nitin Nair pass yield, reduce variation in process and Email Id: digital quality validation. Name: Mr. Apurva Akash • Closed loop Analytics: Analyze production and Email Id: process quality data to predict line output and quality trends. Prescribe preventive actions to TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER keep consistently high production & quality output • Location Intelligence: Optimize production us- ing real time location and tracking information. Focussed areas/sectors Discrete Industries • Automotive • Tire • Aerospace • Battery WATCH Success Story • Electrical & Electronics • Additive manufacturing 1. Consulting: Appliances • Food & Beverage Make your Industry 4.0 roadmap • Analyze shop floor readiness for an Industry 4.0 • Machinery Building • Foundry transformation and propose a tailored roadmap • Design your digital solution architecture based • Robotics • Forging on a benchmark process blueprint • Connect digitalization strategy with solutions • Cranes • Parts manufacturing and projects, e.g. Digital Enterprise Experience Day • Intralogistics 2. Implementation: Hybrid Industries • Power & Utilities Make the manufacturing digital twin • Minerals • Development and realization of digital twins • Metals for the production cell / line / plant • Marine • Simulation, Validation and Virtual commissioning • IOT integration of shop floor devices for data Process Industries • Glass collection and a nalytics with IoT applications • Fiber • Development of Integrated software and auto- • Pharmaceuticals • Pulp & Paper mation solutions on EDGE / Cloud IOT platform • Chemicals • Track and trace of product in the production • Water& Wastewater process from start to end. • Oil & Gas Digital Enterprise • Create the system integration for a seam- 3. Optimization: Five major companies S ervices less & secure data flow from shop floor to Analyze and realize benefits worked with cloud • Plant Effectiveness as a Service: Analyze Plant With a comprehensive Digital Enterprise operations OEE and optimize to get higher • Unilever portfolio, including consulting, implementa- • Use advanced algorithms and AI to turn capacity utilization, increased flexibility & on • Skoda auto a. s. tion, and optimization services coupled with data into valuable insights for continuous time delivery • Faurecia Group extensive digitalization expertise, we support improvement • Airborne International B.V. our customers to realize their goal of becom- • Roadstone ing a digital enterprise. Siemens Digital Enterprise focuses on a suc- cessful Industry 4.0 for your company that B rochure links • Develop a digitalization strategy specially takes into account all your unique specifica- tailored to your needs based on your criti- tions, including your industry, degree of digi- Closed Loop Analytics Services for Electronics cal KPI’s talization, and specific digital requirements. Location Intelligence Plant Effectiveness as a Service This approach includes three steps: consult- Digital Enterprise Suit ing, implementation, and optimization. 54 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 55 SIEMENS
SMS INDIA PVT. LTD. TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story Name: Atanu Dey Designation: Vice President Phone No.: + 91 (0) 124 / 473 1833 Email Id: ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: Manish Bhatt Prominent tech nologies used/offered Phone No.: +91 (0) 124 / 473 1846 SMS digital is a leading digital solution provider 286, Udyog Vihar Phase – II, Email Id: • Learning Steel Plant in the metals industry. As the digital unit of the GURGAON 122016 The main task of the learning steel plant is to turn data into SMS group GmbH, the market-leading supplier Haryana of metallurgical plants and machinery, we create information and information into value. innovative solutions in the fields of digitalization. It makes use of all the advantages of innovative technologies to Our digital applications will lift your plants and machines into the world of Industry 4.0. increase its productivity and user-friendliness and has an enormous positive effect on sustainable “green” steel production. In this way, We combine digitalization expertise with 150 we create a digital ecosystem for our customers to enable them years of metallurgical know-how. to maximize profit right along the production chain. This is neces- sary not only to optimize everything from the delivery of materials through production up to distribution, but also to manage all of the machine data in particular, forecast process deviations and sched- ule maintenance activities. In real terms this means integrating smart sensor technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning into the equipment and processes that generates and pro- vides data in real time. The reason is simple: By improving the performance of your machines and processes, you also ensure flawless condition of your products and avoid costs result- ing from quality deviations and downtimes. Based on human know-how, physical correlations, and complex mathe- matical models, which can be evaluated in real time, key performance pa- rameters, such as product quality, processing time, deadline compliance, and output, can be improved. We are there to help you achieve this. • Infrastructure solutions GET MORE VALUE FROM YOUR DATA In order to create a basis for all digitalization applications and to fi- nally obtain added value from data, the plant data must be available in a structured, well-organized form. For this purpose, we offer the “SMS Data Factory” which is used to convert a raw data such as relational data, process data, time codes or files into usable data. 56 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 57 SMS INDIA
• Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) less than a millisecond can be achieved with 5G – records, and ensures product and process quality Cost accounting: Improved accountability through The Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT for short, is a time gain that can be put to use in critical situa- along the whole production chain – from the raw management of direct energy costs. tions when a pump, power supply, or robot needs material to the surface-finished final product. a cutting-edge technology that has become indis- to be shut down automatically, or when a valve Portfolio: Prioritization, execution, measurement pensable for digital transformation. It is a specific has to be closed. MPV APP – MECHANICAL PROPERTIES and verification of initiatives to improve energy form of the Internet of Things that is used par- VARIABILITY performance. ticularly in manufacturing and industrial environ- Focussed areas/sectors TAKE THE FINAL STEP IN STEEL PRODUCTION ments. Unlike the Internet of Things (IoT), it does TECHNOLOGY Planning: Forecasting, simulation and optimization not focus on consumers and end users, but on • Predictive Asset Health The MPV app is a web-based technology module of energy consumption and energy generation. industrial processes. We support you on this way Solutions for optimal product lifecycle manage- that allows optimization of mechanical properties and, together with you, implement digital applica- such as yield strength, tensile strength and elonga- Contracts: Management, simulation and execu- tions for your learning steel plant. ment tion along the entire process chain. Understanding tion of energy contracts. Many plant processes in companies have already the effect of all process parameters on the mechan- The IIoT ensures greater efficiency in operational ical properties was never that easy. Every piece of Bills: Automatic recording, verification and pay- and production processes been digitalized. However, the evaluation of the information is available at just a few clicks. ment of energy bills. generated data is very time-consuming. Our Allows for cost reductions and smart maintenance solutions make it possible METALLICS OPTIMIZER Budgeting: Adaptable business process manage- Supports the implementation of new business to carry out automatic system-wide analyses, SMART SYSTEM FOR CALCULATING ment approach for the coordination of energy thus improving quality and efficiency. These FEEDSTOCK IN ELECTRIC STEELMAKING budgeting and monitoring of its execution. models products and solutions focus on aspects such Metallics Optimizer uses artificial intelligence tech- In this way, production and maintenance pro- as plant availability, inventory management, and niques to forecast the amount of undesired tramp Efficient solutions in the field of energy and sus- maintenance planning. This is where SMS digital elements in the scrap before it is melted. The Me- tainability are of central importance for the entire cesses can be adapted in real time to unforeseen offers just the right tools that can be perfectly tallics Optimizer uses this forecast to calculate the steel and metals industry. They have decisive requirements – from anywhere, at any time. integrated into existing system environments and lowest-cost composition for the melt’s feedstock by influence on the cost-efficiency of your company Modern innovation methods, metallurgical pro- are seamlessly aligned with each other: Prob- means of an optimization algorithm. and act as a lever for reducing your carbon foot- cess expertise and technological competence lems in the plant are first detected by Genius print. SMS digital offers digitalization solutions enable us to perfectly tailor products to suit the CM and forwarded to Smart Alarm to inform the • Predictive Production Planning – MES 4.0 that integrate all production areas of the steel needs of our customers. maintenance personnel. Using eDoc, suitable The MES 4.0 manufacturing execution system and metals industries worldwide. spare parts can be identified and ordered so that We offer software solutions for the maintenance a visual plant inspection can be planned using the is the holistic, modular solution for planning and We help you to make your energy management of your plant, for efficient production planning production planning software MES 4.0. IMMS controlling the whole metallurgical process chain efficient and sustainable using intelligent digital and for optimized quality management. These coordinates the personnel, tools and materials and all production facilities as part of upgrades, solutions. This allows you to make more precise applications communicate with each other and required for this task – precisely and on schedule. expansions, or new integrated plants. energy forecasts, optimize your cost calculation gradually develop the ability to optimize them- and simplify management workflows. selves – this is our vision of the learning steel • Viridis – Energy Platform plant. Viridis is an integrated platform for energy, • Forging Plants & Extrusion Presses SMS-Metrics: Real-time recording and evaluation • 5G for The Learning Steel Plant • Predictive Product Quality resource and sustainability management for When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), Even today, quality management is not an auto- energy-intensive process industries. The platform of machine data. SMS-Metrics is an efficient tool utilizes the power of IoT, big data, machine learn- for recording, saving and evaluating machine data what industry needs is a scalable, powerful, and mated process in most rolling mills. A great deal ing and many other technologies from the field in real time. Thanks to the increase in trans- robust network: one that, already in 2020, will of time and effort is invested in quality monitor- of Industry 4.0 to significantly reduce energy and parency, customers can expand their process allow not only two billion smartphones but also ing by plant personnel, for example to determine resource consumption while at the same time know-how. Evaluations can be easily prepared, 50 billion machines, devices, vehicles, sensors, the exact cause of defects. Deviations in the improving efficiency, planning and administration. dynamically adapted and retrieved worldwide in and buildings within the Internet of Things to be quality data require the monitoring personnel the browser. connected via the cloud and to communicate to take decisions and any relevant action, such The applications for energy, resource and sus- Linking machine data with process know-how is with each other. as redirecting or, in the worst case, scrapping tainability management include: a significant added value for users. For various a coil, which leads to losses. At SMS digital, SMS plants such as extrusion presses, eccen- In order that sensors and actuators fitted in you will find all the right solutions to bring your Tracking: Monitoring and improvement of energy, tric presses and CONTIROD® (CONTIROD® is a plant and machinery can communicate with one quality management system to the next level and resource and sustainability performance. registered trademark of Aurubis Belgium) wire another, the relevant data connections must be benefit from learning algorithms that allow you to rod mills such link already exists. This means, available and reliable at all times. This is what the respond to growing demands. Design: Integration of human resources, process- that users are not only provided with a tool for 5G standard was designed to deliver. es and systems with regard to energy efficiency recording measured values but also have access and operational excellence. to process know-how and dashboards displaying Real-time applications should also be possible: so QES – Quality Execution System machine-specific correlations. Since state-of-the- that individual components of a plant to react live The user-friendly concept of the QES Quality Execu- Efficiency: Artificial intelligence and advanced art SMS group plants are equipped with a variety to errors or malfunctions, short response times analysis for energy and operational efficiency. of high-quality sensors an enormous potential is tion System enables the systematic introduction of available through digitalization. within the network are necessary. Whereas data an automatic coil release system for all production can only be transmitted at a latency of at least ten lines. QES captures and pools the quality data from milliseconds via LTE, laboratory trials showed that various process stages. The software monitors, INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 58 SMS INDIA 59
• Iron Making 1 Smart Safety Guard A tracking system for workers in dangerous areas, which strongly im- proves the safety situation in case of evacuations and other dangerous situations 2 Tuyere Phenomena A camera system mounted to the peep hole of tuyere stocks that can Detection System detect critical situations and automatically shut off the PCI injection 3 Smart Staves A wireless battery-powered sensor to permanently monitor the wear of copper staves inside the BF 4 Multi-point Advanced probe with 6 temperature measurement points mounted temperature probe into the hearth in order to better monitor the hearth erosion and detect phenomena like brittle layers 5 Continuous Hot Multiwave pyrometer that measures the hot metal temperature direct- Metal temperature ly at the tap hole avoiding any influence by the runner conditions. This measurement permanent measurement provides the required data quality for expert systems and Artificial intelligence applications. 6 Smart Maintenance Applied to several Paul Wurth technologies, such as BLT, PCI plant, cast- Products based on house machines and slag granulation INBA, the smart maintenance mod- ‘RuleXpert’ ules provide the right tools to move from reactive to predictive maintenance 7 Hot metal Using a set of Artificial Intelligence algorithms to predict the hot metal t emperature temperature over different time horizons, this solution improves the reli- prediction ability and precision of the thermal regulation of the BF leading to lower coke rates. 8 Digital Software A set of tools to acquire and store, to process, to learn from, and to Platform ‘DataXpert’ visualize data. All the tools have been designed with engineers as the PW Acquisition Box focus users. No programming skills are required to implement process rules or create data visualization dashboards. 9 Digital Twin Virtual representation of the BF (either as 3D model or as photogram- metry scan), linked with live data, maintenance documentation and other data from different data sources 10 BFXpert®, Process optimisation Tools CokeXpert®, Sinter – Increased Safety, productivity, availability, Quality Xpert®- BF, COKE, – Early detection of process phenomena Sinter Plant – Reduced overall energy consumption LEVEL 2 SYSTEM All benefits finally leading to a reduction of hot metal costs 11 PW Smart BLT Switched from traditional BLT control to BLT Diagnostics and connected Feature including the improved control system by using B&R hardware and application platform like MAP View, Automation Studio & Aprol 12 3D metal printing Technology that build 3D object by adding layer-upon-layer of material by using either Powder Bed deposition or Direct Metal Deposition Five major companies worked with • Big River Steel LLC • ArcelorMittal • Salzgitter AG • T ata Steel IJmuiden BV B rochure link 60
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Tally Solutions CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH Success Story P rivate Limited Name: Harish Rajput Designation: H ead – Government Sales & Large Accounts Phone No.: 9878430505 Email Id: h arish.rajput@ ABOUT COMPANY Address Name: Syed Mohammad Saad Prominent tech nologies used/offered At Tally, we believe in the power of technology to AMR Tech Park II, No.23 & 24, Designation: DGM – GVLA Business Proprietary software product make you efficient, empowered, and happier, so Hongasandra, Hosur Main Road, you can focus on what matters most to your busi- Phone No.: 9958293685 ness. We understand that your business needs are Bangalore 560 068, India unique, and so is your style of working. Hence, the Customer Care: 1800 425 8859 Email Id: m ohammed.saad@ all new TallyPrime is built to adapt to your busi- ness, giving you the trust, to move to a digitized method of business management. TallyPrime is a Focussed areas/sectors complete business management software which caters to your all accounting, inventory, compliance • MSME • Government & Enterprises and payroll needs. It is known for its legendary speed, simplicity, reliability and flexibility. Our Presence in Government Establishments: Departments Min of Health, HRD, Rural Dev Dept, Women & Child Dev Dept, Watershed dept, SC dept, Handloom Dept, Tribal Dept, SC-SC Dept, Forest PSUs HPCL Lubes distributors, IOCL Gas distributors, SAIL, IFFCO MMPs NHM, SSA, NRLM, Watershed, Forest Corp, CAMPA, WCD, Seed Corp CWC, SWC, Tourism Corp A perfect Solution platform for Govt Cooperative Milk Federations, Handloom Cooperative society, Red Cross P rojects & Schemes Societies PRATHAM, Don Bosco NGOs ➢ Centralised creation and distribution of chart of Boards Mandi Board, Electricity Board, Education Board accounts(COA) and program components Tally has integration capability with other Brochure link ➢ Centralised creation and distribution of budgets & software platforms for data exchange. budget control TallyPrimeBrochure.pdf ➢ Complete Fund Management ➢ Project Monitoring & Control E-invoicing: ➢ Voucher level entry- Book keeping ➢ Data Consolidation at central Servers ➢ Reports like SOE, UC & FMR pageloadtype=scroll ➢ MIS Reports generation ➢ Integration (PFMS or other software platforms) ➢ ODO (Easy to Own, Easy to Deploy, Easy to Operate) ➢ User level security 62 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 63 TALLY SOLUTIONS
TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER Websym Solutions CONTACT INFORMATION Pvt Ltd Name: Ashish Nene Designation: CEO, Websym Solutions Email Id: ABOUT COMPANY Address Prominent tech nologies used/offered Name: Nithya Balasubramanian Founded in 2015, Websym Solutions is a leading Plot No 34/2, Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Designation: Marketing Consultant IIOT Platform technologies for Manufacturing (FaktoryWize) and OEMs provider of Industrial IOT solutions for manu Phase 1, Hinjewadi, Email Id: (Tezeva) built on Azure and AWS cloud infrastructure facturing organizations and OEM across the globe. Our depth of technology experience has Pune, Maharashtra 411057 consistently delivered value to Manufacturers, Industrial OEMs, Connected Product oriented Focussed areas/sectors businesses and Smart City Projects. • Manufacturers (Glass, Cables, • Connected Product oriented Our flagship products Factorywize and Tezeva Auto, FMCG, CPG) Industrial) businesses and Smart City help organizations provide an end to end digital P rojects solution to customers that meet digitization ob- • OEMs (Material Handling, jectives. Our solutions help organizations utilize E nergy, Water/Air Purifiers, the power of big data and analytics in improv- Compressors etc.) ing performance, enforce better compliance and generate greater ROI for their investments. Five major companies worked with Websym’s flagship solutions – Websym is a • Piramal Glass • Jyothy labs Micros oft & AWS ISV partner for IIOT solutions • TEAL • Fiat Chrysler with a strong domain experience in multiple • DEIF manufacturing industry verticals with strong ecosystem partnerships. Links for reports 64 INDIA’S INDUSTRY 4.0 E-DIRECTORY 65 WEBSYM SOLUTIONS
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government and civil soci- ety, through advisory and consultative processes. For 125 years, CII has been working on shaping India’s development journey and, this year, more than ever before, it will continue to proactively transform Indian industry’s engagement in national development. CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, with about 9100 members from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from 288 national and regional sectoral industry bodies. CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues. Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute cor- porate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry for- ward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse do- mains including affirmative action, livelihoods, diversity management, skill development, empowerment of women, and sustainable development, to name a few. With theTheme for 2020-21 as Building India for a New World: Lives, Livelihood, Growth, CII will work with Government and industry to bring back growth to the economy and mitigate the enormous human cost of the pandemic by protecting jobs and livelihoods. With 68 offices, including 10 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 9 overseas offices in Australia, China, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, UAE, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 394 counterpart organizations in 133 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community. Confederation of Indian Industry DIGITAL PARTNER The Mantosh Sondhi Centre 23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 (India) T: 91 11 45771000 / 24629994-7 E: • W: Follow us on
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