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The Brahman Journal Volume 42 Issue 3

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November 2013 volume 42, Number 3

2 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 3

The November 2013 Vol. 42, No. 3 Brahman Journal OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF November 2013 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF volume 42, Number 3 In ThIs Issue... noVember issue 10 World Brahman Congress THE BRAHMAN BREED THE BRAHMAN BREED THE BRAHMAN BREED This beautiful cover photo was taken by Will 12 The Common Thread to Greatness THE BRAHMAN BREED Detering at Dos Palmas in Panama. This great 14 Ethiopian Delegation Visits Alabama Nationals female is a daughter of +DB Valentino 48/3. SINCE 1971 SINCE 1971 SINCE 1971 18 WBF Meeting & Conference SINCE 1971 The calendar cover shot was taken by Victoria Lambert at La Victoria in Ecuador. 20 Heritage Cattle Making Memories Sale 24 lXVIII Expoferia Ganadera 26 Alabama National Fair TBJ sTaFF 62 Tip of the Hat 62 National Show Schedule Editor 64 Cattlemax online 12 Victoria Lambert [email protected] 68 Nutritional Programs for the Cow Herd Assistant Editor 79 State Fair of Texas Candids mandy chambers 80 Winning Big with Brahman Journal Wristbands [email protected] 81 Washington County Fair Field Representative cLint GaLiano 84 Ark-la-Miss Fair 18 [email protected] 85 East Texas State Fair 86 Heart of Texas Fair Design & Production christen wiLson 88 TBJ High Point Standings [email protected] Editorial Consultant DeparTmenTs emiLy otto [email protected] 9 Brahman World News 79 Web 70 AJBA emiLy weiser 71 FJBA [email protected] 79 Classifieds office Manager robin KuKowsKi 80 Calendar [email protected] 88 Foreign Correspondent PaoLo aLbertazzi livestock Publication Council Charter Member Interns emiLy Foreman cydnye couthran THE BRAHMAN JoURNAl (ISSN 0192-6764), is published monthly for $30.00 U.S. per year by Caballo Rojo Publishing Group Contact us at... lP., 915 12th Street, Hempstead, TX 77445-5162. Periodicals postage paid at Hempstead, TX 77445 and additional mailing offices. PoSTmASTer: Send address changes to THe brAHmAN JoUrNAL, 915 12th Street, Hempstead, Texas 77445-5162. THE BRAHMAN JoURNAl Subscription rates are $30.00 U.S. per year for all subscriptions to the U.S. and her possessions. First class subscriptions in the U.S. are available 915 12th Street at $50.00. Foreign surface mail subscriptions are $50.00. Foreign airmail subscriptions are as follows: Mexico/Canada - $100.00, Central Hempstead, TX 77445-5162. America & South America - $120.00, Europe and all others - $140.00. We accept American Express, Mastercard, VISA and Discover. office: 979-826-4347, 979-826-3422 THE BRAHMAN JoURNAl is the official publication for American Brahman Cattle. ownership, management, editing and financial FAX: 979-826-2007 responsibilities are vested in Caballo Rojo Publishing, lP. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any copy or advertising material submitted for publication. Send written correspondence to: THE BRAHMAN JoURNAl, 915 12th Street, Hempstead, TX 77445-5162. [email protected] 4 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 5

6 | The Brahman Journal

A NEW ERA IN POLLED BRAHMANS Dr. Richard Forgason, owner of Forgason Cattle Co. of JD Hudgins Inc. and Carlos X. Guerra, owner of La Muñeca Cattle have over 100 combined years of dedication, commitment, leadership and service to the seed stock business. Doc has dedicated his life to improving the Brahman breed and ABBA. Carlos has dedicated his life to youth development and breeding the best in polled beef cattle of several breeds. In an effort to create a new generation of better POLLED Brahmans, both ranches are committing their very best donors and herd bulls in a joint ET venture. Both families have been in the cattle business for over 100 years and are looking forward to sharing these top genetics with the Brahman World. Below are some of the cattle to be used and some LMC cattle already produced from JDH females and LMC bulls Be on the lookout for more details. JDH Lady Manso 217 - NEARS PERFECTION IN THE FLESH, “Samantha” is LMC’s best cow and has earned that title by producing is a past champion, is a proven donor and the dam to JDH Lady Manso herd bulls for the Kelley, Campbell, Sparks & Pennington families plus 929, one of the hottest young females in the breed today. daughters for Frazier, LMC and the great Polled Spice for the Walters. LMC Apollo is another Pistolero out of LMC Polled Madonna is a classic JDH x LMC Polled Boss is another classic a JDH Charley’s Jazz sired donor. He is LMC cross using LMC WFF Pistolero on a JDH x LMC cross using LMC LF co-owned with Chris Brasher and Ray great JDH Datapack sired donor. She sold Ambassador on a JDH Charley’s Jazz Rodriguez. His calves are selling very for $20,000 at Houston to England Cattle, grand daughter. Polled Boss is in the well and are really good. Kansas Polled Brahmans and LMC. progressive Kempfer herd in Florida. Se Habla Español Simbrahs, Simbraviehs & POLLED Brahmans CARLOS & SISTER GUERRA FAMILY P. O. Box 386, Hungerford, TX 77448 LMC VJ Victor’s Angel is another JDH PO Box 81 • Linn, TX 78563 956-383-7566 (Offce) Lana Forgason-Stanley: 979-533-0647 x LMC classic sired by Ambassador and a Carlos 802-1641 • Victor 607-5515 • Carlos Jr. 330-1963 Richard Forgason: 979-559-2968 full sister to LMC Apollo. This DOUBLE email: LaMuñ[email protected] Matthew Pounds: 334-590-7535 POLLED heifer NEARS PERFECTION IN Please visit our website at Email: [email protected] THE FLESH. Co-owned with Victor Moreno. www.LaMuñ novemBer 2013 | 7

GANADERIA DOLORES GANADERIA DOLORES GYR - NELORE - BRAHMAN GYR - NELORE - BRAHMAN Rancho Santo Tomas Gonzalez Tamps. Mexico Tel: 52+(81) 8367-0177 [email protected] 8 | The Brahman Journal

brahman world news READ THE ONLINE CALENDAR AT BRAHMANJOURNAL.COM the United StateS BSe The Brahman Journal, # 1 Brahman Magazine in the U.S, claSSification haS Been and Worldwide! Upgraded to negligiBle riSk - the loweSt riSk Send US yoUr newS! e-mail level Under the oie code. [email protected] like US on national ceBU Show in merida, World mexico novemBer 14, 2013 faceBook! expo reU in Brahman retalhUleU, gUatemala decemBer 12 - 15, 2013 Congress Story from wBf meeting in gUayaqUil, ecUador on page 18 & reSUltS on page 24 Scan this QR code See the weBSite for added toUrS for the 2014 world Brahman For the only congreSS in paryS, SoUth africa! to go to event website! Global Brahman Calendar of Events, visit Mexico soUth africa United states Make plans to attend the National The 17th World Brahman Congress CARCASS EVALUATION PROGRAM Cebu Show in Merida, Mexico. Judging will be held in Parys, Free State ABBA hosts its 14th Annual National of Guzerat and Gray and Red Brahman Province, South Africa. The Congress Carcass Evaluation Program at Females will take place on Thursday, will be April 6-11, 2014 with Graham Land & Cattle in Gonzales, Tx. November 14, 2013. Judging of Pre-Congress tours being held March November 15 is the deadline for steer Grey and Red Brahman Bulls and 30 - April 5 and Post-Congress tours nominations and delivery dates are an Awards Dinner will take place on April 11 - 17. Discounted rate deadline December 2-6, 2013. Friday, November 15, 2013. For more extended, $650 registration fee until ABBA MEMBERShIP CONVENTION information on hotel arrangements December 31. To register visit ABBA Membership Convention will and pricing visit take place November 22-24, 2013 and will feature programs covering future objectives for the organization and the Looking for a Brahman Event? Brahman breed, ranching techniques, marketing practices and much more. Go to Registration costs $150 and those fees include admission to all scheduled activities and meals provided during Visit The Brahman Journal digital calendar that highlights the convention. Visit for Brahman-related events from around the globe. We have sale, show, details. convention, junior, international and meeting information. If readers have any events they would like added, they can simply e-mail info@ INTERNATIONAL BRAhMAN SALE Event listings are free of charge. You also can Te ABBA International Brahman Sale download the calendar straight into your iPhone and iPad! will be held March 5, 2014 during the International Brahman Show Activities Ir a para un calendario mundial Brahman. ¿Quieres at the Houston Livestock Show and añadir un evento? E-mail [email protected]. Es gratis! Rodeo™. Nominations for consigning a female, fush or other feature lots are due in the ABBA ofce by November 15. novemBer 2013 | 9

evenTs Parys en Parys , en la parte más septentrional de la provincia de El Congreso Mundial Brahman numero 17 º se celebrará HOME OF THE 17TH Estado Libre en Sudáfrica, del 5 al 11 Abril del 2014. La Asociación de Criadores Brahman de Sudáfrica en conjunto con los países vecinos será el anftrión. WORLD BRAHMAN CONGRESS Parys es un pequeño pueblo - ciudad situada a orillas del In South Africa río Vaal y se ha convertido recientemente conocido como el hogar de la Catedral Patrimonio de la Humanidad Vredefort T en las afueras de la ciudad. Está situado en la región de las Te 17th Brahman World Congress will be hosted in Parys, in the e 17th Brahman World Congress will be hosted in Parys, in the m most northern part of the Free State Province in South Africa from ost northern part of the Free State Province in South Africa from lluvias de verano. Verano las temperaturas oscilan entre A 8 ° C a 30 ° C de media, mientras que el invierno puede ser April, 5 - 11 2014. Te Brahman Breeders’ Society of South Africa in pril, 5 - 11 2014. Te Brahman Breeders’ Society of South Africa in a association with neighboring countries will be the host. ssociation with neighboring countries will be the host. bastante frío con temperaturas de hasta -2 ° C a 19 ° C de About Parys About Parys media . P Parys is a small village-town situated on the banks of the Vaal arys is a small village-town situated on the banks of the Vaal Con autopistas de fácil acceso desde Johannesburg River and has recently become known as the home of the Vredefort iver and has recently become known as the home of the Vredefort R y el aeropuerto OR Tambo, Parys se ha convertido en un D destino de fn de semana preferido para los visitantes Dome World Heritage site on the outskirts of the town. It is located ome World Heritage site on the outskirts of the town. It is located w within the summer rainfall region. Summer temperatures range ithin the summer rainfall region. Summer temperatures range de las zonas urbanas densamente pobladas. El río y el between 8°C to 30°C average, while winter can become quite cold with etween 8°C to 30°C average, while winter can become quite cold with b paisaje de los alrededores es muy popular con el agua y los temperatures dropping to -2°C to 19°C average. emperatures dropping to -2°C to 19°C average. entusiastas de los deportes de aventura al aire libre. Para el t Te source of the Vaal River is at Klipkapstel in the Mpumalanga e source of the Vaal River is at Klipkapstel in the Mpumalanga visitante no tan físico, encantadoras tiendas de café, buenos T Province. Te river then fows westwards to meet the Orange River rovince. Te river then fows westwards to meet the Orange River restaurantes, interior elegante y pintoresca antigua línea de P i in the Northern Cape. In the area where it fows past Parys, the river n the Northern Cape. In the area where it fows past Parys, the river tiendas de la calle principal, dando a la ciudad un encanto f forms the border between the Free State and Gauteng provinces and orms the border between the Free State and Gauteng provinces and del viejo mundo. i is about 1,120km in length. Te Vaal River is the main source of water s about 1,120km in length. Te Vaal River is the main source of water Dos instalaciones de clase mundial, Khaya iBhubesi y for the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan area and a large part or the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan area and a large part La Cúpula Afri en Parys serán las sedes de la conferencia f o of the Free State for irrigation and industrial purposes. It supports f the Free State for irrigation and industrial purposes. It supports técnica, demostración, venta y entretenimiento a about 12 million consumers in Gauteng and surrounding areas. Tis bout 12 million consumers in Gauteng and surrounding areas. Tis internacional durante el Congreso Mundial. El lugar está l life giving back bone of the region also ofers a perfect setting for ife giving back bone of the region also ofers a perfect setting for situado a unos 4 Km. del Parys y ofrece un entorno seguro s some of the most attractive accommodation facilities on the river ome of the most attractive accommodation facilities on the river y exclusivo con \"Elegante Africanos\" para los 5 días de la b banks. anks. Conferencia Mundial de Brahman . W With easy access highways from Johannesburg and the OR ith easy access highways from Johannesburg and the OR El Afri Cúpula Indoor Arena es un espectacular T Tambo airport, Parys has become a preferred weekend destination ambo airport, Parys has become a preferred weekend destination pabellón deportivo acogerá todas las actividades f for visitors from the highly populated urban areas. Te river and or visitors from the highly populated urban areas. Te river and relacionadas con los animales del congreso , así como surrounding countryside is popular with water sports and outdoor urrounding countryside is popular with water sports and outdoor funciones informales día y noche, durante el Congreso s adventure enthusiasts. For the not-so-physical visitor, charming dventure enthusiasts. For the not-so-physical visitor, charming Mundial . a c cofee shops, good restaurants, stylish interior and quaint antique ofee shops, good restaurants, stylish interior and quaint antique s shops line the main street, giving the town an old-world charm. Te hops line the main street, giving the town an old-world charm. Te l long established Pine’s Antiques is the largest and oldest antiques ong established Pine’s Antiques is the largest and oldest antiques d Khaya iBhubesi is an exceptionally distinguished dealer in town. Tere are also numerous art galleries and upmarket ealer in town. Tere are also numerous art galleries and upmarket f fashion shops that ofer local art and designer clothing. ashion shops that ofer local art and designer clothing. conference venue, a jewel nestled among trees which forms an oasis of scenic splendour and riverine tranquillity. Te P Pride of the town is two unique 18 hole Golf Estates which were ride of the town is two unique 18 hole Golf Estates which were both developed on islands in the Vaal River. Tese are the only Golf oth developed on islands in the Vaal River. Tese are the only Golf technical conference on the April 7 & 8 as well as the opening b Estates situated on islands in Africa. One has been designed by the states situated on islands in Africa. One has been designed by the and closing functions will be held here. E well known Nick Price.ell known Nick Price. w Te venue is situated approximately 4 km outside Parys T and ofers a secure and exclusive setting with African chic Te Vredefort Dome with its lunar, mountainous landscape e Vredefort Dome with its lunar, mountainous landscape provides the backdrop to interesting sights such as the remains of rovides the backdrop to interesting sights such as the remains of p for the 5-day World Brahman Conference. Te unique and k kraals of indigenous tribes who lived in the area during the late Iron raals of indigenous tribes who lived in the area during the late Iron versatile character of the facility accommodates all needs of A Age. Te area is rich in plant and animal life; blesbok, duiker, black ge. Te area is rich in plant and animal life; blesbok, duiker, black an international event. An abundance of space on the river wildebeest, red hartebeest, kudu, warthog, jackal, caracal and brown ildebeest, red hartebeest, kudu, warthog, jackal, caracal and brown banks together with the range of services and activities w h hyena can be seen on a number of game farms. A Cheetah breeding yena can be seen on a number of game farms. A Cheetah breeding makes Khaya iBhubesi the ideal corporate getaway. An on- p site Internet café and business centre as well as a day spa is programme in the vicinity is of special interest to visitors. rogramme in the vicinity is of special interest to visitors. The Venues available to visitors. The Venues T Two world class facilities, Khaya iBhubesi and Te Afri Dome in wo world class facilities, Khaya iBhubesi and Te Afri Dome in Te Roots Deck on the river is set in tranquil and private Parys will be the venues for the technical conference, international arys will be the venues for the technical conference, international surroundings and will be the venue for the welcome function P on Sunday evening, April 6, 2014. s show, sales and entertainment during the World Congress. how, sales and entertainment during the World Congress. \"Parys\" continued on page 75 10 | The Brahman Journal

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people The Common Thread to Editor's note: During the Florida Brahman Association feld day held last April at Rocking S Ranch some of the showmen from the past were recognized. Marcus Shackelford wrote this article to share some of the GREATNESS history of one of these great showmen and to show the manner in which so many Brahman breeder's are connected together. We hope you enjoy by Marcus Shackelford this story as much as we did. Leonard Godwin, who was manager of Clyde Keys’ Brahman operation, was one of the showmen recognized at our feld day. Clyde Keys owned a cement factory in St. Petersburg, Florida and had started a Brahman operation in the outlying areas of the county. Leonard was managing the L. S. Harris Brahman ranch in the early 1950's when Clyde went to the ranch to purchase cattle. L. S. Harris had the Fryatt bull which was a top bull that was producing good cattle. Clyde asked Leonard if he wanted to work for him and ofered to double his salary to $80.00 a week. When L. S. would not meet the ofer, Leonard moved to the Keys’ ranch and started his program. Clyde Keys was looking to purchase more cattle and Leonard told him about the herd of Dr. Cary Carlton, a veterinarian and Marshall Johnson's ABBA Membership Certificate. Marshall's larger commercial breeder in Desoto County. Dr. Carlton had bought Membership number was Number 50. 48 cows and a bull from Marshall Johnson in Texas several years before and had done really well with them. Dr. Carlton had given Mr. Parker’s V8 herd was known for its outstanding $17,000 for the 48 cows and a bull and paid them of in a couple of females which started with the Marshall Johnson cows. years, selling many of the calves out of the country. He sold them Since Mr. Parker didn’t know that much about cattle when for $17,250. he selected them, he would have the cows separated from the calves. He would then select the 40 fattest calves as the ones he This photo was taken wanted and would then have them matched to their mothers. of Leonard Godwin A unique selection process but is seemed to work, as Sloan with his one-month- Williams later bought the V8 cows and the rest is history! old son, Wayne, on July 21, 1955. Leonard was To continue my story about Leonard, he took the Marshall the manager for L.S. Johnson bred cattle of Dr. Carlton back to the Keys ranch Harris, president of and started their program. Te Johnson cattle were big cattle the ABBA 1958-1960, and he bred them to JTG Resoto Manso, Jr. 134, a smooth and then managed the muscular bull. JTG Resoto Manso was a bull that Keys had Clyde Keys' Brahman purchased from a large vegetable grower in South Florida. herd. Keys had originally gone to Jack Garrett, who was breeding Resoto Manso cattle with great success, to buy a When I heard Marshall Johnson’s name this really peaked my top bull. When he explained what he was looking for Jack interest because I remembered Sloan Williams had told me that told him he should have stayed in Florida, because one of Howard Parker of V8 Ranch had bought the main part of his herd the best calves he ever raised he had recently sold to a man from Marshall Johnson. in Florida. Keys went back to Florida, tracked down the bull It seems that Marshall was a good friend with Dr. William and bought him. States Jacobs, the pioneer Brahman breeder with all of the AA Te cross of the Resoto Manso bull on the Marshall Cattle and his great herd sire, Tippu Te Great, among others. Johnson cattle was a “golden one” for Leonard and Clyde. Marshall had an agreement with Dr. Jacob's where he could Tere were three National Champions back to back, Keys’ borrow any of Dr. Jacobs’ yearling bulls to breed in exchange for Resoto Manso, Jr. 605, Big Otto, who was National Champion taking care of the bulls. Tis was a good arrangement since Dr. twice, and his full brother, Keys’ Resoto Manso, Jr. 816 who Jacobs could see the calves and decide if he wanted to breed the bull was also National Champion. himself or sell the bull. Either way, Dr. Jacobs got back a mature fat When I became interested in researching Marshall bull, because Marshall took such good care of them and it gave him Johnson and his cattle for this article, it was more difcult access to Dr. Jacobs top breeding. than I thought. Over the years I had relied on Margaret \"Common Tread\" continued on page 14 12 | The Brahman Journal

\"Common Tread\" continued from page 12 ETHIOPIAN DELEGATION VISITS BRAHMAN SHOW AT THE ALABAMA NATIONALS Te second week of October always brings the Alabama National Fair to Montgomery,Alabama held at Garrett Coliseum. Te fair is host to several diferent breed's livestock shows and events. One of the breed livestock shows that draws a number of spectators is Marshall Johnson cows and calves an ABBA sanctioned Brahman point show. Joe Butt (far right) with the delegation from Ethiopia Watkins, Edgar Hudgins, Jack Garrett, Diana Massey and the Sartwelles for most Several Brahman breeders of my history questions and now most all from across the southeast participate at this show year after year. of them are gone. So I turned to my good Te 2013 fair attracted a delegation from Ethiopia to study and view the friend, Sloan Williams, ABBA President, American Brahman cattle that were on display. Te delegation was also visiting the Hall of Famer, Judge and cattle trader College of Veterinary Medicine at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. extraordinaire, and he did not let me down. Doctor Teshome Yehualaeshet hosted the Minister of Agriculture from Ethiopia. Sloan had leased a pasture from Te delegation was particularly interested in and fascinated with the Grand Marshall Johnson for 31 years and was Champion Bull, GS Mr.Sugar Manso 505, a 2200 pound bull exhibited by Valley B one of his good friends. Sloan described Enterprises. Tey loved the great disposition and were impressed with the thickness Marshall Johnson as a good hard and muscle of the bull, especially comparing him to their native Boran Bos Indicus working cattleman. cattle of their homeland. \"Johnson started working at 5:00 a.m. Wayne Davis, director of Livestock for the fair indicated his appreciation for their and worked ‘till dark,\" Sloan explained. visit and interest in the Brahman Cattle. \"He had a lot of commercial cattle at one time and one of his claims to fame was that they struck several good oil wells on his property and with his business sense he worked out good deals for himself.\" Johnson produced cattle in the 1940's and 1950's that were used by many Brahman breeders. V8 Ranch crossed the Johnson cattle on a Rex A Manso 1/5 son out on an Emperor daughter, V8 470/6, to produce cattle second-to-none and Keys used the Resoto Manso, Jr. 134 crossed on Johnson females with the same kind of results. Johnson didn’t have any children and chose to give back to the community by giving the community hospitals. At one time he built hospitals in Wharton, Edna and El Campo. Marshall even had a 55,000 acre ranch in Florida that he gave to M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital. While Marshall Johnson never showed a National Champion bull or cow, he sure helped Clyde J. Keys and V8 Ranch with his breeding to help them produce their future National Champions. Consequently, one can say that Marshall Johnson's cattle were a common thread to greatness in the Brahman breed. 14 | The Brahman Journal

FLoridA brAHmAN ASSociATioN L2 rANcH GrAy SHAdow bArTHLe broTHerS rANcH AdriAN, meLiSSA, GS rANcH AdriAN ii & AricA LANd LArry & LyNN bArTHLe 26500 Bayhead rd. • dade City, fL 33523 Branford, fL • 386-590-2400 roN SALo 352-588-3011 • [email protected] [email protected] 381 GRASSy lANE WWW.BARTHlEBRoTHERSRANCH.CoM l2RANCHFloRIDA.CoM FT. WHITE, Fl 32038 doUbLe c bAr rANcH bAr creSceNT d doc PArTiN rANcH Jimmy, GibbS, deNToN & cLiFToN cHAPmAN dAN SmiTH 6001 Canoe Creek rd. 3650 n. Canoe Creek rd. • kenansviLLe, fL 34739 P.o. Box 432 • WauChuLa, fL 33873 ST. CloUD, Fl 34772 407-892-2414 • [email protected] 863-773-0809 • 863-781-0206 407-908-9866 • 407-892-3725 WWW.DoUBlECBARRANCH.CoM [email protected] • WWW.BarCresCentd.Com [email protected] WWW.DoCPARTIN.CoM Ford FArmS TA brAHmANS cANdLer cATTLe comPANy LArry Ford PRoVEN TENDER dANNy & mArciA cANdLer 5016 ford rd. • greenWood, fL 32443 drew TUcker • 321-288-3462 11000 nW 64th traiL • okeeChoBee, fL 34972 850-569-2868 • 850-718-6983 [email protected] 863-467-9029 • 863-610-0001 [email protected] WWW.tuCkerfamiLyCattLe.Com [email protected] reGiSTer’S SAwmiLL c HermAN beviLLe HeArT bAr rANcH iv dAve & ciNdy PArTiN keiTH reGiSTer rANcH, LTd kenansviLLe, fL 34739 P.o. Box 1542 • Panasofkee, fL 33538 cLAy Newcomb 407-892-9265 352-568-0945 • [email protected] 3349 Cr 545a • BushneLL, fL 33513 CeLL: 407-709-8897 352-793-2081 • 352-303-8336 [email protected] 16 | The Brahman Journal

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evenTs G Guayaquil, Ecuadoruayaquil, Ecuador The World Brahman Federation The World Brahman Federation Meeting and Conference Meeting and Conference Te World Brahman Federation held La Federación Mundial de Brahman their conference and meetings October 9th celebró su conferencia y reuniones del 09 de through the 13th in Guayaquil, Ecuador. octubre hasta el 13 en Guayaquil , Ecuador . Te 70th anniversary AGLYG Brahman El aniversario número 70 AGLYG Brahman show was held 12th in conjunction with the show se llevó a cabo el 12 , en relación con las \"Mami\" Blakenship receiveing her award from Peter Bohman World Assembly meetings. reuniones de la Asamblea Mundial . Armelinda Ibarra receiving a World Brahman Federation were Lorens Mundial de 2013 Brahman fueron Lorens Committee organizers of the 2013 Organizadores del Comité de la Federación much deserved award Olsen Pons, President, Carlos Javier Olsen Pons, presidente , Carlos Javier Andrade Andrade, Vice-President, Enrique , Vice - Presidente, Enrique Baquerizo , Gerente Baquerizo, General Manger and Diana General y Diana Saporiti , Coordinador General. Saporiti, General Coordinator. Peter Peter Bohman , presidente del Ecuador costero Bohman, president of the Ecuador Coastal y la Asociación de Ganaderos de Galápagos and Galapagos Cattlemen’s Association también participó en gran medida en el proceso was also greatly involved in the planning de planifcación del evento. Getting ready to board the train for the trip to la Victoria process of the event. Los asistentes llegaron a las reuniones y Attendees arrived for the meetings fueron recibidos con una cálida bienvenida de los and were received with a warm welcome anftriones ecuatorianos . Numerosos eventos from the Ecuadorian hosts. Numerous y excursiones por la ciudad estaban disponibles events and city tours were available for para los participantes a asistir. Algunos de los participants to attend. Some of the events eventos incluye la reunión de la Federación Steve Hudgins was the judge Carolyn Falgout and Billy Badilla included the World Brahman Federation Mundial de Brahman , la apertura y la ceremonia meeting, opening and welcome ceremony, de bienvenida , tours por la ciudad, cóctel de city tours, welcome cocktail, conferences, bienvenida , las conferencias , el Salón Nacional the Ecuador National Brahman Show and a trip de Brahman Ecuador y un viaje al rancho de La to La Victoria ranch for a feld day. Victoria por un día de campo. Conference speakers were Rodrigo Lasso Oradores de la conferencia fueron Rodrigo Donoso of Quito, Ecuador, Dr. Joe Paschal of Lasso Donoso de Quito , Ecuador , el Dr. Joe Corpus Christi, Texas, Dr. Alfredo Haynes of Pascual de Corpus Christi , Texas , el Dr. Michael Martin, Joe Paschal & Will Detering Argentina, Emilio Zilli Debernardi of Veracruz, Alfredo Haynes de Argentina , Emilio Zilli during the ABBA sponsored dinner Mexico, Llewellyn Labuschagne Debernardi de Veracruz , México , Llewellyn of South Africa, Fabio Jaramillo Labuschagne de Sudáfrica , Fabio Jaramillo de of Colombia, José Octavio Lemos Colombia , José Octavio Lemos de Brasil, Dr. of Brasil, Dr. Julian Mananzan Julián Mananzan Montemayor de Filipinas, Montemayor of Philippines, José José Félix Avellaneda Barbarito de Venezuela y Félix Avellaneda Barbarito of Pablo Wenceslao Loayza Reyes. Venezuela and Paul Wenceslao La Exposición Nacional de 2013 fue juzgado Loayza Reyes. por Steve Hudgins de Hungerford , Texas. Los Te 2013 National Show criadores de todo Ecuador asistieron al evento y el was judged by Steve Hudgins of ganado Brahman parecía enormes. Los resultados Day one - Peter Bohman took a group on a city tour Hungerford, Texas. Breeders from del evento se pueden ver en la página 24 . all over Ecuador attended the event \"WBF\" continued on page 82 \"WBF\" continúa en la página 82 18 | The Brahman Journal

Ecuador Candids November 2013 | oNliNe boNus page

Ecuador Candids continued oNliNe boNus page | The brahmaN JourNal

REPORTE DE LA ASAMBLEA 2013 DE LA FEDERACION MUNDIAL BRAHMAN Por Diana Saporiti los lindos maletines que repartimos. “20 años no es nada” dice el tango y No puedo dejar de mencionar a las aunque con algunos años de más, Peter estudiantes de veterinaria y zootecnia de Bohman, Presidente de la Asociación la Universidad Católica de Guayaquil que de Ganaderos del Litoral y Galápagos durante 15 días estuvieron asistiéndome, sin periodo 2012-2014, y yo, Diana Saporiti, horario, en todo lo que fuera necesario y que Coordinadora General de la Asamblea 2013, además cargaron cajas, subieron bajaron como volvimos a tener éxito, como 20 años atrás, hormiguitas laboriosas y creo que hasta algunos en organizar otra reunión de la Federación días, ayunaron pues no había tiempo para comer. Mundial Brahman. Tenemos la satisfacción Tampoco puedo olvidar a mis dos asistentes del deber cumplido por los comentarios estrellas: Maira Tigrero y Verónica Sánchez que hechos sobre el evento por los representantes estuvieron allí en todo momento para no dejarme de 13 países y los ganaderos nacionales. cometer ningún error y vigilando cual halcones, Sin embargo, esta labor no hubiera sido que todo saliera bien. posible sin el apoyo económico de la M.I. Un evento de ésta naturaleza, implica el Municipalidad de Guayaquil representada por su trabajo de grandes profesionales que, aunque nuestro Alcalde, Abogado Jaime Nebot Saadi y la son personas que pertenecen a empresas, con su Prefectura del Guayas representada por nuestro labor hacen que cualquier suceso salga bien y por Prefecto, Licenciado Jimmy Jairala Vallaza . eso menciono a: Zully Moreno y Paulina Sacoto Cabe agradecer a otro grupo de personas del HOTEL HILTON COLON, a Carmen Elena que pusieron su empeño para que esta Asamblea Fuentes de Torres de BANATIER S.A. que organizo sea un verdadero éxito y a quienes estamos el almuerzo de clausura en Bucay y a Anita Saltos profundamente agradecidos por su apoyo de ECUADOR EXPEDITIONS que organizo los incondicional: A Lorens Olsen Pons y su esposa tours y el transporte para nuestras idas y venidas. Gardenia quienes prestaron su hacienda “ Ecuador Expeditions nos fue enviado por el LA VICTORIA” para realizar el almuerzo de departamento de turismo de la Prefectura del clausura y además de ser el Presidente del comité Guayas por medio de su directora, Olga Guerra. organizador, Lorens como Alcalde de Bucay, En fn, si sigo agradeciendo a todos nos hizo una bienvenida sin precedentes en quienes ayudaron, la lista se haría esta ciudad. A Carlos Javier Andrade por los interminable pero un “GRACIAS” con viajes realizados a diferentes países para visitar mayúscula no está demás a todos los que han ferias ganaderas y promocionar nuestro evento quedado anónimos y que contribuyeron. y además por dar una parrillada de bienvenida Logramos que vengan delegaciones de 13 a los visitantes en las instalaciones de la AGLYG países: Argentina, Brasil, Bostwana, Costa Rica, en Durán donde el “ guacamole” que ofreció fue Colombia, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, México, muy comentado por la delegación mexicana Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Sudáfrica y Venezuela. que lo encontró “ padrísimo”. A Estefano El 8 de Octubre empezaron a llegar las Landucci quien también viajó a diferentes ferias delegaciones, pero no fue hasta el 9 de Octubre internacionales para promocionar el evento. A que, ya instaladas en el hotel, comenzamos mi querido Enrique Baquerizo Luque, gerente a recibir a todos quienes estaban listos para de la AGLYG, quien me ayudó muchísimo con sus consejos y nos apoyó en todo lo que inscribirse y dejarnos saber que ya estaban fuera necesario para lograr el éxito. Al Staf de en Guayaquil. Volví a saludar a los que había la AGLYG que nos ayudaron, cada uno en su conocido en Houston cuando estuvimos en especialidad, con una sonrisa y buena voluntad. el Live Stock & Rodeo y a otros a conocerlos aunque, después de casi año y medio de Gracias al grupo Quirola por sel auspicio escribirles via email, me parecía que ya los de carpetas y un lindo almuerzo en la sede conocía de toda la vida. de la AGLYG el día 12 de Octubre durante el juzgamiento de la raza Brahman y a las empresas A las 16H30 nos embarcamos en un bus que que nos apoyaron comprando stands donde nos llevaría a la sede de la AGLYG en Durán para exhibieron sus productos en el foyer del salón asistir a la parrillada que nos daba Carlos Javier Isabela y por supuesto, a Gustavo Toro de Sexing Andrade que para esta ocasión, había sacrifcado Techologies que nos auspicio un conferencista y una de las vacas del Rancho CJA. Ni que decir que fue muy amena la reunión y la comida estuvo November 2013 | oNliNe boNus page

a la altura de ganaderos conocedores de lo que es Las Peñas, Malecón 2000, La Rotonda, El Reloj buena carne. La cena transcurrió en un ambiente Morisco, El Municipio, El Palacio de Cristal, La cordial y lleno de expectativas de lo que serían Catedral, El Parque Seminario. En su recorrido, los próximos días. Y…no nos olvidemos del hubo comentarios de lo linda que es la ciudad y lo “guacamole” que estuvo “padrísimo”. limpia que estaba. El jueves 10 de Octubre comenzó la Más tarde, llevamos a los delegados al Asamblea de la Federación Mundial Brahman a Parque Histórico, dónde nos encontramos con las 9H30 en el Salón Floreana del Hotel Hilton los acompañantes para hacer un recorrido por con la asistencia de las delegaciones de los el mismo en su parte histórica y se deleitaron países arriba mencionados. Armelinda Ibarra, con la casa de caña y haciendas, así como, Secretaria de Actas de la ABBA (American con los edifcios antiguos de nuestra ciudad. Brahman Breeders Association) comentó, Posteriormente, degustaron un almuerzo en llena de asombro, que esta era la primera vez Plaza Lagos (que llamó profundamente la en la historia que una Asamblea de la WBF ( atención por la belleza arquitectónica) y como a Federación Mundial Brahman) haya tenido las 15h00 regresamos al hotel para alistarnos para tantos países y delegados presentes. Llewellyn la Inauguración Ofcial. Labuschagne de Sudáfrica y Presidente de la En el Salón Isabela del Hotel Hilton, nos Federación Mundial de la Raza Brahman, estuvo esperaba una mesa adornada con un manto de de acuerdo así como, el resto de los asistentes. fores tropicales, 15 banderas atrás de las sillas, Obvio que Peter y yo nos miramos y supimos una de las cuales era de Guayaquil, y un pódium que habíamos puesto a Ecuador en el mapa de que esperaba los discursos correspondientes. Los los países respetados por esta organización. delegados fueron sentándose uno a uno delante Durante esta reunión, se trataron de su bandera. La del Ecuador le tocó al Prefecto diferentes tópicos sobre la Federación y sobre la del Guayas, Lic. Jimmy Jairala, la de Guayaquil Raza Brahman: y representando al Alcalde Abgdo. Jaime Nebot, • Discurso de bienvenida al Ecuador por a Doménica Tabacchi, Vice-Alcaldesa. La mesa Peter Bohman Descalzi, Presidente estuvo presidida por Peter Bohman y Llewellyn AGLYG Labuschagne. Los países fueron ubicados en órden alfabético. • Presentación de delegados e invitados La conductora de la ceremonia, Carolina • Revisión de la Minuta de la reunión en Jaume, anunció el Himno Nacional que Houston todos coreamos con profundo respeto. Acto • Reporte Financiero seguido, Lorens Olsen Pons en su calidad de • Congreso Mundial Brahman 6 – 11 de Vicepresidente de la AGLYG y Presidente del Abril 2014 en Sudáfrica Comité Organizador de la Asamblea de la Federación Mundial Brahman, dirigió un emotivo • Presentación en Power Poínt: Sr. discurso al público asistente en el cual exaltó y Wessel Hattingh- Coordinador General agradeció la ayuda recibida por parte del Alcalde Congreso Mundial 2014 en Sudáfrica. Abgdo. Jaime Nebot Saadi y el Prefecto Lic. • Evaluación Genética Internacional de Jimmy Jairala, hizo entrega de un trofeo al Sr. la Raza Brahman entre países ( Wessel Peter Bohman por su labor incondicional hacia la Hattingh) crianza de la Raza Brahman. • Benefcio Económico de la Evaluación Se coronó a la Reina de la Asamblea Mundial Genética ( Rendimiento del ADN) Brahman y AGLYG, Srta. María Paula Cucalón. • Próxima Asamblea 8 de Abril de 2014 a Hizo entrega de la corona y bandas respectivas la la 14H30 en Parys, Sudáfrica Srta. Isabel Dueñas Borbor, Reina saliente. • Importación y exportación mundial de Se entregó pergaminos a la Sra. Armelinda genética Brahman Ibarra, Secretaria Ejecutiva de ABBA, Sr. Bob Hudgins, Past President ABBA, Sr. Chris Shivers, • Opiniones de los miembros de los países sobre: Protocolos, Acuerdos Bilaterales Secretario Ejecutivo de la Federación Mundial Sanitarios entre miembros de países Brahman e Ing. Pedro Vallarino, Presidente del para importar y exportar Genética Congreso Mundial Brahman Panamá 2012. Brahman Mundialmente. Me sorprendió recibir un pergamino por mi aporte como coordinadora general de la Mientras tanto, a la misma hora, el gran número de acompañantes realizaba un tour asamblea y más me sorprendió que me lo por la ciudad de Guayaquil donde visitaron: entregara Lic. Jimmy Jairala. oNliNe boNus page | The brahmaN JourNal

La parte más emotiva de la ceremonia, fue la Por último, se hizo entrega de un pergamino entrega de un pergamino a la Sra. María Eugenia al Sr. Peter Bohman Descalzi, por su gran labor (Mami) Blankenship León de México, por parte de desempeñada como Presidente de la Institución Peter Bohman para honrarla como patrona de la en su lucha cotidiana por conseguir mejores días raza Brahman en Iberoamérica. para el sector pecuario del país. Como muestra tangible de los Para cerrar con broche de oro, Domenica agradecimientos por sus valiosos aportes para Tabacchi, Vice Alcaldesa de Guayaquil y en poder llevar a cabo este evento mundial, se representación del Alcalde de la ciudad, Ab. Jaime entregó pergaminos para nombrarlos Amigos del Nebot, dirigió un discurso a los presentes para Año de la Federación Mundial de la Raza Brahman agradecer, felicitar y poner Guayaquil a las órdenes a los señores Ab. Jaime Nebot Saadi, Alcalde de los visitantes extranjeros. de Guayaquil y al Lic. Jimmy Jairala Vallaza , Después de tomarnos foto tras foto y foto Prefecto de la provincia del Guayas. Hizo la pasamos al coctel de bienvenida para socializar entrega Llewellyn Labuschagne, Presidente de la con los visitantes y pasar un rato ameno. Federación Mundial de la Raza Brahman. Con el Dr. Eduardo Alava como moderador, El Sr. Llewellyn Labuschagne dirigió unas el 11 de Octubre se dio inicio a las Conferencias palabras de agradecimiento al pueblo ecuatoriano con oradores invitados por el Comité Organizador y después habló el Lic. Jairala quien exaltó el que vinieron a nuestro país para compartir sus evento y la labor de la Asociación de Ganaderos conocimientos sobre la raza Brahman. El interés del Litoral y Galápagos en su programa equino suscitado para estas conferencias, sobrepasó entre otras cosas. nuestras expectativas. Estos fueron los temas y Se presentó un video Institucional que los conferencistas: recordó tantos años de la AGLYG. Rodrigo Lasso Donoso de Ecuador: La llegada El presidente de la AGLYG, Sr. Peter Bohman del ganado al Nuevo Mundo y su infuencia en la dirigió unas palabras al público presente con formación de los países Americanos. alusión a algunos de los premiados bromeando Dr. Joe Paschal de USA: La Raza Brahman, el sobre alguno de los presentes y el público recibió denominador común de las razas cruzadas su discurso con muchos aplausos y sonrisas. Dr. Alfredo Haynes de Argentina: El rol del También se entregaron pergaminos a: Enrique ganado Brahman en la ganadería Argentina. Baquerizo Luque, por su aporte al éxito de la Expo Feria 2013, Leonel Plaza “mejor vaquero”, al Dr. Emilio Zilli De Bernardi de Mexico: El Ing. Tony Zambrano por su labor en el programa Cebú Brahman Mexicano, origen, situación actual “Incluyete”, a los señores Andrés Fernández y prospectiva ante el norte y el sur. Salvador, Dr. Luis Fernando Gomez Lince y post Llewellyn Labuschagne de Sudáfrica: 60 años morten al Ing. León Febres Cordero Rivadeneira en Sudáfrica – la notable raza Brahman. por haber sido sobresalientes criadores de la raza Dr. Fabio Jaramillo de Colombia: Selección Brahman de antaño. práctica de ganado Brahman para concursos. El Vice-Presidente del Comité Organizador Jose Otavio Lemos de Brasil: Brahman de de la Asamblea, el Sr. Carlos Javier Andrade donde vino y hacia dónde va. recibió un pergamino como el Mejor Dr. Jose Felix Avellaneda de Venezuela: Ganadero 2013 y el Sr. Paul Olsen Pons otro Sistemas de producción intensivo de lácteos en nombrándolo como nuevo Presidente vitalicio pasto para diversifcación de hatos de carne. de honor de la AGLYG. Dr. Paul Loayza de Ecuador: Manejo Así transcurrió la inauguración no sin antes hacer entrega de un pergamino al Dr. Esteban reproductivo efciente en ganadería de carne. Quirola Figueroa dedicándole la 68ª Expoferia Durante las jornadas de conferencias, algunas ganadera de Guayaquil en Durán. señoras de los delegados aprovecharon para ir de compras al mercado artesanal y a otros malls. Post morten se entregó a su hija, Carmen Julia Descalzi de Hidalgo, un pergamino al Otros se fueron a un paseo por el Rio Guayas. Sr. Atilio Descalzi Mendoza mencionando la En la noche ABBA ofreció una cena en honor elaboración de su busto para ubicarlo en el edifcio de los ganaderos Brahman y nos presentaron a de la sede institucional. la delegación de los Estados Unidos uno por uno. Posteriormente entregaron un diploma a Peter Los 70 años de vida institucional de la AGLYG le fueron dedicados post morten al Ab. Bohman y otro a Diana Saporiti. Jaime Nebot Velasco. El 12 de Octubre, estaba el grupo de ganaderos extranjeros listos a las 8H30 en la November 2013 | oNliNe boNus page

puerta del hotel para acudir a la Expo Feria grupo, nos repartía una rica ensalada de frutas de Durán. Durante todo el día se procedió al para el trayecto y con otro pito del tren salimos Juzgamiento de la Raza Brahman. En la mañana de la estación. Y comenzó el trac, trac, trac de se juzgo a las hembras y en la tarde a los machos. los rieles y a pasar los campos de arroz, cacao, Resultaron ganadores: Milagro ( donde la gente nos saludaba y nosotros 165 Ejemplares en Competencia de 19 Expositores respondíamos) y así fuimos admirando los cultivos hasta que comenzamos a sentir el cambio de clima GRAN CAMPEONA; #717-11 CE MISS ALICIA y de paisaje: estábamos llegando a Bucay. El tren 717-11; HDA. DON MANUEL disminuye la velocidad y cerquita vimos la estación (Ing. Carlos Encalada) que es hermosa. Había tanta gente en la calle y en GRAN CAMPEONA RESERVADA; #6263 LO la estación que pensamos que era una festa o algo MISS LAURA 6263; HDA. VICTORIA así. Para sorpresa de todos nosotros, la festa era (Sr. Lorens Olsen) en honor nuestro y es así que nos reciben con una GRAN CAMPEÓN; #122-11 MR CJA 122-11; banda de pueblo donde redoblaban los tambores, RANCHO CJA (Ing. Carlos Andrade Ruzzo) el trombón y los platillos. Nos bajamos de los tres vagones para dirigirnos a los buses que nos GRAN CAMPEÓN RESERVADO; # 2-12 MR 2-12; llevarían a la hacienda “LA VICTORIA” pero había RANCHO CJA (Ing.Carlos Andrade Ruzzo) más comité de bienvenida y un grupo folclórico Al medio día el Grupo Quirola ofreció, con nos cortó el paso con sus bailes y amores fnos invitaciones personales, un almuerzo privado y por último nos sacaron a bailar a casi todos. para las delegaciones extranjeras que estuvo Fue un momento muy feliz y muy acogedor para amenizado por el cantante Alex del Rio y el Disc todos quienes habíamos realizado la travesía. Jockey Jimmy Plaza. Este recibimiento se lo debemos a Lorens Olsen, El domingo 13 de Octubre nos encontramos Alcalde de Bucay y sus colaboradores. todos a las 6H30 en el restaurante del hotel Una vez en la hacienda, nos recibió en la para tomar un desayuno bien grande pues a las puerta Lorens junto a su esposa Gardenia de 8H30 nos íbamos a embarcar en el “tren de la Olsen y sus hijos, que nos hicieron sentir como en dulzura” que nos llevaría hacia Bucay. Grande casa y nos dieron unas chalinas muy bonitas para era emoción de muchos pues algunos, nunca conmemorar ese día. habían viajado en tren. Durante el almuerzo y después de un A las 7H30 estábamos ya casi todos subidos discurso de bienvenida, pudimos escuchar a al bus mientras Anita Saltos llamaba a todos Schubert Ganchozo, ver los caballos de paso para que no se nos quede nadie pues se había peruanos, el grupo folclórico Candilejas mientras decidido que nos embarcáramos en el tren en la degustábamos una riquísima parrillada. estación de Yaguachi. Y hacia allá salió el primer Carlos Javier Andrade entregó a los bus, seguido del segundo. Un tercero se quedé representantes de los países que asistieron a este esperando a los rezagados. Llegamos a Yaguachi evento mundial, unos recuerdos para conmemorar y nos dedicamos a tomar fotos, solos, en grupo, estos días que compartimos como una gran en pareja etc. mientras hacíamos tiempo para familia. Al fnalizar el almuerzo y siendo hora de que el tren llegara ya que este sale de la estación irnos de regreso a la ciudad de Guayaquil, pedí el de Durán. Otros, volvían a desayunar cositas micrófono para dar las gracias nuevamente al Sr. ricas que vendían en la estación. Las llamadas Alcalde de Guayaquil, Ab. Jaime Nebot Saadi y al del tercer bus no se hicieron esperar, pidiendo Sr. Prefecto del Guayas, Lic. Jimmy Jairala pues que no nos fuéramos sin ellos. Aquí comenzó gracias a ellos, pudimos tener la Asamblea de la la angustia pues a lo lejos ya oímos el pito del Federación Mundial Brahman 2013. tren y los comentarios: ¡ya viene el tren, ya viene el tren! o “the train is coming, did you hear the Ya de vuelta en el hotel, vinieron las train?”. Victoria Lambert de la revista BRAHMAN despedidas, las gracias, los abrazos, una que otra JOURNAL creo que se acabó algunos disquitos lágrima y la gran pregunta: ¿volveremos a vernos de la cámara tomando fotos. Finalmente, en la algún día? Yo creo que sí, porque muchos irán a curva se vio la locomotora que venía pitando y al Sudáfrica en Abril de 2014. mismo instante el tercer bus que se parqueaba. No me cabe más que dar nuevamente las Allí venía la Ab. Reina Cedeño del departamento gracias y sobre todo a Peter Bohman por haber de turismo del Municipio y yo no quería que se confado en mí para ser la coordinadora general de quedara. En fn todos subimos al tren felices y este evento que culminó con gran éxito. contentos de este paseo novedoso. Ya sentados Muchas gracias, en sillones cómodos con mesas en la mitad, la Diana Saporit i Srta. Encargada del vagón en que estábamos un oNliNe boNus page | The brahmaN JourNal

Heart Of texas BraHmans HB BRASWELL RANCH H.O.B.O. BAILEY BRAHMANS Gentle Registered Red Brahmans B Buddy, Kathy, Kelly, Codie 16350 CR 4060 296 LCR 702 • Kosse, Texas 76653 Scurry, Texas 75158 Cattle CompaNy & GeNetiCs Home: 254-375-2252 Ranch: 903/ 498-7912 billy & Krista Foxworth & emily Jernigan e-mail: [email protected] Chester, Texas 75936 • 936-676-7631 Cell: 254-709-7666 [email protected] [email protected] YoungBlood Brahmans TIC TAC TOE RANCH OHNHEISER CATTLE Polled & Horned Shirley Watts O C Bulls & Semen Available O C Stanley & Virginia Ohnheiser 337 Linda vista Lane • WaCo, tx 76706 1438 Shield Rd. • Frost, Texas 76641-3492 1574 W. Hwy 71 • La Grange, TX 78945 972/ 483-6516 (Residence) Ph: 254-662-2987 • CeLL: 254-749-3180 903/654-0988 (Cell) • 972/ 483-1801 (Fax) [email protected] e-maiL: [email protected] [email protected] (E-mail) 979-224-9003 • 979-224-9189 4T Cattle & Poultry, Inc. POND LAND & CATTLE COLLINS BRAHMAN RANCH Joe Ted & George Ann Tullos • George & Gaynell Tullos Kevin, Janice, Ansen, Kendra & Nathan Garrison Tullos 7903 Woodrow Road Patricia Collins & Roger Collins 13089 Dunn Road Ranch 254-746-5081 Wolfforth, Texas 79382 Jennifer Parker, Natalie Herzog, & Toni Collins Bremond, Texas 76629 George’s Phone 979-255-6730 e-mail: [email protected] 806-786-1238 P.O. Box 93 • Chilton, Texas 76632 Your Source for functional Gray Brahmans & Golden Certified F1’s e-mail: [email protected] Res: 254/ 546-2563 Off: 254/ 546-5551 iroN SHirT brAHmANS WOODRuM FARMS brAHmANeS cAmiSA de Hierro DMCTB CATTLE Charlie Bailey David Brown Jimmy & Judy Woodrum houston, texas 77098 • 214-883-0456 4255 Burleson Retta Rd. • Burleson, Texas 76028 411 VZCR 1914 • Fruitvale, Texas 75127 [email protected] Mobile: 817-360-0019 Fax: 817-561-4865 903-962-7462 • Jimmy: 903-571-8318 Quality Red, Black & Black Polled BRahmans e-mail: [email protected] BRahmanes de calidad en Rojo, negRo y negRo no cueRno Judy: 903-539-4567 • [email protected] novemBer 2013 | 19

sale POlled Heritage Cattle Making Memories BraHman Sale CO-OP deterinG red BraHmanS Will detering Heritage Cattle held a Ranch: 979-826-3040 • Fax: 979-826-3244 Brahman show prospect sale Cell: 281-989-8965 • [email protected] michael martin, Cell: 409-739-5091 called \"Making Memories\" on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at The Cullers family, Gayla, Erin, Kristen, Judd and Megan YOunGBlOOd BraHmanS their ranch in Hungerford, Texas. Judd and Gayla Cullers, along with their three daughters Megan, Kristen and Erin, put 337 Linda Vista Lane • Waco, Texas 76706 together an impeccable sale ofering from their Spring 2013 calf crop. Phone: 254-662-2987 • Cell: 254-749-3180 Email: [email protected] Te sale consisted of 23 haltered heifers, 5 haltered bulls and 5 semen lots. Te \"Making Memories\" sale grossed $215,225.00 with cattle being sold to buyers from Florida, Arkansas, Texas, and Mexico. Te heifers averaged $ 7,200.00 and the bulls averaged $7,600.00. Te 5 semen lots were sold in 5 straw packages averaging $ 305.00 per straw. Polled BrahmanS Wesley (Manager): 210-422-7901 Te sale was managed by Broken Triangle Marketing, the video broadcast was done by O.W. & Donna (Ranch): 830-229-5459 Cattle in Motion and Lex Forgason did the auctioneering. E-mail: [email protected] Breeders who bought genetics during the \"Making Memories\" sale were the Carlos 812 FM 3351 N • Boerne, Texas 78006 Reyes Family, Cody Darby, Robert Bunch, Moreno Family, Bailey Kirton, Jeferson County Poor Farms, Shane Bentke, Schneider Brahmans, Kaitlyn Kempen, Sargent Ranch, SalinaS ranCH Senator Javier Souto, MN Ranch, Billy Tomas, RB Ranch, Brooke Cobb, Kayla Mason, Mr. Polled BrahmanS and Mrs. Terrence Warmke, Rodney Butler, Polk Ranch, Terry Novak and Collin Wilcox. R.J., Joe and Ryan Salinas \"As a ranching family, we are grateful for everyone's continued support of Heritage Ranches in Carmine and McAllen, TX Cattle,\" stated Judd Cullers. 979-249-7535 • 956-778-6342 • Butler POlled BraHmanS If you did not get a chance to purchase one of the sale lots at the Heritage Cattle September sale then your next opportunity to Rick Butler • P.O. Box 689 • Mt. Vernon, Texas 75457 purchase a Heritage bred animal at public auction Cell: 903-466-6243 • Home: 580-326-2521 will be in April. [email protected] Heritage Cattle will host it's next sale \"Money Makers\" on Saturday, April 26, 2014 beginning rOCkinG B Cattle at 10:00 AM. At the \"Money Makers\" the ofering over 40 yearS of Breeding will include open and bred heifers, herd sires, E.T. Polled Brahman Cattle fushes, show cattle and semen packages. shep & tracy Batson • 104 thomas Price Cemetery rd. Wiggins, Mississippi 39577 Cell: 601-528-2040 • email: [email protected] Lot 1 was Lady H Nicki Manso 351/3 enGland Cattle CO. Reg. Polled, Horned Brahmans & F1s mike & Crickett england • 956-330-0916 Benton England • 956-373-1886 13228 Mile 2 E Mercedes, TX 78570 [email protected] kanSaS POlled BraHman ranCH kelly & donita Barnard • P.o. Box 365 • madison, ks 66860 H: 620-437-2357 C: 620-437-6000 Kayla Mason of Gonzales, Texas enjoyed the sale. Lot 7 was Mr. Irish Joe Manso 370/3 Email: [email protected] see us on facebook at kansas Polled Brahman ranch 20 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 21

Royal K Ranch Anthony KubiceK Fentress Cattle Company Cell: 979-324-7391 k royal k ranch P.O. Box 269 Rebel Star Brahmans Snook, Texas 77878 Leo Casas, III [email protected] Snook, TEXaS Bar W Ranch - A. Saunders Brady’s Brahmans JOHnnY Gnemi Po Box 499 Tomas Ranch, J. Carter New Waverly, TX 77358 Bar W Brahmans - Naomi White Ranch #: 936-767-3996 Dana Hellen Ranch - Schrab/Rossi6-581-0576 Cell #: 93 MN Ranch +Schneider RebeL StAR bRAhMAnS Glenn, Phyllis, Kristin & Colton Ruschhaupt 105 CR 315 • George West, Texas 78022 361-449-2994 • Mobile: 361-771-5699 Leo Leo cASAS, iii cASAS, iii Registered Brahman Cattle Registered Brahman Cattle 171 171 fairway ridge • Beeville, texas 78102fairway ridge • Beeville, texas 78102 mobile: 361-362-5863 • ofce: 361-362-CoWs obile: 361-362-5863 • ofce: 361-362-CoWs m e e-mail: [email protected] • website: -mail: [email protected] • website: W BAR W RANCH Arnold Saunders P.O. Box 521 Devine, TX 78016 830-663-5033 Ranch • 210-508-7565 Mobile [email protected] • Brady’s Brahmans Brahman Cattle & Whitetail Hunts P.O. Box 450392, Laredo, Texas 78045 [email protected] [email protected] Brady Benavides: 956-319-5876 Nick Benavides: 956-206-7001 J CARTER THOMAS RANCH Gentle Gray Brahmans F-1 Brafords Family Ranch Operations in Texas Since 1832 Mrs. Anne Friar Thomas Joe Adams Jr., Manager Margaret Thomas 361-275-3424 361-277-8888 or Mob. 361-275-4277 709 Gonzales Street, Cuero, Texas 77954 Bar W BraHmanS Quality Red Brahmans naomi White • moody & CotuLLa, tx 254-709-1921 • 830-879-5798 Mn Ranch Brahman Cattle Cotulla, Texas Show Cattle - Pearland, Texas Michael A. Navarro • 281-541-2881 [email protected] DANA HELLEN RANCH Brahman • Hereford • Certified F-1 PROVEN TO THRIVE IN ADVERSE CONDITIONS DIANNE SCHRAB ANDREW ROSSI PO Box 943 • Hebbronville, Texas 78361 (361) 527-4858 Ranch • (713) 464-0406 Office e-mail: [email protected] Proven Brahman Genetics Since 1974 South texaS Brahman The Schneiders o.W. & Donna Wes 830-229-5459 210-422-7901 e-mail: [email protected] 812 FM 3351 N • Boerne, Texas 78006 Co-op 22 | The Brahman Journal

BuSy BEE RANCH - T DIVISION Ted & Frances Aven Busy Bee Breeds for Beef P.O. Box 99 • Westhoff, Texas 77994 Phone/Fax 361-277-9344 e-mail: [email protected] kD BRAHMANS • DELEu RANCH INC. Kevin, Carlos, & Laurie Deleu P.O Box 822 Collinsville, TX 76233 Kevin Cell: 903-651-1481 Carlos Cell: 903-651-8329 Call 979-826-4347 to reserve this spot! C-4 CArden BrAHMAns Linda & Butch Carden P.O. Box 819 • Stockdale, TX 78160 Home/Office: 830-996-3202 Cell: 210-269-6307 WATkINS BRAHMANS Select herd of American Gray Brahmans for over 50 years! Wade, Amber & Lauren Watkins P.O. Box 373 • Ganado, TX 77962 Office: 361-771-2401 Wade: 361-781-2755 • Amber: 361-649-3127 E-mail: [email protected] GrAHAm LANd & cATTLe co. DR. CHARlES W. GRAHAM, DVM & TylER GRAHAM, oWNERS jay gray, general manager • maurice janda, yard manager gonzales, texas • ofce #: (830) 672-6504 LAZy J RANCH “Success that you cannot pour out of a sack.” Joe & Samantha Ward PO Box 1654 • George West, Texas 78022 361/ 566-2313 e-mail: [email protected] LONGVIEW RANCH Gentle American Gray Brahmans Rudy & Debbie Rios 1326 - CR 432 • Hondo, Texas 78861 830-741-4910 • Cell: 210-912-9901 MORELLO RANCH Registered Gray & Red Brahmans Frank S. Morello Jr. Cotulla, TX 78014 Cell: 713/249-5495 [email protected] Call 979-826-4347 to reserve this spot! Double A Ranch A Registered Brahman Cattle Ranch Danny and Jana Acevedo ~ Justin, Aaron and Evan PO Box 1258 • Mission, Texas 78573 Office: 956-585-3888 • Home: 956-585-3200 • Fax: 956-585-3434 South texaS Brahman H.B. (BuCk) RAMSEy DIAMOND B ArrOw FArMs Registered Zebu (Brahman) Cattle z Co-op Red, Gray and Speckled • ABBA Member since 1961 Sam and Thessa Berry z P.O. Box 416 • Cotulla, Texas 78014 1424 Private Road 1069 • Halletsville, TX 77964 Phone: 830-676-3313 Home: 361-798-5780 • Cell: 361-772-3838 novemBer 2013 | 23

InT showrIngernaTIonal lxvIII expoFerIa ganaDera october 12, 2013 • guayaquil, ecuador • Judge: steve hudgins granD Female reserve granD Female granD Bull reserve granD Bull champIonshIp anImal name sIre hacIenDa GrANd & SeNior cHAmPioN ce miSS ALiciA 717/11 eL reFUGio FreScoT 192/5 cArLoS eNcALAdA, HAcieNdA doN mANUeL reServe GrANd & iNTermediATe cHAmPioN Lo miSS LAUrA 6263 JdH SAmPSoN de mANSo 42 LoreNS oLSeN, HAcieNdA LA vicToriA loRENS olSEN, HACIENDA lA VICToRIA CAlF CHAMPIoN lo MISS BoSqUE 6554 JDH SIR WINSToN MANSo 985/6 CARloS ENCAlADA, HACIENDA DoN MANUEl Females RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIoN lo FRESIA PARAMERA 6334 loS EJIDoS PARAMERo 69/5 loRENS olSEN, HACIENDA lA VICToRIA CE MISS AlICIA 157/12 +JDH MR ElMo MANSo 309/4 RESERVE CAlF CHAMPIoN kf mr siete’s suCCess 75/3 lo BEllA 5939 JUNIoR CHAMPIoN loRENS olSEN, HACIENDA lA VICToRIA RESERVE JUNIoR CHAMPIoN MISS VICToRITA 5728 kf mr siete’s suCCess 75/3 loRENS olSEN, HACIENDA lA VICToRIA RESERVE SENIoR CHAMPIoN MC EMI 63/9 MC CHANDRA VI 15/4 PETER BoHMAN, HACIENDA MoNoCoNGo S.A. These results are unofcial & TBJ is not responsible for any errors or omissions GrANd & SeNior cHAmPioN mr cJA 122/11 mr diAmoNd T 101/1 cArLoS ANdrAde, HAcieNdA rANcHo cJA reServe GrANd & iNTermediATe cHAmPioN mr 2/12 +JdH Sir LAwFord mANSo 616/6 cArLoS ANdrAde, HAcieNdA rANcHo cJA CAlF CHAMPIoN lo CUTlER DE lA VICToRIA 2482 lUISTANIA MR MIlloNARIo 1562/14 loRENS olSEN, HACIENDA lA VICToRIA JDH CUTlER DE MANSo 816/7 RESERVE CAlF CHAMPIoN lo MIlloNARIo 2569 loRENS olSEN, HACIENDA lA VICToRIA Bulls RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIoN GZ MR RAMIRo 281/11 +JDH SIR lAWFoRD MANSo 616/6 CARloS ANDRADE, HACIENDA RANCHo CJA MR 4/12 JUNIoR CHAMPIoN +JDH SIR lAWFoRD MANSo 616/6 GRUPo ZAMAl, HACIENDA MARIA JoSE RESERVE JUNIoR CHAMPIoN GZ MR VENCEDoR 258/11 +MR WINCHESTER MAGNUM 999/3 GRUPo ZAMAl, HACIENDA MARIA JoSE RESERVE SENIoR CHAMPIoN GZ MR oMAR 203/10 MR H ARCTIC ICE MANSo 432 GRUPo ZAMAl, HACIENDA MARIA JoSE calF Female res. calF Female calF Bull reserve calF Bull res. InT. Female JunIor Female res. InT. Bull JunIor Bull res. JunIor Female res. senIor Female res. JunIor Bull res. senIor Bull Check out our Facebook pag e 24 | The Brahman Journal for all of the champion photos!

showrInghowrIng s alaBama naTIonal FaIr october 10, 2013 • MontgoMery, alabaMa • Judge: louis dooley granD champIon reserve granD granD champIon reserve granD Female champIon Female Bull champIon Bull champIonshIp anImal name sIre currenT owner GrANd & SeNior cHAmPioN GS mS. LiNdA SUG mANSo 506 JdH mr mANSo 236/3 vALLey b eNTerPriSeS reServe GrANd & JUNior cHAmPioN LAdy H HoLLy mANSo 256/1 +JdH Sir SHANk mANSo 51/7 brANdALyN biSHoP CAlF CHAMPIoN BETHAlAN BISHoP #JADl REy TE 110 lADy H BRISTol MANSo 322/2 Females INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIoN JDH lADy MASoN MANSo 352/8 JDH MR AMoS MANSo 568/6 BoBBI JEAN FRAZIER MoRGAN PoUNDS RESERVE CAlF CHAMPIoN MoRENo MS. lADy REBA 112 #CIGSA MR 162/0 RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIoN MR V8 675/6 MISS V8 750/7 RESERVE JUNIoR CHAMPIoN MISS TylER RoSA lEE 23 mr ka-Wai Curious george 111 MoRGAN PoUNDS These results are unofcial & TBJ is not responsible for any errors or omissions kenneth tyLer RESERVE SENIoR CHAMPIoN -- -- -- GrANd & SeNior cHAmPioN GS mr. SUGAr mANSo 505 JdH mr mANSo 236/3 vALLey b eNTerPriSeS reServe GrANd & cALF cHAmPioN iS mr. SNowFLAke 111/3 dF mr SNowmAN 91/9 beTHALAN biSHoP RESERVE CAlF CHAMPIoN MoRENo MR. PoNCE DE lEoN 193 MoRENo MR PRESIDENT 1 kyLie Perra Bulls RESERVE INTERMEDIATECHAMPIoN VBE MR SUVA MANSo 200/2 mr ka-Wai Curious george 111 VAllEy B ENTERPRISES kenneth tyLer MR. TylER EARl 31 INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIoN VBE MR. SUVA DIDoR 175/9 JUNIoR CHAMPIoN is mr kosCiusko 100 MDS qUA ZI MoTo 652/1 BETHAlAN BISHoP RESERVE JUNIoR CHAMPIoN -- -- -- RESERVE SENIoR CHAMPIoN -- -- -- 26 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 27

28 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 61

people BaYOu TIP OF BraHmanS theHat CO-OP Este mes, la punta del sombrero esta juDD CuLLERS dirigida hacia la Asociación de Criadores Brahman Louisiana por haber acogido la SmitH BraHmanS Exposición Nacional de 2013. Tis month the Tip of the Hat goes out to the Louisiana Brahman Breeder’s Tammy, Jason, Jeffrey, Jared & Jessica La Exposición Nacional de este año Dustin Fairchild: 225-278-0055 parece ser una de las mejores con edades, Association for hosting the 2013 National 9195 Belmont Lane • Maringouin, LA 70757 Show. como criador y expositores con ganas Office: 225-638-9846 • Jason: 225-718-0208 de ver y participar en el formato de tres Tis year’s National show looks to be one [email protected] jueces. Los caballeros seleccionados como for the ages, as breeder’s and exhibitors look [email protected] jueces de este año son el Dr. Jim Sanders, forward to watching and participating in the Gerald Young y Lee Pritchard . Este trío three judge format. Te gentlemen selected de jueces son algunos de los jueces más as this year’s judges are Dr. Jim Sanders, GraHam FarmS respetados e infuyentes de la industria Gerald Young, and Lee Pritchard. Tis trio Marty, Lori, Eli & Morgan Graham ganadera . of judges are some of the most respected and Marty: 225-718-3094 infuential judges in the cattle industry. P.O. Box 219 Estos hombres están en sintonía con Morganza, LA 70759 el mercado actual y tiene una verdadera Tese men are in tune with today’s [email protected] pasión por la raza Brahman. Anímense, si market and have a genuine passion for the [email protected] no lo ha hecho, para hacer planes y unirse Brahman breed. Let me encourage you, if you a nosotros en Gonzales, Louisiana , 15 haven’t already, to make plans and join us in COOk FarmS al 17 Noviembre del 2013 espectáculo Gonzales, Louisiana November 15-17 for the Nacional Brahman. 2013 National Brahman show. Clay, Rebecca, Sarah & Jess Cook Clay: 318-446-1725 • [email protected] 2013 national Show Schedulenational Show Schedule Sarah: 318-446-2971 • [email protected] 2013 262 Old River Rd J Jambalaya Classic • November 12-17, 2013 ambalaya Classic • November 12-17, 2013 Friday, november 15thriday, november 15th Alexandria, Louisiana 71302 F L Lamar Dixon Arena • Gonzales, Louisianaamar Dixon Arena • Gonzales, Louisiana 7 A t 7 AM - 9 AM: Donut/Cofee/Juice Bar M - 9 AM: Donut/Cofee/Juice Bar FOntenOt’S red tuesday, november 12thuesday, november 12th ( (Big Sky Café - Sponsored by LBA)Big Sky Café - Sponsored by LBA) 7 AM: Cattle Move InM: Cattle Move In 7 A BraHmanS 8 AM: Open Brahman Show M: Open Brahman Show 8 A Noon - 6 PM: Check in - Big Sky Caféoon - 6 PM: Check in - Big Sky Café 1243 Heritage Road N G Group Classes followed by Females (Savoy Arena)roup Classes followed by Females (Savoy Arena) ALL CATTLE MUST BE IN PLACE BY 6 PM (open & Junior)L CATTLE MUST BE IN PLACE BY 6 PM (open & Junior) AL ville Platte, la 70586 7 P 337-831-1260 7 PM: Meet & Greet Dinner M: Meet & Greet Dinner [email protected] No outside shavings will be allowed in the barns.o outside shavings will be allowed in the barns. N ( W (Lamar Banquet Room - Sponsored by LBA)Lamar Banquet Room - Sponsored by LBA) Wednesday, november 13thednesday, november 13th Saturday, november 16thaturday, november 16th S 9 A 9 AM: Weigh/Measure - Arena BM: Weigh/Measure - Arena B JOHn GOOde FarmS 7 A 7 AM - 9 AM: Donut/Cofee/Juice Bar M - 9 AM: Donut/Cofee/Juice Bar 5 PM: Jambalaya Welcome Supper M: Jambalaya Welcome Supper 5 P ( (Big Sky Café - Sponsored by LBA)Big Sky Café - Sponsored by LBA) PartnerSHiP (Lamar Banquet Room - Sponsored by LBA)Lamar Banquet Room - Sponsored by LBA) ( 8 AM: Open Brahman Show M: Open Brahman Show John E. Goode 8 A 6 P 225-718-1989 6 PM: ABBA Executive Committee MeetingM: ABBA Executive Committee Meeting Bulls (Savoy Arena)ulls (Savoy Arena) [email protected] B ( (Lamar Board Room)Lamar Board Room) 16677 LA Hwy 417 4 P thursday, november 14thhursday, november 14th 4 PM: Junior Jackpot Showmanship M: Junior Jackpot Showmanship Batchelor, Louisiana 70715 t ( (Savoy Arena)Savoy Arena) 8 A 8 AM: ABBA Committee MeetingsM: ABBA Committee Meetings S Sunday, november 17thunday, november 17th (Lamar Vendor Room)Lamar Vendor Room) ( 7 AM - 9 AM: Donut/Cofee/Juice Bar M - 9 AM: Donut/Cofee/Juice Bar CirCle t Cattle CO. 7 A Noon: ABBA Committee Members Lunchoon: ABBA Committee Members Lunch N ( (Big Sky Café - Sponsored by LBA)Big Sky Café - Sponsored by LBA) Troy’s cell: 337-278-1384 ( (Lamar Vendor Rooms - Sponsored by ABBA)Lamar Vendor Rooms - Sponsored by ABBA) [email protected] 8 A 8 AM: Junior Brahman ShowM: Junior Brahman Show 819 St. Margaret Rd. 1 PM: ABBA Board of Directors MeetingM: ABBA Board of Directors Meeting 1 P F Females followed by Bulls (Savoy Arena)emales followed by Bulls (Savoy Arena) Church Point, Louisiana 70525 ( (Lamar Banquet Room 1)Lamar Banquet Room 1) Office: 337- 684-6615 • Fax: 337-684-3658 62 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 63

news Brahman Breeders Beneft From Ease-Of-use Of Cattlemax Online CattleMax Online is now equipped to exchange information electronically between the CattleMax herd management software and the ABBA. If you are a member of the ABBA you will have access to electronic herd inventory of active cattle, 3-generation pedigrees, EPDs, and performance data that the ABBA provides. Tis is all downloadable into ABBA members' CattleMax Online accounts. In addition, the new CattleMax Online will contain an EPD feature that keeps new sire summaries and calf registrations updated as they are released. Tere is also a new registration component that eases the process of registering cattle electronically by utilizing the CattleMax Online's vast data library. With all of your records in one location, ABBA members will be able to track the performance of their Brahman cattle. Tracking performance is key for a breeder to continue producing the quality their buyers expect. Since Brahman cattle are known as the #1 breed for hybrid vigor and efciency, the new interface in CattleMax Online can help show customers how well cattle have performed and the desirable traits. From quickly entering breeding and calving records to recording when medical treatments have been given, CattleMax is a complete solution for your record keeping needs. With the new CattleMax Online interface, breeders can access their records on- the-go. Whether you have a desktop or laptop computer, iPhone, iPad, Android, or a combination of all these devices, your cattle records are with you all the time as long as you have an Internet connection. 64 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 65

LOUISIANA BRAHMAN CONNECTION B Buck n hoss cattleuck n hoss cattle lEgacy caTTlE SErvicE ZerO BraHman rancH George Krieg “Strokin’ The Best” 1324A Duchamp Rd. Amite, Louisiana DON J. ROBICHAUX Broussard, La 70518 318-957-1255 • 985-747-0800 745 Lefort By Pass Road • Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301 Cell (337)277-9455 Christy: 903-930-7386 Cell: 985-209-5198 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] BENNETT FARMS CIRCLE F FARMS B-F PAT CONE, Owner B-F Luke Fontenot PO Box 350 Choudrant, Louisiana 71227 F 22750 Old Scenic Hwy. F Zachary, LA 70791 Home: 318-768-4102 Barn: 318-768-2547 Home: 225-654-6123 • Office: 225-928-9487 e-mail: [email protected] Ranch: 601-567-2694 • 225-654-9288 MG FarMs Ron Melancon P.O. Box 836 • 1417 US Hwy 61 South Woodville MS 39669 601-597-5995 [email protected] CArOLYn KAss FALGOUT cHArLie HUrSToN cATTLe Michael & lisa JaMes P.O. Box 144 63150 andrew Bankston rd. • amite, Louisiana 70422-9998 Red & Gray Brahmans Lottie, LA 70756 farm/fax: 985-748-7053 • Cell: 985-747-7001 P.o. Box 2679 • Covington, La 70434 225.625.3704 offiCe: 985-892-8946 Website: • fax: 985-892-5560 Cell 225.235.7575 E-mail: [email protected] CeLL: 985-630-0459 Dealer of Barrett Aluminum Trailers [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] 66 | The Brahman Journal

LOUISIANA BRAHMAN CONNECTION CaFCo Cattle Co. CHOCtaW Cattle COmPanY Ferguson Brahmans Charles Fuselier, Jr. RoyLee & Angela Hebert RobeRt, Malinda & aMie FeRguson 16106 Hwy. 395 1058 Little Oak Dr. 391 Choctaw Road Roanoke, La. 70581 Hm 337-753-2539 St. Martinville, LA 70582 Sunset, Louisiana 70584 Robert’s Cell 337-581-5120 337-581-5504 cell: 337-654-3137 E-Mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] QualitY & PerFOrmanCe BreederS, llC F&r brAHmANS Dooley Farm \"Registered Black Angus Bulls\" Greeneline Angus - Gary Greene, DVM 2919 s fieldspan rd. • duson, La 70529 • 337-852-5314 Gentle Gray BrahMans 985-966-0630 • mt. hermon, La Louis Dooley Hoover Farms - Dale Hoover Herd & Sales Manager: Colleen Rush Callender 1229 Tornado Drive 225-719-2486 • Clinton, La [email protected] Church Point, LA. 70525 Kaberlein Angus Ranch - Mike & Kathy Kaberlein Cell: 337-257-5780 Hm: 337-334-0364 504-495-7158 • amite, La [email protected] DoGwooD FarMs K-BAR FARMS Morgan & Peyton Sharp 819 St. Margaret Rd. Terry, Amanda, Kylie, GOLDEN CERTIFIED 60587 Dogwood Ln. • Amite, LA 70422 Church Point, louisiana 70525 (985) 748-7473 • (985) 969-5160 office: 337-684-6615 • fax: 337-684-3658 [email protected] F-1 DIvISION troy’s Cell: 337-278-1384 • [email protected] 63150 Andrew Bankston Rd. Amite, LA 70422-9998 Farm/Fax: 985-748-7053 tHree sisters rancH Quad-m Cattle, llC Cell: 985-747-7001 Joseph marcy Lyons & OwneRs: MAnuel FAMily E-mail: [email protected] 1918 ray milner road Striving to produce the best! iota, LA 70543 337-581-6626 • [email protected] cell: 337-581-6539 1906 ELLIS ROAD • IOTA, LOUISIANA 70543 novemBer 2013 | 67

nuTrITIon Nutritional mexiCO Programs for the Cow Herd CO-OP Creating a Nutritional Plan DR. STEPHEN BLEzINGER Editor’s note: Tis is part two of a two-part series. Part one was in the Oct. issue of Te Brahman Journal. ranCHO With the previous discussion in last month's magazine in mind, several steps need to be CHaPOPOte taken to develop a complete nutritional management plan. Here are a number of the steps that are needed to put this in place: Brahman • M.V.Z. Enrique Sánchez Manteca 1) Forage sampling and analysis will need to become a constant part of your program. Begin Km. 36 Carr. Tuxpan-Tamiahua, Veracruz, México. sampling pastures and harvested forages on a regular basis. Tese analyses will go into the Tel.: 011-52-783-835-2592 • 011-52 - 834-0648 [email protected] development of a forage nutrient database for your operation. Maintain these numbers over [email protected] • time so that you can develop and track average nutrient values for specifc forages during specifc periods of time. For instance, nutrient values for hay cut and baled in June of each year. Each ranCHO rOSa cutting should be sampled and tested. Te analysis should be recorded along with the conditions, such as fertilization records, moisture conditions, maturity estimate, etc. Te more of this data you can collect the better you can understand and even predict performance. BlanCa 2) Develop a relationship with a good forage lab. Get several recommendations if possible Brahman • Salvador S. Mojarro Bazan of a lab that is consistent with a short turn-around time. Talk to the lab about your sampling Carretera Panuco - Canoas km. 167.6 - Panuco, Ver. intentions and you may be able to negotiate a lower fee per sample. 011-52-833-2280561 • 011-521-833-1896932 • 833-2721959 [email protected] 3) Develop a relationship with a qualifed nutritionist. Tis person may be at a local or national feed company or maybe an independent. Tey can be of assistance in developing and meBa PavitOS tracking much of the information discussed here. 4) Develop a nutrient delivery and requirement calendar. Tis can be done fairly quickly and Brahman • Tampico, Tamps. easily using a spreadsheet on the computer but this is not a prerequisite. It can be done just as Cell: 011-521-833-218-4952 efectively on paper. Te main thing here is to put it in writing somewhere so it can be tracked [email protected] Guatemala and used to plan. You can use this to schedule what the nutrient availabilities will be at and Cell: 011-502-531-84175 • [email protected] over given periods of time. Be sure to include all nutrients. Even a shortage of one nutrient can afect overall performance. Do not expect this to be completely accurate from the very ranCHO beginning. Tis will be a work in progress. It will give you a way to anticipate what you will need to do, such as which supplements to purchase, etc., as you look forward. el COPOSO Against the nutrient supply from your forages you then plot the nutrient needs for diferent groups of cattle. By subtracting the supply of each nutrient against the requirements you can Brahman • Pánuco, Ver develop a good estimate of what level of supplementation you will need at any given point in Rafael Abarca Barragan time. From this you can begin evaluating supplement forms and determine what will best fll Cell: 011-521-55-435-26309 the gap. Since you are planning in advance it give you an opportunity to evaluate and price a [email protected] range of forms, such as liquids, tubs, dry feeds, and commodities. Your nutritionist can help you project animal requirements as well as determine the form and cost of feed and supplement ranCHO Puente that best fts your operation. Tis can also provide the opportunity to forward contract these de diOS inputs so you can lock in all or part of this cost and better manage the risk. 5) Create a similar planning calendar for each production group. Once each group is Sardo Negro • Teziutlan, Puebla planned for an overall feed/supplement purchasing plan can be collated. Miguel Angel Aramburo Cell: 011-52-1231-115-1417 • [email protected] 6) Update your calendar continuously and remember that things are not set in stone. You may have projected that your average crude protein level of your forage base is 8% but the ranCHO forage analysis shows it is actually 7.5%. Additionally, the temperatures may be somewhat colder than average meaning. Tis means nutrient requirements, especially energy, will be aGua ZarCa somewhat higher than average. Subsequently supplementation levels or nutrient values may Brahman • Aldama, Tamps need to be adjusted upward somewhat. Leonel Casanova Pecero and 7) Consistently evaluate cow body condition to make sure your plan is working. Are cows under or Ricardo Casanova Quintanilla over conditioned? Te visual evaluation is an important indicator of plan accuracy and efectiveness. 011-52-1833-140-9731 • [email protected] In conclusion, every business has to plan for its expenses. It has to determine how it will best utilize its resources. A cow-calf operation is no diferent. In fact this type of planning and may be even more important since there are so many variables on the farm/ranch. A written nutritional plan and calendar will improve the producer’s ability to plan and project nutrient supplies and demands and make the best use of critical resources. 011(52)833-210-94-46 e-mail: [email protected] Brahman / Tampico, Tam. México / (since 1923) 68 | The Brahman Journal novemBer 2013 | 69

AMERICAN juNIOR BRAHMAN ASSOCIATION AJbA oFFicerS: Hey Y’all - My name is Kelli Lucas. I am the 17-year old PRESIDENT daughter of Reggie and Carmie Lucas, and we reside in the Jacob Valenta small community of Deville, Louisiana. I have one brother Alleyton, Texas and sister, Heath and Lesley. I am honored to be serving VICE PRESIDENT as the 2013-2014 AJBA Secretary and LJBA President. Currently, I am a senior at Buckeye High School, where I Evan Acevedo am actively involved in 4-H, Sr. Beta, FCCLA, Science Club, Mission, Texas and Spanish Club. After graduation in May, I plan to attend seCreTarY Louisiana Tech University where I will major in Kinesiology, kelli Lucas and then pursue my degree to become a Doctor of Physical Deville, louisiana Terapy. Treasurer I am proud to say that I have been raised around cattle Brandalyn Bishop my entire life. My family and I maintain a small herd of Trenton, Florida Beefmaster and Brahman cattle. Trough the AJBA and rePorTer LJBA, I have learned many life lessons, and established many Becka Richard lifelong friendships. Grand Chenier, louisiana I hope to see everyone at the upcoming junior and open shows. Good luck to all exhibitors, and remember that success only comes with hard work! Kelli L ucas EX OFFICIO Andrew Simon Baton Rouge, louisiana Hello, my name is Jesse DeJournett; I am the new director from the great state of Arkansas on your DIRECTOr aT large AJBA board. I started showing in 2005, at the age of Morgan Pounds eight. My frst show heifer was a Brahman infuenced Mathews, Alabama commercial heifer. My older sister Molly had also been AJbA boArd showing commercial heifers for a couple of years. Since we were serious about showing, my parents decided that oF direcTorS: we would invest in registered Brahman cattle that we Haley Herzog could enjoy as well as show; the rest is history. I’ve been Robinson, Texas showing Brahmans since 2006. I was not as aggressive Morgan Graham in the show ring as my sister at frst, but I sure enjoyed Morganza, louisiana the Brahmans and their personalities. After my sister became too old to show, I realized I did have a passion for Arica land it, and that I didn’t want to see my show career pass me Branford, Florida by. She defnitely inspired me the most to show. kristen Cullers Brahman infuenced cattle have been in my family Hungerford, Texas for several decades. Currently, I help my brother produce rodeos for our 3D rodeo company, which Jesse DeJournett was started by my dad, older brother, and grandpa. My brother rode bulls and after sufering Pocahontas, Arkansas a career ending injury, they started loading up the practice pen bulls that they had and hauled trisha kingsbury them across the rodeo circuit. Brahmans have always had a heavy infuence in the sport of rodeo Prague, oklahoma because, as we all know, they can have a bit of a temper sometimes. m’Lee ivy Brahman cattle aren’t my only passion; I’m also an avid football fan. I started playing in fourth Soso, Mississippi grade and, now as a junior, I’m the starting left ofensive tackle for my high school team. I’m Emily Parker also very involved in my local FFA and 4H chapters, where I hold the position of Pocahontas FFA Heidelberg, Mississippi Chapter Vice-President. Of course, being from Arkansas, I’m also a Razorback fan. Te University Adam Barrilleaux of Arkansas is where I plan to attend college and hopefully play football. St. Gabriel, louisiana I was always told to get more involved in whatever I was doing, which is why I wanted to become the director for the state of Arkansas. I encourage everyone to get involved when and The AJBA is open to juniors ages where you can, especially in our great youth organization. As I learned with the loss of a teammate 8-21. Contact the ABBA office at this past summer, life is shorter than you think, and you don’t know how many opportunities you 713-349-0854 for information on will get to do something special. I look forward to meeting all of you, and I’m always excited to getting involved in the AJBA. discuss Brahman cattle or football, especially with fans of rival teams. 70 | The Brahman Journal

FLORIDA juNIOR BRAHMAN ASSOCIATION Promoting Florida’s Future Brahman Breeders SAVE THE DATE! The Heartland Classic FJbA oFFicerS: PRESIDENT EVENT DATES Brandalyn Bishop Friday, December 6, 2013 and Saturday, December 7, 2013 Trenton, Fl VICE PRESIDENT ENTRY FORM DEADLINES Cole Newman Monday, December 1, 2013 • Late Entry: Friday, December 6, 2013 lake Wales, Fl seCreTarY EVENT LOCATION lindsey Wilder Moreno Ranches, Venus Florida Headquarters Williston, Fl 17 Virginia Circle • Moreno Estate • Venus, Florida • USA Treasurer Bobbi Jean Frazier ARRIVAL AND RELEASE ocala, Fl Arrival: Friday, December 6, 2013................1:00 PM to 6:00 PM rePorTer Bethalan Bishop Release: Saturday, December 7, 2013 ............................. 3:00 PM Trenton, Fl CONTACTS AJBA DIRECTORS Arica land - Branford, Fl Kelvin Moreno: (305) 218.1238 • [email protected] Brandalyn Bishop - Trenton, Fl Chad McWaters: (863) 634.3424 • [email protected] FJBA ADVISOR Amy Wilder: (352) 231.2344 • [email protected] kelvin moreno Venus, Fl VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE THE PREMIUM BOOK ~ WWW.MIAMICATTLESHOW.COM International Brahman Show Females: Thursday, March 6 8 a.m. Bulls: Friday, March 7 8 a.m. Location: Reliant Center, Main Arena Open Show Entry Deadline: Jan. 5, 2014 Late Entry Deadline: Feb. 15, 2014 International Brahman Cattle SALE Date: Wednesday, March 5 6:30 p.m. Location: Reliant Arena Sales Pavilion MARCH 4-23, 2014 livestock@rodeohouston .com 832.667.1125 houston .com novemBer 2013 | 71

72 | The Brahman Journal

BLUEBOnnET CO-OP 4-T CATTLE CO. SALinAS RAnCh valenta Cattle Justin, Mark, troy, & yvonne tesch 1378 stockold road r.J., Joe and ryan salinas COmPanY sealy, texas 77474 ranches in carmine and Mcallen, tX home: 979-885-6601 979-249-7535 • 956-778-6342 kArL, JAckie, cody & JAcob vALeNTA Mobile: 281-635-0195 4519 highWay 90 • aLLeyton, texas 78935 Gray Brahmans & F1’s home: 979-732-5441 • CeLL: 979-732-0591 PARiSh DOLLivER RAnCh YP BraHmanS BRAhmAnS Family-raised, Gentle Bob & Bonnie Parish Brahman & Brangus Cattle GerALd ANd NANcy yoUNG Cooks Point, Texas 77836 1716 fm 2144 • Weimar, texas 78962 979-229-7107 • 979-229-7108 8615 katy-hoCkLey road • katy, texas 77493 979-263-5854 • Cell: 713-824-0532 home: 281-371-0314 • CeLL: 281-797-6090 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] JOYCe CuStOm FitterS BLUEBOnnET HUSFELD BRAHMANS 21300 Pickens road Michael & Misty Joyce KiCK-OFF CLASSiC ShOW Washington, texas 77880 JULy 30TH - AUGUST 3rd 2317 CR 117, Wharton, Texas 77488 VISIT oUR WEBSITE WWW.BlUEBoNNETBRAHMAN.CoM 936-878-2525 home [email protected] FoR MoRE INFoRMATIoN & To DoWNloAD ENTRy FoRMS 936-878-2986 Fax 832-526-9068 [email protected] DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS GREAT SHOW! TiPP RAnCh YOUR AD COULD BE CALL 979-826-4347 horned & Polled Beef-type Brahmans hERE in ThE TO RESERvE Golden certified F1’s randall, Marsha, Janie, Jacob & amy tipp #1 BRAhmAn mAgAzinE ThiS SPOT! 759 old columbus rd n. sealy, texas 77474 WORLDWiDE! H 979-885-4098 • C 979-877-4395 [email protected] novemBer 2013 | 73

people Texas Brahman Association Field Day Te Texas Brahman Association Field day was held October 5th at the Grimes County Fairgrounds. Te host of the event, Jim-Bob Trant of JT Brahmans had an interesting line up of speakers for the event. Te purpose of the feld day was to grow awareness of the performance programs ofered by the ABBA and their importance. Donnie Robertson of Robertson Livestock demonstrated the carcass ultrasound on a January 2013 bull. Te bull JTB Franklin K 341-1150/2 had been donated by Trant for the ultrasound demonstration and had excellent ultrasound data results. Chris Shivers, Executive Vice President of the ABBA was on hand to discuss the importance of data collection as well as how to enroll in the ABBA's National Carcass Evaluation Program. Texas Senator Tommy Williams gave a brief state government update. Jim-Bob Trant Dr. Lourens Havenga, CEO of Multimin gave a presentation on their product, was the field MultiMin 90. MultiMin 90 provides zinc, manganese, copper and selenium in a readily day host available injectable. Tese trace minerals play a critical role in reproduction and immunity. Sponsors for the event were Pfzer-Zoetis, Coufal-Prater Equipment, Multimin and Producer's Cooperative Association. During the feld day an award was presented to Stamford, Texas native Charles W. Stenholm, the 26 year former U.S. Congressman, who was recently named as the Texas Brahman Association’s 2013 Beef Booster of the Year. Since 1962, the Texas Brahman Association has recognized a deserving person or entity for outstanding contributions to the beef industry and counts a distinguished list Donnie Robertson demonstrated ultrasound of industry leaders, doers and thinkers among its recipients. “Charlie Stenholm is a most deserving recipient of this year’s award for outstanding leadership and service to the agriculture industries through his many years as a member of Congress and the House Agriculture Committee,\" said TBA President, Tommy Stadler Miki Buford of Floresville. \"His work since 2004 as a Senior Policy Advisor at OFW Law Firm in with Stacey Washington D.C. has placed him squarely in the middle of every major agriculture issue and Emilie to come before Congress. He comes from the country and he knows country folk; he has \"Hootie\" Green served all agriculture producers well and has done it for many years.” Stenholm graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelor of Science degree and received his Master Degree in 1962 from Texas Tech University. TBA Field Day Charlie Stenholm was frst elected to the House of Representatives in 1978. He is was a family friendly event considered by many to be among the most respected and efective Ag Policy advisor in with the Trant our nation’s capitol and spends considerable time on energy, food safety, water and other family issues. He currently serves as Co-Chair for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and on the Boards of Directors of the Concord Coalition and the Business and Industry Political Action Committee. J. D. Sartwelle, Jr., a past TBA President and current Vice-President of the ABBA made the presentation of the award. “Tis recognition of Charlie Stenholm’s considerable contributions to Texas and U.S. agriculture are a tribute to what he has done every day for many years for production agriculture,\" expressed Sartwelle. \"Tis TBA Beef Booster of the Year Award is recognition by an agriculture producer group that receives the benefts of his work. Charlie Stenholm has truly lived a life of service to his fellow man.” If you missed this years event make plans for the 2014 Texas Brahman Association Field day, as Jim-Bob Trant of JT Brahmans will host the TBA feld day again next year. Charlie Stenholm with Tommy Stadler 74 | The Brahman Journal

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