Market Research RecruitersAtlanta-based communications, business development, market research and managementconsulting firm has been successfully serving clients internationally for more than 20 years.Specializing in health care, DSHM provides cutting-edge services for hospitals, physicians,managed care organizations, IPAs, provider networks and medical practices. Included areproduct design companies, ACOs, pharmaceutical providers, long-term care facilities,behavioral health services, medical equipment and healthcare product companies. Alsoserved are senior care organizations, eye care providers, home health agencies,pharmacies, laboratories, imaging companies, alternative medicine providers, dentists,urgent care centers, chiropractors, software companies and more. Clients have ranged fromsmall U.S. providers to large international companies.Our company excels at market research, public relations, advertising, managed carecontracting, referral building and research respondent recruiting. Just a few other servicesinclude insurance payer contracting, sales, credentialing, provider network developmentand internet marketing. These have generated major increases in clients' admissions, newpatients, research data, practice volume, new residents, insurance provider contracts,website traffic and more. As a result, clients witness positive outcomes, new revenue,substantial sales, new referrals, valuable market information and other successes.Our Services Marketing and Business Plans Market Research Services / Respondent Recruiting Managed Care, Insurance, Payor Contracting and Credentialing HMO, IPA, ACO and PPO Contracting / Provider Network Development Public Relations / Press Coverage Corporate and Occupational Health Marketing Senior Care Marketing Advertising / Branding / Graphic Design Patient Coordinator Marketers
Social Media Marketing Website Development Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Sales Development / Referral Building Market Data Customer Service Training Practice Management, Startup and Recruiting Special Events Legal Marketing to HealthcareMarketing and Business PlansDavid Scott Healthcare Marketing will create, develop andimplement strategic marketing and business plans specificallytargeted to your needs, whether your organization is a private orgroup practice, a hospital or ancillary facility, a pharmamanufacturer, a health-related product company, senior carefacility, a managed care organization or other entity. In addition,marketing plans can be developed for those companies wanting tomarket to healthcare professionals and companies.We have executed successful plans for most types of companieslisted on the Home Page.Strategies within the marketing and business plans have beentargeted to a variety of entities, including: Seniors, Senior Organizations, and Senior Residential Facilities (long-term care, nursing homes, independent living, assisted living, personal care homes, CCRCs, etc.) Insurance and Third Party Payors (workers' compensation, Medicare, Medicaid, managed care, TPAs, re-insurance, long-term care insurance, personal injury insurance, auto-liability insurance, self-insured employers, etc.) Managed Care Organizations (HMOs, PPOs, provider networks, etc.) Employers, Corporate Health Programs, and Executive Health Programs Physicians, Hospitals, and Ancillary Facilities Third Party Payors Healthcare Professionals / Social Services Professionals Non-insured Healthcare Consumers Healthcare Discount Card Companies and Consumers
Market Research Services and Market ResearchRecruitingDavid Scott Healthcare Marketing directs qualitative andquantitative market research studies designed to collect valuabledata from targeted and competitive markets. DSHM hasconducted a multitude of successful research studiesinternationally. This success is often contributed to the fact thatour company has a 100% track record in participant andrespondent recruiting, and is extremely knowledgeable andexperienced in health care. Projects by DSHM have beenimplemented in: The United States Latin America England (United Kingdom / UK) Germany The Netherlands Other European Countries Able to manage research projects and recruiting in additional countries.Major Metropolitan areas have included: Atlanta New York Miami Los Angeles San Diego Boston Baltimore Philadelphia NYC suburbs in New Jersey Washington, DC London Amsterdam Hamburg Sao Paulo Rio de Janiero Other Metropolitan Areas Rural Areas (as well)
Managed Care and Payor Marketing / HMO andPPO ContractingManaged care marketing, contract negotiations, provider networkmanagement, payor contracting, provider network development,insurance marketing and provider credentialing are all specialties ofDavid Scott Healthcare Marketing.Provider steerage of most patients covered by health insurancecontinues to be directed by managed care organizations (PPOs,HMOs, MCOs, and more). Our broad data base of managed careorganizations, third party payors, integrated delivery systems, self-insured employers and third party administrators greatly enhancesour contracting efforts. In addition, our ongoing relationships withcurrent managed care CEOs and department directors, andextensive experience in managed care marketing and third partypayer marketing, enable us to negotiate successfully on your behalf.We have a proven track record of securing managed care, payor, and provider contracts forour clients.Payor Contracting and Managed Care Marketing:David Scott Healthcare Marketing has successfully marketed and provided contractnegotiations for physicians, IPAs, specialty provider networks, medical facilities, mentalhealth organizations, and ancillary clients; thus securing over 2,500 managed carecontracts, which represent thousands of payors. In addition, we have successfully marketeda national PPO network and several specialty networks to third party administrators,insurance payors, re-insurance companies, case management organizations, medical billreview organizations, self-insured employers and other provider networks.Provider Network Development:DSHM has performed network development / provider recruiting services for nationalnetwork development organizations, PPO networks, third party administrators (TPAs),IPAs, and managed care networks. We have successfully contracted with hospitals,physicians, IPAs, PHOs, and ancillary providers, generating thousands of executed provideragreements.
Public Relations / Press CoverageDavid Scott Healthcare Marketing has successfully secured newscoverage for healthcare, senior care, behavioral health, eye careand medical-related organizations through major televisionnetworks, newspapers, magazines, trade publications,professional periodicals and radio stations. Professionals ofDavid Scott Healthcare Marketing. have several years of expertisein generating press coverage and media attention through: Public Relations Media Relations Press Events Press Releases / News Releases Press Packets Special Events / Open Houses Photography Newsletters Search Engine Optimization Social MediaMr. Scott, President of David Scott Healthcare Marketing, has thedegree of Master of Mass Communications with a concentrationin public relations, advertising and marketing, and has more than30 years of experience in successful media relations. The DSHM team has more than 100years combined in communications.Our TeamDavid W. Scott, MMC As President of DSHM, Mr. Scott directs all marketing, market research, advertising, public relations, recruiting, management and sales strategies. He offers 30 years of successful healthcare marketing and management expertise to his clients. His campaigns have been published in national healthcare marketing periodicals, and have generated interest internationally. (See other website pages for details on the services and accomplishments of DSHM).
Experience:Director of Marketing, Market Research and Public Relations for Hospitals (1982-1991):Sun Coast Hospital, Largo, FloridaRiverside Hospital, New Port Richey, FloridaConway Hospital, Conway, South CarolinaEditor of Newspapers (1981-1982):The Moultrie News and The North Charleston Observer, Charleston, SCEducation:Master of Mass Communications, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC(Course emphasis: marketing, market research, advertising, public relations andjournalism)Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Sciences, Erskine College, Due West, SC(Editor of the Erskine Mirror, the college student newspaper)Mr. Scott`s credentials and 30 years of experience provide a strong foundation for servicesin healthcare marketing, public relations, market research, managed care and advertising.Included are services related to provider network development, corporate health, long-term care, senior care, medical practice building, behavioral health, occupational healthand healthcare management.He has been featured in Healthcare Marketing Report, a national professional periodical,for an outstanding hospital-based marketing program targeted to women. The same type of\"one-stop services\" packaged program was later designed for, and successfully, marketedto men.Patricia “Patty” Conary Patricia Conary is a strategic marketing specialist with in-depth experience in qualitative healthcare mark research, product management and marketing communications. Her experience ranges from in-house market research in pharmaceutical products, medical devices and OTC to product management. She has been responsible for the launch and subsequent management of numerous brands during her career.
Specializing in qualitative research, she has 15 years of experience in conducting IDIs andfocus groups with physicians in a wide range of specialties, ancillary staff, patients,corporate executives and care providers. She excels at moderating and interviewing.Patricia’s moderating style is friendly and personal, allowing respondents to feelcomfortable enough to reveal their thoughts and feelings. Her technique elicits valuableinsights even from the most reserved respondent and helps her clients understand not onlywhat people are saying but why they are saying it. She understands how to supportmanagement with information to drive strategic planning, customer attitudes to insureproper positioning and messaging, and advertising development and ad testing.Harry Moreno Excelling in research management, participant recruiting, professional referral building and social media, Harry brings a wealth of experience to clients locally, nationally and internationally. He often works with those needing assistance with specialized services such as: increased referrals from other healthcare professionals, market research participant recruiting and enhanced search engine optimization via social media outlets. Because he is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English, he is able to offer international marketing, communications, market research, writing and translation services in the U.S. and other countries. Majoring in microbiology and organic chemistry witha specialty in biotechnology from Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida, Harry began hiscareer in animal healthcare, eventually merging into human healthcare. For more information please visit
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