(@ II I h.l*{\"{ Languoge: \"*--i:i\" ponts, shorts, shoes, socks I.t !,-\"- These ore my (ponts). r..','; itr:l::-r \\ ?::i .i,r.r : Yes, pleose. re listen and point. Repeat. Jh No, thonk you. I li. i il q, J UI s-Vt ponts shorts /r:i.-,;,. shoes { i r.., socksr:ilii;{1' ii,i,ii. : 'jl itl:tI .i.i ..i!i::l 4arair:.1',alir\"!. l. tisten and point. fh ACFC AFe ff'( 5Ct400L cLoTieS' Th ese qre my ponts T se qre my s orts -l l : The se ore my sh oes. J s-!/, These ore mY socks. 'i{t/1,,1 These ore my ponts ii.;i. t,,\",,i \"1,;,.', ' l::'1,' i, .il: ll,r .&rii 2. listen and repeat. J:B ,lr Plag \"Board raee:' rtr;'ii: : \":\".: -l'J'ii;'. .'.t' . .t, -',,':: \"shoes\" These ore my shoes ..i::-;;o socks .....: ., l.-,\". : il.if .!! il ! l\"lr..',i i,r\"...t.: ....;r-......:-. ..' i1t i r':-'I 'li. -t.: ::,. I 1....,t:;-. i.: t., \\.\\. !._ at i.t ,, 50 .'\\ ilt $:
't-ir\",a- --\"j ,-,''t\" !f,-..-. + ir ' .'a 'l l:.i.-...'.'!ll i ,rtrr:l l ELJ l. tisten and read. fi, r:::::.t:;:;iilJ::'.::i:i ir...r.ji.-:...:i.:t,i,..' .1.,;;\"1.i:!..:,,.'.,1. .i.',,.t.r'i1...'.ri;.!i.j. i..i..--.li ' i :;j :;.:,I Bonono? No, thonk you 7 r. ii li' o a $t.\" i'r:...-.\".-. .- . -,..:r t ffiffi li r:l r*;.in...+ :.- ir.ii.i:i, \" ',,i .t!i ...\".:\".-\"..,-_- - I 'ti;.-..1i \\::_:7,-.--\"- -,i : :,- * r : .. i, \" .. . , . .:. -: : i::jt;:;,.'lr;: j; ix' Juice? No, thonk you Cookie? Yes, pleose ee !;i '-iii-- -rii:\\'.\"1': i:l 2- l,isten and repeat. JB Yes, pleose. i,;Y'il\"r' li;::: ....*.,\\ ,:::. TL Rote-plag. No, thonk you '.,:i...;.'! lji il,.' 3onono? ?, r:iirrl ii No, thonk you. .1 ) li ]\" , a.,,.i; .i-r?'.i..i..i.ir' :\": i\"l.l'ti-:'\".:sr ri1r\": i..'t Ii .-.-.i a,,l-:i.i : it..-, i f is# Y{q,.*, 'li::'r \"!:..i', aa C r*fi ,t ,:,r: ,t\",..ij itr .. f,- ',!'i tt !,1 J
Unit 8 Longuoge: g[[) #Itisten and point. Repeat. bus, boot, plone, motorbike Con you see the (motorbike)? Yes, I con. Con you see the (bus)? No, I con't. I 2 .l3 qD 4 - I boot motorbike plone t -h:lat--u bus mXP l. Listen to the storg. JBt 2. tisten and put a Cd ora (XJ. m G C on you see No, I con't. t*um# I the boot? E t I ,r a l' v -\"&t ) t, .-...-.-.-.t:', a dktl G 6EG,..a,<a+::tl....j.r-. :,-:i::i t- qfr-/ ,,..'@,..,,,,,...,......@ resins.mg 6 Con you see the bus? 52 . Yes, I con.
) Ask and answer. Con you see Yes, I con Con you see No, I con't the motorbike? the cor? Student A Student B s-+r-a S & :i I ii L nG)..6.<ErG - W Ptag \"Guess the picture.\" -3rn you No, I con't Con you see v ,ffi le the bus? the p one? t,l- a 53
r Fr\"RD Unit 8 Lellers: Xx, Yy de\"u Words: fox, box, yo-yo, yogurt a b c d e fg h i i k I m n o p q rs t uv w x yz gil't, p listen and repeat.Trace. C91 .t' 1 2 x,.L,, $ tisten and repeat.Write. .€: . . fo bo conI osee il, ..i a p sing.m X,X, N R I con see o xl xl x. &F tisten and hop.JS! 54 .::/
*t{r.4 p listen and repeat.Traee. JHI 1I 2 7 ;: 1 72 V ffi fisten and repeat,Write. dg, \" - aa o- o..j\"j @ Sing. JuB I ohove 'L,- , y, y, \" I-.- I hove o '\\-, y, y, y. ]} risten and elap. CB
ffirJ tisten and C \")the box. J', Exomple: !i tl'a-.l {,41i:3:i} - \"\"'l'' ''' ;:i':.tr:: ob c f, b c t:.'. ..1 . '.|a: t.::'. ,,r1.: lr1.r' o ob c o ilit Il:Wii, ![.*J Plag \"stepping stones.\" t;ti llir: bc ffi &;r- -i\"# ir\"..,. These ore my ponts '--.,\".r-[* V# ryEry*;l--.At,..:'. .(o rfl r,w ;:_L& \"r-f,: L_yls this your dress? -rr,:ff-. ,\\i\\- o o I56
&J /ailisten and eirele (A or B). , Exomple: Plag \"Guess the picture.\" -:n you Con you see Yes, I con. the p lone? iee the bus? o, I con't.
IUnit il q q \\ t T { l Longuoge: .r 1 t eroser/ ruler, croyon, tisten and point. Repeat. JoB pencil cose I 23 Pick up your (eroser) q eroser ruler croyon pencil cose rel.tistentothestorg.diB2.[istenanddrawlines.ms Pick up you r w pencil cose .,....4 W, C} - a ---.-..=d *rl * \\, fn} sins.rm! @ Pick up your eroser. a 58 6 Pick up yourruler.
Point and sau. Pick up Pick u P upPick Pick up Pick up Pick up your eroser. your ru le r your eroser. your ruler your erqser your ruler. I 2 \\f \\f \\f /ry 3 \"fr{ryrf \\\\ \\ \\,e{ re Ptag \"Simon sags.\" Simon soys: Pick up y our ruler. Pick up your rule ,^.'). l' / .,.i .i a ._f' . t.' @-k*,, ,! t I #--'-\"
e NE IUnit Lelter: Zz Words: zebro, zoo Review Vv Ww a b c d e f g h i i k I m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Sf [l listen and repeat,Trace. S\"1 1 1 2 ffi tisten and repeat.Write. f,,;]b 3 3 :,'7L ^ 100 :$vrIL a IL^ ,i .l- ebrO oo Th is is o ty.' , 't^ ffi sing.m z/ z/ ?+?- oI-th..:tfs' ts ?.i'?. i*' z/ zl z. ffi tisten andjump. ffi TT 80
f) tisten and repeat. {Sl ry listen and point. furn SS Put a C,,$ o? a(X). . . Exomple: irr &; Vv dllVv Ww E I [) eUg \"stepping stones.\" -nr k -P-d. w\" \\#1--i,.Sm 6J @ WX &fltAry € I II ar.d*^-Pp; \"wotch\" ..:. a \\,, J a.a.....' -) + K&+3rym !-.':..... &s{
IUnit t*ff:)-,l:s$h mm Longuoge: J LrJ : I I count numbers, drow pictures, I spell words, sing songs, Mondoy, ry i.1, l, Tuesdoy, Wednesdoy :1, I con (count numbers). 1-i{..:1., I (sing songs) on (Wednesdoy). tisten and point. Repeat. j'u?! I& 2 rl 3 l;.1t b t;\\I ,p-. r I .;' II # iF! *:*.:a*; count numbers drow pictures spell words sing songs re l. Listen and point. J,B b '3 AT 5CAOOL.., fi., {tii[t#,llih Duck. I rG.r ,\";\\ I -f, i!, g8 lcons pell words :i I ll '\" I con stng son9s YiiW & t1,,: I + I con drow pictures. con count numbers , -1.: * 2. listen and repeat. JjB WYllfr rti$il!, I con count numbers rc 'i-.:{,..,s :.] Plag the \"Pretend\" game. 1 i} 111 .,.,j\"ii'1,,,,., i!j.,.,.fr.-.,ii.;.,',ia:11...,:,lj I i \\'i'r*.:n\".'..i:i;!i,; ;l I con count I con spell No. numbers. words. Yes. \\Il 82
li:::l li: .- .. -l:.r'li lc.ll ,.,,;.: l. Listen and read. *B t:.i. ....1 ,, i-....- \\ ,l.r' il ,.,,.,-j, --1i.....::-.....,-r1.. ,I '',.::-1: r.ii. -ii::i.i :.-....i 'jl :e flry I count numbers 9)y'* on Mondoy. I i.; i \"*h 1', I drow pictures 2. Listen and repeat. Ju4\\ on Tuesdoy. fflf,) Pointandsag. Mondoy Tuesdoy Wednesdoy I sing songs on Wednesdoy. r'1 :|:\".':\" ti'\"'-ir,..i I ploy soccer on Mondoy Timetoble i' Tuesdoy 6S rX i \"f -e6 & ;;. II 1,. ! 1! i i spell words counlnumbers sing songs # &'re* wv*' ploy soccer reqd books drow pictures 63 -
Unit 10 t It q II \\ Longuoge: \"-{ Thursdoy, Fridoy, Soturdoy, Sundoy Whot doy is it todoy? It's (Thursdoy). ry tisten and point. Repeat. Ju*?B I o*t'- Fri Sal 2 Jun= 3 June 4 Tue Weq \"' Ion rue Wed 1 rn Tue Wed Thu 1 il\" *\"0 Thu Fri 1 e45 3 4 5l 1I 18 I6 1 2 1415 ))\\2 4 ,1. 11. 15 I 11 IL 14 1 3 4 5 6 \\4 5 lL T,E 10 12 2\\ LI 19 20 aL,I{ 16 10 21 I 11 1 1,86 n26 28 10 2g /J Sotu rdoy \\1 18 - \\1 18 19 21 2\\ -\" cE aE 26 .l- 25 26 24 Thursdoy F n d oy Su ndoy l. listen to the storg. 2. Listen and circle. Jr'B , Whot doy is Wed Fri it todoy? 5l 6 1 It's Thursdoy. 12 13 14 19 20 2 Thtl Fri 6 1B 13 5 ,)) 20 21 r\"F\\'-1 e 9-\\ \\ld ,\\.,,,)U B- m\"ml iri [t ,}\\HF;' Ure sins'J'quB ffi 64 ffi 6 Whot doy is ir todoy? It's Mondoy.
Point, ask, and answer. Sun Mon Tue Wed Sun Mon Tue Wed Mon Tue Wed Thu F ru\" w\"J rhu Ffl 45 3 45 6 670 12 4 45 2 3 11 \\2 I2 10 3 13 13 \\4 18 19 10 11 \\2 20 11 \\2 I @ 27 2\\ 16 \\1 19 11 18 19 @\\1 1B 19 16 11 28 Wed Thu Fri Sat Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 1 I4 674 5 @11 11 \\2 8 @1B 19 5 61 8 3 4 5 13 15 \\2 13 14 15 @I 10 11 \\2 20 ?\\ 22 20 2\\ 19 16 \\'l 18 1 29 re Ptag \"Guess the picture.\" hot doy is it It's Soturdoy. todoy? It's Sundoy. ::. 1 '';, ll ll , it isn't es, it is 65
Review Aa to Zz Unit 10 a b cd efg h i j k I m n opq rs tuvwx yzG[ t D tisten and repeat. j\"6i.t f,) listen and point. JBI s.fl \") I I ,\",tL o W write the letters. . - ry Exomple: ---- iger' w_ f g-n t E Ptag \"Board raee!' t \".:t 66
rc ry listen and repeat. dB! ec D tisten and point. CHl w_ o b >{d y,'.'.,,..-'.fJsl\\- e J &-,. j @. f tFl I g $,. ?k :. ,I',.ra-' > ft- t .1.:. - m,r\"-,, no p r:.liri] Ii P I -:. \\_,+ -(l) q -:,'-:.1 f ,S a'. t tr rI t, t- ?ore,i I --s:_ ,u^ Vw T- f{ w* & Lr,-. Y X z ,,p,,? _l O Ptag \"Magic finger.\" o \\.! \\ti- 67
m SListen and draw rines. m Exomple: &-* 'eo i_ (.9 BL' o r\\wl&Sl.J b-dt , *$ a o o o o 1,2,3, 4, t... Mondoy l t '' 't ' Pick up your \" w) Ptag \"Stepping stones.\" wshorts. t rysw ) K Pick up + wrc,,.,1t' * ur ruler. 68
T ffi tisten and cirete (A or Br. J*g5 . --* Exomple: o Sun Tue Mon Tue Sun Mon ,Wed Tue Wed Fri 2 J4 2 34 23 45 3 45 't I 10 11 1 q 10 11 q 10 11 \\2 10 11 \\2 6 16 \\1 18 16 \\7 18 16 \\1 13 14 1B 19 \\-l 1B 19 23 24 25 ,23 24 25 23 24 26 20 2\\ 24 25 26 AB A B Thu Fri i Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 34 Tue Wed 1 q 10 11 5 b 1I 456 45 6 7B 16 \\7 18 3 11 12 1 \\2 13 1 15 10 11 \\2 13 1 18 19 14 .23 24 25 19 20 21 22 11 1B 19 20 2\\ 26 21 2A 24 25 26 25 26 27 A B A B Plag \"Board raeei' \"Mondoy\" 2 3 45 z 45 11 12 g t1 12 I rB 19 18 1S \\1 25 26 n16 25 26 16 24 23 30 It's Mondoy
@ting Started I J @w Ilesson w Is tUnit 7 lesson How old are you? tUnit 3 lesson ls this your T-shirt? l'm four. Yes, it is. How old are you? How many triangles are there? ls this your dress? l'm five. Eleven triangles. No, it isn't. How old are you? How many books are there? ls this your hat? l'm seven. Twelve books. Yes, it is. How old are you? How many rectangles are there? ls this your shirt? l'm nine. Thirteen rectangles. No, it isn't. How old are you? How many pencils are there? l'm ten. Fourteen pencils. Unit I lesrcn t How many squares are there? @riltling Startcd Fifteen squares. Can you see the bus? l,c,sgp,n2 Unil4lesson I Yes, I can. Open your book! Close your book! Whatt that? Can you see the boat? Hands up! Hands down! It's a duck. No, I can't. What's that? Unit I lcsrcn I It's a goat. Can you see the plane? What's that? How are you? It's a pig. Yes, I can. l'm happy. What's that? How are you? It's a cow. Can you see the motorbike? l'm sad. How are you? tUnit 5 lesson No, I can't. l'm fine. How are you? Let's play soccer. Unit 9lesson 1 l'm great. oK. Let's play tag. Pick up your eraser. Unit 2lesson 1 oK. Pick up your ruler. Let's play hopscotch. Pick up your crayon What shape is it? oK. It's a circle. Let's play hide and seek. Pick up your pencit .ur\". What shape is it? oK. It's a square. IUnit lO lesson What shape is it? IUnit 6 lesson It's a rectangle. What day is it today? What shape is it? I want to go to the zoo. It's Monday. It's a triangle. I want to go to the beach. What day is it today? I want to go to the park. 70 I want to go to the playground. It's Tuesday. What day is it today? It's Wednesday. What day is it today? It's Thursday. What day is it today? It's Friday. What day is it today? It's Saturday. Wh\"t day is it today? Itb Sunday.
WORD LIST beach tbittJl LGr5u*;:; draw I drt'^ I \"# bai bi6n :].:: VC & bike tbarkt ffi dress /dres/ =.* xe Clap l.:.1* 5o eldm rffi boat /bout/ .\"'9.!, duck lonu r8 con thuydn, con tdu !ltl con vit xx .:: booklouU eat /irt/ # quy6n s6ch 5n 15 bored lbttrdt eight /ert/ ts chdn n6n s6 t5m =S.s box/bnks/ eighteen /,er'tirn/ 5 c5i h6p, c5i thing s6 mrrditdm # bus /bns/ xe bult eleven /r'levn/ #tr- b# circle /'sarrkli sd mudi mot 71 a hinh trdn efasef /r'rersar/ close your book cuc tdy lklouzjer buk/ fifteen /,fif'tirn/ cl6ng sSch lai s6 mUoi ldm Count /kaunt/ fine lfarnl tfdm kh6e, t6t COW /kau/ five lfarvl con bd sd ndm Cfayon /'kreren/ four lr:trl btit s5p miru s6 b6n
WORD IIST fourteen /,fr:r'tiln/ listen l'hsnl W,ffi s6 mudib6n nghe Z1 rt r2 1\" rels I tox lf oksl Monday /'mnnder/ I con c5o thf hai 16 2526\\ 2X Friday I'frarder/ motorbike /' moutarbark/ 30 thrf s6u xe g5n m5y 45 L8 goat lgoutl 29 music l'mjutzrkl 11 12 con dO 18 19 6m nhac 25 /') !,8I great lgrefil nine lnarnl tuy6t voi sd chin hands down lhandz daun/ nineteen /,narn'tiln/ ha tay xu6ng s6 mutdich(n hands up/handz npt ;,& nOSe lnouzl gio tay l6n 'L- '\"$ mui happy /'hepi/ numbef /'nnmbari hanh ph(c, vui v6 chrr s6 hat/het/ hut /nnt/ m0, n6n hat, qu6 hach hide and seek o(topus /'nktapas/ r hard en 'silk/ con bach tudc tro choitr6n tlm OK /ou'ker/ Cltloc, t6t hopscotch /'hopskot/ Oh€ /wnn/ trd nh6y Id cd s6 m6t hungry l'hnqgrit o-oi bung 72
open your book rer question /'kwestJen/ -S\\\\N /'oupen jer buk/ :lix:: c6u h6i f@fi t-, ..: :\"' md sSch ra rabbit/'rebrt/ ',:f?.l;iT,1=y'b-''-..;*l;:ti'. '\" x . i: ::.:..al Orange l'ormd3l con th6 tr il qu6 cam read lritdl 'G in ( ffi pants /pants/ Clgc .*i, €J? '-,*;: .,1. ; \" qudn ddi rectangle /'rektelgl/ ffi --..-...:.:::!< park/porrk/ hlnh chr-t nh6t n thu c6ng vi6n ride /rard/ i S6 p€h /pen/ Cfixe (efap), crJoi l6n .w, i,12,1n3 b0t mrrc :l robot l'roabotl l52b' '\"1 pencil case /'pensl kers/ /0-'*: nguoi m6y ffi hQp b(t 1\\ , r ,I:-:r1''\\ ruler l'rutlerl '.*ol,.or* JW pengUin /'pelgwrn/ thu6c ke N v -\\\\- con chim cdnh cut sad /sed/ :===*= '.,' :., picture /'prktJer/ budn 73 <s\"'#/ bfc tranh n -;, 'li Saturday /'seterder/ pig tptst ry&] thf biy con lon, con heo q-, scared /skerd/ rI I, plane /plern/ sq hai m6y bay S€O /slr/ playground bi6n /'plergraund/ SeVen /sevn/ s6n choi s6 b6y queen /kwirn/ nrr holng
WORD TIST Sevente€h /sevn'tilni 2t) sqUare /skweer/ ii,il | ,;-- sd mrrdib6y h)nh vu6ng '', 'ruu 'lu 7. rs''*,{.5l \"* Yt/.. shirt l[ttrrl *qe- SUh /snn/ t18 5 6r i8 mdt troi 5o so mi Twi;?L. n,hLl. r_ltir su, 14 25 \\2 13 14 15 Sunday /'snnder/ shoes lJutzl I 1g 2l Z\\N ch0 nh6t 26 d6igidy ':\" \" \" 28 2\\ tag /teg/ shorts l[ttrtsl n DUal trd dudi b5t qudn ngin .v-:. a n t ten /ten/ sing /sr11/ nffir s6 muroi h5t thirsty i '0Errsti/ six /srks/ khdt nudc s6 sdu thirteen /,0:rr'tirn/ sixteen /,srks'tiln/ s6 muoiba s6 muldisdu three llrt I snack /snak/ sd ba thfc 5n nhe Thursda! / 0:r rzdett SOCCef l'soker I thf ndm b6ng d5 tiger l'targerl socks lsoksl con hd dortat, vo top /topl song lsoql con quay bdi hdt triangle /varaqgll spell /spel/ hinh tam gidc ddnh vdn 74
a T-shirt t'tit [ztrtt a 5o thun a Word lwyrdl English 75 Tuesday l'tutzdeil a thu ba a tir twelve /twelv/ a s6 mUoi hai a twenty /'twenri/ a sd hai mr-roi 35 o yogurt l'jougartl 10 12 a two /tu:/ 18 19 a srja chua s6 hai 24 26 a umbrella /nm'brele/ o cdi 6, c6y dir a uncle l'nrlkll a yo-yo l'jou joul ch(, bdc, c6u, duong a vest/vest/ a trd choiyo-yo a 6o gi 16 o violin /,vare'lrn/ a vi c6^m, cfin vi-o-l6ng a watch twot! a zebra I'zi.^bral ddng hd deo tay a Wednesday a con ngua vin l'wenzdetl thu tu a window/'wrndou/ a c0a sd a a ZOO lzu,^l a a sd thu a a a a a a a a a a a a o 3 67 a 10 a 11 18 13 14 a a 24 21 21 a o 21 2g a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a
Gredits We are grateful for the permission to reproduce the following materials. Unit 1: p.'14 @ kornnphoto I Shutterstock.com, @ IVonkey Business Images I Shutterstock.com, @ IMonkey BusineSs lmages I Shutterstock.com, @ lVlonkey Business lmages I Shutterstock.com. Unit 3: p.27 @ huntergol hp I Shutterstock.com, @ Tony albelton I Shutterstock.com, @ Ovchinnikova lrina I Shutterstock.com, @ Tang Trung Kien I Shutterstock.com, @ Nguyen Quang Ngoc Tonkin I Shutterstock.com, @ David Bokuchava I Shutterstock.com, @ Nguyen Quang Ngoc Tonkin I Shutterstock.com Unit 5: p. 38 @ xuanhuongho I Shutterstock.com, @ Littlekidmomentl Shutterstock.com, @ Littlekidmoment I Shutterstock.com, @ tVH-Lee I Shutterstock.com. Unit 7: p. 50 O pornpawit I Shutterstock.com, @ DenisProduction.com I Shutterstock.com, O tVichael Dechev I Shutterstock.com, @ Olga Vorontsova I Shutterstock.com. Unit 9: p. 62 @ KK Tan I Shutterstock.com, O IVISTER DIN I Shutterstock.com, @ TY Lim I Shutterstock.com, @ Bangkok Click Studio I Shutterstock.com. p. 63 @ TinnaPong I Shutterstock.com, @ Littlekidmoment I Shutterstock.com.