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Home Explore Secondary school extracurricular activities catalogue

Secondary school extracurricular activities catalogue

Published by Germantė Dambrauskaitė, 2021-09-09 10:56:54

Description: Secondary school extracurricular activities catalogue


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„ERUDITO LICĖJUS“ A global minded school making learning interesting EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CATALOGUE Secondary school

MAIN BLOCK ANIMATION The program is designed to develop children’s relaxation and creativity. The session develops children’s creative drawing with a variety of tools, extracting drawings of animated characters, clothing, and the environment in which they are located. An animated video will be shown to get acquainted with the world of animation and relate to the creation of characters, the texture of the environment and the perception of the storytelling. ENTREPRENEURSHIO CLUB The sessions include the creation of a simulated business company. Activities take place on the basis of real business. Later, when an imitation business company is created, the children will travel to fairs and competitions.

DEBATE CLUB How to speak to persuade those around you? What is an argument? Could it be that there is no one right answer? Is public speaking different from how we talk at home, with friends? Debate – according to specific rules, students will try to convince a neutral group of judges that their ideas and arguments are better than their opponents. So you learn to persuade and react quickly to counter- arguments. It is especially important to pay attention to local and global problems – students are interested in political, social and cultural phenomena and analyze them from different perspectives.

ADDITIONAL BLOCK ADVERTISING LIONS CLUB In the Advertising Lions Club, students will learn about different persuasions, ways of arguing, and analyze the reasons why some things affect us and others do not. Attention will be paid not only to the discussion of the best advertisements created in the world, but also to the generation of new ideas and the creation of advertisements. We will explain what public relations is, how communication between large and small organizations is planned, what information channels are chosen. Price: 30 € DESIGN STUDIO In these activities, students will be able to discover an artist hidden inside. Various art genres and techniques will be explored. Students will create furniture, interior, object and clothing designs, learn graphic design, photo correction subtleties. For those who are preparing to study, art teacher Jogunda will help prepare for admission. Price: 30 €

DAO PALEO – A CLUB OF PRIMAL MARTIAL ARTS We train to fight with a spear, sticks, shield and stick, to shoot arrows with a blower (pipe) and unarmed fighting. We use South African Zulu, New Zealand Maori, Hawaiian tribes and ancient Japanese techniques and training methods adapted to our region and era. The workouts consist of learning the movements individually, as well as exercises in pairs, followed by the game method using soft replicas of the arms. The advanced ones participate in sports and competitions. A camp is organized in summer. Price: 30 € AESTHETICS OF SELF-CONFIDENCE We are excited to invite the girls to beauty and aesthetics training courses. In this training they will get acquainted with the following topics: Table aesthetics; beauty aesthetics; fashion aesthetics; floral aesthetics; The concept of aesthetic self-knowledge;) presentation skills & public speaking. Price: 40 €

GERMAN The aim of the lessons is to learn German in a fun and creative way. Classes develop students’ language and teamwork skills. Learning includes the following topics:, introduction, friends, family, hobbies, leisure. Price: 30 € RUSSIAN The goal of these lessons is to learn the basics of Russian, integrate the foundational vocabulary, gain speaking skills, and in such a way expand the horizon. Children will be learning the alphabet, phrases used in introductions and getting acquainted. They will learn to speak about themselves, school, and gain knowledge useful in holding a conversation on the topics of science, daily routine, and others. Price: 30 €

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