annual report 2016-2017 360
President Tom Lin with students
A 360-DEGREE VIEW OF TODAY’S COLLEGE CAMPUS 360I’ve visited a lot of colleges and universities in my lifetime. Some characteristics— 1like intense conversations about world-changing ideas, athletic pride, high levelsof stress—can be found at most schools. But when InterVarsity staff ministers steponto a campus, they see individual students and faculty—people as unique as thegeographic setting, culture, and structure of the university they’re on.They see the leadership potential of fraternity and sorority students and their hungerfor real purpose. They see the incredible gifts of Black students and their deeppain from the marginalization and discrimination they face on and off campus.They see the dedication of athletes and the extraordinary pressure they feelto continually perform at top levels. They see the joy of faculty members asthey mentor students and the isolation they feel as perhaps the only Christianprofessor at their university. They see the eagerness of international studentsto experience a new culture, and the loneliness that comes from being so far fromanything familiar. They see the stories and heartaches and dreams of hundredsof students and faculty.I can’t introduce you to each of those students and faculty members. I can, however,help you “step” onto campus in these pages and give you a 360-degree view ofthe world students, faculty, and InterVarsity campus ministers are living in. The deepdivides in our culture are certainly present on campuses, which means prayer,Bible study, and compassionate, honest dialogue are needed more than ever.But, as you’ll see, God is continuing to work powerfully through InterVarsity inthe corners of colleges and universities across the U.S. His Word is bringinghope, and his reconciliation is bringing healing. And, even as we celebrate last year’sgrowth, we’re moving forward, looking all over campus—and on new campuses—for more students and faculty to invite into Scripture and into God’s kingdom light.We can’t wait to meet them.For God’s glory,Tom LinPresident/CEO
“InterVarsity was instrumental in my theological understanding that the kingdom of God wasn’t limited within the walls of the church or fellowship group. Not only did learning about Christ’s rightful dominion over all aspects of my life influence my perspective of ambition, success, and purpose as a student, but it continues to influence those same perspectives as a working professional.” —Michael Kuo, InterVarsity alumnus, Vice President/Director of Strategy, Commercial Operations, and Operational Excellence at Assessment Solutions2
WHY THE CAMPUS?When new students arrive on campus for their first year ofcollege, they are naturally excited, nervous, sometimesoverwhelmed. But InterVarsity staff ministers don’t just seeover-eager first-year students. They see Bible study leadersand worship leaders and evangelists. And they see futureengineers, teachers, nurses, counselors—students who willbecome next-door neighbors, cubicle-mates, church leaders,and community members who shape their spheres of influence. 3
“T he university is a clear-cut fulcrum with which to move the world. Change the university and you change the world.” —Dr. Charles Malik, former President of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council 4
THE CAMPUS INFLUENCES THE WORLDInterVarsity is immersed in the university world because we believeit’s the most strategic place we can invest in to see God’s kingdomspread to offices and operating rooms, courtrooms and concert halls,government buildings and global start-ups, slum communities andsuburban schools.Perhaps nowhere else but college campuses are people asking thequestions students ask with as much passion and curiosity—questionslike, Who do I want to be? What should I do? What needs exist in theworld? How can my skills make a difference? Will my life matter?The ways students choose to answer those questions will profoundlytransform both the communities they land in after they graduate, andbroader social, cultural, and vocational spheres.And faculty play a primary role in helping students answer thosequestions. As experts in their fields, they mentor and train studentsin how to think about and contribute to the world. Their examplestrongly influences what their graduates will pursue, and whothey’ll pursue it for—their own glory or the good of others.The potential for kingdom growth through a strategic, biblicalpresence on today’s college campuses is immense. 5
“T oo often Christians write off the campus as hopelessly detached from God’s presence and beyond the reach of his Holy Spirit. We repudiate this defeatist attitude. . . . God is the great active agent on . . . campuses; if he were not thus engaged, there would be little point to our efforts.”6 —John W. Alexander, InterVarsity President, 1965–1981
THE CAMPUS NEEDS RENEWALWe are also present on campus because the university worldneeds the hope of Jesus. Schools founded on biblical truthsnow sometimes try to keep religious groups off campus. Studentsand faculty wrestle with depression and anxiety. Divisions in politics,religion, gender, sexual identity, socio-economic status, andethnicity and race get exacerbated in the smaller cultures ofindividual campuses.We long to see God’s kingdom hope, power, reconciliation, andlove redeem the systems, structures, and cultures of academia. 7
“InterVarsity has been the biggest part of my college career. It’s where I met some very dear friends, grew into a leader (which I never thought I was!), and got into a relationship with the Lord that has changed my life. My life is for Jesus now.” —Megan, 2014 InterVarsity alumna, University of Buffalo, nursing major8
EVERY GENERATION OF STUDENTS NEEDS JESUSToday’s college students have distinct traits that will shape the world uniquely.As Beloit College’s annual “College Mindset List” notes about this year’s freshmen,a “phone” is primarily a device for texts, directions, and research, and “collegestudent” is synonymous with “consumer who is borrowing a lot of money.”In addition, a 2016 national study of American college freshmen revealed that:Imagine the impact these students could have if they spent time studying Scripturedeeply in college and seeing its implications for all of life. As graduates, redeemedand empowered by Jesus, they could go forth to face the problems and opportunitiesin our complex world with love, humility, and skill.D ata taken from Kevin Eagan and others, The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2016,(Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA, 2017).*Nearly 31% identify themselves as agnostic, atheist, or of no religion. 9
WHY INTERVARSITY?For over 75 years, InterVarsity has been present on campus,working to see God renew students, faculty, and collegeswith his love and grace. And over those 75 years, we’ve sentmore than a million world changers out from campus to bepresent in communities all over the world.Today, we stand even more prepared to continue toparticipate in God’s mission of producing flourishingdisciples of Jesus at universities and colleges and sendingthem out to shed his kingdom light in the broken placesof the world. The following traits are a few of thereasons why. 11
B A DEEP LOVE FOR SCRIPTURE InterVarsity students and faculty get deep into the Bible in ways that help them see the implications of the text for their own hearts, their dorms and classrooms, their communities, and their fields of study. Simply put, students and faculty consistently meet Jesus in Scripture through InterVarsity, and are transformed by him. compared to of InterVarsity students of non-InterVarsityand alumni read the Bible Millennials read the Bible at least weekly. at least weekly.FROM A 2014 BARNA STUDY OF 18- TO 30-YEAR-OLDS 13
C A CULTURE OF EVANGELISM AND PLANTING InterVarsity student leaders across the country have caught a vision for joining God’s work on their own campuses and at nearby campuses that might not have any Christian ministries present. In addition, planting new chapters for faculty, particularly as many longtime professors retire, continues to be a key strategy for InterVarsity to invest in the next generation of faculty.+14% + 36% Over the past 5 years, Over the past 5 years,the number of InterVarsity chapters the number of decisions for Christhas grown by 14 percent to 1,015, has grown by 36 percent to 4,576, our highest number ever. our highest number ever. 15
Ethnic Composition of U.S. Colleges and UniversitiesD A COMMITMENT TO International 4% MULTIETHNICITY African American 14% Asian American Both our leadership and our Latino American 6% chapters continue to become Multiracial American 16% more diverse. Even more, staff Native American and students of every ethnicity White American 3% are stretching themselves to 1% go to students and faculty of 56% ethnicities different than their own and build mutual friendships that demonstrate the reconciling work of Jesus. Ethnic Composition of InterVarsity Chapters International 11% African American 14% Asian American 17% Latino American 7% Multiracial American 4% Native American 1% White American 46% Data for the top chart is taken from the National Center for Education Statistics, 17
“My InterVarsity participation impacts me to this day. I truly didn’t understand the importance of Bible study training until I left college and met Christians who had no idea how to study the Bible. . . . I am forever grateful to the Lord for InterVarsity’s instruction in inductive Bible study and the importance of a disciplined daily quiet time.” —Jenni Miller, 1991 InterVarsity alumna, Central Michigan University18
E A PROVEN TRACK RECORD IN DEVELOPING LONG-TERM DISCIPLES OF JESUS InterVarsity campus ministers continue to give students the tools and leadership experience they need to flourish spiritually after college. The practices InterVarsity students learn in their college years give them roots for a faith that continues for a lifetime. One of our more recent tools is this diagram of a Discipleship Cycle. This framework helps guide anyone to “hear the Word” through prayer, Scripture study, and sermons, “respond actively” by developing concrete action steps in direct relation to what they heard from the Lord, and “debrief & interpret” the experience to deepen insight and learning. The tool can be used over and over again, in any context or situation students, faculty, alumni, and staff find themselves in. 19
“My InterVarsity community taught me to think critically about Scripture and about my experiences, which helped shape and reorient my career goals to live out the Gospel story.” —A nna, 2017 graduate, Wake Forest University, going on to pursue a career in medicine20
LOOKING AT THE NUMBERSThe next few pages offer a glimpse of the fruit God brought in our 2016–2017 fiscal year. Join us in praising him! 21
“InterVarsity Faculty Ministry has been a great support for me growing in Christ and academia, and I know that the Faculty Ministry staff are behind me not only in these things but also in prayer, and that they have the pulse of the academy. Many of them are scholars in their own right. All this makes an enormous difference.”22 —Mary Poplin, Professor of Education, Claremont Graduate University
“There’s a reason why IVP is the premiere publisher for thoughtful Christians and culture influencers. Hands down you publish the best authors.” —Stan Jantz, Executive Director of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA)24
SHAPING CULTURE: HEART. SOUL. MIND. STRENGTH.For decades, InterVarsity Press has been producing resources thathelp readers see Jesus more clearly, understand Scripture in deeperways, serve communities with greater effectiveness, look at culturalengagement differently, and lead churches and organizations with morewisdom. Last year was no exception. Once again, IVP books garnereddozens of awards for their excellent content and transforming impact,including some of the publishing industry’s most coveted awards. T he Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile • More copies sold in its first year than any other book in IVP history! • Rose to #45 on the ECPA’s bestseller list during summer 2017 • Starred review from Publishers Weekly • Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist Silence and Beauty by Makoto Fujimura • 2017 Logos Bookstore Association Award • WORLD Magazine’s Best Books of 2016 Short List • Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist • An Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year Canoeing the Mountains by Tod Bolsinger • An Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year 25
LEADERSHIPEXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM BOARD OF TRUSTEES John InazuTom Lin Dennis O’Neal, Chair Associate Professor of Law and PoliticalPresident Dean, School of Engineering & Science, Washington UniversityChief Executive Officer Computer Science, Baylor University Larry Langdon Partner, Mayer Brown LLPJason Thomas Elizabeth Nielsen, Vice Chair Ed OllieExecutive Vice President, Field Ministry Student/Bible Teacher Campus Pastor, Harvest Bible ChurchChief Campus Ministry Officer Tom Lin, President Jimmy QuachDeeDee Wilson InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA Business Entrepreneur, Good PaperExecutive Vice President, John Alsdorf Jane LinFinance and Administration Retired Partner/Principal, Ernst & YoungChief Financial Officer Barry Rowan Executive VP/CFO, GogoPaula Fuller Katherine Leary Alsdorf Brenda Salter McNeilExecutive Vice President, Past Director, Center for Faith & Work, Associate Professor, School of Theology,People and Culture Redeemer Presbyterian Church Seattle Pacific UniversityChief Culture Officer Kenneth Elzinga Greg SmithAndrew Ginsberg Professor of Economics, Founder, Seeds on EarthExecutive Vice President, Advancement University of VirginiaChief Development Officer William GatesGreg Jao RetiredDirector of External Relations and April HansonSenior Assistant to the President Homemaker/Seminary StudentChristina Olson Rudy HernandezBoard Secretary Self-EmployedExecutive Office Director andSenior Assistant to the President 27
OUR FINANCES2016–2017: Our income and expenses in thousands of dollarsIncomeDonations $78,229Sales & media 15,257Conference fees 5,823Other income 3,885 Total Income 103,194ExpensesProgram $86,062Administrative 11,943Fundraising & communications 8,416 Total Expenses 106,421Decrease in net assets* ($3,227)*Note: The decrease in net assets was covered from prior year increases. InterVarsity’s financial reports were audited by Capin Crouse, LLP, and an unqualified opinion was issued on these reports. InterVarsity pledges financial accountability through our charter membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The ECFA seal assures that gifts always will be used appropriately for InterVarsity ministry. 29
CAMPUSES WE’RE ONAdelphi University Brandeis University Clemson University Daytona State CollegeAgnes Scott College Bridgewater State University Cleveland State University De Anza CollegeAlabama State University Broward Community College Coastal Carolina University Delaware Tech. Comm. College-StantonAlbion College Brown University Coe College Delta CollegeAlfred University Bryant University Colby College DePaul UniversityAllegany College of Maryland Bryn Mawr College Colgate University DePauw UniversityAlvernia University Bucknell University College of Charleston Des Moines Community CollegeAmerican University Buena Vista University College of Lake County Diablo Valley CollegeAmherst College Cal. Maritime Academy College of New Jersey Dickinson CollegeAnna Maria College Cal. Poly. State U.-San Luis Obispo College of San Mateo Dixie State UniversityAppalachian State University California State Polytechnic U.-Pomona College of Southern Maryland Drake UniversityAquinas College-Grand Rapids California State U.-Channel Islands College of St. Scholastica Drew UniversityArcadia University California State U.-Chico College of the Holy Cross Duke UniversityArizona State University-Tempe California State U.-Dominguez Hills College of the Ozarks Duquesne UniversityArt Center College of Design California State U.-East Bay College of the Siskiyous East Carolina UniversityAshland University California State U.-Fresno College of William and Mary East Los Angeles CollegeAssumption College California State U.-Fullerton College of Wooster East Tennessee State UniversityAugustana College of Illinois California State U.-Long Beach Colorado College Eastern Connecticut State UniversityAurora University California State U.-Los Angeles Colorado Mesa University Eastern Florida State College-CocoaAustin College California State U.-Northridge Colorado School of Mines Eastern Florida State College-MelbourneAustin Community College-Round Rock California State U.-Sacramento Colorado State University-Fort Collins Eastern Florida State College-Palm BayBabson College California State U.-San Marcos Colorado State University-Pueblo Eastern Michigan UniversityBaker Univ. College of Arts and Sciences California State U.-Stanislaus Columbia College Chicago Eastern UniversityBakersfield College Canada College Columbia College of Missouri Eastman School of MusicBarry University Carnegie Mellon University Columbia University Eckerd CollegeBates College Carroll University of Wisconsin Columbus State Community College Elizabethtown CollegeBaylor University Carthage College Connecticut College Elon UniversityBelhaven University Case Western Reserve University Connors State College Emmanuel College-BostonBellevue University Castleton State University Cooper Union for Adv. Sci. & Art Emory UniversityBellin College of Nursing Central College Cornell University Endicott CollegeBelmont University Central Connecticut State University Creighton University Essex County College-NewarkBeloit College Central Michigan University Crown College-St. Bonifacius Evergreen State CollegeBemidji State University Central New Mexico Cmty. College CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College Fairfield UniversityBerea College Central Susquehanna Intermediate LPN CUNY Brooklyn College Fairleigh Dickinson University-TeaneckBergen Community College Chamberlain College of Nursing-Missouri CUNY City College Fairmont State UniversityBerklee College of Music Chamberlain College of Nursing-Texas CUNY Hunter College Flagler CollegeBethel University-St. Paul Chamberlain College of Nursing-Troy CUNY John Jay College of Justice Florida Agr. and Mech. UniversityBloomsburg University Chapman University-Orange CUNY Lehman College Florida Atlantic UniversityBoise State University Christopher Newport University CUNY New York City Tech. College Florida Gulf Coast UniversityBoston College Claremont Graduate University Curry College Florida Institute of TechnologyBoston University Claremont McKenna College Dakota State University Florida International UniversityBowdoin College Clark Atlanta University Dartmouth College Florida International U.-Biscayne BayBowie State University Clark University Davenport University-Grand Rapids Florida Southwestern St. Coll.-Ft. MyersBradley University Clarkson University Davidson College Florida State College at Jacksonville30
Florida State University Illinois State University Maine College of Art Mount Holyoke CollegeFond Du Lac Tribal and Community College Illinois Wesleyan University Malone College Napa Valley CollegeFoothill College Imperial Valley College Manchester Community College Nassau Community CollegeFox Valley Technical College Indian River State College Manhattan School of Music Nevada State College at HendersonFramingham State University Indiana/Purdue University-Ft. Wayne Marian College New College of FloridaFrancis Marion University Indiana/Purdue University-Indianapolis Marietta College New Jersey Institute of TechnologyFranklin and Marshall College Indiana State University Marquette University New Mexico Tech.Franklin College of Indiana Indiana University-Bloomington Marshall University New York Inst. of Tech.Fresno City College Indiana University-Kokomo Marshalltown Community College New York UniversityFt. Sanders School of Nursing Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion Maryland Inst. College of Art Newman UniversityFt. Lewis College Iowa Central Community College Maryville College Normandale Community CollegeFull Sail Real World Education Iowa State University Massachusetts College of Art North Carolina State UniversityFullerton College Iowa Wesleyan College Mass. College of Liberal Arts North Dakota State UniversityGeorge Mason University Itawamba Community College Mass. College of Pharmacy-Boston North Florida Community CollegeGeorge Washington University J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Mass. College of Pharmacy-Worcester Northeast Wisconsin Technical CollegeGeorgetown University Jackson State University McDaniel College Northeastern UniversityGeorgia Highlands College Jacksonville State University Merced College Northern Arizona UniversityGeorgia Perimeter College-Clarkston James Madison University Mercer County Community College Northern Illinois UniversityGeorgia State University Johns Hopkins University Meredith College Northern Kentucky UniversityGeorgia Tech. Johnson & Wales University Messiah College Northern State UniversityGlendale Community College of California Johnson County Community College Metropolitan State College Northern Virginia C.C.-AnnandaleGogebic Community College Johnson State College Metropolitan Tech. Comm. Coll. Northwest UniversityGonzaga University Joliet Junior College Miami University-Oxford Northwest Vista CollegeGoucher College Jones County Junior College Miami-Dade Community College Northwestern College of IowaGovernors State University The Juilliard School Michigan State University Northwestern UniversityGrand Canyon University Kansas State University Michigan Tech. Nyack CollegeGrand Rapids Community College Kennesaw State University Middlebury College Oakland Community CollegeGrand Valley State University Kirkwood Community College Middlesex Community College Oakland UniversityGreen Mountain College Knox College Millersville University Oberlin CollegeGrinnell College Lake Forest College Millikin University Occidental CollegeGrove City College Lake Superior State University Mills College Ohio State University-ColumbusHamilton College-Clinton Lakeshore Technical College Millsaps College Ohlone CollegeHamline University Laramie Cty. Community College Milwaukee Area Technical College Oklahoma State UniversityHampton University Lawrence University Milwaukee Institute of Art Design Old Dominion UniversityHannibal-LaGrange University Lee University of Tennessee Milwaukee School of Engineering Orange Coast CollegeHarris-Stowe State University Lees-Mcrae College Minnesota State University-Mankato Oregon State UniversityHarvard University Lehigh University MiraCosta College Our Lady of the Lake-San AntonioHarvey Mudd College Lenoir-Rhyne University Mississippi College Pacific Lutheran UniversityHaskell Indian Nations University Letourneau University Missouri Western State University Palm Beach Atlantic UniversityHaverford College Lewis and Clark College MIT Palomar CollegeHawkeye Community College Lincoln University of Missouri Modesto Junior College Pasadena City CollegeHenry Ford Community College Lindenwood University Monmouth University Paul Smiths College of Arts and ScienceHillsborough Community College Longview Community College Monroe Community College Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins U.Hillsdale College Longwood University Montana State University-Billings Pellissippi St. Tech. Community CollegeHofstra University Lorain County Community College Montana State University-Bozeman Penn State University-HarrisburgHood College Lower Columbia College Montclair State University Penn State University-Mont AltoHope College Loyola Marymount University Montserrat College of Art Penn State University-State CollegeHouston Community College Loyola University of Maryland Moorpark College Penn Valley Community CollegeHudson Valley Community College Lyndon State College Morehouse College Pierce College-Ft. SteilacoomHumboldt State University Macalester College Morehouse School of Medicine Pima Community CollegeIllinois Institute of Technology Macomb Community College Morgan State University Pittsburgh State University 31
Polk State College-Lakeland Shasta College Swarthmore College University of Illinois-ChicagoPortland State University Shaw University Tallahassee Community College University of Illinois-UrbanaPurdue University-Northwest Shepherd University of California Temple University University of IowaPurdue University-West Lafayette Shepherd University of West Virginia Tennessee Tech. University of Kansas-LawrenceQuinnipiac University Sierra College Texas A&M Health Science Center-Bryan University of LouisvilleRadford University Sierra Nevada College Texas A&M International University University of Maine-FarmingtonRamapo College Skidmore College Texas A&M University University of Maine-OronoRandolph-Macon College Skyline College Texas Southern University University of Mary WashingtonReed College Smith College Texas State University-San Marcos University of Maryland-Baltimore CountyRegis University Solano Community College Texas Woman’s University-Dallas Center University of Maryland-College ParkRensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sonoma State University Thomas Nelson Community College University of Massachusetts-AmherstRhode Island College South Dakota Sch. of Mines & Technology Tidewater Comm. Coll.-Virginia Beach University of Massachusetts-BostonRhode Island School of Design South Dakota State University Trinity College-Hartford University of Massachusetts-DartmouthRice University Southeastern Community College of Iowa Trinity University University of Massachusetts-LowellRichland Community College Southeastern Louisiana University Truckee Meadows Community College University of MemphisRider University Southern Connecticut State University Tufts University University of MiamiRio Hondo College Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Tulsa Community College University of Michigan-Ann ArborRivier College Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Union College of New York University of Michigan-DearbornRoanoke College Southern Maine Tech. College-South Portland Union University University of Michigan- FlintRochester Institute of Technology Southern Methodist University University of Akron University of Minnesota-DuluthRock Valley College Southern New Hampshire University University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa University of Minnesota-MinneapolisRockhurst University Southern Utah University University of Alaska-Anchorage University of Minnesota-MorrisRocky Mountain College Spelman College University of Alaska-Fairbanks University of MississippiRoger Williams University St. Ambrose University University of Arizona University of Missouri-ColumbiaRollins College St. Cloud State University University of Arkansas-Fayetteville University of Missouri-Kansas CityRoosevelt University St. Edward’s University University of Arkansas-Fort Smith University of Missouri-St. LouisRose-Hulman Institute of Technology St. Elizabeth School of Nursing University of Bridgeport University of Montana-MissoulaRoxbury Community College St. John’s University of New York University of California-Berkeley University of Nebraska-KearneyRussell Sage College St. Lawrence University University of California-Davis University of Nebraska-LincolnRutgers University-New Brunswick St. Louis Community College-Florissant University of California-Irvine University of Nebraska-OmahaRutgers University-Newark St. Louis Community College-Forest Park University of California-Los Angeles University of Nevada-Las VegasSacramento City College St. Louis Community College-Meramec University of California-Merced University of Nevada-RenoSaginaw Valley State University St. Louis University University of California-Riverside University of New EnglandSalem College St. Mary’s College of California University of California-San Diego University of New Hampshire-DurhamSalem State University St. Mary’s College of Maryland University of California-Santa Barbara University of New Hampshire-ManchesterSan Antonio College St. Olaf College University of California-Santa Cruz University of New Mexico-AlbuquerqueSan Diego State University St. Petersburg College University of Central Florida University of North DakotaSan Francisco State University Stanford University University of Chicago University of North FloridaSan Joaquin Delta College Stephen F. Austin State University University of Cincinnati University of North Georgia-DahlonegaSan Jose State University Stetson University University of Colorado-Boulder University of North Texas-DentonSan Juan College Stonehill College University of Colorado-Colorado Springs University of North Texas Health Sci. Ctr.Santa Fe Community College of Florida SUNY at Albany University of Connecticut University of Northern ColoradoSanta Rosa Junior College SUNY at Binghamton University of Delaware University of Northern IowaSavannah College of Art & Design Atlanta SUNY at Buffalo University of Dubuque University of NC-AshevilleSchool of Art Institute of Chicago SUNY at Fredonia University of Evansville University of NC-Chapel HillScripps College SUNY at Geneseo University of Florida University of NC-CharlotteSeattle Pacific University SUNY at Old Westbury University of Georgia University of NC-GreensboroSeattle University SUNY at Potsdam University of Hartford University of NC-WilmingtonSeminole State College-Altamonte SUNY at Stony Brook University of Hawai‘i-Hilo University of Oklahoma Health Sci. Ctr.Seminole State College-Oviedo SUNY University at Buffalo University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa University of Oklahoma-NormanSeminole State College-Sanford/Lake Mary Susquehanna University University of Houston University of Oregon32
University of Pennsylvania Utah State UniversityUniversity of Pittsburgh Utah State University EasternUniversity of Puget Sound Utah Valley UniversityUniversity of Redlands Valencia Community College-OrlandoUniversity of Rhode Island Vanderbilt UniversityUniversity of Richmond Vassar CollegeUniversity of Rochester Ventura CollegeUniversity of San Diego Villanova UniversityUniversity of San Francisco Virginia Commonwealth UniversityUniversity of South Alabama Virginia Military InstituteUniversity of South Carolina-Columbia Virginia Tech.University of South Florida-St. Petersburg Wagner CollegeUniversity of South Florida-Tampa Wake Forest UniversityUniversity of Southern California Washburn University of TopekaUniversity of Southern Maine Washington and Lee UniversityUniversity of Tampa Washington CollegeUniversity of Tennessee-Chattanooga Washington State UniversityUniversity of Tennessee-Knoxville Washington University in St. LouisUniversity of Tennessee-Martin Washtenaw Community CollegeUniversity of Texas Health Sci. Ctr. Watts School of NursingUniversity of Texas-Arlington Waubonsee Community CollegeUniversity of Texas-Austin Waukesha County Tech. CollegeUniversity of Texas-Dallas Wayne State UniversityUniversity of Texas-El Paso Weber State UniversityUniversity of Texas-San Antonio Webster University-St. LouisUniversity of Texas-Tyler Wellesley CollegeUniversity of Texas-Tyler Longview Wesleyan UniversityUniversity of the Pacific West Virginia UniversityUniversity of Tulsa West Virginia Wesleyan CollegeUniversity of Utah Western Connecticut State UniversityUniversity of Vermont Western Michigan UniversityUniversity of Virginia Western Nevada Community CollegeUniversity of Washington Western New England UniversityUniversity of West Florida Westminster Choir CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Wheaton College-NortonUniversity of Wisconsin-Green Bay Whitman CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin-La Crosse Wichita State UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Widener UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Marshfield Willamette UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee William Jewell CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin-Oshkosh William Paterson UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Parkside William Penn UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Platteville Williams CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin-Richland Center Winona State UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-River Falls Worcester Polytechnic InstituteUniversity of Wisconsin-Rock County Worcester State UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Sheboygan Yale UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Yavapai CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin-Stout York CollegeUniversity of Wisconsin-Superior York College of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Wisconsin-Whitewater Youngstown State UniversityUrsinus College 33
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